Democratic participation: From words to action

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From Words to Action

Creative Classroom Group, September 2019

A modern democracy cannot function unless we focus on building a democratic culture: a set of attitudes and behaviours that emphasize dialogue and cooperation, solving conflicts by peaceful means, and active participation. eTwinning promotes skills that are necessary to achieve a democratic culture. Through these skills, eTwinning highlights the benefits of active citizenship and demonstrates that teachers can contribute to the creation of sustainable democracies. Creative Classroom’s Group members are very active eTwinners who try to contribute to the creation of sustainable democracies. Last year a lot of them developed eTwinning projects focused on these topics: • Bullying- cyber-bullying- hate speech and violence at school • Volunteerism • Active citizenship They encouraged their students to make their voices heard and with hands on activities to develop democratic competences and be “critical agents of change”. This ebook includes 3 chapters. The first one is about “Preventing Bullying- cyber-bullying- hate speech and violence at school”, the second is about “Volunteerism and Active citizenship” and the last one has to suggest scenarios that can be developed at school. Enjoy reading and get inspired because as Irene Pateraki highlights in the annual eTwinning book: “Democratic participation in not just a topic to study, it is also an attitude, a way of acting and living and a good place to practice democracy is school”. Angeliki Kougiourouki Creative Classroom Group facilitator

Preventing Bullying- cyber-bullying- hate speech and violence at school

Title: Preventing cyber bullying at school Teacher: Tsigara Sofia, Country: Greece School: 6th Kindergarten school of Volos Age of students: 5-6

First, we visited the police station of our city.

Then we read a book, see some videos, discuss and make cards and posters.

Finally, there was a seminar for parents.

Title: "Net Time", "Jester and Princess Magical" Teachers: Ispir Iuliana and Vlad Alexandra, Country: România School: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 4, Structură Grădinița Dumbrava Minunată, Rm. Vâlcea Age of students: 5-7

1. The activity lasted 45 minutes. The resource used: The Story in PPT - Mystery and Mysterious Princess ( The story listed in verses ( Methods and techniques: 1. Recitation after the listed story 2. Reproduce copies by PPT images 3. Color images 4. Discussions Adaptation of activity to age specificity. Being together in the class, we only worked in our group. No media appearing. Only promotion in parenting counselling on April 9, 2019. The children were delighted with the lyrics story. They tried to replicate it, then they painted pictures with pleasure. At the end he drew the conclusions through a brief conversation. They created similar imaginary situations.

2. The activity lasted 45 minutes The resource used: The Andreea Story ( Other resources from the same package Methods and techniques: 1. Presentation made from package resources: Choose consciously! Stop the addiction for the internet. 2. Presentation of Andreea's Story 3. Interactive discussions with pre-schoolers at the end of the presentation. 4. Discussions with parents and school counsellor. Promoted activity, with press release and eTwinning projects. Parents have said their opinions without inhibitions. In fact, Ispir Iuliana, I was the one who broke the ice, recognizing that I am a little addicted to the net, because I spend many hours looking for classroom teaching material, and sometimes it does not please me. We had parents who said that: a service is such that spending time on the net is needed - a phone / tablet / laptops salesperson; member in projects with European funding, etc. I also had parents: teachers who have welcomed the work, regretfully, by teaching in high school / lyceum classes, children were not sufficiently educated for this problem. Throughout the activity, I have also touched on the issue of cyberbullying, but also the part of hate speech speeches. A successful activity disseminated in the press.

Title: Positive messages campaign to "Counter-attack cyberbullying" Teacher: Joana Cancela, Country: Portugal School: Agrupamento de Escolas nยบ 1 de Gondomar Age of students: 14-16 I proposed the following activity for the students to participate, for the commemoration of Safer Internet Day 2019: - Positive messages campaign to "Counter-attack cyberbullying" by sharing at the following padlet:

Also, I created one event at eTwinning





Title: A History trip 1920-2020 with the time machine and Young Writers Teacher: Georgia Klostraki, Country: Greece School: 54o Primary School, Piraeus Age of students: 11-12 Classroom Decoration: Before the starting of the new school year parents and teacher of the class decorated the classroom. They tried to create a beautiful and harmonious learning environment. On one wall they painted the universe and created corners: a) computer corner b) relaxation corner and c) library corner. The motto of our class was: "Different but equal". Activities 1. Class rules: students with the teacher sat in a friends’ circle- we called our group: "Friends' group”- and discussed what norms exist in their families, in the sports clubs, and generally in every social group they belong to and act, in order to there is harmony, balance and a climate of mental freedom, trust and security. After that, the students wrote on board the norms of the class and then all the members signed the “group contract”. Day by day all the students started to discuss what concerns them or puts them in a difficult position. These were the first steps in creating a cooperation environment. At regular intervals, the teacher discussed in the meeting cycle any issues that arose in order to avoid conflicts and problems that could lead to bullying. This is our symbol 2. Recognizing and Managing My Feelings: The teacher of the class helped students to express and manage their emotions, to solve problems and conflicts with dialogue, and to understand the

position and perspective of others. Also, the main goal of the activities was to understand, respect and accept the different personality of each individual and the different dynamics of each within the group. All these activities led to the prevention of conflicts and negative situations among members of the Friends’ group. Initially, we watched several short films e.g. Petshop, a Chinese history... and we discussed in Friends’ group about the heroes' feelings, then we divided them into positive feelings-joy, excitement ... - and negative one-anger, jealousy, dislike ... -, into simple-joy, love, fear ... - and in a more complex - gratitude, euphoria, frustration ... -, we talked about the qualities of emotions - tension, quality and duration - and each member of the team choose an experience and narrated to the others. Then the coordinator-teacher- asked several questions such as: how do you feel when someone talks to you sharply? How do you feel when someone offends you? - a classmate, a teacher ... - How do you react when you lose or you win a game? etc. Then the students played many role-playing games and experienced different emotions, positive and negative. During the games, they tried to come into the position-empathy- of the victim or the leader or the child who no one chooses him/her as a playmate in a game e.t.c. The purpose of all actions besides being able to recognize and manage their emotions was to understand that it is natural to feel anger, fear, jealousy…, but what matters is the students are able to recognize and manage them. After many role-playing games, students divided into binary groups and wrote poems such as "Anger" - Two Heroes: "AngerEmotion", "Emotion Greeting" -... Role-plays and creative writing took place throughout the school year. 3. Friends of reading: One hour a week we read the literary book: "The Knight in the Rusty Armor". The students learned a lot about themselves, how important it is to know yourself and recognize and manage your emotions. When we finished the teacher rewritten like a theatre play, and at the end of the school year we invited parents and school students to attend our theatrical performance.,

4.A fairy tale: We participated in the contest: "Make a wish… the magic mirror said." The students, divided into five-member groups and wrote their own fairy tale. One of our five teams won the 2nd prize. The students wrote that the world looks like a circle with different geometric shapes inside it: triangle, pyramid… Βut, they all have the same rights. The tale ends with the phrase: "in the circle are, I, you, you, you and you ... all different, all equal."

Title: #eTwinning Galaxy and its planets Teacher: Ester de Genaro, Country: Italy School: Michelangelo Age of students: 11-12 This year our school has participated to the Democratic Campaign: ”From words to action“. Τeachers and students created a Thinglink video focusing on two topics; Bullying and Cyberbullying and Active Citizenship. The title is” eTwinning Galaxy and its planets.”

Title: Antibullying ambassadors in action Teacher: Angeliki Kougiourouki, Country: Greece School: 1st Experimental Primary School, Alexandroupolis Age of students: 10-11

Antibullying ambassadors in action Bullying incidents at school inspired students from Greece and Italy to develop this year a project with the title: Antibullying ambassadors. eTwinning helped primary school students from Alexandroupolis (Greece) and Chieti (Italy), facilitated by Angeliki and Marina, to emphasize dialogue and cooperation, solving conflicts by peaceful means, and active participation. Working in transnational groups and using google docs, they suggested rules for an antibullying contract which they signed afterwards to ensure their active role as Antibullying ambassadors.

Spinning the wheel of emotions in these teams they wrote good and bad emotions which they helped them to fertilize their common tree of emotions and make it blossom.

Working one more time in their transnational teams and using google docs they wrote collaborative stories of emotions producing an ebook inside which the reader could find stories about bullying incidents and solutions.

The great moment of their work in these groups was when they created collaboratively an antibullying board game, both in printed and online version, which they played by the end of the school year.

Title: ”Be a Buddy, not a Bully!” Teacher: Diane Popa, Country: Romania School: “Avram Iancu” Secondary School from Alba Iulia Age of students: 11-14 ”Be a Buddy, not a Bully!” was an activity of awareness/acknowledge between students about cyber-bullying, hate speech, school violence. We developed this kind of activity in collaboration with IES Padre Moret Irubide School from Spain, Pamplona. Two teachers from this school visited us in mid February 2019. With this occasion we had a Campaign about preventing violence in school and in virtual space, we implied students in translating and creating bullying form on Google form, then we put it on our school site and invited parents and pupils to fill in. This way we had a whole view about what kind of violence we deal in our school. Also, students were invited to create scenes of violence and then with play role they could find a solution to the crisis presented and were empowered to face difficult situations, especially bullying episodes. They learned how to prevent such events, how to manage and how to support victims, they realised that by-standers could change the whole aspect…(This is the link of the google form about bullying: fill)

Title: Stop Bullying! Teacher: MUNTEANU IONELA, Country: Romania School: Scoala Gimnaziala "Ion Murgeanu", Zorleni, VASLUI Age of students: 9

The first activity of this program was called "Stop Cyberbullying!" It followed: -presentation of names (cyberbullying, web, net, email, passwords, etc.); -understanding the negative effects of the internet - precautions when browsing the internet - the importance of using the internet -the drawing by pupils of drawings with the theme: "Stop Cyberbullying!" I consider this activity to be successful among students because they were very involved when they found out that they could be in danger when surfing the internet. The students were curious and motivated to get involved, to find measures to prevent hazard. This second activity of this program consisted in the awareness and understanding of the phenomenon: "Today we are watching! Stop Cyberbullying!" It followed: -the presentation of the films that have the theme "And jokes miss!"); -the analysis of the movies from the perspective of the witness, the victim, the aggressor - caution when you want to buy from the internet - only with your parents' consent! - Making chips debating what role they can have and what they have to do: the authorities, the parents, the teachers and the journalists. I think this activity has been successful among students because they were very involved when they were in the role of witness, victim and aggressor when

surfing the internet. The students were receptive and creative when they were put in the situation to find out how teachers, authorities, journalists and families can intervene in reducing the Cyberbullying phenomenon. The third activity "WHAT IS CYBERBULLING?" from the "Hour of the Net" campaign "Yes block aggressiveness." The jokes dor.Stop cyberbullying! "was carried out by a number of 22 pupils from 2nd grade A from" Ion Murgeanu "Secondary School in Zorleni, Vaslui county. were receptive, watched the video, worked on 4 groups and defined the term "cyberbullying", identified security measures on the net, elaborated ten important rules of behavior in virtual space. They showed interest when they had to be done 2 panels: ASA DA! and ASA NOT! in which they shared images based on this theme. They understood that the internet is not always useful, especially frequent and unsupervised use. Socializing sites. The activity took place in the classroom of the school.

Volunteerism Active citizenship

Title: Building up better citizens Teacher: Adriana Maris, Country: Romania School: Liceul Teoretic "Coriolan Brediceanu" Lugoj Age of students: 17-18 Volunteering activities that my students and I were involved in 1. Let’s Do It, Romania! - on World Clean-Up Day

As part of the Erasmus+ / eTwinning project ”School 21, Digitally and Socially Yours”, my students and I were involved in a big number of volunteering activities: 2. ”All different, all equal” international sport competition in cooperation with the ”Maraton 93” sports club of the Handicaped People Association from Lugoj. Our students, our visiting project partners and our local partners competed in

table tennis, basketball and darts competitions.

3. Fundraising and donating food for the �Free Amely� animal shelter. Our students compiled a video about this activity, available at this address: 4. During the National Week of Volunteering (13 - 19 May, 2019), our students built and equipped small bookhouses around the city to offer all citizens the possibility to loan, read and return, or maybe donate books for others.

5. We participated in a charity run during our learning - teaching - training event in Tabor, Czech Republic. The funds raised were donated to a local institution for terminally ill patients.

Title: 21-day zero waste challenge Teacher: Francesca Falconi, Country: Italy School: Liceo T. Mamiani, Pesaro Age of students: 15-16 Activity: 21-day zero waste challenge This activity is part of the eTwinning project “21-day zero waste challenge” ( INTRODUCTION On 15th March young people around the globe skipped their lessons to answer Greta Thunberg’s call. Since last August the young Swedish activist has been striking in front of the local Parliament in order to urge politicians to take action against climate change. She gave a memorable speech at the COP 24 held in Katowice and she has subsequently talked in front of the world leaders at the Word Economic Forum in Davos. She asked them to take their own responsibility because ‘we are running out of time’. We strongly believe that participating in rallies is important, but it is not enough. We need to take action now! That's why we are going to participate in a 21-day zero waste challenge along with other European teenagers. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Are you ready to take action and change your habits for 3 weeks? Prove that you are an active teenager who really wants to answer Greta's call! CHALLENGE RULES 1. Build up a group of 4/5 students and give it a motivating name. 2. Make a list of 21 actions you will do in your 21-day zero waste challenge. You can draw inspiration from this blog https://www.goingzerowast 3. Each day each member of the group will have to take a picture of himself/herself or record a short video while doing the action. You can also involve your family members or friends. 4. At the end of each week each group will post a presentation containing all the pictures/video taken with a short description of the action and its goal (e.g. Get reusable bottles to reduce plastic consumption) PICTURES AND VIDEOS FROM THE CHALLENGE, mov

Title: Save the Word Teacher: Sophia Kouzouli, Country: Greece School: 1st Primary School of Pyrgos Age of students: 11-12 Participants: 6 Teachers (Betina Astride Santos, Portugal; Sophia Kouzouli, Greece; Andrea Ullrich, Germany; Ä°nnap Kaya, Turkey) Students on the Twinspace: 37 students on the Twinspace, approximately 100 students participated in it

Save the Word, (, was an eTwinning project that focused on issues of critical importance that are challenges for the future of humanity and the planet. Climate, Poverty, Hunger, Peace and Global Partnerships were the five topics that the participating countries explored. We guided our students in Greece, Portugal, Germany and Turkey outside their comfort zones and helped them to explore, think and make their own creative collaborative work. Each thematic unit was initiated by a riddle. Students tried to solve the riddle and find out the topic of the thematic unit and make decisions about their work This inspiring and playful way made them brainstorm and become highly interested.

Active Citizenship The project helped the students develop the skills and knowledge to create change and understand how their work can have influence and impact communities. • They applied the knowledge and experience they collaboratively acquired at their school and community. • They took the courage to speak out. • They focussed on changing the environment. • They created partnerships that can increase their effectiveness • They challenged bad behaviors. • They refused to be a passive bystanders and took action for a better future.

Take action against Climate Change, SDG13 Students took part in a Global Campaign, Climate Action,, and united their voice with thousands of other students to take action against climate change. Students from across six different continents explored, brainstormed, discussed, created, connected, presented and shared their findings via weekly videos. During the final week of the project, they had the opportunity to have a live, virtual interaction with their global peers. s/page/ 450121

Take Action against Poverty, SDG1 We explored the issue of poverty and discussed the situation of people who live in difficult conditions. Then, the German students shared with us their wish to help people who are in need. The Greek students thought of refugees who live near Pyrgos and they all decided to offer them things that could be of help to them. We contacted the Coordinator of the Myrsini Centre and the Coordinator of Education at the Myrsini Refugee School in Lechaina in order to arrange a visit on Thursday, December 20th 2018. The coordinator of Education told us that they could use inks to print worksheets and drawings for the kindergarten and the Primary Refugee School. The German and Portuguese students collected money and bought all kinds of stationary for them. The Greek

students raised money and bought some black and white and coloured inks for them to use in their printer and put them in a Santa Claus gift bag. There are two classes at the Myrsini Refugee School. One for the 6-9 and one for the 9-12 years old students. The students were very happy to see the gifts. One of them had a relative in Germany and some others new people who had gone through Portugal. All the communication was in English as they can speak better English. The very young ones knew very little English. One of the classmates was there to help in the translation. (

The country of Poverty What is life like in Poverty Land? What do you wish for?

Take Action to Support Global Partnerships, SDG 17 The participant students discussed how collaboration can help us achieve a better world and made pictures inspired by their thoughts in order to support Global Partnerships. They used the following web tools to highlight what collaboration can achieve for the world, presenting the news accompanied with a picture

• Newspaper Generator • Make my Newspaper • News Generator • Break your own news Not only did they take the role of a spokesman to express what they found out to be wrong but to show what it must be done too.

Students’ Voice e-book You











Title: 4/4 for Friends Teacher: Emilia Alexe, Country: Romania School: Scoala Gimnaziala "Invatator Radu Ion ", sat Vadu-Parului Age of students: 12

4/4 For Friends ”The most stringent question and important for life is: what can you do for others?” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The eTwinning School -Scoala Gimnaziala “Invatator Radu Ion”, Vadu-Parului, organized the event “4/4 pentru prieteni“ in partnership with The American Councils for Education and US Embassy in Romania. The activity took place in April. We celebrated the “Volunteer ‘s Day “when we collected things to help poor families of old people who had no help in their house or who lived alone. First, in March the school community donated some money and we identified people in 2 villages who were old and were ill. So, we bought food and volunteer students and teachers from the school formed teams and went to our community, in the village.

Some teams donated these goods to old and ill people, other teams helped them in the courtyard doing different house chores, doing some agricultural works in the garden or cleaning in the house.

Other teams planted trees and decorative plants in our school garden.

The event was a success in our community. Students involved aged 12 years old were eager to help and they expressed the desire to go on with similar activities in the near future. People from our community were surprised to see us helping them and they were asking why we were doing it. By this event we wanted to promote active citizenship and voluntary actions in our community and make students sensible regarding the spirit of empathy and taking initiative.

Suggested lesson plans on Democratic participation

Title: Violence and its effects. The school environment and the school environment - their influence on students Teacher: TRUT VIORICA MARIA, Country: ROMÂNIA School: SCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ ȘIMAND Age of students: 7-14

Violence is one of the great problems of the contemporary world. Violence is a form of aggression that involves the use of force to manifest superiority. It is an aggressive behaviour with a destructive purpose. The problem of violence in school can and should become a topic of reflection for all those involved in the educational act. It is known that the school is the place where the students are trained, they learn, but it is also a place where relationships are established, values are promoted, conditions are created for the psychosocial development of the child. The class of students is a group in which students meet with different threads and development, where different relationships are established, the place where the students are subjected to a movement of mutual influence. Various forms of violence can be encountered here. Violence is not hereditary, but contagious. Thus, we find several types of violence in schools: • Violence physical, embodied by hitting people, injury physical to their dispossession by force of goods, etc. • Violence economic (material) that reflects on objects around the school furniture and property of others; • Violence mental complex formation has the effect of inferiority to the person attacked and is manifested by verbalization, attitudes of rejection, isolation; Among the causes of violent behaviour among school can argue the following: • In pre-school age some children are witnesses of violence (physical, psychological) and being the age at which they choose and imitate their behavioural model, the child will unconsciously acquire the acts of violence of the adults, will reproduce them in interaction with the kindergarten, the group of friends or the school, being convinced that these attitudes are correct and natural; • Dessors, from the desire to be popular, to have what the family does not offer them or simply to take revenge on colleagues with performances in various fields, students resort to terror, because they do not know the legal penalties

to which they can be subject. Also, in the primary cycle the child's desire to stand out is formed / developed; failing to perform at school, the student will try to become a leader by any other means, appealing or inciting violence; • Proven from different social backgrounds, primary school pupils will tend to exclude the minority, thus causing violence; • Un another risk factor in diverting the child's behaviour to violence it constitutes Media by presenting reality as a banal, however serious the facts presented and especially without explaining the consequences of violence on those who caused them. Mass-media exposes acts of violence (both in children's programs and in movies or news), largely without stigmatizing these acts, without underlining the immoral nature of the aggressions. Failure of the family to develop the capacity to discern the moral of the immoral, the legal of the illegal, has as a result the child's acquiescence of behaviours inappropriate to the age and often negative. In turn, as an adult, the child will repeat the parents' mistake. Afloat in the community, the student will organize his game and activity with the support of the violence seen and will be influenced by it. Our cup behaviours manifest themselves in society mainly in school because staff are more numerous (as opposed to group play) ages are relatively close and shows child's desire to become (as a family) focus. Sub label bullying is a variety of forms of conduct Coping verbal name-calling, teasing, bantering, imitating purposes denigrating refusal to collaborate and ask for help, grabbing, hitting with objects, slapping, pushing, injury body. In order to prevent and combat aggression it is necessary: • •

keeping calm and self-control; positive thinking;

keeping the communication channels open;

very much flexibility and perseverance;

avoidance of offenses, humiliations, excessive and unmotivated harshness;

• •

offering unconditional love; meeting the emotional needs of children;

paying full attention to make any child feel loved, respected, valued;

channelling the child's resources towards sports, relaxation, pleasant activities, discussions with a mature person;

• •

solving family problems; tighter control of readings, watched TV shows, etc.

Activities: 1. Presentation of an informative material 2. Follow-up of PPT material presented by Police Agent 3. Debate Fundamental objectives: • •

raising students' awareness of forms of violence; the impact of violence in the school environment and in the school environment

Specific objectives of the activity: At the end of the activity the students will be able to: To understand the notion of violence; Identify forms of violence; To discover and analyse the causes of the acts of violence, both in the school environment and in the environment outside the school; Identify conflict situations and non-aggressive ways of resolving them; Activity: 1. The organizing moment: the greeting, general discussions, is satisfied for the presence, creates a climate conducive to the activity 2. Introducing the theme: the theme of the meeting is announced: Violence and its effects. The school environment and the environment outside the school their influence on the students- starts a discussion to see what the students think about the actuality of the topic and the necessity of its debate. 3. The actual activity: - the presentation of the informative material - the follow-up of the ppt material - the debate plan: * What is violence? - In DEX violence is indicated as force, power. It is not an attitude, but a physical reality, through dynamic excellence, manifested.

Violence is a manifestation of aggression that involves the use of force, to manifest superiority. - It is an aggressive behaviour with a destructive purpose. - Lack of mastery in words and deeds. * What are the forms of violence? - Physics-crimes, injuries, blows, seizures, suicides. - Verbal-irony, slander, insult, swearing, obscene language - Sexual-rape, incest, pedophilia, prostitution, sexual harassment. - Imaging-media: television, music, books, internet. - Psycho-moral - threats, blackmail, encouragement, concealment. * What are the causes of violent acts? The family - is the place of first experiences and relationships with people; - here the child must be educated as a human being and trained as a personality; - it is the first group in which the child theses and in which there must be constructive relationships; - is the place where all forms of violence (physical, verbal and sexual) are manifested. Sources related to the family: beating, behavioural patterns, socio-economic problems, divorce, separation. entourage (gang friends) School: A study by a Dallas psychology professor showed that: in 1940, the problems in schools were: colour running, chewing gum, indecent dressing, jogging, papers thrown away in the basket. In 1980 - robbery, assault, burglary, drugs, alcohol, weapons, crimes. Educators are accused of failing to remedy all these manifestations. What should teachers do? - to develop the critical spirit in the students; - be receptive to others;

- to refrain from harsh behaviour; - to find good solutions when tensions arise; - encourage students to make good decisions; - to take responsibility. TV Repeated exposure to violence on television causes children to accept the violence of real life, but also to become violent themselves. - it reduces the time allocated to thinking and reading, - it manipulates the affective states, - it deforms the reality (films) Research in our country states that it is not the exposure of adults and adolescents to TV violence, but the exposure of children. Violence in the media may have short-term effects on adults, but long-term effects on children. The viewer is confronted, on average, with 46 scenes of violence per hour, and the shows with the highest rate of violent content are the movies, news and news. On average on each TV channel, there are 6 main characters daily who commit acts of violence. Both children and adults are attracted to the violent scenes, through the intense action and emotions produced by the film. Prolonged exposure to violent scenes can have an effect on children's development. And the family plays a very important role in preventing the harmful effects of the consumption of televised violence. music Goodhelps, increases creativity, creates relaxation. Harmful music - the lyrics have an impact; the children being shocked by what is being preached - encourage the listeners not to care about their parents or authorities or to put their heads on the account of others. *How can we prevent and limit violence? Personal attitudes - to learn the rules of coexistence with others - to control our frustrations, resentments, which can be censored by will and education - UT control - to opt for nonviolent resolution

- to be selective on TV - to channel energy into play, sport, work, physical effort.

Social attitudes - creation of services to prevent and deal with cases of violence - family counselling centres - reception centres for minors - child care and protection centres - creation of schools - parents 'school, mothers' school. 4. Feed-back: - they are distributed to the students some files that they will complete: Five new things we have learned today about violence, its effects and ways to prevent violence are: ..................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Three things I would like to know more about are: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................................. ....................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................

Title: Treasure box of human dignity Teacher: Yana Tsykunkova, Country: Ukraine School: Educational Complex - School 10 Age of students: 12-16 Link of the scenario: WFEl0CSDV50do/edit?usp=sharing

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