Smoking cessation program

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Smoking Cessation Program

Into Action Treatment is happy to offer individuals an effective smoking cessation program. Between 75 and 95 percent of the people who seek treatment for drug or alcohol abuse smoke cigarettes, compared to about 20 percent of the general population who smoke. Many of the smokers who seek substance abuse treatment started smoking in their youth and could be looking at long-term or fatal health consequences.

Get Support from Our Smoke-free Staff Since April 1, 2013, Into Action Treatment has been a smoke-free employee facility. To encourage our employees to quit smoking, we reward them $500 after 90 days of successful smoke-free living. Since several of our employees have quit or are in the process of quitting, they are able to give clients support and advice.

If I Try to Quit Smoking Will It Encourage Me to Use Again? Many people who seek recovery at our drug rehab center feel that attempting to quit smoking and ceasing drug and/or alcohol abuse simultaneously will create too much of a burden and increase the chances of drug or alcohol use. However, studies have shown that when people in treatment entered a smoking cessation program, there is no correlation between quitting smoking and any increase in drug or alcohol usage.

In fact, the majority of studies showed that smoking cessation intervention could have a positive effect on drug and alcohol abstinence. In addition, studies and experience also have shown that it is often easier to quit smoking in a structured environment, such as the one provided at Into Action Treatment.

Smoking Cessation Program: The Road to Better Health There is a potential link between nicotine addiction and substance abuse. When individuals choose to join the smoking cessation program at Into Action Treatment, they give themselves a better chance of eliminating their addictive behavior altogether. Ceasing smoking also can lead to improved health, which can help the individual overcome addictive behaviors and enjoy a better quality of life.

Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation One of the tools we have to help clients successfully quit smoking is hypnotherapy. Studies have shown that people who participate in hypnosis for smoking cessation could be more likely to cease smoking than people using other methods could. In studies, smokers who combine hypnotherapy with nicotine replacement therapy showed a strong likelihood of quitting. We use the latest combination of therapies to help individuals quit smoking and return to optimum health.

If you are undecided about whether to begin a smoking cessation program with us, talk to us about some of the other residents at our caring Florida drug rehab center who have quit smoking. Their stories may help you to make a decision for greater health and well-being.

Into Action is a rehab facility that offers drug treatment, alcohol rehab, and dual diagnosis treatment.

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