Woodbridge News - April 2014

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April / Abril 15, 2014

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NEWS Community Bulletin | Boletín Informativo para la Comunidad | Woodbridge, VA | Vol. 2, No. 27

Inside / Adentro:

KPWB organiza gran limpieza anual en la Ruta 1 Keep Prince William Beautiful (KPWB) está organizando su gran limpieza anual de la Ruta 1 patrocinado por CSX el Sábado, 26 de abril 2014.

Keep Prince William Beautiful 2014 Route 1 Cleanup Prince William County, Virginia (April 14, 2014) – Keep Prince William Beautiful (KPWB) is hosting its annual Route 1 Clean Sweep sponsored by CSX on Saturday, April 26, 2014. With the purpose of celebrating Earth Day and reducing the amount of litter throughout Prince William County, KPWB has partnered with numerous organizations within Prince William County including the Woodbridge Potomac Civic Association and Supervisor Frank Principi’s office. Volunteers typically remove about 1200 pounds of litter and recyclables from over 13 miles of roadside along the Route 1 Corridor.

In addition to the large Route 1 Cleanup, the Prince William County Department of Public Works will once again host a Dumpster Days’ for Woodbridge residents. Residents are encouraged to take part in organizing or participating in a community cleanup or simply utilizing the dumpster to remove clutter and debris from their yards and around their homes free of charge. The dumpster will be located at Featherstone Elementary School on May 3. To coordinate a cleanup for that date please contact KPWB. Woodbridge residents are encouraged to contact the WPPCA (www.newwoodbridge.org)

to volunteer, large groups and residents that live outside of the Woodbridge District should contact KPWB directly to register for this cleanup via email at info@ kpwb.org or visit www.kpwb.org/ calendar/annual-route-1-cleansweep/. About Keep Prince William Beautiful Keep Prince William Beautiful is a nonprofit environmental organization that serves Prince William County through partnering with residents, businesses and government to educate and inspire people to be environmental stewards and keep Prince William beautiful. For more information, visit www.kpwb.org.

FREE Fruits & Vegetables

Thursday, April 24 | 12-1 pm

Rain or shine, first come, first served There are no requirements to receive the food *Until supplies last More info call:


Continúa Página 2

Aspectos básicos sobre reducir y reusar La manera más efectiva para reducir los residuos es no crearlo en el primer lugar. Hacer un nuevo producto requiere una gran cantidad de materiales y energía: las materias primas deben ser extraídos de la tierra, y el producto debe ser fabricado y luego transportado a donde quiera que se venderá. Como resultado, la reducción y la reutilización son las formas más efectivas que usted puede ahorrar los recursos naturales, proteger el medio ambiente y ahorrar dinero.

Continúa Página 8

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KPWB organiza gran limpieza anual en la Ruta 1 - 2014 Condado de Prince William, Virginia (14 de abril de 2014) Keep Prince William Beautiful (KPWB) está organizando su gran limpieza anual de la Ruta 1 patrocinado por CSX el Sábado, 26 de abril 2014. Con el fin de celebrar el Día de la Tierra y la reducción de la cantidad de basura a lo largo del Condado de Prince William, KPWB se ha asociado con numerosas organizaciones en Prince William County incluyendo la Asociación Cívica Potomac Woodbridge y la oficina del Supervisor Frank Principi. Voluntarios eliminan típicamente alrededor de 1200 libras de basura y reciclables de más de 13 kilómetros de carretera a lo largo de la Ruta 1. Además de la gran ruta 1, el Departamento de Obras Públicas del

Condado de Prince William volverá a acoger un contenedor de basura para los residentes de Woodbridge. Se anima a los residentes a participar en la organización o participación en una limpieza de la comunidad, o simplemente utilizando el contenedor de basura para eliminar el desorden y la suciedad de sus patios y los alrededores de sus hogares de forma gratuita. El contenedor estará ubicado en la Escuela Primaria Featherstone, el 3 de mayo. Para coordinar una limpieza para esa fecha en su comunidad, por favor póngase en contacto con KPWB . Se anima a los residentes de Woodbridge ponerse en contacto con el WPPCA (www.newwoodbridge.org) y averiguar como ser voluntario, grupos grandes y los

residentes que viven fuera del Distrito Woodbridge deben ponerse en contacto directamente KPWB para inscribirse en esta limpieza a través del correo electrónico a info@kpwb.org o visite www . kpwb.org/calendar/annual-route-1clean-sweep / .

Acerca Mantenga Prince William Hermosa Keep Prince William Beautiful es una organización sin fines de lucro que sirve un proposito ambiental en el Condado de Prince William, a través de la asociación con los residentes, las empresas y el gobierno local para educar e inspirar a la gente a ser guardianes del medio ambiente y mantener el Condado de Prince William hermoso. Para obtener más información, visite www.kpwb.org .

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Alonso Zamora

Frutas & Vegetales GRATIS

Jueves 24 de Abril - de 12 a 1 pm

no importa el clima, se hará por orden de llegada No se pedirá ningún requisito para recibir alimentos *Hasta acabar existencias Más información:


alonso@b-thrifty.com © 2013 Woodbridge News. All rights reserved. All property rights for the entire contents of this publication shall be the property of Woodbridge News. No part hereof may be reproduced without prior written consent. BThrifty www.bthriftynews.com contact@bthriftynews.com ads@bthriftynews.com (703) 496.5100 x1000 13412 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Woodbridge, VA 22191

April / Abril 15, 2014 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 3

Page 4 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | April / Abril 15, 2014

6 Steps to Starting a Community Recycling Program •

Will your recycling program be collecting the recyclables curbside or will you have drop-off centers?

Will you include businesses?

Who will do the sorting?

Depending on the size of your community, would it be best to outsource the recycling to a contract hauler?

Step 5: Plot a plan for preventing waste

Working together with other members of your community, you can create a recycling program. Photo: morgueFile/matei

Your city doesn’t have a recycling program, and you want to do something to change that — so where do you start? It’s a big task, but it can be done. Let these six steps be your guide. Step 1: Build a team To create a recycling program, the first thing you’ll need is a team of motivated and environmentally minded community members, including politicians. You’ll need help in many areas to build a program, such as with issuing the best collection bins and equipment, choosing and negotiating with the recycling hauler, and understanding and negotiating different contracts and budgets. Step 2: Create a plan Outline the program’s objectives, keeping them as focused as possible. As a recycling team, you have many things to determine: Will you include businesses and apartments in the program, or just houses? What are you going to recycle? What recyclables do the haulers want? How often will you pick up recyclables, or will you have a dropoff center? Can you offset some of the costs by partnering with a neighboring community? The goals need to be specific to your community’s size and what you decide to recycle. Step 3: Choose which materi-

People get so focused on recycling that they forget that eliminating waste at the source is even better than recycling. Look at ways you can prevent waste production,

align with community leaders who will champion your efforts. This is an important step in implementing your recycling program. You will need local and state leaders to help fund your recycling endeavors and assist you in maneuvering through any unforeseen governmental red tape that could prevent you from succeeding. Once you’ve gotten a feel for how the community is responding, you’ll be able to divide your community into two groups: those who are environmentally friendly and those who may be a little more difficult to persuade. Begin by marketing to and educating the individuals who fall into the first group. Explain and

als to recycle Deciding which materials to recycle seems like the easy part. It can be a slippery slope, though, if you aren’t specific about the materials that will be part of the program — you’ll have community members who want to recycle odd items like phone books and electronics . . . and then they’ll try to set out an old washing machine. The team needs to focus on not only removing materials from the waste stream but finding a market for them. To start with, what recyclables does your community generate in the greatest quantities? To better answer this, conduct a waste assessment to see what is currently being thrown away. The most common items include aluminum, steel food containers, certain glass and plastic bottles, and various acceptable papers. Also check with your state’s recycling office about restrictions regarding materials such as recycling yard waste and household hazardous waste. Step 4: Figure out collection and processing Check with your state’s recycling office regarding what collection systems have worked best with large and small communities. Your collection system is an integral part of your entire program. Consider things such as:

Choosing the right type of recycling bin is just one step in starting a community recycling program. Photo: morgueFile/krosseel

then look at managing the ongoing waste to determine the best recycling options. Once you’ve outlined your recycling goals, negotiated your recycling hauler and put a collection system in place, it’s time to get the community’s buy-in. This will take the effort of your entire team, and it’s crucial to your program’s success. Step 6: Educate the community Your team will have to educate members of the community on what can be recycled and why it’s important to participate. The quickest way to get community buy-in is to

simplify the program so it gets off to a positive start. Once the program is building momentum, start focusing your message on the people who may not believe that recycling is important. To this second group, emphasize the economic benefits of recycling over the environmental values. Recycling is more than a feelgood tree-hugging movement — it’s a growing industry with positive results for our economy. Get your local council members and politicians involved by reminding them that, in addition to helping the environment, your community’s recyclables have a monetary value.

April / Abril 15, 2014 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 5

Children must be present at the store to qualify.

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Salon: 703-910-6164 Cell: 571-438-4627

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Reducing and Reusing Basics Benefits of Donation • Prevents usable goods from going into landfills • Helps your community and those in need • Tax benefits may be available

Aspectos básicos sobre reducir y reusar Extracted from http://www2.epa. gov/recycle/reducing-and-reusingbasics The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. Making a new product requires a lot of materials and energy: raw materials must be extracted from the earth, and the product must be fabricated and then transported to wherever it will be sold. As a result, reduction and reuse are the most effective ways you can save natural resources, protect the environment, and save money. Benefits of Reducing and Reusing • Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials; • Saves energy; • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change; • Helps sustain the environment for future generations; • Saves money; • Reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators; • Allows products to be used to their fullest extent. Ideas on How to Reduce and Reuse • Buy used. You can find everything from clothes to building materials at specialized reuse centers and consignment shops.

Often, used items are less expensive and just as good as new. • Look for products that use less packaging. When manufacturers make their products with less packaging, they use less raw material. This reduces waste and costs. These extra savings can be passed along to the consumer. Buying in bulk, for example, can reduce packaging and save money. • Buy reusable over disposable items. Look for items that can be reused; the little things can add up. For example, you can bring your own silverware and cup to work, rather than using disposable items. • Maintain and repair products, like clothing, tires, and appliances, so that they won’t have to be thrown out and replaced as frequently. • Borrow, rent, or share items that are used infrequently, like party decorations, tools, or furniture. Donation One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Instead of discarding unwanted appliances, tools, or clothes, try selling or donating them. Not only will you be reducing waste, you’ll be helping others. Local churches, community centers, thrift stores, schools, and nonprofit organizations may accept a variety of donated items, including used books, working electronics, and unneeded furniture.

La manera más efectiva para reducir los residuos es no crearlo en el primer lugar. Hacer un nuevo producto requiere una gran cantidad de materiales y energía: las materias primas deben ser extraídos de la tierra, y el producto debe ser fabricado y luego transportado a donde quiera que se venderá. Como resultado, la reducción y la reutilización son las formas más efectivas que usted puede ahorrar los recursos naturales, proteger el medio ambiente y ahorrar dinero. Beneficios de la Reducción y reutilización

dos son menos costosos y tan buenos como nuevo. • Busque productos que usen menos embalaje. Cuando los fabricantes hacen sus productos con menos embalaje , usan menos materia prima. Esto reduce el desperdicio y los costos. Estos ahorros adicionales se pueden pasar a lo largo de los consumidores. Comprar a granel, por ejemplo, puede reducir el embalaje y ahorrar dinero. • Compre reutilizable en lugar de artículos desechables. Busque los artículos que pueden ser reutilizados; las pequeñas cosas pueden sumar. Por ejemplo , usted puede traer sus propios cubiertos y una taza para el trabajo, en lugar de utilizar artículos desechables. • Mantenga y repare los productos, como la ropa, los neumáticos y los aparatos, por lo que no van a tener que ser botados ​​y sustituidos con tanta frecuencia.

• Evita la contaminación por la reducción de la necesidad de cosechar nuevas materias primas;

• Pida prestado, alquile o comparta artículos que se utilizan con poca frecuencia, como las decoraciones de fiestas, herramientas o mobiliario.

• Ahorro de energía;


• Reduce las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que contribuyen al cambio climático global; • Ayuda a mantener el medio ambiente para las generaciones futuras; • Ahorra dinero; • Reduce la cantidad de residuos que deben ser reciclados o enviados a vertederos e incineradores; • Permite a los productos el que se utilicen en toda su extensión. Ideas sobre cómo reducir y reciclar • Compre usado. Usted puede encontrar de todo, desde ropa hasta materiales de construcción en los centros de reutilización especializados y tiendas de consignación. A menudo, los elementos utiliza-

La basura de una persona es el tesoro de otra persona. En lugar de desechar los aparatos no deseados, herramientas o ropa, intente venderlos o donarlos. No sólo va a reducir los residuos, sino que podrá ayudar a los demás. Las iglesias locales, centros comunitarios, tiendas de segunda mano, escuelas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro pueden aceptar una variedad de artículos donados, incluyendo libros de segunda mano, electrónicos, y los muebles que no sean necesarios. Beneficios de la Donación • Evita que los bienes utilizables terminen en los vertederos • Ayuda a tu comunidad y los necesitados • Algunos beneficios fiscales pueden estar disponibles

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