Acupuncture for addiction

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Acupuncture for Addiction

Into Action has long been considered one of the premiere Florida drug rehab facilities because it offers its clients the option of using acupuncture as an effective detoxing method for addicts and alcoholics. Our acupuncture for addiction is done under the direction of Into Action’s own doctor of oriental medicine.

Acupuncture originated in China and involves the placement of extremely thin needles into the skin to stimulate the body’s energy centers. Scientific research has proven that this ancient practice can prove very beneficial in helping recovering addicts and alcoholics lose their craving for such unhealthy substances as drugs, liquor, tobacco products and foods that harm rather than heal.

Clients benefit in a number of ways by participating in weekly Into Action treatment sessions using acupuncture. The strategic placement of acupuncture needles at certain points throughout the body helps to strengthen what is known as the body’s “qi” or energy level. This allows clients who have given in to addictive behaviors in the past discover that their need to continue turning to unhealthy substances to overcome a variety of physical and mental problems is greatly diminished. Clients who turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism for the physical and mental pain they experience on a daily basis benefit from acupuncture sessions that can help to eliminate pain and therefore eliminate the need for an addictive behavior to handle painful feelings.

Acupuncture for Addiction Acupuncture for addiction provided by Into Action’s highly trained and skillful practitioner helps clients learn how to feel more relaxed, less reactive to stressful

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