Woodbridge News - November 2013

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November / Noviembre 15, 2013


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NEWS Community Bulletin | Boletín Informativo para la Comunidad | Woodbridge, VA | Vol. 2, No. 22

Inside / Adentro:

Grupo de Boy Scouts rompe récord El Distrito Occoquan del Área de la Capital Nacional de los Boy Scouts of America participa anualmente en el (SFF) Programa “Scouting For Food“ para apoyar a las familias necesitadas.

Continúa Página 2

8 Easy Green Thanksgiving Tips


Occoquan District Collects and Delivers 22,715 Pounds of Food By H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D. The Occoquan District of the National Capital Area of The Boy Scouts of America participates annually in the “Scouting For Food” (SFF) program supporting needy families. Twenty-two district Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Scout Teams, and Scout Crews collected 25% more food items this year than in 2012. More than 200 Scouts and roughly 150 adult volunteers participated. Collection bags were distributed on Saturday, November 2, and picked up on Saturday, November 9. The donated food was taken to a central collection point at either Cheshire Station or Tackett’s Mill for weighing and loading onto the delivery vehicles. The scout units collecting the donations started arriving at 9:30 AM and continued

bringing collected food until 2:30 PM. All donations were weighed and statistics recorded to credit the scouts and volunteers with community service hours. Troop 1378 with assistance from Troop 964 and other scout units and volunteers sorted and repackaged the food into cardboard boxes to be delivered to each food bank. Supporting the community through voluntary service is a core tenant of The Boy Scouts of America (BSA). SFF began in 1988 as a concerted effort to the BSA to help stamp out hunger in the United States. Such service is an integral element of the BSA advance program and reinforces the ideals of good citizenship in our nation’s youth. Most of the donated food from the Occoquan District SFF drive was delivered to the Prince William County Action in

Community Through Service organization (ACTS) (http://actspwc.org). Some food, however, was also distributed to the local Salvation Army as well as two community religious centers that run food banks. The Occoquan District of the National Area Council of BSA and The Salvation Army, Prince William County Corps are both “partners in service” with B-Thrifty. Alonso Zamora, founding partner of BThrifty, serves as the Occoquan District Chairman and is also a board member of The Salvation Army, PWC Corps. He has introduced the idea of a drive similar to the SFF for the purpose of collecting shoes and clothes in the spring. B-Thrifty is honored to have a supporting relationship with these two outstanding organizations in Prince William County.

FREE Fruits & Vegetables

Monday, November 25 | 12-2 pm

rain or shine, first come, first served There are no requirements to receive the food More info call:


The holiday season is officially in full-swing, and Thanksgiving marks the beginning of big family dinners, extensive gift shopping and elaborate decorations.

Continúa Página 4

Servicios Públicos de Manassas dona más de 3.000 dólares a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer El departamento de Obras y Servicios Públicos de la ciudad de Manassas está donando $ 3,165 a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer para la conciencia del cáncer de mama, como parte de su evento de aniversario de 100 años. Continúa Página 8

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Distrito Occoquan recoge y entrega 22.715 libras de alimentos By H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D. El Distrito Occoquan del Área de la Capital Nacional de los Boy Scouts of America participa anualmente en el (SFF) Programa “Scouting For Food“ para apoyar a las familias necesitadas. Tropas de Boy Scouts Scouts , equipos y tripulaciones Scouts recogieron 25 % más alimentos este año que en 2012 . Más de 200 scouts y cerca de 150 adultos voluntarios participaron. Bolsas para la recolección se distribuyeron el sábado 2 de noviembre, y se recogieron el sábado, 9 de noviembre. La comida donada fue llevada a un punto central de acopio, ya sea en la estación de Cheshire o el molino de Tackett para el pesaje y la carga en los vehículos de reparto . Las unidades de scouts recogieron las donaciones que empezaron a llegar a las 9:30 AM y continuaron llevando alimentos recogidos hasta las 2:30 AM. Todas las

donaciones se pesaron y registraron estadísticas para acreditar los scouts y voluntarios con horas de servicio comunitario. La Tropa 1378 con la ayuda de la tropa 964 y otras unidades de scouts y voluntarios ordenaron y empaquetaron la comida en cajas de cartón que se entregarán a cada banco de alimentos. El apoyo a la comunidad a través del servicio voluntario es un propósito principal de Los Boy Scouts of America (BSA). SFF comenzó en 1988 como un esfuerzo conjunto de la BSA para ayudar a erradicar el hambre en los Estados Unidos. Este servicio es un elemento esencial del programa anticipado BSA y refuerza los ideales de civismo en la juventud de nuestra nación. La mayoría de los alimentos donados de la unidad SFF Distrito Occoquan fue entregado a la Acción del Condado de Prince William en la Comunidad por la

organización Servicio (ACTS) (http://actspwc.org). Algunos alimentos, sin embargo , se distribuyeron por medio del Ejército de Salvación local, así como dos centros religiosos de la comunidad que corren los bancos de alimentos . El Distrito Occoquan del Consejo del Área Nacional de BSA y el Ejército de Salvación, Cuerpo Condado Prince William son dos “colaboradores en el servicio“ con B- Thrifty. Alonso Zamora, socio fundador de B- Thrifty, sirve como Presidente del Distrito Occoquan y es también un miembro de la junta del Ejército de Salvación, PWC Corps. Se ha introducido la idea de una unidad similar a la SFF con el fin de recoger los zapatos y la ropa en la primavera. B- Thrifty tiene el honor de tener una relación de apoyo con estas dos destacadas organizaciones en Prince William County.

General Manager

Antenor Rambal

contact@bthriftynews.com Managing Editor

H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D. drdale@b-thrifty.com

Advertising / Public Relations

Margarita Trujillo


Alonso Zamora


Frutas & Vegetales GRATIS

Lunes, 25 de Noviembre - de 12 a 2 pm

no importa el clima, se hará por orden de llegada No se pedirá ningún requisito para recibir alimentos Más información:


© 2012 Woodbridge News. All rights reserved. All property rights for the entire contents of this publication shall be the property of Woodbridge News. No part hereof may be reproduced without prior written consent. BThrifty www.bthriftynews.com contact@bthriftynews.com ads@bthriftynews.com (703) 496.5100 x1000 13412 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Woodbridge, VA 22191

November / Noviembre 15, 2013 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 3

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8 Easy Green Thanksgiving Tips | Tips from Lauren Hasler - Earth911.com • Turkey- 1 pound • Stuffing- ¼ pound • Sweet potato casserole- ¼ pound • Green beans- ¼ pound • Cranberry relish- 3 tablespoons • Pumpkin pie- 1/8 of a 9 inch pie After the meal, evaluate how many people were present and how much of each dish was consumed. By keeping track each year, you can make a more efficient, less wasteful Thanksgiving meal in the future. 3. Do Something Fun!

The holiday season is officially in full-swing, and Thanksgiving marks the beginning of big family dinners, extensive gift shopping and elaborate decorations. But the season isn’t all turkey, stuffing and pie. According to RecycleWorks, from Thanksgiving to New Years Day, household waste increases by more than 25 percent.

Americans, between 6 million and 8 million adults, are vegetarians. For example, the Organic Consumers Association developed a healthy vegetarian Thanksgiving menu which includes stuffed acorn squash with corn bread dressing and chestnut gravy.

According to Use Less Stuff, if each family reduced holiday gasoline consumption by 1 gallon (about 20 miles), we would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1 million tons. Invite nearby friends and family and neighbors to your house for Thanksgiving dinner and encourage them to do the same.

1. Shopping for Food Before you rush to eat yourself into a Tryptophan-induced coma, take a minute to think about where your food comes from.

If you buy local, not only can you enjoy fresh food, but you will also support your local economy. Check for farmers’ markets, family farms, community-supported agriculture programs and U-Pick options in your area for the freshest produce, eggs, dairy and grass-fed meat. Also, consider buying organic wines to be more eco-conscious without sacrificing quality or taste. Also, don’t forget the vegetarians at your table. The Vegetarian Resource Group estimates that 3 percent of

Try bundling up and playing some football outside instead of watching it. Split the whole family into teams and get everyone involved. Make sure the winners get to go through the pie line first! 4. Traveling Tips

So, start off your holiday season on the green foot by making a few small, eco-friendly changes this Turkey Day. It’s easy to get the entire family involved, have fun and decrease the burden on your wallet as well.

When shopping for your Thanksgiving meal, keep two words in mind: organic and local. These keywords will guarantee a fresher, more nutritious meal.

Instead of firmly planting yourself in front of the TV for the day, consider getting some fresh air or playing a board game. Take advantage of the time together with friends and family while decreasing your energy usage.

If you must go over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving, turn down the thermostat and turn off the lights to save energy while you’re gone. If you’re going to have a large crowd, buy food in bulk to reduce packaging waste and save money. And of course, bring your own reusable shopping bags to the grocery store. 2. Crowd Control At least 28 billion pounds of edible food is wasted each year – more than 100 pounds per person. One of the best ways to reduce your waste this Thanksgiving is to plan ahead for the meal and practicing portion control. Use Less Stuff created a handy list of approximate per person food and drink portions:

5. Setting the Table There are many options when it comes to table setting, all dependent upon how many guests will be present at your Thanksgiving celebration. If it is going to be a small gathering, get out your nice china for the occasion. Cloth napkins are also a plus. If you’re expecting a big crowd, organize it like a potluck and ask your guests to bring dishes and silverware for themselves. If disposable place settings are your only choice, opt for biodegradable and compostable utensils, napkins and plates, such as those from Biodegradable Store.com.

The average dishwasher uses between 7 and 15 gallons of water per cycle. After the meal, be sure to fill the dishwasher to capacity before running it to save water and energy. 6. Crafty Decorations (Yes, You Can Do It!) Add a little extra elegance to your table with homemade decorations. Most materials can be found in your craft cupboard or backyard. Have the kids chip in with a pre-Thanksgiving craft day. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing: • Acorn napkin ties • Dried leaf place cards • Corn or leaf print place mats • Pinecone turkeys • Painted gourds • Festive fall arrangements of pumpkins or corn cobs • Make your own cornucopia If there is a tablecloth or other decorative item you’ve been eying, make sure it’s a purchase you’ll be happy to reuse in the future. Some decorations can even become new family traditions. 7. Lose the Leftovers Once the party is over, it’s time to decide what to do with all that leftover food. Don’t forget to donate your leftovers to a food bank or nearby homeless shelter. And remember to compost your food scraps. If you decided to buy your Thanksgiving supplies in bulk, the containers from your various products are perfect for storing large quantities of leftovers. Make sure your guests leave with a portion of extra food to take home. After all, one of the best Thanksgiving traditions is noshing on leftover turkey sandwiches and mashed potatoes for lunch the following weekend. 8. Recycling Isn’t a Chore Last, but not least, get back to the basics and recycle. Encourage your guests to pitch in and clearly mark recycling bins. Recycling all packaging, as well as any beverage containers, will significantly reduce the number of times you have to take the trash out, as well as the amount of garbage you send to the landfill.

November / Noviembre 15, 2013 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 5

Welcome to Dominion Lake Ridge! We are located near I-95, and are just 3 miles from Potomac Mills. Beautiful lakeside fun and outdoor events can be found at Lake Ridge Park and Marina, also nearby to our property. Our gorgeous one and two bedroom apartments are available in several unique and stylish floor plans that will compliment anyone’s lifestyle. Some of our homes have been professionally remodeled and include full sized washers and dryers, dramatic vaulted ceilings, wood burning fireplaces and new kitchen appliances. Residents are invited to escape the heat in our beautiful swimming pool or to relax after a vigorous workout in our 24-hour fitness center. Our elegant clubhouse is also available for residents to host birthday parties, business meetings or wedding showers. Find the lifestyle of ease and luxury you’ve always dreamed of at Dominion Lake Ridge!

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November / Noviembre 15, 2013 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 7

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Manassas Utility Donates More Than $3,000 to American Cancer Society and other national and state organizations for its highly successful neighborhood improvement programs and by the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting and budgeting. For more information, go to www.manassascity. org or call 703-257-8219.

Photo tag: Courtesy of Manassas Utilities - Janet Richards of Manassas, VA wins Ashby Jeweler’s pearl necklace/bracelet set from Manassas Utilities 100 Year Anniv. Event.

The City of Manassas Department of Public Works and Utilities is donating $3,165 to the American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Awareness, as part of their 100 Year Anniversary Event, where more than 600 people attended and Manassas Utilities donated $5 for every person that participated. They also announced winners of their grand prize giveaways, which are: Janet Richards of Manassas, winning the Ashby Jeweler’s pearl necklace and bracelet set, while Jesse Caudill, Marita Doherty and Pedro Amaya of Manassas, Va. also won $50 gift cards from City Square Café and Monza of Manassas. For information, go to www.manassascity.org. Although an overcast day, 633 people showed up; eating more than 700 pulled-pork and barbecued chicken lunches served with baked beans and coleslaw by Bad to the Bone of Gainesville, Va. Manassas Utility linemen gave countless cherry-picker truck rides. Pumpkins were also popular, with 400 pumpkins given away at the event. Lines were long and steady for bucket truck rides, lunch and balloon creations by Miguelloon. Attendees enjoyed a variety of songs performed by the Shake It Up band of Manassas, Va. as well. “Despite the rainy weather, our 100year anniversary was a very well-attended event and we received positive feedback from visitors about all the different displays and educational materials we provided,” said Mike Moon, director of Manassas Utilities and Public Works.

Sponsors include: Ashby Jewelers, City Square of Café, Carmellos and Monzo of Manassas, Va. and anniversary cake by Occasionally Cake of Alexandria, Va. ABOUT THE CITY OF MANASSAS Established in 1913, the City of Manassas Utilities/Public Works department ensures the availability of safe, reliable water usage, electric utilities, as well as provides responsive maintenance and collection services at an affordable cost to citizens of Manassas, Va. It is noted for its environment-friendly projects and equipment, while tasked with capital projects that enhance public and private infrastructure. The utilities team participates in community fundraisers, like Toys for Tots, the United Way, American Public Power Association Tree Power and Arbor Day. The department holds memberships with America Public Power Association, American Water Works Association, American Public Works Association and the Prince William County Chamber of Commerce. The City of Manassas, Va., is an independent, full service city of 10-square miles in Northern Virginia. The City is rich in history and the Manassas Junction of railroads played a pivotal role in the American Civil War. The City has a population of 37,821, owns its own public utilities, has the busiest general aviation airport in Virginia and is part of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. Manassas has been recognized by the Virginia Municipal League

Servicios Públicos de Manassas dona más de 3.000 dólares a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer El departamento de Obras y Servicios Públicos de la ciudad de Manassas está donando $ 3,165 a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer para la conciencia del cáncer de mama, como parte de su evento de aniversario de 100 años, donde más de 600 personas asistieron y el departamento de oservicios de Manassas donaron $5 por cada persona que participó. También anunciaron los ganadores de sus sorteos de premios grandes, estas fueron: Janet Richards de Manassas , ganando collar de perlas de la joyería Ashby y una pulsera, mientras que Jesse Caudill, Marita Doherty y Pedro Amaya de Manassas, VA también ganaron tarjetas de regalo de $50 de City Square Café y Monza de Manassas . Para obtener más información , vaya a www.manassascity.org . Aunque fue un día nublado, 633 personas se hicieron presentes , comieron más de 700 almuerzos de cerdo y pollo a la barbacoa servidos con frijoles al horno y ensalada de col en Bad to the Bone de Gainesville, VA. Los conductores de camiones de Manassas dieron innumerables paseos en los camiones recogedores de cereza. Las calabazas eran también populares, con 400 calabazas entregadas en el evento. Las líneas eran largas para los paseos del camión del cubo, almuerzos y las creaciones con globos de Miguelloon. Los asistentes disfrutaron de una variedad de canciones interpretadas por la banda de Shake It Up de Manassas, Virginia. “A pesar de la lluvia , nuestro 100 aniversario fue un evento muy concur-

rido y recibimos comentarios positivos de los visitantes sobre las diferentes pantallas y materiales educativos que proporcionamos “, dijo Mike Luna , director de Servicios y Obras Públicas de Manassas. Los patrocinadores incluyen : Ashby Jewelers, City Square Café, Carmellos y Monzo de Manassas, VA y el pastel de aniversario de Occasionally Cake de Alexandria, Virginia. ACERCA DE LA CIUDAD DE MANASSAS Establecido in 1913, el Departamento de Obras Públicas de la ciudad de Manassas asegura la disponibilidad de uso seguro y fiable del agua, centrales eléctricas, así como proporciona mantenimiento y recogida a un precio asequible a los ciudadanos de Manassas, Virginia. Se caracteriza por su proyectos y equipamientos respetuosos del medio ambiente , mientras que encargados de los proyectos de inversión que mejoren la infraestructura pública y privada . El equipo de servicios públicos participa en eventos para recaudar fondos comunitarios, como Toys for Tots, United Way, American Public Power Tree Association Poder y el Día del Árbol. El departamento tiene afiliaciones con América Public Power Association, la American Water Works Association, Asociación Americana de Obras Públicas y la Cámara de Comercio de Prince William County. La ciudad de Manassas , Virginia, es una ciudad independiente de servicio completo de 10 millas cuadradas en el norte de Virginia. La ciudad es rica en historia y el cruce de los ferrocarriles de Manassas jugaron un papel fundamental en la guerra civil americana. La ciudad tiene una población de 37.821, es propietaria de sus propios servicios públicos, tiene el aeropuerto con más tráfico de aviación general en Virginia y forma parte de la región metropolitana de Washington DC. Manassas ha sido reconocida por la Liga Municipal de Virginia y otras organizaciones nacionales y estatales para los programas de mejoramiento de barrios de gran éxito y por la Government Finance Officers Association por la excelencia en la información financiera y la presupuestación. Para obtener más información, visite o llame al 703-2578219 - www.manassascity.org.

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