March 10th newsletter

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Gordy’s Toast Caring—Our Way of Life

Volume 2 | Issue 12 March 10th, 2017

Gordy’s Toast Volume 2 | Issue 12

Caring—Our Way of Life

Hazen High School “So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night….”

Table of Contents

What is Key Club?………………………………………………...……..4 Good Bye to the Old Board…………………..….…………...6 Hello to the New Board……………….……………………..…..10 Recaps………………………………………………………………………..……......12 News/Announcements…………………………………………...14 Dragon of the Month………………………………………………….15 Contact us…………………………………………………………….…………...16

What is Key Club? Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.

What is Hazen‘s Key Club? Hazen Key Club is a part of Division 32, which is composed of Hazen, Lindbergh, Kentlake, Kent-Meridian Kentridge, Kentwood, Renton and Tahoma. Division 32 is part of a proud Pacific Northwest district.

Last Greetings from Your Editor My beautiful Key Clubbers… I never thought this day would come…fast enough. Kidding, kidding, I’m really going to try to get through this without crying. This term has been crazy and I can’t believe I’m already making my last newsletter. DCON will be at the end of this month and then my term is just OVER! I want to prolong the month as long as I can, but I know I’ll have to give up my position sooner or later, unless I want to be a super senior. Have no fear, though, because I’m leaving you in great care, in the beautiful, creative hands of Sheila Tang! Please treat her as well as you all have treated me! To all of the seniors who are graduating with me,, good luck with that and live long and prosper. I’m going to tryout adulating, too. To all the underclassman, enjoy your last years of Key Club, and don’ t regret anything! By that, I mean that you should run for officer positions, committees, go to DCMs, DCON, anything Key Club related! I know, it’s easier said than done. Believe it or not, I was a pretty shy kiddo and still am. But once I forced myself to run for Bulletin Editor, I opened up a door I didn’t know existed. I got to head committees, grow closer to others through the making of the Promo Video and DCON Scrapbook,. I met so many new, amazing people at DCMs and at DCON, and even through volunteering, that I’m still really close to and talk to everyday! Who knows, you might even meet that special someone. Just promise me that you’ll never stop volunteering out of the goodness of your heart and contributing to fundraisers in some way to help out your charities! Never forget what Key Club stands for and the work we do. Caring is our way of life and we are an amazing community, family, actually, who looks out for one another and serves willingly, compassionately, and humbly. Man, I’m really going to miss you bright, dedicated Key Clubbers. Don’t forget about me please! I’ll come back to visit and see how the club is doing, don’t worry! This isn’t really good bye, this is just see you later…

In Love , Service , and Toastiness Always, Kira Kusumi

Last Letter from Your President Dear Hazen Key Club, This is my last letter as your president and I still cannot believe that my year long term will come to an end in only 23 days. I have been blessed with this opportunity and I am so proud with what I have witnessed throughout these past 12 months. I can never thank you all enough for the laughs we shared, times we spent volunteering, and the tears that were shed. Key Club has established who I was as a person and lead me to discover myself as a person. I realized what I love, what I want to do, and who I want to be. There are times that I regret not doing enough, but I trust that Kevin will continue with my year and a half long plan to bring this club to the highest it has ever been. I am not graduating, but leaving this term will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. I will miss being labelled as POTUS but I will forever and always be your eternal dictator. I will be your potato because like potatoes, whether I am baked, mashed, or in a tot form, I will always be there for you. Because potatoes are comforting. Now that you all are very lost, I want to will my Key Club life away. To everyone, countless service opportunities. That’s about it. I am actually very sad right now, but I make everything easier by joking around. I really don’t know what to say because none of it feels real. My term is ending, my time and relevancy has come to an end. What I truly want to leave is the idea and concept that Key Club is not just a social club. Key Club is a service organization comprised of students who have the passion to volunteer and serve their home, school, and community. Key Club is made of servant leaders. Key Club is built on that idea and it should never be shut out. DCMs and DCON are just a part of Key Club. You learn to lead while serving. You learn anything Key Club has to teach you through serving. Don’t ever forget that. In love, service, and humility, Ashley “POTUS” Vo

Last Letter from Your VP Hey Key Clubbers, To be frankly honest, I was going to be very clichĂŠ and talk about how it honestly felt like I was just entering my term yesterday, but I'll try to save you all you all from reading something that you've already read before. *AHEM* Four score and seven years (Plus 26 years) ago, I had the honor of running for Vice President during a reelection right after DCON. It honestly baffles my mind that that election was almost a year ago, because it certainly doesn't feel that way. Throughout this term, I, along with the current board, have learned so much together. We've been through countless arguments, apologies, fun times and very questionable breakfast board meetings. I've also gotten the chance to bond with some of you more this past Key Club year and it brings a smile to my face that there are so many of you in our club. Comparing my freshman year to now, the size of our club has nearly tripled. I don't know about you, but seeing something grow so much along with you is something I find very, very awesome... I'd like to close off by saying that this isn't a goodbye. A lesson I took from life is that there are never really any goodbyes in life. Think of life as a book and that there are many chapters in this said book; this chapter is simply ending. (Wow, way to be non-cliched Kevin) Although there will be a person replacing me very soon, I will continue to be around, so I hope to continue to grow and go on more Key adventures with you all! Again, this isn't a goodbye, but simply the ending of a chapter. HOWEVER, there is always the next chapter, and I hope you all will share it with me. In Love and Service, Kevin Le

Last Letter from Your Secretary Wow, the past year has definitely been one heck of a ride. I can't believe that it has been more than one year ago since I was elected as secretary. Over the past year I have learned so much and will definitely bring what I learned from serving as Secretary to serving as Vice President. However, more importantly I found a second family. It saddens me to let them go so soon. I will miss everything from Ashley's salty pancakes to Brittney's facial masks. I wish Kristin tremendous luck and have high expectations from her in the next year. In Love and Service, Tommy Huynh

Last Letter from Your Treasurer Hello hello clubbers! Long time no paragraph. I can't believe my term is already over. Through thick and thin, this club, members, officers and advisors have been there for you and me. I am glad to say that our hard work paid off. I will truly miss holding this position but as a member I will do the same as I have always done. Good luck to my innie treasurer. I wish you a term filled with happiness and blessings. As for the club, please keep Hazen at high standings. Good bye, good bye. In Love and Service, Brittney Do

Greetings from Your New Board Hiya Key Clubbers, WOW, THIS NEW CHAPTER STARTED REAL QUICK. Surprise, surprise. If you guys didn't know already, I am going to be your President for the 2017 - 2018 year! To save you from another wall of heartfelt text, I'll try to make this one quick!! This past term, I mentioned that I had the wonderful opportunity to bond with some of you. Since there are so many of you, unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to fully meet all of you and keynnect (Sorry, I saw the opportunity) with everyone. This upcoming year, I really want to our club to feel like a family and I would love to meet you all individually. If you don't already, I highly encourage all of you to attend more Key Club events, such as DCMs or volunteer events. Not only would you be able to get the full Key Club experience this way, but I'd be able to meet you outside a typical meeting environment. If you guys ever need a pal to talk to, I know it might be a little weird if we don't already talk, but just reach out for me or slide in the DMs. (At this point, I hope you guys aren't sick of me and my 50 page essays!!!) I'm really looking forward to this year with you all and I hope you're excited as I am! In Love and Service, Kevin Le

Hey Keyclubbers! I'm uber excited to be your Vice-President for the 20172018 term! This year I'd like to focus primarily on committee's and making sure that we're making the most use out of them. See ya'll at DCON! In Love and Service, Tommy Huynh

Hello! Hello! I’m Vy Nguyen! And I am super-duper excited to be serving as your 2017-2018 Treasurer! So far, I’ve been a part of Key Club for about six months and in those months, so many amazing things happened. I’ve learned so much from others and about myself, too; but most importantly, I learned that it’s okay to be scared to do new things, you just need to overcome it As treasurer, it is my goal to fundraise enough money for Key Club next year so not only will it reduce the price of DCON, but also help provide the club with whatever materials we may need the following year. I’m so happy to be working with you guys and looking forward to serving you all after DCON! Thank you so much for letting me take this position,. Love y’all lots! In Love and Service, Vy Nguyen Hey key-uties! I'm Kristin and I'm super excited to be your secretary for the 2017-2018 Key Club year! I look forward to getting to know you all and taking our club to new heights alongside the new board, regardless of the challenges that we may face as officers. It will be my responsibility that your Key Club experience is as amazing as possible and that you all are active and volunteering as well. I am incredibly honored to be able to serve this club, and I have no doubt that the coming year will be filled with as much service and spirit as in years past. With that being said, feel free to talk to me anytime about anything (especially about turning in your hours hint hint) and stay toasty! In Love and Service, Kristin Hong Hey guys, guess what's coming up... DCON!! I don't know about you guys, but just thinking about it makes me excited. Adding to that excitement, my term as your next bulletin editor starts right after DCON! Even though that makes me a little nervous, it'll definitely be fun to get to know you all (I swear I'm approachable. Possible conversation starter: ...kpop, dancing (heck yeah), or anything, really). As fun as making friends can be, it'll be even better to meet all of you at volunteer events!! This upcoming service-filled Key Club year will be a meaningful learning experience for me, and I hope you guys will be able to say the same! In Love and Service, Sheila Tang


Mr. & Ms. Dragon We raised $2,406 for KCCP!

February DCM: Innies Ignite!


Division 32 Bubble Tea Fundraiser We raised $400 for KCCP!

Seattle Area Concert to Cure 2017 We raised $1,151 for KCCP!

Announcements March Joint Divisions 28 & 32 DCM: Pre-CON Rally 2017 When: March 25th, 2-5PM Where: Hazen High School

ICS KEY CLUB TALENT SHOW When: April 14th, 7-9PM Where: 11133 N.E. 65th St., Kirkland, WA 98033

LtG’s Newsletter After you’ve finished reading this newsletter, go check out our Lieutenant Governor’s issue for this month and get more divisional and district updates!

Dragon of the Month goes to‌

You are all stars! Make me proud and continue to be involved and passionate about this community!

Who will be the April Dragon?

Keep in Touch and Stay Updated! District Governor: Juliet Yu Lieutenant Governor: Ashley Villanueva Facebook: (club) (division) (district) Our Instagram: Our Website: Our Youtube Channel: Ashley Vo: Kevin Le: Tommy Huynh: Brittney Do: Kira Kusumi:

Our Club Advisor: Ms. Auman

Our Kiwanian Advisors: Marge Eastman Vanessa Chodykin Our Area Administrator: Sue Owens

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