A Needle Pulling Thread Summer 2012 sampler

Page 1

Learn to apply borders correctly Modern vs Traditional quilting Sewing machine care tips Knitting colourwork


w w w. T h e N e e d l e w o r k P a g e s . c o m

beading | crochet | cross-stitch | fibre art | hardanger | machine embroidery quilting | repurposing | rug hooking | sewing | shadow work | smocking

summer 2012

Make this coffee club quilt

Stitch this colourful Santa

Sew this summer dress Knit this reversible cushion

Explore & Learn New Design Techniques

65 80

8 Christine Baker

40 8

Colourwork 48

quilting Coffee Club Quilt

12 The Limestone Quilters Guild



quilting Summer in a Square Table Topper


18 Elaine’s Tech Tips

quilting with Elaine Theriault Borders


30 Heike Blohm

fibre art Artist Profile: Follow the Thread 34 Where the Music Moves You


38 Coats & Clark sewing Poolside Pillows


40 Fiona Ellis

knitting Inukshuk Reversible Cushion

44 Anne Blayney

knitting Sand Dunes Empire-Waist Tunic


48 Cynthia MacDougall knit together Colourwork


52 Laura Gebhardt

crochet Coral Reef Cover Up 56 Summer Sky Top

58 Joanne Gatenby

cross stitch Lilac Lovely Table Topper

68 Iris Simpson rug hooking Hook a Mola!

72 Erla Wilson

smocking & sewing I Wish, I Wish, I Catch a Fish Sun Dress

78 Kim Beamish

hardanger Hardanger Heart

80 Judith Marquis

shadow work Wedding Bells Hankie

82 Maria Rypan

beading Millefiori Mosaic Collar & Earrings

62 Maria E. Gollek cross stitch Costa Rican Santa

65 Iryna Varabei



cross stitch Special Delivery

summer 2012 contents



22 Elaine Theriault Living in Linen

26 Nicole Brewster

quilting Traditional vs. Modern Quilting

88 Leslie Samson, Wool Artist by Alice Guthrie

26 22

special features 92 3 Editor’s Letter 6 Mark Your Calendars! 6 Advertiser Index Letters to the editor



7 The Heart of the Art

16 In the Shop with Jaret Grimble Q & A on sewing machine care

36 Fabricadabra

Luigina Baratto Hello Doily! Is that you again?

50 Knitting

Standard Abbreviations and Terms

17 Designer Showcase 90 The Fibre Report

Joe Lewis Embroidery Makes its Mark at the 8th Kaunas Biennal Textile 2011

92 The Guilded Edge

30 94 34

Brant Broderers: Inspired to Stitch around the World 94 Crazy Quilters International: 4th Annual September Stitch Shenanigans

95 Hooked on Books

The latest in needlework books

96 Business Directory 98 Sneak Peek!

Itching to see what’s in our Fall 2012 issue?



To list your event in this space please call 1.866.969.2678.

April 18-19, 2015 2015 Quilt Show, Tiny Township Community Centre, 91 Concession Road 8 East, Tiny, Ontario L0L 2J0 The Georgian Bay Quilters’ Guild presents Reflections of Georgian Bay, Roots and Wings. Roots and Wings Challenge: “Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what’s being taught them.” – Jonas Salk Admission is $5 and men are our guests. Plenty of free parking, handicap access and a tearoom. The location will be well signed. For more information email us at GeorgianBayQuiltersGuild@gmail.com or online at www.gbqg.ca or on Facebook. April 19, 2015 Ontario Hooking Craft Guild 49th Annual Conference and Show (Traditional and primitive rug-hooking) Best Western Lamplighter Inn 591 Wellington Rd, London, Ontario N6C 4R3 Try traditional rug hooking, find teachers in your area, view hundreds of hand crafted rugs, purchase wools, patterns, dyes, books, kits. Open to the public. Admission $10. For more information visit www.ohcg.org April 24-25, 2015 Creativ Festival International Centre 6900 Airport Rd, Mississauga, ON L4V 1E8. Two-day interactive experience, where shopping, inspiration & creativity flourish! Get in-the-know and stay on top of what's hot, new and next in the world of sewing, knitting, quilting, beading, needlework, paper crafts, embellishing and other creative art forms. Design it! Create it! Embellish it! Make it YOU! ALL seminars, demos, make 'n takes & activities are free with admission. Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-6pm. For more info: www.creativfestival.ca or call 1.800.291.2030. May 28 - June 7, 2015 Saskatchewan Stitches Conference St. Peter’s Abbey, Muenster, Saskatchewan Join internationally renowned instructors for classes in Bra making, Quilting, Fabric Art, Sewing, Knitting and Rug Hooking for a week of learning, sharing and fun. Forms and details at www.saskstitches.ca or call 1.800.344.6024. June 20-27, 2015 Green Mountain Rug School The Capital Plaza Hotel 100 State St Montpelier, Vermont, USA 05602 Two four-day sessions (6 classes each session) offered June 20-23 and 24-27, 2015 at our new location at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier, Vermont. Traditional and contemporary rug hooking classes for all levels, plus a hooking retreat each session. Details at: www.GreenMountainHookedRugs.com

August 19-23, 2015 The Rug Hooking Guild of Newfoundland and Labrador (RHGNL) Rug School Lavrock Camp/Conference Centre, Trans Canada Highway, Exit 35 (45 min. drive from St. John’s) Registrar: Diane Warren , 709-753-8836, gdwarren@warp.nfld.net RHGNL is hosting its Annual Rug School. Classses range from beginner to advanced hooking. Our Guild also hosts various hook-in gatherings throughout the province during the year. This year we celebrate our 20th Anniversary. For further information visit our website at www.rhgnl.ca. September 12-13, 2015 Settlers’ Village Quilters’ Guild presents Harvest of Quilts Show & Sale Kawartha Settler’s Village, 85 Dunn St, Bobcaygeon, Ontario K0M 1A0 Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm Admission $5.00. All heritage buildings on site will be used to showcase over 200 new quilted items and heritage quilts. The theme of this show is “Recipe for a Quilt”. Also featured will be a merchants’ mall, members boutique, quilt appraiser Rosalie I. Tennison, quilt raffle, door prizes, toonie draw, scissor sharpener, demonstrations and an inter guild challenge. Refreshments in two locations. Buses welcome. Wheelchair accessible. For more information visit our web site at: www.settlersvillagequilters.ca


CROCHET EDITOR Laura Gebhardt laura@ANPTmag.com BEADING EDITOR Brenda Franklin brenda@ANPTmag.com ASSISTANT EDITOR Luigina Baratto luigina@ANPTmag.com GRAPHIC & WEB DESIGN Derek Goode derek@ANPTmag.com

Website : www.ANPTmag.com Toll Free: 1.866.969.2678 SUBSCRIPTIONS

Facebook : ANPTmag Ravelry : ANPTmag

In Canada: A Needle Pulling Thread Subscriber Services 1025 Rouge Valley Dr Pickering, ON L1V 4N8

In the USA: A Needle Pulling Thread Subscriber Services PO Box 197 Niagara Falls, NY 14304-0197

A Needle Pulling Thread (ISSN 1715-4650) is a quarterly publication. Subscribe online, by phone, or by mail.

Subscription rates for 4 quarterly issues: PRINT: Canada : CAD$29.95/year USA : USD$29.95/year. DIGITAL: Canada : CAD$19.95/year USA : USD$16.95/year. PRINT + DIGITAL : Canada : CAD$35.90/year USA : USD$35.90/year. Applicable taxes extra. For back issues please visit our web site or call us for availability. Also available from iTunes and Google Play. If you are interested in carrying A Needle Pulling Thread in your store, please call or email us at the numbers/addresses above.


fi nd a shop! l oc a l

9 listings 9 reviews 9 events 9 new products 9 free patterns 9 blogs more!



63 Gitta’s 43 Gütermann Creativ 51 Harebrained Happenings 57 Haus of Stitches 2 Husqvarna Viking 73 Lowery Workstands 61 MarNic Designs 55 Mary Maxim 94 PFAFF 13 QUILTsocial

QUILTING CONTRIBUTOR Elaine Theriault KNITTING CONTRIBUTOR Cynthia MacDougall cynthia@ANPTmag.com COPY EDITOR Rosalie I. Tennison rosalie@ANPTmag.com PROOFREADER Erica Killins SOCIAL MEDIA Chris Wokral



Designers and other contributors who would like to be considered for future issues please email Carla with a brief description of your work and your proposed project for the magazine.


All the contributors, Steve and Anna Foglia, the Miles family, Alessia and Adriano, mom and dad. A Needle Pulling Thread® is a registered trademark. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2015 A Needle Pulling Thread. All rights reserved. Volume 10 Issue 1. All designs, patterns, and information in this magazine are for private, non-commercial use only, and are copyrighted material owned by their respective creators or owners. Printing – MPIPrint, Concord, Ontario Correction: In the Winter 2014/15 issue of A Needle Pulling Thread, on page 60, the technical editor for the Jack Frost Scarf is Ellie Gallo-Hendrikx. Made possible with the support of the Ontario Media Development Corporation.

pages We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Advertiser Index 73 Amberlane & Amberpetites 51 BF Designs 93 Brother 90 Business Directory 41 Canadian Guild of Knitters 23 Country Concessions 42 Craft & Hobby Association 69 CreativFestival 51 Crochet Designs by NanaRuth 51 Focus on Fibre Arts

PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, ART DIRECTOR Carla A. Canonico carla@ANPTmag.com PUBLISHER, ADVERTISING SALES John De Fusco john@ANPTmag.com PHOTOGRAPHERS John De Fusco, Carla A. Canonico, Alessia De Fusco, Adriano De Fusco, Jennifer Miles

23 73 73 51 73 91 23 57 35 63

Ruby Pearl Quilts Rypan Designs Sew Fancy Inc. Sandpiper Creations (Quilt Magic) The Bead Gauge the needlework pages The Quilt Store The Yarn Store UNIQUE Sewing & Quilting Notions X's & Oh's

Bringing Bringing Bringing All All All the the the Bringing Bringing All the All the Pieces Pieces Pieces Together Together Together

Pieces Pieces Together Togethe

Sapphire™ 960Q


InnovatIve InnovatIve InnovatIve InnovatIve Features Features Features Features ForFor For For Complete Complete Complete Complete QuIltIng QuIltIng QuIltIng QuIltIng CreatIvIty CreatIvIty CreatIvIty CreatIvIty enougH enougH enougH enougH enougH spaCe spaCe to spaCe spaCe spaCe Do toItto Do to to all Do Do It Doall It It Itall all all

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CaEnsure even Ensure even and accurate and acc oday t r e l a e d stitchesowith stitches with the optional the op dem ! a r o f TruStitch™ Stitch Regulation TruStitch™ Stitch R mInate your IllumInate CreatIons your CreatIons ® Available at your local HUSQVARNA VIKING retailer. tire work areathe is litentire with Great bright work area lEDs is lit for with maximum bright lEDs for maximum Packages Module. TruStitch™ Module. uses TruStitch™ www.HusqvarnaViking.com www.HusqvarnaViking.com www.HusqvarnaViking.com www.HusqvarnaViking.com www.HusqvarnaViking.com GreatFinancing Financing Packages OAC. To find a retailer near you visit www.HusqvarnaViking.com/en-CA ty of your project visibility ofAvailable your project Available OAC. Ask for details! patent-pending technology patent-pending tech 2 VIKING and PLATINUM are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg II, S.á.r.l. HUSQVARNA and the “H” Crown Device are trademarks of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks are used under license by VSM Group AB.   A NEEDLE PULLINGAsk THREAD for details! ©2015 KSIN Luxembourg II, S.á.r.l.in TRUSTITCH is a trademark of Handi of Quilter, ©2013 KSIN Luxembourg II, S.á.r.l. Printed the USA.TRUSTITCH is a trademark HandiInc. Quilter, Inc. essIonal sIZe proFessIonal WorKspaCe sIZe WorKspaCe to track your sewingto motion track your sewin

Limestone Quilters’ Guild

Summer in a Square


ummer in a Square table topper was designed and made by Mary Waugh of the Limestone Quilters’ Guild for the Quilters’ Boutique at Quilts Kingston 2012. This quilt show is held every four years and jointly organized by the Limestone Quilters’ Guild and the Kingston Heirloom Quilters.

Quilts Kingston 2012 showcased the work of guild members including several group handmade quilts including The Millennium quilt, The Doors of Kingston, and Fashion through the Decade. Kathy



summer 2012

Wylie was the featured quilter and Pamela Allen and Nancy Garrard were guests of Simkins Sewing. A Rug Hooking and Embroidery display as well as the ‘1812 Challenge’ provided a great variety of art. The centre of the table topper is a Husqvarna Diamond embroidery design using twenty-five different coloured threads and 10 hours of stitching. Many thanks to Quilt & Stitch, Kingston for kindly donating the use of the Husqvarna Diamond.  z Written by Ann Oastler www.quiltskingston.org



Good for the Gal Quilted by Elaine Theriault

…eat, sleep, quilt, repeat

{ { { { { { { { { { { { {{

daily blog weekly bulletin monthly newsletter quarterly magazine Facebook page Pinterest page ALL of the above!

quilting tips projects product reviews quilting fun

Visit our blog at www.QUILTsocial.com & download the Spring Issue of QUILTsocial eZine today…FREE!   A NEEDLE PULLING THREAD



summer 2012


Ruby Pearl Quilts 500 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1J 2K9 905 436 3535 www.rubypearlquilts.com

y r e d i o r b m E &

If you’re passionate about your hobby, whether it be Sewing, Quilting,

email: joy@rubypearlquilts.com

Embroidery, Knitting or Crochet, come explore the endless possibilities... We have been providing York Region with inspiration for over 30 years.

www.thequiltstore.ca Quilting • Embroidery • Knitting • Crochet

905-853-7001 Bernina Sewing Machines and Accessories, Fabric, Notions, Books and Patterns. Stop in for a visit today and experience the Ruby Pearl Quilts difference for yourself, and don’t forget to look for us on Facebook and Twitter!

17817 Leslie St. Unit 40, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8C6

Mon-Wed: 9-6 Thurs: 9-8 Fri: 9-6 Saturday: 9-5 Sunday: Closed

The Tech Shop is now at Unit 14 - 905-853-6532

indulge your passion Visit village of of Visitour ourlovely lovelyand andunique uniquequilt quilt shop shop in in the quaint village Cookstown. Cookstown.We Wehave haveover over7000 7000bolts bolts of of the the finest quilting cottons Join cottonsplus plusaawide wideselection selectionof of patterns, patterns, books books & notions. Join Dufferin St St 11 Dufferin Cookstown On Cookstown, Ontario 705 705 458 458 4546 4546

one oneofofour ourexciting excitingclasses classesfor for every every skill skill level. We are a Pfaff centre. Pfaffand andBrother Brothersewing sewingmachine machine dealer dealer and and service centre. Ideally 89. Ideallylocated locatedonly only33km kmwest westof of Hwy Hwy 400, 400, just just off of Hwy 89. You Youcan canshop shoponline onlineat atwww.countryconcessions.com www.countryconcessions.com Weinvite inviteyou youtotocome comeand andenjoy enjoyone oneof of Ontario’s Ontario’s largest quilt shops— We shops—

you youwill willbe beso soglad glad you you did! did!

Quilting is our passion...make it yours.



summer 2012

Canada’s most trusted notions brand

is getting a makeover! Our new UNIQUE® brand packaging

is as beautiful and practical as our ne products!

Find all of your favourite UNIQUE® Sewing and Quilting products in more alluring and informative packaging.

With lifestyle images showing application suggestions and detailed instructional diagrams, it has never been easier to nd and use the products you need to make your very best work. Look for UNIQUE® Sewing and Quilting products at your favourite fabric, sewing and quilting store!


ust because school is out for summer doesn’t mean that you can’t learn something new. I designed this project for you to be able to try your hand at two different colourwork techniques giving a two-sided pillow when you are finished. Not only that, while you are learning, or perfecting, both the stranded and Intarsia techniques you are making a lovely new home décor piece for your cottage or to give your town home a cottage-like feel. I love reversible pillows and once learned that Louisa May Alcott (author of Little Women) had a pillow that, depending on her mood, she would flip to one side or the other. Then if she was in an ill temper her sisters knew to stay out of her way. I’m sure nobody is ever going to be in a bad mood during those long lazy days of summer at the cottage, but you might want to use the finished pillow to show which times you want to be left alone to knit and which times you would love to play with others.  z

Inukshuk Reversible Pillow knitting


summer 2012


cr eativ

100% cotton thread A fine, strong, high quality sewing thread for hand or machine sewing, no matter the stitch type or fabric. Gütermann 50 wt. Cotton Quilting thread is made of long staple 100% Egyptian mercerized cotton; it’s versatile and gives seams a natural character. • Suitable for hand or machine sewing; the perfect thread for your quilting projects • Larger cone sizes are excellent for long arm quilting machines • Available in 100m, 250m, 400m, 800m, 3000m and 5000m spool lengths • 186 stunning solid and variegated shades • Ideal for ornamental stitches, decorative seams and embroidery • Soft and supple with tear and abrasion resistance • Colorfast: fade resistant to UV rays and multiple washings

Look for Gütermann threads at your favourite fabric, sewing and quilting store! 43


his beach cover-up is designed to take simple shapes and techniques and turn them into a drapey, versatile tunic. The easycare linen gives a lovely bounce and flow to the knitted fabric. Don't be intimidated by the crunchy yarn, as a quick spin in the washing machine once knit will soften it dramatically. The cover-up itself invites improvisation. Change it up with a leather cord or a satin ribbon instead of the i-cord belt. Leave slits up the side when seaming for a flirty effect. Seam the neckline as high or as low as you want – or leave a deep V in the front and a higher V in the back… until you turn it around to show off the plunging neckline in the back! Embellish the simple fabric with beading or embroidery.


summer 2012



crochet Laura Gebhardt A NEEDLE PULLING THREAD

summer 2012


L ilac L ovely

cross stitch 58



summer 2012

This is the third in a set of 4 seasonal table toppers by Jo Gatenby. Lilacs and apple blossoms are two of Jo's favourite signs of spring – so what better combination to bring the spring indoors?


f you love bright colours and want to have fun, why not hook a “mola”? Molas are colourful panels that include various types of appliqué and often have added embroidery, traditionally made by the Kuna Indians.

The Kuna Indians live in palm-thatched wooden huts with sand floors. The men work in their fields on the mainland or tend coconut plantations or go fishing. The women perform their daily chores, fetching water bucket by bucket, feeding the family pig and sewing molas. The history of the mola and the process of creating a mola are explained in detail in the adjacent article, but if you wanted to hook a mola, you need not bother with the order of the intricate process. Just use very bright, vibrant hues, especially the primary and secondary colours, and aim for strong contrast. Some molas have almost an “op-art” effect! Nowadays, some pastel colours are used so the sky’s the limit! Solid colours are mostly used and there is absolutely no shading! To see pictures on the internet I googled “molas” and was rewarded with hundreds of sites. I have now assembled a small library of books.

Hook A Mola! Molas, as we know them, are colourful panels that include various types of appliqué and often have added embroidery. The word “mola” means “clothing” in the Kuna language. They are traditionally made by the Kuna (sometimes spelled “Cuna”) Indians of the San Blas islands and mainland coast of Panama. Each panel adorns the front and back of a woman’s blouse. It is difficult to ascertain exactly when the first molas were made. In the seventeenth century Kuna women are known to have been raising their own cotton, spinning, weaving and dyeing cotton fabrics. Explorers described the women’s dress as “embroidered cotton mantles” (skirts). It has been suggested that molas evolved from earlier body painting. Kuna men with bright body painting have been described, but women with similar body paintings are not mentioned. Not surprising, as after early encounters with Spanish explorers, the women were evacuated! By the late 1880s Kuna women wore hand painted loincloths and underskirts under knee-length shifts decorated with simple appliqués. When women adopted wrap-around skirts, the appliqué was used only on blouses and gradually became more intricate.



summer 2012





summer 2012



hen our daughter announced she was getting married, I wanted to make her something as a keepsake that would be special gift from her mother. To my surprise she was thrilled when I suggested a monogrammed hankie. In fact, she wrote a couple of days later asking if I would make one for each bridesmaid! I did my research on monograms and chose a font that I could embroider using shadow embroidery techniques which would be easier and faster than the traditional raised satin stitching. The girls all carried their hankies wrapped around their bouquets. On second thought, I could have made monogrammed hankies for the men as well. In this disposable world, not many young people these days have ever even owned a cloth hankie but this could start a new trend for special occasions!

These monograms are fun to do and can be used in so many places other than hankies – bed linens, table linens, even clothing. You can enlarge them and embroider them using any technique you choose. You could even recreate them with your sewing machine. But do practise before you tackle your good fabric. Each initial takes only a short time to complete – a great project for an evening of stitching. You can stitch in traditional white on white or in one of the colours from the wedding.  z

Wedding Bells


Judith Marquis



summer 2012


Brother introduces the fabulous new Q-Series - the next generation of quilting, sewing and embroidery machines with amazing embroidery speeds, super-sized workspaces and awesome, high quality sewing functions.





The Quintessential new Q-Series Choose from: • Combination sewing and embroidery machines with tons of beautiful built-in designs including designs featuring Disney characters • Specialized embroidery-only model • Three fashion-focused models


Visit www.brother.ca/inspiration to find out more!

Award-winning sewing machines, embroidery machines, sergers, and a whole lot of company. brother.ca/inspiration Photos are for illustration purposes only. The embroidery designs built into these embroidery machines are for personal use within the home only and may not be used for business or industrial purpose. Brother and its logo are trademarks of Brother Industries, Ltd., Japan. All specifications are subject to change without notice. All registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective companies. The embroidery machine shown in this brochure has been manufactured by Brother Industries, Ltd., under licensing agreement with Disney Enterprise Inc., through which Brother has permission to use Disney images. ©Disney ©2015 Brother International Corporation (Canada) Ltd. 1, rue Hôtel de Ville, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Québec, H9B 3H6.


Millefiori Mosaic Collar & Earrings

The challenge: Take ANPT’s Summer 2012 palette and design beadwork to reflect the season. I created netted X’s & O’s as a contemporary version of a Ukrainian-style ‘gerdan’. A keyhole opening was incorporated into the netted collar in place of every other traditional ‘X’. It is an easy variation on the open diamond of the large Triple ‘V’ Jewel because we are using larger size 8 seed beads for instant gratification. The diamond drop earrings developed naturally as I was figuring a clever way to finish the netted collar. They follow the same principle, but are tapered to attach to an earring wire. The “diamond” is the keyhole opening; the “drop” is the chevron bead. The beauty of this piece is not just in the colour placement of the seed beads, but in the choice of the novel focus beads. Everything revolves around them. Millefiori Mosaic X’s & O’s Once the Summer 2012 colour inspiration was given, the search was on for the perfect beads which embody the entire colour palette. A road trip to T&T Trading in Lansing, MI yielded the perfect ones. All the colours were incorporated in a millefiori mosaic bead. The beauty of the “thousand flowers” (‘mille fiori’ in Italian) is readily visible because of the way the cane was sliced. Since these millefiori disks were limited, I looked for a bead which would compliment it if alternated along the keyhole edge. Several strings of drawn chevron beads materialized in the same palette. These too were made by hand, so slight variations in each bead are normal. Because the chevrons were more

Maria Rypan

beading 82


summer 2012


To list your business in this space please call 1.866.969.2678.

Art of Fabric 955 Brock Rd Unit 1B, Pickering, ON L1W 2X9  905.420.1101  artoffabric.ca   shop@artoffabric.ca A creative shop offering quality fabrics, specializing in Canadian designed batiks. Large selection of art supplies for textile arts & the latest notions. Authorized Bernina dealer providing quality service&support. Classroom rental space available.

Evelyn's Sewing Centre / The Quilt Store 17817 Leslie St, Unit 40, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8C6  905.853.7001 or toll-free 1.888.853.7001  thequiltstore.ca Evelyn's Sewing Centre in Newmarket is your Quilt Store Destination! The staff here at Evelyn's is always on hand to provide Quilt Wisdom, Quilt Inspiration and most of all we pride ourselves as the place to make... All Your Quilt Dreams Come True!

Pine Ridge Knit & Sew 17477 Hwy 2 PO Box 68, Trenton, ON K8V 5R1  613.392.1422  pineridgeknitsew.com  yvette@pineridgeknitsew.com We have knitting machines by Artisan and Silver Reed, embroidery machines by Husqvarna/Viking & White. Sewing notions and supplies, books and software. Hands-on lessons and classes. Wide variety of yarns, threads, dress and pant zippers.

Brenda Franklin Designs 7570 Mapleton SR 18 RR 1, Alma, ON N0B 1A0  519.638.9958   bfdesigns.on.ca  help@bfdesigns.on.ca More than 500 charts available for counted needlework, latch hook rugs, beadwork, beaded knits and knitting patterns. Mail/fax order or ask for our products at your local shop. Contact us for custom designs or needle felted sculpture.

Gitta's 271 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga, ON L5G 1G8  905.274.7198   gittas.com  questions@gittas.com Gitta's, named after owner Gitta Al-Basi, nestled in the east village of Port Credit, is the place where stitchers meet with their stitching friends, shop for stitching supplies and see the new stitching designs from Europe and the United States.

Rags to Rugs Craft Shoppe 98 Water Street, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0  902.485.2775 or toll-free 1.800.249.7465  ragstorugs.com  linda@ragstorugs.com Rug hooking supply store offering hooks, frames, rag cutters, new and recycled wool, dyes, scissors, rug hooking books and a variety of other rug hooking supplies. We feature the Bluenose Rug Hooking Patterns.

Bra-makers Supply 308 Ottawa St N, in the Heart of the Fabric District! Hamilton, ON L8H 3Z9  905-538-1396   bramakerssupply.com  CustomerService@Bramakers.com World's largest source for bra-making and corset supplies, including patterns, books, elastics, underwires, foam bra & swim cups, laces, clips, corset coutil, busks and boning. Classes all year around in bra-making, panties, swimwear & corsetry.

Hardanger House 4708 52 St, PO Box 1223, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0  403.742.2749 or toll-free 1.866.742.2749   tnplisting.com/hardanger-house.html Patterns from Canadian, American and European designers, linen and evenweave fabrics from Zweigart, DMC pearl Cottons, Caron Collection threads, and all the related stitching accessories are kept in stock. Many additional items can be special ordered.

Rosalie I. Tennison, Quilt Appraiser Certified by American Quilters’ Society 2005 Newmarket, ON  905.953.1441   R.Tennison@sympatico.ca What if something happens to your treasured quilt? Do you have written proof of its value for your insurance company? Get an appraisal now.

Brampton Sew & Serge 289 Rutherford Rd S, Unit 7, Brampton, ON L6W 3R9  905.874.1564   bramptonsewnserge.com  monique@bramptonsewnserge.com Welcome to Your One Stop Sewing Centre! We are authorized dealers of Baby Lock, Husqvarna Viking, and Singer sewing machines and sergers. We also offer a full schedule of sewing classes for everyone. Brantford Fabrics 128 Nelson St, Unit 3, Brantford, ON N3S 4B6  519.304.8220   facebook.com/BrantfordFabrics  BrantfordFabrics@live.ca Your authorized PFAFF & Husqvarna/Viking dealer offering sales, service & parts. Select fabrics, notions, a variety of classes & more. Experienced, friendly & helpful staff. Your one-stop shop for garmentmaking, embroidery, quilting & needlework. Bytowne Threads - Ottawa, ON

 1.888.831.4095   bytownethreads.com

 mlj@bytownethreads.com Featuring AURIfil® thread from Italy. Extra-long staple Egyptian cotton threads: 12wt, 28wt, 40wt & 50wt - 252 colours. Bobbin threads, black & white: 60 and 80wt. Polyester threads 240 high-sheen colours. Wool threads 180 colours.

Country Concessions 1 Dufferin St, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0  705.458.4546 or toll-free 1.888.834.4407  countryconcessions.com  quilting@countryconcessions.com Visit our lovely and unique quilt shop in the quaint village of Cookstown. We have over 7000 bolts of cotton fabrics plus a wide selection of patterns, books & notions. You will be so glad you came for a visit. Divine Stitches West Half 10910 102 Ave, Fairview, AB T0H 1L0  780.835.2403 Indulge your creativity at Divine Stitches – with lovely fabrics & yarns; artful threads; beads & embellishments; notions for sewing, quilting, knit & crochet; BabyLock machines & Daylight lamps. Unique quilts, bags & folios for purchase.


Haus of Stitches 626 Main Street, Humboldt, SK  S0K 2A0  306.682.0772 or toll-free 1.800.344.6024  hausofstitches.ca Our one of a kind store offers everything you need for sewing, quilting, knitting, rug hooking and needlework. Joyce's Sewing Shop 325 Wortley Rd, London, ON N6C 3R8  519.433.5344  joycessewingshop.com  joycesewingshop@bellnet.ca Our mission is to make sewing fun by providing professional training to teach the benefits of sewing, to provide excellent service and quality products to make your sewing easier and to provide friendly customer service to make you a happy sewer. Log Cabin Yardage 425 Whitevale Road, Whitevale, ON L0H 1M0  416.818.1393   logcabinyardage.com  info@logcabinyardage.com LCY is your source for the newest exciting novelty and designer fabrics, kits and odds and ends. Follow on Facebook for enticing fabric pictures, promotions and programs. Mad About Patchwork Online Store PO Box 412, Stittsville, ON K2S 1A5  madaboutpatchwork.com Online fabric shop featuring modern fabrics from Denyse Schmidt, Patty Young, Amy Butler, Kaffe Fassett and more. Great selection of Kona cotton solids, and shot cottons from Westminster. $5.95 flat rate shipping in Canada, free over $150. My Sewing Room 148-8228 MacLeod Trl SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2B8  403.252.3711   mysewingroom.ca  Queenofeverything@mysewingroom.ca Canada's Largest Independently Owned Quilting Store with fabric, patterns, kits, notions, sewing machines and more! My Sewing Room boasts over 10,000 bolts of 100% cotton fabric from designers and manufacturers from around the world.

Ruby Pearl Quilts 500 King St W, Suite 8, Oshawa, ON L1J 2K9  905.436.3535   rubypearlquilts.com  joy@rubypearlquilts.com We are your full service source of professional quilting equipment, products, & courses. Led by 44 years of sewing experience & more than 20 years of quilting experience, we have the experience necessary to help you push your hobby to the next level! Ruti's Needlebed 10 Thomas St, Mississauga, ON L5M 1Y5  905.821.9370   ruti.ca Mississauga's Finest Quilting and Knitting Store!! Come see our huge selection of yarn, fabric, supplies, sewing machines and knitting machines…a local store for all your quilting, sewing, knitting needs! We offer a wide variety of classes. The Yarn Guy 15 Gower St, Toronto, ON M4B 1E3  416.752.1828 or toll-free 1.800.836.6536  theyarnguy.com   info@sewknit.ca See us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter! Knitting machines, sewing machines, repairs, parts for Passap, Studio, Singer, Silver Reed, Superba, White. Sewing notions and supplies, books, ball yarns, coned yarns, TAMM yarns, Paton's yarns, Bernat yarns, Phentex yarns, Bernat kits & crafts. Sew Fancy Inc. Guelph, ON  519.824.4127   sewfancy.com  sales@sewfancy.com Your Premier Canadian Source for Specialty Sewing Supplies including Smocking, Heirloom Sewing, Goldwork, Silk Ribbon Embroidery, Needle Tatting, Swarovski Crystals, Sashiko, Quilting and more. Visit the website for the latest in sewing supplies. Sewing Machines Etcetera 4155 Fairview St Unit 3, Burlington, ON L7L 2A4  905.639.5525  sewetc.com   info@sewetc.com At Sewing Machines Etcetera we have been in business since 1992, we will consistently and joyfully adapt to changes in technology and the marketplace, so we can offer the best in sewing related products and service to our whole community.

Stitch-It Central 189 Thames Street S, Ingersoll, ON N5C 2T6  519.303.1563  stitchitcentral.ca   sales@stitchitcentral.ca Stitch-It Central is a store to satisfy all your cross stitching needs. We have everything such as notions, books & magazines, project kits, charts, gift collections & certificates, papers & accessories, fabrics and linens, and so much more.

The Stitcher's Muse 4 - 70 Church St, Nanaimo, BC  V9R 5H4  250.591.6873    thestitchersmuse.com  info@thestitchersmuse.com A divine little shop with supplies for all your hand stitching needs! Friendly, knowledgeable, helpful staff. Cross stitch, canvaswork, needlepoint, embroidery, counted thread, lace making and more. Books, patterns, fabric, threads, tools.

Sue's Quilting Studio 22 Main St E, PO Box 427, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0  613.678.3256   suesquiltingstudio@bellnet.ca  facebook.com/pages/Sues-Quilting-Studio/ 101057286682381 Where Friends gather! Specialty fabrics, notions, courses & long arm quilting. Specialty wool & knitting supplies, Swedish weaving, bunka supplies in the Gingerbread Capital of Ontario, an hour from Montreal, Ottawa & Cornwall.

Upper Canada Quiltworks PO Box 64, Brockville, ON K6V 5T7  613.345.3956 Fax: 613.342.3327  uppercanadaquiltworks.com Visit us online for a wide selection quilt patterns and books. Techniques include felted wool, fusible appliqué, punchneedle, rag quilting and printing photos on fabric.

That Sewing Place 16610 Bayview Ave #10, Newmarket, ON L3X 1X3  905.715.7725   thatsewingplace.ca  jaret&liana@thatsewingplace.ca Introducing That Sewing Place as your sewing source and Authorized Dealers for Bernina and Brother machines. Jaret & Liana focus on placing your sewing needs first, providing outstanding support, service, and training.

Show Guide Unlimited, the 2015 edition of the Ontario Show Directory is now available! Over 230 listings including fine juried Arts & Crafts Shows, Non-juried shows, Woodworking, Needlework & Hobby as well as many County Fairs, Festivals and Bazaars throughout Ontario; also craft show tips, etiquette and useful planning calendar; available at $25.99 plus $4.00 S&H. For more info or to order online visit www.ontarioshowguide.com, or call 1.800.671.2272.

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The Stitching Corner #2, 185 First St E, Cochrane, AB T4C 2E9  403.932.3390   stitchingcorner.ca  nygabe@telus.net Your Needlework Shop in Cochrane.

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Artist Profile

by Alice Guthrie

Leslie Samson, Wool Artist

Samson, an avid gardener, expressed her love of flowers in a life sized forest nymph named Flora. Flora features a variety of flowers - rose, lily, Virginia bluebells, poppy, orchid, pansy and morning glories entwined in her hair. She is made completely of felt, and is an example of Samson's three dimensional artwork.


ear the tiny hamlet of Onondaga, in Ontario lives an artist with a difference. No paints and brushes here; this artist works with natural fibre. Nature is her inspiration; having been taught by her parents at an early age to see and appreciate its detail and variety, she is careful to marry her art to the science of nature. Leslie Samson holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Illinois State University, and sees potential in things most of us ignore and pass by. Fibre is her means of expression, and from it she crafts the most awesome items.

Following discovery of Angora rabbits, “an amazing fantasy animal,” she became entranced by the character and versatility of wool. The more Samson learned, the more excited she became. She stated, “I wonder at the marvel that is sheep wool, that soil produces grass, that becomes keratin fibre in a rainbow of textures and colours.”


She conducted a comparative analysis of the structure of sheep fleeces and other fibres, measuring various fibres and types, with a goal to understanding everything about wool. She wanted to know about the structure, the size, the function on the animal as well as its historical development. She used micrography (microscopic photography) to aid in her understanding, studying wool and other fibres to discern similarities and differences. She learned that all follicle grown fibres have cuticle scales varying in the number and type. These scales are what makes fibres lock together when felted. She learned the enjoyable and romantic art of spinning, but realized she didn't enjoy knitting. Still enamoured with wool, Samson looked at other means of working with it. Upon discovering the ancient art of felting, she knew she had found her niche.

Made from natural fibres that are agitated until they mesh together, forming a single fabric, felt is lightweight, yet very warm. While sheep wool is the most commonly available animal fibre used, felt can be made from many other natural fibres. Samson says, “I am awed ... take this nearly indestructible material ... keep it dry and free from insect attack, and it will last for thousands of years.” She referred to the grave goods at Urumchi (China) where mummies were found still dressed in felted boots, hats, and woven wool garments. “Three thousand years later, you can still see the hand of the craftsman through this spectacular material.” Samson has crafted many pieces of art from her felt, including large tapestry-like wall hangings, articles of clothing, and accessories like handbags and jewelry. A significant number of her pieces are three Photos by Alice Guthrie.


summer 2012



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CREATIVE, PERFORMANCE, EXPRESSION and PASSPORT are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg II, S.ar.l.

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