Name: Andrew Law Zi Hang
ID No.: 0322670
Lecturer: Mr. Nicholas Ng
Tutorial Time: 10am-1pm
Reader/Text Title:
Synopsis No: 1 Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
In the Cause of Architecture
Mr. Wright's writing can be summarized in two word – Nature & organic. Nature, is thoroughly promoted and emphasized on how it can shape what we are thriving for in the field of architecture as it has been "so fertile, so suggestive and helpful aesthetically" where compromises are made between architecture, user and context. Specific notions of “organic, simple, nature, material, plastic” is used to highlight his principles. The nature is not those which are observed by us from the outside. However, Wright stated that the nature is provided by ourselves, Human, and our emotions which can eventually shapes the fragments of architecture and the materiality showing each individuality to expose through design. Mr. Wright's "Forms and Function are one" where both nature and basic of architecture are being respected and one cannot exist without another are explained through his "Prairie Style", or his idea of "organic". His idea of "organic", is not about imitation of the nature but following the principles of the nature as they had been filtered through the minds of mankind in which the built forms can be more natural than nature itself. Therefore, we can foresee "it" prolonging in the time of the future following the pace of how the nature provides and where a harmony is created between human, architecture and nature. Therefore, Wright suggests that one should take "Nature" as the guide throughout the thinking, conceptualizing process with regards to the site, people and the intended use as nature has an infinite richness that would never repeat herself and this richness was greater than all the ‘orders’ or the ‘styles’ have had which I strongly believe. Mr. Wright shows his refuses and acceptance towards innovation as how architecture grows by emphasizing on the compliance with "organic" through nature. Now at our time, we don't emphasize on the ornaments that flourishes the architecture but however it has been more organic in a sense as it is more sympathetic and well-integrated with a site, so buildings, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated composition. Wright has stated that the architecture will never gain an identity as the past great styles because now the individuals are at front with the democracy. It is true that we are designing regardless of specific "styles" as nowadays we paid respect to the environment, people and context provided which give rise to a different nature of architecture. A building should grow as a plant grow in its own site according to Wright. There must be an integrity starting from the surrounding environment then the ground plan to the elevation and furniture and colors as being mentioned in the writing. Integrity is the basis of the materials, forms and all organic things. To conclude, everything to be derived from nature itself which I believe so as to blend in and extend the spirit of the site through a man made realm. Word Count: 492 words
Assessed by:
Date: 7th June 2017
Grade Page No.