appseed Design (wireframes)
picture of app
This will be a short description of the app. fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text,
This will be a short description of the app. This drop down box drops from screen once an app is selected. fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in text, fill in Short description and picture of app pop up in an octogon once an app is selected from the list. The octogon grows from nothing in the middle of the page to full screen.
scroll bar
“carousel� displays all (15) apps logo
all apps displayed here. App selected stays100% opacity all others fade to 30%
Andrew Quinlan/Illustrabi.