Enhancing Brand experiences through Spatial design

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DEGREE PROJECT The Pidilite Project A Customer experience center system Sponsor : Lemon Design, Pune

Volume : 1 STUDENT : ANIRUDDH VERMA PROGRAMME : Bachelors of Design (B. Des)




Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

The Evaluation Jury recommends ANIRUDDH VERMA for the

COPYRIGHT Š 2019-2020

This document has been written and designed by Aniruddh Verma and has been edited by Jonak Das.

Degree of the National Institute of Design IN COMMUNICATION (EXHIBITION DESIGN)


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Processed at National Institute of Design (NID) Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380007 Gujarat, India www.nid.edu

This Project has been completed in ________________ weeks.

Activity Chairperson, Education


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and it contains no full or substantial copy of previously published material, or it does not even contain substantial proportions of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or final graduation of any other educational institution, except where due acknowledgment is made in this graduation project. Moreover, I also declare that none of the concepts are borrowed or copied without due acknowledgment. I further declare that the intellectual content of this graduation project is the project of own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project’s design.

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Student Name in Full : ANIRUDDH VERMA

Student Name in Full : ANIRUDDH VERMA

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Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

ACKNOWDGEMENTS I would like to take a moment to first and foremost thank my parents who have shown immense trust and support throughout my journey at the National Institute of Design. I would like to thank the faculties for it’s by their efforts and hard work I have been able to complete the project successfully. My guide Jonak Das has been a wonderful mentor giving all his industry experience and guiding me throughout the project. I would like to extend my gratitude towards some people who have inspired me, motivated me and supported me at different times of the project. Aditi Khandelwal for being a wonderful co-worker and a constant motivator. Vinay for being there to fulfil my elder brother’s shoes, always saving me from tough situations and scolding me to work. Pooja Pake, Akshay Kumar, Abhishek Gaur, Mayur Hajare for making me believe in myself. Krishan Ghosh, Manan Pahwa for the intense, fruitful discussions. Pallavi for participating in the mischievous things with me, Sandy for making me question more, Kushagra for saving me after an accident. Bipin Bhai for letting me sneak into the studio and work in the nights. Finally, I would like to thank the whole Lemon Design team and my fellow batchmates of UG15.

Special mentions Some people to whom I extend my warmest gratitude

Muntaha He has always been an inspiration for me since my fifth semester in NID. He is a great mentor to whom I have always come for discussions. No matter how busy, he takes time to give insights. Muntaha’s knowledge, ideas and down to earth attitude inspires me to bring out the best in me and always look for the best in worst situations.

Wasim Khan My days at lemon wouldn’t have been so much fun and inspiring if it was not for Wasim. Being a leader in the industry he as always let me experiment freely before guiding on the right path. His focus has never been the output of the project but more f what I learn in my time at Lemon Design. He has the knowledge of a saint, but the emotions of a young lad, which is very close to me, I relate with Wasim on a personal level, adding to that he is a fan of Hip hop music as well. His words of wisdom in the form of statements have been very crucial for me in compiling this document and in the duration of the project as well.

Shristi Sharma If this little one was not there, I would still be stuck somewhere in the middle of the project, she is the one who always brings me out of a mental block. Shristi is like a trump card when I am out of ideas, and exhausted of thinking. She is the one I can rely upon in any situation.

Yash Makwana Yash has been a constant since I moved to Pune for the project. A wonderful soul, a healer, a great cook, who would understand the rarest jokes with just a smile. I thank him for holding my back and looking after me. Finally, I wild like to extend my warmest gratitude towards Anna & Akks from the Annapurna Cafe (Metro), Pune. Pune would not have been so great for me if it was not for these two people. Like parents away from home, Akka would always keep food for me, even if the cafe was shutting. Anna would always scold me but will make an extra Lemon tea for me.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Based on the recommendations made in the India Report, the Government of India with the assistance of the Ford Foundation and the Sarabhai family established the National Institute of Industrial Design, as it was originally called as an autonomous allIndia body in September 1961 at Ahmedabad. Gautam Sarabhai and his sister Gira were played a major role in the establishment and early years of NID. Gautam Sarabhai sidestepped the accepted wisdom and conventional method of education . He revived the philosophy of the Bauhaus design movement which was learning by doing. This unique curriculum and revolutionary educational philosophy remain part of NID to the present day.3


On April 7, 1958, the Eameses presented the India Report to the Government of India. The Eames Report defined the underlying spirit that would lead to the founding of NID and beginning of design education in India. The Report recommended a problem-solving design consciousness that linked learning with actual experience and suggested that the designer could be a bridge between tradition and modernity. The Report called upon future designers to re-examine the alternatives of growth available to the country at that time. 4

As a result of the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, the government of India invited the design team of Charles and Ray Eames to recommend a program of design to serve as an aid to small industries in India. On the basis of their document, ‘The India Report’, the government of India set up the National Institute of Design in 1961 as an autonomous national institution for research, service and training in industrial design and visual communication. The Sarabhai family, especially Gautam Sarabhai and his sister Gira, played a major role in establishment of this institute.1

The National Institute of Design (NID) is internationally acclaimed as one of the foremost multi-disciplinary institutions in the field of design education and research. The Business Week, USA has listed NID as one of the top 25 European & Asian programmes in the world. The institute functions as an autonomous body under the department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. NID has been declared ‘Institution of National Importance’ by the Act of Parliament, by virtue of the National Institute of Design Act 2014. NID is recognized by the Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) under Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, as a scientific and industrial design research organisation.2

Image Source : www.nid.edu

“The work being undertaken at NID is mindful of the future, without forgoing its past. It’s now readying itself to share its story, and its learnings, with the world”

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

EXHIBITION DESIGN - FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION DESIGN Exhibition Design is a synthesis of multiple design disciplines that come together to communicate objects, information and ideas across a range of three-dimensional environments. Simply understood, it means communication and storytelling through environmental experiences that inform, entertain, and inspire. The discipline considers the exhibition from the perspectives of communication, design and fabrication that involve a mastery of spatial planning, image manipulation, narrative, color, lighting, and multimedia, and working knowledge of structures, typography, combined with an understanding of audience and human factors, to shape storytelling experiences across multiple exhibition venues. This can include staging of representative and experiential spaces; interior-design environments and scenography for festivities, museums, galleries and trade exhibitions; and cultural and theatrical events. Aim of the discipline is to equip students with an understanding for planning of built or open spaces to provide an appropriate environment for communication, and to create a contextual/experience that supports communication/interpretation of ideas to audiences by creating a multi-modal and multi-sensory experience.5


The core of exhibition design lies in understanding patterns in human behaviour and designing for the user experience. The output of any exhibition design project may be tangible like a display, a space, a museum, interior, retail or it can be intangible in forms of system design, strategy development, communication tools and methods, community development programmes .

THE GENIUS OF ENUGIS Batch of EDUG15, a bunch of people ready to take on any challenge put forth, the work of EDUG15 is not bounded by restrictions. The batch is filled of crazy heads everyone of which has their strengths and “we believe in us�, a quote we screen printed during the initial skill development courses, and a philosophy which the batch has been following until the end of our academic time at NID and further in our lives as well.

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



As pioneers of Humane Design™, Lemon Design, an integrated, multi-disciplinary design studio, helps shape brand perceptions and consumer experiences through the harmonious use of creativity and technology. With interventions that are aimed at looking at businesses holistically and using design as a tool to help formulate and achieve your business as well as brand aspirations through well-designed brand and business strategies. Their forte also lies in translating ideas into execution by creating effective Business Objectives for - Business Design, Brand Strategy, Identity & Communication, Packaging, Product Innovation, Technology, Service Design, and Experience Design. “At Lemon, we use “design thinking” to create value for our clients by partnering with them in creating brands, spaces, interfaces, packaging, and products that are more meaningful for the end-user and translate to tangible and intangible value for our clients. We also help identify real user needs and user behavior to create long-lasting relationships that can achieve growth, increased consumer outreach and greater differentiation in the industry”


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

Wasim Khan

Vinay Narang

Aditi Khandelwal

Aniruddh Verma

Spatial Designer

Industrial Designer

Graphic Designer

Spatial Designer


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

SYNOPSIS The project focuses on creating a customer experience strategy for Pidilite where, by the virtue of self-decision making and understanding, empowering the homeowners decision making by informing them about the steps of the construction process and what service is important at each step.

The next part was to validate the information collected by interviewing various stakeholders and the data collected by meeting the brand representatives and coming up with the definition for the project, more holistic research led to reinterpreting the brief by visualizing realistic scenarios of the interaction of the stakeholders and the initial ideas.

On community building, involving the people who are part of the construction ecosystem (contractors, workers, designers).

The next phase was an attempt to come up with the vision and mission for the experience center. Creating the experience and the narrative of the space, further deciding the possible modes of interactions and activity to explain the narrative in tangible form. Various alternatives were generated and validated through the constant back and forth research interpretation and refining of the strategy.

To provide consultancy and one-stop access to the product categories (woodworking adhesives, tiling and flooring adhesives, construction chemicals, wood finishes). In the market place, all Pidilite products are sold through different retail outlets, which makes it harder to procure the materials for construction. More than that the people are not informed about the right products and services, because the application process and usage of the products used in the construction process are complex. Even the contractors and the designers are not aware of some of the Pidilite products. Hardly a few of them know about the parent brand Pidilite. A six months journey from March to August, the project brought immense learning, understanding and articulation of information. The project was done in three phases, which started with getting to understand the scenario (construction process), who all are the part of the ecosystem, what are the stakeholders, identifying where the problem exists and who is it affecting.


Before the final phase of the design, further refinement of the journey was done working on the communication, navigation and modular strategy for the experience center.



The project is a collaborative work of experts from different design disciplines.

Some words & acronyms which will occur frequently in the thesis:

Wasim Khan & Vinay Narang, the guiding mentors throughout the project. Aditi khandelwal & Aniruddh Verma, Graduation project interns at Lemon Design. The initial research & Ideation was done collaboratively.

REC Retail Experience Center

Spatial strategy & Experience design is done by Aniruddh Verma. Spatial & communication graphics are designed by Aditi Khandelwal. The strategy and decision making was carried out together including inputs from everyone on the team.

CEC Customer Experience Center


The final phase was to give a tangible form of communication to the content. A lot of ideation was carried out before selecting the final modes of communication which would blend in with space, as well as add to the aesthetics of the space. Material palette exploration was done to explore all the possible design details that could be used to make it a trustworthy, reassuring and memorable experience -

Interior Designer/Architect

The Pidilite Project

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



















Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Construction process

Customer experience


Brainstorm session - 2


Why experience center




Brainstorm Session - 1 Secondary research Understanding the parent brand The founder Brand positioning History

32 - 33

38 - 39



110 - 111

Possible solution interaction

136 - 157

Pidilite ecosystem

150 - 159


Meeting stakeholders

74 - 78

Pre & Post communication srategy



79 - 80

Space mapping


Stakeholder hierarchy mapping Construction matrix

84 - 87

What could the experiencecenter be/do



The Definition


45 - 57

Narrative writing


Quick Ideation


Interpretive plans

162 - 173


Experience center study / visits

115 - 117

Need hierarchy mapping

118 - 119

Definition - 2

90 - 91

Vision & Mission

Challenges for stakeholders


88 - 90

Competition leverage



Identifying the visitor


Problem analysis - the scenario


72 - 73

Brainstorm session - 3



108 - 109

Challenges for each vertical




70 - 71

34 - 35

36 - 37

Journeys in each brand vertical

Understanding the new categories

The Challenge

34 - 35

132 - 133

67 - 69

Trust & Control in India




Characteristics of each brand

Types of visitor journeys



Design brief



Primary research




24 - 26

Narrative Building

176 - 179

The construction process

180 - 181




Elements of space making

186 - 193

Mood boards

194 - 197

Final Ouput

198 - 228


93 - 96


What should an experience center do

Information map

60 - 64





What is an experience center

100 - 102

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

CEC offers for stakeholders


CEC offers for the brands


Ideation map

126 - 127

Distribution by journeys in zones

126 - 127

Refining solution 21





130 - 131


234 Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

WHAT IS AN EXPERIENCE CENTRE The term “experience center” comes from the world of consumer retail strategy, it’s a retail environment where customers are encouraged to have interactions with the product and experience using them in various scenarios—which could mean anything from a racetrackadjacent Porsche showroom to an Aveda shop where customers can get personalized skin-care advice. While it’s tricky to pin down exactly what counts as an “experience,” experts agree why it’s important: In the wake of the internet’s continued assault on brick-and-mortar retail, presentation counts. “Just telling someone isn’t good enough anymore,” says Amberlee Isabella, a retail designer and strategist at Gensler. “You need to show them. Brands have taken note. In 2017, Kohler opened nine experience centers across the globe where designers and their clients can try out products (even showers, if they wish) and spec them directly from the store.

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE “Customer experience” has become a very commonly used phrase in recent years, but like “innovation” and “design” it is actually difficult to find a clear, commonly-held definition, even though many businesses see improving their customer experience as a competitive differentiator. How we can really improve something if we can’t even define it? People have been grappling with a definition of customer experience for several years. Sometimes it’s defined as digital experiences and interactions, such as on a website or a smartphone. In other cases, customer experience is focused on retail or customer service, or the speed at which problems are solved in a call center. To be really successful on a long-term basis, customer experience needs to be seen as all these things, and more.6


WHY AN EXPERIENCE CENTER An experience center is a space where a customer, a visitor is taken on a journey to understand about a brand, a solution provider etc. The journeys could be of different types based on the availability of different mediums of communication: (digital, physical, virtual) and subsequently, experience of the space and the type of interaction design. In commerce, customer experience (CX) is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. This interaction is made up of three parts: the customer journey, the brand touchpoints the customer interacts with, and the environments the customer experiences (including digital environment) during their experience. A good customer experience means that the individual’s experience during all points of contact matches or overcedes the individual’s expectations. Customer experience implies customer involvement at different levels – such as rational, emotional, sensorial, physical, and spiritual. All of the events experienced by customers before and after a purchase are part of the customer experience. What a customer experiences is personal and may involve sensory, emotional, rational and physical aspects to create a memorable experience. In the retail industry, both company and customers play a big role in creating a customer experience.

In the era of information, the customer doesn’t want to spend before knowing every bit of information on what they are spending their money on. With the possibility of different platforms available to engage with the product like video, textual, graphic an experience center completes a holistic experience by adding a layer of engagement which is more personal and hands on. It also adds a sense of trust for the brand in the consumer’s mind. Leading enterprises have long understood that one of the most powerful ways to attract and engage prospects (especially executive decision makers) is to provide them with a visually impressive, immersive demonstration of their products or services in an executive briefing center (EBC). These centers can be used to give your customers a first-hand experience of both current and future offerings in an environment that allows your company to really “wow” your customers. However, the role of the EBC is evolving. These days, rather than being a tool for pure demonstration (a one-way communication), there is a new focus on collaboration (a dynamic contribution). As part of this shift, many enterprises around the globe — such as Cisco, WiPro, Sprint and AT&T — are now touting next-generation customer experience centers (CECs).

For many organizations, from technology to finance to sports teams, Customer Experience Centers (CECs) are the catalyst for developing and fostering customer relationships. Originally known as Executive Briefing Centers (EBCs), these spaces were designed to support a one-way communication approach to sales where organizations pr esented their latest tools and solutions to customers without a focus on customer feedback or collaboration. It’s no longer enough to brief customers on a company’s vision or court prospects with a verbose sales pitch. As audiences have become more savvy, diverse and informed, we recognize that customers want more than to be talked to – they want an experience that feels both personal and authentic. As a result, the traditional briefing center has become an immersive space that connects customers to the brand. CECs represent a new model of customer engagement. They allow for a truly collaborative experience that addresses all stakeholders in every stage of contribution, review and presentation. A successful CEC will take clients on a journey to experience the enterprise’s values, people, products and partnership, and leave the prospect excited and ready to engage.8

Every company provides a customer experience. Your company does too, regardless of whether you create it consciously. That experience may be good, bad or indifferent, but the very fact that you have customers, you interact with those customers in some manner, and provide them with products and services, means that they have an experience with you and your brand. It’s up to you whether it’s superlative, awful or industry average. There is a strong case to be made that companies cannot fully control experiences, because experiences inevitably involve perception, emotion, and unexpected behaviors on the parts of customers. People don’t behave like robots, and no matter how well we craft an experience, they will not perceive exactly as we anticipate or hope. With that said, companies cannot afford to throw up their hands and give up in the face of unpredictability. Instead, they need to plan for the worst and aim for the ideal when considering the experiences they want to create.7

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Create an experience that matters

Plan for the future

Digital experience design (DXD)

Leave something memorable

To achieve a personal and authentic experience, a CEC must be flexible while remaining true to the brand itself. Design elements should include seamlessly adaptable spaces, multi-faceted digital experiences and a tangible feeling of the brand’s identity. User-centric spaces should include hospitality-driven gathering areas and amenities. This allows businesses to modify the experience for a wide range of client expectations while offering a guided experience that feels personal, effortless, and natural.

A well-designed CEC will be highly adaptable to advances in technology and shifts in business as well. “Now and in the near future,” Gallimore notes, “information, imagery, and immersive environments will merge beautifully and elegantly with the built environment.” As our ability to seamlessly incorporate technology into materials and spaces improves, the customer journey will become more virtual. At the same time, organizations will start engaging with customers before they even step foot in the physical CEC space.

“The most important impact of design may be its ability to differentiate experiences and provide something unique, memorable, and authentic.” Organizations continue to invest in CECs because they are a space for creating moments where customers can discover, touch, and truly feel their brand. A well-designed CEC creates the opportunity to build relationships through personalized experiences, which ultimately builds the business.

To deliver an impactful brand experience, a CEC should surround customers with the company’s story while clearly expressing what makes that organization unique. According to Janice Cavaliere, Gensler design principal and regional brand leader, CEC design should focus less on controlling the brand’s message and more on developing a fluid relationship with the customer by giving them some ownership over the experience. “Increasingly, the need for easily changeable dynamic content is becoming a driver in shaping the space. Content often reflects the brand through the lens of customers and partners, and the relevance to their industries.” To truly connect customers with the organization, a designer should consider what differentiates the brand from the competition and leverage that at every touch point.

Their journey could begin with a booking app that schedules a visit, followed by a virtual welcome experience. It could continue on-site with meeting rooms that digitally transform into learning environments. Reactive technologies that can sense a person’s presence in the CEC — either by facial recognition, RFID, mobile devices, or other means — will also be important digital tools for creating effortless interactions between the visitor and the sales environment. Meanwhile, emerging mixed and augmented reality applications have the ability to create shared experiences amongst geographically distributed groups. As technology shifts the focus away from face-to-face meetings and more towards virtual interactions, it will become even more important to engage directly with the customer’s emotions9

Seamless integration of digital ecosystems, both seen and unseen, provide the flexibility and changeability required for personalization. “When a customer enters a CEC they should begin to understand the connection being made and the potential of the partnership being forged by the experience,” explains Greg Gallimore, Gensler’s Northwest regional leader of Digital Experience Design. “A personalized welcome incorporated into the visual world of the host company is only the first step in making the partnership come to life. Reinforcing the partnership by way of dynamic, customizable tools — and actively engaging the customer by modeling the unique solutions on offer — is key to making the CEC experience smooth for both visitor and facilitator.” All customers have unique challenges, and digital experiences allow for a sophisticated and highly curated experience.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

INSIGHTS After studying about experience centers, and from the previous experiences we developed some insights as to what tools and methods to be applied for this project and other projects in general.

Creating a great experience is just as, if not more, important than simply the message being presented. A great customer experience center should not feel like walking through a bad museum exhibit, with static displays and voiceover. Such exhibits tend to rely more on simply presenting information, instead of creating a sense of wonder and exploration. If that user experience is not intuitive, engaging, or impactful, then the user leaves with a negative impression of the brand. The design of that user experience, requires a tight coordination between technology, content, and control systems. The audiovisual systems need to be designed around the content, and the interiors need to be designed around the audiovisual systems. This creates a harmonious space where form certainly follows function. Know your audience. This seems like common sense, but customer experience relies heavily on the targeted audience. It’s a branding awareness tool, so it should be treated as such. Will the guests want to walk up to a large video wall and touch to interact? If not, then it’s probably not a good idea to design those systems into the experience. Technology designers need to think like marketers when working with an experience center.

We need to be able to ask questions to understand the branding message, the demographic, and the preferred way to present content. Understanding the culture of the demographic will greatly help narrow down technology design options. If the primary customers are C-Suite level, then they may be less inclined to interact, and they may just want to stand back to ask questions. However, there may also be times that more tech-savvy guests are present and want to interact more with the content. Designing a system that allows flexibility for both modes, or a hybrid of the two, is key to its overall success. A great customer experience center should have some elements of automation and interactivity outside the realm of a touchpanel. As designers, we need to have in depth conversations with the client about where the handoff takes place, and how much the experience relies on a touch panel user interface. Customer experience comes in all forms, and can be very simple or complex. No matter the scale it should still be inviting, engaging, and informative for the guests. You want the guests to leave with a sense of understanding about the brand and what problems they can solve. This can only happen effectively if there is a close collaboration between the content, architecture, brand message, and technology. Coordinating these items to allow some flexibility in the systems will help yield a great experience the customer will remember.10

Understand your audience

Define the journey types and relationships

Every strategy lies around the visitor, it is essential to identify the relevant target group/audience who will be visiting the center, and subsequently build the strategy on the target persona.

When devising a strategy for an experience center,clustering the possible group of similar visitors into categories of journey types would help to develop a strong communication method that will be cater to any kind of visitor.

Understand the brand and core values

Design the space to suit the experience

The brand should capitalize on what make it different from the rest of the competition, while maintaining it’s core values and personalities.

The space and the design should adapt to the visitor. One got to start with the customer experience and work back to the technology not the other way around.

Define the VISION AND MISSION of the project and what your audience get from the visit

Emotional values and aspirations of the space at every step

Mapping out what we want your visitor to hear, see and experience helps visualize what it might be like to be in the experience center. To empathize is very crucial wile making a strategy for someone.

Every experience triggers some emotional functions in human mind, it needs to be carefully designed by working back from the experience to the physicality.

A system/schematic development To make a experience without flaws, it needs to be rehearsed by creating a replica of the experience a visitor would go through, dry running through it as the visitor himself and keep improving upon the flow of the experience.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Design brief Secondary eesearch Problem analysis primary reasearch The Challenge

“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” ― Albert Einstein


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

THE DESIGN BRIEF Concept Note – One Pidilite Retail Background: Pidilite is a consumer centric company committed to quality and innovation. For decades, they have been pioneering products for small to large applications, at home and industry, which have forged strong bonds with people from all walks of life. Their brands are trusted household and industrial names, and are the market leader in adhesives. A robust and growing network makes their products accessible across demographics and geographies Pidilite offers a wide range of products and solutions related to home interiors for consumers and professionals (Interior Designers, Architects and Contractors). These products and services fall under the following categories. • • • • • •


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Woodworking Adhesives Wood Finishes Construction Chemicals Tiles and Flooring adhesives and finishes. Repair products Services: Fevicol Furniture Consultancy Service, Dr Fixit Waterproofing Service, ICA Pidilite Woodfinish Services, Roff Tile and Marble laying contractors etc.

In market place, these product categories are sold through different type of retail stores. For an example, if the adhesives are sold through plywood stores, the tile adhesives are sold through tile stores while construction chemicals are sold through cement and paint stores. Therefore a consumer has to go to all of these different types of stores to get a solution for the one home that he’s going to build. The same is true for architects, IDs and contractors as well. Objective: Design a retail environment that helps consumers, Interior Designers / Architects and contractors through their journey of decision making through awareness.

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

BRAINSTORMING SESSION-1 Research questions

Initial Design insights

• • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

• • • •

What does Pidilite expect out of the experience center What are the similar industries doing around the world What is the need of an experience center User study in different cities What services out of all are more important What products out of all are: Frequently used Often used Rarely used Seasonal products How important are the domestic JV’s and subsidiaries for REC How much of Pidilite’s innovation, research and tech should be involved What brands out of all under pidilite important for the REC? Does Pidilite aim to improve sales of other or lesser known brands through this center?

• • • • • • • • • • • •


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


It will enable people to see how the product works by experts The center can also be a social gathering Educational tie ups in schools for craft based activities Workshops in the center Less black marketing - controlled product flow Franchise can be distributors of local vendors Will break the wholesale cycle, more control over product flow Word of mouth advertisement Can include pidilite accessories like - Brushes, construction gear, tools, etc. Collaborations with paint and hardware brands Can check on waste generation by making the premium sellers hotspots of extra waste collection, in return or some money or deals. Experience center can be a co-working space or an eatery Involvent of audience through construction games A virtual or physical experience of building a house using laminates, woods, paint. Inclusivity of craft sector in collaboration with Pidilite products like fevicol Certification and linkage to other industries- tile, wood, laminates, etc. Not an exclusive store but make dealer the brand owner with most verticals Can be a data collection space which can help to guide consumers for other services like- Repairs, Leakages, Renovation, etc. Self decision making in the store for regular/small buyers Data collection can be done through the center of the professionals visiting Community building through workshops, talks, exhibitions in the center

• • • •

Decide the right product-- how to use that product Flexibility in changing cities Retail store + Informative space + Community center Involvement of CSR with context to skill development and education in schools, crafts, etc • Can cultural and social methods can be taken up to involve underprivileged or differently able children, maybe in the making of the center through craft activities done with children. How it will help Pidilite to build better communities? • Umbrella branding of Pidilite. Commercial presence in the market as pidilite • A more feasible programme for the loyalty dealers and vendors, or a better communication in the existing one

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

SECONDARY RESEARCH Understanding about the parent brand The name Pidilite came very late into the picture. Before, In 1959, The company started with a single factory that manufactured only one product, Fevicol. This white synthetic resin adhesive was primarily launched to make the lives of carpenters and woodworkers easy. Up until then, animal fat, which was clumsy and cumbersome, was the only glue available. Fevicol was the main brand and product.

Pidilite is a consumer centric company committed to quality and innovation. For decades, they have been pioneering products for small to large applications, at home and industry, which have forged strong bonds with people from all walks of life. From adhesives, sealants, waterproofing solutions and construction chemicals to arts & crafts, industrial resins, polymers and more, Pidilite’s product portfolio is as diverse as it is ever-evolving. Today, Pidilite’s brands are trusted household and industrial names, and they are the market leader in adhesives. A robust and growing network makes Pidilite’s products accessible across demographics and geographies.

The name, Pidilite Industries Private Limited, was incorporated in 1990, thus taking the first step towards brand recognition.

Image Source: www.pidilite.com

Image Source: www.pidilite.com

A consumer and specialities chemical company Pidilite Industries Limited (Pidilite) was incorporated on 28th July 1959. Pidilite is the market leader in adhesives and sealants construction chemicals hobby colours and polymer emulsions in India. Its brand name Fevicol has become synonymous with adhesives to millions in India and is ranked amongst the most trusted brands in India. The company’s product range includes Adhesives and Sealants construction chemicals craftsmen products polymer emulsions paint chemicals automotive chemicals art materials and stationery fabric care maintenance chemicals industrial adhesives industrial textile resins and organic pigments and preparations. Some of the company’s major brands are M-Seal, Fevikwik, Fevistik, Roff, Dr. Fixit, Fevicryl, Motomax, and Hobby Ideas. Pidilite was the first company in India which started production of violet pigment in the year 1973.

Fevicol continues to win hearts, and market share, and is ranked amongst the Top 15 Indian brands by FE Brandwagon Yearbook 1997, but Pidilite has expanded to a large amount of sub brands and a plethora of products in each category, which are capable of catering to almost every industry.

Image Source: www.pidilite.com


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

A Visionary Who Saw The Unseen A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving

Fondly known to all as ‘BKP’ and ‘Balubhai’, he was a warm, loving and caring leader who inspired the lives of all those he touched. To the people who knew BKP closely, he was an exceptional human being with a multifaceted persona. He reached out to all who came in touch with him and left an indelible print on them. He has been described variously as a man with a “humane scientific temperament” and a man who was intent on “creating a legacy of knowledge and virtue”. An avid reader and a lover of books, he had a keen interest in literature,

Image Source: www.pidilite.com


medicine, psychology, general semantics, science and law that was

Words of Albert Einstein, but a philosophy which Shri Balvantray Kalyanji Parekh(Founder Chairman of Pidilite Industries) lived by. The philosophy is opted by Pidilite as their principles as they continue to inspire, engage, educate common people, industrial consumers to end users, and the workforce(carpenters, construction workers.

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

reflected in his personal library.


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

BRAND POSITIONING (ADS) Pidilite not directly, but indirectly holds a very special place in the common consumer’s life, it does that by it’s earthy, humorous and contemporary advertising. Pidilite includes common men and their life to convey the message to the customer.

The message is Building Bonds!

For e.g. 1) Truck in the desert: The ad shows so many people on one truck in a desert of Rajasthan, one will wonder how? Then slowly you will see Fevicol has been written on the back of the Truck.

Image Source: Google Images

Image Source :parentingautismindia.com Article : FeviKwik Commercial – Teaching Inference And Narrative Skills

2) Fevicol Moochwali : In a drama the girl stick a mustache with Fevicol which been with her until she died and transfer to the next generation. The most effective message that the bonding will continue in the present and pass on to your next generations. 3) Eggs : A person trying to break the egg and it’s not breaking. Then he saw that the hen which gave the egg is eating from the jar named Fevicol. 4) Fevikwik : The fisherman who catches fish with just drops of Feviquick against another man who has been trying unsuccessfully for hours with a hook. Anytime a hilarious advertisement to watch.

Image Source : Google Images

Image Source : www.scoopwhoop.com Article : 25 Indian Ads That Used Mind-Blowing Creativity To Get The Message Across

5) Dr. Fixit : Legend Amitabh Bachchan has acted in the advertisement of Dr. Fixit which is indeed a proud moment for the brand, and also adds a touch of humor with the legend’s comic skills. In short : Pidilite ads surprise us with humor through simple yet effective message of Bonding!

Image : www.campaignindia.in Article : O&M produces ‘Moochwali’ for Fevicol’s 50th anniversary

Image Source : Youtube


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Pidilite Industries Ltd. (PIDILITIND) - Company History Pidilite is a family-owned professionally-run organisation with a strong legacy of governance, delivering consistent returns and formidable market share. Pidilite traces its origins to a strong entrepreneurial start by its late founder Balvantray Kalyanji Parekh.

Pidilite is one such company that has managed to develop a strong position in non-glamorous categories of adhesives and water-proofing products. The Rs6,000- crore company is India’s leading maker of adhesive and construction chemicals. Its flagship adhesive brand, Fevicol, has a strong brand equity and recall. The company has a history of nurturing brands across various categories of consumer adhesives, craftsmen adhesives, waterproofing chemicals and hobby and craft colours with brands like Dr Fixit, M-Seal, Fevikwik and Fevicryl. Its market dominance in case of Fevicol and M-seal brands is near-monopolistic with over 70% market share.

1959 - The Birth of Fevicol Everything great starts small and Pidilite is no exception. The company started with a single factory that manufactured only one product, Fevicol. This white synthetic resin adhesive was primarily launched to make the lives of carpenters and woodworkers easy. Up until then, animal fat, which was clumsy and cumbersome, was the only glue available. 1963 - Commissioning of Manufacturing Plant Barely four years after starting the company, the first modern manufacturing plant was established in Kondivita Village, Mumbai. Today, this building houses the Corporate Head Office. 1990 - Establishing Brand Pidilite The name, Pidilite Industries Private Limited, was incorporated, thus taking the first step towards brand recognition. 1997 - Fevicol makes it to The Top 15 There’s no stopping now! Fevicol continues to win hearts, and market share, and is ranked amongst the Top 15 Indian brands by FE Brandwagon Year Book 1997. 2000 - M-Seal is Acquired. A New Division is Set Up M-seal, a leading brand of epoxy compounds was acquired. This laid the foundation for a new division, the company’s Maintenance Division. 2001 - Dr. Fixit – the waterproofing expert Pidilite launched Dr. Fixit, an extensive range of Construction Chemicals, thus diversifying its product range. Dr. Fixit was specially developed as a waterproofing solution to be used in new constructions, or in the repair of old ones.

Image Source : simconblog.wordpress.com

2004 - Hits The Rs.1000 Crores Turnover Mark Just over 4 decades after its launch, Pidilite declared a turnover of Rs.1000 crores. The company had grown 1000 times in just 45 years. 2006 - Expanding The Global Footprint • Pidilite USA Inc., acquired businesses and assets of Sargent Art Inc., makers of art materials which had been selling world-class art materials in USA for over 50 years. • Pidilite acquired Tristar Colman, now known as Colstar, a market leader in brushes, canvases and colours. • Pidilite established its Singapore R&D centre to attract international talent and expand its product innovation strategies.

Add to all of this, the uniqueness of the products, minuscule share in the overall cost of the job and strong brand creates a rather unique situation in a customer’s mind ahead of purchase, that goes like: “ummm, I don’t save much money by buying a cheaper alternative to Fevicol (given adhesives cost no more than 2% of overall furniture cost), however, the risk of not buying Fevicol is much more than the money I’d save anyway!. If the pieces come off because I used a cheaper alternative, I lose my reputation.” This makes him/her buy only Pidilite products.

The secret behind the success is the focus on the unorganized market by identifying the role of carpenters as major influencer. The company invests in building extensive grassroots contact with the end-users to promote usage of its products. This has helped it gain a sizable and sticky share in what was traditionally an unbranded space. This is why Fevicol, Fevikwik, M-Seal and Dr. Fixit are not just market leaders, but also names that have become synonymous with the product category. It has also enabled the company to pass on the price increases to the consumers. Its products (from consumer and bazaar to industrial products) have a diversified demand coming from various segments such as furniture and finishing, plumbing, automobiles, schools, office and housing. Besides India, Pidilite is focused on growing business in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Egypt. It exports to more than 80 countries.12

2016 - Another Year, Another Award Pidilite Industries received the ‘Most Promising Company of the Year Award’ at the CNBC-TV18, 11th Indian Business Leader Awards (IBLA). The award is a tribute and testimony to the diligence of Pidilitians all over.11

2002 - Truly A Winner – Fevicol Wins At Cannes The famous Fevicol ‘Bus ad’ not only won the hearts of the Indian people but also the world, going ahead to win the Silver Lion award at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2002. 40

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Competitive advantage:

Adhesives, sealants, water proofing chemicals etc, are not the products that we generally are conscious about, I mean, their excellence lies in being invisible and never reminding you of their presence after application. Despite that, Fevicol, Fevikwick, Fevi Stick, M Seal and Dr Fixit have become household brands.

Pidilite is a dominant player in India’s adhesive industry with a market share of 40 to 50 per cent in the industry and as a market leader with ~70% in its leading brand categories (Fevicol,) in the organized segment. Few of the competitors of Pidilite Industries are Tata Chemicals, BASF, BOC India etc.

In fact, in all cases, the brand become the generic for the product. Picture a kid going to a stationery shop and asking for Fevicol? Never seen/heard anyone ask for Adhesive/Glue. This isn’t a mean feat to achieve. Due credit to Ogilvy and Mather and Piyush Pande (The Ad Agency and the Creative Head) for conceptualising and producing some of the most memorable ads on Indian TV.

Here are few key competitive advantages of Pidilite Industries that helps it to remain profitable for the long-term:

There’s hardly a Fevicol, Fevi Stick or Fevikwick commercial that one does not remember.

Strong brand value Strong R&D center to cater growth and innovations Effective advertising and marketing (Fevicol ads have become a viral hit among the masses) Loyal customers- (Fevicol has become synonymous with adhesives)

The Company Connects with both, Consumer and Carpenter Pidilite has the highest distribution reach in its category, in fact, among the highest, across all categories. Their products are available at all towns above 50000 population and the Company is targeting All towns above 10000 population now. Secondly, they connect with the user of the product: The Carpenter.

Market leaders in adhesives, sealants, polymer emulsions, hobby colors and construction chemicals in India

The Fevicol Champions Club connected over a 1 lakhs of carpenters across the country in a manner that’s like Facebook, before Facebook. The company works very closely with all participants at the ground level, educates them about things beyond their own products, hears their concerns and actually comes up with solutions to fix those problems, literally.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Pidilite is always in motion, looking for the next opportunity to turn into a different idea. Pidilite searches for new ideas in everything it does, and more than two thirds of the sales happen through in-house innovation.

To understand the brand better, there was a need to understand the products and services associated with the brand. It was essential to understand the industry we are catering to and to further filter down the target area and focus on what products and services are important for the experience center. It’s important to study the sub brands and joint ventures, because uniquely, in Pidilite’s case the sub-brands are known more than the parent brand. Fevicol has more equity than any other brand under Pidilite. The consumers don’t know even after purchasing and using it that, they are using or have used a Pidilite product, whereas some of the sub- brands have become a household name. It happens because Pidilite spends a lot of effort in making their products user- friendly and utility oriented, brands like Feviquik, Fevcol, M-seal have become synonyms in their categories.

Pidilite has three fully-equipped in-house R&D centers in India and five state-of-the-art technical research and innovation centers in Singapore, Thailand, Brazil, Dubai and the USA. Over 150 professionals use a customer-focused innovation process to bring to fruition the learning from these interactions. Pidilite develop most of it’s products in-house with the help of a strong, research-driven innovation overlaid with consumer insights. A wellequipped and well-staffed R&D center continuously develops and enhances products for consumers, craftsmen and industries. Pidilite also established a state-of-the-art research center in Singapore that is now a member of Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC).13

The reason why this keeps them seriously ahead of everyone is, they can immediately implement solutions for customer satisfaction. The women-folk using the existing Fevicryl packaging doing Zardozi work weren’t very adept at adapting to the small plastic squeezies that the company used to sell.

An immediate concern rose while researching about the brands and products that the catalogue of products are huge in each brand itself, moreover there are lots of brands under Pidilite, and there are different channels of communication for each brand. More than that the on-line platforms for all the brands are very confusing and the average user might find it hard to browse for information. which may be adding to the issue of people not knowing Pidilite as a parent brand but just the products. There are a lot of channels for a consumer to connect with their help staff, which again is confusing. There is no single point of contact where a consumer can get a holistic information.

For a better understanding of the umbrella brand(Pidilite) and its subbrands, categorization of the products and services for all of Pidilite brands was done, listing down all the products and services Pidilite has to offer and which product/service is meant for which user/job: under which also the different variants of products available under each brand of Pidilite, what those products are used for, How many of those products are relevant for the construction project (REC), (Pidilite has a range of products for different age groups and industries as well).

Image Source : www.pdilite.com, pidilite R&D in mumbai andheri

The sales representative, though, learnt that the women were also great Mehendi artists and were very comfortable with the Mehendi cone. This prompted Pidilite to take note of this immediately and design an SKU which was the exact same as a Mehendi Cone. This insane focus on the customer’s needs and constant innovation keeps the company far, far ahead of all competition. Image Source :www.pidilite.com


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design







Textile and Paper Chemicals



Industrial Resins


Leather Chemicals


Industrial Adhesives


Footwear Adhesives

Dr. Fixit


Industrial Bonding Solutions



Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul


Organic Pigments and Preprations


ART & CRAFT Rangeela Hobby Ideas Fevistik Fevicryl 46

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

FEVICOL Fevicol is India’s Most Trusted Brand of Adhesives Pidilite’s biggest bond is through the Fevicol family of products. Fevicol has become a household name that is today synonymous with adhesives. The brand has introduced many innovative products which have transformed the way carpentry trade operates in India.

Product Categories The company started small with a single factory and a simple product on offer – Fevicol, a white synthetic resin adhesive which came to the rescue of carpenters and woodworkers. Today, we have a range of products for various applications in the wood working space.

Woodworking adhesives Flooring & Footwear

Image Source : fevicol.in

Foam & Upholstery Joineries

Image Source : fevicol.in

Fevicol Champions Club Fevicol champions club )FCC), is a platform for woodworking contractors to come together as a community for their personal and professional growth, be recognized for their efforts and to learn new methods bringing them growth, both socially and professionally.

Image Source : fevicol.in

Fevicol Design Ideas Fevicol Design Ideas is a been the perfect platform for interior designers & contractors to showcase their work and consumers to select the best contractors, woodworkers, designers to get customized designs.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

DR. FIXIT Dr.Fixit offers comprehensive system solutions for Waterproofing a new home or Repairing an existing one. The product range includes wide variety of new construction and repair waterproofing solutions for all critical surface areas like Roof, External Walls, Structure, Foundation, Internal Walls, Bathrooms and Water Bodies. This expert line of solutions, supported by wide retail availability, on-ground technical team and easy-to-reach brand helpline, aims to deliver on the brand vision of creating a leak-free and damp-free India.

Product Categories Dr. Fixit offers a wide range of innovative construction chemicals in waterproofing, building repairs, tile fixing, sealants, coatings and paints, grouts and anchors and industrial floorings. The products are easily available in cement, building materials, paints and hardware stores.

Roof Waterproofing Below ground waterproofing External wall waterproofing Image Source : pidilite.com

Bathroom waterproofing Water-tank waterproofing


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

M-SEAL Mahindra started M-Seal in1969 as an industrial product used for fillings holes in castings and fixing leakages in electricity board. In 2000 Pidilite acquired the brand from Mahindra. Over the years it evolved M-Seal from an industrial sealant to a consumer product. M-Seal is a great asset to the plumbing industry and is used by plumbers, plumbing contractors, auto mechanics and households (DIY) for repair and new construction segments.

Product Categories M-seal is a multi-purpose sealant with 4 main applications – sealing, joining, fixing and building. Its versatility and ease of application makes it commonly used across multiple industry segments, as well as households (DIY) who can use it to mend broken articles, fill gaps, cracks and plug leaks in pipes and joints.

Fixing leakage Gapfill

Image Source : www.pidilite.com


Pipe joining

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

HOBBY IDEAS Pidilite launched Hobby Ideas in February 2002 as India’s first chain of art, craft and hobby stores offering over 2500 products, expert advice and exciting workshops. HobbyIdeas.in is a platform for art and craft hobby lovers. The portal strives to provide rich content to art & craft hobbyists and create a community for craft enthusiasts to interact and share ideas. Hobbyideas provides hobbyists with content related to art and craft, and build a community of art and craft enthusiasts by providing them a platform for content sharing and community building.

Product Categories Promoted by Pidilite Industries Ltd, a pioneer in the category of art & craft hobby, with brands such as Fevicryl, Hobby Ideas, Rangeela, Fevicol etc.

Adhesives Books & Magazines Clay modelling Image Source: www.pidilite.com

Colours Art and crafts kits


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Product Categories

Industrial resins Pigment powders Textile chemicals Footwear Leather chemicals Industrial adhesives Image Source: www.pidilite.com


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



the scenario Understanding the setting/system where the problem or opportunity lies

To understand the extent of the problem we needed to first figure out the context or the ecosystem where the problem lies, who all are a part of this ecosystem, where does everyone fits in the ecosystem and who all are the stakeholders at each step, what are their needs and wants? where does this problem exists, whos is it affecting, what the proposed problem actually is, does it even exists or we have to rearticulate it. Pidilite as a company works majorly in the construction industry, it also has other subsidiaries which caters to craft, office, school work, which is a very small part of the overall business, the major field of work is the construction industry, so to understand the extent of the problem and what, where, who, when, why of it we first need to understand the construction process, for that we started to understand how the construction industry works.

Core Values

Trust, Creativity, Strength

Tone of communication

Earthly, Humor, Contemporary

Brand personality

Reliable, Resourceful, Humble, Knowledgeable, Friendly

Problem analysis is a set of analytic tasks meant to increase the designers’ understanding of an unbalanced situation, for the sake of designing a change to the situation that will have better balance.

Its products are nestled in households across the globe. Phrases from its brilliantly funny ads have crawled into common parlance. Pidilite isn’t simply a store: It’s a cultural force.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Funding/ budgeting

The Architect

Building Permits

Building Contractor

Verify with local authority office like Panchayat/-municipality/Corporation whether there is any objection in building a house in that specific plot with respect to the survey no of your said plot. Also, make a point to check that your plot has no legal complications.

Before finding/meeting up with an architect make a rough requirement list for your home. This process should cover the basic concepts of your home, such as living space, no: of bedrooms you want, Guest bedrooms, Hall, kitchen, Bathrooms, where you want the stairs, car porch, Garden/landscaping/ Pond etc.

How much will a house cost you to build? There has been a tremendous increase in the cost of house construction. These days the normal running rate per square feet is anywhere between 1800 - 3500 + including materials and labour. One should always make a note on the available cash at hand and also you may approach banks for loans ..in that way you come to know how much you can spare.

Arrange a meeting with the architects. Talk through design goals and then fix an Architect, hen will draw up schematics for consideration coupling functionality, room-by-room layouts, finding the best furniture positioning and use of space. Recommending structural changes where this seeks to make space work better. An approved architect will develop drawings for Panchayat/City municipality/Corporation to approve.

Permit to build your home is issued by the local governing bodies such as Panchayath/ Municipality/Corporation which is normally validity for 2 years.

Finding a good building Contractor is the next biggest task. And ideally, you have to identify a builder, plumber, mechanical, electrical contractor. But if you can find a good, reliable and reasonable contractor you can save your time and money. Always ask his method of working and check how reliable he is. You may visit and see some of his previous projects and speak with his previous clients.

Roof/Heat Protective Coatings

Boundary Wall and Gates



Break Ground & Excavation

Site Clearance

Truss work roofing, Weather Resistant Barrier, Waterproofing coatings, Rain screen, Green roof are some of the applications you can implement to reduce heat.

Compound walls should be built ideally just before beginning major construction activities, it is to protect the site and the material stored in the storage shed, from the outside environments and from thieves. Latest gate designs.

Super-structure is to provide support in the construction of the building as per designed plan and various members of super-structure such as columns and beams are designed to provide strength for carrying the dead load and live load expected to come on the various parts of the structure in a safe and welldistributed manner. After casting the roofing slab necessary waterproofing coatings shall be done.

A foundation is the lower portion of building a structure that transfers its gravity loads to the earth. Foundation work is done according to drawings provided by the Architect. i.e. the size of foundation, depth, length and breadth etc.

After the site clearance, the layout of the structure at the site can be planned with respect to the given foundation plans. Begin earth excavation and take trenches accordingly.

Before starting any construction work it becomes necessary to clear the place from the unwanted grass, boulder etc. In case of any hill like appearance on the ground, that too needs to be cleared of the excess earth and if there is a pit, it is required to be filled up. This total job is called site clearance.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Electrical And Lighting

Interior Design


Initial Plumbing



Electricians will install the required electrical cables. This stage of house construction is known as “roughing in” as they wont connect the cables live sources until later in the construction process. Once they return they will connect switches, power outlets and lights, but for now they will leave the cables protruding from walls, ready to be completed later in the process.

After the cables and pipes are installed, work will begin on the non structural internal walls, internal wall finishes and floor finishes. This will include plastering, painting, tiling and the installation of finished floors. Interior works can be executed according to the working drawing provided by the architect.

Plastering work can commence after the initial lighting and electrical plumbing work has been completed. Cement plaster is generally used with 13 mm thickness and sometimes it can be of 20 mm thickness. On completion of brickwork, plastering is to be done.

Once plastering is done for bathroom walls, it is okay to start plumbing works.

Is done with cement primer once initial wiring work and plumbing works are done.

Flooring works can commence after the initial wiring works and primer coat is done to the interior walls. There are many types of floors according to their uses, economy and required the level of finishing. Ceramic tiles, Vitrified tiles, Clay Tiles, Granite, Marble, Wood, Epoxy flooring are some of the options you have in flooring.

Final Cleanup

Hardscaping and Landscaping

Finishing Electrical and Lighting works

Finishing Plumbing Works

Finishing Plumbing Works

Cabinets, Interior works

There will always be debris left over from the construction process on the interior and exterior of the home that you’ll want to have removed/- cleaned.

Once your builder has completed your home, there’s still the “hardscaping” to be done – the driveway, patio and walkways, and then the “landscaping” plan can be put into action – the irrigation system, laying of grass bed and planting of trees, as well as outdoor lighting, to be considered.

At this stage, one can apply for completion certificate from the respective authorities. After completion of construction Architect/Licensee will have to apply for a completion certificate in the prescribed format along with completed building drawings to the Issuing Authorities. The local authority will check completion documents for compliance with building rules and will assess building tax for the building. Once you have received the completion/ occupancy certificate you can apply for water connection.

Are done just before the application of final finishing coat of paint.

Truss work roofing, Weather Resistant Barrier, Waterproofing coatings, Rain screen, Green roof are some of the applications you can implement to reduce heat.

Interior works can commence after the initial wiring works and primer coat is done to the interior walls. Cabinets, shelves and kitchen can be done using a variety of materials which are currently available in the market such as Wood, Multi-Wood, MDF, Plywood, ACP, Stainless steel, etc.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



The whole construction journey was divided in 7 steps and 3 parts/phases for easier understanding of the process.

Pre Construction

Architectural Drawing/Plan


Building the Superstructure



Post Construction

Exteriors Plastering Flooring & Roofing & Plumbing & Tiling

Dr. Fixit





Fevicol Wudfin

ICA Pidilite

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

Research questions

Design Insights

• Who are the stakeholders for the REC- for now we thought these would be: Pidilite dealership, vendor, end consumer • What is the status on the ground regarding the products- is there anything which is hardly being used- any particular reasons if so? • What are the major overall problems they think there are? What amongst them can be solved through the REC? • What are the products those needs to come in the REC and what are the services associated with them? • How much information does each product required for it to be used properly? How is it being conveyed right now? Is it working or not? • How Pidilite wants to sell and how the consumer wants to buy? • Will the REC require some sort of employment process? If yes, then what people will be hired? • How many and what kinds of employees will the REC require? • Is selling a priority or information • How do the vendors use the products? Are there any different/ unique methods they figured out? • What is the status of the local market? • How is the new information conveyed to the consumers right now? • How important are the industrial chemicals for the REC?

• The end consumer and vendors should be able to use the place as their own- Service design, community programmes • Influencer, Users should be considered as the Co- owners • Can have a better linkage and chain of communication between all vendors under the proximity of the dealership • Getting all the products in (Physical or Virtual), so that the experience center can become a one stop solution for all needs of the consumer • Include services also: Consultancy, guidance • Use of the products: Demos, Interactions, Workshops to showcase how to use the products properly and efficiently for maximum effect • Categorization of products as to what products are: Easy to use and self explanatory (buying off the shelf). Need some demo and explanation. Needs thorough understanding of the process of usage and components • Should there be a flexibility of theme based REC according to seasonal changes in demands of different products? • How to make the dealer feel as the owner? • Platform for interactions where people can get solutions for any specific issue, or just for general consultation • How will the digital platform (Web information, presence),be integrated with the REC?


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


the actors & artifacts

Out of all the brands, JV’s and subsidiaries there are 7 brands which fall under the spectrum of construction industry which are:

The main people, products who are the decision

Dr. Fixit



Waterproofing solutions

Anti-termite solution

Multi-purpose sealant

Roff (new category)



Tile adhesive and grouting solutions

Woodworking Adhesives

Wood polish




Contractors Builders Procurement officers Interior designers

Architect/Designers Civil engineers Daily wage labourers Carpenters Plumbers

Machinery people Engineers Electricians Painters Inspection officers Students


makers or direct influencer for the scenario

ICA Pidilite(new category) Wood coating finishes

Stakeholders involved in the construction industry


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


USP Products/ Services- For the REC

The meeting with the client came out to be very important one, as we understood the strengths and issues of each vertical (those coming in the REC). Primary data was also available with the client based on extensive research and surveys. This research was to understand how the company functions, so that we can identify what needs to be addressed in the REC. Along with that we were also introduced with the new categories- ICA PIDILITE & ROFF.

We came to know that most of the pidilite consumer centric product fall in the construction industry, but some of them are nor so dominant, or the brands have repair products, just one product, or one type of product like Terminator, M-seal, Wudfin. These categories will not be explained upon in the REC.

Some of the things we wanted to know from the client:

Black marketing (if happens).

Consumer base (The main stakeholders)

There is some sort of black marketing which happens where people mix fevicol with water and sell it under other brand name, also contractors sometimes don’t use fevicol as there is a myth that every white adhesive is fevicol.

We understood that this is a small scale project and will be targeted mainly towards small- medium scale construction. The main group of people involved in these types of construction are- Contractors, Architects, Interior designers, Some homeowners ( who supervise the construction themselves), carpenters, daily wage labourers, designers, painters.

Sales- Process, methodology

Communication-New launches, product info,

We concluded that the relevant brands for the REC are:

Primary stakeholders to be:

The manufacture supplies to the distributor, the distributor supplies to the retailers and the dealers, a dealer is just a large scale retailer with more than 1 verticals, The main job of the dealer is to provide services. The homeowner can buy through the retailer, as well as the dealer

All types of communication happens online through pidilite website, which is very confusing in itself. There are multiple platforms to communicate with the brand regarding any sort of problem.

Dr. Fixit

Owners home, commercial

Roff Industrial solution/services relevance for REC

Channels of distribution

Since we understood that most of the industrial sales happens directly through the distributor which is 35% of the total sales, hence we concluded that the industrial solutions are not relevant for the experience center. The reason being the experience center is targeted for the consumer B2C, B2B sales hapens through the distributor itself. The industrial solutions and chemicals are not a part of the smallmedium scale construction ecosystem. Also the adhesives hold a market share of 62% which is much more than that of the industrial chemicals and services.

65% is sold through independent retailers and 35% direct selling through distributors. There are 5 types of different outlets where pidilite products are sold: Paint stores Pipe suppliers Hardware stores Tiles & sanitary Cement stores


Contractors medium and small scale

ICA Pidilite The mentioned brands are relevant for the REC because these fall under the spectrum of the construction process, from start to finish.

Influencers (architect/ Interior designer)

Associates: Dealer, Retailers, Carpenters, Labourers,


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



ICA is a leading wood finish manufacturer based in Italy. ICA Pidilite is a Joint venture between Pidilite and ICA Italy.

Roff is a pioneer tile adhesive manufacturer, and represents reliability from the house of Pidilite. Roff introduced the concept of tile-on-tile application in India, with it’s ground-breaking Non-Skid Adhesive (NSA) solution. Roff’s high-quality products are used in residential properties, commercial establishments, and industrial and infrastructural utilities.

Product Categories

Product Categories Roff has a wide array of products in the categories of Tile Fixing and Care, Stone Fixing and Care, Building Repair, Grouting Solutions, and Waterproofing and Sanitary Solutions.

Polyurethane coatings Water based coatings

Tile fixing & care solutions

Glass coatings

Stone fixing & care solutions Image Source : www.roff.in

Image Source : www.icaspa.com


Polyester coatings

Tile grouting solutions

Polyester coatings


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Dr. Fixit


ICA Pidilite


General unawareness about waterproofing

New category in the market, so people are not aware

New category in the market, so people are not aware

The product catalogue is confusing for the average consumer

91% home don’t waterproof

Even the designer and contractors are unfamiliar

Making architects more aware and involved with ICA is a challenge

Need to show services and variants around fevicol, not the products

Complex application methods

Even the designer and contractors are unfamiliar

Italian finishes are more popular in the north of India

What all we can stick with fevicol, how can we show it innovatively in the CEC

Temporary fix are a challenge

Only 3-4 % market share

Targeted for a niche audience, hence not applicable for everyone

Fevicol is a synonym for white adhesive which creates opportunities for cheating with the client

Application is tricky and sophisticated, can be carried only by trained professionals

Bringing Forth the design aesthetic of fevicol with already communicated durability aspect

Product complex application

High cost-12rs/tile vs the traditional cement mortar method-3rs/tile

There is very less involvement of homeowners in selecting adhesives

Misleading information like waterproof paint Markets differ based on the type of buildings and different cities Misconceptions as waterproofing being a raincoat, when it is supposed to be integral Sold at 5 types of shops: • • • • •


Paint shop Pipe supplies Hardware stores Tiles & sanitary Cement stores

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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

MEETING STAKEHOLDERS After understanding what the problem is, to confirm the issues and understand the issues properly we interviewed homeowners as to where they buy products from, what problems they face when they construct a home. We interviewed a few people stakeholders (dealer, homeowner, contractor, architect, interior designers).

the activity Getting familiar with the interactions between the actors and the artifacts so that the problems can be identified

THE DEALER After understanding what the problem is, to confirm the issues and understand the issues properly we interviewed homeowners for primary research, at this stage we also met the star dealers in Chandigarh who are selling up to 4-7 verticals from Pidilite under one roof to understand the situation on the ground, also as the store owner is one of our stakeholders we wanted to understand his role in market and distribution channel and what is his opinion about the one stop shop (REC), from the talks happened with him we came to understand that the communication strategy used by Pidilte fail on ground because the consumer is still confused about:

What product they want

ARCHITECT(MUNTAHA) So, a lot of his time gets consumed in understanding the consumer’s needs, so that he can suggest a proper product/solution for someone’s problem. Since this person is associated with Pidilite for more than 10 years now, he is only one of the few who take time to understand the need of the consumer. The consumer might have a wrong idea about the product he is supposed to use, this person asks about the problem before giving the product the consumer wants, if something else will be better for the consumer he would recommend a different product and also guides on how to use it. So a lot of times it depends on the seller that the customer is satisfied by the service because if the consumer takes the wrong product or takes the right product but uses it incorrectly the company’s name is spoiled. We also interviewed stakeholders ( dealer, homeowner, contractor, architect, interior designers).

How to use the product Where to find applicators • Contractors may sometime use similar looking white adhesives mixed with Fevicol or other brands. • Theft happens because clients and architects don’t usually visit the work site. • Contractor use other brands for their cuts from the dealership who is selling the other brands. • Target audience should be: Home Owner, Architects, Interior Designers. • Clients should be able to trust the brand through the experience center irrespective of a little extra cost. • Epoxy grouting between the tiles are not properly informed about, so the customer gets confused.

Even the workers and contractors are confused about the Products and usage What will be the proper solution or product for the problem he is facing


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• Raw material to final finish • The materials which we are using are in touch with which material? For example: Dr. Fixit is in touch with only building contractor. • Architects should also learn about waterproofing. • Clients are as important as the stakeholders • Clients are always willing to see the process and also it helps the client to know about the process so that he is not cheated by the contractor, material wise. • Clients should be stubborn, for that the client should be informed. • Even if they don’t use Pidilite products, they are getting informed about the right process and methods. • Inception in client’s mind • The architect students can also benefit from the experience centers to understand the process and technology. • Understanding the differences between the variants is necessary. • Touch and feel the material, the size should be big enough to properly understand it. • The application process is also important, how is it used, process and methods of application • How do we make it more customer friendly and not intimidating which they would not understand. • Remove doubts from Home owner’s mind of leakage protection from waterproofing, to allow design interventions to take place. For example: Terrace garden • Infographic of all layers of the building completed, incomplete and in process. • Material library of things which are in direct contact with the substrates, like wood, ply with Fevicol. Cement for Dr. Fixit.

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• Commercial and housing contractor. • Majorly does schools and private bungalows. • Has a team of agencies (not subcontract) whom he gives design and material. • Other labors are daily wage. • 2 visits on sites daily. • Learned everything on his own. • Machinist 3 yrs course, did job for 1 year. • Started with repair work.

• Gets material delivered on site. • Uses Zydex for waterproofing, also is a distributor for the same. Considers it better than Dr. Fixit because it’s a solution-based chemical which penetrates the surface up to 1.5 mm under the surface. • Cost is almost same as Dr Fixit. • Zydex is not so popular. • For selecting the finish material (paint, timber, tiles, he takes the customer to the galleries in the market. • Keeps himself updated with the tech innovations, product launches in the market. • Asks for the budget from the customer. • The material selection takes a lot of time and he has to always go with the costumer. • Buys material from the cheapest available source (dealer or distributor). • Fevicol, Falcofix are the major adhesives used by him. • Keeps sending his workers for training, organized by different companies. • Managing labor is a big task. • Material selection take a big chunk of his time. • Has less customer, but trustworthy. • Is positive about the REC. • “Dikhega to bikega”.


ARCHITECT (CHETTINAD) • • • • • • • •


• Recently finished construction of his home. • Did all the supervision himself. • Chose the brands himself, but the materials was bought by someone else. • Had a rough idea of the overall material use, kept buying along as the construction proceeded, which was more than estimated. • No contractor employed but daily wage labors. • Has trust in Pidilite. • Bought materials with approximate estimation. • Mixed the Dr. Fixit solution in cement mortar. • Waterproofing in- Terrace, Bathroom(took extra precaution). • Followed the instructions on the packaging and used Dr fixit. • Some extra materials was wasted because of poor estimation. • Did some mistakes of using Dr fixit as a coat. • Used 1.5x material. • Hired daily wage carpenters for woodworking. • Terminator for wood work. • Took a lot of time to select tiles and used only cement mortar to fix tiles. • Came across a lot of fake brands, but had trust in Pidilite hence only used the latter. • Knows about paint brands experience centers.

In India mostly cement mortar is used to fix flooring. People prefer ready made furniture, which is very poor in quality. Personally tries to be sustainable and use recycled wood. Contractors are not upgrading themselves to the tech. e.g. Angle grinder. Even if they invest in tools they do not maintain it. Precision work is really bad in Indian construction industry. Chain reaction of mess ups, jugaad is in trend. If there are more contractors involved in the project, the quality of outcome is better. Things like Nails, Araldite have killed the joinery process.

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• Does whole interior job. • Works after the design is done. • If there is no design language being followed, the work is done according to customer’s will. • Studied till class 10th, them started working in Carpentry. • Has a team of 40 people. • Doesn’t have any agency contacts, goes and buys the material himself. • Has interior designer and architect working under him who designs things for projects. • Knows Fevicol and Dr. Fixit but has no idea about Pidilite. • Takes care of all the labors and their families under him. • Buys all his material from timber market via home delivery over a phone call. • Material selection takes time, doesn’t go with the customer to select material. Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


INSIGHTS FROM THE ANALYSIS • Mr. Mankotia is married, with a 26 year old son. • A year after his retirement, his wife and he moved to Chandigarh from Shimla because they found it too congested there. • Mahadev and Anju decided to use their savings to build a home on the level above the brother’s family, while living in the same house. • The architect showed him his body of work. After the drawings were complete, the architect also showed them 3D renders of the plan. This helped them visualize their home. • The building contractor (thekedaar) was recommended by the architect itself. • The contractor was hired only to provide labour. • Mr. Mankotia did all the material sourcing himself. • The architect suggested that this would be economical and ensure quality supervision. This led him to do his own research and explore the market. • He faced challenges with the labourers taking too many leaves and the time-line getting extended because the contractor was running simultaneous jobs. • He calls the whole construction process ‘hectic’. • He is quite proud of the fact that he bought all the material himself, from bricks and cement to Jaquar sanitary fittings. • Used Dr. Fixit and Fevicol (aware of the special variants available). • Hasn’t heard of Roff or ICA Pidilite. • Says that the process would be more pleasant if he knew the components of construction before beginning (”Background hona jaroori hai. Ab mujhe sab pata hai.”).


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The current scenario is that all over India Pidilite products are being used in the construction industry and household needs, but only a few of the people are aware of Pidilite as the parent brand, they only know about the individual brands. Hence there is less equity for the brand as a whole, also the products so far are sold through different retailers across a demographic, so it gets harder to procure materials for someone who wants to buy in bulk, or wants to buy different brands for a construction project. Moreover, it is very hard for even a contractor to understand the right product and application method for a particular job, because the catalogue is vast.

All the stakeholders in the construction industry, which are: Contractors, Plumbers, electricians, procurement officers, Carpenters, Painters. But majorly it affects the people who are involved in sourcing and using the materials which in this case are homeowners, contractors, Interior designers, Architects, Procurement officers, Mason, Carpenters.

In small to medium scale construction industry, B to C (Business to Commercial), because there is a requirement to procure materials in bulk, consultation on services and expertise is required as a lot of other stakeholders are also involved like- contractors, carpenters, painters, masons, architects etc.

When: In the construction process when there is expertise required for proper application


Why: This situation exists because the product and service catalogue is very vast so it becomes hard to know what product is right for a job, also, there is a proper application procedure involved for different products which is hard to be achieved without knowing the proper methods to use a particular product, there is no single point of connect where all products and information are available

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Lack of Awareness

Misconceptions at large

For categories (like ROFF tile adhesives and ICA finishes) that people haven’t heard of

Myths and misconceptions with respect to clients/contractors understanding of processes/products

Limited access to Information

Focused Communication

About product specifications, variants, application etc.

Communicating with multiple categories of people (Contractor/ Homeowner/Influencer) with multiple levels of requirements and understanding

Scarcity of skill/know-how Lack of skilled workers/lack of expertise and knowledge


Accessibility to all products (categories) being offered by Pidilte For categories (like ROFF tile adhesives and ICA finishes) that people haven’t heard of

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

In the market place, these product categories are sold through different types of retail stores. For an example, if the adhesives are sold plywood stores, tile adhesives are sold through tile stores while construction chemicals are sold through cement and paint stores. Therefore a consumer has to go to all of these different types of stores to get a solution for the one home that he’s going to build. The same is true for architects, IDs and contractors as well. Pidilite as a brand spans over more than 70% of Indian market, and gives services and products for almost every industry in the country. Being a growing economy that spans over the entire country, there are challenges that needs to be addressed. Most of the Pidilite consumers don’t know that they are using Pidilite products. The brand has such a vast variety of products, that it often times confuses the consumer as to what product is right for them, how to use it, and even what kinds of products are available. More than that not all the products are available under one roof. The challenge is to design an experience center which will allow a person(consumer) to be able to experience the range of Pidilite products, how they are used, what product is suitable for a particular job(Say in case of adhesives, different types of adhesives are available). The center should also be able to provide skill development workshops for the workers, and could also be a social space for Designers, Architects, Artists, etc. where they can learn and share through talks and events.


our intervention

We figured out from all the primary and secondary research that the communication channel for the industrial usage for the Pidilite products are quite sorted because in B2B, the larger industries are well aware about the products and services Pidilite has to offer and also the purchase and distribution happens over the call, so there is no issue of the products being sold through different stores in the market. It is mostly the small scale architects, consumers and homeowners who have problems when it comes to Pidilite. There is no single point of contact of communication where all the information is available, adding to the products being sold at different locations already. This also effects homeowners as they are the least informed about the Pidilite products and the usage, the catalogue is huge and the on-line channels are confusing for the average user to understand. Trust and durability in Pidilite is the only factor that drives the consumer to use Pidilite products, which is mostly limited to Fevicol reason it being a pioneer in the adhesive industry and earthly approach with humor filled ads which connects with the average user instantly. People are not so aware about other brands as some of them are new in the market and others are very complex to understand. There are misconceptions, myths and incomplete communication about waterproofing because of incomplete communications like paint being sold as waterproofing solutions. Which is why it is essential to keep the homeowner at the core of this experience would be the utmost priority because a homeowner is the one who brings the small scale contractors and architects together and they are the least informed about the pidilite products, ultimately the homeowner has to make the decision so it is important that they understand the process and what is important at each step, making the homeowner the decision maker. For contractors and designers also it is essential for them to understand the application methods as they are quite complex and a wrong usage of the right product may result in catastrophic events.

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Stakeholder hierarchy mapping Construction matrix What could the customer experience be/do Brainstorm session - 3 Vision & Mission The Definition Narrative writing Quick Ideation Interpretive plans Information map

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved.� --John Dewey


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design






A space affects someone in multiple dimensions and multiple senses. Everything has two aspects, functional and emotional... If we don’t want it to be a machine and to be something alive it has to have an emotional aspect, and value.

Although the products coming in the experience center and the way people interact will remain the same for everyone, but the way everyone perceive the information can be completely different in case of different stakeholders. On a functional level the information conveyed would remain the same, but on the emotional connect could be different and variable for varieties of visitors.




Home Owner












For instance A homeowner will strive for the look and feel of the finished application, but, a contractor may be more interested towards the application and functionality of the products.

Hence, The type of engagement could be different for the same exhibit/ interaction.

Therefore We had to map the possible types of engagements in hierarchy for all stakeholders.


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

MAPPING ENGAGEMENT WITH THE BRANDS The brand engagement varies from Dr. Fixit being pure performance to ICA Pidilite being pure visual, with Fevicol and Roff being somewhere in the center of both extremes. We mapped the stake holder’s purpose with the brands to get the stake holder’s engagement hierarchy for each brand so that the interactions could be designed accordingly.

Dr. Fixit


Roff Contractor

Construction chemicals

Tile/Flooring adhesives

Woodworking adhesives

Woodworking finishes

Dr. Fixit



ICA Pidilite















Home Owner Designer




ICA Pidilite


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design




Stakeholders Influencers

Architectural plan: Design concepts, themes, 2D elevations


Homeowner Architect Building designer

Architect Building designer

Technical drawings and Technical drawings and Homeowner 3D perspective 3D perspective Construction tender: Construction tender: Homeowner Permit to build your home isPermit issued to bybuild the local yourgoverning home is issued bodiesbysuch the local as governing bodies such as Panchayathwhich / Municipality /Corporation is normally validity for 2 years. Panchayath / Municipality /Corporation is normally validity forwhich 2 years.

Homeowner Civil Engineer Homeowner Contractor Development authority officer

Construction of the super structure: Construction of the super structure: Homeowner Super-structure is to provideSuper-structure support in the construction is to provideof support the building in the as construction per Contractor of the building as per designedofplan and various members of super-structure Workforce such as columns (Labour) and designed plan and various members super-structure such as columns and beams are designed to provide strength forlive carrying dead load and live load beams are designed to provide strength for carrying the dead load and load theApplicator expected on the various parts the structure in Electrician a safe and wellexpected to come on the various partsto ofcome the structure in a safe andofwelldistributed manner. castingwaterproofing the roofing slab necessary waterproofing distributed manner. After casting the roofing slabAfter necessary coatings shall be done. coatings shall be done. Exteriors and roofing: Exteriors and roofing: Homeowner Truss work roofing, WeatherTruss Resistant workBarrier, roofing,Waterproofing Weather Resistant coatings, Barrier, Waterproofing Contractor coatings, Rainscreen, Green roof are of the applications can implement to reduce Rainscreen, Green roof are some of the applications yousome can implement to reduceyouPainters heat. heat. Applicators Civil Plastering, Plumbing &Civil Flooring Plastering, Plumbing & Flooring Contractors Plastering work can commence Plastering after the work initial canlighting commence and electrical after the initial plumbing lighting Applicators and electrical plumbing work has been completed. Cement work has plaster been is completed. generally used Cement withplaster 13 mmisthickness generally used with 13 mm thickness and sometimes it can be of 20 and mm sometimes thickness.itFlooring can be ofworks 20 mm can thickness. commence Flooring after works can commence after the initial works and primerwalls. coat is the initial wiring works and primer coatwiring is done to the interior Ondone to the interior walls. On completion plastering is to be done. completion of brickwork, plastering is toofbebrickwork, done. (a) to make the building structurally strong (a) to make the building structurally strong (b)of toweather, protect itand from the effect of weather, and (b) to protect it from the effect (c) to give it an attractive look. (c) to give it an attractive look.

Homeowner Contractor ContractorCivil Engineer Workforce (Labour) Applicator Electrician

Dr.Contractor FiAxit Terminator Civil Engineer

Homeowner Contractor ContractorHomeowner Painters Consultant Applicators Contractors Homeowner ApplicatorsDesigner Architect Civil Engineer

Interiors: Interiors: Homeowner Interior works can commence Interior after the works initial canwiring commence works after and primer the initial coatwiring is works Contractor and primer coat is done to shelves the interior Cabinets, shelves and can be done using a done to the interior walls. Cabinets, and walls. kitchen can be done using a kitchenCarpenter variety of materials currently market such as Wood, variety of materials which are currently availablewhich in theare market such available as Wood,in the Plumber Multi-Wood, MDF, Plywood, ACP, Stainless steel..etc Mason Multi-Wood, MDF, Plywood, ACP, Stainless steel..etc

Homeowner Contractor ContractorInterior designer Carpenter Plumber Mason

Contractor Interior designer

Tiling Tiling Applicator Applicator Contractor There are many types of floors There according are many to their typesuses, of floors economy according and required to their uses, the economy and required the Homeowner levelVitrified of finishing. Ceramic tiles, Vitrified tiles,Wood, Clay Tiles, Granite, Marble, Wood, Interior designer level of finishing. Ceramic tiles, tiles, Clay Tiles, Granite, Marble, Epoxy flooring are some of the options you have in flooring. Epoxy flooring are some of the options you have in flooring.

Roff Contractor Homeowner Interior designer

Painting: Painting: Applicator Applicator Homeowner Is done with cement primer once Is done initial withwiring cement work primer and plumbing once initial works wiring are work done. andPaint plumbing contractor works are done. Paint contractor Interior designer

Homeowner Interior designer


Furniture design Woodworking

Wood & Glass finishes



Process Architectural plan: Design concepts, themes, 2D elevations

Post Construction Interiors

Pre-Construction Post Construction Interiors


A construction matrix was made to get a holistic understanding of the construction ecosystem, which includes understanding the construction process divided into three phases (Preconstruction, Construction, Post-construction).


Furniture design




Wood & Glass finishes


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Products Influencers

Needs Services

Needs Aspirations

Aspirations Aesthetics, 3D visualisation of plan

Civil Engineer Contractor Development authority officer

Approval/clearnace from development authority

Structurally Aesthetics,stable plan, 3D visualisation standardisedof plan dimensions, best utilization of space Understanding Visualizations,of Space Understanding materials Approval/clearnace Cost efficient from development authority

Waterproofing Dr. FiAxit Anti-termite Terminator

BOQ, Waterproofing Material, tools, Anti-termite machinery, guidance

BOQ, Timely Material, tools, completion machinery, guidance

Timely completion

Dr.Contractor Fixit Homeowner Consultant

Dr. Fixit Waterproofing Painting

Scaffolding, Waterproofing tools, Strong and Painting long lasting

Scaffolding, Timely tools, Strong and completion long lasting

Timely completion

Dr.Homeowner Fixit M-Seal Designer Architect Civil Engineer

Waterproofing Dr. Fixit Painting M-Seal

Scaffolding, Waterproofing tools Painting

Scaffolding, Timely tools completion

Timely completion


Waterproofing Material, tools, machinery, guidance

Material, Value for tools, money, Superior Value for money, Superior machinery, finish finish guidance

Roff Tiling

Tiling Machines, power tools

Machines, Neat finishing, power aesthetically tools pleasing

Neat finishing, aesthetically pleasing

scaffolding, Paints

scaffolding, Paints Aesthetic, Less Wastage

Aesthetic, Less Wastage

Sketches Fevicol Design with dimensions Ideas Material Carpentry understanding, (manual & Techniques machine) used Dimensions, Application of tools finishes

Sketches Visualizations with dimensions


Material Cost efficient understanding, Techniques used Dimensions, Premium finish, tools Long Lasting, Cost efficient

Cost efficient

Homeowner Interior designer Fevicol Contractor Wudfin Interior designer

Applicator Homeowner Interior designer

ICA-Pidilite Homeowner Interior designer



Structurally stable plan, standardised dimensions, best utilization of space Understanding of Space

Carpenter Homeowner Interior designer Carpenter Contractor Interior designer

Services Products

Functional Emotional

Fevicol Design Ideas Carpentry Fevicol (manual Wudfin & machine) Application ICA-Pidiliteof finishes

Visualizations, Understanding materials Cost efficient

Premium finish, Long Lasting, Cost efficient

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

WHAT COULD THE EXPERIENCE CENTER BE/DO? A quick ideation on what the experience center could be, getting as much ideas, as we could in a given frame of time. We ask challenging questions and desirable insights to brainstorm the possibilities that can be achieved from any project. So that we can get insights that what did the experience center does to achieve that. For example in the REC’s case we can ask that “what could we do in the space so that the designer, contractor and homeowner can come together and develop communications, perhaps a co-working space where the homeowner can sit and ideate with the designer or the contractor”.

For dealer

For contractor

• • • •

Enable people to see how the product works. Data collection. Self decision making in the store for regular/small buyers. Not an exclusive store but make dealer the brand owner with most verticals. • Retail store + Informative space + Community centre.

• • • •

For Influencers

For home owner

• Space can also be a social gathering. • Community building. • Can be a co-working space or an eatery.

• Understand how the construction works. • Experience of building a house using laminates, woods, paint. • Can be a data collection space which can help to guide consumers for other services like- Repairs, Leakages, Renovation, etc. • It will enable people to see how the product works by experts. • Decide the right product-- how to use that product.

Enable people to see how the product works. Workshops. Community building. Use of the products: Demos, Interactions, Workshops.

For Pidilite • Educational tie ups in schools. • Can check on waste generation by making the premium sellers • hot-spots of extra waste collection, in return or some money or deals. • Involvement of CSR with context to skill development and education in schools, crafts, etc. • Umbrella branding of Pidilite - Commercial presence in the market as Pidilite.


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Research questions

Initial Ideas

• What all training programmes are there for the blue collar workers like carpenters, masons to get training for using the Pidilite products efficiently? • What all training programmes we need in the ecosystem? • How is the information being conveyed? What are the loopholes? • What are the competitions? • Will it create opportunities for daily wage labourers?

• How community building can be a part of the ecosystem? • Will the CEC create a new market which would replace the existing distribution channels? • Ease of application should be communicated • Certified tie ups with Contractors, Architects, Interior designers • Database creation-people with similar work • Network building between Contractors, Architects, Interior designers and Pidilite while involving the Home Owner as well • Bringing back the craftsmanship by promoting nail free furniture • Using right tools-safety gears • Some level of teaching by workshops, talks, exhibitions, seminars • Have services which the contractor can use: machinery (workshop) • Additional services which can add value to the space should be implemented • Kids workshops, where they can understand the construction industry as a potential profession option • Artisan connect - Involving artisans using Pidilite products and promoting regional craft


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Apart from the functional benefits, we are trying to build a place/brand that caters to the emotional and expressive needs of our group. To establish a retail brand that builds a strong and long-term relationship with the customer. It’s all about creating consumer-centric experiences that transcend mere aesthetics and passive entertainment to touch consumers’ lives at the point of interaction. Experiences that can only be had by visiting the brick and mortar. It’s about how consumers react to, and interact with the touch points, distinct moments that drive repeat visits.

Inspire, Aspire By creating an experience that is stimulating & brings newness, concepts, devices, displays that evolve over time.


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Educate through simplifying

Helpful & Supportive

Complex concepts and demystifying pre-existing notions.

Should facilitate/help customers make choices/decisions.

Enhancing Knowledge

Systemized & Optimized

By modes that are interesting and engaging.

Organize the space and make it convenient for the customers/visitors to navigate easily.


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Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Empower & Elevate Through value added services, skill and knowledge enhancements.

The brief was to create a not retail but a customer experience center where the customers can understand what products will be apt for their required job, they will also be able to know how to use the product based on the complexity of the use of the product so the product will be categorized as:

The store could work according to the seasonal market, since all the products will be available in the store (physical or virtual), there can be seasonal trends and themes based on the marked and demand. For example, in rainy season Dr, Fixit sales might go up and woodworking sales might reduce.

Can be picked off the shelf and needs minimum information.

The retail experience center’s main stakeholder should be the dealer, to empower the them and make them the brand owner with most verticals, also save time as one of their major concerns is time consumed in briefing the consumer about the right product and usage. The space will also have a social area which can have several usages like workshop for skill development, A co-working area to browse through different associated product catalogue like tiles, laminates, wood finishes, etc. With the REC Pidilite will also grow in equity as people would be getting to know about Pidilite being the parent brand.

Needs some bit of information or demo. Needs thorough understanding and guidance.

Build Communities Be a place that encourages peer learning & builds relationships and communities of like minded people.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



A narrative writing exercise imagining myself in the space, and narrating my hypothetical experiences as an unfamiliar visitor really helped to get started with the design language and communication details to cater to. This included coming up with the idea of pre and post experiences connection and communication for the CEC.

An approach that I really like is to come up with random ideas very quickly, same we did for the project, we started coming up with quick ideas for the communication strategy. The ideas here were more focused to crack the functionality of the space.

Material palette, colour, texture, etc. Associated services: Laminates,woodwork, interior finishes, etc. Cafe Co- working space Database of workforce: Contractors, Blue collar workers, Architects, Int. designers, etc. Social gathering Talk shows Live events


As I meander through the traffic, I can see a grand, yet inviting space. It felt like something filled with knowledge, progress & innovation. As soon as I saw it, I just wanted to go in. Unexpected, the place was very vernacular and earthy. Unlike how Industrial and professional it looks from the outside, everything was seeming to be done by hands right from the displays to lights, the wooden cabinets added a subtle warmth and homely feel to it. The reception was very helpful in guiding me through everything before the experience starts. I am quite familiar with the construction process and the things involved in it, but this experience was quite unreal, something which you do not see daily. The experience started with an introduction to a construction site which was mostly empty, just a few things such as cement mortar, rag sacks, bricks and tools were kept. A thoroughly explained site map and drawings of the plan and elevations were kept which explained everything about the pre-steps needed to be taken care of before beginning the construction process, like proper tools usage, health hazards, types of labour/workers involved, their skill and importance. What role do each play was thoroughly explained and illustrated, the tone was very simple and informative.

but also for the plinth and exterior walls. An expert was always there to answer any doubts I had. The interior stage was quite impressive as I could visualize the finishes as they were so properly displayed, I could feel the texture and the colours & lights added warmth to the experience.

As the experience continues, the construction starts to take shape and I could see the plinth rising & walls starting to take shape. At every stage, there was information about the current stage in the construction process. What happened before that stage and what comes ahead. The experience also informs you about the proper construction methods & tools required as each stage such as waterproofing which is very essential not just for roofs and wet areas

A lot of information is conveyed, but very subtly and precisely so one does not feel bombarded with information, adding to that, there are a cool cafe and co-working area where one can relax and think about heir future home.

Skill development Product launch Award ceremonies Furniture from Fevicol design ideas DIY section A section to showcase the types of workers involved in construction, their skills, types or role, the proper tools and gears (installation). Mini library

After the construction phase was done a corridor leads us to a courtyard which was beautifully decorated and I understood that it is also an integral part to think about the exterior as well, further the courtyard lead us to an amphitheatre, which was a meetup + workshop + talk area. This space also serves as a temporary exhibition area, which at the moment showcased exclusive furniture pieces designed at Fevicol design ideas lab. Every piece was broken down in components and properly explained about the joinery, adhesive used, usage, design geometry etc. There was plenty of more information available for one who wants to know anything in detail about Pidilite and its brands. A dedicated consultancy area is there, which helps people for any doubt or help to decide the right service/ product.

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Multi directional




Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design





Welcoming the visitor

Ascertain the purpose of visit

Introduction to Pidilite

Guidance through the experience

Pre - Construction (Core)

Secondary exp.

Socal space

Understanding the construction process in steps

Product browsing


Proper services and their importance (What and Why)

Understanding the right products


Workshops, Talks, Product launches

Products benefits, and areas of application

BOQ, Services, Consultancy

Tools and gears Workers involved


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019



Application methods and procedure

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

INFORMATION MAP Before moving on to the next phase of the project, an information was made to understand to interpret the information collected so far, and further list down the tasks required to be done for use to be able to get a better understanding of the ecosystem.

Context (Where)


Elements (how)

Is the premise of where these thing lies in and what the experience center would be made of.

What is there which is being communicated.

How the things are being communicated.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Possible Visitor Journeys Visit Scenarios


“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back to the technology — not the other way around.” –Steve Jobs


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

POSSIBLE SCENARIO OF VISITS Since there can be different kinds of visitors, we mapped out the possible scenarios the visitors can come with to the CEC, so that the strategy can be refined further.


variation in the same scenario


Person interested in building their own home is at the planning stage and has the required funds. Hasn’t employed a contractor or architect.

First home.

Contractor has a new client who wants to understand the construction process.

Variation in the same scenario

Previously owned a house, aware of the proces.

Contractor is midway through a project and wants information about a particular product. Person has commissioned architect to make a plan. Has the funds, drawings are ready.

What are the new products available.

Looking for a contractor.


Comes with an architect.

Product differentiation.

Architect/ Interior designers

Person owns a house (older).

Renovation - re-tiling, reflooring, redecorating.

Architect has a new client. Needs to explain process.

Repairs (particular problem).

Architect has prepared a plan & needs to bring in a contractor/ applicators start building the structure. Person owns a house.

Needs to do Interiors and finishing.

Architect/ interior designer comes with the client in the midst of construction/ furnished to select finishes.

Repairs (particular problem). 110

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Experience center study / visits Stakeholder expectation map Insights Definition - 2

“Tell me and I’ll forget Show me and I might remember, Involve me and I’ll understand.” - Benjamin Franklin


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design





Home owner

Applicators Time consuming visits with the homeowners Budget constraints Quality vs Quantity No community Unskilled/ Uninformed contractors

Confusing application Finding the right product Choosing between variety of products Unskilled labours New product launch information Quality control purchase and consultancy product wastage

Uninformed Too many options Trust issues with turnkey contractors No prior understanding of services like waterproofing, tiling, etc Misguidance about waterproofing being a coat Hard to manage time

DECATHLON Sport for All This first of its kind store is a place for everyone that wants to try new sports; beginner (just starting); intermediate sport enthusiasts (plays for fun); and experienced those that play a sport every day. It offers a playground and a platform for users to find a facility nearby or events to practice the sport of their choice, while equipping them with well-priced, innovative, technically superior, durable and comfortable products.

Immersive experience Users welcome a simple and easy shopping experience that is interactive and fun. Decathlon Eva Mall is designed for users to truly explore a sport experience, Decathlon products and make a selfinformed best choice - by selecting products of their choice without having to ask for assistance and offers a hands on experience of all equipments within the facility before making any purchase.

Image Source: www.decathlon.co.kr/kr_en/

Inspiring experience Decathlon Eva Mall inspires people to play sports and help them discovery the pleasures and benefits of sports by educating them on how to learn a new sport and enabling them with sport advice content and connecting them to coaches to improve their game with the correct advice and guidance. The store also features a dedicated meet-up area for like-minded sports enthusiasts to connect over workshops, classes and events focusing on sports, health and nutrition or activities like meditation and concentration all within the confines of the store.

Image Source: decathlon.com.au/pages/store-auburn


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


ASIAN PAINTS Welcoming entrance

The Digital Experience

Asian paints creates a dynamic environment at the first moment of interaction with the experience center which engages the visitor and sets the pace for further initiation with the staff for the orientation and subsequent journey.

So many of IKEA’s digital offerings centralize the experience of the customer, encouraging them to immerse themselves in the products. These are even offered in-store, which tows a very interesting line between reality and virtual reality. Customers can design their rooms either on-line or at a design station in-store. More recently, the brand has offered ‘augmented realities’ to envision how products will look in their homes

Dynamic displays

The In-Home Experience

The immersive displays mimic actual interiors, and change thematically with dynamic moving displays.

Its products are largely meant to be no-brainer builds, offering customers the opportunity to say “I made this” or “I built this” or “I got my hands dirty” with some level of truth. By the very nature of the product, the customer is central to the product realization experience and can even earn a sense of accomplishment. This is not something one can easily put a price tag on.

Human intervention required everywhere The experience center has good visual displays but there is human intervention required at every stage to understand the displays, the displays are just pretty interiors.

Image Source: fonolo.com/blog/2019/01/what-ikea-gets-right-about-customer-experience/

The In-Store Experience IKEA’s immersive customer experience begins at childhood, and instore. Dotted through the sprawling building are handsomely decorated rooms reminiscent of movie sets, all showcasing IKEA’s latest catalog items in a way which makes customers feel both in-home and at home. Arrows line the floor, indicating that IKEA has designed a ‘vision quest’ for all who enter. There is much to touch, see, and feel on this journey for customers of every age group.

Linear experience The whole experience doesn’t follow any sort of narrative, but a linearity that goes on different levels and ends when the experience started with consultancy area in the end.

Image Source: fonolo.com/blog/2019/01/what-ikea-gets-right-about-customer-experience/


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Home Owner

PRIMARY Functional

SECONDARY Supportive




The construction process Important services Areas of application Proper product and variants

Application methods BOQ Purchase Alliances material catalogue Products

Real time visualization Interactive construction/interior simulators


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



By interpreting the contractors and architects/interior designers’ needs and challenges, we understood that it takes a lot of time to take a homeowner to the market and show him all the finishes and product for selection. Moreover if he wants to use Pidilite products, the client looks for cheaper ways and it is hard to explain the client the reason for choosing Pidilite because the client does not understand the construction industry properly. We also realized that having the products in the store and selling them will not help because until and unless they know the process and the right way of using it would not matter what product they use and they may end up using it the wrong way.

For people to develop an easy way of looking at the construction industry which is very industrial and intimidating also about bringing people together and building communities of people in the construction ecosystem.

The whole brief is about bringing the homeowner upfront, and build a community which does not require the products to be there but requires them to understand the process and hence develop more trust for the parent brand.

To empower the homeowner (by the virtue of self decision making) a Customer experience center was proposed where with the journey in the experience center, understanding the construction process the homeowner will be able to make decisions for their home, rather than depending on the contractors or any other personnel. Having a retail outlet doesn’t help to solve the issues because the people will still be using the product incorrectly, rather than selling this should be more about empowering through information, that will in turn increase brand trust. A customer experience center CEC will take clients on a journey to experience Pidilite’s values, people, products and partnership, and leave the prospect (visitor), excited and ready to engage, with a strong “this is who we are” moment.

The brief created was to make a customer experience center instead of a retail experience center, because the problem is not that the customers are not getting the products at the same place, but the homeowners have no decision making in the construction process when they are making their home. They use their lifetime’s savings to make a home and are often cheated or not satisfied with the work.

Image Source: www.e-arc.com/blog/5-practical-benefits-of-drones-in-construction/

By studying and visiting the experience centers we developed an understanding of human behaviour, we realized that it is not about what content or products are being delivered, but It is more about how the information is being conveyed and how the engagement of the customer is envisioned. The more the customer is involved with the product the more they develop ownership of the brand and subsequently develop more trust and loyalty towards the brand. Ultimately the customer needs to feel as if they are the part of the ecosystem, not a visitor or a target audience. Self decision making and least human assistance as and when required will lead to develop more ownership in the consumer’s mind.

Making the homeowner the primary stakeholder, and help them to make decisions by the virtue of simple communication is the key


One very important primary challenge we figured out from the need hierarchy map is that, most of the contractor’s & designer’s problem problems circle around the homeowner. Somehow the issued and challenges are connected with the homeowner. For example homeowners concern is that they don’t know about anything about the products and usage because it is very complex. So they are not informed about anything which in turn takes a toll on the contractor or the designer to explain the homeowner about everything by going to the market and visiting different shops with the homeowner to show them the product.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

Product oriented


Service oriented

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Possible visitor journeys Journeys in each zone Expectation, needs & challenges Journey in each brand zone Intent, Content & Activity Pidilite ecosystem Identification & navigation Communication Final layout Narrative building

Space-“a surface with cultures, people, and places spread out upon�-Dylann McLean


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Home owner


Dr. Fixit


Guidance for new construction Guidance for repairs Interior finishing/designs Specifir area repairs Reconstruction Waterproofing after construction House extensions, elevations Waterproofing a specific area Exterior garden Budgeting consultancy Walls repair Cost and information

Exhibitions Talks/ Workshops New finishes launches Visits with clients Material selection Interior/ Finishing Contact developments Applicators and contractors

Debunking myths about waterproofing Not a layer but a integral component Consequences of improper/no waterproofing Application methods and procedure Cost vs benefits Important areas of application Confusing catalogue Informing the homeowner

Benefits over traditional methods Cost vs long term benefits Inform about the new category Easy application Specialized tools for application



ICA Pidilite

Offers & sales Loyalty incentives Tools & Gears Information about new product launch Price check Visit for/with the client Application methodology and procedure Material selection Bulk purchase

Design aesthetics Versatility Innovation in adhesive science Strong bond Nail free furniture (craftsmanship) Confusing catalogue

Superior finish Better than any other finishing ( Laminate, Veneer, etc.) No maintenance Available in different finishes (Gloss, Matte, Shiny, Metallic, etc.) Introduce the new category to people


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Challenges for Stakeholders


Challenges for Brands

CEC Offers for Stakeholders

Home Owner Our Intervention

CEC Offers for Brands

Client’s needs & wants

Possible Interventions


Pre - Const.

Dr. Fixit



ICA Pidiite

Social Space

Distribution by journeys in different zones

Designer Refining Solutions

Possible solutions Interactions


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

REFINING SOLUTIONS Expectation, Needs, Challenges in each brand vertical


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Dr. Fixit



ICA Pidilite

5 point waterproofing

Tile on tile application

Fevicol design ideas

Italian wood finishes

It’s a unique tool which cover all important parts of the house that need to be waterproofed, i.e., Basement, bathroom exterior walls, roof, watertank.

The most important advantage Roff has over the traditional methods is that it can be stuck on an existing surface of tiles, wood, stone, etc.

A platform for contractors to showcase their work, and for Owners to get inspired and get custom made furniture.

External wood finish coatings, by ICA founded in 1971.

Layers of waterproofing

Grouting colours

Multiple variants

Realistic finish

Every area amongst the 5 areas require specialized products and a strict procedure because, the sequence of layering is very important, which needs to be followed for proper effect.

The grouts in between the tiles are available in various shades which enable one to experiment with the flooring.

Fevicol has been evolving since it’s genesis which has made possible the variants like Fevicol marine, Speed-x, Heat-x, etc.

The woodworking coating are as realistic as the material imprinted itself.

Colours in external walls waterproofing

Uniform spread

Indefinite possibilities

Keeping up with trends

The external wall waterproofing products are available in various colors, so there is an option of not needing to paint again.

Roff doesn’t crack or de-bonds because the substrate has a bit of elasticity which enables it to spread and maintain a strong hold.

The strong bond of Fevicol allows for possibility of creative usage of furniture.

Innovation is the key factor of ICA.

Application procedure

Specialized tools & Application procedure

Application procedure

Specialized applicators

Dr. Fixit products have a strict application procedure which changes depending on the area which need to be waterproofed.

Special tools for easy application.

Every variant differs slightly from the rest, it is essential to know the USP of the variant and the proper method of application.

ICA finish can be installed by specialized applicators only.


Works on all dimensions


Waterproofing being an external coat.

With Roff one can stick materials on different surfaces including vertical walls and even ceilings.

Fevicol since ages is being used by craftsmen and designer for woodworking, joineries fulfill both functional and aesthetic purpose.

Different materials Not only tiles but, all sorts of material like wood, stone, marble, etc. can be bonded with Roff adhesive.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

JOURNEYS IN EACH BRAND VERTICAL This table represents the major aspects to the brands needed to be explained with different modes of interactions, in the visitor journey of the CEC. The main reason for doing this exercise is to cover all aspects of each brand in 3-5 interactions.

Dr. Fixit Myth-busting

5 important areas house of the house that require waterproofing

Layers of waterproofing

Application method & procedure

Roff Cement mortar vs tile adhesive

Application areas and variants

Application method & procedure

Inspiring creativity

Versatility and Durability

Fevicol Craftsmanship, Joineries

Application method & procedure

ICA Pidilite Introduce types of finishes


Look and feel


ICA Legacy

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


ORIENTATION Intent For all visitors Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Owner, Contractor, Designer

Provide a warm welcome to the visitor. Introduce them to Pidilite and its brands Ascertain the purpose of their visit and help them navigate the space. Engage visitors in an activity/interaction which initiates/excites them about the experience to come.


Visitor Experience

Ascertain the visitor profile and help him choose his path/journey.

Innovative signages/display and engaging the visitor in some activity that initiates him on to the journey that he is going to take - for example a profile based activity.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

PRE - CONSTRUCTION Intent For all visitors To build the context about the ecosystem in which Pidilite products exist. Highlight the steps where Pidilite products are used and its importance.

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Owner Secondary - Contractor, Designer

Explain the importance of right application and procedures.


Visitor Experience

(end to end) construction journey - with stages highlighted.

Illustrated animation of the construction stages with an static info-graphic of the construction process.

Superstructure >>Waterproofing >> Interiors >> Flooring, Tiling>>Furniture. Use of Pidilite products at the right stages. (this needs to be highlighted).


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

DR. FIXIT Intent For owner Advantages of waterproofing, de-bunkin myths, demonstrating areas of the house that require waterproofing to achieve long term benefits.

For contractor the correct products & processes to do waterproofing to achieve long term benefits.

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Owner Secondary - Contractor, Designer

For influencer Awareness about advantages of waterproofing, debunking myths, demonstrating areas of the house that require waterproofing.

Content - 1

Visitor Experience

Consequences of no waterproofing or improper technique 5 point water-proofing plan from Dr Fixit to secure your house.

This is shown through a digital experience using 3D projection mapping on a model of a house.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Content -2

Visitor Experience

5-point waterproofing plan in detail showing the 5 key areas to be waterproofed - its process and the product variants used.

This is showcased by physical cross section samples OR digital x-ray image through augmented reality of various types/areas of waterproofing, identifying the product variants used.

Content - 3

Visitor experience

To educate the visitors about the right application processes and case studies/use case scenarios to identify with problem areas.

Content shown through videos playing on a touch screen monitor which the visitor can access on demand based on his requirement.


Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor Secondary - Owner , Designer

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Owner Secondary - Designer

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

ROFF Intent For owner

For contractor

For Designer

Introduce tile fixing adhesive category, establish its merit over conventional methods (cement) and why he should be using ROFF.

Explain the process of flooring (tile/stone/marble) using ROFF.

Awareness about advantages of using ROFF.

Content - 1

Visitor Experience

Being relatively a new and unknown product to most, we highlight its advantage over conventional methods.

Thematic Display of use case scenarios on cracks, seepage, staining, de-bonding, breakage, fungus etc. so that the visitor can see the advantages of using ROFF over traditional tile fixing.

Content - 2

Visitor Experience

Introducing the variants, application areas and versatility.

Interactive physical display of the surfaces that can be bonded with Roff, highlighting the products used.

Content - 3

Visitor Experience

To educate the visitors about the right application processes and case studies/use case scenarios to identify with problem areas.

Content shown through videos playing on a touch screen monitor which the visitor can access on demand based on his requirement.


Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Designer Secondary - Owner

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor Secondary - Owner, Designer

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Owner Secondary - Designer

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

FEVICOL Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Designer, Secondary - Owner

Intent For owner

For contractor

For Designer

To reinforce their trust in the quality of Fevicol bonds while additionally demonstrating neat finish.

Knowledge about all the variants of Fevicol & allied products and their right use/application and why they should be the first choice.

Demonstrate the superior aesthetics that can be achieved by using Fevicol.

Educate them about the craftsmanship/best practices of woodworking industry and inspire them to create better.

Content - 1

Visitor Experience

inspire/educate them about the craftsmanship/ best practices of woodworking industry and help them to create better products.

The visitor would see an inspiring display of woodworking based objects that exemplifies design possibilities.

display of wood joineries & exploded models of furniture to show how things are made.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Content - 2

Visitor Experience

inspirational ideas with Fevicol design ideas, with updated catalogue from across the country.

Interactive display showing woodworking elements in interior space environment.

Content - 3

Visitor Experience

To allow user understand and differentiate between offerings to pick the right product for their purpose through explanatory video of its process and application.

Interactive kiosk to access specifications of each variant as they place any product over it, further allowing them to access the video on demand for its techniques.

Content - 4

Visitor Experience

Variety, Quality & Durability - Acquaint the visitors about the various uses/application of Fevicol products showcase the tolerances and resistance the furniture bonded by Fevicol can stand.

Info-graphics along with demonstration through physical displays of samples / substrates/cross sections/experiments (like Paani & Agni pariksha) to showcase the finish & durability of furniture made using Fevicol.


Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor Secondary - Owner, Designer

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Secondary -Owner, Designer

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Secondary -Owner, Designer

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

ICA PIDILITE Intent For owner

For contractor

For Designer

Showcase range of finishes with superior look and feel, Highlighting its resistance to damages (water, scratches) making it easy to maintain and long lasting.

Information about the service provided.

Availability of trendy options, trained applicators. Updates about new finishes.

Content - 1

Visitor Experience

A wide range of finishes from ICA-Pidilte showing the diversity of finishes that can be achieved.

Categorized layered modular/flexible display showing the variety and diversity of finishes that is being offered in a manner that the visitor can touch and feel. Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Owner Secondary -Influencer, Contractor


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Content - 2

Visitor Experience

A wide range of use for the finishes & suggestions of what is in trend.

The visitor is surrounded by elements of interiors and furniture finished with ICA which showcases use case scenarios to visitors to visualize where all these finishes can be used.

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Owner, Designer Secondary - Contractor

A separate display (which is changeable) of in trend finishes to aid visitors in knowing what’s in vogue.

Content - 3

Visitor Experience

Visualize the outcome of ICA finishes on elements used in interiors to help make informed decisions.

A Virtual reality experience that enables the user to drag & drop their choice of finish on a realistic 3D model of room and see how the same product looks in various finishes and thus helping them make the right choice.


Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Owner Secondary - Designer, Contractor

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Content - 4

Visitor Experience

ICA-Pidilte legacy & the processes/ techniques/ infrastructure/innovation/tests etc. that make ICA-Pidilte the pioneers in their field.

An info-graphic showing the ICA-Pidilte legacy with key landmarks/achievements.

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Designer, Owner Secondary - Contractor

A digital screen showing a video that takes the visitors through the innovation/processes/ tests etc. that validates the innovativeness & robustness of the finishes.


Visitor Experience

A dedicated service space for stakeholders to connect with the experts and the brand representatives and find solutions to their queries as well as get information on the services offered by Pidilite.

Clarity of services available for the stakeholders .


Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor Secondary - Designer, Owner

Digital information systems/tabs to assist stakeholders independently for -Estimation of quantity of material/price (BOQ)/order/delivery etc.

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Visitor Experience

A curated repository of allied materials like stones, tiles (NITCO), Laminates, veneer, plywood, MDF, Wallpaper etc.

modular display of trend based swatches/samples with the storage space to accommodate the catalogue/brochures as shared by partners/ sources.

Database of Allied dealers, retailers, designers, architects to supplement the procedures in construction/making.

A design visualization service provided to assist the stakeholders in visualizing their designs.

Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Designer Secondary - Owner


Visitor Experience

Create a collaborative community space that encourages shared learning and provides value added services that helps all stakeholders makes choices and decisions and enhances their knowledge with respect to the stages of construction (apart for the Pidilite product portfolio.

A multi-use space with comfortable & flexible furniture for Individual or group based activities to hold programs/talks/workshops/demos etc.


Stakeholder relevance matrix Primary - Contractor, Designer, Owner

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

THE PIDILITE ECOSYSTEM I tried to visualize a system for the CEC where every stakeholder by the nature of the space is giving as well as getting something from it so that it becomes a self sustaining information space which will grow over the course of time. For example the database of the professionals coming in would keep increasing as more of them visit the CEC.

The homeowner is at the core of the experience, the experience center’s ultimate aim is to empower the homeowner, other stakeholders and Pidilite itself are connected with the experience centers in an organic way where they give something and take something.



Int. Designer Home owner

Contractor 158

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Alliances Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Based on the scenarios of the visitor profiles, this flow chart represents the identification and guidance system.

Pre Visit schedule Cab service A channel of communication about events & activities at the CEC Regular updates on relevant social media platforms and a dedicated website

Post Product launches New catalogue update in CEC Seasonal offers announcement To stay in touch with visitor through new mediums of communication Offering timely feedbacks, providing support to their queries and engaging them through loyalty programmes


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



We could not get a physical space for design so we designated a minimum area for all zones and started mapping the space. The space mapping in the defined dimensions also helped us to come up with better strategy regarding the flow of movement and the content distribution.

Before mapping we listed down the characteristics to understand the dynamics of each zone, by the virtue of which we were able to understand the placement, size, character, connectivity, interactivity of spaces. This included prior understanding of the types of visitors and journeys they would take. For example: The social space needs to be slightly isolated but visually connected, and also it needs to have a front access so that a visitor who just needs to make a purchase or understand a particular service doesn’t have to go through all other spaces.

FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION After struggling a lot for coming up with the narrative of the space, we realized that this concept can be applied in space making as well, not only just in product or furniture design. Because of different possibilities of journeys a single narrative could not have been possible. So what could be the unifying element for the whole space, here comes the concept of form follows function.

For the spatial features of spaces I worked on the following parameters:

We started to create the form of the zones by the functionality of any particular zone in the CEC.



The look of the space, colours, graphic

The accessibility and connectivity from and to adjacent spaces



Material, Depth, Height, Size, Orientation, Locational features

Level of the platform in spaces to differentiate it from other spaces and to acquire certain functions



The feel of the space, intangible experience

The interactivity with the space and exhibits

• How much information needs to be conveyed, how much space will be available for movement and graphic? • Where should the visitor moves from each space to the next space? • Number of access points from each space to connecting spaces • Where should the visual and spatial blocks come? • What is the visitor experience and interactions in each zone and how it leads to the next zone in a flow of movement? These later would be connected with a narrative that acts as the emotional feature of the space, that would knead the whole experience with different functionality in different zones into a singular holistic experience.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Pre - Construction


ICA Pidilite

Visual - Open, Grand, Catchy, Comforting

Visual - Simple, Grasping, Connectivity, Fun

Visual - Grand, Striking, Intresting, Detailed, Finished

Visual - Grand, Wow, Colorful, Surprising

Functional - Informative, Welcoming, Modular

Functional - Informative, Myth-busting, Knowledge

Functional - Informative, Welcoming, Modular

Functional - Informative, Modular

Emotional - Comforting, Subjective

Emotional - Objective/Myth-busting, Mentor, Instructor

Emotional - Comforting, Subjective

Emotional - Niche, Luxury

Spatial - Open, Connected (Pre - Construction, Social)

Spatial - Central/Isolated, Connected (Orientation, Waterproofing,

Spatial - Open, Central, Connected (Pre - Construction, Roff, ICA Pidilite, )

Spatial - Linear, Isolated

Kinetic - Balanced

Kinetic - Balanced

Tactical - Slightly Interactive

Tactical - Highly Interactive

Kinetic - Balanced Tactical - Visual


Kinetic - Different levels Tactical - Non Interactive, Visual

Dr. Fixit


Social Space

Visual - Connected, Plain, Simple

Visual - Impressive, Striking, Unfinished

Visual - Connected, Inviting

Functional - Informative, Myth-Busting, Knowledge

Functional - Myth-Busting, Innovative, Informative

Functional - Modular, Helpful, Consult, Open

Emotional - Trustworthy, Security

Emotional - Trust, Reliable

Emotional - Helpful, Trustworthy

Spatial - Isolated, Cornered, Linear

Spatial - Cornered, Isolated

Spatial - Slightly Isolated

Kinetic - Balanced

Kinetic - Unbalanced, Multisurfaces

Kinetic - Balanced, Different level

Tactical - Interactive, Touch

Tactical - Touchable, Interactive

Tactical - Interactive


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

GRID DIVISION Assigning minimum area for each zone

Dividing spaces in scale on a grid of 1:2


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



The orientation and social area are in the forefront, as one can only come for making a purchase or some sort of consultancy and would not want to go through everything else, so a direct access is required towards the social space from the entrance as well as towards the orientation area for ones who are coming for the first time or want to go through the whole experience again. The experience typically starts from the orientation (01), area which proceeds towards the Pre - construction zone (02), where all about the construction process and important steps and procedures are explained.


From the Pre - construction zone the visitors have two choices. Either to go tards the Construction zone ( Waterproofing (03), Roff (04)), or towards the Post - construction zone (Fevicol (05), ICA Pidilite (06)). Visitors may also opt to go through the whole experience (Pre - constructuion > Construction > Post - construction), which would be linear and self explanatory. Finally the visitors would go towards the social space and move towards the orientation area or exit the center.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019






Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


THE FINAL PLAN Why this layout More area Increased number of vertical surfaces More visibility and accessibility in corners Increased overall surface area in the same distance Increased overall surface area in the same distance Sense of flow and motion Angles as a language gives more possibility than only in straight lines


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Design Elements of space making Visual language Final Space

“Have no fear of perfection -- you’ll never reach it.”


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design




built environment

spatial & visual

spatial experiences


narrative & intangible flow

For innovation to involving multiple disciplines, creating Spatial Narratives represent an incredible opportunity. The creation of an “Spatial” narrative, a story which unfolds through space, by traversing it, by walking through it in our own individual way, is a process which is involves for architecture, design, engineering, sociology, anthropology, communication science, cognitive sciences. In its non-technological form it is not even something new: it is what we constantly do during our lives. Each thing we do in our cities, in our social environments, contributes to the creation of an emergent story: the story of our life and of how we interpret and live the world. By choosing how to dress, how to move, when to move, how to interact with people and things, we describe a story. Each of us has a different story: some of them have more things in common in respect to some other ones, thus creating the illusion of being able to create “social categories” and things like that, but our personal story is different from each other. As soon as we open our eyes we see something different from anybody else, and then we go to a different bathroom, have a different breakfast, walk along a different trajectory, see from a different pair of eyes, hear from a different pair of ears, touch things with our own hands, look at things which capture our own personal curiosity, speak with a certain voice, make gestures which people who know us well have no problem in recognizing among thousands of other ones, and so on. We are in a constant state of creation of an “Spatial narrative”. Each “Spatial narrative” is a point of view. The creation of athis Spatial Narrative, thus, should engage in the methods by which multiple people add content and information to a certain space, and to how this content/information should be made available directly from the space.14


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


As mentioned earlier also, any built environment has two aspects which are functional and emotional. Similarly for the design of the space thinking about a narrative is that will knead the whole experience into a holistic journey. Having a narrative will allow the different functional spaces to come together as an experience in a whole. It will fulfill the emotional need of the space as well. Having a narrative will also allow us to come up with the physical features of the space which will be derived out of the story we are trying to tell like the signages, partitions, materials etc. It will also help us to come up with a language for the spatial features like pergolas, transparency, extrusions etc.

The functional needs will be fulfilled through the interactions and the emotional needs of the stakeholders will be achieved in the CEC with the narrative and the feel of the space. The same emotional and the functional needs Pidilite has, therefore, how to design a space such that a holistic ecosystem is created which works for all.

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

After a lot of ideation, we realized that there could not be a very prominent narrative that can run throughout the whole space because there can be numerous journeys based on different kind of visitors and different kind of needs, also the size of the space is not very large. So it needed a narrative that could blend in the space, and is not very prominent since it is a functionality driven space the requirement is to let the functionality speak while backing it with a narrative that would add a secondary layer of sense and emotion in the experience.

Complete CEC experience

Spatial & Visual


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Narrative & Intangible flow

Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

THE CONSTRUCTON PROCESS AS THE NARRATIVE The Pidilite project is supposed to be a place where inspires and educate a homeowner, a lot of functional understanding will be given to the visitor by the virtue of the physical interactions and exhibits, which will be explained by an expert or the digital user experience. Apart from the tangible functionality of the space, we also need to understand that how the space in itself is also doing some sort of teaching and is communicating with the visitor, how to design it in such a way that it is aware of the presence of the visitor and is developing along the visitor. To do that the space was designed in such a way that as a visitor moves along the space, the space also evolves with them signifying that as the visitor is learning, the space is also progressing. The spatial narrative is the construction process/time line which gives some sort of living personality to the space. As the visitor moves from 0 to 100 in the experience the space also starts to getting built from 0 to 100 depending on where the visitor is at any moment the space around them is developed in sync, so the materials, colour and texture will change overtime in a timeline of the construction process, it starts with the initial building elements and finishes in the beginning and gets completely built and finished by the time a visitor reaches the end of the experience. Having a narrative in the space also defines a lot of other aspects for the space making, like the colour, texture, material, graphic, partitions as well. This helps in making the overall space seamless and a secondary intangible experience with the primary experience in the forefront being the interactions and exhibits, which in turn results in better understanding for the visitor hence more credibility to the brand.

THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES Pre construcion (Clean & finished look)

Planning & Overview Stage experience

Construcion (Raw & Unfinished)

Post-construction (Semifinished to finished look)

During Construction Experience (Civil based)

Post Construction Finishing & Interiors Experience


Pre - Construction

Dr. Fixit


Start of construction

Plinth construction

Flooring starts

Unfinished treatment

Base concrete layer

Exposed concrete walls

Exposed brickwork

Few exposed materials

ICA pidilite


Interior work starts

Finished & furnished

Finished & furnished

Woodworking elements

Walls with smooth finished concrete and ICA woodworking finishes

Walls with smooth finished concrete


Also as we figured out earlier of the brand mapping in the construction process, that the verticals coming in the CEC follow a construction time line which is: Dr. Fixit>Roff>Fevicol>ICA Pidilite


Exposed Metal rods


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


What makes a space

Senses and space

Space and emotion

A space is not only made up of just materials, it is much more than that. A space is a mix of tangible and intangible, function and emotion, known and the unknown. Apart from the look, touch and feel a space uses a whole lot of other senses like balance, distance, direction, which urges us to have empathy towards human senses in space and further use the elements of space making creatively and in accordance with the emotional narrative of the space, speculating how the design will add on to the experience of the observer, (in the project’s case the visitor). With the physicality of the space like objects, exhibits, ergonomics, graphics on multiple dimensions, there is an intangible design which needs to be carefully thought of by understanding patterns in human behaviour.

Space has more than three dimensions. Our sense of space is generated by movement, that is, by time. But space is foremost a multimodal experience: visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory, and gustative. There is also an inner dimension when we feel parts of our body aching or enjoying pleasure. This inner space, however, is not the ‘outside’ space we perceive through vision, touch, sounds (like resonance and echo), and smell (which can be close and concentrated, or remote and diluted). The ‘objective’ visual space which is constructed by classical geometry, topology, and traditional geography inspires countless metaphors through which we try to make sense of whatever escapes the net of visual perception. But an essential dimension of space is missing from all these different modes of apprehension: the space we live in is emotional or “affective” as some geographers now prefer to say. In real life there is no experience of space that cannot be described as a feeling: familiarity, boredom, arousal, anxiety, and many other kinds of fleeting affective moments. Space is indeed primarily subjective. It takes some intellectual effort to construct a detached approach to space.15

As explained earlier that it is very essential to understand how human senses come into play while designing any space, because the way we experience any space is not only dependent on the vision it goes far beyond the visual experience and directly impacts the visitor on the cognitive level. Any experience triggers certain emotions within a visitor and by the virtue of the design we can speculate the memories and associations it creates in the visitor when they leave the space after the experience. To sum it up all together, it was essential to do emotional mapping of the whole experience where we mapped the emotional feeling of a visitor that they may have before any zone, and what emotion do we want to trigger when they are in the space.

The overall design language came out to be a mix of sophistication, interactivity, comfort, experience, inspiring, contemporary, trust. The space is as simple as it can get for a layman and has the minutest details for the curious mind to observe, gain knowledge and inspiration. The space is beautifully niche for someone to aspire and technically rich for everyone to be inspired, it strengthens the trust which is a legacy from the past and defines new possibilities to be achieved. The place is a mentor, as it will guide someone of the necessary procedures and inspire you, a helper, as it will help you calculate your expenses, a friend, who is honest and has no secrets and, a partner, who makes sure that a good bond of trust is maintained.

EMOTION MAPPING People learn better when they are using as many senses as appropriate


The rhythm of a space can be felt by occupants as a result of the designer’s composition – or arrangement of all the sensorial qualities of space. By arranging spatial sensorial features, a designer can lead occupants through the functional and aesthetic rhythms of a created place. Architectural building for all the senses can serve to move occupants – elevating their experience. Spatial experience is about layering for all of the senses. Like a musical composition, spatial features come together into a symphony for occupants to experience. Bringing a space to life means that spatial function and form is not just primarily for the visual sense. By engaging all of the senses, form and function may be more fully expressed so occupants can have deeper, more meaningful moments – feeling the bouquet of their surroundings in all of its dimensions.

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Pre Construction

Dr. fixit



ICA Pidilite

Social space

Comfort, Anticipation

Informed, Aware, Know how



Possibilities, Assurance, Relaibility

Luxury, Niche, Value for money, High Customization

Trust, Friendly, Helpful


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



CONCRETE | WOOD | METAL As these are the basic materials in any construction project.


Differences in levels add on to the experiences by creating a transition from one space into another, also acts as a visual differentiation between spaces with different functions.

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design





Partitions allow to divide the space, as well as the angularity helps in creating an organic flow of movement in the space, which will help to reduce dependency on navigational graphics. Tapered partitions also add a sense of perspective and depth to the space.

Ceiling adds another dimension in the space, using the ceiling to add a visual as well as functional element will add on to the design and hence the experience.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

VISUAL LANGUAGE OF A SPACE By far this is established that the spatial features of the space should be able to do more than just be a piece of the physical feature in the design, by which we mean establish what a particular space is talking about, the flow of movement, the guidance for way-finding, what is the content in a particular space. It is essential to understand what the supporting visual language should the space have. Why is it important is because as much as the space speaks in itself, but it has its limitations.

NAVIGATIONAL & SPATIAL GRAPHIC LANGUAGE For example: the space can tell you what a zone is about, but it won’t be able to tell you, what a particular exhibit is about, to explain the micro details some sort of visual language has to be defined, although a visual language has to be there, but we tried to keep it minimal, so that a visitor doesn’t have to exhaust themselves in order to read and understand. One liberty to spatial design project provides for the visual language is that unlike being a graphic on a two dimensional plane, in a space there is a plethora of possibilities of graphic intervention like the graphic can transcend onto different dimensions but still connects and makes sense, there can be different materials used like metal, paint, resin, etc.

Architectural design language Since the space is all about construction, and the most important are the construction drawings which is a language in it’s own. Passages, openings, doors, furniture, etc. all have defined characteristics and are easy to identify.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design




Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design




Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design



Measurement in “mm”


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


Roff Understanding the new category of tile adhesive and it’s advantage over traditional method of only cement mortar. Customization possibility with the range of grouting solution in various colours. Application methods and procedure

Fevicol Craftsmanship & nail free furniture using joineries. Fevicol’s Versatility and durability in terms of woodworking in different environmental conditions like water and heat proof adhesives. Getting Inspired with design ideas and possibilities

Back Office Roff


Dr. Fixit Importance of waterproofing and concerns of no or improper waterproofing. Debunking myths as paint being waterproof Understand important areas for waterproofing. Application methods and procedure

ICA Pidilite


Pre-Construction Fevicol

Pre - Construction Understanding the construction process in simple terms, getting to know the important steps & procedures in construction, how Pidilite can aid in the process with it’s services

ICA Pidilite Roff


ICA Pidilite


Introduction to the new category of niche finishes. Availability of plethora of different textures & finishes

Understanding the visitor’s needs and further deciding the journeys based on the purpose of the visit



Collaborative space, Service providing, BOQ, Cost to quantity. Inspiring ideas for homes, Pidilite’s brand legacy

A funnel like entrance which invites, inspires & further diverts the visitors based on the purpose of visit


Dr. Fixit


Dr. Fixit

Orientation Pre - Construction

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019

Entry Orientation



Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Entrance from distance


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Entrance Two converging doors guides the visitor towards a glass partition which creates a diversion with angular shape which guides the visitor on two different entries within the same areas. Visitors can see the anamorphic installation of doors which signifies the space being welcoming and ad they move inside the door metamorphoses in different materials showing the complexity involved in the construction industry by the virtue of different materials being used, and signifies that this place is able to cater to all the needs, no matter how complex they may be.

Diversion towards the Orientation area

Diversion towards the Social area


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Help Desk & waiting area (Orientation) The look and feel of the area is complete and finished, the purpose of the area is to ascertain the purpose of the visit and guide for further journeys.

Wall Graphic A wall graphic introduces the visitors to the space, what it does, how it works, and what is the intent of the space.

Wall graphic-2 The space encourages self decision making and least human intervention requirement. This wall graphic enables the visitor to make the initial decisions without consulting anyone, further it enables them to understand the interaction methods in the space and device the journey ahead. Collaterals are kept for the people to use who would not need any assistance while navigating in the space, the ones with specific needs will be directed to the expert for further guidance and specialized collaterals. The collateral also acts as a map, a record book and a takeaway.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Starting the construction journey (Pre - Construction) The look and from this area onwards follow a narrative of the construction process, so the elements around the visitor develops with them as they move across the whole space. Starting in Pre - Construction the area around is unfinished , with unfinished sections, exposed metal rods & exposed bricks. This space informs the visitor about the construction process, what services are important at what step and at what step Pidilite can aid with their products and services.

Wall Graphic A wall graphic explains the visitor the important steps in the construction process and where all Pidilite aids with their products.

Construction worker Installation A mannequin of a human showing the basic construction gear to be worn by all the personal present in the construction facility.

Screens Three screens show the construction process in three different parts simultaneously, i.e., (Pre - Construction, Construction, Post Construction). The animated videos would be simple and block like for easy understanding and will show the process in a time lapse format.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Importance of Waterproofing (Dr. Fixit) The wall graphic showcases the waterproofing facts and about the consequences of improper or no waterproofing.

5- Point water proofing A model of a house with exploded sections showing the important areas of a house to waterproof.

Wall graphic The 5 major areas for waterproofing are illustrated and explained in detail.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Wall graphic & Interactive screens The wall graphic explains about Dr. Fixit briefly with the basic tools used in waterproofing procedures. The Interactive screens explain the application methods and procedures.

Access & View from Pre - Construction


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Tile application methods comparison (Roff) This exhibit compares the traditional cement mortar and Roff tile Application results, the cement mortar bonded section showcases the common problems faced like seepage, broken tiles because of gaps, leveling issues vs the Roff application which prevents de-bonding has a uniform spread, prevents cracks, fungus and air escape.

Flipping tiles An interactive exhibit which showcases the varieties of surfaces that can be bonded with Roff tile adhesive, also it explains the particular product used for a particular finish. The tiles can be rotated to see the information on both sides.



Wall graphic & Interactive screens The wall graphic explains about Roff briefly with the Specialized tools used in tile application procedures. The Interactive screens explain the application methods and procedures.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Craftsmanship (Fevicol) An exhibit of a furniture piece created with only joineries and adhesive Exploded pieces kept separately to showcase how proper furniture making doesn’t require nail joints, and how Fevicol aids in the process.

Fevicol Design Ideas Interactive exhibit which allows the visitors to get inspired with house interior ideas developed by the contractors within the city, the visitors can flip through ranges of interior ideas, furniture ideas, etc.

Versatility and variants Interactive exhibit showcasing different scenarios of woodworking usage through cubical dioramas like, extreme heat, furniture prone to water or moisture, Heavy load, further when a diorama is placed on the screen the UI will show the most apt Fevicol variant like Fevicol Marine (waterproof), Heat-X (Heat insulated), it’s properties and more areas of usage.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Wall graphic & Interactive screens The wall graphic explains about Fevicol briefly with the Specialized tools used in tile application procedures. The Interactive screens explain the application methods and procedures of Fevicol adhesives.

Access & View from Pre - Construction If a visitor wants to only understand about the woodworking and finishing, they don’t have to go all the way from the other areas, there is direct access from Pre - Construction.

Access & View from Roff


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Modular display of finishes (ICA Pidilite) The area holds five partitions, which showcases 5 different varieties of finises ICA Pidiite has (Polyurethane coatings, Water based coatings, Glass coatings, Polyester coatings, Special effects coatings), the walls are at an angle to increase the surface area of the partitions.

ICA Legacy A screen showing ICA’s legacy, production and Innovation in finishes & Eco friendly products.

VR Experience A virtual reality experience where the visitors can see the application of ICA finishes in real time in a simulated interior environment, they will be able to drag & drop finishes materials on surfaces and see it in effect.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Inspiration wheel An interactive exhibit which lets the visitor come up with finishes of their choice, the external wheel marks the colour, the internal wheel marks the texture. The user can choose any combination by rotating the wheel and stopping their desired unit on the marker After the selection the adjacent screen will showcase the possible finishes palette bases on the selections and similar finishes in the catalogue.


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Access & View from ICA Pidilite (Social)

Alliances Catalogue This area contains catalogue of materials associated with interior finishing like, Plywood, Laminates, Veneer, Tiles. The catalogue will be from alliances companies like, NITCO, SIMPOLO, GREENLAM, CENTURY, GODREJ. The catalogue will be updated on a regular basis, when the companies update their catalogue board.

Services, BOQ & Purchase Here visitors will be able to get an estimate of the budget they will have to spent on their project based on the area. They will be able to make a purchase and get the things delivered. The services area will also serve as a consultancy for people looking for solutions like repairs and renovation. To make it engaging and interactive a blackboard is kept, the visitors will be encouraged to work with the consultant by doing calculations on the chalk board. Adds a sense of control and fun for the visitor. 224

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

Dream space visualization The visitors will be able to visualize a house setup based on the area of the house, with interactions like drag & drop furniture, interior elements, colours, etc.

Brand tree & Identity A wall graphic presenting Pidilite as the parent brand with all the sub-brands, Joint-ventures & subsidiaries. This wall can be used as a backdrop when a workshop or a talk is happening. The Social area is sunken, so that the steps can be used as seatings when there is a workshop and the panel next to alliances can be rotated towards orientation, increasing the accommodation and view. A screen which plays Pidilite’s add showing it’s legacy and also adding a fun element in the space.

Access & View from orientation


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design


HA-1 Human assistance to interact with the visitors in the begining (orientation)

HA-2 HA-2

Human assistance to show & explain about the ICA finishes and the usage

HA-3 HA-3 Human assistance to help with the VR experience


HA-1 HA-4 Human assistance to for the services & solutions

HA-5 An extra person in case of emergencies and special needs


Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

SPACE DIVISION Free movement space

Exhibit/Interactions space




Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

REFLECTIONS Its (Pidilite) something which you can find in every household. Irrespective of the scale of usage, there are barely any people who have not encountered the brand, be it at home, schools or offices. Pidilite caters to almost every industry through it’s products and services and that’s what it makes everyone’s favourite. My personal associations with the brand has been many, as a creator since childhood and a keen user of Fevicol, M-Seal, Glue Drops, Fevicryl, Fevistik and Feviquik, seldom realizing that opportunity will lead me into developing an experience center for the brand. It gives me an immense pleasure to be able to add something into the brand’s legacy. The project has been a wonderful journey of learning and self discovery. During my academic time at NID I have delved into retail and experience design, by this project I got a chance to work on both and the challenges which came with it. A very crucial learning in this project was working on a live project for a client. Design in isolation doesn’t work we had to wait for the client feedback after every major progress in the project while simultaneously thinking further in the project, which was a challenge. That’s where I realized how the design education has groomed us, to be critical and be able to speculate and align our thoughts with the decision makers wile being ethical and true to the design principles and the requirement of the project. First time working in a project of this scale, and to be able too create such a space which fulfills all the requirement of the stakeholders and the client, I was able to utilize all the skills I have acquired at NID and further better a few of them.

CITATIONS I learned how the built environment and communication comes together to form spatial experiences. All from selecting the material palette, the visual language to how the visitor will interact with the exhibits. How spatial graphics work and how all of these experiences fall into a continuous flow of a narrative which builds the whole experience. I learned about different types of narrative developments based on the type and scale of the project. Working with a team of experienced heads, I have learned things which allowed me to develop a strong understanding of myself and my skills. Analyzing and visualizing data, Strategy development, using design tools and also making them as and when required. How to be adaptive in situations and be flexible and not develop attachment to a particular thought. I have understood as I kept revisiting my work at NID, that no matter the scale and type of project, the design principles remain the same, and fall under the same design thinking process. This project and other work in the duration of the graduation project has taught me the importance of following a process, be quick and keep moving forward. If done in a flow from macro to micro- A good design will reveal itself to you.

All content in the publication belong to the author. Images depicted are wither clicked, sketched or are sourced from the Internet The respective authors have been credited, the owner holds all the copyrights of their respective Image or Writings

Page: 93 - 96

Page: 136 - 157

Page: 192 - 197








www.architectmagazine.com, Blaine Brownell


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collar-vs-white-collar-different-social-classes.asp •






or-designing/ •

















Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 “National Institute of Design.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Oct. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institute_of_Design.


2 National Institute of Design - Campuses, www.nid.edu/institute/ campuses/ahmedabad.html.

13 “Home & Industry Adhesives & Construction Solutions: Pidilite.” Pidilite, www.pidilite.com/about-pidilite/.

3 National Institute of Design - History & Background, www.nid. edu/institute/history-background.html. 4 National Institute of Design - History & Background, www.nid. edu/institute/history-background.html.

14 “READ/WRITE REALITY. An Intensive Workshop on Ubiquitous Publishing.” READWRITE REALITY An Intensive Workshop on Ubiquitous Publishing, rwr.artisopensource.net/materials/introduction-to-rwr/ the-augmentation-of-reality/augmented-reality-movies/spatial-narratives/.

5 National Institute of Design - Exhibition Design, www.nid.edu/ education/bachelor-design/exhibition-design/p-overview.html.

15 “The Senses of Space.” The Open Semiotics Resource Center, semioticon.com/semiotix/2011/10/the-senses-of-space/.


6 Richardson, Adam. “Understanding Customer Experience.” Harvard Business Review, 23 July 2014, hbr.org/2010/10/understanding-customer-experie.

A customer experience center strategy

7 Richardson, Adam. “Understanding Customer Experience.” Harvard Business Review, 23 July 2014, hbr.org/2010/10/understanding-customer-experie.

Aniruddh Verma aniruddhvrm2@gmail.com

8 Engels, Natalie. “From Briefing to Experience, Designing Today’s Customer Experience Center: Dialogue Blog: Research & Insight.” Gensler, 1 Nov. 2018, www.gensler.com/research-insight/blog/designing-todays-customer-experience-center.


9 Engels, Natalie. “From Briefing to Experience, Designing Today’s Customer Experience Center: Dialogue Blog: Research & Insight.” Gensler, 1 Nov. 2018, www.gensler.com/research-insight/blog/designing-todays-customer-experience-center 10 “Raising the Bar on Customer Experience Centers: Jon Owens |.” Shen Milsom & Wilke, 13 Aug. 2018, www.smwllc.com/raising-bar-customer-experience-centers/. 11 “Home & Industry Adhesives & Construction Solutions: Pidilite.” Pidilite, www.pidilite.com/about-pidilite/. 12 Somvanshi, Kiran Kabtta. “Pidilite: Glued Firmly to the Growth Path.” The Economic Times, Economic Times, 1 Dec. 2018, economic234

Aniruddh Verma | Graduation Project | 2019


Exhibition Design | Bachelor Of Design | National Institute Of Design

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