Commercial portfolio UNIT II

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COMMERCIAL PORTFOLIO II UNIT Yessenia Ogaldez 5th Bilingual Secretariat

INDEX • BUSINESS LETTERS Acknowledgements Follow-Ups Confirmations Remittances Order Acknowledgments Delayed delivery Partial shipment Substitute Order Stopgap Letter Inquiry Reply Referrals Refusals Complaint Claim Complaint Response Adjustment





A message

We will confirm the dispatch of your order by email.


To reveal or disclose

Divulge who the current owner of this vehicle is.

To save from destruction

He is salvaged from the wreckage of an unruly life.


Insight, understanding

Only fairly technically savvy users would pick that up from the tips page.


Extra, more than necessary

It was unnecessary the superfluous information.


Your letter was unsolicited, I did not want it.




ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a letter of courtesy

It works as a thankyou note.

Used when you receive merchandis e, material, money or information

243 N. Milton Street Smithville, Ohio


April 9, 2014

Mrs. Stefanny Greenbaurn ASVERTISING GUZMAN & CO. 4022 Ninth Avenue New York, New York 10055

Dear Mrs. Greenbaurn:

Thank you for the reports you sent me last week answering my inquiry about the small-car market. It will be significantly useful for my term project. You will be receiving a copy of my report as soon as I finish it, so I suspect you will be hearing from me soon.

Sincerely yours,

Justin Solars


What it is? To establish a written record of the transaction

When is it used? After a decision or agreement has been made

CONFIRMATION In some cases a letter written to a specific individual can turn that customer into a regular by adding a personal touch .

It transmits clear, correct, and complete information.

Confirmations are routine for such businesses as hotels and travel agencies.

Fulson Contractors, Inc. 4444 Western Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80301


March 28, 2013

Mr. Justin Michaels 622 Garth Street Boulder, Colorado 80321 Dear Mr. Michaels: This letter will confirm your luncheon engagement with Mrs. Nancy Carson at Trattoria di Marco located at the corner of Tenth Street and Western Avenue on April 7 at 1 P.M. As requested, Mrs. Carson will be presenting you with the set of architectural work done for corporations and pictures to illustrate the various construction products and methods available. If you need further information or requests please contact me at 555-9989. Sincerely yours,

Yessenia Ogaldez Assistant Manager Paredes L.

AVIANCA, S. A. 42 Street 8-10, Zone 13 01013 Guatemala


March 19, 2014 Environmental Awareness Committee 32 Avenue 3-10, Zone 10 01010 Guatemala Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter confirms your reservation for a flight from Guatemala City to a convention in Miami in the week from March 24 to 29. Your Flight 458 will depart from Zone 13 on March 24 at 7:30 A.M. and it is expected to arrive in Miami at 9:30 A.M. You will be returning to Guatemala City on March 29 on Flight 232 which departs from the Miami Airport at 6:30 P.M. and it is expected to arrive to Guatemala City at 8:30 P.M. Don’t forget to arrive at the airport at 6:30 A.M. to departure so that you have time to check in. Please let Miss Olivia Barrera (24799098) know if you have further questions. Sincerely yours,

Yessenia Ogaldez Sales Manager

Swift T.

ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS You are interested and want to be helpful

It must be helpful and sales oriented

It must be prompt

It includes the acknowledgment

CAPE COD ORNAMENTS, INC. 94 State Road West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02757


February 15, 2014 Mrs. Jessica Smith 250 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02118 Dear Mrs. Smith: We received your letter dated February 14 in which you order a Model EPC-18� Copper, eage weather vane with arrow. As requested, we will send it to your home address by parcel post and charge the $34.95 to your VISA account (number 0030971). We will be adding $2.50 for tax and shipping costs. Enclosed you will find the invoice for $37.45 which is the total of your purchase. Additionally, we enclose a catalogue of our fine products and a price list. We hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Yessenia ogaldez Sales Manager Grecia G. Enc.

KINBOTE PRODUCTS, INC. 200 Southeast Fourth Street Miami, Florida 33131


February 27, 2014 Mrs. Ellen Minsky Gold’s Specialty Shops 2626 West Grace Street Tampa, Florida 33607 Dear Mrs. Minsky: We received your order this morning, and we are pleased to welcome you as our new customer. We will send you the two dozen exercise suits (style L-29) in the assorment of sized and colors you asked for. On March 4, by air express, you will be receiving your merchandise. The total of your order (No. 3467( is $840 and we will charge this amount to your accoung (882GSS) as soon as you get your products. If you have any doubt, please let us know. Sincerely yours,

Yessenia ogaldez Shipping Department GuzmĂĄn s.


What it is? It expresses that you understand the customer

When is it used? An order cannot be filled promptly and the customer deserves an explanation

Lawsen Linen Company P.O. BOX 762 Bloomfield, New Jersey



March 5, 2014

Mrs. Marianne Rollins 444 Ross Avenue Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 Dear Mrs. Rollins: Thank you for your order of a set of Floral Mist queen-size sheets and pillowcases. Unfortunately we inform you that all orders have been held up, because of a factory strike. Nevertheless, negotiations are progressing and a settlement is expected soon, so you had been added to our mailing list to receive your order as soon we come up again. While this happen, we would appreciate it if you understand our situation, and wait for our unique products to go to you as soon as we have it ready for you. Sincerely yours, Yessenia Ogaldez Sales Department Royce P.


What it is? It informs and make an attempt to resell the merchandise

When is it used? Certain items have been back ordered

Laico Products 34 Green Street Miami, Florida 45382


March 6, 2014

Mr. John Smith 1066 Third Avenue New York, New York 10081 Dear Mr. Smith: Thank you for your order, no. 45-7. We appreciate your preference for our company. Your 37 Revlon lipsticks, code 458-51 have been shipped by Air Express and should arrive at your ware house in a few days. We are sorry to inform you that we had a problem with the transportation of our Loreal supplier, of your 12 Loreal beauty sets, code 332-1; but we are trying to solving it as soon as possible. While your Loreal goods arrive to you, we will send you some Revlon sets for free, for you to apologize our delay. Sincerely yours, Yessenia Ogaldez Manager Fuentes D.


What it is?

When is it used?

You suggest mercandise comparable to the original order

An order cannot be filled at all

DALLOWAY HOTEL 1402 West Street Little Rock, Arkansas



April 23, 2014

Ms. Linda Lawson 200 Center Street Freeport, Vermont


Dear Ms. Lawson: We appreciate your preference in our hotel. I am sorry to inform you that we are completely booked up for the week of August 22. However, the Marlon Hotel, located at 1257 Carlton Boulevard here in Little Rock, is available for you. You will be able to spend your trip in one of its double room with bath at the same price here in Dalloway. The Marlon Hotel is a four-star hotel that will be glad to receive you. If you would like to reserve a room, contact Ms. Olivia Lewis at 488-3666. Sincerely yours, Yessenia Ogaldez Manager London P.


What it is? When it is used?

• A letter that explains that someone is missed and he or she will be delayed.

• When you’re asked for information and that you can’t give it, because the person is not present.

CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTIONS 399 North Canon Drive Beverly Hills, California 90210


March 20, 2014

Mr. Joel Ross 12207 Sunset Strip Los Angeles, California


Dear Mr. Ross: Thank you for your interest in our contract with Hastings Development Corporation. We received your letter in which you requested information about our construction plans for July. Unfortunately, Ms. Leonard is out of the town, and she is not available at the moment. She will be processing your request as soon as she returns to California in two weeks. If you have any doubt, please call me at 5821-7706. Sincerely yours,

Yessenia Ogaldez Assistant Sosa D.


What it is? The purpose of an inquiry reply is usually to give information

When is it used? An inquiry indicates interest in your company, when you can or cannot give an answer

1951 Benson Street Bronx, New York 10461

INQUIRY REPLY April 3, 2014

Mr. Erick Schwartz 4022 Ninth Avenue Smithville, Ohio 10055 Dear Mr. Schwartz:

Thank you for your interest on our new car RX-7. We are happy to supply you with the information you requested. Our car is designed to run 70km. per gallon of super-fuel. We will send you a brochure with all the technological advances this car have. In the magazine AutoSport, you can find our advertising campaign, and on it, the available options it has. We hope your classmates find interesting this information, and we appreciate that you are going to send us a copy of your report. Moreover, if you need further information, don’t doubt on asking us. Sincerely yours, Yessenia Ogaldez Manager Gales B.


What it is? You explain why and to whom it is being referred the inquiry

When is it used? When an inquiry can be best answered by another peson

United States of America Financial Department Washington, DC 44566


March 27, 2014

Ms. Sandra Graham 45 Green Avenue New York, New York 56566 Dear Ms. Graham: I received your letter dated March 25 in which you request information about the filing for an absentee ballot for the upcoming Presidential election. However, I would like to inform you that in this department we have no information about your inquiry. Please refer to your local Board of Elections for further information. It might be useful for you to know that Mr. John Smith is the minister of the Board in your location. Sincerely yours,

Yessenia Ogaldez Financial Director

Lorena V.

REFUSALS What it is? • It is a letter where you have to say “no” for something you had been asked.

When it is used? • It is used when you can’t give information, award a contract, hire an applicant or making any other decision.

HORIZON TECHNOLOGIES 325 Bedford Highway Nashua, NH 03051


April 3, 2014 Mr. Arthur Edwards PACIFIC GROWTH PROPERTIES L. P. 2785 Kimberley Melbourne, Australia Dear Mr. Edwards: Thank you for your request of the bar-code Scanning equipment, we appreciate your preference for our services. Unfortunately we are not able to offer you 25 percent volume discount you are asking for, because the total price has already the 10 percent of discount. As you had being a great client, we are able to make a 5 percent more of discount, and also we offer you one year of warrantee in our products. Wish you all the best in your 97 supermarkets. Sincerely yours,

Yessenia Ogaldez Representative James U.






My clientele is increasing everyday.


Payment, repayment

This sells are going to get a nice compensation.


Repayment, reparation

This product surely needs a restitution.


I wanted to leave, subsequently, I did.



COMPLAINTS The customer is dissatisfied

The writer offers help to the organization

It is an opportunity of improving the operations

PAYTON ASSOCIATION 1313 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 17512


April 30, 2014 Mr. Enrico Cammarata Club Cammarata 22 Merrimack Road Merrimack, New Hampshire 03113 Dear Mr. Cammarata: On April 25, I had a meeting with a business associate. As your restaurant is well-known to cater prestigious clientele, I made dinner reservations at 7:00 P.M. We arrived promptly and we waited for an hour and fifteen minutes for our table to be ready and the maitre d’ acted with rude indifference. Consequently, my guest became extremely annoyed with the restaurant and me. I am outraged by the treatment in your restaurant, the lack of interest was upsetting. I hope you will look into the situation to see that the bad service we received is never again inflicted by your staff. Sincerely yours, Yessenia Ogaldez Sales Manager Lewis M.

CLAIMS Incorrect information

Merchandise never received

Unordered / uncorrect merchandise

Damaged or defective merchandise

Delayed delivery

ARNOLD HAYES 80 Arch Drive New Orleans, Louisiana 70155


May 15, 2014

Mr. James Franco Nayak & Nolan 10 French Market Place New Orleans, Louisiana


Dear Mr. Franco: On May 5, I received the monthly statement, which includes a previous balance from April. I am sure I paid it before. I have the check No. 3854321 from April 7, in which I prove that I cancelled the balance of $81.23. Enclosed you will find a check for $107.80 to cover the May statement, and I appreciate your taking into account my inconvenience. Sincerely yours,

Arnold Hayes Enc.

COMPLAINT RESPONSE Concerned and courteous

Offer an explanation

Extend an apology

CLUB CAMMARATA 2 Merrimack Road Merrimack, New Hampshire 03113


May 3, 2014 Mrs. Yessenia Ogaldez Payton Association 1313 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 17512 Dear Mrs. Ogaldez: Thank you for bringing to my attention the inexcusable service at your business meeting, and we are sorry to learn that you waited for so long, and that the maitre d’ acted with rude indifference. This company is passing through a hard time because the computer system is constantly falling down, and your name was erased from our reservation list by mistake. Additionally, we are training personnel and I assure you that the maitre d’ will never act this way. We appreciate your letting us know about all these inconveniences and be sure that this will never happen again. We offer you a discount on the 20% for your next reservation, and we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Enrico Cammarata Manager Smith J.

ADJUSTMENT Granting an Adjustment

Offering a compromise


• It admits errors • It resells the company

• Pleasant cooperation

• It reestablishes goodwill • It gives an effective conclusion

NAYAK AND NOLAN 2 Merrimack Road Merrimack, New Hampshire 03113


May 17, 2014 Arnold Hayes P80 Arch Drive Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 17512 Dear Mr. Hayes: We are sorry that the April statement, which you paid on April 7, appeared as “not paid”. You are entirely justified in expecting that it appeared as “paid”. Last month we had problems with our system and the balances were not updated on time. Our operations staff solved that problem and your account is now cleared up. Thank you for letting us know about this inconvenience ad we appreciate your punctuality with your payments. We already have in our hands your $107.80 check to cover the May statement. We hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Enrico Cammarata Manager Smith J.

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