GlassLAB 2023

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ISSN 2421-1923

Cluster Glass glassLAB 2023

06 dic 2023

Supplemento di OFFICINA* ISSN 2421-1923 N.06 December 2023

GlassLAB 2023 edited by MariaAntonia Barucco


With the support of:

With the advocacy of:

scientific director of glassLAB MariaAntonia Barucco glassLAB teachers Emilio Antoniol, MariaAntonia Barucco, Anna Lorens, Matteo Silverio, Rosaria Revellini with the support of Adriana Casalin proofreader of the English edition Martina Vanin

OFFICINA* Toolbox editorial director Emilio Antoniol graphic project Margherita Ferrari photos Adriana Casalin Magazine owner Associazione Culturale OFFICINA* via Asolo 12, Conegliano, Treviso

e-mail publisher Anteferma Edizioni Print PixartPrinting, Quarto d’Altino (VE) Number of copies 150 copie Copyright Creative Commons License Attribution Non commercial - Share Alike 4.0 International

The publisher relieves itself of any responsibility regarding violations by the authors of intellectual property rights relating to published texts and images.


Archivio delle Tecniche e dei materiali per l’architettura e il disegno industriale

A boundary exists between research and enterprise that is as precious as new projects: this place is made up of training and education. The glassLABs are the first cycle of workshops that Iuav dedicates to those attending Master’s degrees in Design and Architecture. Thanks to Iuav’s Placement office, the glassLABs are part of the MUR “Three-year programme” aimed at career guidance and dedicated to students and recent graduates of the Universities. During the glassLABs, companies proposed challenging topics. Each LAB developed questions, propositions and project ideas. The students drew up designs, described values, structured knowledge and defined goals for the glass of the future; they worked under tight deadlines, with materials acquired and immediately used, in ever new teams, relating with entrepreneurs and technicians in a direct, concrete and immediate way. The students were committed, they were curious, they showed dedication and passion: all the things needed to develop innovation and enterprise in historically established (and innovationhungry) sectors such as glass. One working theme: glass. Four workshops: four challenges. A publication to affirm the objectives of the GLASS Cluster, which is to enhance the study, design and production of glass. MariaAntonia Barucco

INDICE 4 glassLAB Introduction di MariaAntonia Barucco

n.06 December 2023

6 New values

with rehub Conterie Wallglass Boiserie Overlines Spline

16 New designs

with IamPiavevetro GlassView Illusion Glass Out of the Frame

24 New knowledge with Veneto Vetro Your Glass Ideas GlassGame Make it Clear

32 New goals

with Pilkington Italia Comfort View WellGlass HeatHug


MariaAntonia Barucco, Università Iuav di Venezia The word GLASS is derived from the Proto-Indo-Eu-

subject of the first day is therefore the company struc-

ropean root ghel- meaning “to shine”. Ghel forms the

ture, the products and the high quality of production.

word gold (because gold is the metal that shines), many

From this appointment we understand what ‘made in

words denoting colours (especially yellow) and a large

Italy’ means,we explore the ability to work on the bor-

group of gl- words having to do with shining and spar-

der between industry and craftsmanship, to design

kling. GLASS therefore attests to a fascinating and al-

with ingenuity, hands and machines in dialogue with

most magical characteristic of glass.

designers, inventing new forms, objects and perfor-

The word VETRO, which is the Italian equivalent of

mance. The second day takes place in the classroom,

GLASS, is Latin and, in accordance with the pragma-

in the spaces of the ArTec laboratory, where the tu-

tism of the ancient Romans, describes a distinct char-

tors help the students to deal with the excellence of

acteristic. Glass makes one see, it is transparent: the

the glass sector. The students are the designers of the

latin word VITRUM comes from Vid-trum and shows

future and, during the glassLABs, they are already the

the same root with VID-ERE (“to see” but also, VEDAS =

designers and headmasters of the companies they visit.

knowledge in Proto-Indo-European). VETRO is a word

This activity is not a fantasy game, but a step towards

that testifies to the essential concreteness of an amor-

the future, an action that is proper to the GLASS clus-

phous solid that is transparent, hard and fragile.

ter, which has the extraordinary opportunity to oper-

The glassLaBs are born from these same roots and

ate on the borderline that students cross to become

they’ll share the same goal that is “to see” and “to

professionals, designers, manufacturers, transform-

shine”. Through this pubblication we’ll see how the

ers, inventors, experimenters, interlocutors of a sector

designers of tomorrow shine when they dialogue with

that has made history in the past, that is an excellence

the glass industries that collaborate with Iuav.

today, and that will be even stronger in the future.

Each glassLAB lasts two days. On the first day, glass

The glass of Venice and of the lands of Venice is part

firms open their doors to a group of students: they ac-

of a cultural heritage that transcends all boundaries

company them to discover the company’s mission and

of geography and time. The projects for its future are

production methods, to understand how design and

here signed and presented by their authors.

product are linked and in a dynamic relationship. The

With the support of Iuav’s Placement office, we have


committed ourselves to networking students, lectur-

tional level. The GLASS Cluster aims to grow its range

ers, professionals and companies. We have paid par-

of activities and comparisons with the objective of

ticular attention to the territorial context of Iuav and

enhancing study, design, young talents and the glass

have opened up ideas, dialogues and connections with

production and processing sector.

the international dimension that characterises the

In order to do this, the CLASS Cluster offers Venice as a

work of today and increasingly that of tomorrow. The

meeting ground and welcomes students, scholars and

glassLABs were also proposed and launched thanks to

innovators operating within and outside the national

Anteferma, a Iuav spin-off. This path has confirmed

borders, structure confrontations to deepen the study

how important it is to listen to the students and the re-

of glass and to discover new and deeper historical rea-

alities of the territory and to provide them with places

sons as well as new and future possibilities of develop-

and opportunities for discussion.

ment, production and use in the various project fields.

The GLASS Cluster has taken care of the planning of these activities, builds on what has been experienced, and will grow in offering and proposing activities that straddle the line between study and business development, between research and teaching and between research and innovation. Università Iuav di Venezia, in inter-team with Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, during the past two editions of Venice Glass Week has proposed hackathons dedicated to glass: these events have inspired the glassLABs. All these are stages of a journey made of appointments and comparisons and supported by Fondazione Iuav, which firmly believes in the work of the GLASS Cluster. The GLASS Cluster is a space for sharing work, research and professional experience on an interna-

N.06 DIC 2023 5

New values rehub Rehub develops new technologies for the treatment of glass waste that is usually considered non-recyclable. In doing so, rehub fuses tradition and craftsmanship with innovation and design following the principles of the circular economy. rehub has invented a new process to manipulate glass and does this through innovative technologies: it transforms glass waste into a soft paste that is moulded by hand, by 3D printers or using injection techniques. “We mix glass with natural binders that make it easily malleable at room temperature. This way we can make any design object and accessories for the fashion world, but also products for the building industry”, explains Matteo Silverio. With this approach to recycling, rehub intends to give new value to millions of tonnes of waste that today end up in landfills or are processed through downcycling processes. rehub converts a cost into an opportunity and uses a safe, flexible, sustainable and energy-saving process to do this.

rehub Rio Terà S. Salvador, 1 30141, Venezia


Rehub has invented a new process

Murano glass makes these cycles

for handling glass and, in particu-

and recycling much more complex.

lar, conventionally ‘non-recyclable’

Murano glass is known worldwide

glass waste: rehub promotes new

for its colours: dozens of different

value chains and the first glassLAB

colours can be distinguished in just

is dedicated precisely to the new

a few centimetres. rehub therefore

values of glass processed with re-

works with glass that is very chal-

hub’s patented processes or pro-

lenging for recycling chains.

cesses that rehub might develop in

The students developed four pro-

the near future.

posals for rehub. Conterie evokes

On a visit to Murano, the students

an ancient Murano workmanship

visited the COREVE exhibition at the

and scales the concept to a scale

Glass Museum and were hosted at

suitable for interior design, en-

rehub to understand how to produce

hancing the aesthetic qualities of

and process reglass (glass processed

Murano glass and reglass. Over-

with rehub’s patented processes).

lines works with larger elements

Glass is an inert and infinitely re-

to create transparent and translu-

cyclable material. However, during

cent mobile backdrops, useful for

collection and recycling, glass can

the articulation of spaces dedi-

be polluted by other materials (dif-

cated to welcoming and staying.

ferent colours, plastics, ...). This is

Spline proposes different and new

why it is very difficult to produce

uses for reglass: Spline exploits the

perfectly transparent glass from

qualities that make reglass more

glass collected and taken for re-

similar to ceramics (both in terms

cycling. Coloured glass is obtained

of workmanship and final aesthetic

by ‘dirtying’ the glass with other

result). Wallglass, finally, proposes

ingredients and, in each recycling

a possible new supply chain for

route, its transparency changes:

the transformation of glass to very

with transparent glass, it is pos-

thin thicknesses and proposes to

sible to produce green glass and

cultivate bacteria to fix glass pow-

with green glass, it is possible to

der to layers of cellulose.

produce amber glass, but it is not possible to reverse this route by obtaining transparent glass from dark glass.

N.06 DIC 2023 7


Conterie Conterie are very small mono-

Conterie is made up of many indi-

chrome pearls that are made by

vidual glass units that repeat and fit

pulling thin perforated glass rods.

together. Thanks to the C shape of

The beads are used to make jewel-

each glass unit, dry joining between

ery but also embroidery and small

the elements is possible: a type of

plastic compositions.

assembly that allows the customiza-

The Conterie project uses small el-

tion of Conterie based on the visual

ements of recycled glass, connects

effect you want to obtain.

them to each other and creates cur-

The final assembly takes place with

tains that almost look like fabrics.

metal hooks which can, for example,

Like strings of pearls, the semi-

slide on tracks mounted on the ceil-

transparent Conterie can be hung:

ing: this type of installation guaran-

they filter natural light thanks to the

tees the complete reversibility and

translucency characteristics of the

recyclability of Conterie.

glass and at the same time give reflections and variable colors to the spaces furnished with these objects.


The basic module of Conterie is a C-shaped element that allows the union of various elements together to form chains, curtains or translucent panels with changing colours.

N.06 DIC 2023 9

Wallglass Boiserie Glass is an inert and infinitely recy-

and texture similar to ceramic but

clable material: much more sustain-

glassy both in composition (100%

able than plastic, for example, which

waste glass) and in appearance.

degrades over time and loses its characteristics in the various cycles

Very thin Wallglass Boiserie replaces wallpaper: on a 220 g/m2 pure cel-

of use and recycling. In the future,

lulose base we imagine cultivating

glass may be used pervasively and

colonies of bacteria that crystallize

Wallglass Boiserie is glass in forms

the glass, feeding on the cellulose

and for uses that we do not yet con-

and fixing the glass dust to the wall.

sider today.

Wallglass Boiserie is a testable and

Wallglass Boiserie has thin thick-

absolutely sustainable solution for

nesses of 5 mm and very thin thick-

creating interior finishes as durable

nesses of 0.2 mm.

as glass and potentially infinitely re-

Wallglass Slim Boiserie is a boiserie:


Rehub’s processes for the cold recycling of artistic glass waste produce glass panels with a consistency



Recycled glass wallpaper, made by printing glass powder on a cellulose support and made to adhere to the wall thanks to bacteria which, feeding on cellulose, fix the glass to the wall.

N.06 DIC 2023 11


Overlines Overlines is a project for the crea-

ciples of the circular economy. The

tion of mobile and glass internal

Murano glass sheets and the reglass

vertical partitions.

sheets are one meter wide and are

The glass sheets are made in Mura-

supported by aluminum cables 80

no, by master craftsmen and using

cm apart from each other. The slabs

the oldest production techniques

vary in thickness and height, giving

known today. Interspersed with

character to Overlines and giving

these, other glass elements describe

the environment in which Overlines

the innovations that Murano is ca-

is installed a unique and peculiar

pable of developing: the reglass ele-

design. Thanks to the overlap be-

ments are made with waste from the

tween the panels, flexibility can be

production of Overlines slabs and

given to the internal environment by

integrate with them, giving materi-

creating different spatial arrange-

ality and concreteness to important

ments. Finally, the translucency of

themes such as the valorisation of

the slabs generates plays of light,

resources , artisan culture, glass art

adding character and personality to

and the implementation of the prin-

the interiors.


Color, flexibility and transparency are three fundamental characteristics of the Overlines project, combined with a modern design and sustainable product design.

N.06 DIC 2023 13


Spline Spline is made of reglass: waste glass

tageous when working on a building

processed by Rehub, with charac-

renovation, where the spaces and

teristics similar to those of ceramic.

characteristics of the floors or walls

Spline is a furnishing element with

do not always allow hiding the tech-

a heating function and is powered

nical systems.

by electricity: it can be used on the

The design of Spline is inspired by

wall or ceiling, it is modular and in-

the shape of shaped panels for ra-

dependent of the structures and

diant floor systems and transforms

characteristics of the building in

a technical element into a design

which it is installed.

object, which heats the environ-

The choice and design of the heat-

ment and which has a strong play-

ing system is usually a difficult ac-

ful component as it allows, thanks

tivity also because the heating ele-

to a series of plug-in, to add shelves,

ments disturb the development of

hooks, lighting elements and to

the rooms and, above all, no one

adapt the product to different styles

wants to see their more technical

and models of use.

parts. In particular, Spline is advan-


S pline

N.06 DIC 2023 15

New designs IamPiavevetro IamPiavevetro was established in 2023 by Piavevetro, a company with 40 years of experience in the manufacture of window frames and in the transformation of flat glass in the building industry. IamPiavevetro is characterised by its capacity for dialogue with designers: it accompanies them in their design and produces special window frames for their clients. IamPiavevetro is an industry leader in the design and production of special window frames. The company passionately studies, creates and experiments with architectural solutions for fixtures that highlight the aesthetic and technological value of glass. Some of the most successful projects have become product series, and all are characterised by their high quality and refined design. Conceived for designers, architects and clients particularly attentive to the value of beauty and purity, IamPiavevetro frames guarantee excellent thermal and acoustic performance.

IamPiavevetro via Postioma, 108 31020, Lancenigo, TV


Architects and designers love to in-

of art. Art is indeed the starting

vent solutions, shapes, designs and

point for the launch of the second

qualities: there are no limits to in-


genuity and inventive capacity. But

The windows of art, cinema and lit-

when it comes to the production

erature are the artist’s windows that

and realisation of objects, there are

the students have redesigned on the

more than a few limits, for exam-

boundary between imagination, ar-

ple those of a technical nature. And

chitecture and design. The students

these limits are stringent, especially

propose windows to IamPiavevetro.

if these objects are parts of build-

The students challenge the aesthet-

ings: each object must integrate

ic and functional qualities to which

with other parts, correspond to ad-

we are accustomed and expand the

equate performance, be consistent

ways in which glass and window

with the indications of the regula-

frames can be used.

tions, guarantee safety and reliabil-

Window design opens up new per-

ity verifiable through tests, analyses

spectives on the past and future

and certifications, etc.

history of living. How? Which build-

IamPiavevetro works on the produc-

ings and projects become innova-

tion of windows for the construction

tive with new windows? How can

industry and supports designers in

windows give character to architec-

paths of excellence dedicated to the

tural interiors and exteriors? Can

conception, development and re-

art be useful in the design of new

alisation of custom-made windows.


IamPiavevetro therefore works on

GlassView describes a point of view

the boundary between the design

as well as a contemplative panora-

and the construction site, enhanc-

ma. Illusion glass is the glass design

ing a wide and capillary network

that articulates the functions of

of supply chains, craftsmen and

seeing, reflecting and exploring in

tools that can transform the idea of

a refined balance of forms. Finally,

a window into a window with high

Out of the frame is a project that


transposes the dense dialogue be-

The work of IamPiavevetro grants

tween windows in the history of art

extraordinary freedom to planners,

into architecture.

designers and clients: customised windows, as if they were works

N.06 DIC 2023 17


GlassView GlassView is the new bow window: a

unusual reflection effects. The frame

window in which it is possible to stand

that supports and connects all the dif-

and an observation point from which

ferent glass parts is thin and designs

to enjoy the panoramic view of Venice.

GlassView with clean lines.

GlassView is a modular and customiz-

GlassView designs and articulates the

able system. With low-emissivity glass,

connection between the external and

heat dispersion is reduced, a trans-

internal environment, it is a real win-

parent surface amplifies the connec-

dow but it is also a furnishing element

tion between inside and outside, silk-

with a strong character and which de-

screen printing can characterize each

clares and characterizes the point of

project making it unique and mirrored

view of those who observe, from their

glass or films can help preserve priva-

own home, the world around them.

cy. The opaque parts of GlassView are made of reglass produced by Rehub by recycling waste from the processing of Murano artistic glass: products capable of creating suggestions with


The residential building built by Cino Zucchi on the Giudecca becomes an opportunity to apply GlassView to the existing building, transforming the small loggias of the facade into cantilevered bow windows from which to observe and enjoy the beauty of the Venice lagoon.

N.06 DIC 2023 19

Illusion Glass In cinema, the window symbol-

while the mirrored walls reflect and

izes the possibility of looking be-

visually multiply the space, creating

yond, of reflecting on reality and

an illusion of depth.

leaving space for the imagination.

A project with glass and mirrored

As a spectator looks through the

walls could thus model spaces and

film window, he connects with the

experiences based on how they are

world and questions its nuances,

composed and strategically placed

becoming a tool for exploring real-

to emphasize the space and cre-

ity and imagination.

ate visual paths, offering continuity





between the internal and external

through and reflecting has a paral-

world and leading to reflection on

lel in the conception of architec-

the interaction between reality and

tural spaces, where glass and mir-

imagination within an architecture.

rored walls embody it. The former allow you to see and perceive the surrounding



as windows onto the outside world,



Different orientations and configurations of Illusion Glass can give the same room completely different aspects and spatiality.

N.06 DIC 2023 21


Out of the Frame Out of the Frame was born from the

The result is a geometric window

desire to go beyond the temporal

whose frame presents itself as a

and volumetric boundaries of the


window into the universe of art and


architecture, through a process of

both in plan and elevation.

addition and subtraction of masses,

The finished object is a module and

figures and suggestions.

presents itself as a multifunctional

Reinterpreting several key con-

piece of furniture, complete with

cepts, suggested by works of art

desk, shelves, drawers and an in-

and literature, Out of the Frame is

teractive glass screen that allows

designed by quoting the windows

the reproduction of famous paint-

and doors in Louis Kahn’s archi-

ings, such as those by Veronese,

tecture, in particular the volumet-

but also of fantastic landscapes

ric compositions of the study sta-

and scenarios: a true window on

tions in the Philips Exeter Academy

art and imagination.







Library and those designed for Fisher House.

“Io, gli studi leggiadri talor lasciando e le sudate carte, ove il tempo mio primo e di me si spendea la miglior parte, d’in su i veroni del paterno ostello porgea gli orecchi al suon della tua voce, ed alla man veloce che percorrea la faticosa tela.” A Silvia, Giacomo Leopardi


Out of the Frame is a modular, flexible and integrated piece of furniture with opaque and transparent parts, some of which can be opened, which can act as a support for paintings, works of art or for touchscreens where landscapes or external scenes can be projected in order to make the space totally customizable user experience.

N.06 DIC 2023 23

New knowledge Veneto Vetro Veneto Vetro is a leader in the transformation of glass in every field of application (architecture, interior design, nautical, naval, transport). Veneto Vetro proposes itself as a partner to architecture studios, interior design contracts, shipyards and naval shipyards for the realisation of the most ambitious glass projects. Veneto Vetro has sixty years of experience in glass processing, knows the market, and has a large production capacity organised in an 8,000 square metre factory equipped with an advanced machinery park. The company develops innovation to offer glass with exceptional performance while ensuring customisation and flexibility. Veneto Vetro offers consultancy from design to surveys, from production to testing and certification, from installation to testing, and guarantees complete tracking of all processing phases. Veneto Vetro offers Cromoglass and Cromoglass Gold (registered trademarks) for exclusive hexachromatic digital printing that can also be produced with ceramic and precious metal inks.

Veneto Vetro Via Ferraris Galileo. 23 31044, Montebelluna, TV


Glass is used in a multitude of con-

innovate products and processes

texts, it is increasingly widespread

under the banner of Made in Italy.

in everyday life: vehicles, electronic

The variety of solutions and pro-

devices, interior design, architec-

cesses that the company offers for

tural cladding for indoor and out-

the nautical, design and architec-

door spaces, etc. and innovations

tural sectors is extremely wide.

are always being sought and devel-

Clients and customers can inno-

oped to improve durability, to bend

vate and invent their own glass. This

the structure, to enhance its aes-

glassLAB is dedicated to them in or-

thetic aspects and more.

der to make the most of the range of

The development of new qualities

proposals in the catalogue, as well

makes glass pervasive and gives it

as to articulate questions of process

every desired function and aesthet-

and product innovation and arrive

ic quality. This type of design and

at the realisation of new glass.

supply chains are hardly identifiable

The glassLAB described in these

as exclusively industrial or hand-

pages explores the infinite results


and products of the various pro-





cesses, even combined, to which

constant innovation can transform

glass can be subjected.



Your Glass Ideas is a project dedi-

chains capable of the flexibility re-

cated to enhancing the industrial

quired by on-demand production.

dimension and craftsmanship qual-



Moreover, it must be recognised

ity of Veneto Vetro’s work. Glass

that the history and culture of glass

Game offers the possibility of ex-

characterise certain contexts and

ploring the company archive and

are available to dialogue with a wide

constructing an ad hoc sample box

variety of clients. Work and thought

for each project. Make it clear works

are closely linked in glass: the inter-

to describe the technical aspects of

pretation of aesthetic tastes and the

industrial processing, offering the

development of designs and colours

user the possibility of interacting

is no less demanding than the cut-

with them through the simulation

ting and grinding of flat glass sheets.

of products characterised by cata-

Vetro Veneto processes and trans-

logue or customised finishes.

forms flat glass, and has always worked in a tailor-made manner to

N.06 DIC 2023 25

Your Glass Ideas Your Glass Ideas is the rebranding

company, enhancing it and trans-

of Veneto Vetro, a work that fo-

forming it into a truly unitary visual

cuses on the capacity for dialogue

language that is adopted starting

and collaboration that distinguish

from the website and reaching so-

Veneto Vetro.

cial media.

The ideas and projects that can be

The new website is more stream-

developed with Veneto Vetro are

lined and improves the user experi-

enhanced by a strong visual unity

ence and facilitates the search for

and full brand recognisability.

the main information (the type of

The slogan Your Glass Ideas con-

projects and the processes of Vene-

tains the company mission: to put

to Vetro).

the client, his ideas and his requests

In this way Veneto Vetro becomes

at the centre, which are most often

recognizable and solid also in the


digital world, exactly like the man-

The communication language with

ufacturing services it offers to its

which the company proposes mod-


ifies the logo currently used by the



N.06 DIC 2023 27


GlassGame We


cation across the technical field, ded-

GlassGame: a sample box that en-




icated to professionals, and the more

hances the creative and varied char-

emotional and captivating aspects of

acter of the company’s products and

the product.


Each GlassGame allows you to collect

Three different GlassGame samples

a series of samples inside a box which

allow the description of the compa-

has a space dedicated to the descrip-

ny’s activity: one is dedicated to the

tion of the thicknesses of the plates

nautical sector, one to architecture

and the range of possible processes.

and furniture (with particular refer-

QR codes describe the environmen-

ence to contract) while the third col-

tal sustainability path undertaken by

lects the special pieces and describes

the company and an interactive glass

the processes that are possible on

screen allows access to the “Make it

every type of slab.

clear” database which is useful for in-

GlassGame allows interaction with

vestigating the range of possibilities

the material from a tactile and visual

and alternatives available and offered

point of view and develops communi-

by Veneto Vetro solutions.


Nautical / Naval


Contract / Interior / Architecture


Interactive glass screen for access to the texture samples

“digital sample”/LCD 9 physical samples that can be inserted in the box

drawer/ thickness display

pocket for technical data sheets

N.06 DIC 2023 29

Make it Clear Make it clear is a project that illus-

sequence of activities that take place

trates the extraordinary variety of

in the factory (grinding , drilling, sur-

Veneto Vetro products: Make it clear

face processing, printing, hardening,

works with clarity and transparency,

stratification and special process-

the identifying qualities of glass.

ing). Each process is described in

Veneto Vetro processes glass by

such a way as to enhance the artisan

adopting a multiple range of tech-

skill and high technology that coex-

nologies and procedures, experi-

ist in every Veneto Vetro product.

menting with combinations, finishes

The properties of the products are

and variations.

described with texts and images,

By analyzing the digital archive and

customers can choose what they

the material library of Veneto Vetro,

want from the interactive Veneto

the structure of a database has been

Vetro catalog or propose new possi-

organised: the products are present-

ble products by simulating a chain of

ed as a function of the processes, the

processes or combinations and add-

processes have been listed and can

ing customized textures or images.

be explored in compliance with the



Make it clear develops an interactive database where processes, finishes, thicknesses, colors and surface treatments can be combined and modified as desired to investigate new design solutions or identify proposals suitable for the specific project.

N.06 DIC 2023 31

New goals Pilkington Italia NSG Group is one of the world’s largest glass manufacturers: it employs 27,000 people and has production facilities in some 30 countries on four continents. Founded in 1918, NSG acquired Pilkington in 2006, which is itself a world leader in the glass industry: the float glass process was developed by Sir Alastair Pilkington in 1952 and has since become the world standard for high quality glass production. The glass factory in Venice has been in operation since 1924, on behalf of the Società Italiana Vetri e Cristalli, and since 2006 the NSG Group has been producing glass here under the Pilkington brand. Highly innovative products are made in Venice. Pilkington Optiwhite, for example, is obtained through the careful selection of raw materials that make the glass particularly transparent. There are also types of glass that have specific properties for applications in construction, furniture, refrigeration and household appliances, such as refrigerated counters, refrigerators, oven doors or heating, as well as digital signage.

Pilkington Italia Via delle Industrie, 46 30175, Marghera, VE


Float glass production consists of

for design, architecture and even au-

floating a layer of molten glass on a

tomotive applications. The students

layer of liquid tin. This is simple to

were accompanied in the study and

describe but industrially very com-

understanding of the peculiarities of

plex: raw materials, recycling materi-

these glasses and their declinations

als, temperatures, times, thicknesses,

such as AviSafe (in which transpar-

emissions, energy, balances and pol-

ent strips break the reflection of the

lutants, etc. The students who partic-

sheet and make it visible to birds), Mi-

ipated in the fourth glassLAB visited

rai (glass with a very low incorporated CO2), Activ (with a photocatalytic and

and understood the details of Pilkington’s plant in Venice, which is at the

hydrophilic coating to keep the glass

forefront of developing ever higher

clean from organic dirt), etc. Under

levels of environmental sustainability.

study and experimentation: the lat-

The raw materials for making glass

est generation of heating glass. The

are silica sand, soda ash, lime and

glassLAB and the work illustrated on

other oxides: these are weighed and

the following pages have been dedi-

mixed and introduced into a furnace

cated to this heating glass.

where they are melted at over 1550°C.

The students of this glassLAB are the

The result is a fluid: it is glass in a

creators of Pilkington’s new products

pasty state which is then poured over

and applications of heated glass. They

a bath of liquid tin: glass has a higher

have exploited heat dispersion (which

density than tin and therefore floats

naturally characterises glass panes)

on it. This is float glass. The spreading

to propose the creation of Comfort

of the glass on the tin is controlled to

View, outdoor furniture elements

determine the thickness of the glass


sheet being produced. This glass is

when the climate is harsher; Well-

heated and cooled in alternating cy-

Glass, furniture and partitions for

cles in order to obtain a defect-free

wellness and bathroom spaces; and

product. As the glass leaves the tin,

HeatHug, a project of heating parti-

it has a temperature of around 600°C

tions and accessories for offices and

and is practically rigid. It passes

open spaces, very useful in the case

through cooling tunnels before being

of redevelopment of existing spaces,

subjected to cutting operations.

even historical ones.

Pilkington in Venice produces clear and extra-clear flat glass: excellence




N.06 DIC 2023 33

Comfort View Comfort View is a product dedicated

used to replace some of the transpar-

to those places where the transpar-

ent elements that make up the cabins

ency of the glass is at the service of the

of ski lifts.

safety and pleasure of travel.

In the public transport sector, trans-

The harsh temperatures of winter (or

parency is essential to guarantee safe-

which characterize some geographi-

ty; in places of leisure such as in ski

cal areas) cause thermal discomfort

lifts, transparency is an essential con-

for travelers and therefore the pos-

dition for the enjoyment of staying or

sibility of producing energy through

traveling. Comfort View combines the

the use of photovoltaic panels thus

benefits of a heating glass with those

combines with the performance of

of a transparent glass, guaranteeing

Comfort View and creates thermal

an excellent view of the outside and

dispersion of heating glass the great-

localized climate comfort.

est advantage for its users. Comfort View can be used in places of leisure and rest but also in waiting areas of public transport, or it can also be



Examples of applications of the Comfort View system in public transport or sports facilities. In particular, an interesting application is linked to ski lift cabins in ski facilities where it is necessary to combine internal thermal comfort with a perfect view of the surrounding panorama.

N.06 DIC 2023 35


WellGlass WellGlass represents a possible use

heating glass, they can allow the

of heating glass in the world of well-

water to be heated and give comfort

ness, both in private bathrooms and

to those who use them.

in Spa centers and spas.

Humidity and water are the two

The heating mirror made of Well-

key elements for the use of Well-

Glass manages to solve the problem

Glass, which can also be used for

of the glass becoming stuck after

the construction of saunas in which

using the shower; WellGlass shower

the heating glass allows the typical

enclosures allow you to heat the en-

climatic effect of saunas to be re-

vironment efficiently by using elec-

produced through the heat emitted

tricity for the time needed to occu-

. In this case, one-way glass will be

py the room in which they are used

used, which allows the view towards

and can also be equipped with towel

the outside but hides the view to-

rails that act as towel warmers.

wards the inside of the sauna, thus

WellGlass can also be used to make

guaranteeing the privacy of the oc-

the rigid loungers that usually equip


bathtubs and spa pools: if made of


The applications of Wellglass heated glass cover the entire range of the bathroom, from the mirror to the shower, up to sunbeds or spa tubs or entire sauna cabins.

N.06 DIC 2023 37


HeatHug HeatHug is a revolutionary modu-

Thanks to its modular structure

lar radiator made of glass, specifi-

and ease of handling, it is possible

cally designed to optimize working

to develop customized configura-

conditions in offices divided into


shared spaces, such as co-working

HeatHug composes movable par-

and open space offices.

tition walls to create separate



spaces and characterize the ele-

equipped with a PVB interlayer



ments of each individual utility. The

which ensures not only a visually

HeatHug modules are designed to

appealing environment, but also a

remain functional even when they

superior acoustic experience. This

are not used as a heat source: they



are practical multifunctional sup-

cantly improves comfort and pro-

ports integrated with shelves that

ductivity in the workplace and of-

exploit the curvature of the slab to

fers elegant aesthetics.

offer support points.


HeatHug is flexible and adaptable.

Upper shelf

Heating glass plate

Metallic frame

Metal frame for wheel coupling

Retractable wheels


Postazione singola

Parete divisoria mobile

N.06 DIC 2023 39

Acknowledgements GlassLABs are opportunities to meet and compare: in a limited time they build a team, an idea and a project. This result is important and was achieved thanks to the contribution and enthusiasm of the companies that are GLASS cluster partners. In particular: Arturo Benini, Dina Miglioranzi, Nicolò Padoan and Maurizio Pesce of Pilkington Italia; Giorgia Giachetto and Michela Saviane of Veneto Vetro; Andrea Rizzo of IamPiavevetro; Matteo Silverio of rehub. Thanks also to Valeria Tatano and Adriana Casalin for letting us work in ArTec. Thanks to Chiara Squarcina for welcoming us to the Murano Glass Museum. Thanks to Laura Bobbo and Maria Stella Faggioni of the Placement office and Denis Moretto for the purchases. Thanks to Emilio Antoniol, Rosaria Revellini and Margherita Ferrari for the communication work. Thanks also to Anna Lorenz, with whom the plans for the future are always bigger and more interesting than the ones concluded. For any information on the activities of the GLASS cluster:






founded in January 2015. The cultural project was born in 2013 thanks to the drive of the three founding members, doctoral students in New technologies for the territory, the city and the environment (field of Architectural Technology) at the Iuav University of Venice, who started the first initiatives of the group within the ArTec laboratory (Archive of Techniques and Materials for Architecture and Industrial Design). During the first year of activity the OFFICINA* group grew with the participation of new doctoral students and research fellows, thus giving consistency to the project which in the first months of 2015 was transformed into a cultural association. This has as its primary intent to put the world of research in communication with that of the company, the profession and more generally the community, in order to establish and promote a dialogue and discussion on topics related to architecture and building technology. The main areas in which it operates are the redevelopment of the existing, environmental, economic and social sustainability, the valorisation of the territory and technological innovation, with particular attention to issues related to energy efficiency and the appropriate use of materials and construction technologies. For information:

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