Module Code: Module Title:
Student Name:
Andrea Hannah Cooper
Extended Practice Studio Brief Title: Brief 8 - Printed Fashion Synopsis:
Proposal for a custom made printed pattern t-shirt business shown through a brand guidelines and business plan booklet, including t-shirt products and packaging, business cards and a point of sale website. (Collaboration with Fashion Design & Realisation student Sarah Fox)
List of deliverables Evidence (boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Design boards exploring the concept, background, research, design development, brand guidelines, products and packaging, website and swatch book patterns Brand guidelines and business plan booklet
Product packaging and promotion: swing tags, business cards and pattern postcards Swatch book showing patterns
Evaluation: This brief was a collaboration between myself and a Fashion student where we initially were planning to launch a small business between us. As well as looking into the business plan and working out costings, I did a large amount of contextual research into businesses that were similar to what we were proposing. The concept for the t-shirt business we were planning was based on the idea of customisability where the customer could select different options of what they wanted in their product using different print patterns and print positions. This gave me the idea to use the patterns in the same way throughout the branding so that they appeared within the logos and that the printed products and the website design changed for every customer. I think this worked really well and strengthened the concept of individuality and customisability. A downside to the brief was that I spent a large amount of time trying to find a suitable website ecommerce site to run our shop on which would allow us to give the customer all of the different customising options, and then ultimately we both decided that neither of us had enough time to launch the business so I still have not uncovered whether what we wanted is possible. However, I designed the website to show the functionality of how the user would select the different options to add products to the basket. All in all, I have learnt a fair amount from this brief, particularly about writing a business plan, but also about having to rely on others to do their own fair share of the work within a collaboration.