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Architecture Design Project “therapeutic garden�, Titiwangsa lake. andrew law zi hang 0322670 tutor: Mr. Liu

“therapeutic garden�, at Titiwangsa lake. a therapeutic recreational center that seek to extend from the landscape of the site, to blend in to the site, to be part of the site. an extended landscape with grid shell roof as representation, covering and intersecting with various spaces.

Nowadays, people especially in the urban area are experiencing constant stresses, in need of an urban getaway. The intention is to create an therapeutic extension in an oasis context, therefore to integrate the whole site into a therapeutic district.

built up space : 2500m2 location: Titiwangsa Lake user: community typology: recreational center

Table of Content 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

int ro du c t ion ab st r a c t int ro du c t ion proj e c t aims / obj e c t ive s

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

s ite inve st ig at ion and study int ro du c t ion h istor ic a l b a ck g round s ite s ig n if ic ant issue s u r b an stu d ie s ma c ro s ite ana ly s is

3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

proj e c t b a ck g round & de s ig n inte nt ions st rate g ie s mic ro s ite ana ly s is pro g r am me and proj e c t br ie f d e s ig n inte nt ion pre c e d e nt stu dy pro g r am me sp at i a l pro g r am ming s ite re sp ons e d e s ig n d i ag r ams mor phol o g ic a l / mass ing st rate g ie s

4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

e nv iron me nt a l and te chnol o g ic a l st rate g ie s s ite pl an n ing st rate g ie s or ie nt at ion ( sun p at h) w ind sust ainabi lt y impl e me nt at ion e ne rg y c ons e r v at in fe ature mate r i a l and res ource s a c oust ic c ons ide rat ion

5 . 0 f ina l d e s ig n 5 . 1 el e v at ions , s e c t ions , s ite pl an, pl ans , s e c t iona l p e rsp e c t ive, a xonome t r ic, 3d v isu a l izat ion, de s ig n de t ai ls .

1.3 project aims/objectives

1.0 int ro duc t ion

• To revitalize the area of Titiwangsa Lake to a one stop area where locals carry out healthy lifestyle. • To expand the role of Titiwangsa Lake by introducing new programs which is both interactive and educational to attract people to the area. • To provide a public space that further encourages interaction between communities. • To raise awareness of mental and physical stresses in Malaysia, reflects the abundant problem of the locals in the urban area. • To draw in volunteers, entrepreneurs, professionals to give activities and workshop about healthy lifestyle and the effect of physical and mental stresses. • Family friendly by providing all means of therapeutic recreational activities of different genre. 1.1 Abstract The design brief calls for a proposal of an Therapeutic Recreational Center, along Jalan Tembeling, within an urban oasis, Titiwangsa Lake. The site is located in an urban oasis - hence the aim of the design is to build a key landmark of the site, which is an urban oasis, in hopes of revitalizing the site by pulling in locals to put the park into a better use. The project also aims to provide therapeutic recreational activities with different genre (Body, Mind and Spirit) in hopes of reducing mental issue such as mental stresses especially in the urban context of Kuala Lumpur as well as changing the unsustainable lifestyle of the local people. The main program of the building should consist of various therapeutic activities that is related to Body (eg. Gym, Yoga), Mind (eg. Library, Art Gallery) and Spirit (eg. Spa, Meditation room) that distrib1utes to provide and help the user with activities of different genres based on their own preferences The report conveys objective of documenting design process, discusses how the deisgn of a “therapeutic garden” came about from site studies, programme proposal, environmental strategies to design suitability. All these aspects that need to be studied and researched to ensure the suitability of the design and programme on site or contextual. 1.2 Introduction In the 21st century, especially in the urban context of Kuala Lumpur, mental stresses and illness are abundance. And with the strategic site (Titiwangsa Lake) being an urban oasis, the center seeks to provide a getaway for the people to rest and alters their mind from the stresses by providing different genre (body, mind, spirit) of therapeutic activities. However, the absence of locals using the site making the site lost its attachment to the surrounded urban area. Therefore, the proposed design seeks to revitalize the site into a therapeutic district where people come to relax. The main idea is to bring in various genres of therapeutic activities that is family friendly. Therapeutic activities such as therapy, art gallery, theater, library, gym, yoga, herb gardens and etc. are provided to give rich diversity of activities for different age group. Making it a perfect platform for the locals to relax. The introduction of therapeutic means of recreational center also creates a sense of awareness in sustaining the healthy lifestyle. The major role of the center is to provide activities that helps and educate the visitors, locals and tourists the importance of having a healthy lifestyle through every means of therapeutic activities ensuring a better future.

2.0 site invest iga t ion & studies


site invest igat ion & studies

2.1 site introduction

2.2 historical background. the tin mining pool in titiwangsa that lay dormant for years leads to an expansion opportunity of the new land use. the area was transformed into a recreational park during the mid 70-s.

Tit iw ang s a is one of t he main are as lo c ate d in t he nor t h-e aster n f r inge of Ku a l a Lu mpu r, for ming Pre c inc t One of de velopment prop os e d by t he R iver of L ife D e vel opme nt proj e c t ( ROL ) . Tit iwangs a L a ke is a re cre at iona l p ark, an o as is w it h a promine nt fe ature w h ich is t he l arge l a ke. It of fers w ider range of re cre at i ona l fa c i lit ie s. Maj or h ig hway li ke Ja l an Tun R a za k and DUKE hig hw ay b ou nd i ng t he site. The s ite is ac c essible by t he me ans of public t ransp or t as Tit iw ang s a L RT and bus st at ion are w it hin w a l k ing dist ance. T he prop os e d s ite it s elf is s andw iche d by a st a dium and a ls o Ist ana Bud ay a w it h a one w ay ro ad and a v ie w to l a ke in f ront. The size of t he site is approximately 1 a c re (4 1 9 3 s qm) . T he site w as or ig ina l ly a fo o d cour t c a l le d Sat ay St at i on it a c t as a c onve rg ing p oint and a pit stop on t he site w here us er w i l l circ u l ate to have a sma l l bre a k or fo o d. Wit h t he ne arby att ra c t ion such as Ist ana Bu d ay a and St adium Tit iwangs a around t he prop os e d site and t he fa c t t hat Tit iw ang s a L a ke b e ing a p ark w it h dif ferent a c t iv it ies, it att ra c ts dif ferent us e r g roup w it h dif fe re nt age to t his are a . The site a ls o prov ide v ie w s to v ar i ous sky s c r ap e r such as K LC C .

with urban growth, more new buildings were built, residential, commercial & etc. Titiwangsa lake becomes a urban oasis for the urban area surrounding.

NOW with the rapid urban growth. Infrastructure are allso improved. With transportation such as LRT station reached out to the people from the other areas.


site invest igat ion & studies

2.3 site significant issue

2.4 urban studies

process of gentrification has not only transformed the characteristics of KL city but also the socio-economic growth, adapt and survive in the changing city. Therefore, Titiwangsa Lake is an urban oasis that smoothen the urbanization yet tying them together.

DISTRICT the site itself a self sustaining district composed of different thing with no referrence and identity, this makes it a blank canvas where the integration of new identity might cause changes. The site is surrounded with numerous district from residential, medical, instutition to commercial.

2.5 macro site analysis

path the circulation of the site is very complexed, with the site being a self sustaining district, however the circulation is spanning outwards to the other district. with the great intersection within titiwangsa, it becomes a nuclear made up of an integrated framework of circulation pattern with extreme diveristy in character.

District (in a deeper scale) from the map above, the site itself is the only green lung around the site while being surrounded by different district of different typologies, with residential and recreational as the prominent district. This blurs the identity of the site

patterns from the map beside, it is observed that the site is surrounded with grains with point form, with minor coarse grain, and the lake itselves being a large coarse grain. in an urban scales, the lake gives a huge and huge impact in the urban scales.

3.0 proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions

3.0 proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies 3.1 micro site analysis

1. Strategic location of the site 2. Next to Istana Budaya 3. Located in an oasis park 4. Surrounded by community area and school 3. An oasis area where a lot of actives and facilities are provided. 4.The site is situated within close proximity to Titiwangsa LRT station & with upcoming MRT Station (Hospital KL Station). 5.The site is situated at the intersection of main circualtion of pedestrain path, engaging passerby & users of the park to use the building.

visual permeability

1. The one way road (Jalan Tembeling) in front of the site might cause traffic congestion and noises. 2. Visual Truncation. (Building located next to the site: Stadium, Istana Budaya office) 3.Temporal & night dormancy of the area may encourage negative activities arround the site. 4.Visitors might take facilities provided for granted without care. 5. Risk of disrupting the peace of residents.


1. The site is in between a stadium and an art center which not that highly visible. 2. The site is lack of parking 3. Shaded by trees causing limited views 4. The site is hardly accesible due to only one way road presence that leads to the site. 5. Pedestrian path is cut off by the one way road (Jalan Tembeling) affects the circulation of the pedestrain.


1.The site is located in a park, a prime area of Kuala Lumpur, an oasis area where minimal traffic noise can be noticed. 2. Diverse user group from the surrounding community. 3. Flat surface of topography allow easier estimation and management of construction & design 4. Existing transport within walking distance is provided. 5. Location of site is directly adjacent to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa



swot analysis

site permeabilty issue: visual obstruction some tent and low rise building are in front of the site, therefore, certain will be obstructed.

issue: visual obstruction there are built tennis court surrounding the site causing visual obstruction to the surroundings.

solution: creating an obsevration deck to have a clear view to the lake.

solution: integrating the surroudnins with tree to ensure good therapeutic effect.

issue: visual obstruction trees in front are blocking the view of the site.

issue: visual exposure to traffic traffics has its constant appearance at the one way road.

solution: moving the tree into other area where visual is preserved.

solution: in need of intergration of trees to shield and minimize the exposure of traffic.

the site only consist of two way of access. one from the pedestrian pathway and another from the one way road

3.0 proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies 3.1 micro site analysis

1. DBKL codes require a minimum of 6 meters setback from adjacent roads, with additional 2 meter perimeter planting surrounding the site. 2. To meet the construction worker & pedestrian safety standards while in construction. 3. Raising proper hoardings around the site, setting the most suitable place for entrance & planning a proper schedule for transportation of building materials.


1. Various part of the existing vegetation on site will be preserved & further enhanced in the interior of the building 2. Passive air circulation strategy is applied to 80% of the building design to cool down the building naturally. 3.To make use of pocket green space to collect rainwater for further reuse. 4. Water feature design is inserted inside the building to helps cool down the building internally.


1. Harsh tropical weather calls for proper shading & solar gain regulation, creating for a comfortable environment for the community. 2. As proposed building is of event-fueled, spaces are to be of multi-use & allow for flexibility of configurations & programme.




1. The status of the area including Taman Tasik Tititwangsa is regarded as a cultural zone. 2. Emphasis of the development of the area is placed on promoting healthy lifestyles combining with cultivation of contextual identity of Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. 3. As the site presents the opportunity to act as a cultural focal / anchor attraction point, the proposed centre aims to address this & improve the quality of the existing & future community.


pestle analysis 1. Tropical population prefers to linger & walk under shaded areas due to the harsh tropical weather. 2. Public realms open to the sun may fail in attracting congregation. 3. There is a significant rise of unhealthy lifestyle among urban citizens. 4. The proposed programme & activities is aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle through “Body, Mind and Spirit” for the urban citizens.

1. The site situated at one of Kuala Lumpur’s most prime urban areas & within major recreational & cultural zones; 2. The site forms part of the cultural district of the city, with the success of River Of Life anticipates increasing the generation of income, revenue & funding, mainly from the tourism sector. 3. The proposed centre aims to provide a platform for potential investors & businesses to prosper where various activities and event is held.


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg iess

3.2 programme and project brief micro site issues

design strategies


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg iess

3.3 design intention & solution

user group analysis family

as according to diagrams beside, family usually stroll around the site. spaces provided are family-friendly, in regards to public/ private, secureness.


students are majorly from the educational district beside, the center provide workshops and game room for the children, which engage them more with the site.

joggers joggers are mostly from the residential area from the site, and usually have the usage of the path of the whole site. this give them an extra option to enjoy extra activities provided by the center, rather than just the jogging track of the titiwangsa lake.


joggers are mostly from the residential area from the site, and usually have the usage of the path of the whole site. this give them an extra option to enjoy extra activities provided by the center, rather than just the jogging track of the titiwangsa lake.

youth with the facilities provided by the site, this attract alot of youth and family to the site. with the aid of supervision, adult can enjoy their therapeutic activities in the center or the youth could enjoy the programme provided by the center.


site invest igat ion & studies

3.4 precedent studies

the third place * a term used in the concept of community building, important for civil society, democracy, civic engagement and establishing feelings of a sense of place. Ray Oldenburg (1989, “The great good place”)

by Chris Precht Penda

"The aim of the project was to create a building which is not a wall with openings for doors and windows, but to create a space with an interconnected play of its inside and outside, where functional and private spaces are in an interwoven relation to the open public areas."

relationship between “third place” & proposal “The Third Place” transform a flat land into a terrain building whose programme is about library which is different from my proposed one. However the main idea of creating a terrain building, to create the spatial, identity, density and community sense of architecture.

comparison between OBJECT & TERRAIN BUILDING

With titiwangsa being an oasis, rather than building an object, a terrainbuilding can be seen as an extension of the park. Which ultimately suits my idea of creating a shelter (solving issues) for the community and user. It also turns the roof into a landscape where activities happens. Its giving back the entire roof as a landscape back to the public. “To return what has been taken.” its a place specialized for the community, establishing the sense and feeling of the place in a therapeutic means. Creating a place, which is fully integrated to Titiwangsa park, an extension of an urban oasis, a place for therapy, for relaxation through formal and informal programmes.


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg iess 3.5 programme

informal activities informal activities involves and engage more with community-based activities, where some activities are derived instantly through in between spaces and spatial created in a therapeutic context.


informal chit chat area


mind games

in between spaces


event spaces


herb garden “Therapeutic Garden”, this term, has already clearly conveyed the idea of the spatial experience and programme. The building spaces are divided as according to the genre of “Body, Mind and spirits” where zoning is done.Other than the programme provided, the interior are integrated with full of nature, fits to the term “garden” while having “therapeutic” effect to the mental of human. The programme consist of both formal and informal programme, where it depends on the user to select. Informal programme are more community driven or instant interaction driven which are driven by the spatially create such as, in between spaces. Informal programme, are more involved in the interaction between human and human which is able to gives therapeutic effect especially with the interior context given.However, formal programme are those formal or dedicated therapeutic activities such as physical therapy, gyms, meditation. Most of the informal programme are situtated at the ground floor which is very open to public, while for the formal ones are less exposed to public. Through the spatial and programme provided, this therapeutic garden will eventually become an urban getaway where people indulge themselves and away from the stresses.

formal activities

formal activities are regular therapeutic activities, which is not informally derived, but however actual activities that has certain effect on the user in a therapeutic means.

therapeutic gym







proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies

3.6 spatial programming

spatial according to programme genres BODY



ground floor


public / semi public/ private


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg iess 3.7 site response The site is an urban oasis, with a major jogging path linking the whole site and a big lake sitting in front of the proposed site. to be contextually responsive and to be more engaged with the site. these diagram shows the connection and response to the site, where every available resources, both tangible and intangible are fully utilize to achieve the best effect.

spaces are orientated as according to sun diretion, to optimize the use of space and thermal comfort.

the diagrams show clear understanding and implementation of the building in relation to the site in regards with orientation, connection, sustainable approach, views.


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg iess

3.8 design diagrams


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies 3.9 morphological studies / massing strategies in order to shape the spatial experience and appearance, the design has gone through these process to achieve the effect.

The process of building are as follows: 1. offsetting the original boundaries further in. 2. extruding blocks of different genre of spaces 3. further clustered and orientation 4. a landscape is laid over the blocks 5. landscape is lifted up in some part to give openings and entrance 6. views are and entrance are created 7. green roof is integrated

4.0 env iron ment a l and te chnolog i cal st rateg ies

4.0 env ironme nt a l and te chnolog ic a l st rateg ies 4.1 site planning strategies

4.3 wind

the “therapeutic garden” seek to act as an extension of the site, therefore aiming to merge the landscape with the building in a sense that the building is part of the site. However, most of the “green spaces” are catered within the gridshell roof, and also to fit to the idea of “shelter”,. It’s somehow an indoor garden that coherent with the surroundings. Outdoor community (gridshell roof) are directly connected to landscape and is connected to the first and second floor, creating a smooth experience for the user.

4.2 orientation

fig.1 wind penetration The site receive prevailing wind throughout the year where lake breeze and land breeze takes place simultaneiously due to the presence of the lake beside the site. Existing wind patterns flow from north eaest to south west. Given that the site is in an oasis, so there are less obstruction occurs. spaces are arranged in cluster form therefore is able to facilitate cross ventilation to happen, this gives public spaces, walkway a good ventilation. Cool breeze from the lake will also facilitate the effect.

ground floor

second floor

first floor

fig.1 spaces shielded with timber louvers

Sun path:

the orientation of the building are orientated to face the titiwangsa lake, which was the main therapeutic elements of the site. Given that most spaces are orientated to the lake, which ultimately gives a therapeutic effect. Shading device or passsive design is taken account as part of the design process to control the amount of heat absorption at a certain time of the day. At the same time, some of the spaces are exposed to the east-west sun, therefore timber louvers are implied not just for privacy but gives sun shielding effect, it is applied almost all over the spaces, around the building, it is deisgnated to filter sunlight and heat source. spaces at the upper level are more shielded as they are more exposed to the sun. Moreover, vital spaces, are topped with green roof, this gives a cooling effect to the interior space. The ground floor is especally planted and intergated with greeneries to enhance the air quality and also comfort within the building, thus the gridshell roof have openings to accept sunlight to sun through to allow the growth of greeneries.

fig.1 cross and stack ventilation

4.0 env ironme nt a l and te chnolog ic a l st rateg ies 4.4 sustainability implementation

fig. 1 green roof

green roof

rainwater harvesting

Other than the intangible means, which is “to return what has been taken” to the ground. The green roof is part of the environmentally sustainable intention. In order to provide a good interior quality and experience to the user, a green roof is able to reduce the flor of heat into and out of the surfaces they cover, therefore, the green roof are covering the vital activitt spaces. Especially in the tropical country where the building situated, the evaporation rates and reflectibity of the plants and the evaporation rates are maximized in summer.

other than just being a green roof, the green roof itselves has another feature, rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is a technique used for collecting, storing and using rainwater for landscape irrigation and other uses. It is stored in water tanks.

Externally, green roofs (fig.1) also provide extensive environmental air quality benfits through ability to absorb not only greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, but all the pollutants and dusts.

the intention of doing rainwater harvesting is not just collecting water, but to use on various spaces such as herb garden, therefore environemntally sustainable. Which could save up huge percentage in building water use.


15 DEC 2017












Saya memeperakui bahawa butiran-butiran dalam pelan adalah menurut kehendak-kehendak undang-undang kecial Bangunan (Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur) 1985 dan saya setuju terima tangungjawab penuh dengan sewajarnya



Lot 12, Syopz Mall, Jalan Taylor's University 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel : 088-666999, 088-696969 Fax : 089-996699 E-mail :

CIK LIM CHEE HUI (NRIC:840613-14-5980) ENCIK LOW KIM LOON (NRIC: 774929-875621) No 96 jalan ahliman, Taman Connaught 56000, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur


"Saya bersetuju untuk bertangungjawab terhadap segala kerosakan banguanan yang akan timbul kepada lot-lot sebelah menyebelah akibat cadangan tersebut"



fig. 1 green roof details







Rainwater collection or harvesting is the process by which rain water that hits the roof is stored and reused. Roof catchment systems channel rainwater that falls onto a roof into storage through a system of gutters and pipes. A first flush of rainwater is run to clean the surface of the roof of debris.


fig. 2 full height wall section


However, advantages can be seen here: 1. suitable for irrigation 2. easy to maintain 3. reduces demand on ground water 4. reduces floods and soil erosion


Therefore, main benefits can be seen here: 1. reduced coolong loads 2. decreased stormwater runoff 3. improved environmental air quality 4. biodiversity 5. extended roof lifespan





4.0 env ironme nt a l and te chnolog ic a l st rateg ies 4.4 sustainability implementation

4.5 energy conservation

4.7 acoustic consideration

acoustic panels and ceilings

the usage of low-e glasss the high performanc edouble glazed glass installed at various spaces and also the gridshell structure maximizes interior daylighting while minimizing hear penetration. These features indirectly reduce cost needed for lighting during day time and active colling due to natural ventilation.

implementation of greens within spaces

4.6 choices of materiality

in a therapeutic context, in order to provide a good interior quality for the user, greeneries are integrated in the interior spaces therefore provided with that the user is able to have a constant interaction with the nature apart from the outdoor oasis provided by Titiwangsa Park itselves.

acoustic performance plays a vital role in determining and providing a good interior quality for the user. Which user is able to indulge in specific activities without any interruption from exterior factor. Therefore, in a therapy context, acoustic control is very vital. where the ground floor are completely public, therefore spaces such as 1st floor - multipurpose event hall, library, physical therapy, massaging room 2nd floor - library, meditation room, yoga room need to be applied with acoustic ceiling, panels and insertion in cavity to achieve the effect.

the benefits of integrating greeneries in the interior are: 1. improve interior air quality by filtering toxines that get trapped indoor. 2. improved air quality lower risk of respiratory disorders, as well as chronic headaches and eye irritation 3. environmental psychology has shown that connection with plants imporves human mental wellbeing as well as productivity levels. 4. gardening is an excellent conversation starting point in gaining more attention about the need for improving our environmental impact.

materials selection are availaible locally, where timber and concrete, steel are chosen as prime material for structure, infill & cladding. material such as concrete, timber, steel are sustainabe with regard to their strength and ability to recycle. the selection not only achieve sustainability however also fit to the idea, to create a lightweight yet therapeutic quality spaces. first floor

second floor

5.0 f ina l desig n

front elevation

back elevation

right elevation

section A-A


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies

site pl an nt s


proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies NT S



proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies NTS



proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies

green roof herb garden book vault

multipurpose event space herb garden informal library

in between spaces cafe gathering/ event space

basement carpark

t he r ap eut i c g ard e n

the idea is to create a “therapeutic gallery� in the context of both formal and informal, to further facilitate the therapeutic experience through quality spaces with nature injected into the building.

5.0 f ina l desig n

in between gardens, an informal interactive space with greeneries surrounding.

outdoor community area, where people gathers at the outdoor area.

entrance, warm and welcoming, inviting the user to explore the spaces in the midst of nature.

herb garden, a very spatial space covered with grid shell roof, a very open yet covered garden allowing people to indulge within.



f u l l heig ht wa l l s e c t ion nts

LKY 02



1:100 SCALE :



15 DEC 2017 REVISION :






Lot 12, Syopz Mall, Jalan Taylor's University 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel : 088-666999, 088-696969 Fax : 089-996699 E-mail :


CIK LIM CHEE HUI (NRIC:840613-14-5980)

Saya memeperakui bahawa butiran-butiran dalam pelan adalah menurut kehendak-kehendak undang-undang kecial Bangunan (Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur) 1985 dan saya setuju terima tangungjawab penuh dengan sewajarnya



ENCIK LOW KIM LOON (NRIC: 774929-875621) No 96 jalan ahliman, Taman Connaught 56000, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

"Saya bersetuju untuk bertangungjawab terhadap segala kerosakan banguanan yang akan timbul kepada lot-lot sebelah menyebelah akibat cadangan tersebut"




b o1: g re en ro of det ai ls nts


CAD TER 105&



"Saya bersetu lot-lot sebelah

ENCIK LOW K (NRIC: 77492 No 96 jalan ah Taman Conna Wilayah Perse


b o2: g r id shel l inst a l l a t ion det ai ls











3.0 proj e c t b ackg round & desig n intent ions st rateg ies









Saya memepe undang-undan tangungjawab









Project 1c: Final Design Report A-3 Landscape (bind)

1.0 Project Background, Brief and Narrative 2.0 Site Investigation & Contextual Studies

Introduction, Historical background, Site Significant Issues, Urban Contextual Studies and Site Analysis

3.0 Design Intention/Strategies/Exploration

Design concept, site planning strategies, spatial programming, tectonic thinking, materiality, compliance with guidelines

4.0 Environmental and Technology Strategies)

Sustainable Features and Elements, buildability, building services, building performance and other requirements.

5.0 Final Design

Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections, Site elevation/section, 3-Dimensional Drawings, Architectural Detailing and others.

6.0 Tutorial Log Sheets/Tutorial Log Book (Week 1-13)


10% 10%



20% 5% 100%

ID No: 0322670


Project Title: therapeutic garden


Marking Criteria

: andrew law zi hang


Submit Printed Report


10% of Final Grade


LO 6

Score %

Group/ Individual

Student’s Name













Case study is relevant but can research further on other options






Good analysis but can further look into micro site analysis






Neat and organize. F 0-7










0-39 F

40-49 DD D+

55-64 C C+ B-

65-74 B B+

75-100 AA



Architectural Design Project (ARC60108)_Design Report Assessment Sheet_ August 2017


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