Progress-Based Therapy at Into Action
When clients are battling addiction, they surely will require all the support possible. One of the unique features of Into Action Treatment is that individuals may remain at the facility based on their therapeutic progress. When men and women demonstrate a willingness to complete the assignments given to them by their primary therapists, they are much more successful going forward. While there is no minimum stay at the facility, the average stay is around 95 days. With personalized treatment plans and teams of dedicated professionals, clients are provided with the tools they need to enhance their recovery.
Giving Power to the Patient Into Action Treatment is dedicated to putting the keys to success in the hands of the client. Their length of stay ultimately depends on their willingness to seek and then make change. While superbly trained professionals will provide clients with the tools they need to become sober, individuals must ultimately become champions of their own personal growth.
Dynamically Trained Consultants The consultants at our facility are trained in a variety of different fields. While at Into Action Treatment, clients are engaged in psychodrama, acupuncture, art therapy, Reiki, and a broad array of other activities that are designed to cleanse both the mind and the body. We are the only treatment center to utilize both harmonial therapy and vibroacoustic therapy for holistic recovery, and our therapists are experienced in all types of therapies we offer. Within a dynamic therapeutic environment, clients can safely identify core issues that may subtly sabotage attempts at recovery. Inherent in this process is developing the ability to trust