Governors' report

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winstanley college


The success of an educational institution can be judged in a variety of ways. Winstanley College takes pride, not only in the examination success of its students, but also in their contribution to a huge range of enrichment activities including competitive sports, the performing arts , business enterprise, community initiatives and trips and visits across the globe. This year Winstanley has been ranked amongst the very top colleges in the government’s performance tables. The college has been first or second for the last three years. In 2012 the examination results continued to be impressive with a 99.4% pass rate and 71.1% of grades at A or B. 11.2% of our A2 grades were A*. The college also demonstrates excellent value added as measured by ALPs score. We were pleased to receive the Sunday Times inaugural award as ‘State Sixth Form College of the Year’ for our ‘consistent excellence’. However, no college can truly claim to be successful without also demonstrating financial effectiveness. This has been formally recognised in the government’s system for judging the effectiveness of educational provision post-16: Based upon its financial forecasts and annual accounts and finance record in 2012 the College was adjudged ‘outstanding’ for 2011-12. It is a requirement of all organisations such as Winstanley to be seen to administer their financial and organisational affairs with full regard to probity and transparency and we have attempted to comply with such expectations here. What follows is an explanation of our sources of funding and how the money was spent over the last twelve months. If you require any further information then please contact the College or the Chair of the governing body. A copy of the full report and financial statements for Winstanley College is also available from our website.

Best wishes

Joanna Bailey Principal

winstanley college Annual Report 2011 - 2012


Winstanley College has a Board of Governors that comprises staff, students, a parent member and other members drawn from different spheres of the community who with the appropriate skills and competencies provide the College with leadership and direction. The Board is responsible for the College’s Mission, its strategic direction, financial health and for overseeing the management of the College. Governors work with the Senior Management Team to secure the best for the College and its students. The Principal with her Senior Management Team, after consultation with staff and students is responsible for the delivery and achievement of the strategic aims and objectives, which are set by the governing body. In 2012 we were proud to be named as Sixth Form College of the Year by the Sunday Times, recognising our consistent attainment of excellent A-level results. As the educational landscape continues to change, it presents the governing body with new challenges. The aims of the College’s governing body however remain constant as the Board in its role as ‘critical friend’ maintains a relentless focus on academic achievement, ensures that there are exceptional enrichment activities for students and that the College responds positively to changes in the sector. The information in this annual report shows how the College has managed its resources during the financial year 2011-2012 If you are interested in finding out more about governance at the College or wish to consider becoming a member of the Board then the members of the Search Committee are always interested to meet and discuss the opportunities and possibilities with individuals. The Policy for the Appointment of Governors and how to apply to become a governor is published on the College’s governance web page on the Winstanley College web site at or alternatively you can email the Clerk for more information. David J K Rosbottom OBE Chair of Governors

Audit Stan Walker (chair) Karen Taylor Jenny Venables Brian Davies Jane Bridge Nicola Green

Finance & Resources Robin Atkinson (Chair) Joanna Bailey Barbara Clarke Mark Hage Mark Hanrahan Tom Nixon

Search Karen Taylor (Chair) Robin Atkinson Joanna Bailey Pat King David Rosbottom Stan Walker

Curriculum & Quality Pat King (Chair) Joanna Bailey Brian Davies David Rosbottom James Pearson

Professional Advisers Banker Co-operative Bank plc Solicitor Platt & Fishwick Financial Statements /Auditors Murray Smith Internal Auditor Wylie & Bissett Advocate and adviser for the sector Sixth Form Colleges Forum






Funding body grants Tuition fees and education contracts Other grant income Other operating income Investment income

£’000 9005 105 158 35 68

£’000 8964 120 98 55 130

Total income



Staff costs Other operating expenses Depreciation Interest payable and other finance costs

5484 1628 1109 -

6010 1570 627 -

Total expenditure



Surplus before exceptional asset writedown Taxation




Loss on disposal of Fixed Assets


Surplus on continuing operations after depreciation of assets at valuation, disposal of assets and tax retained by the College





2012 = Audited accounts to 31 July 2012 2011 = Audited accounts to 31 July 2011

Student numbers were 1906 on 1 November 2011 (1885 students at 1 November 2010)


During the year ending 31 July 2012, the college has progressed well with the largest capital spend since incorporation in 1993. In the year we spent a record £4.2m on fixed assets. This has included a new £3m building to house performing arts and media in state of the art studios. Designed by Pick Everard and built by ISG, this building has won best education and best overall design in Wigan, and has been put to good use by staff and students since it was completed in September 2012. In what was the second wettest year on record the college also replaced the roofs to the main 1950’s accommodation. This work was funded in part by condition grants from the Education Funding Agency. Although the bad weather caused some leaks during construction, the roof has now been completed to a very high standard by Mitie. The college has also installed solar panels on the new roof to provide green electricity and in the year completed a £400k conversion of our old oil fired boilers to run on wood pellets with gas back up. A voltage optimiser has also been installed to reduce electricity consumption across the college by around 13% using energy efficiency loans from Salix. In the latter part of the year the college developed plans for replacement of the library (a former 1950’s gymnasium) and the 1980’s physics block. These will be rebuilt so as to open up the courtyard towards Art and also allow better linking of science subject teaching areas. By the end of the year governors had approved the design to stage D and the college applied for planning permission. The college also invested in new access control systems to make the site safer for students and staff, installed information display screens around the campus, replaced science lab fume cupboards and invested in new technologies such as Ipads while upgrading major software systems into the summer.

Capital Spend

To 31/7/2012

To 31/7/2011

IT equipment replacement



Other teaching and administration equipment



Boiler replacement



New Performing Arts and Media block



Over roofing



Replacement Library and physical science accommodation



Total Capital additions in the year



The college has continued to operate efficiently in the year to 31 July 2012. The cost of writing off old buildings for demolition has caused depreciation charges to be higher than usual. The underlying surplus and cash generated from operating activities remain strong and combined with capital grant receipts of £943k the college has been able to comfortably undertake the record investment outlined above. Austerity will mean funding reduces in future years. So far cuts of £1.094m or 12% are expected to reduce A level funding, under the guise of entitlement and simplification changes. Nevertheless the college remains in outstanding financial health at the present time. Student results remain excellent and the college was named as Sunday Times Sixth form College of the year in autumn 2012.


Full time 16-19 year old students

Art Foundation 2.2% Second year A2 students 46.5% First year AS students 51.3%

Total number on roll Nov 2012: 1926

Staffing As of 31 July 2012 the college employs 170 permanent members of staff which equates to 154.57 FTE posts There is also a number of staff employed on a casual basis in the following capacities: sports coaches, language assistants, models/artist in residence, peripatetic music teachers and invigilators.

SMT 5% Cleaning Staff 9% Teaching staff 41% Support staff 28%



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