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EDITORA Karla D. Romero karla@anec-dote.com
Maria T. Wildridge maria@anec-dote.com
Trent Taylor Dr. Javier Sevilla Lucia Fernández-Schnupp
Twitter.com/eneindianapolis 03 / 2016 Eñe es un producto de Anecdote, LLC.
eneindianapolis.tumblr.com Advertising and all other inquiries: info@anec-dote.com
CARTA DE LA EDITORA / letter from the editor Es increíble pensarlo, pero, iya ha pasado un año desde que lanzamos la primera edición! Cada número ha sido un reto inolvidable y cada articulo una pieza única que poco a poco documenta e informa las comunidades hispano-latinas y bilingües. En esta edición de aniversario, visitamos el primer número de nuevo, para reflexionen en el estado de le música independiente en Indianápolis. Además, ¡tenemos una receta de petit de fresa riquísima! También entrevistamos a un escritor español que nos habla sobre u nuevo libro. Como pueden ver, nuestra esencia sigue igual, a pesar de haber hecho algunos cambios (positivos). Queremos seguir informando y entreteniendo la ciudad, (y quién sabe qué mas) con todo el respeto y credibilidad que se merece nuestro Lectorado. Gracias por acompañarnos durante los últimos 12 meses. ¡Espero que sean muchas más! Disfruten de esta edición y ¡tómense algo para celebrar nuestro cumple! It’s unbelievable, but it’s been a year since we launched the first issue of Eñe! Each edition has been a new and unforgettable challenge, and each article has been a unique puzzle piece that has slowly documented and informed the Spanish-speaking and bilingual communities. In this anniversary issue, we revisited the first issue to reflect on the state of independent music in Indianapolis. Plus, we have a delicious strawberry mousse recipe! We also interviewed a Spanish author who told us about his new book. As you can see, our essence hasn’t changed, despite some (positive) changes. We want to continue informing and entertaining the city (and who knows what else) with all of the respect and credibility that our readers deserve. Thank you for accompanying us during the last 12 months. We hope there are many more to come! Enjoy the magazine and have a drink to celebrate our first birthday!
“El artista debe de ser mezcla de niño, hombre y mujer”. “An artist must be a combination of child, man and woman.” Ernesto Sábato
Kanye West y el verdadero prop Kanye West and music’s real p ¿Cuál es el propósito de la música? La respuesta depende bastante del contexto. What is the purpose of music? The answer depends heavily on context. Si hablamos de la música hecha para medios comerciales, el propósito es claro: vender y sacar beneficios económicos. Eso es lo que quieren lograr las grandes discográficas y, gracias a las redes sociales y a los artistas que han decidido hablar sobre estos detalles, el público es expuesto cada vez más a la información de estos contratos discográficos. Lo que le distingue a la música comercial del resto es su popularidad, derivada de tipos de música sencillos y fáciles de digerir por las masas. If we’re talking about music that’s produced for a mainstream audience, the purpose is clear: sell and make maximum profits. That’s what big record labels want and, thanks to social media and artists who have decided to speak up about these details, the public is now exposed more and more to big record label contracts. What sets mainstream music apart from the rest is its popularity, derived from simple and easy types of music that can be easily digested by the masses. Si hablamos de la música experimental, el propósito esta en el nombre. Es decir, el propósito es experimentar con la música. Cuando uno piensa en la música experimental, el intérprete puede pertenecer a cualquier género musical, a cualquier época, da igual… Se puede experimentar con cualquier tipo de música. Bajo este contexto, el público puede determinar por si mismo si le gusta o no. A veces este tipo de música se mete a presión en el mundo comercial – quizá las
pósito de la música / purpose masas quieren algo más. Algo más allá de un producto prefabricado por un señor en una oficina. If we’re talking about experimental music, the purpose is generally in the name: to experiment with music. When one thinks of experimental music, it can belong to any genre, any time period, it doesn’t matter… Experimental music can happen in pretty much any way possible. Within this context, the audience is able to determine whether they like it or not for themselves. This type of music often seeps into the mainstream music world – perhaps the masses want something more Desde 2004, el año en el que el productor, rapero y diseñador de moda lanzó su primer LP, The College Dropout, Kanye West ha formado una parte imprescindible en la escena musical comercial. Da igual si tienes 60 años o 16: Kanye es un nombre que uno no olvida fácilmente, y le pertenece a un hombre que tiene a todo un mundo obsesionado. La moda de decir algo humillante sobre Kanye West es casi igual de común que su presencia creativa. Since 2004, when the musician, producer and designer released his freshman LP, The College Dropout, Kanye West has been an essential part of mainstream music. It doesn’t matter if you’re 60 or 16: Kanye is a name that is hard to forget, and it belongs to a man that has the entire world obsessed. The popular trend of trashing Kanye is about as common as his creative presence. ¿Es o no es un genio? Su música, desde la perspectiva general, es sencilla. Pero si te fijas en los detalles que incorpora el Sr. West, notarás que hay segmentos de
su arte que se han colado a presión en nuestro día a día. Fragmentos quizá demasiado experimentales para que entendamos el por qué y lo confundamos por estupidez. So is he or is he not a genius? His music, from a general perspective, is simple. But if you pay attention to the details that Mr. West incorporates, you’ll notice that there are fragments of his art that seeped through into our day to day. Fragments that, perhaps, are too experimental for the world to understand, so they’re mistaken for stupidity. Desafortunadamente, la connotación negativa que conlleva ser fan de Kanye West en el mundo real (lejos de los rincones donde la gente parece pensar más allá de lo que le dice la gente en Facebook) ha hecho que la gente ignore uno de los discos más importantes de nuestros tiempos. La –importancia– es la parte más objetiva de cualquier crítica sobre el nuevo disco de Kanye West, titulado The Life of Pablo. Unfortunately, the negative connotation that comes with being a Kanye West fan in the real world (far from the corners where the people seem to think beyond what people say on Facebook) has made many ignore one of the most important albums of our time. The word – important – is the most objective part of any critique of Kanye West’s new album, The Life of Pablo. ¿Y por qué es importante? Kanye West es un artista 100% castigado por un público comercial que se pasa el día poniéndole a prueba para poder criticarle. Pero lo curioso, lo importante, es que en The Life of Pablo, y quizá en general, el propósito no es una cosa u otra. Kanye West no depende ni parece necesitar la opinión popular para hacer un disco. El artista sabe lo que esta haciendo y sabe que el público, aunque lo critique, lo va a entender. And why is it important? Kanye West is an artist that is completely punished by a public that is constantly testing him in order to criticize him. But the interesting thing, the important thing, is that in The Life of Pablo, and perhaps in general, the purpose is not defined. West doesn’t depend, nor seem to need the public’s opinion to make an album. He seems to know what he’s doing and knows that the public, despite the fact that they criticize him, will understand him. Por esta razón ha sido capaz de publicar un disco de góspel (respaldado por un concepto muy hip-hop) y completamente
experimental que le puede gustar a cualquiera. The Life of Pablo es un testamento/rechazo al mundo discográfico y comercial, a su vida personal y romántica, y al mundo de locuras reales en el que vive el artista. Kanye West ha interrumpido el concepto comercial, esta vez porque ha decidido publicar el disco exclusivamente en TIDAL (www. tidal.com), pero no deja de formar parte de ese mundo. A pesar de que el disco no cualifica para estar en la Billboard, según The New York Times (http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes. com/2016/02/22/adele-is-back-on-top-but-kanye-westsalbum-doesnt-make-chart/?_r=1), no hay un solo medio de comunicación que no haya dicho algo sobre este disco. Y en general, han sido muy buenas críticas. This is why he’s able to release a gospel album (backed up by a heavy hip-hop concept) as well as completely experimental that anyone can like. The Life of Pablo is a testament/rejection of the big label and mainstream music world, of his personal and romantic life, and to the world of real-life insanity in which the artist lives. Kanye West has disrupted the mainstream concept, this time by publishing this album exclusively on TIDAL (www.tidal.com), but he never stops being a part of it. Despite the fact that, due to this exclusive release, the album doesn’t qualify for the Billboard charts (http://artsbeat.blogs. nytimes.com/2016/02/22/adele-is-back-on-topbut-kanye-wests-album-doesnt-make-chart/?_ r=1), there isn’t a single media source that isn’t all over it. And in general, the reviews have been very good. Kanye West es un artista que deberías apreciar por su creatividad, no a nivel personal. El esfuerzo te llevará a descubrir que su genialidad no se encuentra en la percepción personal y literal que tiene el artista sobre el mundo, sino en la manera en la cual es capaz de representar todo eso en su música. The Life of Pablo es importante porque es una obra de música preciosa, y porque además es un conglomerado visionario de millones de pensamientos intranquilos. Sirve cualquier propósito. Kanye West is an artist you should value and respect creatively, not personally. It’s not about his literal personal perception of the world that we should listen to or care about, but the way in which he’s able to portray it through his work. The Life of Pablo is important because it stands alone as a beautiful piece of music, and because it is also a visionary conglomerate of a million restless thoughts. It serves any and every purpose.
¿Es o no es un genio? Su música, desde la perspectiva general, es sencilla. Pero si te fijas en los detalles que incorpora el Sr. West, notarás que hay segmentos de su arte que se han colado a presión en nuestro día a día. Fragmentos quizá demasiado experimentales para que entendamos el por qué y lo confundamos por estupidez. (Esto pasa a menudo.) So is he or is he not a genius? His music, from a general perspective, is simple. But if you pay attention to the details that Mr. West incorporates, you’ll notice that there are fragments of his art that seeped through into our day to day. Fragments that, perhaps, are too experimental for the world to understand, so they’re mistaken for stupidity. (This happens A LOT.)
Imagen: obra de dos casas de varios colores, pintadas sobre un lienzo; por Shamira Wilson / Image: two multicolor painted houses on small canvas; by Shamira Wilson
Indianápolis es una ciudad increíble. Da igual quien seas o cual sea tu historia, esta ciudad tiene un hueco para todos. Sin embargo, para muchos de sus residentes, el camino hacia ese lugar puede ser bastante difícil. Sea la razón que sea, muchos inmigrantes en esta ciudad, y sus familias, sienten una división. Pero menos mal que siempre va a ver gente que se preocupe y que haga algo, sin tener en cuenta como ejecutan su plan de ayudar. Entonces, ¿qué es lo que hace Indianápolis para intentar remediar la exclusión? Indianapolis is a truly remarkable city. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your story is, there is a place for you here. However, for many of its residents, the path to find ones place can sometimes be very difficult. Whatever the reason behind it, many immigrants in this city, and their families, feel a division. Thankfully, we’re surrounded by people who do care, regardless of how they execute their plan to help. So then, what does Indianapolis actually do to remedy exclusion? Construye comunidades a través del arte. It builds communities through art. Debemos aclarar una cosa: Indianápolis ES sus residentes – una población que se pasa el día ayudando a que evolucione y crezca la ciudad con lo poco o, a veces, lo mucho que puedan ofrecer. El sábado, 5 de marzo, women317, parte de shehive, una organización comunitaria local cuyo objetivo es, “crear espacios seguros para desmontar la iniquidad de género”, presentó la exposición de arte titulada homecoming (vuelta a casa), en colaboración con IUYA (Alianza de jóvenes indocumentados en Indiana) y en conjunto con la exposición del Centro de arte de Garfield Park, titulada Mujeres en el arte. Let’s clarify one thing: Indianapolis is its residents – a population of people who spend the day helping the city evolve in their own
homecoming / little or sometimes big way. On Saturday, March 5th, women317, part of shehive, a local community organization that aims at “creating safe spaces to deconstruct gender inequity,” hosted homecoming, an art show in partnership with the Indiana Undocumented Youth Allegiance and in conjunction with Garfield Park Art Center’s opening of Hoosier Women in Art. Esta exposición ha unido a mujeres artistas de la zona, con todo tipo de historias y preferencias artísticas. Además, es un reflejo de nuestra ciudad y de cómo hay un huevo para cada uno de nosotros. Como publicación cuyo objetivo es informar, educar y entretener de la manera más inclusiva posible, hemos decidido ver lo que nos decían algunas de sus participantes sobre lo que esta exposición significa para ellas, y lo que se siente al llamar Indianápolis tu casa. This show brought together local women artists from all different backgrounds and artistic preferences. It’s also a direct reflection of our city and how it carves out a place for each of us. As a publication that aims to inform, educate and entertain in the most inclusive way possible, we decided to let a few of the show’s participants tell us what this show means to them, and what it means to call Indianapolis home. Todas respondieron las mismas preguntas (página 18), pero la variedad de sus respuestas fue bastante reveladora. Disfruten de esta oportunidad única de ver las diferencias en nuestra comunidad, a través de la lente de la creatividad. They answered the same set of questions (page 18), but the variety in their answers is very insightful! Please enjoy this unique opportunity to get a look inside the differences in our community through the lens of creativity.
1. El tema para la exposición es “vuelta a casa” o “homecoming” en inglés. ¿Qué significa “homecoming” para ti?
[Las respuestas están en inglés para mantener la voz de la artista. / The answers are in English to maintain the artist’s voice.]
The theme for the women317 show that you’re participating in is homecoming. What significance does that word have for you?
Amy Gastelum, a storyteller from Indianapolis.
2. ¿Cómo te enteraste de la exposición y cómo ha sido la experiencia participativa en general? How did you hear about this show and what has the overall participation experience been like? 3. ¿Qué esperas lograr al participar? What do you hope to participating in this show?
4. Cuéntanos un poco sobre ti. What is your personal background? 5. Aunque no seas de aquí, ¿cómo ha sido el camino de “vuelta a casa” a Indianápolis? ¿Sientes que esta ciudad es tu hogar? ¿Por qué o por qué no? Whether you’re from here or not, what has been your homecoming journey to Indianapolis? Does Indianapolis feel like home? Why or why not? 6. Y por fin, ¿qué crees que podemos hacer como ciudad para darle fuerza a mujeres indocumentadas y para asegurarnos de que se les trate justamente? And finally, what do you think we can do as a city to empower undocumented women and ensure that they are treated justly?
1. The theme for the women317 show that you’re participating in is homecoming. What significance does that word have for you? Homecoming has meant different things to me at different points in my life. Right now, it means coming home to Indianapolis. I lived in New York City for the past three years, and Providence Rhode Island for one year before that. My family and I moved back to Indy last June and it’s been a roller coaster. The city has changed so much in four years and also, I’ve changed a lot in that time too, so Indy and I are learning each other’s identities now. We’re each familiar to the other, but there have been some fundamental alterations in the last few years that we’re still sorting out. 2. How did you hear about this show and what has the overall participation experience been like? I heard about this show from Elle Roberts, who leads She Hive and organizes Women 317. Shortly after moving back from New York last summer I stumbled into General Public Collective when they were hosting the August Women 317 show and I was
mesmerized. I sat in the back and soaked in all the performances and knew I wanted more of that open, truthful energy in my life. I wasn’t thinking I’d get a chance to share something on stage, I just wanted to be in the room, but here I am. I feel really humbled to be invited to share myself in the company of other amazing women artists in Indy. 3. What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this show? Whenever I share stories I hope I’m making connections. I try to be as honest with myself as possible when I’m writing or producing a story and I think that effort is what makes people ultimately connect with any artists work. Artists are people who nuzzle down inside themselves and pick at their own guts and then turn them inside out so everyone can see. It’s scary and vulnerable and also really valuable. It helps people not feel so alone, I think. The marriage of art and community advocacy is obvious for that reason. 4. What is your personal background? My personal background is complex. As is everyone’s. I was born in Kentucky to a mother whose greatgrandparents were both white settlers in Oklahoma and a father whose father immigrated to the United States alone from Mexico when he was 17. My grandfather has never talked much about Mexico or spoken in Spanish because at the time (kind of
like now) it wasn’t great to be Mexican in southern California. My parents divorced when I was a baby. When I was eight, my mother moved me and my older sister in with her girlfriend. That was in the 90s in Indianapolis. They are now married and I have a younger sister who was born of that union. Both my mom and her wife are ordained ministers. When they got together they knew they could lose their standing as ministers if they came out so we were all pretty quiet about our family. That’s the bones of my background: a lot of women, some secrets. 5. Whether you’re from here or not, what has been your homecoming journey to Indianapolis? Does Indianapolis feel like home? Why or why not? (I think this question is best answered in my first response.) 6. And finally, what do you think we can do as a city to empower undocumented women and ensure that they are treated justly? Citizens of Indiana have a great variety in their access to making change for undocumented women here, and real change relies on individual responsibility within the collective effort. We all have different circles of influence that we should consider when we think about our personal contributions to empowering undocumented women. As a starting place and a foundation we need to first and foremost, LISTEN.
homecoming / 19
If you don’t understand the issues, educate yourself. Find resources and people who are willing and able to help you learn. Indiana Undocumented Youth Alliance is helping tell the story of what is happening in our community to the neighbors and students we know who happen to be undocumented. They’re a great place to start. Dara Márquez, a spoken word artist who immigrated with her family from Mexico when she was three. 1. The theme for the women317 show that you’re participating in is homecoming. What significance does that word have for you? Homecoming honors the original sacrifice that my family made in coming to this side of the continent. We have made Indiana our home since 1996, and it continues to be our home. The event’s them honors the fact that there are many immigrant families in this state that view this as their home, and the unwelcoming atmosphere that we are sometimes thrown in is affecting the future of our state. 2. How did you hear about this show and what has the overall participation experience been like? No comment. 3. What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this show? I would like to accomplish forming new relationships with our 317 neighbors! This city is so diverse in many
aspects, and this show and opportunity will allow us to come together to discover other’s stories of pain and triumph! 4. What is your personal background? My family and I immigrated to the U.S. when I was three years old. Most of my family moved to Elkhart, IN because of its hiring RV industry, and the fact that we were being pushed by our country’s economic challenges. We’ve been in Indiana for more than 20 years now! I am a college undocumented graduate with a chemistry degree and an undocumented Latina working through the Indiana Undocumented Youth Alliance to further involve ourselves in the decision-making of our legislators as they impact our community. 5. Whether you’re from here or not, what has been your homecoming journey to Indianapolis? Does Indianapolis feel like home? Why or why not? I moved to Indianapolis in June 2015. Indianapolis does feel like home because of the community that lives here. Though Indianapolis is larger in size and population than my hometown, Elkhart, IN, it has been easy for me to relate to the community’s efforts and to participate in relationship-building events. 6. And finally, what do you think we can do as a city to empower undocumented women and ensure that they are treated justly? Reach out to our legislators. We have to be louder than the anti-immigrant community. Recently our Speaker of the House, Brian Bosma publicly stated he
regretted his decision to support HEA1402, a 2011 bill that forces undocumented students to pay out-of-state tuition. As a city, you can help support undocumented women by holding legislators like Bosma accountable for their words and actions. The quickest way to do so is to call their office stating your opinion, or write a letter. The long-term way is to help us build a stronger and louder narrative about our community through events like these, through conversations with others that would otherwise not be exposed to the topic, through Facebook posts, and through voting. First and foremost, VOTE. As undocumented, we cannot vote, but we can help educate you about legislators that harm our undocumented community. We can help empower undocumented women by standing besides them, voting, and educating our legislators about how their actions harm our communities. The Indiana Undocumented Youth Alliance will be present to provide information to anyone interested in knowing more about anti-immigration bills introduced in the 2016 Indiana General Assembly. Also, we’ll provide information regarding the undocumented youth and their obstacles when wanting higher education. Shamira Wilson, a local painter; her work is featured in the show’s promotional material. 1. The theme for the women317 show that you’re participating in is homecoming. What significance does that word have for you? Home as a physical space is ever-changing. For me home is a metaphor that signifies a space inside of oneself that is constant, and homecoming as a
continuous journey of connection and reconnection with oneself, others, and places. 2. How did you hear about this show and what has the overall participation experience been like? I heard about the show through Elle Roberts, cofounder of women317. It’s wonderful to have a synergistic space in our city that exists for women to connect, share their stories, lives, and feel empowered and uplifted at the end of the day – I’m grateful to have been invited to be a part of it. 3. What do you hope to accomplish by participating in this show? I’m participating in this show to support women317 and the work of women across the city. Being a women of color I can empathize with the search for home. I hope this show creates a bridge toward dialogue and opens space for communication. 4. What is your personal background? I’m a visual artist and I make work that is about the theme of home. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and am currently studying Furniture Design at the Herron School of Art. I’m interested in pulling from these fields by making therapeutic imagery and objects that support our well-being, as well as looking at the way we think of home through the objects and environments that surround us and the relationships that connect us. 5. Whether you’re from here or not, what has been your homecoming journey to
homecoming / 21
Indianapolis? Does Indianapolis feel like home? Why or why not? I’m from Louisville, KY and I moved to Indianapolis before 1st grade. I grew up on the East Side, around 42nd and Post Road, and have many memories of hearing my neighborhood called ‘ghetto’. I was always taken aback by the boundaries of that word and how it was used to define people and places. Home has been many different places since then and because of this over time it has become less about defining a physical space and more about a journey toward compassion and a point of connection to the soul. 6. And finally, what do you think we can do as a city to empower undocumented women and ensure that they are treated justly? This is a topic that is so much bigger than me and I don’t have an easy solution, but I believe that communication and public awareness are important.
homecoming /
¿QUIERES MEJORAR TU INGLÉS? ¡Puedes empezar hoy! Manda un correo a info@anec-dote.com para más información. 23
artística y cultural en Indianápolis”, dijo Dave Lawrence, el presidente y CEO del Consejo. “Con el consejo y el talento que traen estos nuevos miembros, seguiremos encabezando y apoyando a la comunidad artística y cultural en el centro de Indiana”. Nota por / Released by: ARTS COUNCIL OF INDIANAPOLIS
INDIANÁPOLIS–El consejo de arte de Indianápolis anuncia el nombramiento de tres miembros nuevos en la junta ejecutiva. Abajo, la lista de los miembros que se unen a la junta directiva durante una estancia de tres años: INDIANAPOLIS–The Arts Council of Indianapolis announces three new appointments to its board of directors. Joining the board for a three-year term beginning in 2016 are: Angela Cain, Directora de asuntos públicos para la Autoridad del aeropuerto internacional de Indianápolis / Director of Public Affairs, Indianapolis Airport Authority Sarah Hempstead, Directora a cargo / Principal-inCharge, Schmidt Associates, Inc. Corey Wilson, Vicepresidente asociado / Associate Vice President, Professional Edge Center, University of Indianapolis “La junta directiva del consejo de arte de Indianápolis es un grupo extremadamente activo de líderes de la comunidad y cívicos, que entienden la importancia que tiene la comunidad
“The Arts Council of Indianapolis’ board of directors is a tremendously active and dedicated group of community and civic leaders who understand the importance of the arts and cultural community in Indianapolis,” said Dave Lawrence, President & CEO of the Arts Council of Indianapolis. “With the counsel and talent of these new board members, we will continue to lead and advocate for the arts and cultural community of central Indiana.” A parte de los nuevos nombramientos, la junta eligió a los siguientes miembros: Krista Skidmore, directora en FlashPoint, será la nueva presidenta de la junta, y David Resnick, socio gerente en Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, será anterior presidente inmediato (“Immediate Past Chair”). El comité ejecutivo incluye también a Ted Givens, encargado de proyectos especiales en el Museo de arte de Indianápolis, Vicepresidente; Joyce Morris, primera vicepresidente y gerente de banca privada en The National Bank of Indianapolis, tesorera; y Tanya Stuart Overdorf, presidenta de Tanya S. Overdorf, P.C., secretaria. In addition to the new appointments, the board elected the following officers: Krista Skidmore, Principal at FlashPoint, serves as the new board Chair, and David Resnick, Managing Partner at
LA PRINCIPAL UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE INDIANÁPOLIS Becas Disponibles Marian University, la única universidad Católica de Indianápolis, está ubicada sobre 200 hermosos acres en el lado oeste de la ciudad. Más del 98 por ciento de los alumnos reciben becas o subvenciones institucionales, haciendo asequible la obtención de una educación privada. La inscripción es sin costo y, al momento, las solicitudes de inscripción son aceptadas para estudiantes actuales de penúltimo y último año de la escuela secundaria. Para coordinar una visita al campus, ingrese en www.marian.edu/visita.
www.marian.edu Marian University está financiada por las hermanas de San Francisco, Oldenburg, Indiana.
Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, serves as Immediate Past Chair. The Executive Committee also includes: Ted Givens, Special Projects Manager at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Vice Chair; Joyce Morris, First Vice President & Manager Private Banking at The National Bank of Indianapolis, Treasurer; and Tanya Stuart Overdorf, President at Tanya S. Overdorf, P.C., Secretary. La junta directiva del consejo trabaja de forma muy cercana con Lawrence y su equipo para ejecutar la misión del consejo, de construir apoyo económico y admiración general para promover el compromiso en las artes. Este año, la junta presentará un Plan estratégico para 2016-2018, guiará a la organización a través del cambio en la alcaldía, y trabajará para obtener visibilidad y apoyo económico adicional para la comunidad artística de Indianápolis. The Arts Council’s board of directors works closely with Lawrence and his staff to execute the Council’s mission of building financial support and widespread appreciation for meaningful engagement in the arts. This year, the board will launch a new Strategic Plan for 2016-2018, guide the organization through a change in Mayoral leadership, and work toward additional visibility and funding for the Indianapolis arts community.
Carcamusas, guiso de Toledo (España) / Carcamusas, Pork Stew from Toledo (Spain) Por / By: LUCÍA FERNÁNDEZ-SCHNUPP
Tiempo: 30 min. (mejor de un día para otro)
Time: 30 mins. (best if made the previous day)
Raciones: 4
Servings: 4
1kg de cerdo troceado aceite de oliva 1 cebolla picada 1/2 taza vino blanco pizca de sal pimienta negra pizca de cayena o chile molido 1 taza de tomate frito o salsa de tomate 2 tazas de guisantes congelados 1/2 sarta de chorizo español en rodajas (si sólo encontrais fresco estilo mexicano, lo podeis hacer rodajitas y freírlo)
2lbs pork stew meat Olive oil 1 onion, finely diced ½ cup White wine salt black pepper cayenne or chili powder to taste 1 cup tomato sauce 2 cup frozen peas 1/2 a spanish chorizo (if you can’t find the cured Spanish style, you can use Mexican chorizo, sliced and pan fried for a minute)
1. En una cacerola calentamos un poquito de aceite de oliva para pochar la cebolla a fuego medio. Cuando esté blandita, añadimos el cerdo y lo removemos bien, doramos unos 5 minutos, removiendo de vez en cuando.
1. Heat a little bit of olive oil in a big pot, add the onion and poach it for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally. When it is soft, add the pork meat and stir with the onion. Brown the meat for about 5 minutes, stirring from time to time so it browns evenly.
2. Una vez el cerdo esté cocido, echamos el vino blanco y lo dejamos cocer otros 5 minutos para que reduzca un poco. Añadimos las especias, que van al gusto, pero tradicionalmente es un guiso con bastante sabor, usad pimienta negra en buena cantidad, y si queréis un toquecito picante echad un pelín de cayena o chile molido. Lo mezclamos muy bien para que se mezclen los sabores. 3. Echamos el tomate frito, los guisantes y el chorizo. Removemos muy bien y dejamos cocer un poquito más para que los guisantes se ablanden y el chorizo suelte sabor. Es un plato que está mucho mejor de un día para otro que recién hecho, así que lo dejamos enfriar un ratito y lo metemos a la nevera hasta el día siguiente que lo calentemos en la cacerola bien, y lo sirvamos con pan.
2. Once the pork looks cooked through, we add the White wine and we let it boil for another 5 minutes until it reduces a little. Add the spices to taste, using more cayenne or chili for a spicier version, it traditionally has quite a bit of black pepper and just a pinch of cayenne. Stir it well so the flavors blend. 3. We now add the tomato sauce, the peas and the chorizo in slices. Stir to combine and let it boil for a couple more minutes so the peas thaw and soften, and the chorizo infuses the broth. This dish is best made for the following day, so we would now store it in the fridge and let the flavors develop until next day, but if you can’t wait, go ahead it’s ready!
entrevista / interview:
La comida es nuestra vía a la vida – pero también nos define como personas. Es un reflejo sociocultural que, como seres humanos, hemos usado una y otra vez para relacionarnos e incluso para matarnos. En Eñe sabemos la importancia que tiene la comida y siempre intentamos representar esta parte de nuestra sociedad a través de recetas, historias y entrevistas. Food is our life force – but it also defines us as people. It’s a sociocultural reflection of what we as humans have used time and time again to relate to each other, and even to kill each other. At Eñe, we know the importance that food has and we always attempt to represent this part of our society through recipes, stories and interviews. Para esta edición, charlamos con Lucía Fernández-Schnupp, nuestra colaboradora de recetas para que nos contara un poco su propia experiencia con la comida. ¡Esperamos que disfruten! For this issue, we chatted with Lucía FernándezSchnupp, our regular recipe contributor so she could tell us a bit more about her experience with food. We hope you enjoy it!
St. Paddy’s
Mar. 17, 2016
entrevista / interview: LUCÍA FERNÁNDEZ-SCHNUPP
1. Hola Lucía y ¡gracias por charlar con nosotros! Cuéntanos un poco sobre ti y de cómo acabaste en EEUU. / Hi Lucía and thank you for chatting with us! Tell us a bit about yourself and how you ended up in the U.S. Yo estudié un master para ser profesora de Español como Lengua Extranjera porque quería vivir fuera y conocer otros países. Tenía previsto ir a Japón para enseñar en una universidad donde me esperaban, y así poder terminar mi doctorado, pero para rellenar un año que tenía hasta ese proyecto acepté una beca para estudiar en una universidad de Boston. Y ahí, al segundo día, conocí al que ahora es mi marido desde hace 6 años. ¡Así que al final me he quedado aquí! I studied a Masters to become a Spanish as a Foreign Language teacher, I wanted to live abroad and soak in other cultures. My goal was to go to Japan and teach at a university, where they were already expecting me, that way I could finish my doctorate, but I had a gap year before taking on that project and I took the opportunity to come over to Boston with a scholarship and study at the university. And there, on my second day, I met who is now my husband of 6 years. ¡So, in the end I stayed! 2. ¿Cuándo descubriste que te gustaba la cocina? ¿Qué plato [tipo de comida] había por medio ese día? / When did you discover that you liked to cook? What dish was around on that day? Siempre me ha gustado cocinar. Me gustaba hacer pastelitos, me gustaba siempre hacer algo más, de pequeña yo no comía
un sándwich frío, siempre tenía que poner especias en el jamón cocido y darle una vuelta en la sartén, o fundir el queso antes de ponerlo entre las tostadas… siempre algo más. Luego empecé a hacer yo platitos sencillos y mi pasión explotó cuando descubrí que no hay barreras, puedes seguir una receta de cualquier libro, de cualquier web o blog, y haces ese plato famoso de un país exótico, o te sale esa tarta maravillosa de la portada del libro. Las posibilidades son infinitas y eso me encanta. I always liked to cook. I liked to make little pastries, I always liked to do something else. When I was little I wouldn´t eat just a cold sandwich, I would put some spices on the ham and pan fry it a little bit, or I would melt the cheese between putting it between two pieces of toast… always something more. Soon I started to create little dishes, and my passion took off when I discovered that the sky is actually the limit, you can take any recipe from any book, from any website, from any blog, and follow it and there, you can make any dish from an exotic country, or that beautiful cake on the cover. The possibilities are endless, and that is what I love. 3. ¿Cuál es tu comida preferida y por qué? / What’s your favorite food and why? Mi comida favorita es el Cocido Madrileño. Soy de Madrid y mi abuela siempre lo hacía cuando íbamos a su casa porque es algo que les gusta a los niños, aún cuando voy me tiene caldo para hacerme sopa. Me gusta porque es la tradición, viene de mi abuela, mi madre… ¡Y porque está buenísimo! Es difícil hacerlo aquí porque usa hueso de jamón serrano, y aquí cuesta
encontrarlo, pero bueno, cuando voy a España aprovecho. My favorite food has to be Cocido Madrileño, which just translates as “Boiled”. I am from Madrid, and that is a very traditional dish of my city, my grandma always used to make it when we went to her house because it is something all children like, even now when I go visiting, she still has some soup ready for me. I like it because it is our tradition, from my grandma, from my mom… and because it is so good! It is a bit hard to make it here because we use the bone of a serrano ham, and that is hard to find in the USA, but I enjoy it when I go to Spain. 4. ¿Te gusta más la comida española o la comida típica de EEUU? / What do you like more, Spanish food or food from the U.S.? Me gusta más cómo se cocina en EEUU. Creo que hay muy poco que de por sí sea comida típica de este país, pero precisamente eso es lo que me gusta, hay influencias de todas las culturas y a mí me gusta todo. Disfruto en un supermercado americano muchísimo porque tienes posibilidad de comprar productos que son de otras tradiciones, tienes una cantidad de productos que en uno español no lo hay. A mí me gusta la comida típica española, pero lo que más me gusta es la variedad que hay aquí. I prefer the cuisine in the US. I think there are few things that are inherently US American, but that is exactly what I like, we have influences from cultures all over the world here, and I love everything. I enjoy
entrevista / interview: LUCÍA FERNÁNDEZ-SCHNUPP
myself in an American supermarket because one can buy things from different traditions, we have a great amount of products here and in a Spanish supermarket the selection is more limited. I love Spanish food, but what I love best is the variety we can find in the USA. 5. ¿Cómo crees que la comida impacta nuestras vidas? / How do you think food impacts our life? Somos lo que comemos, eso dice el refrán, y es así en todos los sentidos. Podemos pensar en lo que es salud, la fuente de todo viene de lo que comemos y bebemos, hay que cuidar la alimentación para cuidarnos a nosotros mismos. En otro sentido, la comida es el reflejo de quien eres, uno que disfruta cocinando, creando, compartiendo alrededor de la mesa con familia y amigos, o uno que come lo primero que ve en la nevera, que quizá sea algo saludable, pero no le da importancia al plato en sí, son maneras diferentes de celebrar la comida. También son viajes casi culturales cuando vas a un restaurante de una cocina que no conoces, o intentas un plato diferente en casa, con especias y sabores de una cultura ajena, te acerca a ese rincón del mundo, la comida está muy ligada a la historia de los pueblos y es parte fundamental de la identidad cultural de cada uno. We are what we eat, that´s how the saying goes, and I believe it is like that in every sense. We can think about it in relation to our health, the source of everything is what we eat and drink, we need to mind our food to take care of ourselves. In a difference sense, our cooking is a reflection of who we are, someone
who enjoys cooking, creating, sharing at the table with friends and family; or someone who just eats whatever he has at hand, and it may be something healthy, but he doesn´t care beyond that, those are different ways to celebrate our food. It is also almost like traveling, when you go to a restaurant with a kind of cuisine that is new to you, or you try a dish at home, with spices and flavors from a different tradition, it brings you closer to that culture, the cuisine and the food has a strong connection with the history of the peoples, and it is a fundamental piece in the cultural identity of each of us. 6. ¿Qué receta te gustaría intentar hacer que aún no has hecho? / What recipe would you like to try that you haven’t made yet?
usar en cócteles, lo puedes usar en postres como la key lime pie que me encanta… Cualquier cítrico es de las cosas más versátiles que hay. ¡No podemos decir lo mismo de la pobre alcachofa! A lime without a doubt. A lime you can use it in appetizer in salsas, you can use it in a thousand ways for a main course, in a chicken marinade for example, or its peel that gives a great aroma for finishing dishes, you can use it in cocktails, you can use it in desserts, like my favorite key lime pie… any citrus fruit is one of the most versatile things you can have. We can say the same about the poor artichoke!
La repostería no se me da tan bien… me gustaría atreverme más con tartas caseras. Baking isn´t my forte… I would like to dare more with homemade cakes. 7. Si tuvieras que elegir entre una alcachofa, una tableta de chocolate y un limón/lima, ¿cuál erigirías y por qué? / If you had to choose between an artichoke, a chocolate bar and a lemon/lime, what would you choose and why? Una lima sin duda. Una lima o limón verde, lo puedes usar como aperitivo en salsas, lo puedes usar de mil maneras en un primer plato, con un pollo marinado por ejemplo, o su ralladura es muy aromática para terminar platos, lo puedes
salud / health
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son muy comunes en la población general y afectan a la mayoría de personas mayores de 60 años y son la causa de muerte más común en los países desarrollados como los Estados Unidos. Aunque afectan más durante la mayoría de edad, es importante prevenir y reducir los riesgos asociados a lo largo de la vida. Cardiovascular diseases are very common among the general population and they affect the majority of people over 60 years old. They are the most common cause of death in developed countries like the United States. Even though they are most prevalent in older people, it is important to prevent and reduce the associated risks throughout life. Estas enfermedades afectan diferentes órganos y se manifiestan de diferentes maneras. Por lo que es importante saber cuáles son y cómo prevenirlas y reducir riesgos en lo que sea posible ya que se estima que la mitad de las personas que ahora tengan treinta años, llegarán a padecerlas en algún momento de su vida. These diseases affect different organs and can present in different ways. That is why it is important to know what they are and how to prevent them and to reduce risks in any way possible since it is estimated that half of people who are now thirty will come to suffer from them at some point in their lives. La principal forma de enfermedad cardiovascular es la enfermedad coronaria o de las arterias del corazón. Esta se puede manifestar con infarto o ataque del corazón, angina de pecho o dolor de pecho, fallo del corazón y muerte. 45
# The main form of cardiovascular disease is coronary disease or disease of the coronary arteries. This can present with cardiac arrest or heart attack, angina of the chest or chest pain, heart failure, and death. Otras formas de enfermedad cardiovascular incluyen la enfermedad cerebrovascular que se manifiesta como accidentes cerebrovasculares o derrames cerebrales. También la enfermedad arterial periférica o mala circulación que afecta las extremidades produciendo dolor al caminar y la ateroesclerosis aórtica u obstrucción aórtica que pueden causar aneurismas o defectos de la pared de la arteria aorta. Other forms of cardiovascular disease include cerebrovascular disease, which presents as cerebrovascular accidents or strokes. Also peripheral artery disease or poor circulation that affects the extremities, causing pain when walking and aortic atherosclerosis or aortic obstruction that can cause aneurisms or defects in the aortic artery wall. Es importante conocer los factores de riesgo en general y así poder cuidarnos y buscar la atención apropiada. Los factores de riesgo para estas condiciones incluyen la obesidad, fumar, la hipertensión arterial o alta presión, la diabetes mellitus y el colesterol alto. Como se puede notar los riesgos pueden ser prevenibles en la mayoría de los casos. It’s important to know the risk factors in general and in so doing, to be able to take care of ourselves and seek appropriate attention. The risk factors for these conditions include obesity, smoking, hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and high cholesterol. As you can see, the risks can be preventable in most cases. Por ejemplo, aunque la enfermedad cardiovascular puede afectar a cualquier edad y a hombres y mujeres por igual; afecta con mayor poder a las mujeres que padecen diabetes mellitus o alteraciones del buen colesterol. Por lo cual es importante un buen control de estas enfermedades y mantener un programa de atención regular con su médico de cabecera. For example, even though cardiovascular disease can affect men and women equally and at any age, it more powerfully affects women 46
RIESGOS Y PREVENCIÓN DE ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES / RISKS AND PREVENTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES who suffer from diabetes mellitus or alterations of good cholesterol. That is why it is important to have good control of these diseases and to see your family doctor regularly. Hoy por hoy, el riesgo más importante que se puede modificar para prevenir estos males es el fumar cigarrillos. El fumar puede producir ataques del corazón hasta seis veces más en mujeres que fuman y hasta tres veces más en los hombres fumadores comparados a los que no fuman. Por esta razón es importante considerar el dejar de fumar y buscar ayuda profesional si no puede hacerlo por sí solo. Today, the most important risk that can be modified in order to prevent these diseases is smoking cigarettes. Smoking can cause heart attacks up to six times more in women who smoke and up to three times more in smoking men compared to those who do not smoke. That is why it is important to consider quitting smoking and to seek professional help if you cannot do it on your own. También es notable que la obesidad juegue un papel importante en la predisposición para todas las enfermedades mencionadas como riesgos; por lo cual se debe procurar mantener un peso ideal a lo largo de la vida. It should also be noted that obesity plays an important role in the predisposition to all of the diseases mentioned as risks; which is why we must try to maintain an ideal weight throughout life. Como siempre, la historia familiar es muy importante para conocer nuestros riesgos y es de particular importancia en las personas con historia familiar de enfermedades cardiovasculares prematuras o a edad temprana. El padecimiento a edad temprana se considera historia familiar de este tipo de enfermedades en padre o hermanos menores de cincuenta y cinco años y/o en madre o hermanas menores de sesenta y cinco años de edad. Esto es de vital importancia sobre todo para prevenir muertes prematuras al establecer el diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano para estas enfermedades. As always, family history is very important in order to know our risks and it is especially important for people with a family history of premature cardiovascular diseases or suffering from them at an early age. For these kinds of diseases, family history is considered for early age if your father or brothers had them under fifty-five 47
# years old and/or if your mother or sisters had them under sixty-five years old. This is of vital importance over all in order to prevent premature deaths upon establishing early diagnosis and treatment for these diseases. Otro aspecto importante de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, es que aunque en general son iguales los síntomas, se pueden presentar de diferentes formas en hombres y mujeres. Por ejemplo el infarto del miocardio o ataque del corazón se presenta típicamente como peso, dolor o presión del pecho, dolor en el brazo izquierdo y sudoración; en las mujeres puede ser muy diferente y no presentarse con dolor de pecho y no parecer un ataque cardíaco e impedir que se busque atención temprana y apropiada. Entre los síntomas más comunes que acompañan a un ataque de corazón están el sentirse fatigado o cansado y nauseas. Es también importante saber que en las mujeres con diabetes mellitus los síntomas de un infarto pueden ser diferentes y no tan claros como en otras personas. Another important aspect of cardiovascular diseases is that even though the symptoms are the same in general, they can present differently in men and women. For example, myocardial infarction or heart attack typically presents as heaviness, pain, or pressure in the chest, pain in the left arm, and sweating; in women it can be very different and not present itself with chest pain and not look like a heart attack and keep one from seeking early and appropriate attention. Among the most common symptoms that accompany a heart attack are feeling fatigued or tired and nausea. It is also important to know that in women with diabetes mellitus the symptoms of a heart attack can be different and not as clear as in other people. También es importante mencionar que el diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano de los derrames cerebrales pueden salvar la vida y disminuir los daños permanentes o secuelas que pudieran dejar. Es importante el tiempo desde el inicio de los síntomas; por tanto a la menor sospecha de estar sufriendo un derrame cerebral hay que buscar atención médica. Entre los síntomas típicos están la parálisis o caída de un lado de la cara, el adormecimiento o debilidad de uno o ambos brazos o el cuerpo y la incapacidad de poder hablar claramente. Si estos están presentes es mejor llamar al 911 para asistencia de emergencia. It is also important to mention that early diagnosis and treatment 48
RIESGOS Y PREVENCIÓN DE ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES / RISKS AND PREVENTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES of strokes can save your life and reduce permanent damage or consequences that they could cause. The time after the onset of symptoms is important; therefore if you have the slightest suspicion that you are suffering from a stroke you must seek medical attention. Typical symptoms include paralysis or droop in one side of the face, numbness or weakness of one or both arms or the body, and the inability to talk clearly. If these are present it is best to call 911 for emergency assistance. Lo más importante además de estar informados sobre estas enfermedades es buscar atención médica para enfermedades crónicas como la alta presión y la diabetes así como también discutir sus riesgos con su médico de cabecera. In addition to being informed about these diseases, the most important thing is to seek medical attention for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as discussing your risks with your family doctor.
“Cada edición de Eñe d cultura latina en Indian
“Each issue of Eñe is d Latino culture in Indi
- Sky Blue Window, Sep
documenta la anápolis”.
documenting ianapolis.”
pt. 7, 2015
Marzo es un mes muy importante para el estado de Indiana. Y menos mal que a veces lo importante puede ser bueno. ¡Y divertido! If you’re reading this in English, it is very likely that you already know how important the month of March is in Indiana. And thankfully, some “important” things can also be good things. And even fun! El 16 de marzo de 1894, en el segundo piso del Edificio Terminal en Crawfordsville, aquí en Indiana, dos equipos participaron en el primer partido organizado de baloncesto en Indiana. El otro equipo era de Lafayette y según el Crawfordsville Star, el periódico local, asistieron unos 300 aficionados a ese partido. Y como se suele decir, el resto es historia. On March 16, 1894, on the second floor of the Terminal Building in Crawfordsville, two teams took part in the first organized basketball game in Indiana. The other team was from Lafayette and, according to The Crawfordsville Star, some 300 people attended that game. And as we already know, the rest is history. El baloncesto moderno se inventó en 1891 por el canadiense James Naismith, en la ciudad de Springfield, Massachusetts.
Pero la historia señala claramente al hecho de que la pasión, el desarrollo, y a veces la obsesión por este deporte, floreció aquí, en el estado de Indiana. Modern basketball was invented in 1891 by a Canadian named James Naismith, in Springfield, Massachusetts. But history clearly reflects the fact that the passion, development, and even the obsession with the sport, flourished here, in the state of Indiana. Hace más de 120 años que se enfrentaron esos dos equipos en Crawfordsville, pero el sentimiento sigue ahí, y se ha extendido a cada esquina del estado. Es muy probable que durante el mes de marzo veas todo tipo de publicidad y noticias sobre el basket, sobre todo contenido local. Enciende cualquier televisión, abre Facebook, lo que quieras… vas a ver alguna noticia local sobre un equipo o un jugador (¡o jugadora!) de baloncesto… ¡ha llegado la Histeria Hoosier! More than 120 years ago, two YMCA basketball teams faced each other in Crawfordsville, but despite how long ago that was, that emotion is still there, and has extended itself to every corner of the state. It’s very likely to see all kinds of reminders letting everyone know that it’s MARCH! A feature about a high school player on the news, a college team on their way to the Final Four… Turn on any TV, get on Facebook, do whatever you want… Hoosier Hysteria is here!
Vamos a ser sinceros, cuando llega marzo, ya se nos ha olvidado lo que nos habíamos propuesto para el nuevo año. Quizá sea porque los gimnasios están llenos o porque estamos haciendo tablas de ejercicio aburridas, el caso es que la gente tiende a quemarse con lo que se proponen a hacer. Menos mal que la civilización Indus Sarasvati nos dejó una solución: YOGA. Let’s be honest, by March everyone has quit their New Year’s resolution. Due to overcrowded gyms and boring workout routines, people tend to get burned out on the ever-elusive New Year’s resolution. Thankfully, the Indus Sarasvati Civilization gave the world a solution to this: YOGA. Antes de que entremos al por qué el yoga es tan importante para encontrar algo que nos ayudé todo el año (y no sólo cuando empieza), deberíamos aprender un poco sobre lo que es y de donde viene. Ya que no tenemos suficientes páginas en Eñe para hablar sobre su abundante historia, uno de los aspectos más importantes que deberías saber del yoga clásico es que tiene un origen muy espiritual, uno que traspasa el hinduismo, budismo y el dharma Jain tradicional. Se estima que el yoga originó hace más de 5.000 años, lo cual hace que sea una de las tradiciones espirituales más antiguas del mundo. Y durante un periodo donde el hecho de documentar costumbres diarias no era típico, el yoga se enseñaba de yogi a pupilo. Before we get into why yoga is important in our quest for the eternal resolution, we should try to learn the basics of what it is and where it comes from. Since there aren’t enough pages in Eñe to fit even its rich history, one of the most important aspects of classical yoga is that it has a very spiritual background, one that spans across Hinduism, Buddhism and traditional Jain dharma. It dates back to more than 5,000 years ago, making it one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions. And during a time where documenting everyday practices wasn’t commonplace, yoga was taught through word of mouth and demonstrated by yogi (yoga guru) to pupil. El yoga que conocemos hoy en día, o yoga hatha, se exportó al occidente durante finales del siglo XIX. No se comercializó hasta que llego la obsesión con el oriente durante los años sesenta. Yoga hatha aplica movimientos físicos, ejercicios con posturas y respiración
controlada. Este tipo de yoga es bueno para el cuerpo y para la mente. Yoga as we know it, or Hatha yoga, was exported to the West sometime in the late 1800s. It didn’t become commercialized until the 1960s’ obsession with the East. Hatha yoga pertains to physical movements, postures and breathing practices. It works on both the body and the mind. Yoga es algo especial dentro del mundo de ejercicio. Produce movimiento sin tener que esforzarse excesivamente, como con otros tipos de ejercicio. Puede que el yoga sea el ejercicio perfecto, uno que solo te da buenos resultados. Algunos de ellos son el aumento de flexibilidad y fuerza, reducción de colesterol y azúcar, hasta otros más extremos, como el subidón al sistema inmunológico y la prevención de la pérdida de cartílago y articulaciones. El centro de investigación de cáncer de Fred Hutchinson hizo un estudio en 2005 que mostraba cómo el hecho de hacer yoga de manera consistente, una vez a la semana, afectaba el peso de adultos de mediana edad. Después de estudiar a más de 15.000 participantes durante 10 años, los investigadores encontraron que los participantes que hicieron el yoga durante 30 minutos, una vez a ala semana, mantuvieron su peso o adelgazaron. Los que no hicieron yoga engoraron un promedio de 14 libras durante esos mismos 10 años. El estudio no reflejó las calorías perdidas, pero sí cómo la dieta de los que hicieron – la gente se hizo más consciente de lo que comía. Yoga stands out in the fitness world. It produces movement without the excessive strain that other exercises can cause. Yoga could easily be the perfect workout, one that yields only positive results. Some of those include building strength and gaining flexibility, decreasing cholesterol and blood sugar, to the more extreme, like boosting your immune system and preventing cartilage and joint breakdown. The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center released a study in 2005 that showed how consistent yoga practices challenge weight in middle-aged adults. After they surveyed over 15,000 participants, researchers found that those who did a minimum of 30 minutes of yoga once a week maintained or lost weight over a ten year time period. Those who didn’t do yoga gained a 14-pound average over the same ten years. The study did not reflect the calories being lost, but how yoga affected eating habits,
which resulted in people becoming more aware of their food choices. Pero hay algo más importante de estar guapa o guapo por fuera, ¡y eso es esa sensación de sentirse bien por dentro! Lo que hace que el yoga sea especial es que hace que seamos conscientes de cada centímetro de nuestro cuerpo. Lo cual promueve una sensación de amor propio, cuidado propio y recuperación propia, y todo esto mientras te quita el estrés, te ayuda a enfocarte y con tus relaciones externar. No hay mejor paz que encontrar paz interior. But there’s something more important than looking good on the outside, and that’s feeling good on the inside! What makes yoga so special is that it brings awareness to every inch of your body. This promotes a sense of self-love, selfcare and self-healing within, all while helping with stress, focus and external relationships. There is no peace like finding peace within yourself. A lo mejor no apuntaste a un gimnasio porque pensaste, “si no es gratis, no voy”. ¡Pues ya no tienes excusa; como las bananas, el yoga es algo auto-contenido, Y es un ejercicio. Lo único que necesitas es tu cuerpo y algún tipo de esterilla. Además, si tienes un poco de
ansiedad a la hora de ir al gimnasio, no necesitas mucho espacio para hacerlo – un cuarto con suficiente espacio para que puedas estirar las piernas y los brazos sirve. Ahora, lo que falta es encontrar videos de principiante y avanzados que encajen contigo. Maybe you didn’t join a gym and thought, “if it’s not cheap, it’s not me.” Well, you just lost your excuse; like bananas, yoga is self-contained, AND it’s a workout. All you need is your body and some type mat or rug to practice on. It’s also great if you’re a little shy about exercising in a public place. Just locate your nearest room with enough space to spread your legs and arms, and you’re set. At this point, all that’s left is to find a beginner to advanced level YouTube video that suits you. Algunos de nuestros preferidos son “KinoYoga” (https://www. youtube.com/channel/UCH-81uaxCwAAaSgxRtxMkxg), “Ali Kamenova” (https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCtlgTcIe6ObHOhp6VmEHaKQ) y “Yoga with Adriene” (https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene). Some of our favorites are KinoYoga (https://www. youtube.com/channel/UCH-81uaxCwAAaSgxRtxMkxg),
Ali Kamenova (https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCtlgTcIe6ObHOhp6VmEHaKQ) and Yoga with Adriene (https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene). All have beginner level videos and the latter two both offer free 30-day yoga challenges on their channel. Después de hacer tu primer ejercicio de yoga, puede que te veas ahí tirado o tirada en el suelo. Quizá te empieza a estallar la risa o empiezas a llorar sin control, o quizá te quedes ahí, empapado en esa sensación profunda de la nada. No estas loca ni loco; es tu “subidón de yoga”. Esa es la sensación que se siente una vez que haz purificado y limpiado tu sistema interno, y has estirado y fortalecido tus músculos. Al adoptar estas antiguas posiciones que te nivela la energía, permites que te llegue más fuerza vital y le quitas la carga interna a tu cuerpo. Deja que la positividad que has aprendido en tu video entrar a tu vida diaria. Nunca olvides que siempre hay belleza en la lucha. Y puede que esa lucha sea proponernos a mejorar nuestras vidas todo el año. No solo hasta febrero. After your workout, you may find yourself there, lying on the floor. Maybe erupting in a fit of laughter or with tears running down your cheeks, or maybe just stuck there, soaking in the profound feeling of peace in nothingness. You’re not crazy; it’s just your “Yoga Buzz.” The Awesensational feeling of purifying and cleansing your internal system, and stretching and strengthening your muscles. Through ancient positions that realign energies, you allow more life force to flow into you and you rid your body of the internal baggage it clutches to. Awash with bliss, take the positivity you learn from class and instill it into your everyday life. Never forget there is always beauty in the struggle. And that struggle may be to finally resolve to better yourself for good. Not just through February. ¿Quieres aprender lo más posible sobre el yoga? Échale un vistazo a estos enlaces: Want to learn everything and then some about yoga? Check out the links below! http://www.americanyogaassociation.org/general.html http://www.yogaforbeginners.com/benefits01.htm http://www.that-first.com/category/origin_and_history_of_yoga/article/ origin-of-yoga/ http://www.livestrong.com/article/115621-calories-burned-during-yoga/ http://www.yogajournal.com/article/health/count-yoga-38-ways-yogakeeps-fit/
Cada año, durante el mas de marzo, la mayoría de la gente empieza a hacer el cambio hacia la primavera – una limpieza a fondo, un repaso para recoger cualquier cosa que se pueda donar o reciclar… sea lo que sea, el proceso de organizarse antes de la primavera es uno que te puede cambian la vida. Each year, during March, most people begin the Spring cleaning process – a deep scrubbing, a run-through to see what can be donated or recycled… whatever it is, the process of getting organized for Spring is one that can change your life. Está comprobado que este proceso te ayuda a organizar tu vida en general, ¡y es un des estresante! A continuación, cinco consejos sencillísimos para darle la bienvenida a la primavera con un ambiente feliz y ordenado. It’s been proven that this process helps organize people’s life in general, and it’s a great destresser! The following are five very simple tips to welcome spring with a happy and decluttered environment.
1. Limpia fondo tu armario: no basta que cambies la ropa y saques la de la primavera. Tienes que organizar lo que vas a reciclar o donar – vacía el armario y LÍMPIALO. Clean your closet in depth: changing out winter for spring clothes isn’t enough. You must organize what you’re going to recycle or donate – empty your closet and CLEAN IT. 2. Abre las ventanas; no esperes a que llegue la primavera pera ventilar. Open the windows of your home; don’t wait until spring is here to air out your house! 3. Limpia el polvo a fondo; es muy probable que se haya acumulado muchísimo más polvo de lo normal – si no lo limpias con regularidad, es importante que lo hagas ya. El polvo es suciedad viva, que cría todo tipo de asquerosidades. Dust; it’s very likely that your home is a lot more dusty than normal – if you don’t dust regularly, it’s important that you do so now. Dust is living filth which leads to all kinds of grossness. 4. Empiezan un hobby nuevo; la primavera te de la oportunidad de empezar de nuevo. ¿Por qué no añadir algo amero divertido a esta nueva estación de tu vida? Start a new hobby; spring gives you the chance to start anew. Why not add something fun to this new stage of your life? 5. Haz un preludio a la primavera; durante el mes de marzo, cuando se aproxime la estación y llegue la primera ola de buen tiempo, organiza una salida para disfrutar de la naturaleza y para que te den más ganas de primavera. Have a prelude to spring; during March, as the season approaches and that first wave of nice spring weather hits, plan an escape to enjoy nature and to get pumped about spring’s arrival!
“La democracia no es el silencio, es la claridad con que se exponen los problemas y la existencia de medios para resolverlos”. Enrique Múgica Herzog
“Democracy isn’t silence, it’s the clarity with which problems are presented and the existence of the means to resolve them.”
Elecciones 2016 Election 2016
¡Se aproximan las elecciones presidenciales y estatales primarias! / The Presidential and State Primaries are almost here!
Fecha límite para nuevos votantes: 4 de abril New voter registration deadline: April 4 Día de las elecciones primarias y estatales: 3 de mayo Presidential and State Primary Election Day: May 3
marzo / march (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 5 at 9am; Indy Winter Farmers Market at the Circle City Industrial Complex. Make the connection between food and farmer at the Winter Market! (FREE) (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 5 at 10 am; Community Yoga at Sun King Brewery, presented by Blooming Life Yoga and Sun King Brewery. Join them for their weekly Saturday Morning Community Yoga. This is a beginner friendly hour-long class, doors open at 10am but class doesn’t begin until 10:30am. Be mindful the class only holds 60 people. Afterwards you’ll be able to sample complementary house and seasonal beers. (Suggested $10 donation) (21+) (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 6 at 10am-5pm; Passport to Hi-Tech at Conner Prairie. Passport to Hi-Tech is an empowering event for young girls ages 7-12 to explore careers in math, sciences, engineering, and technology. ($8 general admissions) (MUSICA / MUSIC) Mar. 6 at 7pm; The Jazz Kitchen presents Christian Scott. Two time Edison Award winning, Grammy nominated trumpeter, composer, and producer. Billboard Magazine said about his Grammy nominated debut album, “Rewind That” was, “arguably the most remarkable premiere the genre has seen in the last decade.” ($20) (21+) (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 8 at 5:30pm; Chess Club for Kids at Indy Reads Books. Professional chess player Colin Hargreaves will help with a new chess club offered every Tuesday at Indy Reads Books for kids. With plenty of boards and sets attendees are encouraged to play amongst themselves but can receive guidance from the instructors. (FREE) (MUSICA / MUSIC) Mar. 9 at 9pm; Scarface with FDA Music, and OG Grip will be performing at the Vogue Theater. ($20-40) (21+)
(CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 10 at 6pm-9pm; Clothing swap hosted at Studio Indigo. For more information please visit Studio Indigo’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Studio-Indigo-328103060646754/) (MUSICA / MUSIC) Mar. 11 at 9pm; Vince Staples at the Old National Centre. Vince Staples is a rapper hailed from Long Beach, California with close connections to Earl Sweatshirt, Mike G, and Mac Miller. He was also featured in XXL Magazines 2015 Freshmen Class. ($16) (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 12 at 10pm; Baila; Fiesta De Primavera at the Vogue. ($5) (TEATRO / THEATER) Mar. 12 at 11pm; Irving Theater & Transylvanian Lip Treatment present an interactive Rocky Horror Picture Show. Please come either dressed up or in costume. ($6) (17+) (MUSICA / MUSIC) Mar. 13 at 7pm; Dr. Dog with The Districts at the Vogue. (DEPORTE / SPORTS) Mar. 15 at 7pm; Pacers v Celtics at Bankers Life Fieldhouse. (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 16 at 5-6pm; Greening of the Canal on Ohio and West st. For the 20th year in a row the Downtown Canal will be dyed green in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. (FREE) MAR. 17 ST. PATRICK’S DAY (CULTURA / CULTURE) Mar. 18 at 7pm; Moonlight Madness Egg Hunt at Broad Ripple Park. Enjoy an exciting family night out with the young ones hunting for an early Easter! ($11 per child) (Ages 3-10) (TEATRO / THEATER) Mar. 18-19 at 8pm; Alonzo King Lines Ballet at The Center for the Preforming Arts. (DEPORTE / SPORTS) Mar. 21 at 7pm; Pacers v. 76ers at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse. (MUSICA / MUSIC) Mar. 24 at 7:30pm; Boyz II Men performing at The Center for the Performing Arts. ($45-145) (MUSICA / MUSIC) Mar. 26-29 at 7pm ; Fountain Square Music Festival at Fountain Square Plaza. Come out to see performances by Andrew W.K., Kimya Davis, Yoni Wolf and many more! 50% of proceeds got to Musical Family Tree and Girls Rock. ($55-105) (21+) (DEPORTE / SPORTS) Mar. 29 at 7pm; Pacers v. Bulls; Earth Charter Indiana Night at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse.