Detailed Project Report for Municipal Solid Waste Management Collection & Transportation for Nagar Palika Parishad Maharajganj
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) NOTIFICATION, 2006 The requirement involved in setting up of select development projects (projects with potential to cause significant environmental impacts) in India is through the Environmental Clearance (EC) Process using Environmental Impact Assessment study as a decision-making tool. The EC process is mandated by the new EIA notification dated 14th September 2006 and is administered by the Ministry of Environment and Forests at the Central Government level involving the role of State level regulatory and Government bodies (as the State Pollution Control Board and the Environment Departments). All ‘Common Municipal Solid Waste Management Facilities (CMSWMF)’ listed under project/ activity 7(i) of the EIA Notification have been classified as Category “B” projects. As per the new notification, all category “B” projects/ activities are required to obtain prior environmental clearances from the concerned State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) through submission of prescribed application. Further environmental studies requiring the preparation of EIA for project appraisal will be determined by SEIAA depending on the nature and location specificity of the project. Hence, depending on the requirement of EIA study, category “B” projects have been further classified into “B1” and “B2”. All “B1” category projects require the preparation of an EIA report. In addition, projects which are required to get EC are also subjected to mandatory Environmental Public Consultation as part of EIA process. However, for category “B” projects public consultation will be applicable only for “B1” projects.