About Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center... On April 16, 2014, the Sewol Ferry capsized on its way to Jeju Island. Of the 476 passengers and crew on board, 325 were students from Danwon High School. Only 172 people survived the disaster. The official death toll stands at 295, and 9 people still unaccounted for. The shocking tragedy brought suffering not only for the survivors and grieving families but the entire nation of Korea. On May 1, 2014, the Gyeonggi-Ansan Disaster Mental Health Support Team, which operated in emergency situations, became Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center (or Ansan Onmaeum Center) under the Special Act on the Damage Relief and Support for the April 16 Sewol Ferry Disaster. Creation of Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center brought into play an integrated system providing professional disaster mental health services and programs for those affected by the Sewol Ferry Disaster, including the survivors and those who lost loved ones. Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center aims to organize a system of disaster-related mental health services and serve as an educational institution geared towards training specialists in the area of disaster mental health.
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
04 04
마음의 상처로 아파하는 이들과 함께 오늘을 걷고 있습니다. Walking GriefAre Suffering We WalkTogether Togetherwith withThose ThoseinWho from a Wounded Heart.
416세월호참사 피해자를 포함해 트라우마로 고통 받는 이들에 대한 전문적 · 지속적 · 집중적 서비스를 제공합니다.
416세월호참사 초기대응 경험을 바탕으로 현장중심의 재난심리지원 시스템을 구축합니다.
We continued, focused and professional We offer provide professional, continued and focused services for to those suffering trauma, from including in those who are suffering trauma relation thevictims 416 Sewol Disaster. includingtothe of 4.16Ferry Sewol Ferry Disaster.
field-based health services We provide established a systemmental to provide field-oriented related to disasters, building the lessons disaster psychological supporton based on our learned from initial response to the 416Ferry experience ofthe initial response to 4.16 Sewol Sewol Ferry Disaster. Disaster.
416가족 성장지원사업
트라우마 회복지원사업
416 Family Growth Support Projects Trauma Recovery Support Projects 가족1팀 (유가족)
가족2팀 (생존자)
Family Team 1 Family Team 2 (Bereaved families) (Survivors)
Community Growth Team
Integrated Support Team
Psychiatric Treatment Support Team
역량강화사업 Capacity Building Projects 기획홍보팀
Planning & Promotion Administrative Support Team Team
5 전문성 향상
공동체 성장
트라우마 치유 및 재난심리지원에 대한 전문성 함양과 전문 인력을 양성합니다.
지역사회연대를 강화하고 개인과 사회의 조화로운 공동체 성장을 도모합니다.
We to assistrelated with trauma We prepare improve specialists the professionalism to trauma recovery and anddisaster psychological supportsupport at psychological and a greaterexperts level offor expertise. educate offering such support.
We enhance the solidarity in the local community support solidarity in local communities and development with a harmony andseek seekfor balanced growth of individuals between individuals and society. and society.
11 1 9 4 11
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
마음의 상처로 아파하는 이들과 함께 오늘을 걷고 있습니다. Placing People at the Highest Priority While Carrying out Responsibilities as Professionals Organization Chart.
Organization Chart
치유와 회복
시스템 구축
416세월호참사 피해자를 포함해 트라우마로 고통 받는 이들에 대한 전문적 · 지속적 · 집중적 서비스를 제공합니다.
416세월호참사 초기대응 경험을 바탕으로 현장중심의 재난심리지원 시스템을 구축합니다.
We offer continued, focused and professional services to those suffering trauma, including in relation to the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster.
We provide field-based mental health services related to disasters, building on the lessons learned from the initial response to the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster.
416가족 성장지원사업
트라우마 회복지원사업
416 Family Growth Support Projects Trauma Recovery Support Projects 가족1팀 (유가족)
가족2팀 (생존자)
Family Team 1 Family Team 2 (Bereaved families) (Survivors)
Community Growth Team
Integrated Support Team
Psychiatric Treatment Support Team
공동체 성장
트라우마 치유 및 재난심리지원에 대한 전문성 함양과 전문 인력을 양성합니다.
지역사회연대를 강화하고 개인과 사회의 조화로운 공동체 성장을 도모합니다.
We prepare specialists to assist with trauma recovery and psychological support at a greater level of expertise.
We support solidarity in local communities and seek balanced growth of individuals and society.
Planning & Promotion Administrative Support Team Team
Workforce 전문성 향상
역량강화사업 Capacity Building Projects
11 1 9 4 11
11. 2 제 2회 대시민강좌 Memorial service marking 500 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
<전략적 대화법> 진행
2016 Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center Symposium First "Together with Mom" flea market
Second public lecture entitled “Strategic Communication”
Premiere of “His & Her Closet” by the 416 Family Theater Company “Yellow Ribbon”
Ceremony to announce the vision and mission of the Center 2015 Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center Symposium Photography exhibition entitled “Carpe Diem – Living in the Present” with pictures taken by survivors from Danwon High School during their volunteer trip
Third "Together with Mom" flea market
Heemang (Hope) Handicraft Studio project
Integrated platform launched in support of disaster mental health care
6. 30 단원고생존자 외상 후 성장 프로젝트 ‘백패스Ⅱ’ 봉사여행 Volunteer trip entitled “BackpassⅡ” a post-trauma growth project for Danwon High School survivors
Premiere of “Living & Dying with Your Neighbors” by the 416 Family Theater Company “Yellow Ribbon”
9. 28 2017년 안산정신건강트라우마센터 심포지엄 개최 2017 Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center Symposium
OPENING OF THE CENTER Concert entitled "Your Tears Last Spring" in commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster Gyeonggi-Ansan Disaster Mental Health Support Team Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center
Memorial service marking 600 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
Second seminar of 2016 with international experts
10. 13
Booth in support of mental health begins services at the Ansan Group Memorial Altar
First public lecture entitled “Trauma in the Movies/Saying Goodbye to Trauma”
Exhibition entitled “Spring Again: Time to Embrace You” to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
First seminar of 2017 with international experts
제주생존자 외상 후 성장 프로젝트 ‘소통공감‘ 전시회 오픈 Exhibition entitled “Communication & Empathy,” a post-trauma growth project for survivors from Jeju Island
7.4 단원고생존자 외상 후 성장 프로젝트 ‘백패스Ⅰ’ 봉사여행 Consigned services agreement is signed between Gyeonggi Province and Korea University Ansan Hospital
“Ansan Onmaeum Center” is used together with the Center’s official name
Consigned services agreement is signed between Ansan City and Korea University Ansan Hospital
“Open Forum for Hope & Solutions to the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster with 1,000 Ansan Citizens”
10. 21
Volunteer trip entitled “BackpassⅠ” a post-trauma growth project for Danwon High School survivors
Memorial service marking the 3rd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
First seminar of 2016 with international experts
Healing Camp for civilian divers March organized by bereaved families
Memorial service marking 100 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
Second "Together with Mom" flea market Memorial service marking the 2nd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
플리마켓 진행 Fourth "Together with Mom" flea market
11. 13 Emotional support provided to survivors and bereaved families as salvage operations for the Sewol Ferry begins
Exhibition entitled “Spring Again: Time to Embrace You” to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
제 4회 <엄마랑 함께하장>
2017년 후반기 국제전문가 초청 세미나 개최 Second seminar of 2017 with international experts
11. 2 제 2회 대시민강좌 Memorial service marking 500 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
<전략적 대화법> 진행
2016 Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center Symposium First "Together with Mom" flea market
Second public lecture entitled “Strategic Communication”
Premiere of “His & Her Closet” by the 416 Family Theater Company “Yellow Ribbon”
Ceremony to announce the vision and mission of the Center 2015 Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center Symposium Photography exhibition entitled “Carpe Diem – Living in the Present” with pictures taken by survivors from Danwon High School during their volunteer trip
Third "Together with Mom" flea market
Heemang (Hope) Handicraft Studio project
Integrated platform launched in support of disaster mental health care
6. 30 단원고생존자 외상 후 성장 프로젝트 ‘백패스Ⅱ’ 봉사여행 Volunteer trip entitled “BackpassⅡ” a post-trauma growth project for Danwon High School survivors
Premiere of “Living & Dying with Your Neighbors” by the 416 Family Theater Company “Yellow Ribbon”
9. 28 2017년 안산정신건강트라우마센터 심포지엄 개최 2017 Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center Symposium
OPENING OF THE CENTER Concert entitled "Your Tears Last Spring" in commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster Gyeonggi-Ansan Disaster Mental Health Support Team Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center
Memorial service marking 600 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
Second seminar of 2016 with international experts
10. 13
Booth in support of mental health begins services at the Ansan Group Memorial Altar
First public lecture entitled “Trauma in the Movies/Saying Goodbye to Trauma”
Exhibition entitled “Spring Again: Time to Embrace You” to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
First seminar of 2017 with international experts
제주생존자 외상 후 성장 프로젝트 ‘소통공감‘ 전시회 오픈 Exhibition entitled “Communication & Empathy,” a post-trauma growth project for survivors from Jeju Island
7.4 단원고생존자 외상 후 성장 프로젝트 ‘백패스Ⅰ’ 봉사여행 Consigned services agreement is signed between Gyeonggi Province and Korea University Ansan Hospital
“Ansan Onmaeum Center” is used together with the Center’s official name
Consigned services agreement is signed between Ansan City and Korea University Ansan Hospital
“Open Forum for Hope & Solutions to the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster with 1,000 Ansan Citizens”
10. 21
Volunteer trip entitled “BackpassⅠ” a post-trauma growth project for Danwon High School survivors
Memorial service marking the 3rd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
First seminar of 2016 with international experts
Healing Camp for civilian divers March organized by bereaved families
Memorial service marking 100 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
Second "Together with Mom" flea market Memorial service marking the 2nd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
플리마켓 진행 Fourth "Together with Mom" flea market
11. 13 Emotional support provided to survivors and bereaved families as salvage operations for the Sewol Ferry begins
Exhibition entitled “Spring Again: Time to Embrace You” to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
제 4회 <엄마랑 함께하장>
2017년 후반기 국제전문가 초청 세미나 개최 Second seminar of 2017 with international experts
416 지원 416 유가족성장지원사업
사 11사
Sharing in the Suffering and Walking Together Towards a Better Tomorrow
스 지원
Case Management Services
당자를 통해 상
슩하고 연 하기
Bereaved families Growth Support Projects
해 가정 방문 및
한 자원을 소, 전화,
문자 서비스 등의 방법으로 지속적인 서비스를 제공합니다.
We assign caseworkers to individual cases to provide counseling and identify the needed resources on a continual basis. Contact is ongoing through home visits, visits to the center by clients, phone calls and text messages.
프로그램 지원
Support Programs
We support bereaved families through integrated support that tends to their mental wellness and their everyday and social needs as we help them overcome trauma and achieve growth.
심리적 치유를 슔기 프로그램
적으로 하는 미술치 , 명상, 치유의 심신안정신체 법,
슲화공예 등 다양한 신체기반 및 활동기반의 프로그램을 제공합니다.
Our programs include art therapy, meditation, writing therapy, mind-and-body stabilization treatment, yoga, pressed flower art, and a variety of other physical and arts activities that facilitate psychological healing.
공 지원 가
가 들의 지 을 수 있도
Meeting spaces 한 분 기의 공간을 제공하여,
과 마 을 이쌏하고
안한 숴을
Warm, family-friendly venues are available for families who lost their loved ones to rest their minds and bodies and find refuge in comfortable settings.
416 지원 416 유가족성장지원사업
사 11사
Sharing in the Suffering and Walking Together Towards a Better Tomorrow
스 지원
Case Management Services
당자를 통해 상
슩하고 연 하기
Bereaved families Growth Support Projects
해 가정 방문 및
한 자원을 소, 전화,
문자 서비스 등의 방법으로 지속적인 서비스를 제공합니다.
We assign caseworkers to individual cases to provide counseling and identify the needed resources on a continual basis. Contact is ongoing through home visits, visits to the center by clients, phone calls and text messages.
프로그램 지원
Support Programs
We support bereaved families through integrated support that tends to their mental wellness and their everyday and social needs as we help them overcome trauma and achieve growth.
심리적 치유를 슔기 프로그램
적으로 하는 미술치 , 명상, 치유의 심신안정신체 법,
슲화공예 등 다양한 신체기반 및 활동기반의 프로그램을 제공합니다.
Our programs include art therapy, meditation, writing therapy, mind-and-body stabilization treatment, yoga, pressed flower art, and a variety of other physical and arts activities that facilitate psychological healing.
공 지원 가
가 들의 지 을 수 있도
Meeting spaces 한 분 기의 공간을 제공하여,
과 마 을 이쌏하고
안한 숴을
Warm, family-friendly venues are available for families who lost their loved ones to rest their minds and bodies and find refuge in comfortable settings.
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
을 로 다시
11 사
복 를
합적인 트라우마
회복 지원
Case Management Services
당자를 통해 트라우마 초 화 상
전화, 문자 서비스 등의 방법으로 지속적인 서비스를 제공 합니다.
416트라우마회복지원 생존자성장지원사업 자
스 지원
한 자원을 슩하고 연 하기 해 가정방문 및 소,
Working Together to Become “Who I Am” Once Again
416트라우마회복지원 Survivors 416 생존자성장지원사업 Growth Support Projects
스를 지원하여
We assign caseworkers to individual cases to provide trauma-focused counseling and identify the needed resources on a continual basis. Contact is ongoing through home visits, visits to the center by clients, phone calls and text messages.
프로그램 지원
Support Programs
We provide integrated trauma recovery services for survivors of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster and their families to help them return to normal life and grow through their trauma.
생존자쌍 생존자가 에
심리 회복 프로그램 및
교육서비스를 제공함으로쉥 2차적 외상을 예방하고 가
역량을 향상하여 건강한 가 을 지원합니다.
We provide survivors and their families with psychological recovery programs and education services to prevent secondary trauma and bring healthy dynamics back into family life.
상 트라우마
성장 프로 트
Post-Trauma Growth Projects
복 프로젝트의 다양한 활동에 참여하며
사회적인 지지쌍 성장을 통한 자기 정성을 회복합니다.
Participation in a variety of activities to assist with working through traumatic events, people affected by disaster can find new life through social support and individual growth.
416트라우마회복지원 Survivors 416 생존자성장지원사업 Growth Support Projects
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
을 로 다시
11 사
스 지원
Case Management Services
당자를 통해 트라우마 초 화 상
한 자원을 슩하고 연 하기 해 가정방문 및 소, 전화, 문자 서비스 등의 방법으로 지속적인 서비스를 제공 합니다.
416트라우마회복지원 생존자성장지원사업 416세월호참사 로
자 복 를
에 시
합적인 트라우마 을
회복 지원
스를 지원하여
We assign caseworkers to individual cases to provide trauma-focused counseling and identify the needed resources on a continual basis. Contact is ongoing through home visits, visits to the center by clients, phone calls and text messages.
합니다. 프로그램 지원
Support Programs 생존자쌍 생존자가 에
심리 회복 프로그램 및
교육서비스를 제공함으로쉥 2차적 외상을 예방하고 가
역량을 향상하여 건강한 가 을 지원합니다.
We provide survivors and their families with psychological recovery programs and education services to prevent secondary trauma and bring healthy dynamics back into family life.
상 트라우마
성장 프로 트
Post-Trauma Growth Projects
복 프로젝트의 다양한 활동에 참여하며
사회적인 지지쌍 성장을 통한 자기 정성을 회복합니다.
Participation in a variety of activities to assist with working through traumatic events, people affected by disaster can find new life through social support and individual growth.
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
416 동지원 416 공동체성장지원사업
Community Growth Support Projects
지 사회를 416가족 동 지원
트, 원예, 우 416
Building Connections to and Communication Within Local Communities
지 사회
해 지 사회
사회 합 및 지
을 지원하고 지 체
을 대 으로 인 개 회복을
공예 등 수공예 활동공간인
공방 운싵과 416가
리본 등의 자조
지원을 통해 416가 들의 사회통합 및 공동체
416 동지원 공동체성장지원사업
Support to Activities of the Bereaved Families
We assist grieving families with their reintegration into society and communities through such programs as the 416 Heemang (Hope) Handicraft Workshop, a studio for quilting, horticulture, wood burning art, and other handicrafts, as well as selfhelp groups like the 416 Family Theater Company “Yellow Ribbon.”
COMMUNITY GROWTH SUPPORT PROJECTS We support the activities of the bereaved families in local communities and engage in local campaigns to raise awareness of the disaster towards greater community integration, healing and recovery.
416문화 사 지원
Support for the 416 Cultural Events 416가 과 지역사회 주민이 화합
수 있는 장을
마 하기 하여 416세월호참사를 모하고 기싑 수 있는 공연 및 전시회 등의 문화행사 및 플리마켓 (엄마랑함께하장)을 십싐 니다.
The Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center also organizes a variety of community performances, exhibitions and other cultural events (including a flea market known as “Together with Mom”) in commemoration of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster so that the bereaved families and residents of local communities can come together.
지역공동체 성화 지원 416세월호참사 이후 지역사회
Support to Facilitate the Local Community 등을 해소하고
주민들의 역량 강화쌍 지역공동체 회복을
주민교육 및 주민모 을 활성화합니다.
We provide education and arrange gatherings for local residents to resolve conflicts that arose in the wake of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster, as well as to enhance their skills and strengthen their sense of solidarity.
416 동지원 416 공동체성장지원사업
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
Community Growth Support Projects
지 사회를 416가족 동 지원
트, 원예, 우 416 모
지 사회
해 지 사회
사회 합 및 지
을 지원하고 지 체
을 대 으로 인 개 회복을
공예 등 수공예 활동공간인
공방 운싵과 416가
리본 등의 자조
지원을 통해 416가 들의 사회통합 및 공동체
416 동지원 공동체성장지원사업
Support to Activities of the Bereaved Families
We assist grieving families with their reintegration into society and communities through such programs as the 416 Heemang (Hope) Handicraft Workshop, a studio for quilting, horticulture, wood burning art, and other handicrafts, as well as selfhelp groups like the 416 Family Theater Company “Yellow Ribbon.”
416문화 사 지원
Support for the 416 Cultural Events 416가 과 지역사회 주민이 화합
수 있는 장을
마 하기 하여 416세월호참사를 모하고 기싑 수 있는 공연 및 전시회 등의 문화행사 및 플리마켓 (엄마랑함께하장)을 십싐 니다.
The Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center also organizes a variety of community performances, exhibitions and other cultural events (including a flea market known as “Together with Mom”) in commemoration of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster so that the bereaved families and residents of local communities can come together.
지역공동체 성화 지원 416세월호참사 이후 지역사회
Support to Facilitate the Local Community 등을 해소하고
주민들의 역량 강화쌍 지역공동체 회복을
주민교육 및 주민모 을 활성화합니다.
We provide education and arrange gatherings for local residents to resolve conflicts that arose in the wake of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster, as well as to enhance their skills and strengthen their sense of solidarity.
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
이 는
Dreaming of a Life That No Longer Remains Suspended in Time
416통합지원 통합지원사업
416통합지원 통합지원사업
검진시스템 및 프로그램 운영
416 Integrated Support Projects
Examination Systems and Programs
416세월호참사 피해자의 기본검진 및 종합심리검사 등을 진행하며, 전문인력을 활용한 근거기반 프로그램을 구성하고 진행합니다. We provide a basic health examination and a comprehensive psychological testing for those affected by the Sewol Ferry Disaster. Further, we design and conduct evidence-based programs led by professionals.
416세월호참사 경험을바탕으로 바탕으로 전문적이고 트라우마체계적인 회복 시스템 개발지원 및 416세월호참사 경험을 에 대 하 체계적인 전문적이고 사각지대에 416세월호참사 직·간접 피해자를 파악하여 지원합니다. ·개발 및있는 사각지대에 있는 416세월호참사 직·간접피해자를 파악하여 지원합니다. 416세월호참사 피해자 통합지원
Integrated Support for those Affected by the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
INTEGRATED SUPPORT PROJECTS We develop professional and systematic education programs for disaster recovery, building on the lessons learned from the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster, and also seek out and support those directly and indirectly affected and yet overlooked.
심리지원 서비스가 미치지 못하는 사각지대의 416세월호참사 직·간접피해자를 발굴하고 모니터링 및 자원연계를 통해 2차적 문제 예방과 외상회복을 지원하고 있습니다. We identify people who suffer directly and indirectly from the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster, but have no access to trauma support because they remain unseen. Once identified, such persons are monitored and resources are provided to prevent secondary problems and assist them in recovery.
트라우마 회복 역량강화 기반구축
Foundation for strengthened capacity of trauma recovery
트라우마 회복 전문가 양성교육을 통해 재난 현장 투입 가능 인력을 양성하고, 국제전문가 세미나를 진행하여 전문적인 트라우마 회복기술을 공유합니다. We foster people who can be dispatched to the disaster site through trainings aimed at cultivating experts on trauma recovery, and host international experts seminars to opportunities to share trauma recovery techniques.
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
이 는
416통합지원 통합지원사업
416통합지원 통합지원사업
검진시스템 및 프로그램 운영
416 Integrated Support Projects
Examination Systems and Programs
416세월호참사 피해자의 기본검진 및 종합심리검사 등을 진행하며, 전문인력을 활용한 근거기반 프로그램을 구성하고 진행합니다. We provide a basic health examination and a comprehensive psychological testing for those affected by the Sewol Ferry Disaster. Further, we design and conduct evidence-based programs led by professionals.
416세월호참사 경험을바탕으로 바탕으로 전문적이고 트라우마체계적인 회복 시스템 개발지원 및 416세월호참사 경험을 에 대 하 체계적인 전문적이고 사각지대에 416세월호참사 직·간접 피해자를 파악하여 지원합니다. ·개발 및있는 사각지대에 있는 416세월호참사 직·간접피해자를 파악하여 지원합니다. 416세월호참사 피해자 통합지원
Integrated Support for those Affected by the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
심리지원 서비스가 미치지 못하는 사각지대의 416세월호참사 직·간접피해자를 발굴하고 모니터링 및 자원연계를 통해 2차적 문제 예방과 외상회복을 지원하고 있습니다. We identify people who suffer directly and indirectly from the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster, but have no access to trauma support because they remain unseen. Once identified, such persons are monitored and resources are provided to prevent secondary problems and assist them in recovery.
트라우마 회복 역량강화 기반구축
Foundation for strengthened capacity of trauma recovery
트라우마 회복 전문가 양성교육을 통해 재난 현장 투입 가능 인력을 양성하고, 국제전문가 세미나를 진행하여 전문적인 트라우마 회복기술을 공유합니다. We foster people who can be dispatched to the disaster site through trainings aimed at cultivating experts on trauma recovery, and host international experts seminars to opportunities to share trauma recovery techniques.
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
기획홍보 기획홍보사업
Planning & PR
니다. 동
Picturing a Healthy State of Emotional Well-being
Academic Activities
트라우마 및 재난심리지원 전문가쌍 함께 심포지엄, 세미나, 포
등을 통해 재난심리회복지원 방안에 대해
공유하고 이를 바탕으로 센터의 역 과 방향성에 대해 의합니다.
기획홍보 기획홍보사업 전 사
하고 발전
니다. 을
피해자에 대 지원
적인 및
Through symposiums, seminars and forums attended by experts in trauma and post-disaster recovery, we learn and share ways to provide mental health services and discuss the Center’s roles and future direction.
PLANNING & PROMOTION Ansan Mental Health Trauma Center seeks to change people’s perceptions of those affected by disasters and increase their understanding of trauma through a variety of projects and promotional activities. We are also involved in research and forums related to disaster mental health support to verify the effectiveness of these projects and seek further advancements.
Research & Development 416세월호참사 이후 피해자의 심리상 , 함에
라 생존자·생존자가 ·유가 의 쉋 쌍
심리현 을
슩하고 연구하여, 트라우마 치 쌍 재난
심리 회복지원 서비스의 지속적인 발전을 도모합니다.
Those affected by the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster experienced significant changes in their psychological state and quality of life. By identifying and examining the psychological situation of the survivors, their families, and families of those who died, the Center continues to advance its efforts in treatment and services for postdisaster trauma and recovery.
지원 홍보
소쉈지· 로숸싐 등을 제 하여 416세월호참사 피해자 활동과 센터 역 을 쌂라인으로 일반시민을 하고 이해를
하고, 다양한
나며 트라우마 인쉈을 개
진시 니다.
We publish newsletters and brochures to promote the activities of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster survivors and the role of the Center. We also engage with the public through a variety of promotional events and online activities to increase awareness and understanding of trauma.
기획홍보 기획홍보사업
온마음을 다하여, 온힘을 다하여, 온세상을 향하여
Planning & PR
니다. 동
Academic Activities
트라우마 및 재난심리지원 전문가쌍 함께 심포지엄, 세미나, 포
등을 통해 재난심리회복지원 방안에 대해
공유하고 이를 바탕으로 센터의 역 과 방향성에 대해 의합니다.
기획홍보 기획홍보사업 전 사
하고 발전
니다. 을
피해자에 대 지원
적인 및
Through symposiums, seminars and forums attended by experts in trauma and post-disaster recovery, we learn and share ways to provide mental health services and discuss the Center’s roles and future direction.
합니다. 구
Research & Development 416세월호참사 이후 피해자의 심리상 , 함에
라 생존자·생존자가 ·유가 의 쉋 쌍
심리현 을
슩하고 연구하여, 트라우마 치 쌍 재난
심리 회복지원 서비스의 지속적인 발전을 도모합니다.
Those affected by the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster experienced significant changes in their psychological state and quality of life. By identifying and examining the psychological situation of the survivors, their families, and families of those who died, the Center continues to advance its efforts in treatment and services for postdisaster trauma and recovery.
지원 홍보
소쉈지· 로숸싐 등을 제 하여 416세월호참사 피해자 활동과 센터 역 을 쌂라인으로 일반시민을 하고 이해를
하고, 다양한
나며 트라우마 인쉈을 개
진시 니다.
We publish newsletters and brochures to promote the activities of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster survivors and the role of the Center. We also engage with the public through a variety of promotional events and online activities to increase awareness and understanding of trauma.
Psychiatric Treatment Support Projects
Happiness Comes from a Healthy Mind
정신건강의료지원사업 Psychiatric Counseling
PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT SUPPORT PROJECTS Mental health treatment services are designed to help trauma victims recover and realize growth. A variety of treatment programs (EMDR, biofeedback, cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, etc.) provided by professional psychiatrists help trauma victims recover.
Psychiatric Drug Therapy
When necessary, drug therapy is provided to alleviate symptoms and facilitate recovery. Prescriptions are given only when deemed absolutely necessary, and continued care is provided to help with symptom management.
Psychiatric Treatment Support Projects
정신건강의료지원사업 Psychiatric Counseling
A variety of treatment programs (EMDR, biofeedback, cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, etc.) provided by professional psychiatrists help trauma victims recover.
Psychiatric Drug Therapy
When necessary, drug therapy is provided to alleviate symptoms and facilitate recovery. Prescriptions are given only when deemed absolutely necessary, and continued care is provided to help with symptom management.
Trauma Centers Across the Nation
416 Families for Truth and a Safer Society
Ansan Community for New Society 1Da
고잔문화복지센터 쉼과 힘 Gojan Center for Culture & Welfare, Rest and Strength
Local Agenda21 for Ansan
416 Memory Archive
안산시희망마을사업추진단 Ansan Hope Village Project Council Resting place(Swimpyo)
Local Organizations Related to the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
416 Families for Truth and a Safer Society
Ansan Community for New Society 1Da
고잔문화복지센터 쉼과 힘 Gojan Center for Culture & Welfare, Rest and Strength
Local Agenda21 for Ansan
416 Memory Archive
안산시희망마을사업추진단 Ansan Hope Village Project Council www.facebook.com/ansanmakehope
Resting place(Swimpyo)
단원고 3학년 학생 정상 등교
4.19 4.16
정부임시합동분향소 설치 (안산올림픽기념관)
객실 안 사망자 최초 확인
(단원고 학생 3명)
세월호 완전 침몰
8시 58분경 세월호 참사 발생
First three bodies are found in Sewol Ferry completely the passenger room (3 students submerges from Danwon High School)
Sewol Ferry capsizes at around 8:58 AM
희생자 가족 1:1 전담공무원배치 팽목항 가족생활 장소 설치
안산시•진도군 특별재난지역선포
안산 임시분향소 설치
Ansan and Jindo declared special disaster areas
Temporary memorial altar installed in Ansan
Third-year students at Danwon High School return to school
Temporary group memorial altar installed by the government (Ansan Olympic Memorial Hall)
유가족 '참사 100일 특별법 제정 촉구' 도보행진
(안산 합동분향소→ 서울 합동분향소)
4.29 416세월호참사 희생자• 실종자•생존자 가족 대책위원회 결성 정부합동분향소 설치 (화량유원지)
Group memorial altar installed by the government (Hwarang Recreation Area)
“416 Families for Truth and a Safer Society” (a.k.a. “416 Families”) formed by the families of victims, missing persons and survivors
단원고 생존학생 46명 학부모 10명 추모 도보행진 (안산→국회의사당)
일반인 희생자 49재 추도식(인천시) 49 Days Ceremony is held in Incheon for non-Danwon High School victims
안산시 세월호사고수습지원단 발족 A support team dealing with the aftermath of the Sewol Ferry accident is created under Ansan city
416세월호참사 특별조사위원회 구성 완료
'416세월호참사 진상 규명 및 안전 사회 건설 등을 위한 특별법' 참사 206일 만에 국회통과
416세월호참사 200일 추모식 개최 (정부합동분향소)
"Special Act on Investigating the Truth of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster and Building a Safer Society" passes the National Assembly, 206 days after the incident
Bereaved families hold a memorial to commemorate 200 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster (Group Memorial Altar)
Bereaved families begin a march to call on lawmakers to pass a special bill on the 416 Sewol Ferry incident (From the Ansan Group Memorial Altar to the Seoul Group Memorial Altar)
46 student survivors and 10 parents organize a memorial march (From Ansan to the National Assembly in Seoul)
일반인 희생자 합동 영결식 (인천시)
세월호 수색작업 종료 공식발표 (미수습자 9명)
Joint funeral for non-Danwon High School victims held in Incheon
Government officially ends its search for the missing (9 still unaccounted for)
Sewol Special Investigation Commission established
One civil servant is assigned to each bereaved family to provide one-on-one administrative services; Living area for the families installed at Paengmok Port
'416세월호참사 피해구제 및 지원 등을 위한 특별법' 국회 통과
팽목항 미수습자 추모 분향소 실시
416세월호참사 300일
Memorial altar for the missing installed at Paengmok Port
300 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
"Special Act on Damage Relief and Support for the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster" passed by the National Assembly
4.22 4.16
416가족협의회 세월호 특별법 시행령(안) 폐기 및 선체인양 촉구 삭발식 및 도보행진 해양수산부 세월호특별법 시행령(안) 입법 예고
세월호 유가족 세월호특별법 시행령 철회 요구 '416시간 농성' 돌입 (광화문)
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announces legislation of a draft enforcement decree to the Sewol Special Act
Bereaved families protest for 416 hours in Gwanghwamun, calling on the government to scrap the Enforcement Decree to the Sewol Special Act
Members of 416 Families shave their heads and set out on a march calling for withdrawal of the draft enforcement decree and for the vessel to be salvaged
8.4 세월호 참사 500일
416가족협의회 정부시행령(안) 거부의사 표명 참사 1주기 공식 추모행사 취소 416 Families expresses its opposition to the draft enforcement decree; Official memorial service for the 1st anniversary of the disaster cancelled
해수부 세월호 인양 공식 결정 '9월 착수 2016년 6월~12월 인양가능' Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries officially announces that salvage operations will begin in September and be completed between June and December 2016
인양업체 '상하이 샐비지' 선정 "Shanghai Salvage" is designated to do the salvage work
일반인 희생자 추모관 착공 (인천시) Construction of a memorial for non-Danwon High School victims begins in Incheon
침몰 490일만에 세월호 인양 작업 시작 Salvage work starts 490 days after the sinking
500 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
특조위 제1차 청문회 개최 (~12.16) 1st hearing of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission (Held until December 16)
4.26 4.24 단원고 3학년 학생 정상 등교
4.23 4.22
객실 안 사망자 최초 확인 세월호 완전 침몰
8시 58분경 세월호 참사 발생
(단원고 학생 3명)
First three bodies are found in Sewol Ferry completely the passenger room (3 students submerges from Danwon High School)
Sewol Ferry capsizes at around 8:58 AM
안산시•진도군 특별재난지역선포
안산 임시분향소 설치
Ansan and Jindo declared special disaster areas
Temporary memorial altar installed in Ansan
희생자 가족 1:1 전담공무원배치 팽목항 가족생활 장소 설치
정부임시합동분향소 설치 (안산올림픽기념관)
Third-year students at Danwon High School return to school
Temporary group memorial altar installed by the government (Ansan Olympic Memorial Hall)
7.23 유가족 '참사 100일 특별법 제정 촉구' 도보행진
(안산 합동분향소→ 서울 합동분향소)
7.1 416세월호참사 희생자• 실종자•생존자 가족 대책위원회 결성 정부합동분향소 설치 (화량유원지)
Group memorial altar installed by the government (Hwarang Recreation Area)
One civil servant is assigned to each bereaved family to provide one-on-one administrative services; Living area for the families installed at Paengmok Port
“416 Families for Truth and a Safer Society” (a.k.a. “416 Families”) formed by the families of victims, missing persons and survivors
단원고 생존학생 46명 학부모 10명 추모 도보행진 (안산→국회의사당)
일반인 희생자 49재 추도식(인천시) 49 Days Ceremony is held in Incheon for non-Danwon High School victims
안산시 세월호사고수습지원단 발족
46 student survivors and 10 parents organize a memorial march (From Ansan to the National Assembly in Seoul)
A support team dealing with the aftermath of the Sewol Ferry accident is created under Ansan city
12.29 12.27
11.11 '416세월호참사 진상 규명 및 안전 사회 건설 등을 위한 특별법' 참사 206일 만에 국회통과
416세월호참사 200일 추모식 개최 (정부합동분향소)
"Special Act on Investigating the Truth of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster and Building a Safer Society" passes the National Assembly, 206 days after the incident
Bereaved families hold a memorial to commemorate 200 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster (Group Memorial Altar)
Bereaved families begin a march to call on lawmakers to pass a special bill on the 416 Sewol Ferry incident (From the Ansan Group Memorial Altar to the Seoul Group Memorial Altar)
416세월호참사 특별조사위원회 구성 완료
일반인 희생자 합동 영결식 (인천시)
세월호 수색작업 종료 공식발표 (미수습자 9명)
Joint funeral for non-Danwon High School victims held in Incheon
Government officially ends its search for the missing (9 still unaccounted for)
Sewol Special Investigation Commission established
4.4 3.27
'416세월호참사 피해구제 및 지원 등을 위한 특별법' 국회 통과
3.30 416가족협의회 세월호 특별법 시행령(안) 폐기 및 선체인양 촉구 삭발식 및 도보행진
팽목항 미수습자 추모 분향소 실시
416세월호참사 300일
Memorial altar for the missing installed at Paengmok Port
300 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
"Special Act on Damage Relief and Support for the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster" passed by the National Assembly
해양수산부 세월호특별법 시행령(안) 입법 예고
세월호 유가족 세월호특별법 시행령 철회 요구 '416시간 농성' 돌입 (광화문)
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announces legislation of a draft enforcement decree to the Sewol Special Act
Bereaved families protest for 416 hours in Gwanghwamun, calling on the government to scrap the Enforcement Decree to the Sewol Special Act
Members of 416 Families shave their heads and set out on a march calling for withdrawal of the draft enforcement decree and for the vessel to be salvaged
8.28 8.19 8.5 416가족협의회 정부시행령(안) 거부의사 표명 참사 1주기 공식 추모행사 취소 416 Families expresses its opposition to the draft enforcement decree; Official memorial service for the 1st anniversary of the disaster cancelled
해수부 세월호 인양 공식 결정 '9월 착수 2016년 6월~12월 인양가능' Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries officially announces that salvage operations will begin in September and be completed between June and December 2016
인양업체 '상하이 샐비지' 선정 "Shanghai Salvage" is designated to do the salvage work
일반인 희생자 추모관 착공 (인천시) Construction of a memorial for non-Danwon High School victims begins in Incheon
12.14 세월호 참사 500일
침몰 490일만에 세월호 인양 작업 시작 Salvage work starts 490 days after the sinking
500 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
특조위 제1차 청문회 개최 (~12.16) 1st hearing of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission (Held until December 16)
단원고 생존자 75명 포함 86명 단원고등학교 졸업 86 students, including 75 survivors, graduate from Danwon High School
416가족협의회 416특별법 개정안 및 특검 촉구 단식농성 돌입
특조위 제2차 청문회 개최
416 Families begins hunger strike to push for an amendment to the Sewol Special Act and appointment of a special prosecutor
2nd hearing of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission (Held until March 29)
세월호 선수들기 6차례 연기해온 끝에 완료
특조위 416세월호참사 피해자 지원 실태조사 결과 발표 Sewol Special Investigation Commission reports on the support efforts for the victims
세월호참사 2주기 일반인 희생자 추모관 개관(인천시)
김관홍 민간잠수사 타계 Civilian diver Kim Gwan-hong dies
2nd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster; Memorial for non-Danwon High School victims opens in Incheon
416세월호참사 1000일
1,000 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
9.1 세월호 특조위 활동 종료
416기억교실 안산교육지원청으로 임시 이전
특조위 제3차 청문회 개최
"416 Memory Class" is temporarily moved to the Ansan Office of Education
3rd hearing of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission
Activities of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission officially
Bow of the vessel successfully lifted after 6 delays
해수부 '연내 인양 불가' 발표, 인양 방식을 해싱크레인에서 재킹바지선으로 변경
안산교육지원청 '416기억교실' 공개
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announces that salvage efforts will not be completed within the year; Floating cranes are replaced with jack-up barges
Ansan Office of Education opens the "416 Memory Class"
3.25 3.22 416세월호참사 3주기
세월호 선체조사위원회 설치 및 운영에 관한 특별법 가결 Special Act on the Organization and Operation of the Sewol Ferry Investigation Commission passed
세월호 참사 1072일만에 시험인양 착수 Pilot salvage begins 1,072 days after the sinking
세월호 목포신항 이동 준비 Preparations to move Sewol Ferry to Mokpo New Port begin
3rd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
미수습자 수색 사전작업 시작 오후 3시 58분. 세월호 거치대 안착 인양완료 (세월호 참사 발생 1091일)
Preparations begin to search for those still missing
Sewol Ferry completes dry docking at 3:58 PM, bringing salvage operations to an end (1,091 days after the disaster)
5.19 4.18
선체 수색 작업 시작 다수의 유류품 발견 Search of vessel interior begins; large number of articles found
5월 16일. 세월호 선체 내부에서 발견된 유골 미수습자 단원고 '허다윤'양으로 확인 5월 5일. 세월호 침몰해역에서 발견된 유골 미수습자 '고창석' 교사로 확인 Remains found on May 5 in waters where the vessel sank are identified as Ko Chang-seok, a missing teacher
Remains found in the ferry on May 16 are identified as Heo Da-yoon, a missing student from Danwon High School
세월호 선미 4층에서 발견된 유골 미수습자 단원고 '조은화'양으로 확인 Remains found on the fourth level of the vessel are identified as Cho Eun-hwa, a missing student from Danwon High School
Seabed search operations come to a close
Remains found on May 22 are identified as Lee Young-sook, a missing passenger
7.7 10.24
사회적 참사법(사회적 참사의 진상규명 및 안전사회 건설 등을 위한 특별법)가결
미수습자가족 수색 종결 결정
선체조사위원회 조사 시작 Sewol Ferry Investigation Commission begins investigation
세월호 침몰해역 수중 수색 종료
5월 22일 발견 유골 미수습자 '이영숙'씨로 확인
세월호 인근 수중수색 공식 종료 Seabed search operations officially come to a close
Families of missing victims decide to end search operations
미수습자 5인 영결식 Joint funeral for the 5 missing victims
Special Act on Investigating the Truth of Social Disasters and Building a Safer Society passes the National Assembly
7.29 7.20 세월호 선수들기 6차례 연기해온 끝에 완료
특조위 416세월호참사 피해자 지원 실태조사 결과 발표 Sewol Special Investigation Commission reports on the support efforts for the victims
6.17 4.16 단원고 생존자 75명 포함 86명 단원고등학교 졸업 86 students, including 75 survivors, graduate from Danwon High School
416가족협의회 416특별법 개정안 및 특검 촉구 단식농성 돌입
특조위 제2차 청문회 개최
416 Families begins hunger strike to push for an amendment to the Sewol Special Act and appointment of a special prosecutor
2nd hearing of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission (Held until March 29)
세월호참사 2주기 일반인 희생자 추모관 개관(인천시)
김관홍 민간잠수사 타계 Civilian diver Kim Gwan-hong dies
세월호 특조위 활동 종료 특조위 제3차 청문회 개최
"416 Memory Class" is temporarily moved to the Ansan Office of Education
3rd hearing of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission
Activities of the Sewol Special Investigation Commission officially
2nd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster; Memorial for non-Danwon High School victims opens in Incheon
11.11 416기억교실 안산교육지원청으로 임시 이전
Bow of the vessel successfully lifted after 6 delays
416세월호참사 1000일
해수부 '연내 인양 불가' 발표, 인양 방식을 해싱크레인에서 재킹바지선으로 변경
1,000 days since the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
안산교육지원청 '416기억교실' 공개
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announces that salvage efforts will not be completed within the year; Floating cranes are replaced with jack-up barges
Ansan Office of Education opens the "416 Memory Class"
4.16 4.12 4.11 세월호 선체조사위원회 설치 및 운영에 관한 특별법 가결 Special Act on the Organization and Operation of the Sewol Ferry Investigation Commission passed
세월호 참사 1072일만에 시험인양 착수 Pilot salvage begins 1,072 days after the sinking
세월호 목포신항 이동 준비 Preparations to move Sewol Ferry to Mokpo New Port begin
416세월호참사 3주기 3rd anniversary of the 416 Sewol Ferry Disaster
미수습자 수색 사전작업 시작 Preparations begin to search for those still missing
오후 3시 58분. 세월호 거치대 안착 인양완료 (세월호 참사 발생 1091일) Sewol Ferry completes dry docking at 3:58 PM, bringing salvage operations to an end (1,091 days after the disaster)
6.6 5.25 선체 수색 작업 시작 다수의 유류품 발견 Search of vessel interior begins; large number of articles found
5월 16일. 세월호 선체 내부에서 발견된 유골 미수습자 단원고 '허다윤'양으로 확인 5월 5일. 세월호 침몰해역에서 발견된 유골 미수습자 '고창석' 교사로 확인 Remains found on May 5 in waters where the vessel sank are identified as Ko Chang-seok, a missing teacher
Remains found in the ferry on May 16 are identified as Heo Da-yoon, a missing student from Danwon High School
세월호 선미 4층에서 발견된 유골 미수습자 단원고 '조은화'양으로 확인 Remains found on the fourth level of the vessel are identified as Cho Eun-hwa, a missing student from Danwon High School
5.28 세월호 침몰해역 수중 수색 종료 Seabed search operations come to a close
5월 22일 발견 유골 미수습자 '이영숙'씨로 확인 Remains found on May 22 are identified as Lee Young-sook, a missing passenger
11.24 11.18 선체조사위원회 조사 시작 Sewol Ferry Investigation Commission begins investigation
사회적 참사법(사회적 참사의 진상규명 및 안전사회 건설 등을 위한 특별법)가결
미수습자가족 수색 종결 결정 세월호 인근 수중수색 공식 종료 Seabed search operations officially come to a close
Families of missing victims decide to end search operations
미수습자 5인 영결식 Joint funeral for the 5 missing victims
Special Act on Investigating the Truth of Social Disasters and Building a Safer Society passes the National Assembly
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