ANIMANIMA 2013 Međunarodni festival animacije International Animation Festival
Direktor festivala / Festival Director Dragojlo Jerotijević Umetnički direktor / Artistic Director Milen Alempijević Producent / Producer Nebojša Petrović Saradnici / Associates Ilija Damjanović, tehnička podrška / Technical Support Aleksandar Jovanović, web podrška / Web Support Selekcija filmova / Film selection Milen Alempijević, Nebojša Petrović Festivalski spot / Festival’s video Lazar Bodroža, Marko Milanković, Aleksandar Protić Dizajn / Design Lazar Bodroža, Ivan Kostić Adresa / Address ANIMANIMA Festival Dom kulture Čačak, 32000 Čačak, Trg ustanka 2-6, SERBIA Tel: ++381 32 341 068, Fax: ++381 32 225 073, E-mail: office@animanima.org www.animanima.org
KATALOG / CATALOG Izdavač / Publisher: Dom kulture Čačak / Cultural Center Cacak Za izdavača / For Publisher: Dragojlo Jerotijević, direktor / Director Urednik / Editor: Milen Alempijević Dizajn i grafička priprema / Design & Prepress: Ivan Kostić Štampa / Press: „Svetlost“ Čačak Tiraž / Circulation: 300 Godina / Year: 2013
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Milen Alempijević: O OTPORNOSTI NA (NE)PRIJATNA IZNENAĐENJA Milen Alempijević: ON RESISTANCE TO (UN)PLEASANT SURPRISES Žiri glavnog takmičarskog programa / Grand Competition Jury Žiri takmičenja filmova za decu / Films for Children Competition Jury Specijalna projekcija: Podsvesna lozinka / Special Screening: Subconscious Password
012 012 019 025 031 036
GLAVNI TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM / GRAND COMPETITION Takmičenje 01 / Competition 01 Takmičenje 02 / Competition 02 Takmičenje 03 / Competition 03 Takmičenje 04 / Competition 04 Takmičenje 05 / Competition 05
050 050 057 063
TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM FILMOVA ZA DECU / FILMS FOR CHILDREN COMPETITION Takmičenje 01 / Competition 01 Takmičenje 02 / Competition 02 Takmičenje 03 / Competition 03
068 SVETSKA PANORAMA / WORLD PANORAMA 078 080 084 088 094
POSEBNE PROJEKCIJE (1) / SPECIAL SCREENINGS (1) Studio u gostima / A Visiting Studio: BONOBOSTUDIO, Hrvatska / Croatia Portret animatora / A Portrait of an Animator: Georges Schwizgebel Savremena italijanska animacija / Contemporary Italian Animation Portreti sa putovanja / Faces from Places
096 098 102 103
POSEBNI PROGRAMI / SPECIAL PROGRAMMES Ema De Svaf & Mark Džejms Rols: Čarolija zvana o Vili... / Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels: The Magic Called Oh Willy... Žorž Švicgebel: Kako stvaram animirani film / Georges Schwizgebel: How I make animated film Andrea Martinjoni: Animirani zvučni pejzaž / Andrea Martignoni: Animated Soundscape
104 POSEBNE PROJEKCIJE (2) / SPECIAL SCREENINGS (2) 106 Retrospektiva: Eduar Salije / Retrospective: Edouard Sallier 108 STASH Latinska Amerika / STASH Latin America 113 Patris Lekont, Prodavnica samoubistava / Patrice Leconte, The Suicide Shop 115 Čarli Bauers: U srcu crne zvezde / Charlie Bowers: In the heart of the black star 118 Spajk 2 / Spike 2 120 122 123
PRATEĆI PROGRAMI / ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMES Izložba stripa Žan-Žak Tašđan, Francuska / Comics Exibition: Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, France Radionica animacije ANIMIRAJ (SE)! / Animation Workshop ANIMATE (YOURSELF)!
124 Indeks filmova / Index of Films 126 Indeks imena / Index of Names 127 PODRŠKA / SUPPORT
Sadržaj content
Milen Alempijević Umetnički direktor / Art Director
7 Dear animation lovers,
Pred vama je ANIMANIMA u svom sedmom izdanju. Sedam je, kažu, srećan broj. Simbolizuje sve ono čemu težimo kao ljudska bića, ono što oblikuje naše lične kao i zajednički univerzum: sveukupno kretanje, dinamizam, celinu prostora i vremena. Simbolika broja sedam, sugeriše i novi ciklus pred nama. Naša su očekivanja velika, iako biti optimista u današnjem vremenu nije uvek lako. Patris Lekont, slavni sineasta čiji ćemo animirani prvenac, crnu komediju, „Prodavnica samoubistava“ gledati na ANIMANIMI, u jednom intervjuu je rekao: „Život je ionako previše ozbiljan.“ I zaista, zasuti smo svakodnevno slikama ljudi i događaja koje svedoče o ekonomskom i političkom trenutku savremenog sveta pred novim iskušenjima, koja su, vrlo često, neprijatna iznenađenja. Kako steći otpornost? Holivud nas je uputio u „tajnu“: predstava mora da se nastavi.
Right here in front of you is the seventh edition of ANIMANIMA. They say seven is a lucky number. It symbolises everything we strive for as humans, things that shape our personal qualities, as well as our common universe: total movement, dynamism, entirety of space and time. The symbolic meaning of number seven is also suggestive of the new cycle we are embarking on. Our expectations are high, even though being optimistic nowadays is all but easy. Patrice Leconte, the famous cineaste whose animated debut – a dark comedy titled ‘The Suicide Shop’ – will be shown at ANIMANIMA, once remarked in an interview: ‘Life is already too serious’. And indeed we are bombarded with daily images of people and happenings that are a testimony of the economic and political bias of the modern world faced with new challenges which are, more often than not, unpleasant surprises. How does one develop resistance? Hollywood has initiated us to the ‘secret’: the show must go on.
Festivali su mesta zabave i bezbrižnosti i, ni najmanje ne zagovarajući eskapizam, odgovorno tvrdim da su mesta koja gode našem društvenom biću, jer na festivalima smo jedni sa drugima, deleći zajedničku ideju, a to su dragoceni trenuci. Stoga je umetnost animiranog filma jedan od mogućih odgovora na malopređašnje pitanje. Jedan je drevni mudrac pripisivao broju sedam posedovanje „tajnih sila“. Budite u Velikoj dvorani čačanskog Doma kulture od 5. do 8. septembra, na programima sedmog izdanja našeg i vašeg festivala ANIMANIMA, prepustite se alhemiji animirane slike, i neka vaša mašta radi za vas. Učinićemo sve da nikad ne steknete otpornost na prijatna iznenađenja.
Festivals are places to have fun and be carefree and, without a slightest notion to advocate escapism, I responsibly claim that festivals are also places cherished by our social being, places where we share precious moments of getting together around a common idea. Because of this, the art of animation can be seen as a possible answer to the initial question. According to an ancient sage, number seven was attributed with the possession of ‘secret powers’. Come to the Great Hall of the Cultural Centre in Čačak from 5th to 8th September, for the programmes of the seventh edition of our and your ANIMANIMA festival, where you can indulge in the alchemy of the animated images and let your imagination take you for a ride. We will do our best to prevent your becoming resistant to pleasant surprises.
o otpornosti na (ne)prijatna iznenađenja / on resistance to (un)pleasant surprises
Poštovani ljubitelji animacije,
Žiri glavnog takmičarskog programa
grand competition jury
Andrea Martignoni
žiri glavnog takmičarskog programa / grand competition jury
8 Andrea Martinjoni je rođen u Bolonji (Italija) 1961. godine. Nakon odbrane diplomskih radova iz oblasti Muzikologije, na temu muzike za animirane filmove i iz oblasti Geografije, na temu zvučnog pejzaža, Andrea nastavlja da radi kao izvođač, dizajner zvuka i istoričar animacije.
history of animation in Fine Arts Palermo, and works closely with several international festivals with master classes, workshops, lectures on topics related to animation and soundtrack. He is often invited to international juries and selection committees throughout the world.
Autor je filmske muzike za kratke animirane filmove autora kao što su Blu, Saul Saguati, Mikele Bernardi, Pjer Eber, Virđilio Viljorezi i drugi. Radi kao profesor istorije animacije na Fakultetu za lepe umetnosti u Palermu, a isto tako blisko sarađuje i sa nekoliko međunarodnih festivala na kojima drži stručna predavanja, radionice, odnosno predavanja na temu animacije i filmske muzike. Čest je član međunarodnih žirija i selekcionih komisija širom sveta.
Carries workshops together with Basmati A.C. and Ottomani Cultural Association promotes the Italian animated film internationally. He won the Golden Reiter for the best soundtrack to the 23 th edition of the International Short Film Festival FilmFest Dresden and Asifa Award Italy 2010.
Zajedno sa Basmati A.C. i kulturnim udruženjem ‘Ottomani’ organizuje radionice i promoviše italijanski animirani film na međunarodnom planu. Dobitnik je nagrade ‘Golden Reiter’ za najbolju filmsku muziku na 23. Međunarodnom festival kratkog filma ‘FilmFest’ u Drezdenu, kao i nagrade Asifa u Italiji, 2010. godine.
Martignoni was born in Bologna (italy) in 1961, graduate 1 Andrea in Musicology with a thesis on soundtrack in animation and in Geography wuth a thesis on soundscape he is a performer, sound designer, historian in Animation. He has created soundtracks for short animated films by Blu, Saul Saguatti, Michele Bernardi, Pierre Hébert, Virgilio Villoresi and others. He teaches
Žorž Švicgebel je rođen u Švajcarskoj, 1944. godine. Nakon završetka studija na ženevskoj Školi za dekorativne umetnosti, provodi nekoliko godina radeći u jednoj reklamnoj agenciji, da bi zatim, 1970. godine, osnovao GDS Studio sa Klodom Lijetom i Danijelom Suterom. Od tada je kao producent i režiser ostvario 17 kratkih animiranih filmova, koji se naročito baziraju na medijumu slikanja na celovima. Pored karijere autora filmova, Žorž se bavi izradom postera i freski.
Filmografija: Chemin faisant, 2012; Romance, 2011; Retouches, 2008; Jeu, 2006; L’homme sans ombre, 2004; La jeune fille et les nuages, 2000; Fugue, 1998; ZigZag, 1996; L’année du daim, 1995; La course à l’abîme, 1992; Le sujet du tableau, 1989; Nakounine, 1986; 78 Tours, 1985; Le ravissement de Frank N. Stein, 1982; Hors-jeu, 1977; Perspectives, 1975; Le vol d’Icare, 1974.
Georges Schwizgebel
Marc James Roels
Filmography Chemin faisant, 2012; Romance, 2011; Retouches, 2008; Jeu, 2006; L’homme sans ombre, 2004; La jeune fille et les nuages, 2000; Fugue, 1998; ZigZag, 1996; L’année du daim, 1995; La course à l’abîme, 1992; Le sujet du tableau, 1989; Nakounine, 1986; 78 Tours, 1985; Le ravissement de Frank N. Stein, 1982; Hors-jeu, 1977; Perspectives, 1975; Le vol d’Icare, 1974.
Mark Džejms Rols rođen je u Johanesburgu 1978. godine i diplomirao je na Kraljevskoj akademiji lepih umetnosti u Gentu, Belgija. Režirao je tri kratka igrana filma (Mumbler, 2008, A Gentle Creature, 2010) koja su osvojila nekoliko međunarodnih nagrada i nominacija, uključujući i priznanja osvojena na Berlinskom filmskom festivalu i Festivalu kratkog filma u Klermon-Feranu. Mark je takođe angažovan na izradi igranih reklama za CZAR.BE. Film koji je kreirao u saradnji sa Emom DeSvaf, O Vili... je, nakon premijere na filmskom festivalu u Klermon Feranu, osvojio je više od 70 međunarodnih nagrada, među kojima su i Grand Prix Animafesta u Zagrebu, Grand Prix na ITFS festivalu u Štutgartu, Grand Prix na Festiva-
lu animiranog filma u Holandiji i Cartoon d’Or osvojen 2012. godine, kao i Gran pri našeg festivala Animanima 2012.
Marc James Roels was born in Johannesburg in 1978 and studied animation at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent, Belgium. He has directed three live action short films (Mumbler, 2008, A Gentle Creature, 2010) which have each garnered several international awards and nominations, including the Berlin Film Festival and Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival. He also directs life action commercials at CZAR.BE. In collaboration with Emma DeSwaef he created Oh Willy... which premiered at the Clermont Ferrand Film Festival and has garnered more than 70 international awards such as the Grand Prix Animafest Zagreb, Grand prix at the ITFS Stuttgart, Grand Prix at the Holland Animation Film festival and the 2012 Cartoon d’Or, as well as Animanima 2012 Grand Prix.
žiri glavnog takmičarskog programa / grand competition jury
Georges Schwizgebel was born in Switzerland in 1944. After studies at the Ecole des arts décoratifs in Geneva he worked in an advertising agency for several years before founding the GDS Studio with Claude Luyet and Daniel Suter in 1970. Since then, he has been producing and directing 17 short animated films that particulary concentrate on the medium of painting on cels. Alongside his filmmaking career he also creates posters and frescoes.
Žiri takmičenja filmova za decu
Films for children competition jury
Iva Ćirić
žiri takmičenja filmova za decu / films for children competition jury
10 Iva Ćirić (1983) je diplomirala za odseku primenjena grafika na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu, 2009. godine. Napravila je tri animirana filma: Kućica (2003), Princeza na zidu (2005) i Spomenici (2010) za koje je osvojila 9 nagrada. Njeni filmovi su prikazivani na mnogim festivalima u Poljskoj, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Portugaliji, Italiji, Japanu i drugim zemljama. Članica je svetskog udruženja animatora ASIFA-Serbia od 2005. Iva priprema doktorat iz oblasti Digitalne umetnosti na Interdisciplinarnim doktorskim studijama na Univerzitetu umetnosti u Beogradu. Bavi se animacijom i ilustracijom kao slobodan umetnik, a od jeseni 2011. radi kao honorarni saradnik na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti gde predaje animaciju.
Iva Ciric (1983) graduated from the Graphic Department at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in 2009. She created 3 animated films: The Little House (2003), Princess on the Wall (2007) and Monuments (2010) for which she got 9 awards. Her films were screened on many festivals in Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal, Italia, Japan and other countries. She is a member of ASIFA-Serbia since 2005. Iva is preparing her PhD in Digital Arts at the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Arts in Belgrade. Works as freelance illustrator and animator, and since Autumn of 2011. works as a Teacher Assistant of animation at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade.
Marica Kicušić
Petra Zlonoga
Web portfolio: http://www.behance.net/gorgonzola
an author and organiser. She is currently working as the dynamic sandpainting master at the Belgrade SandPRO studio. Web portfolio: http://www.behance.net/gorgonzola
Petra Zlonoga (1982) je master studije u oblasti grafičkog dizajna završila 2007. godine na Školi za dizajn, a zatim i Master studije u oblasti animacije i novih medija na Akademiji lepih umetnosti u Zagrebu, 2011. godine. Njeni filmovi prikazivani su na mnogobrojnim festivalima, i osvojili su i nekoliko nagrada. Petra trenutno radi kao nezavisni animator, illustrator i grafički dizajner, kao i organizator radionica animacije za decu.
www.vimeo.com/vauvau Marica Kicušić (1988) graduted from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, Department of Applied Graphics, in 2011. Her final thesis, animated film titled Living in a Frame was produced using the sand animation technique. It was shown in several European festivals and it won the award of the Belgrade SAE Institute at 8th Balkanima Festival in Belgrade. Marica’s artistic interest focuses on combinations of applied arts and painting – animation, illustrations for children’s books, digital and traditional graphics, digital collage, poster design, painting of murals, drawing, painting and videos. She has participated in numerous workshops, festivals and artists’ colonies in the country and abroad, both as
Petra Zlonoga (1982) completed an MA in graphic design at the School of Design in 2007 and an MA in animation and new media at the Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb in 2011. Her films were shown on numerous film festivals and won several awards. She currently works as a freelance animator, illustrator and graphic designer and holds animation workshops for children.
žiri takmičenja filmova za decu / films for children competition jury
Marica Kicušić (1988) je diplomirala na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu, na odseku primenjena grafika, 2011. godine. Diplomski rad, animirani film Život u ramu, rađen u tehnici animacije peska, prikazan je na nekoliko evropskih festivala. Za ovaj film je dobila i nagradu SAE Instituta Beograd za animaciju na 8. festivalu Balkanima. Oblasti njenih interesovanja su kombinacija primenjene i likovne umetnosti - animacija, ilustracija dečijih knjiga, digitalna i tradicionalna grafika, digitalni kolaž, dizajn plakata, slikanje murala, crtež, slikanje, video radovi. Učestvovala je na brojnim radionicama, festivalima i kolonijama u zemlji i inostranstvu, kao autor i kao organizator. Marica trenutno radi kao master dinamičnog slikanja u pesku u studiju SandPRO u Beogradu.
Specijalna projekcija PODSVESNA LOZINKA
U ovom kratkom animiranom filmu, režiser-dobitnik Oskara Kris Landret koristi gaf koji često nastaje u socijalnom kontekstu – zaboravljanje nečijeg imena – kao početnu stanicu na razuzdanom putešestviju kroz podsvest. Inspirisan poznatom klasičnom TV emisijom Lozinka, autor u naraciju filma uvodi čitav niz animiranih likova iz sveta poznatih, koji pokušavaju (i to sve vreme, bez prestanka) da pomognu Čarlsu da se konačno seti imena koje mu izmiče. Konačno, naš junak shvata da će morati da prihvati neprijatne posledice situacije.
In this short animation, Oscar®-winning director Chris Landreth uses a common social gaffe - forgetting somebody’s name - as the starting point for a mind-bending romp through the unconscious. Inspired by the classic TV game show Password, the film features a wealth of animated celebrity guests who try (and try, and try) to prompt Charles to remember the name. Finally, he realizes he will simply have to surrender himself to his predicament.
specijalna projekcija / special screening
PODSVESNA LOZINKA je Landretova prva prava komedija, tvrdi Den Sarto sa portala AWN, ili, kako bi sam Landret rekao “najluckastiji film koji sam do sada napravio”.
SUBCONSCIOUS PASSWORD is Landreth’s first real comedy, claims Den Sarto of the AWIN Portal. Or, as Landreth himself puts it, “the weirdest film I’ve made so far”.
13 specijalna projekcija / special screening
PODSVESNA LOZINKA / SUBCONSCIOUS PASSWORD Kanada / Canada, 2013, 11:15 Tehnika / Technique: 3D computer Pisac i reditelj / Writer & director: Chris Landreth Producent / Producer: Office National du Film Du Canada, Copper Heart Entertainment Production Originalna muzika / Original music: Daniel Janke Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Andy Malcolm, Pierre Yves Drapeau Reditelj animacije / Animation director: Sean Craig
01 takmiÄ?enje competition
BETIN BLUZ BETTY’ S BLUES Remi Vandenitte, Belgija / Belgium, 2013, 11:45
KONKUBININ BANKET THE BANQUET OF THE CONCUBINE Hefang Wei, Francuska / France, 2012, 12:46
PALMIPEDARIUM PALMIPEDARIUM Jérémy Clapin, Francuska / France, 2012, 10:25
BOLES BOLES Špela Čadež, Slovenija, Nemačka / Slovenia, Germany, 2013, 12:00
PADA KIŠA IT IS RAINING Anna Shepilova, Rusija / Russia, 2012, 9:00
KULT TOVARA CARGO CULT Bastien Dubois, Francuska / France, 2013, 11:00
takmičenje 01 / competition 01
Mladi gitarista oprobava sreću u jednom starom bluz ćumezu u Lujzijani. Priseća se legende o Blajnd Bugi Džonsu, u Nju Orleansu 20-ih godina prošlog veka, priče o ljubavi i osveti.
Kina, 746. godina, dinastija Tang, vreme najvećeg procvata u istoriji zemlje. Car Li na dvoru ima bezbrojne konkubine, a najdraža mu je Jang. Car priprema veliki banket u njenu čast, ali baš na taj dan on sreće drugu i potpuno zaboravlja na banket...
A young guitarist tries his luck in an old blues dive in Louisiana. He remembers the legend of Blind Boogie Jones, in the New Orleans of the 1920s, a story of love and revenge.
China, in the year 746, the Tang dynasty, the most blooming period of the country history. The emperor Li, beholds a court of numerous concubines, the most precious is Yang. The emperor is preparing a grand banquet in her honor. But on the day, the emperor Li is seeing someone else and he completely forgets about Yang’s banquet...
Belgija / Belgium, 2013, 11:45
Francuska / France, 2012, 12:46 Crtež na papiru, 2D kompjuter / Drawing on paper, 2D computer
Lutke / Puppets Režija / Direction: Remi Vandenitte Scenario / Script: Remi Vandenitte Animacija / Animation: Andreas De Ridder, Julien Dexant, Serge Elissalde, Nicolas Fong, Remi Vandenitte, Nicolas Leroy
Montaža / Editing: Remi Vandenitte Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Philippe Fontaine Produkcija / Production: Les Films du Nord
Les Films du Nord info@euroanima.net www.lesfilmsdunord.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Le Banquet de la concubine Režija / Direction: Hefang Wei Scenario / Script: Hefang Wei, Claire Paoletti Animacija / Animation: Marc Robinet, Hefang Wei, Laurent Repiton
Montaža / Editing: Hervé Guichard Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Normand Roger, Denis Chartrand, Pierre-Yves Drapeau Produkcija / Production: Folimage Studio
Folimage Studio j.mourlam@folimage.fr www.folimage.fr
Simon zna sve o patkama. One su bučne, lete, plivaju, neke se čak i valjaju. Ponekad je sve ovo zbunjujuće i Simon se izgubi.
Riboglavi nastavlja svoj mračni pohod u luna-parku, deleći nasumice svoje mehurove prokletstva.
Simon knows ducks quite well. They make noise, fly, swim, some even roll. Sometimes, it’s a bit confusing and Simon gets lost.
The fish-headed man pursues his gloomy ride in a funfair, randomly distributing his bubbles of doom.
Francuska / France, 2012, 10:25
Francuska / France, 2012, 8:00
2D kompjuter, 3D kompjuter / 2D Computer, 3D Computer
2D kompjuter / 2D computer
Režija / Direction: Jérémy Clapin Scenario / Script: Jérémy Clapin Animacija / Animation: Alexis Artaud, Jérémy Clapin Montaža / Editing: Jérémy Clapin
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Comme des lapins [Chroniques de la poisse, chap. 2] Režija / Direction: Osman Cerfon Scenario / Script: Osman Cerfon, Camille Jourdy
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Eric Lonni Produkcija / Production: Papy3D Productions
Papy3D Productions rvdboom@papy3d.com www.papy3d.com
Animacija / Animation: Gregory Duroy, Osman Cerfon Montaža / Editing: Nazim Meslem Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Julien Baril Produkcija / Production: Je Suis Bien Content Je Suis Bien Content camille@jsbc.fr www.jsbc.fr
17 takmičenje 01 / competition 01
takmičenje 01 / competition 01
Priča o usamljenom čoveku koji živi sa svojim ljubimcem na malom ostrvu i žudi da dopre do ostalih ljudi.
Filip živi u siromašnom kraju i sanja o slavi pisca. Njegova susetka Tereza, starija prostitutka, zamoli ga da napiše pismo za njenog verenika. Zasnovano na kratkoj priči M. Gorkog “Njen ljubavnik”.
The story about a lonely man who lives with his pet on a small island, and longed to get to other people.
Filip lives in a poor neighbourhood and dreams of writer’s glory. His neighbour Tereza, an older prostitute asks him to write a letter for her fiancé. Based on short story “Her Lover” by Maksim Gorky.
Rusija / Russia, 2012, 9:00
Slovenija, Nemačka / Slovenia, Germany, 2013, 12:00 Lutka / Puppet
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Dlinnyj Most V Nuzhnuyu Storonu Režija / Direction: Ivan Maximov Scenario / Script: Ivan Maximov Animacija / Animation: Tatiana Yazyna, Roman Efremov, Milana
Safonova, Anna Volchkova Montaža / Editing: Ivan Maximov Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Ilya Kacherzhuk, Andrey Korinsky, Artyom Fedeyev Produkcija / Production: Masterfilm Ivan Maximov www.ivanmaximov.ru
Režija / Direction: Špela Čadež Scenario / Script: Gregor Zorc, Špela Čadež Animacija / Animation: Oliver Throm Montaža / Editing: Thomas Schmidl
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Johanna Herr Produkcija / Production: No History, HUPE Film
No History boles@spelacadez.com www.spelacadez.com
Jedan bezbrižan dan pretvara se u tragediju za jednog dečaka. Film o krhkosti i relativnosti sreće.
Na obali Papue, usred pacifičkog rata, domoroci u potrazi za uzvišenošću Boga tovara upražnjavaju novi ritual. “Svaka dovoljno unapređena tehnologija ne razlikuje se od magije”, Artur Klark.
A carefree day turns out a tragedy for a little boy. Film about the fragility and relativity of happiness.
On the Papua coasts, in the middle of the Pacific War, some Papuans are looking for the magnanimity of the Cargo god elaborating a new ritual. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke.
Francuska / France, 2013, 11:00
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Dozhd Idyot Režija / Direction: Anna Shepilova Scenario / Script: Anna Shepilova Animacija / Animation: Sergey Ogurtsov, Nikolay Bazegsky
2D kompjuter, 3D kompjuter, rotoskopija / 2D Computer, 3D Computer, Rotoscope Montaža / Editing: Anna Shepilova Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Vladislav Tarasov Produkcija / Production: Film Company Rassvet
Anna Shepilova shepa@inbox.ru
Režija / Direction: Bastien Dubois Scenario / Script: Bastien Dubois Animacija / Animation: Bastien Dubois Montaža / Editing: Lionel Guenoun
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Arthur Lesueur Produkcija / Production: Sacrebleu Productions
Sacrebleu Productions contact@sacrebleuprod.com
takmičenje 01 / competition 01
Rusija / Russia, 2012, 9:00
02 takmičenje competition
Hugo Cierzniak, Francuska / France, 2012, 6:15
Iria Lopez, Velika Britanija / UK, 2012, 8:00
Tomasz Popakul, Poljska / Poland, 2013, 19:00
FERAL FERAL Daniel Sousa, SAD / USA, 2012, 12:46
ZEC I JELEN RABBIT AND DEER Péter Vacz, Mađarska / Hungary, 2013, 16:00
Pierre Emmanuel Lyet, Joris Clerte, Francuska / France, 2013, 7:00
OTPORNA DUŠA RESISTANT SOUL Simone Massi, Italija / Italy, 2013, 4:30
STONOGA I ŽABA THE CENTIPEDE AND THE TOAD Anna Khmelevskaya, Francuska / France, 2013, 10:00
takmičenje 02 / competition 02
Muškarac, pripadnik sednje klase, u svojim četrdesetim, koji obožava kada njegovo domaćinstvo sluša svaku njegovu reč, saznaće na muzički način da stvari koje poseduješ na kraju poseduju tebe.
U prividno idiličnom selu, jedan tinejdžer se hvata ukoštac sa problemima odrastanja. Njegova situacija je osobito teška jer je on pola dečak, pola riba.
A middleclass man in his forties who loves his domestics to obey every word, will figure out in a musical way, that things you own end up owning you.
In a seemingly idyllic village, a teenager has to struggle with the problems of growing up. His situation is especially difficult, as he is half boy, half fish.
Francuska / France, 2012, 6:15
Poljska / Poland, 2013, 19:00
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Režija / Direction: Hugo Cierzniak Scenario / Script: Hugo Cierzniak Animacija / Animation: Hugo Cierzniak Montaža / Editing: Hugo Cierzniak
2D kompjuter, 3D kompjuter / 2D Computer, 3D Computer Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Patrick Martens Produkcija / Production: Delapost Paris
Delapost Paris zhihuang@delapostparis.com www.delapostparis.com
Režija / Direction: Tomasz Popakul Scenario / Script: Tomasz Popakul Animacija / Animation: Tomasz Popakul Montaža / Editing: Piotr Szczepanowicz
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Michal Fojcik Produkcija / Production: NoLabel
New Europe Film Sales anja@neweuropefilmsales.com www.neweuropefilmsales.com
Kada je videla film Fransoa Trifoa “Dan za noć”, Anželika je otkrila da je moguć život iz snova. Mladoj ženi će bit potrebno nekoliko godina da shvati da film ne može da reši sva pitanja iako otvara neslućena zadovoljstva slobode.
Usamljeni lovac pronalazi divljeg dečaka u šumi i vraća ga u civilizaciju. Otuđen u čudnom novom okruženju, dečak pokušava da se prilagodi služeći se istim strategijama koje su ga štitile u šumi.
When she saw Francois Truffauts “La nuit Americaine” (Day For Night) Angelique discovered that it was possible to dream up her life. It would have taken some years to the young woman, to understand that cinema doesn’t resolve all issues even if it opens to huge pleasure of freedom.
A wild boy is found in the woods by a solitary hunter and brought back to civilization. Alienated by a strange new environment, the boy tries to adapt by using the same strategies that kept him safe in the forest.
SAD / USA, 2012, 12:46
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: La nuit americaine d’ Angelique Režija / Direction: Pierre Emmanuel Lyet, Joris Clerte Scenario / Script: Olivia Rosenthal Animacija / Animation: Christian Desmares, JeanYves Castillon
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Tabaskko Bruno Gueracague Produkcija / Production: Senso Films
Senso Films lanuitamericaine@sensofilms.fr
Režija / Direction: Daniel Sousa Scenario / Script: Daniel Sousa Animacija / Animation: Daniel Sousa Montaža / Editing: Daniel Sousa
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Dan Golden Produkcija / Production: Daniel Sousa
Daniel Sousa ddansousa@hotmail.com www.danielsousa.com
takmičenje 02 / competition 02
Francuska / France, 2013, 7:00
takmičenje 02 / competition 02
Hoze je svinja-tinejdžer u jednom gradu u Španiji i on je jedina svinja u svojoj porodici. Jednog dana novi sused se doseljava i Hoze počinje da shvata ko je on zapravo.
Zec i Jelen žive srećno i bezbrižno sve dok njihovo prijateljstvo ne stavi na probu Jelenova opsesija pronalaženje formule ze treću dimenziju. Posle neočekivanog incidenta, dva lika, razdvojena različitim dimenzijama, traže put povratka jedan drugom.
José is a teenage pig living in a Spanish town, and he is the only pig in his family. One day a new neighbour moves in next door, and José starts to come to terms with who he really is.
Rabbit and Deer are living happily and careless until their friendship is put to the test by Deer’s new obsession to find the formula for the 3rd dimension. After an unexpected accident, the two characters, separated by dimensions, have to find the way back to each other.
Velika Britanija / UK, 2012, 8:00
Mađarska / Hungary, 2013, 16:00
Crtež na papiru, skrin-print pozadine / Drawing on paper, screen printed backgrounds
Lutke / Puppets
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Jamón Režija / Direction: Iria Lopez Scenario / Script: Iria Lopez, Francesca Gardiner Animacija / Animation: Iria Lopez
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Nyuszi es Oz Režija / Direction: Péter Vacz Scenario / Script: Péter Vacz Animacija / Animation: Attila Bertoti, Péter Vacz
Montaža / Editing: Rodrigo Saquel Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Jens Petersen Produkcija / Production: National Film And Television School
Iria Lopez irialpz@gmail.com www.jamonfilm.com
Montaža / Editing: Judit Czako Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Mate Hamori Produkcija / Production: Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design
Péter Vacz vaczpeter@gmail.com www.petervacz.com
Negde u maju 1944. godine, jedna kuća na brdu Santanđelo zaspi i počinje da sanja.
U dalekoj šumi, gipkoj i gracilnoj Stonogi dive se sva stvorenja. Osim jedne stare žabe, nadmene i ljubomorne, koja je mrzi. Jednog dana, žaba odluči da se otarasi Stonoge...
Around May ‘44 on Mount Sant’Angelo there is a house that falls asleep and begins to dream.
In a faraway forest, the gracious, lissome Centipede is admired by all the other creatures. Except for an old Toad, haughty and jealous, who hates him. One day, he decides to get rid of the Centipede...
Italija / Italy, 2013, 4:30
Francuska / France, 2013, 10:00
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Animo resistente Režija / Direction: Simone Massi Scenario / Script: Simone Massi Animacija / Animation: Simone Massi
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Montaža / Editing: Lola Capote-Ortiz Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Stefano Sasso Produkcija / Production: Simone Massi
Simone Massi nuvole@simonemassi.it www.simonemassi.it
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Mille pattes et Crapaud Režija / Direction: Anna Khmelevskaya Scenario / Script: Anna Khmelevskaya, Fabrice Luang Vija Animacija / Animation: Camille Rossi, Vincent Bierrewaerts, Vincent Djinda
Montaža / Editing: Anna Khmelevskaya, Fabrice Luang Vija Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Christophe Jacquelin Produkcija / Production: Fargo
Fargo sf@fargo.fr www.fargo.fr
25 takmičenje 02 / competition 02
Jerome Boulbes, Francuska / France, 2012, 15:13
Aleksa Gajić, Srbija / Serbia, 2013, 5:05
Stefan Müller, Nemačka / Germany, 2013, 14:49
REBITLEND RABBITLAND Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak Jr, Srbija / Serbia, 2013, 7:17
Nicolas Jacquet, Francuska / France, 2012, 13:40
ASTIGMATIZAM ASTIGMATISMO Nicolai Troshinsky, Španija / Spain, 2013, 4:00
DJI. PAD SMRTI DJI. DEATH FALLS Dmitri Voloshin, Moldavija / Moldova, 2012, 3:56
PISMA ŽENA WOMEN’S LETTERS Augusto Zanovello, Francuska / France, 2013, 11:15
IRSKI NARODNI NAMEŠTAJ IRISH FOLK FURNITURE Tony Donoghue, Irska / Ireland, 2012, 8:19
takmičenje competition
takmičenje 03 / competition 03
Svetilište u dubini šume. Maske čekaju i spremaju se. Muzika počinje... Stiže kavez. Unutra, zakačena, žrtva. Ceremonijom otpočinje radosna proslava proleća.
Mogla je to biti lepa subota... da nije bilo jedne lude krave, jedne histerične majke i dva tipa iz ambulantnih kola, kojima od svega najbolje polazi za rukom da naprave – haos.
A sanctuary in the depths of the forest. Masks are waiting and getting ready. Music begins... A cage is brought. Inside, attached, is the victim. The ceremony can begin a joyful celebration of spring.
It could have been a nice Saturday... were it not for a mad cow, a hysteric mother and two ambulance men, who are all good at one thing mainly creating chaos.
Francuska / France, 2012, 15:13
Nemačka / Germany, 2013, 14:49
3D kompjuter / 3D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Le Printemps Režija / Direction: Jerome Boulbes Scenario / Script: Jerome Boulbes Animacija / Animation: Jerome Boulbes
Crtež na papiru, kolaž, objekti, piksilacija / Drawing on paper, Cut-out, Objects, Pixilation Montaža / Editing: Marc Boyer Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Morgan Dufour Produkcija / Production: Lardux Films
Lardux Films lardux@lardux.com www.lardux.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Der Notfall Režija / Direction: Stefan Müller Scenario / Script: Stefan Müller Animacija / Animation: Stefan Müller
Montaža / Editing: Stefan Müller Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Stefan Müller Produkcija / Production: Basement Pictures
Stefan Müller info@basementpictures.com www.basementpictures.com
Priča o čudovištu.
Zečevi Bez Mozga žive u Rebitlendu, savršenom svetu uređenom na osnovu najuspelijih primera ratnih zona, geta i slamova. U glavi umesto mozga imaju rupu i ceo dan provode glasajući na slobodnim i demokratskim izborima koji se u Rebitlendu održavaju jednom dnevno, zato što je Rebitlend veoma uređena demokratija.
A story about an ogre.
Brainless Rabbits live in Rabittland, a perfect world ordered according to the most successful examples of war zones, ghettos and slums. They have holes in their heads instead of brains, and they spend days voting on free and democratic elections, which take place in Rabbitland once a day, because Rabbitland is an ordered democracy.
Srbija / Serbia, 2013, 7:17
Kolaž / Cut-out Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Peau de chien Režija / Direction: Nicolas Jacquet Scenario / Script: Nicolas Jacquet Animacija / Animation: Nicolas Jacquet
Lutke, plastelin / Puppets, plasticine Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Renaud Bajeux, Niels Barletta Produkcija / Production: Josep
Nicolas Jacquet monsieur@nicolasjacquet.fr www.nicolasjacquet.fr
Režija / Direction: Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak Jr. Scenario / Script: Ana Nedeljković Animacija / Animation: Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak Jr. Montaža / Editing: Srdjan Radmilović
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Vladimir Janković Produkcija / Production: Baš Čelik
Baš Čelik jelena@bascelik.net www.bascelik.net
takmičenje 03 / competition 03
Francuska / France, 2012, 13:40
takmičenje 03 / competition 03
Na bojnom polju tokom I svetskog rata, bolničar Simon krpi razneta lica pešadinaca ljubavnim pismima. Reči voljenih žena imaju moć da iscele rane papirnih soldata.
U ruralnoj Irskoj stari ručno bojeni nameštaj obično se povezuje sa neimaštinom, sa teškim vremenima koja bi mnogi najradije zaboravili. U ovom filmu 16 komada odbačenog starog nameštaja je obnovljeno i vraćeno u svakodnevnu upotrebu.
On the battle fields of the First World War, the nurse Simon patches up the shattered faces of the infantrymen with love letters. These words from beloved women have the power to heal the wounds of these paper soldiers.
In rural Ireland old hand painted furniture is often associated with with poverty, with hard times many would rather forget. In the making of this film 16 pieces of abandoned folk furniture were restored and returned back into daily use.
Francuska / France, 2013, 11:15
Irska / Ireland, 2012, 8:19
Animirani objekti, kolaž, lutke, glumci / Animated objects, Cut-outs, Puppets, Live action
Lutke, objekti, piksilacija / Puppets, Objects, Pixilation
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Lettres de femmes Režija / Direction: Augusto Zanovello Scenario / Script: Augusto Zanovello, Jean-Charles Finck Animacija / Animation: Elodie Poncon, Patricia Sourdes,
Režija / Direction: Tony Donoghue Scenario / Script: Tony Donoghue Animacija / Animation: Tony Donoghue Montaža / Editing: Ed Smith
Ignacio DeMarco, Augusto Zanovello Motaža / Editing: Etienne Jeantet Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Samuel Beaucamps Produkcija / Production: Pictor Media
Pictor Media production@pictor-media.com www.pictor-media.com
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Fionan Higgins Produkcija / Production: Mayfly Films Limited
Tony Donoghue tonydonoghue@gmail.com
Smešna priča o pećinskom čoveku koji je slučajno otkrio umetnost. Ranije nego što je i mislio, otkriva i kuda će ga ta umetnost odvesti.
Istinita priča o jednom Francuzu koji svakodnevno jede metal još od kad je bio dete. Rastavio je, isekao i pojeo bicikle, kolica za kupovinu, televizore i jedan avion Cesna 150.
Funny short story about a cave man who discovers art accidentally. And before he knows he discovers as well where the art will bring him to.
True facts about a Frenchman who has consumed metal since he was a kid in a daily basis. He disassembled, cutup, and consumed bicycles, shopping carts, televisions and a Cessna 150 airplane.
Srbija / Serbia, 2013, 5:05
Brazil / Brasil, 2013, 8:00
Crtež na papiru / drawing on paper Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Uspon i pad umetnosti Režija / Direction: Aleksa Gajić Scenario / Script: Aleksa Gajić Animacija / Animation: Aleksa Gajić
Crtež na papiru, lutke, glina, piksilacija / Drawing on paper, Puppets, Clay, Pixilation Montaža / Editing: Nebojsa Andrić Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Stevan Đorđević Produkcija / Production: Studio 1234
Aleksa Gajić gajicalexa@gmail.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Engole ou Cospervilha? Režija / Direction: Marcelo Marão Scenario / Script: Marão, David Mussel, Pedro Eboli, Fernanda Valverde, Jonas Brando, Giuliana Danza, Gabriel Bitar, Z Alexandre Animacija / Animation: Marão, David Mussel, Pedro Eboli,
Fernanda Valverde, Jonas Brando, Giuliana Danza, Gabriel Bitar, Z Alexandre Montaža / Editing: Jonas Brando Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Motora Produkcija / Production: Marão Filmes Marcelo Marão marao@maraofilmes.com.br www.maraofilmes.com.br
31 takmičenje 03 / competition 03
takmičenje 03 / competition 03
Izgubivši naočari, dečak može da vidi samo jedanu stvar u žiži. Njegov pogled privlače zvukovi u okruženju i on će morati da istraži zamagljeni svet nepoznatih mesta i čudnih karaktera.
Dji je neobična smrt. Mračni Vitez se pojavio u drugačijem obliku. Ne, on nije beo i pufnast. Dji samo strašno nema sreće. Sve što treba da uradi je da uzme dušu čoveka na samrti, ali su mu scenaristi pripremili razne smicalice.
A boy, having lost his glasses, can only see one thing in focus at a time. His sight gets attracted by the sounds that surround him. He will have to explore a blurry world of unknown places and strange characters.
Dji is an unusual death. The Dark Knight has appeared in a different form. No, he is not white and fluffy. Dji is just terribly unlucky. All he has to do is to take the soul of a dying man. But the screenwriters prepared some obstacles for Dji.
Španija / Spain, 2013, 4:00
Moldavija / Moldova, 2012, 3:56
Slikanje na staklu, kolaž / Painting on glass, Cut-out
3D kompjuter / 3D Computer
Režija / Direction: Nicolai Troshinsky Scenario / Script: Nicolai Troshinsky Animacija / Animation: Nicolai Troshinsky Montaža / Editing: Nicolai Troshinsky
Režija / Direction: Dmitri Voloshin Scenario / Script: Vadim Novac, Dmitri Voloshin, Serdar Djumaev Animacija / Animation: Valentin Nacu, Stanislav Popov, Evgheni Izmailov, Emil Lungu
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Pierre Sauze, Shogun Kunitoki Produkcija / Production: Nicolai Troshinsky
Nicolai Troshinsky nicolai@troshinsky.com www.troshinsky.com
Montaža / Editing: Dmitri Voloshin, Serdar Djumaev Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Iuri Scutaru Produkcija / Production: Simpals
Dmitri Voloshin katya@simpals.ru www.simpals.com
DRUGA STRANA THE OTHER SIDE Icinori & Team, Francuska / France, 2012, 5:39
BENDŽAMINOVO CVEĆE BENJAMIN’S FLOWERS Malin Erixon, Švedska / Sweden, 2012, 11:52
takmičenje competition
SONATA SONATA Nadia Micault, Francuska / France, 2013, 10:00
NOĆ MEDVEDA THE NIGHT OF THE BEAR Frédéric and Samuel Guillaume, Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 22:00
VETAR KOJI DELI WIND OF SHARE Pierre Mousquet, Jérôme Cauwe, Francuska / France, 2013, 8:00
RUŽA TURAIDE THE ROSE OF TURAIDA Ryan Grobins, Australija / Australia, 2013, 6:15
NESPOSOBNO DETE THE BUNGLED CHILD Simon Filliot, Francuska / France, 2012, 9:40
STRAH OD LETENJA FEAR OF FLYING Conor Finnegan, Irska / Ireland, 2012, 10:00
takmičenje 04 / competition 04
Na tragu srni, lovac u dubokoj šumi nailazi na ogromni crni zid iza koga će otklriti čudnu močvaru.
Manjak ljubavi i društva smestio je Bendžamina na zamagljenu granicu između fantazije i realnosti, gde je teško razumeti šta je šta. Bendžamina srećemo u sobi u kojoj on živi svoj život – vidimo njegovu zbunjenost, njegove opsesivne misli i živopisnu maštu.
Tracking a doe, a hunter get into the woods and faces a huge black wall beyond which he will discover a strange swamp.
Benjamin’s lack of love and company has placed him on the blurry borderline between fantasy and reality, where it can be hard to understand what’s what. We meet Benjamin in the room in which he lives his life – see his confusion, his obsessive thoughts and colorful imagination.
Francuska / France, 2012, 5:39
Švedska / Sweden, 2012, 11:52
3D kompjuter / 3D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: De l’autre côté Režija / Direction: Icinori (Raphaël Urwiller, Mayumi Otero) & students team of Supinfocom Scenario / Script: kao režija / same as direction
Crtež na papiru, 2D kompjuter / Drawing on paper, 2D Computer Animacija / Animation: kao režija / same as direction Montaža / Editing: kao režija / same as direction Produkcija / Production: Cargo Films, Canal+
Autour de Minuit marianne@autourdeminuit.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Benjamins blommor Režija / Direction: Malin Erixon Scenario / Script: Malin Erixon Animacija / Animation: Malin Erixon
Montaža / Editing: Malin Erixon Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Lea Korsgaard Produkcija / Production: Ganzanderes Animation
Malin Erixon malin@ganzanderes.com www.benjaminsflowers.com
U imaginarnom muzičkom svetu, jedna mlada žena traži izlaz, gubi sebe i isprobava sopstvene granice. Postepeno, ona mora da se otvori da bi ponovo osmislila sebe.
Suočeni sa jezivim gradskim okruženjem, životinje-beskućnici traže skonište za jednu noć. Nalaze utočište u Medvedovoj kući, gde nastaje kratkotrajna zajednica koja će se raspasti već u cik zore. Priča o društvenoj ekskluziji ispričana na originalan i jedinstven način.
In an imaginary musical world, a young woman seeks escape, loses herself and tests her own limits. Gradually she must open up in order to reinvent herself.
Against an eerie urban backdrop, homeless animals are looking for shelter for the night. They take refuge in the Bear’s house, forming an ephemeral community that will disband as soon as dawn breaks. A tale of social exclusion told in an original and unique way.
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 22:00
Rotoskopija / Rotoscopy Režija / Direction: Nadia Micault Scenario / Script: Nadia Micault Animacija / Animation: Nadia Micault, Ben Fligans, Julien Bonnafous, Damien Climent
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Montaža / Editing: Nadia Micault Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Emmanuel Deruty Produkcija / Production: Autour De Minuit
Autour De Minuit festivals@autourdeminuit.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: La Nuit de l’Ours Režija / Direction: Frédéric and Samuel Guillaume Scenario / Script: Frédéric and Samuel Guillaume Animacija / Animation: Elie Chapuis, Claude Barras,
Samuel Guillaume, Yoann Corthésy, Camilo De Martino Montaža / Editing: Frédéric and Samuel Guillaume Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Florian Pittet Produkcija / Production: Ciné3D Association Frédéric and Samuel Guillaume info@cine3d.ch www.cine3d.ch
takmičenje 04 / competition 04
Francuska / France, 2013, 10:00
takmičenje 04 / competition 04
Etjen Bernar odlazi na sever u potrazi za avanturom i ne gubi vreme u pronalaženju! Jer grad je u rukama lokalne mafije koja je umešana u šverc jahti za trke na pesku...
Prema istinitoj priči iz 17. veka u Letoniji. Tražeći preživele na poprištu bitke, službenik zamka Turaida pronašao je bebu i usvojio je. Maija Roze je izrasla u lepoticu koja će podneti najveću žrtvu zbog ljubavi i časti.
Étienne Bernard takes off for northern climes seeking adventures. He doesn’t waste time in finding one! The town is in the grip of the local mafia who are involved in sand yacht race trafficking…
Based on a true story set in 17th century Latvia. A baby found after a battle that is adopted by the clerk of Turaida castle who was out searching for survivors. Maija Roze grew into a beautiful young woman who would make the ultimate sacrifice for love and honour.
Francuska / France, 2013, 8:00
Australija / Australia, 2013, 6:15
Crtež na papiru, 2D kompjuter / Drawing on paper, 2D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Les Voiles du partage Režija / Direction: Pierre Mousquet, Jérôme Cauwe Scenario / Script: Pierre Mousquet, Jérôme Cauwe Animacija / Animation: Pierre Mousquet, Jérôme Cauwe
Montaža / Editing: Pierre Mousquet, Jérôme Cauwe Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Philippe Fontaine Produkcija / Production: Les Films du Nord
Pierre Mousquet pierre.mousquet@laposte.net
Pesak / Sand Režija / Direction: Ryan Grobins Scenario / Script: Ryan Grobins Animacija / Animation: Ryan Grobins Montaža / Editing: Ryan Grobins
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Ryan Grobins Produkcija / Production: Nezui
Ryan Grobins ryan@theroseofturaida.com www.theroseofturaida.com
Ništa nije lako kada treba popraviti nesposobno dete.
Ptičica koja se plaši letenja pokušava da izbegne zimsko putovanje na jug.
There’s nothing easy about mending a bungled child.
A small bird with a fear of flying tries to avoid heading South for the winter.
Irska / Ireland, 2012, 10:00 Lutke / Puppets
Lutke / Puppets Izvorni naslov / Original Title: La Ravaudeuse Režija / Direction: Simon Filliot Scenario / Script: Simon Filliot Animacija / Animation: Chloé Chevalier
Montaža / Editing: Suzanne Van Boxsom Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Daniel Capeille Produkcija / Production: La Femis
Simon Filliot simon.filliot@gmail.com www.simonfilliot.com
Režija / Direction: Conor Finnegan Scenario / Script: Conor Finnegan Animacija / Animation: Conor Finnegan Montaža / Editing: Conor Finnegan
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Echolab Produkcija / Production: Lovely Productions
Lovely Productions brunella@lovelyproductions.com www.lovelyproductions.com
takmičenje 04 / competition 04
Francuska / France, 2012, 9:40
POLKA TELEFONSKOG IMENIKA THE PHONE BOOK POLKA Benjamin Swiczinsky, Austrija / Austria, 2013, 5:00
DŽERSI JERSEY Romain Wagner, Francuska / France, 2013, 3:02
05 takmičenje competition
VENECIJA / MASI VENICE / MASSI Simone Massi, Italija / Italy, 2012, 1:00
Noemie Marsily, Carl Roosens, Belgija / Belgium, 2013, 5:05
Przemyslaw Kijek, Katarzyna Adamski, Poljska / Poland, 2013, 3:00
Amelie Harrault, Francuska / France, 2013, 14:27
USAMLJENE KOSTI LONELY BONES Rosto, Francuska / France, 2013, 10:00
VITRA “ZID TIŠINE” VITRA “SILENT WALL” Dustin Rees, Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 1:11
STUCK IN THE SOUND “IDEMO!” STUCK IN THE SOUND “LET S GO!” Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin, Francuska / France, 2012, 3:35
Donato Sansone, Italija / Italy, 2012, 0:33
Jayden Dowler, Australija / Australia, 2012, 4:17
Darcy Prendergast, Australija / Australia, 2012, 2:12
Nikola Korać, Srbija / Serbia, 2012, 0:45
RECHA “GRAD” RECHA “CITY” Dzianis Mizhui, Belorusija / Belarus, 2012, 3:55
20 GODINA FESTIVALA ANIMA MUNDI ANIMA MUNDI 20 YEARS 40 Brazilian animators, Brazil / Brasil, 2013, 2:00
Nagrada C&M special C&M SPECIAL Award
WAX TAILOR FEAT ALOE BLACC “VREME DA SE KRENE” WAX TAILOR FEAT ALOE BLACC “TIME TO GO” Darcy Prendergast, Seamus Spilsbury, Australija / Australia, 2012, 3:14
LE PEUPLE DE L’HERBE “PARLER LE FRACAS” LE PEUPLE DE L’HERBE “PARLER LE FRACAS” Thomas Fourniret, Jérémy Couturier, Francuska / France, 2012, 4:25
MANHAND “STARI DRUGAR” MANHAND “OLD BUDDY” Olivier Dressen, Belgija / Belgium, 2012, 4:40
KOTRLJAJUĆI SAFARI ROLLIN’ SAFARI Kyra Buschor, Constantin Päplow, Anna Habermehl, Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 3:18
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
Dah džogera, razoreni mravinjak, pudlica, sendvič ostavljen na plaži, veverica... fragmenti života koji nas vode u šetnju oko jezera.
Kiki Monparnas je bila lakomislena muza glavnih slikara avangarde s početka dvadestog veka. Svedok uzavrelog Monparnasa, Kiki je od statusa običnog modela postala Kraljica Noći, slikarka, novinska karikaturistkinja, spisateljica i kabaretska pevačica.
The breath of a jogger, a demolished anthill, a puddle, a sandwich left on a bench, a squirrel... fragments of lives that take us for a walk around the lake.
Kiki de Montparnasse was the unwary muse of major avantgarde painters of the early twentieth century. Witness of a flamboyant Montparnasse, Kiki emancipated from her status as a simple model and became a Queen of the Night, a painter, a press cartoonist, a writer and a cabaret singer.
Belgija / Belgium, 2013, 5:05
Francuska / France, 2013, 14:27
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Autour du lac Režija / Direction: Noemie Marsily, Carl Roosens Scenario / Script: Noemie Marsily, Carl Roosens Animacija / Animation: Noemie Marsily, Carl Roosens
Kombinovane 2D tehnike / Mixed 2D Media Montaža / Editing: Noemie Marsily, Carl Roosens Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Robin Marsily Produkcija / Production: Zorobabel
Zorobabel zorobabel@zorobabel.be www.zorobabel.be
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Mademoiselle Kiki et les Montparnos Režija / Direction: Amelie Harrault Scenario / Script: Amelie Harrault Animacija / Animation: Lucile Duchemin, Serge Elissalde, Amelie Harrault
Montaža / Editing: Rodolphe Ploquin Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Yan Volsy Produkcija / Production: Les Trois Ours
Les Trois Ours info@lestroisours.fr www.lestroisours.fr
Kratka halucinantna priča o tome kako se sanja i kako se podnosi žrtva.
Kada tražim inspiraciju i društvene veze, ja čitam telefonski imenik. Gospodin Bršt, tragični heroj ovog filma, kažnjen nesrećnim imenom, luta starim Bečom, praćen komplikovanim, neizgovorljivim imenima svojih sunarodnika.
A short hallucinative film about making dreams and making sacrifice.
When I am looking for inspiration and society liaison, I read the telephone book. Mr. Brscht, the tragic hero of the film, punished with an unfortunate name, wanders through the old Vienna, accompanied by the complicated, unpronounceable names of his compatriots.
Francuska / France, 2013, 10:00
Austrija / Austria, 2013, 5:00
3D kompjuter, glumci / 3D Computer, live action Režija / Direction: Rosto Scenario / Script: Rosto Animacija / Animation: Martijn Paasschens, Bunk Timmer, Daan Spruijt, Rosto
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Montaža / Editing: Rosto Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Thee Wreckers Produkcija / Production: Autour de Minuit
Autour de Minuit festivals@autourdeinuit.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Die Telefonbuchpolka Režija / Direction: Benjamin Swiczinsky Scenario / Script: Benjamin Swiczinsky Animacija / Animation: Benjamin Swiczinsky, Julia Ocker, Daniel
Lundquist, Timur Tietze Montaža / Editing: Benjamin Swiczinsky Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Benjamin Swiczinsky, Johannes Schiehsl Produkcija / Production: Neuer Oesterreichischer Trickfilm
Neuer Oesterreichischer Trickfilm kontakt@neuer-trickfilm.at www.neuer-trickfilm.at
41 takmičenje 05 / competition 05
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
DŽERSI JERSEY Tri prijatelja žele na ostrvo Džersi. Pratimo ih na tom putovanju...
Animirana knjiga legendi oživljava da bi ispričala priču o češkoj tradiciji spravljanja prvog svetskog zlatnog piva.
Three friends want to go on Jersey island. We follow them through their journey...
An animated book of legends comes to life to tell the story of Czech provenance in creating the world’s first golden beer.
Francuska / France, 2013, 3:02
Velika Britanija / UK, 2013, 1:16
Objekti, pesak / Objects, Sand Režija / Direction: Romain Wagner Scenario / Script: Chloé Monguillon Animacija / Animation: Chloé Monguillon, Romain Wagner Montaža / Editing: Romain Wagner
Crtež na papiru, objekti, kolaž / Drawings on paper, objects, cut-outs Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Granville Produkcija / Production: Slo Slo
Romain Wagner romain.wagner@lapinsdelespace.com www.lapinsdelespace.com
Režija / Direction: Chris Randall Scenario / Script: Chloé Monguillon Animacija / Animation: Ian Whittle, Jud Walton, Natalie Bancroft, Adam Watts, Tristan Pritchard, Sarra Hornby, Jon Reynolds
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Jim Turner Produkcija / Production: Second Home Studios
Chris Randall chris@secondhomestudios.com www.secondhomestudios.com
U ovom animiranom zombi vesternu B-produkcije, Li Van Klif opet sastavlja svoje telo i kreće u osvetu. Vestern bi zasigurno bio zabavniji da su zli momci pobeđivali!
Plavi nosorog, dete i san o filmu.
In this animated zombie western B-movie, Lee Van Cleef cobbles his body back together to seek revenge. Westerns certainly would have been more fun if the bad guy had won!
A blue rhinoceros, a child and the dream of film.
Italija / Italy, 2012, 1:00
Crtež na papiru, 2D kompjuter / Drawing on paper, 2D Computer
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper
Režija / Direction: Chris Smith Scenario / Script: Andrew Curtis Animacija / Animation: Paul Imperio, Anne Calandre, Julien Koetsch, Mary Varn, Elaine Lee
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Venezia / Massi Režija / Direction: Simone Massi Scenario / Script: Simone Massi Animacija / Animation: Simone Massi
Produkcija / Production: Mixtape Club, LLC
Mixtape Club, LLC bruce@mixtapeclub.com www.mixtapeclub.com
Montaža / Editing: Simone Massi & Lola Capote Ortiz Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Stefano Sasso Produkcija / Production: Simone Massi
Simone Massi nuvole@simonemassi.it www.simonemassi.it
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
SAD / USA, 2012, 3:24
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
Katači znači oblik. Video je načinjen od približno 2000 silueta dobijenih od PVC tabli sečenjem kompjuterski kontrolisanim nožem, a govori o večnom lancu konvulzivnog sećanja.
Vitrin novi sistem za organizaciju prostora.
Katachi means shape. The video is made with approx. 2000 silhouettes extracted from PVC plates using computercontrolled cutter. Its an everlasting chain of convulsive memories.
Vitra’s new system for organising space.
Poljska / Poland, 2013, 3:00
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 1:11
Kolaž, objekti / Cut-out, Object Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Katachi Režija / Direction: Przemyslaw Kijek, Katarzyna Adamski Scenario / Script: Przemyslaw Kijek, Katarzyna Adamski Animacija / Animation: Przemyslaw Kijek, Katarzyna Adamski
Crtež na papiru, 2D kompjuter / Drawing on paper, 2D Computer Montaža / Editing: Przemyslaw Kijek, Katarzyna Adamski Produkcija / ProductZion: AB Film Production for PVine Inc.
Kijek Adamski kijekadamski@gmail.com
Režija / Direction: Dustin Rees Scenario / Script: Dustin Rees, Daniel Egli Animacija / Animation: Dustin Rees Montaža / Editing: Dustin Rees
Dizajn zvuka / Sound Design: Phil McCammon Produkcija / Production: Createdindust
Dustin Rees info@createdindust.ch www.createdindust.ch
Dečak sanja o hodanju po mesecu. Uprkos pokušajima, trudu i njegovom jakom karakteru, stvari ne idu onako kako je planirao.
Promotivni spot za dečji festival u Milanu.
A boy dreams of walking on the moon. Despite his many efforts, hardships, and his strong character, things do not go as he had planned.
Promo for the Milan children festival.
Italija / Italy, 2012, 0:33
Fotografija, 2D kompjuter / Photo, 2D Computer Režija / Direction: Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin Scenario / Script: Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin Animacija / Animation: Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin Montaža / Editing: Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin
Crtež na papiru, objekti / Drawings on paper, objects Produkcija / Production: Alexis Beaumont and Rémi Godin
Alexis Beaumont, Rémi Godin alexisbeaumontremigodin@gmail.com
Režija / Direction: Donato Sansone Scenario / Script: Donato Sansone Animacija / Animation: Donato Sansone Montaža / Editing: Donato Sansone
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Enrico Ascoli Produkcija / Production: Milkyeyes
Donato Sansone milkyeyesit@gmail.com
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
Francuska / France, 2012, 3:35
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
Depresivni elementi stalnog ponavljanja. Naš protagonista ne može da se oslobodi vlastite rutine.
Najave za dodelu nagrada ELLE STYLE AWARDS Srbija u različitim oblastima.
Depressive elements of repetition. Our protagonist is unable to break free of his own routine.
Teasers for ELLE STYLE AWARDS Serbia in different filds.
Australija / Australia, 2012, 2:12
Srbija / Serbia, 2012, 0:45
Objekti, glumci / Objects, live action Režija / Direction: Darcy Prendergast Scenario / Script: Darcy Prendergast Animacija / Animation: Darcy Prendergast, Seamus Spilsbury Montaža / Editing: Andrew Goldsmith
Crtež na papiru / Drawings on paper Dizajn zvuka / Sound Design: Wally De Backer Produkcija / Production: Oh Yeah Wow
Darcy Prendergast darcy@ohyeahwow.com www.ohyeahwow.com
Režija / Direction: Nikola Korać Scenario / Script: Nikola Korać Animacija / Animation: Nikola Korać, Nebojša Petrović Montaža / Editing: Nikola Korać, Nebojša Petrović
Dizajn zvuka / Sound Design: Dušan Topalović Produkcija / Production: Nikola Korać
Nikola Korać koracnikola@gmail.com
Zla diktatorka upravlja potlačenim narodom svojim fašističkim režimom, ali će se jedan čovek usprotiviti plesom i borbom.
Trejler za 11. međunarodni festival animacije u Montrealu.
An evil Dictatress conducts over an oppressed populace in her fascist regime but one man will bring the fight and the dance party upon her.
Trailer for 11th edition of the international animation festival in Montreal.
Australija / Australia, 2012, 4:17
Kanada / Canada, 2012, 0:38
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Režija / Direction: Jayden Dowler Scenario / Script: Jayden Dowler Animacija / Animation: Andrew Bowler, Keith Crawford, Jayden Dowler
Crtež na papiru / Drawings on paper Montaža / Editing: Jayden Dowler Produkcija / Production: Oh Yeah Wow
Jayden Dowler jayden@ohyeahwow.com www.ohyeahwow.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Sommets du cinéma d’animation de Montreal Režija / Direction: Patrick Doyon Scenario / Script: Patrick Doyon Animacija / Animation: Patrick Doyon
Montaža / Editing: Patrick Doyon Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Patrice Bourgeault Produkcija / Production: Patrick Doyon
Patrick Doyon doiion@hotmail.com www.doiion.com
47 takmičenje 05 / competition 05
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
Priča se odigrava u Minsku, glavnom gradu Belorusije. Grad je pun zombija. Muzika grupe Recha ih vraća u normalno stanje, što simbolizuje snagu uticaja koji umetnost ima na društvo.
Tokom tri meseca 40 brazilskih animatora je u tajnosti radilo kolektivni film u čast 20. izdanja festivala Anima Mundi. Film je prikazan na otvaranju i bio je iznenađenje za direktore festivala jer oni o njemu nisu ništa znali!
The story takes place in Minsk, capital of the Republic of Belarus. The city is full of zombies. Music of Recha turns them into normal people, which symbolizies the power of influence of art on the society.
During three months, a group of forty brazilian animators animated secretly a collective film as a tribute to the 20th anniversary of International Animation Festival Anima Mundi. The short was presented as a surprise at the openning of the festival. The festival directors were shocked, because they did NOT know about it!
Brazil / Brasil, 2013, 2:00
Belorusija / Belarus, 2012, 3:55 Kolaž, 2D kompjuter, 3D kompjuter / Cut-outs, 2D Computer, 3D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Horad Režija / Direction: Dzianis Mizhui Scenario / Script: Andrei Tokindang Animacija / Animation: Dzianis Mizhui
Montaža / Editing: Dzianis Mizhui Produkcija / Production: Dzianis Mizhui
Dzianis Mizhui denismizhui@gmail.com
Crtež na papiru, crtež na celu, lutke, glina, strata-kat / Drawing on paper, Drawing on cell, Puppets, Clay, stratacut Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Anima Mundi 20 Años Režija / Direction: 40 Brazilian animators Scenario / Script: 40 Brazilian animators Animacija / Animation:
40 Brazilian animators Montaža / Editing: Alessandro Monnerat Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Leonardo Mendes, Ana Luiza Pereira Produkcija / Production: Marão Filmes Marão Filmes marao@maraofilmes.com.br www.maraofilmes.com.br
Pripovest o neobičnom kvadripodu koji putuje zemljom bojeći stvari u plavo.
U minijaturnom gradu u kom životinje žive miroljubivo, nove vrste se iznenada pojavljuju i preuzimaju kontrolu.
The tale of a crotchet quadropus, who journeys throughout the land turning things blue.
In a miniature town where animals live peacefully, a new species suddenly appears and takes control.
Australija / Australia, 2012, 3:14
Francuska / France, 2012, 4:25
Objekti / Objects Režija / Direction: Darcy Prendergast, Seamus Spilsbury Scenario / Script: Darcy Prendergast Animacija / Animation: Sam Lewis, Mike Greaney, Seamus Spilsbury, Darcy Prendergast
Kolaž, 2D kompjuter, 3D kompjuter / Cut-out, 2D computer, 3D computer Montaža / Editing: Josh Thomas Produkcija / Production: Oh Yeah Wow
Darcy Prendergast darcy@ohyeahwow.com www.ohyeahwow.com
Režija / Direction: Thomas Fourniret, Jérémy Couturier Scenario / Script: Thomas Fourniret Animacija / Animation: Thomas Fourniret, Martin Laugero, Nicolas Dufresne, Benoit Somville, Jean-Philippe Florin, David Cazeaux
Montaža / Editing: Thomas Fourniret Produkcija / Production: Thomas Fourniret
Wasaru contact@wasaru.com www.wasaru.com
49 takmičenje 05 / competition 05
takmičenje 05 / competition 05
Manhand, najveći hip hop bend u Maleziji peva priču o grupi drugara koji žive na sličan način.
Životinje u obliku balona u Serengetiju se bore da održe dnevnu rutinu.
Manhand, the biggest hip hop band in Malaysia, sings the story of a bunch of friends who share the same life style.
The Serengeti balloon animals are struggling to follow their daily routine.
Belgija / Belgium, 2012, 4:40
Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 3:18
3D kompjuter, glumci / 3D computer, live action Režija / Direction: Olivier Dressen Scenario / Script: Olivier Dressen Animacija / Animation: Olivier Dressen
3D kompjuter / 3D computer Montaža / Editing: Olivier Dressen Produkcija / Production: Hero Design
Olivier Dressen olivier.dressen@gmail.com www.designhero.tv
Režija / Direction: Kyra Buschor, Constantin Päplow, Anna Habermehl Scenario / Script: Kyra Buschor, Constantin Päplow, Anna Habermehl Animacija / Animation: Kyra Buschor, Constantin Päplow,
Anna Habermehl Montaža / Editing: Anna Habermehl, Constantin Päplow, Kyra Buschor Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Namralata Strack Produkcija / Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg festivals@filmakademie.de
KASPERIJADA CASPARADE Wojtek Wawszczyk, Poljska / Poland, 2013, 11:00
PROZOR THE WINDOW Camille Müller, Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 4:45
PTIČICA I LIST THE LITTLE BIRD AND THE LEAF Lena von Döhren, Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 4:00
LAKU NOĆ, KAROLA GOOD NIGHT, CAROLA Alexandra Schatz, Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 5:58
FLAPER I PRIJATELJI FLAPPER & FRIENDS Krzysztof Brzozowski, Jacek Lechtanski, Poljska / Poland, 2012, 10:00
01 takmičenje filmova za decu films for children competition
PILIPKA PILIPKA Tatiana Koublitskaja, Belorusija / Belarus, 2012, 6:47
PATAKS PATAKES Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, Julie Rembauville. Francuska / France, 2012, 10:00
MAKROPOLIS MACROPOLIS Joel Simon, Velika Britanija / UK, 2012, 7:00
takmičenje filmova za decu 01 / films for children competition 01
Mali Kasper se ne odvja od TV-a i avantura svog omiljenog super-junaka. Pošto tata pokušava da mu ograniči gledanje televizije, Kasper dolazi na ideju da počne da glumi svog dedu, da bi tako zbunio tatu. U stvari, pravi super-junak bi mogao da bude tamo gde ga najmanje očekujete...
Jedan dečak ne voli da se smuca ulicama, on radije čita priče kod kuće koje ga navode na sanjarenje. Jednog dana će sresti devojčicu svojih godina i shvatiće da on nije ni nalik junaku iz njegove knjige.
Little Casper is glued to the TV watching the adventures of his favourite superhero. As his Dad tries to restrict access to television, Casper has a brilliant idea: He dresses up as his Grandfather in order to confuse his Dad. In fact, the real superhero might be where you’d expect him least...
A young boy doesn’t like to linger in the streets and prefers to read stories at home, which make him dream. But one day he meets a girl of his age and realizes that he is not at all like the hero of his book.
Poljska / Poland, 2013, 11:00
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 4:45 Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Kacperiada Režija / Direction: Wojtek Wawszczyk Scenario / Script: Wojtek Wawszczyk, Aneta Wrobel, Adam Wojtyszko
Animacija / Animation: Wojtek Wawszczyk, Tomasz Lesniak Montaža / Editing: Wojtek Wawszczyk Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Szymon Wysocki Produkcija / Production: Human Ark
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: La fenêtre Režija / Direction: Camille Müller Scenario / Script: Camille Müller Animacija / Animation: Camille Müller
Montaža / Editing: Camille Müller Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Thomas Gassmann, Christof Steinmann Produkcija / Production: Hochschule Luzern Design und Kunst, Animation
Human Ark a.sosic@human-ark.com www.human-ark.com
Hochschule Luzern Design und Kunst, Animation
francois.chalet@hslu.ch www.hslu.ch
Zima je, a na vrhu grane visi usamljeni list. Ptičica ga zaliva, ali on otpadne. Vetar nosi list kroz šumu pod snegom, a ptičica se pridružuje ovom plesu. Ali vatreno crvena lisica skrivena iza drveta već oblizuje usne.
Karola je neustrašiva devojčica i ne plaši se nikoga i ničega. Čak i kada se Zloća smesti ispod njenog kreveta, ona ne gubi prisebnost. Daleko od toga...
It’s winter. At the end of a branch hangs a single leaf. A little black bird comes along to water the leaf, but it falls off. The wind lifts the leaf and dances with it through the snowy wood. The little bird joins in, delighted. But the fiery red fox behind the tree is already licking his lips.
Carola is a fearless little girl and not afraid of anybody nor anything. Even when the Bad settles down under her bed, she does not lose her poise. Far from it...
Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 5:58
Crtež na papiru, 2D kompjuter / Drawing on paper, 2D Computer
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Der kleine Vogel und das Blatt Režija / Direction: Lena von Döhren Scenario / Script: Lena von Döhren Animacija / Animation: Lena von Döhren
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Gute Nacht, Carola Režija / Direction: Alexandra Schatz Scenario / Script: po knjizi J. Hajna i K. Kremera / based on the book by J. Hein and K. Krömer
Montaža / Editing: Lena von Döhren, Fee Liechti Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Christof Steinmann Produkcija / Production: Swiss Effects
Lena von Döhren mail@lenalena.org www.lenalena.org
Animacija / Animation: Steffen Bosseit Montaža / Editing: Gerd Wanie Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: SoundVision GmbH Produkcija / Production: Alexandra Schatz Filmproduktion Alexandra Schatz alexandra.schatz@tonline.de
takmičenje filmova za decu 01 / films for children competition 01
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 4:00
takmičenje filmova za decu 01 / films for children competition 01
U svetu koji se zove Naša Šuma, glavni lik, zec Flaper, sa svojim prijateljima susreće se sa mnogo svakodnevnih problema i poteškoća, ali zajedno ih uvek savladaju. Prijateljstva su na probi i ojačavaju se.
Dečak Pilipka se pojavljuje u kolibi zle Baba Jage. Pokušava da pobegne, ali šuma u kojoj je koliba je začarana...
In a world called Our Woods the main character – Flapper the Rabbit – and his friends encounter many daily problems and adversities, but together, even with difficulties they always overcome them. Friendships are tested and rebuild stronger.
The little boy Pilipka turns up at log hut of evil Baba Yaga. He tries to run away, but the forest where the log hut is located is bewitched...
Poljska / Poland, 2012, 10:00
Belorusija / Belarus, 2012, 6:47 Crtež na papiru, kolaž / Drawing on paper, cut-out
Lutke / Puppets Režija / Direction: Krzysztof Brzozowski, Jacek Lechtanski Scenario / Script: Wojciech Prochniewicz, Antoni Bankowski Animacija / Animation: Piotr Ficner, Grzegorz Piasecki, Paulina Szewczyk, Piotr Ludwik, Katarzyna Okoniewska
Montaža / Editing: Janusz Czubak Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Janusz Czubak Produkcija / Production: Se-Ma-For Film Foundation
Se-Ma-For Film Foundation a.waszczuk@se-ma-for.com www.se-ma-for.com
Režija / Direction: Tatiana Koublitskaja Scenario / Script: Dzmitriy Yakutovitch Animacija / Animation: Siargey Germanenka, Victorya Bratsishka, Natallia Darvina, Stanislay Speranski
Montaža / Editing: Dzmitriy Yakutovitch Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Vladzimir Kandrusevitch Produkcija / Production: Belarusfilm studio
Tatiana Koublitskaja kutani@mail.ru
Pataks je mali Indijanac, hrabar ali trapav, pa je uvek neuspešan u lovu. Saplemenici ga odbacuju i njegovo poslednje rešenje je da za pomoć moli staru šamanku koja živi daleko u planinama.
Priča o dve fizički oštećene igračke, Mačku i Psu, koji su odbačeni sa fabričke trake. Oni oživljavaju, pobune se i pojure za fabričkim kombijem za dostavu u nadi da će opet biti sa svojim prijateljima.
Pataks is a small Indian, he is brave but very awkward. When its hunting time, he always fails. Rejected by the people from his village, the last solution for him is to ask the help of the old woman chamane who lives far away in the mountains.
This is the story of two physically impaired toys, Cat and Dog, who are discarded from a factory production line. Coming to life, they rebel and chase the factory delivery van in the hope of rejoining their friends.
Velika Britanija / UK, 2012, 7:00 Lutke, glumci / Puppets, live action
Kolaž / Cut-out Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Pataks Režija / Direction: Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, Julie Rembauville Scenario / Script: Nicolas Bianco-Levrin Animacija / Animation: Julie Rembauville
Montaža / Editing: Julie Rembauville Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Steven Le Noch Produkcija / Production: Prototypes Associes
Prototypes Associes productions@festivalprototype.com www.festivalprototype.com
Režija / Direction: Joel Simon Scenario / Script: Mick O’Hara, Ciaran Morrison Animacija / Animation: Johnny Schumann Montaža / Editing: Nathan MaTeer
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Andrew Simon McAllister Produkcija / Production: Flickerpix
Joel Simon joel@flickerpix.com www.flickerpix.com
takmičenje filmova za decu 01 / films for children competition 01
Francuska / France, 2012, 10:00
Rino Alaimo, Italija / Italy, 2012, 6:10
Daniel Leyva, Bianca Meier, Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 1:36
Daniel Dugour, Holandija / Netherlands, 2012, 3:00
ČUDOVIŠTE U JEZERU A MONSTER IN THE RESERVOIR Sung-gang Lee, Južna Koreja / South Korea, 2012, 11:35
GOSPODIN OBLAK MISTER CLOUD Yu Shui, Kina / China, 2013, 9:51
Svetlana Andrianova, Rusija / Russia, 2012, 5:00
IMA NADE RISING HOPE Milen Vitanov, Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 10:00
takmičenje filmova za decu films for children competition
takmičenje filmova za decu 02 / films for children competition 02
Bajka o dečaku koji se zaljubio u Mesec i njegovim avanturama koje je preduzimao da bi osvojio njegovu naklonost.
Jedna bakica u svom malom električnom automobilu igrom slučaja započinje trku sa dvojicom obesnih mladića. Priča o zecu i kornjači ispričana na nov način.
The fairytale of a boy who fell in love with the Moon and his adventures to win her love.
Unwillingly an old granny in her electric little car starts a race with two young car tuners. The story of the Rabbit and the Turtoise retold.
Italija / Italy, 2012, 6:10
Holandija / Netherlands, 2012, 3:00
Crtež na papiru, dekupaž / Drawing on paper, decoupage Režija / Direction: Rino Alaimo Scenario / Script: Rino Alaimo Animacija / Animation: Rino Alaimo Montaža / Editing: Rino Alaimo
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Stefano Barone Produkcija / Production: Rino Alaimo
Rino Alaimo rino1982@gmail.com
3D kompjuter / 3D Computer Režija / Direction: Daniel Dugour Scenario / Script: Daniel Dugour Animacija / Animation: Daniel Dugour, Ralf Hekkenberg Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Brainpower
Produkcija / Production: Lemonade
Il Luster Films info@illuster.nl www.illuster.nl
Novi direktor stiže u školu i sve se menja... Horor za decu.
Otvorivši oči, Mesec koji je upao u dubine mora obreo se u potpunoj tami. Da li će moći da se vrati u svoj dom na nebu?
The new director came to school, and everything changed... A children horror story.
Opening its eyes, the moon that fell to the depths of the sea was met with complete darkness. Will the moon be able to return to its home in the sky?
Rusija / Russia, 2012, 5:00
Japan / Japan, 2013, 19:00
Kolaž / Cut-out Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Zelyonyie Zuby Režija / Direction: Svetlana Andrianova Scenario / Script: Svetlana Andrianova, Vadim Zhuk Animacija / Animation: Svetlana Andrianova
Kolaž / Cut-out Montaža / Editing: Svetlana Andrianova Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Alex Dreyshner Produkcija / Production: Studio Pchela
Studio Pchela pchelanima@mail.ru
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Umi ni ochita tsuki no hanashi Režija / Direction: Akira Oda Scenario / Script: Akira Oda Animacija / Animation: Akira Oda
Montaža / Editing: Akira Oda Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Akira Oda Produkcija / Production: ODDAdesign
Akira Oda info@odaakira.com www.akiraoda.com
61 takmičenje filmova za decu 02 / films for children competition 02
takmičenje filmova za decu 02 / films for children competition 02
Odlazak u bioskop je uvek pravo zadovoljstvo, osim ako...
Usamljeno ogromno čudovište živi na dnu jezera okruženog planinama. Jedan dečak je došao na jezero, ali mu se čudovište nije prikazalo da ga ne uplaši. Jednog dana, čovek koji zna istinu o čudovištu dolazi na jezero…
Going to cinema is always a matter of joy, that unless…
A lonely, gigantic monster lives in a reservoir surrounded by mountains. A little boy came to the reservoir but the monster didn’t reveal himself because the boy would be scared. One day, a man who knows the truth of the monster comes to the reservoir…
Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 1:36
Južna Koreja / South Korea, 2012, 11:35
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Režija / Direction: Daniel Leyva, Bianca Meier Scenario / Script: Rino Pelli, Janina Putzker Animacija / Animation: Daniel Leyva, Janina Putzker, Sabine Koops Montaža / Editing: Rino Pelli, Benjamin Pripad, Daniel Leyva
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Christian Seim, Benjamin Pripad Produkcija / Production: ASH Offsprings
Daniel Leyva krycekuva@gmail.com www.daniel-leyva.blogspot.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Juh-su-gi-eui Gwe-mul Režija / Direction: Sung-gang Lee Scenario / Script: Sung-gang Lee Animacija / Animation: Sung-gang Lee
Montaža / Editing: Sung-gang Lee Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Jong-hee Park Produkcija / Production: Sung-gang Lee
Indiestory Inc. kate@indiestory.com www.indiestory.com
Gospodin Oblak je čovek koji ima oblačak iznad glave. Kad upozna devojku shvatiće da je oblak prepreka između njih i poželeće da ga otera.
Trkački konj “Ima nade” pobeđuje jednu trku za drugom i njegov džokej je šampion. Sve dok jednog dana stvari ne krenu naopako. Ipak, “Ima nade” čezne za prirodom i to će mu dati neobičnu snagu da ostane na svoje četiri noge.
Mister Cloud is a man who has a little cloud above his head. When he meets a girl, he realizes that cloud is a kind of obstacle between them and he tries to drive the cloud away.
The racehorse Rising Hope wins one race after another, making his jockey a champ till one day, when everything goes wrong. But Rising Hopes longing for nature gives him untold strength and he finds himself having to stand on his own four legs.
Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 10:00
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Režija / Direction: Yu Shui Scenario / Script: Yu Shui Animacija / Animation: Yu Shui Montaža / Editing: Yu Shui
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Liu Cong Produkcija / Production: b.c.d. studio
Yu Shui ysfw972@sina.com
Režija / Direction: Milen Vitanov Scenario / Script: Milen Vitanov, Vera Trajanova Animacija / Animation: Milen Vitanov, Lars Krüger, Stefan Klauss, Martin Freitag, Nikolai Neumetzler, Michael Herm
Montaža / Editing: Martin Reimers, Jens Prausnitz Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Michal Krajczok Produkcija / Production: Talking Animals
Milen Vitanov team.risinghope@gmail.com
takmičenje filmova za decu 02 / films for children competition 02
Kina / China, 2013, 9:51
ČIPS GOSPOĐE DARMI MADAM DARMI’S SUKUN CHIP Heri Kurniawan, Indonezija / Indonesia, 2012, 4:00
POPODNEVA U TINTIKU TINTICO’S AFTERNOONS Alejandro Garcia Caballero, Meksiko / Mexico, 2012, 11:00
03 takmičenje filmova za decu films for children competition
BETOVENOVA PERIKA BEETHOVEN’S WIG Denny Silverthorne, Alex Hawley, Kanada / Canada, 2012, 2:17
MORSKE NOGE SEA LEGS Olesya Shchukina, Francuska / France, 2012, 4:01
N’ĐEKO N’DJEKOH Grégory Sukiennik, Francuska / France, 2012, 11:25
RIBA OD REZANACA NOODLE FISH Kim Jin Man, Južna Koreja / South Korea, 2012, 9:46
EMILI EMILIE Olivier Pesch, Luksemburg / Luxembourg, 2013, 16:00
PRODAVAC DIMA THE SMOKE SELLER Jaime Maestro, Španija / Spain, 2012, 6:34
takmičenje filmova za decu 03 / films for children competition 03
Jednog popodneva gospođa Darmi silazi sa voza i, dok čeka u mestu Sukabrantah, sreće dosadnog stranca sa kesicom čipsa.
Ispod predivne litice Kebrada u Akapulku, grupa komaraca, ovisnika od tropske muzike, očajnički pokušavaju da vrate radost u život jednog izvođača rumbe.
One afternoon, madam Darmi left her train and while waiting in the town of Sukabrantah, she met an annoying stranger with a pack of sukun Chip.
Under the beautiful Quebrada cliff in Acapulco, a group of mosquitoes addicted to tropical music desperately try to bring happiness back into a rumba musician’s life.
Indonezija / Indonesia, 2012, 4:00
Meksiko / Mexico, 2012, 11:00
3D kompjuter / 3D Computer Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Keripik Sukun Mbok Darmi Režija / Direction: Heri Kurniawan Scenario / Script: Heri Kurniawan Animacija / Animation: Heri Kurniawan
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Montaža / Editing: Heri Kurniawan Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Heri Kurniawan Produkcija / Production: Heri Kurniawan
Heri Kurniawan orangizenk@gmail.com www.organizenk.blogspot.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Las tardes de Tintico Režija / Direction: Alejandro Garcia Caballero Scenario / Script: Daniela Villanueva Valdes Animacija / Animation: Juan Eduardo Rivero Cruz, Jorge Federico Novelo Izquierdo, Emiliano Gonzalez Alcocer, Alejandro Garcia Caballero, David Torres Guevara, Eduardo
Pichardo Martnez, Adriana Caballero Romero Montaža / Editing: Daniel Hidalgo Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Daniel Hidalgo Produkcija / Production: Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografia
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografia difuinte@imcine.gob.mx
Čuveni kompozitor ima loš dan sa svojom perikom. U stvari, ponekad izgleda kao da njegova perika živi sopstveni život i, još gore, želi da dominira na globalnom nivou.
Jedan ruski mornar vraća se u grad posle dugog vremena provedenog na moru...
The world famous composer is having a seriously bad hair day. In fact, sometimes it seems like his wig has a life of its own, and worse, is intent on global domination.
A Russian sailor comes back to the city after a very long time away at sea...
Francuska / France, 2012, 4:01
2D kompjuter / 2D Computer Režija / Direction: Denny Silverthorne, Alex Hawley Scenario / Script: Jeremy Diamond Animacija / Animation: Alex Hawley, Neil Burns, Rich Duhaney, Craig Schriver, Joel Chahal, Kurtis Scott, Mateusz Garbulinski
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Montaža / Editing: Denny Silverthorne Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Paul O’Brien Produkcija / Production: Smiley Guy Studios
Denny Silverthorne, Alex Hawley jonas@smileyguy.com www.smileyguy.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Mal de terre Režija / Direction: Olesya Shchukina Scenario / Script: Olesya Shchukina Animacija / Animation: Olesya Shchukina, Viviane Karpp
Montaža / Editing: Myriam Copier Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Yan Volsy Produkcija / Production: La Poudriere
Olesya Shchukina appleandcloud@gmail.com www.spitsbergenisland.com
takmičenje filmova za decu 03 / films for children competition 03
Kanada / Canada, 2012, 2:17
takmičenje filmova za decu 03 / films for children competition 03
Ndžamena. Sagavši se da podigne novčić, mlada čađanka Marijam se priseća... pre sedam godina, u selu...
Ovo je animacija igličastim ekranom, koji je napravljen od rezanaca od testa kupljenih u običnoj prodavnici. “Da bi odrastao, moraš da izađeš iz vode.” Na ovakav način, punoglavci nestaju. Riba od testa, njihova prijateljica, otpočinje svoje otkrivanje sveta van vode.
N’Djamena. While picking up a small coin, Mariam, a young chadian, remembers... seven years ago, in the village...
Noodle Fish is a pin-screen animation, made with plain noodle bought from regular markets. „To be a grown-up, you‘ve got to get out of the water.“ With this, the tadpoles disappear. Noodle Fish, a friend of them begins his journey for the world outside the water.
Francuska / France, 2012, 11:25
Južna Koreja / South Korea, 2012, 9:46
Crtež na papiru / Drawing on paper Režija / Direction: Grégory Sukiennik Scenario / Script: Grégory Sukiennik Animacija / Animation: Gilles Cuvelier, Laurne Braibant, Samuel Gunol, Claire Troll, Studio TrainTrain, Grégory Sukiennik
Piksilacija, igličasti ekran / Pixilation, pinscreen Montaža / Editing: Grégory Sukiennik, Julie Lena Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Lionel Guenoun, Nicolas Fioraso Produkcija / Production: Papy3D Productions
Papy3D Productions rvdboom@papy3d.com www.papy3d.com
Režija / Direction: Kim Jin Man Scenario / Script: Kim Jin Man Animacija / Animation: Kim Jin Man Montaža / Editing: Kim Jin Man
Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Yang Vincent Produkcija / Production: Kim Jin Man
Kim Jin Man www.kiafa.org
Radoznala sedmogodišnja Emili i njen otac, naučnik zauzet svojim najnovijim izumom, žive u kućici na ulazu u otpad. Jednog dana Emili upoznaje veoma neobične majmune koji su se u potaji naselili u krošnji jedinog preostalog drveta na otpadu.
Putujući trgovac ima izvanrednu ponudu koja će stanovnicima sela u koje je stigao učiniti da se snovi pretvore u javu. On će upotrebiti sav svoj šarm da ih privuče i zaradi nešto novca pre nego što sve nestane i oni se probude.
Emilie, 7 year-old curious little girl, and his father, a scientist very busy by his latest invention, live in a small house located at the entrance of a dump. One day, Emili meets very original monkeys clandestinely settled in the only existing tree at the dump.
A peddler arrives to the village with an extraordinary offer he makes residents dreams come true, for a reasonable price. The peddler will have to use his charm to attract them and earn some money before everything disappears and they wake up.
Španija / Spain, 2012, 6:34
Lutke / Puppets Režija / Direction: Olivier Pesch Scenario / Script: Olivier Pesch Animacija / Animation: Elmer Kaan, Marieke Verbiest Montaža / Editing: Thierry Faber
3D kompjuter / 3D Computer Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Francois Dumont Produkcija / Production: Samsa Film
Olivier Pesch pecspeck@hotmail.com www.samsa.lu
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: El vendedor de humo Režija / Direction: Jaime Maestro Scenario / Script: Primerframe Animacija / Animation: Primerframe
Montaža / Editing: Primerframe Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Twelve Dolls Band and Juan Andres GT Produkcija / Production: Primerframe
Jaime Maestro distribucion@primerframe.com www.primerframe.com
takmičenje filmova za decu 03 / films for children competition 03
Luksemburg / Luxembourg, 2013, 16:00
Svetska panorama world Panorama
svetska panorama / world panorama
Španija / Spain, 2012, 6:35 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Vecinos Režija / Direction: Jaime Maestro
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 5:16 Escuela Primerframe www.primerframe.com distribucion@primerframe.com
Delia Hess www.deliashess.ch mail@deliahess.ch
Francuska / France, 2013, 23:00 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Meandres Režija / Direction: Florence Miailhe, Mathilde Philippon-Aginski, Élodie Bouédec
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Frühzug Režija / Direction: Delia Hess
Estonija / Estonia, 2013, 3:00 Films de l’arlequin carole.arlequin@gmail.com
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Mystiline raba Režija / Direction: Chintis Lundgren
Chintis Lundgren chintis.lundgren@gmail.com www.chintislundgren.com
Srbija / Serbia, 2013, 5:50
Francuska / France, 2013, 14:39 Vuk Palibrk leblebije@gmail.com
Films de l’arlequin carole.arlequin@gmail.com
Hrvatska / Croatia, 2012, 7:00 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Fliper Režija / Direction: Darko Vidačković
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Briganti senza legenda Režija / Direction: Gianluigi Toccafondo
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2012, 1:53 Bonobostudio vanja@bonobostudio.hr www.bonobostudio.hr
Režija / Direction: Dustin Rees
Dustin Rees info@createdindust.ch www.createdindust.ch
svetska panorama / world panorama
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Običan dan Režija / Direction: Vuk Palibrk
svetska panorama / world panorama
Holandija / Netherlands, 2013, 4:00 Režija / Direction: Mischa Rozema
Japan / Japan, 2013, 4:20 Mischa Rozema mischa@postpanic.net www.postpanic.com
KNJIŽEVNE PREVARE DA SE NAPRAVI GURU BESTSELER AUTOR / THE LITERARY HOAXES HOW TO MAKE A BESTSELLING AUTHOR GURU Francuska / France, 2012, 3:00 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Les supercheries littéraires Comment créer un gourou auteur de bestsellers Režija / Direction: Joris Clerte
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Mero mero Režija / Direction: Ikue Sugidono
Ikue Sugidono tono1955ry@yahoo.co.jp www.ikuesugidono.com
SESTRE SISTERS Srbija / Serbia, 2012, 7:49
Doncvoila Productions festivals@doncvoila.net www.doncvoila.net
Režija / Direction: Lea Vidaković
Lea Vidaković lea@leavidakovic.com www.leavidakovic.com
Finska / Finland, 2012, 6:30
Španija / Spain, 2013, 5:50 Jenny Rahkonen jennyrahkonen@gmail.com www.jennyrahkonen.weebly.com
ESDIP School of Arts cortos@esdip.com www.esdip.com
Portugalija / Portugal, 2012,11:10 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Outro Homem Qualquer Režija / Direction: Luis Soares
Režija / Direction: David Pavón
Australija / Australia, 2013, 12:07 Luis Soares luisfpsoares@gmail.com
Režija / Direction: Isabel Peppard
TBC Media warwick@tbcmedia.com.au www.butterfliesanimation.com
svetska panorama / world panorama
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Hänen tilanne Režija / Direction: Jenny Rahkonen
svetska panorama / world panorama
Francuska / France, 2013, 8:30 Režija / Direction: Ulrich Totier
Španija / Spain, 2012, 3:38 Fargo sf@fargo.fr www.fargo.fr
Silvia Carpizo silcardedi@gmail.com www.behance.netniepcagraff
Francuska / France, 2012, 9:50 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Son Indochine Režija / Direction: Bruno Collet
Režija / Direction: Silvia Carpizo
Francuska / France, 2012, 4:02 Vivement Lundi! vivement-lundi@wanadoo.fr www.vivement-lundi.fr
Režija / Direction: Marie Vieillevie
Marie Vieillevie marievwl@hotmail.com www.maryoldlife.blogspot.com
Poljska / Poland, 2013, 6:27
Irska / Ireland, 2012, 3:56 Se-ma-for Film Foundation Anna Waszczuk a.waszczuk@se-ma-for.com
SREDSTVA ZA KOMUNIKACIJU COMMUNICATING VESSELS Estonija / Estonia, 2013, 3:45 Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Uhendatud anumad Režija / Direction: Andres Tenusaar
Režija / Direction: Teemu Auersalo
Teemu Auersalo auersalo@hotmail.com
TOTO TOTO Poljska / Poland, 2013, 12:00
Andres Tenusaar tencu000@gmail.com www.tencu.vjestonia.com
Režija / Direction: Zbigniew Czapla
Zbigniew Czapla info@zbigniewczapla.pl www.zbigniewczapla.pl
svetska panorama / world panorama
Režija / Direction: Piotr Ludwik
svetska panorama / world panorama
Švajcarska / Switzerland, 2013, 6:55 Režija / Direction: Anete Melece
Nemačka / Germany, 2012, 4:31 Virage Film mail@viragefilm.ch www.viragefilm.ch
Kathy Wuerbs kawue@hotmail.de
Belgija / Belgium, 2013, 9:34 Režija / Direction: Antje Van Wichelen
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Das Kosmische Gesetz Des Zusammentreffens Režija / Direction: Kathy Wuerbs
Novi Zeland / New Zealand, 2012, 12:26 Antje Van Wichelen antje@annewiel.be www.primitives.constantvzw.org
Režija / Direction: David Downes
David Downes ddownes@ihug.co.nz
Španija / Spain, 2013, 8:00 Vuk Jevremović vukje@yahoo.com www.vukjevremovic.com
DOBRA FORA GOOD GRIEF Australija / Australia, 2012, 7:54 Režija / Direction: Fiona Dalwood
Fiona Dalwood director@goodgrief.tv www.fionadalwood.com
svetska panorama / world panorama
Izvorni naslov / Original Title: La Isla de los Muertos Režija / Direction: Vuk Jevremović
posebne projekcije special screenings
01 01
BONOBOSTUDIO (Hrvatska) BONOBOSTUDIO (Croatia) Studio u gostima / A Visiting Studio
Žorž Švicgebel Georges Schwizgebel Portret animatora / Portrait Of An Animator
PORTRETI SA PUTOVANJA FACES FROM PLACES Posebna projekcija / Special Screening
Studio u gostima BONOBOSTUDIO (Hrvatska)
A Visiting Studio BONOBOSTUDIO (Croatia)
BONOBOSTUDIO d.o.o. sa sedištem u Zagrebu je kompanija za produkciju, distribuciju i promociju animiranih i eksperimentalnih filmova. Osnovan je 2008. godine s ciljem podsticanja kreativnosti u umetničkom, autorskom filmu i istraživanja mogućnosti filmskog izraza, kao i radi proizvodnje i plasmana filmova visokih umetničkih i produkcijskih standarda. Osim produkcije i distribucije filmova Bonobostudio radi i muzičke spotove, video materijale za pozorišne predstave i umetničke projekte, a pruža i usluge postprodukcije, animacije, vizualnih efekata, izrade lutaka, scenografije i rekvizite za animirane filmove. Filmovi u produkciji i distribuciji Bonobostudija prikazivani su i nagrađivani na brojnim svetskim filmskim festivalima.
BONOBOSTUDIO is a Zagreb-based company founded in 2008, specialized in production, distribution and promotion of animated and experimental films. We encourage creativity, explore new forms of expression and produce and promote films with high artistic and production standards. Films in our production and distribution have been screened and awarded at numerous festivals wordwide.Bonobostudio also provides animation, post-production and VFX services and works on production of music videos, video materials for theater and art installations.
posebne projekcije 01 / special screenings 01
Program BONOBOSTUDIJA na Animanimi 2013, izbor iz produkcije i distribucije, predstavlja VANJA ANDRIJEVIĆ, producentkinja i glavna menadžerka studija. Vanja Andrijević (1968) prethodno je radila kao kordinatorka Splitskog filmskog festivala, kao koordinatorka i producentkinja u produkcij-
BONOBOSTUDIO programme at Animanima 2013 presents Vanja Andrijevic (1968), producer and general manager of the studio. Previously Vanja worked as the coordinator at Split Film Festival, as the coordinator and producer at the production studio Fade In, the executive producer at the Croatian Film Association and the executive producer at the animation production company Kenges. She was a member of the festival selection
Filmografija / Filmography:
www.bonobostudio.hr committees at 25FPS (2009-2010), Annecy (2009), Animafest Zagreb (2012) and a jury member at several film festivals and pitching forums. She also organized and coordinated other film-related events, such as promotional activities, screenings and workshops. www.bonobostudio.hr
Filmovi u produkciji / In production: • Labirint ogledala / Mirror Maze Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson, 2014, 8:00 • Glad / Hunger Petra Zlonoga, 2014, 5:00 • Skrivena aplikacija / Rogue Application Vladislav Knežević, 2014, 10:00 • Putujuća zemlja / Traveling Country Ivan Bogdanov, Vesela Dančeva, 2014, 10:00 bugarsko-hrvatska koprodukcija / Bulgarian/Croatian co-production
posebne projekcije 01 / special screenings 01
skom studiju Fade In, kao izvršna producentkinja u Hrvatskom filmskom savezu i kao izvršna producentkinja u kompaniji za produkciju animiranih fimova Kenges. Bila je članica selekcionih komisija na festivalima 25FPS (2009-2010), Ansi (2009), Animafest Zagreb (2012) i članica žirija nekoliko festivala i pičing foruma. Takođe, organizovala je i koordinirala druge događaje u vezi sa filmom, promotivne aktivnosti, promocije i radionice.
• Amnezijak na plaži / Amnesiac on the Beach Dalibor Barić, 2013, 23:45 • Fliper / Pinball Darko Vidačković, 2012, 7:30 • Priča s početka vremena / In the Beginning of Time... Božidar Trkulja, 2012, 10:00 • Otac / Father Father, Ivan Bogdanov, Asparuh Petrov, Moritz Mayerhofer, Veljko Popović, Rositsa Raleva, Dmitry Yagodin, 2012, 16:30, bugarsko-hrvatsko-njemačka koprodukcija / Bulgarian/Croatian/German co-production • Cvijet bitke / Flower of Battle Simon Bogojević Narath, 2011, 19:25 • Dove sei, amor mio Veljko Popović, 2011, 10:30 • Arheo 29 / Archeo 29 Vladislav Knežević, 2010, 9:30
01 EVO TV: VELIKA ŠUMA / EVO TV: THE BIG FORREST Kristijan Petrović, 2013, 0:47, Hrvatska / Croatia TV reklama, stop animacija, lutke / TV commercial, puppet animation 02 2 ½ BODIES – TRAILER Tatu Pohjavirta, 2012, 1:45, Finska / Finland Trejler za dugometražni film, stop animacija, lutke / Trailer for the feature film, puppet animation
06 SLAVUJI U DECEMBRU / NIGHTINGALES IN DECEMBER Izvorni naslov / Original title: Rossignols en décembre Theodore Ushev, 2011, 3:00, Kanada / Canada Animirani film, crtež na papiru, 2D / Animated film, painting on paper, 2D
03 FREE FALL - Independent Saint / Psychonaut Simon Bogojević Narath, 2008, 4:00, Hrvatska / Croatia Muzički spot, stop animacija / Music video, stop motion
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Trčeći kroz retku šumu, krdo jelena okreće se protiv pasa koji su ih dotad progonili. Ova kolažna drama inspirisana je gravirama iz 19. veka. In the forest, the herd of deer turns against the hound dogs that have been chasing them so far. This collage drama was made after an idea from a 19th century engraving.
Putovanje kroz sećanja i polja stvarnosti. Sugestivna metaforičko-nadrealistička priča. Što bi bilo kada bi slavuji radili umesto da pevaju i putuju na jug? What if the Nightingales were working, instead of singing and going south? Is the innocence the only saviour of birds’ songs?
04 DOVE SEI, AMOR MIO Veljko Popović, 2011, 10:30, Hrvatska / Croatia Animirani film, 3D / Animated film, 3D Da li je ugoda rutine i sreća što nam je pruža dovoljna da zauvek ostanemo njeni robovi? Mali kolaž svakodnevne rutine jedne starice pomalo otkriva čudne detalje u njenom životu. Is the comfort of routine and the happiness it provides enough to keep us its slaves forever? Following the daily routine of an old lady, we soon discover there is something strange about her. 05 ŽALILA SAM SE NA ŽIVOT. I VAPILA ZA NJIM / I WAS CRYING OUT AT LIFE. OR FOR IT Izvorni naslov / Original title: Je criais contre la vie. Ou pour elle Vergine Keaton, 2009, 9:10, Francuska / France Animirani film, kolaž, 2D, 3D / Animated film, cut-out, 2D, 3D
07 PIJAC / THE MARKET Izvorni naslov / Original title: Plac Ana Hušman, 2006, 9:00, Croatia / Croatia Eksperimentalno-dokumentarni film, stop animacija / Experimental documentary film, stop motion Prilikom kupovine namirnica na pijacu kupci se koriste raznim čulima kako bi uspeli da procene da li je voće i povrće uvozno ili domaće. A film about buying groceries and preparing food for winter, but also a film about people’s behavior during ordinary, everyday shopping on market places. 08 OTAC / FATHER Ivan Bogdanov, Moritz Mayerhofer, Asparuh Petrov, Veljko Popović, Rositsa Raleva, Dmitry Yagodin, 2012, 16:00 Bugarska, Hrvatska, Njemačka / Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany Animirano-dokumentarni film, 2D, 3D / Animated documentary film, 2D, 3D Otac izokreće stvarnost da bi stvorio prostor za nemogući dijalog: razgovor između deteta i oca koji se nikada ne dogodi. In Father the reality of life is turned upside down to create an impossible dialogue - the dialogue between a child and a father that never happens.
09 PLASTICAT Simon Bogojević Narath, 2003, 9:50, Hrvatska / Croatia, Animirani film, 3D / Animated film, 3D
Neobavezna šetnja, prosjak na ulici i svežanj novca u džepu. Situacija koja će se pokazati previše komplikovanom za Plasticata - mačka iz budućnosti. A pocket full of money. A beggar in a busy street. See how a casual walk down the street can turn a life upside down. Or downside up. 10 PRIČA S POČETKA VREMENA / IN THE BEGINNING OF TIME... Božidar Trkulja, 2012, 10:00, Hrvatska / Croatia Animirani film, stop animacija, lutke / Animated film, puppet animation Velika se pretnja nadvila nad selo. Mitski demon Garmah - ni lignja ni ptica - probudio se i donosi posvemašnju tminu.
A large threat is menacing the village. The mythical demon Garmah - half squid, half bird - has awoken and brings utmost darkness.
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Portret animatora Žorž Švicgebel
A Portrait Of An Animator Georges Schwizgebel
Opisujući dostignuća kruga istaknutih švajcarskih umetnika čiji su pripadnici bili i Danijel Suter, Klod Lijet, Žerald Pusen i Žorž Švicgebel u svojoj knjizi ‘Crtani filmovi: sto godina bioskopske animacije’ (1994), Đanalberto Bendaci dolazi do sledećeg zaključka: „Svojim snažnim osećanjem za ritam i atmosfere i svojim talentom da istražuje neobična rešenja formi, Švicgebel se nameće kao predvodnik srednje generacije švajcarskih animatora.“
In his book “Cartoons: One hundred years of cinema animation” (1994), Giannalberto Bendazzi describes achievements of the circle of distinguished Swiss artists to which Daniel Suter, Claude Lyet, Gérald Poussin and Georges Schwizgebel had belonged, conluding the following: “With his vivid sense for rhythms and atmospheres, and his knack for exploring unusual formal solutions, Schwizgebel can be considered the leader of the middle generation of Swiss animators.”
„Kao umetnik koji je završio ženevsku Umetničku školu, kao i Koledž dekorativnih umetnosti, Žorž Švicgebel je u Švajcarskoj podjednako pozant kao slikar, koliko i režiser animiranih filmova. Ova dva talenta se u njegovom opusu spajaju u jedno, onog trenutka kada se slike koje stvara pokrenu. Njegov rad – bez obzira da li koristi tehniku akrilnih boja, olovke, gvaša ili pastela – izdvaja se po preciznom nagoveštaju svetlosti, kao i
“As a result of having studied in Geneva’s Art School and College of Decorative Arts, G.S. is known in Switzerland both as a painter and as an animation film director. His two talents actually come together in his works when his paintings take on movement. His work with acrylic ink, pencil, gouache and pastel stands out of his precise sugestion of light and his economical and decisive use of lines.” The authors of Taschen’s illustrat-
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Program podržala PRO HELVETIA ed encyclopedia of contemporary masters of animation (2004) confirm Schwizgebel’s life devotion to exploration of the most significant element of the animation: “One of Schwizgebel’s favorite themes is movement itself, which he brillliantly combines with the film’s sound track.” Programme supported by PRO HELVETIA
01 IGRA / Play Izvorni naslov / Original title: Jeu 2006, 3:50 Vizuelna i muzička igra koja samu sebe gradi i razgrađuje, prateći tempo Skerca za Klavirski koncert br. 2, Op.16 Sergeja Prokofjeva. A visual and musical game which builds and destroys itself on the speed rhythm of Sergei Prokofiev’s Scherzo to Piano Concerto No.2, Op.16. 02 78 OBRTAJA / 78 R.P.M. Izvorni naslov / Original title: 78 tours 1985, 4:00 Subjektivni ugao kamere i nepomični kadrovi se smenjuju u ritmu valcera koji se izvija iz harmonike, otpočinjući kratku priču koja budi osećaj prolaznosti vremena. A subjective camara view and a fixed frames alternates on a waltz played by an accordeon triggering a short story that evokes the passing of time. 03 TEMA SLIKE / The Subject of the Picture Izvorni naslov / Original title: Le sujet du tableau 1989, 6:00
Kompleksnošću jednog slikara, čovek u odmaklim godinama uspeva da povrati mladost i da se otisne kroz predele na slikarskom platnu. With the complicity of a painter, an elderly man recorvers youth and manages to wander through paintings.
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odlučnoj upotrebi linija.“ Autori Tašenove ilustrovane enciklopedije savremenih majstora animacije (2004) potvrđuju Švicgebelovu životnu posvećenost istraživanju najvažnijeg elementa animacije: „Jedna od omiljenih tema Žorža Švicgebela je pokret sam po sebi, koga on tako veličanstveno kombinuje sa zvučnim motivima filma.“
04 PUTOVANJE U PONOR / The Ride to the Abyss Izvorni naslov / Original title: La course a l'abime 1992, 4:30 Koristeći cikluse od šest sekundi, animirana slika ilustruje odlomak jedne opere. Using a six second cycle an animated painting illustrates an extract of an opera.
Doživljaji mladog jelena, obmanutog površinskim izgledom stvari, prema motivima priče Liu Žongjuana (773-819). The story of a young deer deceived by appearances, based on a Tale from Liu Zongyuan (773-819).
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05 GODINA JELENA / The Year of the Deer Izvorni naslov / Original title: L'annee du daim 1995, 5:00
06 CIK-CAK / Zigzag 1996, 0:36 Kratko podsećanje na delo Rodolfa Topfera, u ritmu cik-cak putovanja. A brief homage to Rodolphe Töppfer in a zigzag travelling.
07 FUGA / Fugue 1998, 7:00 Čovek se strmoglavo spušta niz stepnice. Skriven u hotelskoj sobi, počinje da sanja. A man races down a flight of stairs. He takes refuge in a hotel room and begins to dream. 08 DEVOJČICA I OBLACI / The Young Girl and the Clouds Izvorni naslov / Original title: La jeune fille et les nuages 2000, 4:30 Pepeljugine avanture, ispričane kroz nekoliko scena i prikaza oblaka. The adventures of Cinderella told in several scenes and cloud images.
09 ČOVEK BEZ SENKE / The Man without a Shadow Izvorni naslov / Original title: L'homme sans ombre 2004, 9:30
Trampivši svoju senku za bogatstvo, čovek je ipak razočaran ishodom. Ne preostaje mu ništa drugo do da pokuša sa čizmama od sedam milja, ne bi li nekako pronašao svoj put. A man trades his shadow for wealth but, disappointed by the result, he has to resign himself with some seven league boots to help him find his way. 10 RETUŠ / Retouches 2008, 5:20 09
Između ritma talasa i daha usnule mlade žene, animirane slike kreću da menjaju jedna drugu. Between a wave’s rhythm and an asleep young woman’s breath, some animated paintings go on modifying each other.
11 ROMANSA / Romance 2011, 7:00
12 USPUT / Along the Way Izvorni naslov / Original title: Chemin faisant 2012, 3:30 10
Onog trenutka kada se zaustavim, više ne mogu da razmišljam – moj mozak radi samo dok mi se stopala kreću. As soon as I stop, I can think no longer, my brain can only move with my feet.
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Slučajan susret u avionu, dok gledamo kako se film pretvara u virtuelnu romansu. A casual meeting on a plane and watching a movie turns into a virtual romance.
Pored predavanja o dizajnu zvuka u animiranom filmu, član ovogodišnjeg Animaniminog žirija, Andrea Martinjoni, pružio nam je ekskluzivnu priliku da se upoznamo i sa radovima nove generacije italijanskih autora. Zahvaljujući Bocetu, Manfrediju, Manuliju, Kavandoliju i drugim starim majstorima, Italijanska animacija je stupila na svetsku scenu. Sada su na njoj neka druga imena, Sansone, Imhof, Bernardi, Katani... ali sa istim zadatkom kao i njihovi prethodnici: da živo interesovanje ljubitelja animacije učine još življim, i da stvore i novu publiku za svoja dela. Filmovi iz ovog izbora su veoma međusobno različiti u pogledu tehnika, estetika i stila, ali plene svežinom, misaonošću, kreativnim pristupima svojih autora, čija umetnička interesovanja, poput fotografije, stripa, ilustracije, izvođačkih umetnosti kao što su drama i ples, imaju uticaja na njihov vizuelni jezik.
In addition to the lecture on sound design in animated film, the member of this year's Animanima Jury, Andrea Martignoni, has presented us with an exclusive opportunity to meet the works of the new generation of Italian authors. The Italian animation made its appearance on the global stage owing to Bozzetto, Manfredi, Manuli, Cavandoli and other masters of the older-generation artists. There are now other names representing Italy on this scene, artists like Sansone, Imhoff, Bernardi, Cattani... pursuing, however, the same goal as their predecessors did: to make the live interest of animation lovers even livelier, and to generate new audiences for their works. The films from this selection significantly differ among themselves regarding the techniques used, their individual aesthetics and styles, but all of them convey the same freshness, thoughtfulness, creative approaches of the authors, whose artistic interest in diverse areas ranging from photography to illustration and performing arts such as drama and dance, has made an impact on their visual language.
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01 BEZ GLAVE / Headless Izvroni naslov / Original title: Senza testa Michele Bernardi, 2008, 4:51
02 PUTOVANJE #0008-0209 / Journey #0008-0209 Izvorni naslov / Original title: Percorso #0008-0209 Igor Imhoff, 2009, 5:35 Percorso#0008-0209 je deo produkcije Imhoff productions, kao i Percorso0007-0308, Percorso#0005-0406 i Path_0a-1406. I dok niz rastućih brojeva u ovim nazivima primećujemo kao implikaciju, jedinstvo stila je ono što sasvim jasno izlazi na površinu i pospešuje tok vremena. Kada je reč o vremenu, ono kao i da ne postoji u proširenim animiranim verzijama i magiji koja obavija ovaj začarani kaleidoskopski efekat. Dezorijentacija gledaoca se pojačava hipnotičkom muzikom koja se upravo neumoljivo izvija iz muzičke kutije. Prefinjene tehnike otkrivaju “primitivnu” osnovu – crtež, kao vezu sa autorovim umetničkim obrazovanjem: „Tehnika je nešto što nije moguće objasniti u nekoliko reči... u suštini, to je rad s trodimenzionalnim modelima. Crteži se skeniraju i animiraju uz upotrebu različitih softvera za animaciju, koji slike pretvaraju u složene višeugaone figure. Ja bih to nazvao 3D animacijom.”
03 IGRA TIŠINE / Game of Silence Izvorni naslov / Original title: Il gioco del silenzio Virginia Mori, 2009, 5:16 Il gioco del silenzio je najnoviji u nizu animiranih ostvarenja Virdžinije Mori koja se bave istom temom: ženskim bićem. Ritam filma je obeshrabrujuće spor i namerno razočaravajući. Kao što to već biva, lica i izbečene oči, duga talasasta kosa, tako raskošno gusta, neumitno podsećaju na ženske likove Edvarda Munka. Tehnika animacije se zasniva na crtežu olovkom na papiru. Il gioco del silenzio započinje zbunjujućim pitanjem: u kojoj ruci je nešto skriveno? Virginia Mori’s Il gioco del silenzio is the last in a sequence of animations all covering the same topic: womanhood. The film’s rhythm is discouragingly slow and intentionally disappointing. As usual, the faces, the stretched out eyes, and the long wavy dark hair, lusciously thick, easily evoke Edvard Munch’s feminine characters. The animation technique is based on pencil paper-drawing. Il gioco del silenzio begins with a startling question: which hand conceals the hidden object?
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Film je priča o ekscentričnom kolekcionaru glava. „Počeo sam kao dete, kao što drugi sakupljaju insekte, leptire ili poštanske marke. Sakupljao bih zaboravljene glave u javnim parkovima; u crkvi, kao član dečjeg hora, nakon što bi se vernici vratili svojim dužnostima; nalazio sam ih u samoći napuštenih skladišta, obavijenih ustajalim mirisom vune i razređivača; u barovima i dvorištima, duž redova tipskih kuća u zabačenim ulicama. Kod sortiranja sam se rukovodio njihovim raspoloženjima – ravnodušnošću, strahom, zabrinutošću, umesto nekim drugim svojstvima kao što su boja, poreklo, pol ili uzrast. Nebrojene glave utonule u samoću. Četrdeset godina sakupljanja glava usamljene ili razmažene dece, rasejanih službenika, zaboravnih muževa i umornih supruga, sveštenih lica i neznabožaca. Na svakoj, baš svakoj od njih, lebdeo je isti očajnički smešak. I niko od njih se nije javio i tražio da mu se glava vrati.” The film is about an eccentric head collector. “I started as a child, just like you usually do with insects, butterflies or stamps. I used to collect neglected heads in public parks; at the church as a choir-boy when the faithful had resumed their duties; I found them in the loneliness of deserted warehouses reeking of wool and solvent; in bars and in yards, facing rows of semidetached houses. Then I arranged them by state of mind, indifference, fear, concern, rather than by colour, origin, gender or age. Countless heads of loneliness. Forty years collecting heads of lonely or spoiled children, absent minded clerks, forgetful husbands and weary wives, priests and heretics. Each and everyone wore the same miserable grin. And none of them claimed its head back.”
Percorso#0008-0209 is part of igor Imhoff productions, along with Percorso0007-0308, Percorso#0005-0406 e Path_0a-1406. Progression in numbers is implied here, however stylistic coherence clearly comes to the surface and enhances in the passing of time. Time actually seem to be missing from the expanding animated visions and the spell of this enchanted kaleidoscopic effect. Disorientation increases with the mesmerizing use of music, a restless musical-box. Elaborated techniques uncover a “primitive” base, drawing, a reference to the artistic education of the author: “It is hard to explain a technique in few words…basically you work with three-dimensional models. Drawings are scanned and animated with various animation software, designed to turn pictures into sophisticated polygonal patterns. I would call it 3D animation.”
04 TRANSIT CITY #2 ROMA ASTRATTA Saul Saguatti-Audrey Coïaniz, 2008, 7:42
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Projekat pod nazivom Transit City sastoji se od radionica, video instalacija, “fantastičnih dokumentaraca” i animiranih filmova čiji su autori Saul Saguati i Odri Kojanic, koji opisujući svoju tehniku zasnovanu na fotografiji korsite izraz “fotorama”. Ovde se urbana realnost istražuje iz jedne neobične perspektive, “prolaskom kroz zamagljene pejzaže”. Grad se iznova osmišljava, kroz neku vrstu fantastične predstave uživo. Filmska muzika je mešavina ambijentalnog šuma, ljudskih glasova i folk muzike. Uprkos zvucima i prizorima iz stvarnog života, Rim ostaje neprepoznatljiv. The project Transit City consists in workshops, video installations, “fantastic documentaries”, and animations made by Saul Saguatti and Audrey Coïaniz. They describe it as “fotorama”, a photography-based technique. Urban reality is explored from a peculiar point of view, “moving through blurry landscapes”. They reinvent the city, performing some kind of fantasy live show. The soundtrack mixes ambient noise with human voices and folk music. Rome remains indistinct despite the reality of sounds and visuals.
The concept is a simple animation trick, flip-flop, Donato Sansone thus invented a flip-book-film, a “domino effect,” with images moving as hundreds of pages turn rapidly. The presence of the auteur’s hands seem to expose (uncover) the magic of animation. Videogioco: a loop experiment, selected at several international festivals was awarded at Hiroshima International Film Festival 2010. 06 MALA RUSIJA / Little Russia Izvorni naslov / Original title: La piccola Russia Gianluigi Toccafondo, 2004, 16:00 “Mračna priča o detinjstvu i mladosti, ljubavi i strastima maloletnog kriminalca, koja se odvija oko tate zeca, lunarne mame, kuce-balerine, ženepuža, sve do završetka u rukama policijskih časnih sestara. Smeštena
05 VIDEOIGRA / Videogame Izvorni naslov / Original title: Videogioco Donato Sansone, 2009, 1:00 Koncept je zasnovan na jednostavnom triku animacije – prelistavanju. Donato Sensone odlazi korak dalje i razvija novu formu, film u kome se stotine stranica knjige ubrzano smenjuju svojevrsnim “domino efektom”, otkrivajući slike u pokretu. Prisustvo autorove ruke u kadru kao da otkriva samu čaroliju animacije. Film Videogioco: a loop experiment prikazivan je u selekcijama nekoliko međunarodnih festivala i dobitnik je nagrade na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Hirošimi 2010. godine.
08 PUTOVANJE DEČAKA-PTICE / The Journey of the Birdboy Chiara Ambrosio, 2007, 4:23
Animatorski rad Kjare Ambrozio je istraživački pohod kroz ideje pamćenja, gubljenje i iluzije, na koji krećemo vođeni animacijom, fotografijom i video instalacijama, kroz predele duboko ukorenjene u nadrealnom i apsurdnom svetu češke i istočnoevropske animacije i književnosti. Kjara podjednako koristi tehnike animacije i igranog filma (koristeći lutke i različite predmete), koje – dopunjene svetlošću i zvukom – stvaraju kratke vizuelne pesme ili molitve. Upravo je upotreba muzike i zvuka ono što u našoj svesti pokreće sferu emotivnog, iracionalnog i potisnutog. The animation work of Chiara Ambrosio is an exploration into ideas of memory, loss and illusion through the use of animation, photography and video installation, deeply rooted in the surreal, absurdist world of Czech
07 J Virgilio Villoresi, 2009, 4:10
Od svih filmova Virđilija Viljoresija, J najviše odslikava uticaj njegovog omiljenog režisera, Maje Deren. Besprekorna podela na crno i belo, igra dvojnosti, stalna potraga za jasno određenim identitetom – to su teme koje obrađuje Meshes of the Afternoon. Šahovska tabla se pokreće i odnosi između predmeta stvaraju ironičnu igru, koja više priliči Alisi Luisa Kerola nego glavnom junaku Meshes-a. Among Virgilio Villoresi films, J is the one that recalls his favourite director, Maya Deren,the most. A neat black and white, the game of duality, a constant hunt for a distinct identity, are the topics in Meshes of the Afternoon. The chessboard moves and the relationships with objects create an ironic game, closer to Carroll’s Alice than Meshes’ main character.
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u granicama regija Romanje i Marke, oblast je zbog svoje tradicionalne reputacije savremene utopije u kojoj su ispunjeni snovi o slobodi i jednakosti ponela naziv “La Piccola Russia” (Mala Rusija). “A dark tale on childhood and youth, love and passions of a juvenile criminal, moving along a daddy rabbit, a lunar mum, a ballerina doggie, a snail woman, and eventually falling into some police nuns’ hands.” The area located within Romagna and Marche traditionally regarded Russia as existing utopia, where the dreams of liberty and equality had been fulfilled, and was therefore called “La Piccola Russia” (little Russia).
and Eastern European animation and literature. Chiara works with both live action and animation (using puppets and found objects), together with light and sound, to create short visual poems or prayers, often relying on music and sound to engage with the emotional, irrational and subliminal side of the mind. 09 FOBIJE ČUVARA PRUGE / Phobias of the rail-guard Izvorni nasov / Original title: Le fobie del guard-rail Marco Capellacci, 2012, 5:00
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Priča oživljava imitaciju mentalnog utočišta jednog deteta, neublaženu uobičajenim filterima. Likovi, kriptični i zamišljeni, naginju se preko ograde, u metaforičkom prikazu detetovog unurašnjeg univerzuma. Kroz prikaze se otkriva detetova tajna, njegovo skriveno mračno kraljevstvo ispunjeno kricima i jekom. The story deals with the mimesis without filters of one child’s mental escapes. The characters, cryptic and absorbed, lean out over the guardrail, metaphoric representation of the interior universe of the child. The images reveal his secret, his hidden kingdom of darkness made of screams and sound. 10 LA FUNAMBOLA Roberto Catani, 2002, 6:00 La funambola predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih radova u produkciji Roberta Katanija. Glavni lik ne prestaje da se pomera s jednog mesta na drugo, okačen u prostoru, gde ga usisavaju nizovi prikaza. Pozadina je ilustrativna, u hromatskoj kalibraciji i kompozitnoj selekciji, ali ritam animacije preovlađuje, ne ostavljajući oku ni za trenutak dovoljno vremena da se zadrži na svakom pojedinačnom kadru.
Pisma natopljena rečima, kao tiha priča o životu jedne mlade žene. Ljubav, venčanje i majčinstvo, san i utočište. I dok sklopljenih očiju stoji na obali mora, žudeći da oseti lakoću postojanja, kroz njena sećanja protiče reka uspomena. La funambola is a major work in Roberto Catani’s production. The main character continuously shift, dangling in space, sucked into the sequence of the images. There’s an illustrative background in the chromatic calibration and in the composite selection, but the animation rhythm prevails, never leaving time to linger on every single frame. Letters soaked with words, a silent narration of a young woman’s life. Love, wedding and motherhood, a dream and a refuge. A stream of memories passing through the woman’s mind, a need for lightness while she stands in front of the sea with her eyes closed. 11 TU SU DUHOVI / There are Spirits Izvorni nasov / Original title: Ci sono gli spiriti Alvise Renzini, 2009, 6:20 Ci sono gli spiriti predstavlja slobodnu vizuelnu interpretaciju sna Karla Gustava Junga. San započinje jednim sasvim uobičajenim arhetipom: naš dom, najprisnije mesto za svakog od nas, neistraženi entitet. Vidimo Junga kako ulazi u niz “tajnih” prostorija: prva je zoološka laboratorija u kojoj njegov otac izvodi nekoliko eksperimenata. U drugoj prostoriji je spavaća soba u kojoj njegova majka pokušava da zatoči duhove. U trećoj zatičemo veliko hotelsko predvorje, predvorje u kome svira orkestar, odakle put vodi do hiljada drugih soba. Autorova tehnika su crteži na acetatu, izvedeni vodenim bojama ili temperom, kao i crteži izvedeni pamučnim vlaknima, prašinom i vlasima, otisnutim u “stop moušn” tehnici u mračnoj komori na fotografskom papiru, u crno-beloj kombinaciji. Neki od delova su takođe izrađeni crtežima temperom na kartonu i čađi od sveće. Fotografije dobijene ovom tehnikom su zatim skenirane i sekvencionisane.
There are spirits is a free visual interpretation of a Carl Gustav Jung’s dream. The dream starts off with a quite common archetype: one’s own home, the most familiar place for each of us, as an unexplored entity. Jung finds himself entering a series of “secret” rooms: the first room is an zoological laboratory where his father carries out several experiments. The second is a bedroom where his mother attempts to capture spirits. The third is a big hotel’s Hall, prelude of thousands of other rooms, where an orchestra is playing. The technique with which the piece is realized consists in drawings on acetate carried out with either watercolours or tempera colours, or drawings made with cotton filaments, dust, hair, stamped in stop-motion in a darkroom on photographic paper in black and white. Some parts are instead realized with drawings in tempera colours on cardboard paper and candle soot. The obtained photographs were subsequently scanned and sequenced.
Topo glassato al cioccolato it’s a dreamlike, dark and surreal vision in wich the elements swirl around, running after themselves in an endless scene. Topo glassato al cioccolato is a project for a film, it was developed spontaneously during the act, when I was working at it. I had a guess, but it gets evolved by instinct. Then I had the general vision about how it had to finish. This way of work allows my mind and my feelings to come out without restraint, playing with different ideas and letting the unconscious out. Usually, when I expand a project I do it around a single idea born in a specific moment, but ideas aren’t firm, the thought evolves and it drags me to new perspectives, without conceiving them before. The research on sounds by Enrico Ascoli created a powerful and lysergic audio-morphing from a material to another, and designed a deep, still and dark atmosphere. 13 SILENZIOSA-MENTE Alessia Travaglini, 2011, 5:00
12 LEDENI ČOKOLADNI MUS / Frosted Chocolate Mousse Izvorni nasov / Original title: Topo glassato al cioccolato Donato Sansone, 2011, 2:40
Silenziosa-Mente je napravljen u rotoskopsoj tehnici. Glavni ženski lik u filmu suočava se sa složenošću odnosa i komunikacijom sa svojim okruženjem, koji su simbolično predstavljeni nizom obešenih telefona, nekom vrstom slobodne interpretacije tehnološki umerenijih vizija Dalijevih iskrivljenih satova. Animacija pojačava centralne delove priče: svađu između psoglavog i mačkoglavog političara, jednog zombija, mentalno zamagljenje izazvano kovitlacom reči. Zadivljujuće postignuće mlade umetnice posvećene video sekvencama, kroz koje provejava njena narativna energija. Silenziosa-Mente was built on the rotoscope technique. The female main character deals with complex relationships and external communications, symbolically represented by a row of hanging telephones, a free interpretation of the less technologic visions of Dalì’s soft watches. Animation highlights the central events of the story: a quarrel between dog headed and cat headed politicians, a zombie, the mental obnubilation by a word whirl. An amazing performance by a young artist mostly devoted to video-clips, displaying her original narrative verve.
posebne projekcije 01 / special screenings 01
Topo glassato al cioccolato je sanovita, mračna i nadrealna vizija, nezaustavljivi kovitlac elemenata koji se jure u jednoj beskrajnoj sceni. Ovo je projekat filma koji se spontano razvio u toku samog procesa, dok sam radio na njemu. Od početne pretpostavke, projekat sam razvijao prateći sopstveni instinkt. U početku je postojala samo osnovna zamisao kako će sve izgledati kada se završi. Ovakvim načinom rada oslobađam misli i osećanja, kako bi se potpuno nesputani poigravali raznim idejama i oslobodili nesvesno. Kada razvijam određeni projekat, to obično radim na osnovu određene zamisli koja je nastala u nekom trenutku. Ideje nisu čvrste, početna misao se razvija i otvara nove perspektive, dok još nije dobila konačan oblik. Istraživanje koje je Enriko Askoli obavio na polju zvuka stvorilo je snažan lizerginski audio-morfing, gde transformisani materijal stvara duboku, smirenu i mračnu atmosferu.
Posebna projekcija PORTRETI SA PUTOVANJA
Special Screening FACES FROM PLACES
Portreti sa putovanja je animirana TV serija koju je kreirao Bastijen Dibua. Ovaj autor je rođen 1983. godine, a 2006. je diplomirao infografsku režiju na Supinfokomu u Valensijanu (Francuska). Posle školovanja sticao je iskustvo u oblasti veb dizajna i animacije video igara. Budući da je zaljubljenik u putovanja, Madagaskar je bio veliko Bastijenovo otkriće koje ga inspirisalo da napravi animirani dnevnik svog boravka na ovom ostrvu. Film Madagaskar, dnevnik putovanja osvojio je Gran pri Animanime 2009. godine, a nominovan je i za Oskara 2011. godine. Bastijen je potom režirao i seriju Portreti sa putovanja baziranu na istoj ideji, kao i kratki film Kult tovara. Portreti sa putovanja će nas povesti u istraživanje koje će nam otkriti razna lica sveta: pejzaže, običaje, mitove i neobične susrete. Odvešće nas u Litvaniju, Grčku, Kolumbiju, Iran, Rusiju, Brazil, Meksiko, Pakistan, Kanadu, Jemen, Japan... Zasnovan na istinskim putovanjima, serijal svedoči o različitim susretima i svaka epizoda nas upoznaje sa stanovnikom više ili manje daleke i egzotične zemlje, koji putniku objašnjava jedan aspekt svoje kulture, istoriju i okruženje.
Faces from Places is an animated TV series created by Bastien Dubois. The author was born in 1983. In 2006, he graduated in infography direction at Supinfocom Valenciennes (France). After the school, he got experience in web site creations and video games animation. As a travel lover, Bastien discovered Madagascar and decided to realize an animated journey diary on the island. Madagascar, travel diary won Animanima 2009 Grand Prix and was nominated for the 2011 Oscar. Bastien than directed the series Faces from places based on the same idea, and the short film Cargo Cult. Faces from Places will make us explore and see the world through multiple facets: through landscapes, habits, myths and unexpected encounters. It will take us to Lithuania, Greece, Colombia, Iran, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Canada, Yemen, Japan… Based on real trips, researches or testimonies of various encounters, each episode introduces the native of a more or less remote and exotic country, who will explain the traveler an aspect of his culture, his history and his environment.
posebne projekcije 01 / special screenings 01
97 posebne projekcije 01 / special screenings 01
Izvorni naslov / Original title: Portrait de voyages Scenario, animacija i režija / Script, animation & direction: Bastien Dubois Montaža i dizajn zvuka / Editing & sound design: Regis Diebold Tehnika / Technique: 2D / 3D Trajanje / Duration: 60’ (20 episodes x 3’) Godina / Year: 2013 Producent / Producer: Ron Dyens Produkcijska kompanija / Production company: Sacrebleu Productions (France) www.sacrebleuprod.com
posebni programmi special programmes
Kako stvaram animirani film How I make animated film Georges Schwizgebel
O Vili... je čudesan film.
Oh Willy... is an amazing film.
To će vam reći svako ko ga je pogledao. Dobroćudni debeljko Vili vraća se u nudistički kamp gde je proveo detinjstvo, jer njegova majka je na samrti. Njenim odlaskom, i njegov život se menja. Dramatičnim, pomalo i komičnim, u svakom slučaju neobičnim sticajem okolnosti otkriće utehu i njegov život će dobiti novi, pravi smisao. Nadrealna priča o Vilijevom susretu sa zagonetnim stvorom na pustoj planini ostavlja bez daha, ali jednako čudesna je i primena vlaknastih materijala od kojih su izrađene sve lutke, kao i scenografija. Iza ovog po svemu izuzetnog animiranog poduhvata stoje dvoje umetnika iz Belgije, Ema De Svaf i Mark Džejms Rols. Njihov film je pobrao nagrade na mnogim festivalima, uključujući i Veliku nagradu našeg festivala, 2012. godine. Bio je to više nego dovoljan razlog da njih dvoje budu gosti ANIMANIME ove godine i da publici uživo predstave izazove sa kojima su se susretali tokom rada na filmu “O Vili...”.
Anyone who has seen it will tell you that. After his mother saw him in a dream on her deathbed, Willy – a good-natured chubby – returns to the naturist resort where he had spent his childhood. After she has gone, his life starts to change. A dramatic, albeit a slightly humorous and most definitely unusual chain of events will lead Willy towards discovering consolation and a new, true meaning of his life. The surreal story of Willy’s encounter with the mysterious creature in the desolated mountain is a breath-taking one, but none-the-less extraordinary is the use of the fibreous materials that all of the puppets are made of, as well as the scenography. Behind this by any measure outstanding animated accomplishment are two Belgian artists: Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels. Their film has won awards in numerous festivals, including the Grand Prix of ANIMANIMA 2012. This has been more than reason enough to welcome them as our guests at
posebni programi / special programmes
Odakle nadahnuće za ovako, i scenaristički i u vizelnom smislu, sugestivnu priču? “Inspiracija za film je potekla iz fotografija Dijane Arbus, na kojima su ljudi koji žive u nudističkim kolonijama. Ove fotografije su u isto vreme poetične, neprijatno banalne i nepomirljive. Želeli smo da postignemo istu vrstu napetosti u prostoru između poetike i šokantnih necenzurisanih prizora, tako što smo ukomponovali vunu u temu nudizma i pitanja šta u stvari znači živeti na prirodan način.“ A evo i zanimljivih produkcionih detalja. „Većinu setova i lutaka smo izradili u divnom francuskom studiju Vivement Lundi!, da bismo potom sve utovarili u jedan veliki kamion i dovezli u belgijski studio Beast Animation gde je obavljeno snimanje. Snimanje smo izvodili u naizmeničnim serijama, na tri seta – jednom manjem za scene u zatvorenom prostoru, i dva veća, gde su snimane scene na otvorenom. Mark Džejms Rols i ja smo opremali i osvetljavali scenografije na platformi, dok su druga dva prolazila kroz postupak animacije. Snimanje je potrajalo četiri meseca, da bismo na kraju počeli i da spavamo u studiju pored setova, na veoma neudobnom krevetu na rasklapanje, kako ne bi gubili dragoceno vreme putujući do studija!“
this year’s ANIMANIMA, where they will appear before the audience to talk about the challenges they ecountered during the creation of ‘Oh Willy…’. In a nutshell, this is how Emma and Marc present their film: “'Oh Willy...' is a stop motion film: puppet were animated frame by frame on sets ranging from 10m by 10m for exteriors to 2m by 2m for interiors, at the Beast Animation Studios in Belgium. All props and characters a made out of wool and fabrics. The production took one year – from January 2011 to January 2012, and was a co-production between France, Belgium and the Netherlands.” Where did they find the inspiration for a story this suggestive in terms of both the scenario and its visual impact? “We were inspired by Diane Arbus’ photos of people living in nudist colonies. The photos are as poetic as they are uncomfortably banal and confronting. We wanted to achieve the same tension between poetry and shockingly uncensored imagery by combining the wool with the theme of naturism and question of what it means to live in a natural way.” And here are some interesting production details: “We constructed most of the sets and puppets at a lovely French studio called Vivement Lundi!, then put everything in a big truck and drove to the Belgian studio Beast Animation for the shoot. We shot in rotation on three sets: a small one for interiors and two larger sets for exteriors. Marc James Roels and I dressed and lit the sets on one platform while the two others were being animated on. The shoot took four months and by the end we were sleeping in the studio next to the sets on a very uncomfortable fold-out bed so we wouldn’t waste any time commuting!”
posebni programi / special programmes
U najkraćem, Ema i Mark svoj film predstavlju ovako: „O Vili... je rađen ‘stop moušn’ tehnikom: lutke su animirane ‘kadar-po-kadar’, koristeći filmske setove dimenzija u rasponu 10m sa 10m, za scene na otvorenom, do 2m sa 2m, za scene u zatvorenom, u belgijskom studiju Beast Animation. Svi rekviziti i likovi su napravljeni od vune i platna, a produkcija filma je trajala godinu dana, od januara 2011. do januara 2012. godine. Kao koproducenti u realizaciji filma pojavljuju se Francuska, Belgija i Holandija.“
„Sama animacija je postavila posebne izazove, jer smo želeli da se određeni delovi vune pomeraju u svakom kadru, tako da smo – čak i onda kada određeni kadar nije zahtevao pokret – morali da dodirnemo lutke pre pravljenja snimka, vodeći računa da pri tom ne dodirnemo nijedno vlakno na setu u neposrednom okruženju lutke. Pošto vuna ‘diše’, nismo mogli da se odmaramo tokom noći, već je svako snimanje moralo da se završi u jednom danu, tako da je za animatore bilo puno zaista dugih dana.“
posebni programi / special programmes
„Gotovo svi snimci nastali su upravo na ograničenjima vune kao materijala. Želeli smo da zadržimo paperjastu, kovrdžavu teksturu vune, tako da je upotreba ‘zelenog ekrana’ gotovo istog trenutka odbačena. Naš pristup je tehnički krajnje jednostavan, jer smo želeli da ostvarimo osećaj širokog otvorenog prostora na setu, a da se pri tom ne oslanjamo previše na post-produkciju. Svaki pojedinačni element u svakom pojedinačnim snimku je autentičan elemenat sa seta, zbog čega smo bili prinuđeni da iznalazimo najrazličitija rešenja kako bi svaki detalj na setu izgledao ‘autentično’. Na primer, svi udaljeni predmeti su morali da budu umanjeni i odmaknuti, kako bi se stvorio osećaj prostorne udaljenosti, za stvaranje izmaglice u prvom planu kadra koristili smo vunu prikačenu za objektiv, velike panele za difuznu svetlost smo napravili od jeftine plastike, a oblake smo pravili tako što smo komadiće tek odsečene ovčje vune kačili na žičanu mrežu.“ Napokon, i nekoliko reči o autorima. Ema de Svaf je rođena 1985. godine u Gentu, Belgija. Diplomirala je na Odseku za dokumentarni film na Akademiji Sent Lukas u Briselu. Odlučila je da u izradi svog diplomskog rada – flima Soft Plants – koristi svoje poznavanje pletenja i zanatskih veština. U ovom kratkometražnom filmy se gledaoci po prvi put susreću sa likom debeljuškastog kancelarijskog službenika Vilija. Ema radi kao animator i izrađuje lutke za reklame, igrane i dokumentarne filmove. Najnovije u nizu ovih ostvarenja je njen rad na dizajnu i animaciji čovečuljka od kockica šećera, za reklamu belgijskog proizvođača šećera.
“The animation posed extra challenges as we wanted specific parts of the the wool to move at every frame, so even if there was no movement we had to touch the puppets before taking an image- being careful not to touch any of the fibres on the set around it. Wool also ‘breathes’, so we couldn’t take overnight breaks, every shot had to be finished in one day: this usually meant very long days for the animators.” “Nearly all the shots were conceived based on the limitations of the wool. We wanted to retain the fuzzy, wiry texture of the wool so green-keying was almost immediately ruled out. We have a very lo-tech approach and wanted to create a sense of wide open space on set without relying too much on postproduction. Every element in every shot was a real on-set element so we had to come up with all kinds of on-set solutions to make everything look ‘real’. For example, distant objects needed to be scaled down and diffused to create a sense of distance, we strapped wool to the lenses to create foreground fog, we made huge diffusion panels using cheap plastic and created clouds by suspending bits of freshly cut sheep’s wool on chicken wire.” Finaly, meet our authors. Emma De Swaef was born in 1985 in Ghent, Belgium and studied Documentary Filmmaking at the St. Lukas Academy in Brussels. She decided to use her knitting and craft skills in her graduation film Soft Plants. The short introduces the character of a chubby officeworker Willy. Emma works as animator and puppet maker for commercials, films and documentaries, most recently designing and animating a little man made out of sugar cubes for a Belgian sugar brand. Marc James Roels was born in Johannesburg in 1978 and studied animation at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent, Belgium. He has di-
Nakon premijere na filmskom festivalu u Klermon Feranu, ovaj prvenac u saradnji dvoje umetnika osvojio je više od 70 međunarodnih nagrada, među kojima su i Grand Prix Animafesta u Zagrebu, Grand Prix na ITFS festivalu u Štutgartu, Grand Prix na Festivalu animiranog filma u Holandiji i Cartoon d’Or osvojen 2012. godine. Ema i Mark su trenutno angažovani na novom kratkometražnom filmu u kome koriste istu tehniku.
Režija / Direction: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels Scenario / Script: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels Animacija / Animation: Andreas De Ridder, Alice Tambelini, Steven De Beul Montaža / Editing: Dieter Diependaele Dizajn zvuka / Sound Design: Bram Meindersma Produkcija / Production: Beast Animation Trajanje / Duration: 16:32 Godina / Year: 2012
rected three live action short films (Mumbler, 2008, A Gentle Creature, 2010) which have each garnered several international awards and nominations, including the Berlin Film Festival and Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival. He also directs life action commercials at CZAR.BE. Oh Willy... is his first animated short. Oh Willy was their first collaboration It premiered at the Clermont Ferrand Film Festival and has garnered more than 70 international awards such as the Grand Prix Animafest Zagreb, Grand prix at the ITFS Stuttgart, Grand Prix at the Holland Animation Film festival and the 2012 Cartoon d’Or. Emma and Marc are currently developing a new short in the same technique.
posebni programi / special programmes
Mark Džejms Rols rođen je u Johanesburgu 1978. godine i diplomirao je na Kraljevskoj akademiji lepih umetnosti u Gentu, Belgija. Režirao je tri kratka igrana filma (Mumbler, 2008, A Gentle Creature, 2010) koja su osvojila nekoliko međunarodnih nagrada i nominacija, uključujući i priznanja osvojena na Berlinskom filmskom festivalu i Festivalu kratkog filma u Clermon-Feranu. Mark je takođe angažovan na izradi igranih reklama za CZAR.BE. O Vili... je njegov prvi kratki animirani film.
Žorž Švicgebel Kako stvaram animirani film
posebni programi / special programmes
104 Žorž Švicgebel otkriva profesionalne tajne i objašnjava proces nastajanja animiranih filmova u svom studiju. Predavanje se sastoji iz pet poglavlja: Koraci, Muzika, Lupovi, Pokret u prostoru, Metamorfoze. Sat i po u društvu majstora animacije iz Švajcarske uključuje i projekcije njegovih poznatih filmova Igra i 78 obrtaja.
Georges Schwizgebel reveals professional secrets analyzing the process of making animated films in his studio. The lecture has five chapters: Steps, Music, Loops, Motion on space, Metamorphosis. About one and half hour in the company of the master of animation from Switzerland includes the screening of his extraordinary films Jeu and 78 Tours. www.studio-gds.ch
Georges Schwizgebel How I make animated film
Do ovoga dolazi ne samo zato što je animacija u samom polazištu namenjena da saopštava poruke i pripoveda priče putem pokretnih prikaza, već i zbog toga što se animirani film u načelu i stvara kao film bez zvuka: ponekad se animirani filmovi prilagođavaju nekom prethodno odabranom muzičkom sadržaju, ali se češće dešava da se film rađa kao nemi, pa samim tim zahteva da se oko prikaza koje on sadrži izgradi čitavo zvučno zdanje, svojevrsni zvučni pejzaž koji se stvara posebno za dati film: elektroakustička kompozicija, sastavljena od zvuka instrumenata pomešanih sa zvucima pozajmljenih iz stvarnog sveta, uz dodatak svih vrsta elektronske obrade i semplovanja, zvuka glasova i rezonantnih tela. Program podržao Italijanski institut za kulturu u Beogradu Voices, noises, music and sounds are the elements that make up the soundscape of any existing place. Those responsible for creating a soundtrack for an animated short film have the task of collecting sounds, capturing them from their original sources, removing them from their context and putting them back in the game in a new context: that of the film. Contrary to what happens in live action film where, in general, the voices and dialogue of actors, in
the flesh, take center stage in the soundscapeof the film, the animated short is filled with sounds often disconnected from speech. This happens not only because animation is predisposed to communicate and tell stories through moving images, but also because, in general,the animated film is born without sounds: it sometimes adapts to pre-existing music, but more often it is born mute, and therefore requires sound to be constructed around the images, requires a soundscape built specially for the film: a complex electroacoustic composition, made up of sounds of instruments mixed with sounds captured from the real world, electronic processing and sampling of all kinds, sounds of voices and resonant bodies. Programme supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Belgrade
posebni programi / special programmes
Glasovi, šumovi, muzika i zvuci su elementi koji čine zvučni pejzaž svakog mesta. Izrada zvučne podloge za kratki animirani film podrazumeva sakupljanje zvučnih elemenata, snimanje i izdvajanje iz izvornog konteksta, a zatim i njihovo ponovno korišćenje, u novom kontekstu – kontekstu filma. Nasuprot igranim filmovima, u kojima su glasovi i dijalozi glumaca najčešće zabeleženi tokom samog snimanja, elementi koji u zvučnom pejzažu filma zauzimaju centralni položaj, kratki animirani filmovi su ispunjeni zvucima koji često nisu povezani sa govorom.
posebne projekcije special screenings
PRODAVNICA SAMOUBISTAVA The Suicide Shop Dugi metar / Feature film
Retrospektiva / Retrospective
STASH: LATINSKA AMERIKA Stash: latin america Posebna projekcija / Special Screening
Spajk 2 Spike 2 Program za decu / Programme for Children
Retrospektiva EDUAR SALIJE program studija Autour de Minuit (Francuska)
Retrospective EDOUARD SALIER by Autour de Minuit (France)
Nakon završetka svojih pariskih studija u oblasti grafičke umetnosti i dizajna, Eudar Salije započinje saradnju sa kompozitorom i muzičkim producentom ‘Doktor L’-om, za koga radi ilustracije omota albuma i režira njegov prvi muzički spot pod nazivom Mountains. U nastojanju da utoli svoj ogroman apetit za slikovnim prikazima, stvara veliki broj grafičkih radova, uključujući kratke filmove, promotivne klipove i TV špice, kao i instalacije. Prepoznatljivog stila, duboko ukorenjenog u grafičkom dizajnu, njegov rad je već nekoliko godina izrazito prisutan na audiovizuelnoj andergraund sceni. Njegovi kratki filmovi Empire i Flesh kreću na svetsku turneju 2005. godine (Venecija, Sandens, Pariz, London, Njujork, Toronto, Hamburg, Seul...), osvajajući nekoliko nagrada na festivalima. Eduar Salije priprema svoj prvi dugometražni film.
01 TOKS, 2003, 8:20
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108 Film prikazuje Salijeov talenat za stvaranje snažnih eksperimentalnih vizuelnih prikaza u svakodnevnim urbanim predelima. The film shows Sallier’s talent for layering strong experimental imagery in everyday urban areas. 02 EMPIRE, 2005, 4:00 Pax Americana se stara o našem spokoju, obezbeđuje nam udobnost i osigurava prosperitet... idilična razglednica nove Imperije. The Pax Americana takes care on our peace, ensures our comfort, guarantees our prosperity... An idyllic postcard of the new Empire.
After graduating Graphic Art and Design studies in Paris, Edouard Salier started working with the composer and music producer Doctor L, designing his record sleeves and directing his first music video, Mountains. Having a huge appetite for images, he has created a wide range of graphic works, including short films, promos, tv idents and installations. With a style that is heavily rooted in graphic design, his work has been making noise on the audiovisual underground for several years. In 2005 his short films Empire and Flesh started touring around the world (Venice, Sundance, Paris, London, New York, Toronto, Hamburg, Séoul…), and winning several awards in festivals. Edouard Salier is now preparing his first feature film. 02
03 FLESH, 2005, 10:00 Imperija sve razotkriva, ali pri tom ništa ne vidi. Njeni neprijatelji sve idealizuju, ali ništa ne tolerišu. Za neke – ovozemaljski orgazam virtuelnih prostitutki. Za druge – večni orgazam 70 nebeskih devica. A šta ako bi sve zavisilo od našeg grešnog tela? The Empire unveils everything but sees nothing. Its enemies idealize everything but tolerate nothing. For some the earthly orgasm of virtual whores. For others the eternal orgasm of 70 heavenly virgins. What if it all came down to flesh? 07 04 JEHRO: I WANT LOVE, 2006, 3:57 Putovanje goni malenog ratnika, od rođenja pa sve do sigurne smrti, u đavoljoj mašini koja obezbeđuje oružje, lekove i mrtvačke sanduke. Travel forced little warrior from birth to certain death in a hellish machine that cater for weapons, drugs and coffins.
05 THE REPLICANTS: USER, 2007, 4:06
Četiri slova. 400 000 mogućnosti. Samo je jedna stvarna. Four letters. 400 000 possibilities. Only one is real.
Zabranjen pristup... Access Denied... 08 AIR: SO LIGHT IS HER FOOTFALL, 2010, 3:15 06 ORISHAS HAY UN SON, 2007, 3:12
Hodam kao zombi. Izgubljen sam. Walk like a zombie. And I’m lost.
Kubanska božanstva Oriše vratila su se u liku Roldana, Ruca i Romera. Ko je stvarno iza tih lica? Cuban Orishas deity returned as Roldan, Ruzzo and Romero. Who is really behind these faces?
09 MASSIVE ATTACK: SPLITTING THE ATOM, 2010, 5:10 Poslednja od poslednjih čestica. Odvojiva, zanemarena... The last of the last particles. Detachable, slurred... 10 JUSTICE : CIVILIZATION, 2011, 3:51 Od najvećih čuda ovog sveta – od Mont Everesta, do brazilske statue Hrista Spasitelja... jedinstveni trenutak, u kome se katastrofe pretvaraju u pepeo. From the world's biggest wonders of Mount Everest to the Brazilian statue of Christ the Savior…an exceptional moment when disasters turn to ashes.
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07 4, 2009, 16:40
Posebna projekcija STASH: LATINSKA AMERIKA
Special Screening STASH: LATIN AMERICA
ANIMANIMA ponovo ima zadovoljstvo da svojoj publici predstavi deo bogate kolekcije animiranih radova autora iz celog sveta STASH Magazina iz Kanade (Toronto). Da podsetimo: STASH Magazine je najveća svetska onlajn videoteka animacije, specijalnih efekata i moušn dizajna, obogaćena mnoštvom posebnih sadržaja koji se odnose na unapređenje znanja u oblasti struke kao i napredne kurseve obuke. Ovog puta, STASH-ovi urednici Stiven Prajs i Heder Griv oblikovali su specijalni program u kome je akcenat na kreativcima iz studija, kao i nezavisnim autorima, iz latinoameričkih država. Program predstavlja animirane radove (kratke filmove, TV reklame, špice, muzički video) autora iz Argentine, Čilea, Meksika i Brazila. Informacije o kompaniji STASH Media: www.stashmedia.tv
Once again ANIMANIMA has a pleasure of presenting to its audience a part of the rich collection of the STASH Magazine from Toronto, Canada, featuring animated films by authors from the whole world. STASH, for those who may not know this, is the world’s largest online library of animation, special effects and motion design, with numerous additions that promote the advancement of the professional knowledge in this field, as well as advanced training courses. This time, the STASH editors Stephen Price and Heather Grieve have tailored a special programme that focuses on the creative artists from the studio, as well as freelance authors, from the Latin America. The programme presents animated shorts (short films, TV commercials, idents, music videos) by authors from Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Brazil. Information on STASH Media company: www.stashmedia.tv
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05 SHOT & GO TV reklama / TVC, 02:00 Agencija / Agency: THE FACTORY CHILE Reditelj / Director: FELIPE ZAVALA Animacija / Animation: LEYENDA www.leyenda.cl
01 SANTANDER PERSONAL LOANS "HAIR CONDITIONER" TV reklama / TVC, 00:52 Agencija / Agency: OGILVY ARGENTINA Reditelj / Director: JONATHAN GURVIT Produkcija / Production: EL.EI STUDIOS Specijalni efekti / VFX: BLEEDVFX www.bleedvfx.com
06 YUZU "CRICKET" TV reklama / TVC, 00:30 Agencija / Agency: DRAFTFCB MEXICO Reditelj / Director: JONATHAN GURVIT Produkcija / Production: PRIMO BUENOS AIRES Animacija / Animation: LAPOSTA Specijalni efekti / VFX: LAPOSTA www.laposta.com.ar
03 TIM "POMBA E A GÍRIA" Onlajn film / Online film, 01:08 Agencija / Agency: WIEDEN+KENNEDY SÃO PAULO Reditelj / Director: JONATHAN GURVIT Produkcija / Production: PRIMO BUENOS AIRES Animacija / Animation: LA POSTA Specijalni efekti / VFX: LA POSTA www.laposta.com.ar
07 PEPSICO SNACK TWISTOS "WOODPECKER" TV reklama / TVC, 00:38 Agencija / Agency: BBDO Reditelji / Directors: NICO & MARTIN Produkcija / Production: PRIMO Animacija / Animation: REINO Specijalni efekti / VFX: REINO www.reinobuenosaires.com
04 91 ROCK "DEATHS" TV reklama / TVC, 01:00 Agencija / Agency: JWT Reditelj / Director: DANIEL SEMANAS Animacija / Animation: DANIEL SEMANAS
08 MERCK VICTRELIS Video instalacija / Installation video, 01:00 Agencija / Agency: CAHG Reditelj / Director: DAF Specijalni efekti / VFX: DAF www.daf.cl 09 THE FUND "TWO BOYS" Korporativni film / Corporate film, 02:14 Klijent / Client: THE FUND FOR RECONCILIATION, TOLERANCE AND PEACE Agencija / Agency: EITAN CHITAYAT Reditelj / Director: JOAO TENORIO, COI BELLUZZO Produkcija / Production: LOBO, BIRDO STUDIO, THE EBELING GROUP Animacija / Animation: LOBO, BIRDO STUDIO www.lobo.cx www.birdo.com.br 07
111 posebne projekcije 02 / special screenings 02
02 NEXTEL "TERRAZAS" TV reklama / TVC, 01:10 Agencija / Agency: MADRE BUENOS AIRES Reditelj / Director: ANDY FOGWILL Produkcija / Production: LANDIA Specijalni efekti / VFX: BITT ANIMATION www.bittanimation.com
11 AXN LATIN AMERICA Dizajn emisije / Broadcast design / TVC, 00:30 Klijent / Client: SONY PICTURES LATIN AMERICA Reditelj / Director: PLENTY Animacija / Animation: PLENTY www.plenty.tv
12 TELECINE "GO THE THE CINEMA" Dizajn emisije – filma / Broadcast design – cinema, 02:00 Klijent / Client: TELECINE NETWORK Reditelj / Director: BEELD Animacija / Animation: BEELD www.beeldmotion.com
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13 CHILEVISION "LA VERDAD" TV reklama / TVC, 01:38 Agencija / Agency: 180 GRADOS Reditelj / Director: JUAN DELCAN Produkcija / Production: NOLA PICTURES Animacija / Animation: NOLA PICTURES www.nolapictures.com
14 MTV BICENTENARIO Dizajn emisije / Broadcast design, 01:00 Agencija / Agency: MTV Reditelji / Directors: CAMILO BARRIA ROYER, ANAMARIA NANI GUTIERREZ Animacija / Animation: PLENTY Specijalni efekti / VFX: PLENTY www.plenty.tv
10 VIDEO MUSIC BRAZIL 2011 Dizajn emisije / Broadcast design, 02:14 Klijent / Client: MTV BRAZIL Reditelj / Director: CONSULADO Animacija / Animation: ATOMO Specijalni efekti / VFX: ATOMO Muzika, dizajn zvuka / Music, sound design: WHITENOISELAB www.consulado.tv www.atomovfx.com.br 11
15 MOVA Kratki film / Short film, 02:53 Reditelji / Directors: NICHOLAS FERREIRA, DOMINICK GREJC Škola / School: VANCOUVER FILM SCHOOL Animacija / Animation: NICHOLAS FERREIRA / DOMINICK GREJC www.niii.co www.dominikgrejc.com 16 UNA PIEZA MAS Muzički video / Music video, 04:04 Reditelj / Director: LUIS SAFA Animacija / Animation: BASA STUDIO www.basaestudio.com
18 BUEY DE PIRAÑA Onlajn film / Online film, 02:14 Reditelji / Directors: LEYENDA Animacija / Animation: LEYENDA www.leyenda.cl 19 NEOMORPHUS Kratki film / Short film, 02:28 Reditelj / Director: ANIMATORIO Produkcija / Production: ANIMATORIO Animacija / Animation: ANIMATORIO www.animatorio.com.br 20 BUENOS AIRES INCEPTION PARK Kratki film / Short film, 01:57 Reditelj / Director: FERNANDO LIVSCHITZ Animacija / Animation: BLACK SHEEP FILMS www.bsfilms.com.ar
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17 ONE MORE BEER Kratki film / Short film, 00:58 Reditelji / Directors: PEDRO CONTI, ALAN CAMILO Animacija / Animation: PEDRO CONTI, ALAN CAMILO www.pedroconti.com www.alancamilo.com
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114 21 PSYCHIC LAND Kratki film / Short film, 01:54 Reditelj / Director: PABLO GOSTANIAN Animacija / Animation: 2VEINTE www.2veinte.com.ar 22 TO DO LIST Kratki film / Short film, 02:07 Reditelji / Directors: DANIEL LUNA, YANIV FRIDMAN Animacija / Animation: DANIEL LUNA, YANIV FRIDMAN www.danielluna.tv www.yanivfridman.com 23 DOMINO PARTY Kratki film / Short film, 01:30 Reditelj / Director: RONDA + SONNI Produkcija / Production: SONNI STUDIOS Animacija / Animation: RONDA www.estudioronda.com.ar 24 THE CAMERA COLLECTION Kratki film / Short film, 01:00 Reditelj / Director: ANTONIO VICENTINI Animacija / Animation: ANTONIO VICENTINI
25 SHAVE IT! Kratki film / Short film, 4:11 Reditelji / Directors: JORGE TERESO, FERNANDO MALDONADO Animacija / Animation: 3DAR STUDIOS www.3dar.com 26 THE CHASE Kratki film / Short film, 13:20 Reditelj / Director: TOMAS VERGARA Animacija / Animation: CLAWER FILMS www.thechaseshortfilm.com
Feature Film The Suicide Shop
Ovo je sinopsis animiranog dugometražnog prvenca slavnog francuskog sineaste Patrisa Lekonta (Devojka na mostu, Čovek iz voza, Intimni stranci). Film je nastao prema knjizi istog naslova iz 2006. godine, francuskog pisca Žana Tulea (Jean Teulé). Radnja je smeštena u budućnost u kojoj se svet bliži svom kraju, a ljudi trpe strahovite posledice zastrašujućih klimatskih promena. Svi su bez izuzetka depresivni, pa i glavni junaci, članovi porodice Tuvaš (Tuvache). Oni čak nose imena nekih slavnih samoubica: glava porodice Tuvaš zove se Mišima, stariji sin Vinsent zove
Imagine a shop that for generations has sold all the accoutrements for the perfect suicide. This family business prospers in all its bleak misery, until the day it encounters joie de vivre in the shape of younger son, Alan. What will become of The Suicide Shop in the face of Alan's relentless good cheer, optimism and determination to make the customers smile? This is a synopsis of the animated full-feature debut of the famous French cineaste Patrice Leconte (Girl on the Bridge, Man from the Train, Intimate Strangers) . The film is based on a book with the same title, written by the French writer Jean Teulé in 2006. The story takes place in a future where the world is nearing its end. Exposed to sufferings caused by terrible consequences of disastrous climatic changes, all of the people are depressive without exception, including the heroes – members of the Tuvache family. They even bear the names of celebrities who committed suicide: the father of the Tuvache family is named Mishima, the elder son is named Vincent,
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Zamislite prodavnicu koja već generacijama prodaje sve rekvizite za savršeno samoubistvo. Ovaj porodični posao cveta u svojoj mračnoj izopačenosti, sve dok se jednog dana na sceni ne pojavi neobuzdana životna energija u liku mlađeg sina, Alana. Šta će desiti sa Prodavnicom samoubistava kada je ispuni Alanovo nepresušno dobro raspoloženje, optimizam i rešenost da nasmeje svoje kupce?
se po Van Gogu, a kćerka po Merilin Monro. Mlađi sin je dobio ime po britanskom gej matematičaru Alenu Tjuringu, ali on je ionako crna ovca u porodici, jer je dobre volje i optimista... Šta o ovom neobičnom filmu kaže njegov reditelj? „Knjigu Žana Tulea sam pročitao kada se pojavila, ali tada nisam mislio da bi se mogla ekranizovati. Svaka “naturalistička” adaptacija bi samo oslabila efekat i humor. Međutim, kada sam neočekivano dobio ponudu da od ove knjige načinim dugometražni animirani film, sve je istog trenutka postalo kristalno jasno. Sve se moglo odmah sagledati: likovi, setovi, čitavo neverovatno zamešateljstvo je moralo da se izmesti u potpuno drugačiji kontekst, u jedan otkačen i nekonvencionalni svet. To je bio jedini mogući put kojim se moglo ići, put koji ne samo da je bio moguć, već i jako uzbudljiv. Iznenada se preda mnom otvarao čitav jedan novi svet, svet u kome je moja mašta mogla nesmetano da leti, u kome sam mogao da dam oduška jednom mračnom i veselom smislu za humor. Započeo sam rad, ni jednog trenutka ne smetnuvši s uma svoj osnovni cilj – da poštujem svet koji je stvorio Žan Tule, u postupku transformacije njegovog dela u nešto drugo, u jedan moderan i – nadam se – zabavan i originalan film.”
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Program podržao Francuski institut u Beogradu
after Van Gogh, while the daughter got her name after Marylin Monroe. The younger son was named after the British gay mathematician Alan Turing – but he anyway is the family black sheep, being cheerful and optimistic… What does the director say about this unusual film? Izvorni naslov / Original Title: Le magasin des suicides Francuska, Kanada, Belgija / France, Canada, Belgium 2012, 79 min Glasovi / Voices: Bernard Alane – Mishima Isabelle Spade – Lucréce Kacey Mottet Klein – Alan Isabelle Giami – Marilyn Laurent Gendron – Vincent www.lemagasindessuicides.com
“I had read Jean Teulé’s novel when it came out, but at the time, I didn’t think it could be adapted into a movie. A “naturalistic” adaptation could only diminish its impact and humor. When, quite unexpectedly, I was offered to make it into an animation feature film, it all became perfectly clear. It was evident: the characters, the sets, this incredible business had to be transposed into a totally different context, a quirky and off-beat world. It was the only possible path, not only possible, but very exciting. Suddenly, a new world was opening in front of me, a world where my imagination could run free, where I was free to unleash a dark and cheerful sense of humor. I started working with one goal in mind, to respect the world invented by Jean Teulé while transforming it to make it different and turn it into a modern - and I hope - funny and original film.” Programme supported by Institut Française in Belgrade
Bord je najpre rešio da samozapajive nitratne trake uz pomoć eksperata iz Belgijske kraljevske kinoteke u Briselu spase od propadanja, a onda je krenuo dalje u potragu. Gotovo slučajno, listajući jedan filmski program iz 1928, saznao je da se iza pseudonima Brikolo krije - Čarli Bauers. Bord se
When Raymond Borde, director of the Toulouse Film Archive, embarked on a quest for old films around France in 1950s, he could not have forseen the discovery he was about to make. Having placed an advertisement offering 5 francs per kilo of old film tapes, he soon started receiving offers from different sides. A Gypsy brought some boxes containing flims marked with ‘Bricolo’. Having seen the films, Borde realised that these were old slapstick comedies, featuring a Baster Keaton look-alike actor whom he could not identify. Borde was astonished to see the surrealistic spirit of the stories, as well as – as he put it – ‘surprising manipulation of the objects’. The author of the films was obviously a master of what is nowadays generally known as the stop motion or trick-animation technique. After making sure that the self-igniting nitrate film tapes were secured with the help of the experts from the Belgian Royal Film Archive in Brussels, Borde continued his research. Almost incidentally, leafing through a film programme from 1928, he discovered that the pseudonym ‘Bricolo’ was used by Charley Bowers. Borde contacted Louise Beaudet from the Quebec Film Archive in Montreal, aware of her reputation as an expert on the early 1920s films, but all she was able to tell him was that Bowers had made more than 200 animated films from the Mutt & Jeff serial until 1924. An abundance of information, however, was received from the Congress Library in Washington. Bowers was born in Iowa, in 1899. His mother belonged to French nobility, and his father was doctor of Irish descendency. Bowers had worked as a jockey, horse trainer, cowboy and circus artist. After an incident, he ended this line of his career and turned to the theatre. Owing to his drawing talent, he became a newspaper cartoonist, and around 1912, he became interested in animated films. The first cartoon that he adapted for the big screen was Rudolph Dirks’ Katzenjammer Kids. The Mut & Jeff serial was also his debut as a producer, work-
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Kada je pedesetih godina prošlog veka, direktor kinoteke u Tuluzu Rejmon Bord krenuo u potragu za starim filmovima po Francuskoj, nije ni sanjao do kakvog će otkrića doći. Dao je oglas da otkupljuje stare filmske trake za 5 franaka po kilogramu i ubrzo su počeli da mu se javljaju sa svih strana. Jedan Ciganin mu je ustupio kutije sa filmovima na kojima je pisalo „Bricolo“. Bord je pogledao filmove, stare komedije u slepstik maniru, glumac je ličio na Bastera Kitona, ali nije mogao da ga indentifikuje. Bio je zapanjen nadrealističkim duhom priča i, kako kaže, „iznenađujućom manipulacijom objektima“. Autor filma je bio majstor u onom što danas uobičajeno znamo pod imenom stop motion ili trik-animacija.
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118 obratio Luizi Bode iz Kvebečke kinoteke u Montrealu koja je važila za velikog poznavaoca filmova iz perioda s početka 20-ih godina prošlog veka, ali je ona znala samo da je Bauers do 1924. godine napravio više od 200 animiranih filmova iz serijala Mutt & Jeff. Obilje informacija stiglo je iz Kongresne biblioteke u Vašingtonu. Bauers je rođen u Ajovi 1899. godine, njegova majka je bila francuska plemkinja, a otac lekar poreklom iz Irske. Bauers je radio kao džokej, dreser konja, kauboj i kao cirkuski artista, od čega je posle jednog incidenta odustao i posvetio se pozorištu. Zahvaljujući talentu za crtanje postao je novinski karikaturista, a oko 1912. godine zainteresovao se i za crtani film. Prvi strip koji je adaptirao za ekran bio je Bim i Bum Rudolfa Derksa (Katzenjammer Kids, Rudolph Dirks). Sa serijalom Mutt & Jeff Bauers debituje i kao producent, u sopstvenom studiju. Od 1924. godine snima filmove u kojima kombinuje igru glumaca sa animacijom objekata, kreirajući sasvim novu vrstu komedije. Holivudski reditelj Džozef Louzi se iskreno divio Bauersovom animatorskom umeću i pozvao ga je da bude animator u njegovom prvom kratkom filmu Pete Roleum and His Cousins (1939). U to vreme Bauersovo zdravlje se pogoršava, i on sve manje radi. Umro je 1947. godine. Otac nadrealizma, Andre Breton je 1937. godine nakon što je video Bauersov film To je ptica napisao sledeće: „Film To je ptica nas je poneo, po prvi put, sa otvorenim očima, do maglovitih predela našeg opažanja, gde počinje razlika između realnosti i legende, do srca crne zvezde.“ U programu Blago arhiva čiju realizaciju je pomogla kinoteka LOBSTER FILMS iz Pariza, ANIMANIMA predstavlja neke od Bauersovih filmova koji i danas plene svežinom, duhovitošću i animacijskom veštinom.
In the ‘Archived Treasures’ programme, the realization of which has been helped by the LOBSTER FILMS film archive from Paris, ANIMANIMA shows some of Bowers’ films that still ooze freshness, humour and animation skill, after all these years.
Program / Programme: 01 Looking for Charley Bowers, dokumentarni, režija Kristof Kuten (Cristoph Coutens), 2003, 15:42 02 The Extra Quick Lunch, 1917, 5:34 03 Believe or Don’t, 1935, 7:53 04 It’s A Bird, 1930, 14:10 05 Pete Roleum and His Cousins, 1939, 15:41 06 Wild Oysters, 1940, 10:06 05
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ing at his own studio. Since 1924, he began making films that combine real-life actors and object animation, as a completely new type of comedy. The Hollywood director Joseph Losey was sincerely fascinated by Bowers’ mastery of animation and invited him as the animator of his first short film, Pete Roleum and His Cousins (1939). During this period, however, Bowers’ health had declined, forcing him to reduce the volume of his work. He died in 1947. Having seen Bower’s film It’s A Bird, André Breton, father of surrealism, wrote: “It’s A Bird took us away, for the first time, our eyes opened, to the dull sensory distinction of reality and legend to the heart of the black star.“
Program za decu SPAJK 2
Programme for Children Spike 2
Spajkove avanture se nastavljaju! U prvom delu, vilenjak Spajk je bio pridošlica u Deda Mrazovoj radionici, koji je dovitljivošću i hrabrošću spasao pingvinsku banku ribe u gradu Pingvilu od Tonija i Vita, belih medvedapljačkaša. Šta vas očekuje u novoj priči Davida Aloa i Erika Tostija?
Spike’s adventures continue to unroll! In the first part, Spike the elf was a novice in Santa Claus’ workshop. Owing to his ingenuity and courage, he managed to save the penguin Fish Bank in Penguinville from two robbers – polar bears Tony and Vito. What is there in store for you, in the new story by David Alaux and Eric Tosti?
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Dok se Božić približava, radionica Deda Mraza je u punom zamahu. Dok mladi vilenjak Spajk u tišini deli spiskove sa poklonima, njegov prijatelj, pingvin Pako, saopštava mu strašene vesti: irvasi su upravo kidnapovani, Božić je u opasnosti! Spajk, njegova rođaka Doroti i Pako, pingvin koji sanja o tome da leti, moraće da se združenim snagama suoče sa brojnim izazovima, kako bi osujetili planove belog medveda Tonija i spasili Božić. O autorima: Dejvid Alo i Erik Toste su svoj prvi animirani ‘film’ snimili na traci od 8mm još kao trinaestogodišnjaci. Kasnije, kao studenti, nastavljaju da unapređuju svoje praktično i teorijsko znanje u oblasti filma,
As Christmas is approaching, Santa’s workshop is fully busy. Spike, a young elf, distributes quietly the lists of presents, when Paco, his friend penguin, announces him a terrible news: the reindeers have just been kidnapped, Christmas is in danger! Spike, his cousin Dorothy, and Paco, the penguin whom dream is to fly, will have to join their force and face numerous challenges to fight back Tony’s plans, the polar bear, and save Christmas. About the authors: David Alaux & Eric Tosti made their first 8mm animation “movie” when they were thirteen. During their studies they continued to de-
naročito kao samouki animatori. Nakon što su 1999. godine režirali kratki film (MON COPAIN?) u stop motion tehnici, nastavljaju sa radom kao nezavisni umetnici SFX grafike, da bi nakon svog drugog po redu uspešnog kratkog filma (LE VOEU) započeli sa radom u oblasti reklame (2D, stop motion, CGI...). Njihov stil se odlikuje dopadljivim i lepim likovima, jednostavnim oblicima i jarkim bojama, efikasnim ritmom i izvornim humorom. Tokom 2007. godine su razvili svoje prve TV projekte kao autori i režiseri – SPAJK (TV specijal, 35 minuta, CGI), i DEDA MRAZOV SVET (kratki filmovi, 24x1 minuta, CGI, u kome se pojavljuju likovi iz SPAJKA). Nakon ovoga, realizuju još jedan zajednički film kao autori i režiseri: THE JUNGLE BUNCH (TV specijal 55 minuta i kratki filmovi 26x1 minut 30, CGI). Ovaj program, namenjen deci uzrasta 6-12 godina, emitovan je u Francuskoj za Božić 2011. godine. Trenutno su angažovani na produkciji serije THE JUNGLE BUNCH TO THE RESCUE (52x11 minuta, CGI), čiji se početak prikazivanja planira za kraj 2013. godine. Od 2000. godine rade u sopstvenoj produkcijskoj kući, zajedno sa producentom Žan Fransoa Tostijem.
Francuska / France, 2012, 35:42 Režija / Direction: David Alaux and Eric Tosti Scenario / Script: David Alaux, Eric Tosti and Jean-François Tosti Animacija / Animation: Alexis Artaud Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Eric Sampieri, David Vincent
posebne projekcije 02 / special screenings 02
velop their cinema knowledge and skills, especially in animation as autodidacts. In 1999, they directed a short movie (MON COPAIN?) in stop-motion. They began to work as freelance SFX graphic artists, and after a second successful short movie (LE VOEU) they started working in advertising (2D, stop motion, CGI…). Their style deals with pleasant and nice characters, simple shapes, bright colours and a great efficacy in rhythm and humour. In 2007, they developed as authors and directors their first TV projects, SPIKE (TV special, 35 minutes, CGI), and THE WORLD OF SANTA CLAUS (shorts, 24 x 1 minute, CGI, with SPIKE’s characters). They then developed, still as authorsdirectors THE JUNGLE BUNCH (TV Special 55 minutes & shorts 26x1 minute 30, CGI). This program, targeting the 6 -12 years kids and a family audience, has been broadcasted on Christmas 2011 in France. SPIKE 2 (TV special, 35 minutes, CGI) has just been delivered for its first broadcasting on Christmas 2012 on France Television. They have just started the production of the series THE JUNGLE BUNCH TO THE RESCUE (52x11 minutes, CGI), to be delivered by the end of 2013. They created their own production company in 2000 with producer Jean-François Tosti.
prateći programmi additional programmes
Žan-Žak Tašđan / La Chienne (Francuska) Jean-Jacques Tachdjian / La Chienne (France) Izložba stripa / Comics Exibition
ANIMIRAJ (SE)! ANIMATE (YOURSELF)! Radionica animacije / Animation workshop
Izložba stripa Žan-Žak Tašđan / La Chienne (Francuska)
prateći programi / additional programmes
124 4.Festival nesvrstanog stripa Novo Doba održan na više lokacija u Beogradu i Pančevu (28.5-2.6.), bio je svojevrsno umetničko viđenje stanja i odnosa između kultura glavnog toka i kontrakultura savremene scene u ovoj oblasti. Jedan od gostiju bio je i Žan-Žak Tašđan (Jean-Jacques Tachjian), umetnik i izdavač iz Lila (Francuska). Tašđan je jedan od pionira izdavaštva alternativnog stripa osamdesetih godina, istovremeno se bavio i crtanjem i grafičkim dizajnom, sa posebno bogatim opusom u tipografiji. Devedesetih je osnovao izdavačku kuću La Chienne sa kojom su imali prilike da sarađuju autori iz regije kao što su Igor Hofbauer i Aleksandar Zograf, u okviru manifestacije Lille3000. Svoj izdavački i umetnički rad Tašđan će na festivalu ANIMANIMA 2013 predstaviti izložbom radova iz svog bogatog opusa.
The 4th Festival of the non-aligned comics, held in a number of venues in Belgrade and Pančevo (28th May – 2nd June) was a unique artistic view of the state and relations between the mainstream and the countercultures of the contemporary scene in this area. Among the guests who made their appearance at the Festival was Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, artist and publisher from Lille (France). Jean-Jacques Tachjian is one of the pioneer of the publication of alternative comics scene in the 80’s, and has always been an illustrator and a graphic designer, with a particularly rich opus in typography. Later he created the publishing house La Chienne, which has had the opportunity during the manifestation Lille3000 to work with authors from Serbia and Croatia such as Igor Hofbauer and Aleksandar Zograf. The ANIMANIMA 2013 exhibition will present Tachdjian work as a publisher and as an artist. www.novodobafestival.net www.lachienne.com
Comics Exibition Jean-Jacques Tachdjian / La Chienne (France)
Radionica animacije ANIMIRAJ (SE)!
Animation workshop ANIMATE (YOURSELF)!
od 3. do 8. septembra 2013.
2013, September 3-8
The workshop takes place at the ANIMATIC animation studio at the Cultural Centre in Čačak, as a fringe event of the ANIMANIMA 2013 festival. The animation workshop ANIMATE (YOURSELF)! is an entertaining and educational initiative in which short animated films based on the stop motion technique are produced by pupils of senior grades of elementary school. Thus the participants, who until recently were only spectators, became creative authors, engaged in the animated film creation. The themes of the workshop are animated SELF-PORTRAIT and UNUSUAL ZOOLOGY. The workshop tutor is MARIC KICUŠIĆ, animator and film director from Belgrade. Marica graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade; apart from animation, she is successfully performing in the area of illustration, graphics, digital collage, comics, poster design, mural painting, videos and multimedia.
prateći programi / additional programmes
Radionica se održava u studiju za animaciju ANIMATIC u Domu kulture u Čačku, kao jedna od pratećih aktivnosti festivala ANIMANIMA 2013. Radionica animacije ANIMIRAJ (SE)! je zabavno-edukativna akcija izrade kratkih animiranih filma u stop trik tehnici, namenjena učenicima starijih razreda osnovne škole. Do nedavno samo gledaoci, sada i kreativni autori, aktivni učesnici u stvaranju animiranog filma. Teme radionice su animirani AUTOPORTRET i NEOBIČNA ZOOLOGIJA. Voditelj radionice je MARICA KICUŠIĆ, animatorka i rediteljka iz Beograda. Marica je diplomirala na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu. Osim animacije, uspešno se bavi i ilustracijom, grafikom, digitalnim kolažom, stripom, dizajnom plakata, slikanjem murala, video radovima i multimedijom.
2 ½ BODIES (Dva i po tela) 82 4 (Četiri) 107 78 TOURS (78 obrtaja) 85 91 ROCK DEATHS 109
indeks filmova / index of films
A ALIENATION 74 ALONG THE WAY (Usput) 87 ANGELIQUE’ S DAY FOR NIGHT (Anželikin dan za noć) 21 ANIMA MUNDI 20 AÑOS (20 godina festivala Anima Mundi) 46 ANY OTHER MAN (Bilo koji drugi čovek) 73 AROUND THE LAKE (Oko jezera) 38 ASTIGMATISMO (Astigmatizam) 30 AXN LATIN AMERICA 110 B BANQUET OF THE CONCUBINE, THE (Konkubinin banket) 14 BEETHOVEN’S WIG (Betovenova perika) 65 BELIEVE OR DON’T (Verovali ili ne) 117 BENJAMIN’S FLOWERS (Bendžaminovo cveće) 32 BETTY’ S BLUES (Betin bluz) 14 BOLES 16 BOY AND THE MOON, THE (Dečak i mesec) 58 BUENOS AIRES INCEPTION PARK 111 BUEY DE PIRAÑA 111 BUNGLED CHILD, THE (Nesposobno dete) 35 BUTTERFLIES (Leptiri) 73 C CAMERA COLLECTION, THE 112 CARGO CULT (Kult tovara) 17 CASPARADE (Kasperijada) 52 CENTIPEDE AND THE TOAD, THE (Stonoga i žaba) 23 CHASE, THE 112 CITY (Grad) 46 CIVILIZATION (Civilizacija) 107 COMMUNICATING VESSELS (Sredstva za komunikaciju) 75 COSMIC LAW OF ENCOUNTER, THE (Kosmički zakon susreta) 76 CRICKET 109 D DAY PILSEN STRUCK GOLD, THE (Dan kada je Pilsen osvojio zlato) 40 DÉJÀ MOO (Hitan slučaj) 26 DIP ‘N’ DANCE (Potopi & pleši) 20 DJI. DEATH FAILS (Dji. Pad smrti) 30 DOG SKIN (Pseća koža) 27 DOMINO PARTY 112 DOVE SEI, AMOR MIO 82 E EASY WAY OUT (Lako se izvući) 44 ELLE STYLE AWARDS (Nagrade Elle Stil) 44 EMILIE (Emili) 67 EMPIRE (Carstvo) 106 EVO TV: THE BIG FORREST (Evo TV: Velika šuma) 82 EXTRA QUICK LUNCH, THE (Ručak na brzinu) 117
F FACES FROM THE PLACES (Portreti sa putovanja) 94 FATHER (Otac) 82 FEAR OF FLYING (Strah od letenja) 35 FERAL 21 FLAPPER & FRIENDS (Flaper i prijatelji) 54 FLESH (Meso) 107 FREE FALL (Slobodan pad) 82 FROSTED CHOCOLATE MUSS (Ledeni čokoladni mus) 93 FUGUE (Fuga) 86 G GAME OF SILENCE (Igra tišine) 89 GO THE THE CINEMA 110 GOOD GRIEF (Dobra fora) 77 GOOD NIGHT, CAROLA (Laku noć, Karola) 53 GRANNY LANE (Opasna bakica) 58 GREEN TEETH, THE (Zeleni zubi) 59 H HAIR CONDITIONER 109 HAM (Šunka) 22 HAY UN SON 107 HEADLESS (Bez glave) 89 HIS WAR (Njegov rat) 74 I I WANT LOVE (Hoću ljubav) 107 I WAS CRYING OUT AT LIFE. OR FOR IT (Žalila sam se na život. I vapila za njim) 82 I WISH THAT (Želim to) 45 IN THE BEGINNING OF TIME... (Priča s početka vremena) 83 IRISH FOLK FURNITURE (Irski narodni nameštaj) 28 ISLE OF THE DEAD (Ostrvo mrtvih) 77 IT IS RAINING (Pada kiša) 17 IT’S A BIRD (To je ptica) 117 J J 91 JERSEY (Džersi) 40 JOURNEY #0008-0209 (Putovanje #0008-0209) 89 JOURNEY OF THE BIRDBOY, THE (Putovanje dečaka-ptice) 91 K KIKI OF MONTPARNASSE (Kiki Monparnas) 38 KINGDOM (Kraljevstvo) 76 KIOSK, THE (Kiosk) 76 KLOPS 60 L LA FUNAMBOLA 92 LA VERDAD 110 LEARNING TO FISH (Učiti kako se peca) 75 LEE VAN CLEEF (Li Van Klif) 41 LET’ S GO! (Idemo!) 43 LIKE RABBITS [STICKY ENDS, CHAP. 2] Poput zečeva [Grozni svršeci, 2. poglavlje] 15 LITERARY HOAXES HOW TO MAKE A BESTSELLING AUTHOR GURU, THE (Književne prevare da se napravi guru bestseler autor) 72 LITTLE BIRD AND THE LEAF, THE (Ptičica i list) 53 LITTLE RUSSIA (Mala Rusija) 90 LONELY BONES (Usamljene kosti) 39 LONG BRIDGE OF DESIRED DIRECTION (Dugi most na željenom pravcu) 16 LOOKING FOR CHARLEY BOWERS (U potrazi za Čarlijem Bauersom) 117 LOST AND FOUND (Izgubljeno-nađeno) 76
M MACROPOLIS (Makropolis) 55 MADAM DARMI’S SUKUN CHIP (Čips gospođe Darmi) 64 MADLY IN LOVE (Ludo zaljubljena) 72 MAN WITHOUT A SHADOW, THE (Čovek bez senke) 86 MARKET, THE (Pijac) 82 MEANDERS (Meandri) 70 MERCK VICTRELIS 109 MONSTER IN THE RESERVOIR, A (Čudovište u jezeru) 60 MONTREAL ANIMATED FILM SUMMIT (Samit animiranog filma u Montrealu) 45 MOON THAT FELL INTO THE SEA, THE (Mesec koji je pao u more) 59 MORNING TRAIN (Jutarnji voz) 70 MOVA 111 MR. CLOUD (Gospodin Oblak) 61 MTV BICENTENARIO 110 MYSTERIOUS SWAMP (Zagonetna močvara) 70 N N’DJEKOH (N’Đeko) 66 NEIGHBOURS (Susedi) 70 NEOMORPHUS 111 THE NIGHT OF THE BEAR (Noć medveda) 33 NIGHTINGALES IN DECEMBER (Slavuji u decembru) 82 NOODLEFISH (Riba od rezanaca) 66
P PALMIPEDARIUM 15 PARLER LE FRACAS 47 PATAKES (Pataks) 55 PETE ROLEUM AND HIS COUSINS (Pet Roleum i njegovi rođaci) 117 PHOBIAS OF THE RAIL GUARD (Fobije čuvara pruge) 92 PHONE BOOK POLKA, THE (Polka telefonskog imenika) 39 PILIPKA (Pilipka) 54 PINBALL (Fliper) 71 PLAY (Igra) 85 PLASTICAT 82 POMBA E A GÍRIA 109 PSYCHIC LAND 112 R RABBITLAND 27 RABBIT AND DEER (Zec i jelen) 22 RANSOM (Otkup) 71 REGULAR DAY (Običan dan) 71 RESISTANT SOUL (Otporna duša) 23 RETOUCHES (Retuš) 87 RIDE TO THE ABYSS, THE (Putovanje u ponor) 86 RISE AND FALL OF ART (Uspon i pad umetnosti) 29 RISING HOPE (Ima nade) 61 ROLLIN’ SAFARI (Kotrljajući safari) 48 ROMANCE (Romansa) 87 ROSE OF TURAIDA, THE (Ruža Turaide) 34 S SEA LEGS (Morske noge) 65 SHAPE (Oblik) 42 SHAVE IT! 112 SHOT & GO 109
T TERRAZAS 109 THERE ARE SPIRITS (Tu su duhovi) 92 THUGS WITH NO LEGEND (Razbojnici bez legende) 71 TIME TO GO (Vreme da se krene) 47 TINTICOS AFTERNOONS (Popodneva u Tintiku) 64 TO DO LIST 112 TOKS 106 TOTO 75 TRANSIT CITY #2 ROMA ASTRATTA (Grad u prolazu) 90 TWO BOYS 109 U UNA PIEZA MAS 111 UOVOKIDS (Uovo za decu) 43 US (Mi) 74 USER (Korisnik) 107 V VENICE / MASSI (Venecija / Masi) 41 VIDEOGAME (Video igra) 90 VIDEO MUSIC BRAZIL 2011 110 W WHEN ONE STOPS (Kad se neko zaustavi) 73 WILD OYSTERS (Divlje ostrige) 117 WIND OF SHARE (Vetar koji deli) 34 WINDOW, THE (Prozor) 52 WOMEN’S LETTERS (Pisma žena) 28 WOODPECKER 109 Y YEAR OF THE DEER, THE (Godina jelena) 86 YOUNG GIRL AND THE CLOUDS, THE (Devojčica i oblak) 86 Z ZIEGENORT (Zigenort) 20 ZIG ZAG (Cik-cak) 86
127 indeks filmova / index of films
O OH WILLY... (O, Vili...) 98 OLD BUDDY (Stari drugar) 48 ON/OFF (Uključeno/Iskjlučeno) 75 ONE MORE BEER 111 ORIGAMI 73 OTHER SIDE, THE (Druga strana) 32
SILENT WALL (Zid tišine) 42 SILENZIOSA-MENTE 93 SISTERS (Sestre) 72 SISTER AND BROTHER (Sestra i brat) 74 SMOKE SELLER, THE (Prodavac dima) 67 SO LIGHT IS HER FOOTFALL (Tako je lak njen korak) 107 SONATA 33 SPIKE 2 (Spajk 2) 118 SPLITTING THE ATOM (Podeliti atom) 107 SPRING, THE (Proleće) 26 STARDUST (Zvezdana prašina) 72 SUBCONSCIOUS PASSWORD (Podsvesna lozinka) 10 SUBJECT OF THE PICTURE, THE (Tema slike) 85 SUICIDE SHOP, THE (Prodavnica samoubistava) 113 SWALLOWING A SINGLE ENGINE (Gutanje aviona sa jednim motorom) 29
40 Brazilian animators 46 A Adamski, Katarzyna 42 Alaimo, Rino 58 Alaux, David 118 Ambrosio, Chiara 91 Andrianova, Svetlana 59 Andrijević, Vanja 80 Animatorio 111 Auersalo, Teemu 75
indeks imena / index of names
B Beaumont, Alexis 43 Beeld 110 Belluzzo, Coi 109 Bernardi, Michele 89 Bianc-Levrin, Nicolas 55 Bogdanov, Ivan 82 Bogojević, Simon Narath 82 Boudec, Élodie 70 Boulbes, Jerome 26 Bowers, Charley 115 Brzozowski, Krzysztof 54 Buschor, Kyra 48 C Caballero, Alejandro Garcia 64 Camilo, Alan 111 Capellacci, Marco 92 Carpizo, Silvia 74 Catani, Roberto 92 Cauwe, Jérôme 34 Cerfon, Osman 15 Cierzniak, Hugo 20 Clapin, Jérémy 15 Clerte, Joris 21, 72 Coïaniz, Audrey 90 Collet, Bruno 74 Consulado 110 Conti, Pedro 111 Coutens, Cristoph 117 Couturier, Jérémy 47 Czapla, Zbigniew 75 Č Čadež, Špela 16 Ć Ćirić, Iva 8 D DAF 109 Dalwood, Fiona 77 Delcan, Juan 110 Donoghue, Tony 28 Dowler, Jayden 45
Downes, David 76 Doyon, Patrick 45 Döhren, Lena von 53 Dressen, Olivier 48 Dubois, Bastien 17, 94 Dugour, Daniel 58 E Erixon, Malin 32 F Ferreira, Nicholas 111 Filliot, Simon 35 Finnegan, Conor 35 Fogwill, Andy 109 Fourniret, Thomas 47 Fridman, Yaniv 112 G Gajić, Aleksa 29 Godin, Remi 43 Gostanian, Pablo 112 Grejc, Dominick 111 Grobins, Ryan 34 Guillaume, Frédéric 33 Guillaume, Samuel 33 Gurvit, Jonathan 109 Gutierrez, Anamaria Nani 110 H Habermehl, Anna 48 Harrault, Amelie 38 Hawley, Alex 65 Hess, Delia 70 Hušman, Ana 82 I Imhoff, Igor 89 J Jacquet, Nicolas 27 Jevremović, Vuk 77 Jin-Man, Kim 66 K Keaton, Vergine 82 Khmelevskaya, Anna 23 Kicušić, Marica 9, 123 Kijek, Przemyslav 42 Korać, Nikola 44 Koublitskaja, Tatiana 54 Kurniawan, Heri 64 L Landreth, Chris 10
Lechtanski, Jacek 54 Leconte, Patrice 113 Lee, Sung-Gang 60 Leyenda 111 Leyva, Daniel 60 Livschitz, Fernando 111 Lopez, Iria 22 Ludwik, Piotr 75 Luna, Daniel 112 Lundgren, Chintis 70 Lyet, Pierre Emmanuel 21 M Maestro, Jaime 67, 70 Majdak, Nikola Jr. 27 Maldonado, Fernando 112 Marão, Marcelo 29 Marsily, Noemie 38 Martignoni, Andrea 6, 103 Massi, Simone 23, 41 Maximov, Ivan 16 Mayerhofer, Moritz 82 Meier, Bianca 60 Melece, Anete 76 Miailhe, Florence 70 Micault, Nadia 33 Mizhui, Dzianis 46 Mori, Virginia 89 Mousquet, Pierre 34 Müller, Camille 52 Müller, Stefan 26 N Nedeljković, Ana 27 Nico & Martin 109 O Oda, Akira 59 Otero, Mayumi 32 P Palibrk, Vuk 71 Pavón, David 73 Päplow, Constantin 48 Peppard, Isabel 73 Pesch, Olivier 67 Petrov, Asparuh 82 Petrović, Kristijan 82 Philippon-Aginsky, Mathilde 70 Plenty 110 Pohjavirta, Tatu 82 Popakul, Tomasz 20 Popović, Veljko 82 Prendergast, Darcy 44,47 R Rahkonen, Jenny 73 Raleva, Rositsa 82 Randall, Chris 40 Rees, Dustin 42, 71 Rembauville, Julie 55 Renzini, Alvise 99 Roels, Marc James 7, 98 Ronda + Sonni 112 Roosens, Carl 38 Rosto 39 Royer, Camilo Barria 110 Rozema, Mischa 72
S Safa, Luis 111 Saguatti, Saul 90 Salier, Edouard 106 Sansone, Donato 43, 90, 93 Schatz, Alexandra 53 Schwizgebel, Georges 7, 84, 102 Semanas, Daniel 109 Shchukina, Olesya 65 Shepilova, Anna 17 Shui, Yu 61 Silverthorne, Denny 65 Simon, Joel 55 Smith, Chris 41 Soares, Luis 73 Sousa, Daniel 21 Spilsbury, Seamus 47 Sugidono, Ikue 72 Sukiennik, Grégory 66 Swaef, Emma De 98 Swiczinsky, Benjamin 39 T Tachdjian, Jean-Jacques 122 Tenorio, Joao 109 Tenusaar, Andres 75 Tereso, Jorge 112 Toccafondo, Gianluigi 71, 90 Tosti, Eric 118 Totier, Ulrich 74 Travaglini, Alessia 93 Trkulja, Božidar 83 Troshinsky, Nicolai 30 U Urwiller, Raphaël 32 Ushev, Theodore 82 V Vacz, Péter 22 Vandenitte, Remi 14 Vergara, Tomas 112 Vicentini, Antonio 112 Vidačković, Darko 71 Vidaković, Lea 72 Vieillevie, Marie 74 Villoresi, Virgilio 91 Vitanov, Milen 61 Voloshin, Dmitri 30 W Wagner, Romain 40 Wawszczyk, Wojtek 52 Wei, Hefang 14 Wichelen, Antje Van 76 Wuerbs, Kathy 76 Y Yagodin, Dmitry 82 Z Zanovello, Augusto 28 Zavala, Felipe 109 Zlonoga, Petra 9
Podrška / Support
Organizator / Organizer
Pokrovitelji / Under the Auspices
Република Србија
Министарство културе и информисања
Programska podrška / Programme Support
129 podrška / support
Medijska podrška / Media Support
Web podrška / Web Support
Podrška / Support
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 791.228.091.4(497.11)”2013”(083.97) МЕЂУНАРОДНИ фестивал анимације Аниманима (2013 ; Чачак) Međunarodni festival animacije Animanima 2013, 05-08. septembar 2013. / [urednik, editor Milen Alempijević]. - Čačak : Dom kulture = Cacak : City Cultural Center, 2013 (Čačak : Svetlost). - 127 str. : ilustr. ; 22 x 22 cm Na spor. nasl. str.: International Animation Festival Animanima 2013. - Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. - Tiraž 300. - Str. 5: O otpornosti na (ne)prijatna iznenađenja / Milen Alempijević. - Registri. ISBN 978-86-911737-7-7 a) Међународни фестивал анимације Аниманима (2013 ; Чачак) - Програми COBISS.SR-ID 200012556
ANIMANIMA 2013 Međunarodni festival animacije od 05. do 08. septembra 2013. Dom kulture Čačak SRBIJA animanima.org
ANIMANIMA 2013 International Animation Festival 2013, September 5-8 Cacak, SERBIA City Cultural Center