PLM SSC Constitution

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PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MAYNILA University of the City of Manila Intramuros, Manila PLM SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL (PLM SSC) SSC CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We, the students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, involving the guidance of the Divine Creator motivated by a common desire to organize and establish a student council that will represent and unite the whole PLM Studentry , project and promote students’ rights and welfare, serve as a training ground for responsible leadership and enlightened citizenship that is geared to solidarity among university constituents, in order to instill national consciousness and attain national unity, and collectively uphold the moral and social standard of the university for the advancement of the society based on justice, freedom, and democracy, do hereby ordain and promulgate the Constitution. Article 1 General Provisions Section 1. This constitution shall be known as the constitution of the PLM supreme student council. Section 2. This constitution shall subject to university rules and regulation which govern the PLM supreme student council. Section 3. For the purpose of the constitution: a) b) c) d) e) f)

g) h) i) j)


University signifies the university of the city of manila of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (P.L.M.) University of the city of manila or Pamantasan ngLungsod ng Maynila refers to all colleges of PLM. Supreme student council (SSC) means the duly constituted central student council of the university. College student council (CSC) means the duly constituted organization of a college that offers at least a bachelor’s degree program. University authorities signify the duly constituted authorities of PLM. President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Press relation officer, and college representatives refer respectively to the officers and members of the Supreme Student Council so designated. PLMSSC members to all bonafide student-members of the Supreme Student Council including its officers. College representatives refer to the representatives of each CSC to the SSC. Council members refers to the college representatives of the CSC to the SSC. Permanent vacancy exist when the office of the council member or officer/s has been vacated by reason of death, resignation, impeachment, separation of expulsion from the university of permanent illness rendering from incapable of performing the functions of his officers. Temporary vacancy exists when the office of the council members or officer/s has been vacated by reason of temporary physical or mental incapacity, detention or any other reason that tenders him incapable of performing his duties during his term.

Section 4. The office of the PLMSSC shall be located in an appropriate within the campus.

Article 2. Declaration of principles and objectives Section 1. The supreme student council believes in the following principles: a) That it shall develop national consciousness which will unite with various sectors of the society in the attainment of common interests, particularly in the manifestation of a just and humane society. b) That equal opportunities and access to education shall be afforded to everyone; c) That education shall develop man’s physical intellectual, social and cultural potentials to the full, in order to realize human and humane existence for all. d) That education should enhance critical thought and the ability to make informed judgment free of dogmas and myths and e) That the university is an institution supported by the wealth of the Filipino people and that, therefore, while it carries out its obligation to pursue and find abiding and universal principles, it must equally relate its activities to the needs and designation of the Filipino people. Section 2. The supreme student council shall at all times strive to: a) Unify the rank of the studentry and ensure the broadest coordination of the university and the college student councils in the university b) Put priority in defending and electing the rights and general welfare of the studentry in the university. c) Serve as an active forum for students’ ideas and sentiments. d) Uphold a truly representative, autonomous and democratic student council; e) Uphold the idealistic of the university that are geared towards ensuring a well-rounded intellectual, social, cultural physical development of every student; f) Seek and engender educational changes for the full development of human potentials, respond to social realities, promote and respect academic freedom; and g) Seek as a training ground for student leadership. Article 3 Bill of rights Section 1. In accordance with the limitation provided by the laws of the Philippine Republic, by rules and regulation of the commission on the higher education (CHEd) and of the university, students shall have the rights collectively or individually; a) To enjoy freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and to petition the school authorities for redress of grievance, provided that such rights do not infringe on the right of other students’ assembly inside campus. b) To publish a free print student newspaper and other similar publications; c) To form associations for the purpose not contrary to the regulations of the university d) To invite speaker and/or resource person during assemblies, convocations, symposia and other activities, e) Not to be subjevted to disciplinary actions without an investigation f) To vote and be vote upon, if qualified g) To be secured in their person, papers and other things and offices against unreasonable searches and seizures. Section 2. Students should not be denied access to, and entitle to expeditious issuance of their official transcript of records, grades, certifications, diplomas, clearances and other similar documents.

Section 3. this rights shall be in addition to other rights enjoyed by students in their capacity as members of the PLMSSC or as citizens of the community. Article 4 Duties and Obligations Section 1. It is the duty of every student to observe, respect and uphold this constitution, obey the policies of the CHEd, the rules and regulations of PLM, and of the Supreme Student Council. Section 2. Students must exercise responsibly their right with due regards to the rights of others. Section 3. It is an obligation of the student to be concerned with the development and changes going on in their community or society and issues affecting their well-being. Section 4. It is the duty of the students to negotiate for their rights before resorting to other means. Article 5 Suffrage Section 1. The rights of suffrage shall be exercised by bonafide students of PLM not otherwise disqualified. No substantive requirements shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage. The student council shall provide a system for the purpose of searing the sanctity and the secrecy of the ballot. Article 6 Powers and Functions of the Supreme Student Council Section 1. The PLMSSC shall exercise the following powers and functions: a) Adopt and promulgate its own lawful internal rules; b) Serve as the link-communication among the different local-government student-government, association to enable them to attain an orderly exchange of ideas on matters beneficial to them; c) Provide assistance which will organize student organization or association and coordinate their activities which are of interest to the whole studentry and the university; d) Be the official representative of the studentry and be the liaison between the latter and the administration; e) Coordinate direct and organize activities which are for the improvement of students general welfare. Especially those that will prepare them for greater responsible citizenship; f) Advise and make recommendation to the administration on student activities, matters and affairs concerning studentry; g) Have such additional powers and functions as the administration may from time grant or delegate to it consistent with its powers principles and objectives. Article 7 Organizational Structure of PLMSSC Section 1. The PLMSSC shall have the following officers: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Press relations Officer and Auditor. Section 2. Each college shall be entitled to one representative to the SSC for the first 500 students or less of the college concerned and one additional representative for every other 500 students or major fractions there. Section 3. The PLMSSC officer shall be elected at large. Section 4. The officers of the CSC shall be the same as those of the PLMSSC and shall be elected by students of their respective colleges.

Article 8 Powers, Duties and Functions of Officials Section 1. The president shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a) Exercise general supervision and management of the programs, projects and activities of the PLMSSC and the execution and implementation of the policies laid down and resolution adopted by the body; b) To exercise general supervision over other officers and members of the PLMSSC; c) To represent the studentry in all instance where it manifested interest need such representation in any form, negotiation, conference or any other occasions; d) To execute and deliver contracts for and in behalf of the PLMSSC; e) To preside as all meetings of the council; f) To submit to the members at or before the meeting, a development report on the affairs, projects and activities of the PLMSSC; g) To sign jointly with the secretary all documentary papers issued by the PLMSSC; h) To approve accounts and sign jointly with the treasurer all checks withdrawal slip and vouchers and/or other evidences of payment of the PLMSSC; i) To perform such other duties and functions and exercise such power as may from time to time be assigned to him by the body, and to delegate any of his powers, duties and functions to any officer in any proper manner and under his responsibility. Section 2. The Vice President shall assist the president in the performance of his function. He may exercise such powers and perform such duties and functions as the body and/or president may assign or delegate from time to time. Section 3. The Secretary shall have the following power, duties and functions. a) To prepare and serve notice of all meetings of the members of the PLMSSC; b) To prepare, certify and preserve the minutes of such meetings; c) To furnish the office of student affairs, College Council and office of the university president with copies of the minutes within thirty (30) days after such meetings; d) To have custody of the minutes of the meetings and other valuable records of PLMSSC; e) To perform such duties and functions as the body or president may delegate or assigned from time to time; f) To sign jointly with the president all documents and papers issued by the PLMSSC needing his signature. Section 4. The treasurer shall: a) Have custody of be responsible for and sign jointly with the president for all the funds, assets, valuable effects and properties of the PLMSSC and deposit the same with the bank as the PLMSSC may designate; b) To receive receipt for all moneys, dues, contributions, donations and other paid or given to the PLMSSC; c) To render semestral reports showing the financial statements of the PLMSSC and such other financial statements of the PLMSSC as the president may require from time to time; d) To have custody and be responsible for the cashbook, general journal, ledger book and other books of accounts and financial records of the PLMSSC; e) To disburse the funds of the council in accordance with a duly approves appropriation; and


To perform such other duties and functions as the body and/or president may assign from time to time.

Section 5. The public relations officer shall: a)

Handle all matters related to information regarding activities of the PLMSSC;


Keep the members of the PLMSSC informed of its activities of the PLMSSC;


Be responsible for giving proper publicity to the activities of the PLMSSC;


To perform such other duties and functions as the body and/or president may assign from time to time.

Section 6. The auditor shall have the following powers, duties and functions: a) Audit the financial report of the treasurer; b) Maintain an independent review and examination of the financial report and records of the PLMSSC; c) To perform such other duties and functions as the body and/or president may assign from time to time.

Section 7. The college representatives have the following powers, duties and functions: a)

To participate on the deliberation and approval of resolutions, regulations and rules prescribed for adoption by the SSC; b) To perform such other duties and functions as the body and/or president may assign from time to time. Section 8. The powers, duties and functions of the officers of the CSC shall be the same as those of the PLMSSC. Article 9 Qualifications of Officers Section 1. Candidates for any position in the PLMSSC or CSC shall possess the following qualification: a) b) c) d)

Must be in good academic standing with no failing or incomplete grades during the past semester; Must be a regular student and taking the normal semestral load prescribed in the curriculum: Must have been a student of the university for one semester prior to the time election. Must not been found guilty of any disciplinary action or any act contrary to law as evaluated by the dean of student affairs; e) Must not been officer of another organization. Article 10 Election Section 1. Election of the PLMSSC and CSC officers should be held on the last Friday of February of every school year.

Article 11 Commission of Election (COMELEC) Section 1. The commission on election (COMELEC) shall be responsible to the electoral activities of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Supreme Student Council and College Student Council. For this purpose the COMELEC shall adopt an election of officers of the PLMSSC and CSC. Section 2. The commission of election shall be composed of the following: a) 1 student from each college as recommended by the dean and among themselves shall elect the chairman and secretary. b) 3 faculty members elected by the student members of the COMELEC. Section 3. The dean of student affairs or his representative shall be the chairman of the board of canvassers. Section 4. Student members of the COMELEC must be in good academic standing during the past 2 semester immediately preceding the school year for which he/she shall serve as much member. Section 5. The COMELEC shall be created at least 25 days before the election of the SSC officers of the SSC. Section 6. Student members of the COMELEC are disqualified from any position in the PLMSSC. Section 7. The COMELEC shall give the following specified powers, duties and functions: a) To receive and authenticate certificates of candidacy; b) To credit political parties; c) To promulgate, enforce and administer rules relative to the overall supervision and conduct of the election; d) To decide all cases pertaining to the qualifications of candidates; e) To announce to the studentry the voting system and names of the official candidates of the PLMSSC at least 20 days before the election; f) To make known the result and proclaim the winners in the elections immediately after canvassing the votes; g) To accept all protests formally presented provided the same is done within 24 hours after the election. Section 8. In case of electoral irregularities involving any member of the COMELEC. The chairman shall appoint a replacement for the person committing the irregularity. The person so appointed must possess all the qualification pertaining to the said position. Article 12 Tenure and Vacancy Section 1. Except as provided for the 2nd paragraph of section 2, articleX/8, elected and qualified officers or members of all SSC, CSC and the COMELEC as well as the advisers of the SSC shall serve a term of 1 year and shall continue in office until their successors shall have qualified, provided, however, that they still possess the necessary qualifications for their respective positions. Section 2. In case of vacancy in the PLMSSC by reason of death, resignation, disqualification, permanent incapacity or separation from the university of any officer, an acting officer elected by majority vote of SSC officers shall serve for the unexpired term, or the election, as the case may be.

Article 13 Advisers Section 1. The PLMSSC shall have 3 advisers; a) One adviser shall be from the administration appointed by the university president; b) PLMSSC officers shall choose the other 2 advisers from members of the university Section 2. The functions of the faculty advisers shall be limited advisory guidance only. Article 14 Meetings and Conferences Section 1. Regular meetings of the PLMSSC officers and college representatives shall be held every fourth Saturday of the month. Section 2. A meeting of the PLMSSC and CSC officers shall be held not later than 5 days after their election to plan programs/activities and strategics of the council for the school year. Section 3. Special meetings by the PLMSSC may be held by the president. Section 4. The CSC may determine the manner and date of their regular and special meetings. Article 15 Accountability Section 1. All the officers and members of the PLMSSC and CSC shall serve the highest sense of responsibility, integrity, dignity and efficiency and shall be accountable to the studentry and the university. Section 2. Officers of the PLMSSC may be impeached or suspended as determined by a majority vote of the PLMSSC officers based on justified grounds such as: a) b) c) d) e)

Any deliberate violation of this constitution; Gross inefficiency and/or serious neglect of duty; Misuse or malversation of student funds; Acts or conducts inimical to the interest of the PLMSSC; Failure to attend 3 consecutive meetings without prior notice or justifiable cause shall be reason for removal of the officer. However, he has the right to appeal for a reconsideration in which case 2/3 vote of the council officers and members are required. Article 16 Funds

Section 1. The funds of the PLMSSC shall consist of the student fees, the amount to be prescribed from time to time by the PLMSSC shall be collected by the PLMSSC from the student during registration period of the first semester of the school year. The funds shall be deposited in any accredited bank in the joint accounts of the PLMSSC president and treasurer. Section 2. Within 30 days after its organization, the PLMSSC shall formulate and adopt a budget which shall embody a work plan with estimated expenditures for the entire school year to be submitted to the body for its approval. Section 3. All the financial activities shall be recorded and kept.

Section 4. All collected amounts of the PLMSSC for special purposes shall be paid out for such purposes only. If the purpose of the special fund created has been fulfilled or abundant, the balance, if any, shall be shall be transferred to the general funds of the PLMSSC. Section 5. The balance of the general funds from one school year shall form part of the funds for the next school year. Section 6. All expenditures incurred are subject to approval by the council president and must be audited by the auditor prior to and after expenditures were incurred. Section 7. The books of account of the SSC shall be made available for review upon formal written request to the PLMSSC president by any interested student or university official concerned. Section 8. PLMSSC shall prepare a semestral report to be published in “ANG PAMANTASAN� Section 9. Disbursement of funds not provided for the annual budget shall be authorized only through a resolution approved by the SSC. Article 17 Amendments Section 1. The PLMSSC and CSC by a majority of vote of all members and officers mat take amendments to this constitution. Section 2. Such amendments shall become valid and form part of this constitution when approved by a majority of votes in a plebiscite held for this purpose. Article 18 Hold over provision Section 1. The officers of the PLMSSC of the college representatives shall continue in office until a new set of officers are representatives shall have been elected and qualified, provided that they possess all qualifications necessary for the qualifications necessary for the position ad provided specifically that they are still enrolled as fulltime students in the same course as when they were elected.

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