8 minute read

Understanding the Mind of R. Buckminster Fuller

The necessity of why we need to pay attention.

Episode 1


by: Anthony P. Ashford

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: R. Buckminster Fuller - To Epiphany

a. In the Beginning: b. Disease & Monetary Equity: c. Education: d. War & Love: e. Universe: f. Side Story: Will life imitate art? g. Pivotal Epiphany:

Chapter 2: The Manual a. Stupidity: b. Poverty: c. Specialization: d. Development of Intellectual Specialization & Strength:

Part 1 - Complete Inclination of Natural Behaviors.

Part 2 - Their world of Specializations and Education

a. Specialization Part 2: b. Secret Society: c. Under Education: d. Leonardo’s: e. Education toward Specialization:

Part 3 - The Vanishing & Technology

a. WWI: b. I’m King: c. Thermodynamics: d. Extinction by Over-Specialization: e. WWII: f. The Computer:

Part 4 - Spaceship Terra

a. 60k mph: b. Photosynthesis: c. Spaceship Corruption: d. Manual: e. More with Less:

Part 5 - Do or die

a. General Systems Theory: b. Meta-Physical Universe: c. Geodesic Lines: d. Synergy:

Part 6 - Synergetics

a. Why Humans: b. Pollution: c. Mo Money, Mo Money: d. Why Wealth: e. Energy:



My child, I will never tell you what to think, I will never tell you to be quiet, and I will never tell you to be insensitive. I only ask for you to pay attention to some stories I have to share and pass along to you, so that you may acquire these historical knowledge of truths so that you may go off and learn to think for yourself. As such, I have a story for you.

Chapter 1:

R. Buckminster Fuller - To Epiphany

In the Beginning: Disease & Monetary Equity: and engineering, which was closer to his joy of tinkering and past skills. (Cotton is like the synthetic cellulose filaments we use, but it came from a regenerative plant, similar to our blue NotToc plants.) This experience led him back to The Yard for a second go, but unfortunately he was kicked out again in 1915, for “lack of ambition”. Bucky confirmed that he didn’t have any interest in his studies, and wanted to do more. After his trials in Higher Education, Bucky went off to work at a meat packing company, in New York State, which could not have been very fulfilling , laboring 6 intense days a week, or it actually might have been quite enjoyable to be around machines again, which were sparse at the time on their craft.

In a distant solar system, 38 Parsec’s away, within our galaxy a long, long time ago, in the year of their great gods, great powers and civilizations of 1885 on the 12th day of Junius, Richard Buckminster Fuller (Jr) took his first breath of oxygen in a Spacecraft, much like our KayduateinBee world spacecraft. He was born in a place called Milton, Massachusetts, a granular speck in comparison to their whole world craft, they called Terra, but a wholesome domestic community just 0.11 degrees south of one of their great and powerful cities, Boston, “The Cradle of Liberty”, and its vast aqua harbors filled with floating inner ship transport vessels. This infant came into their world craft naked, helpless and ignorant, as all of humanity still does today, until you receive your specialization mind implants and disease immunizations, during your pod growth. His biological parents, meaning they made them naturally then and without any alloy or automated or controlled generation process, were Richard Buckminster Fuller, Sr. (1861-1910), who was an inner ship merchant importer in the Boston territory, and Caroline Wolcott Andrews (1867-1934).

Like many children there at the time, they would succumbed to illnesses or disabilities of all kinds, some which were unknown to man and had no cure, that could lead to death, while others known to man were not remedied because the people were destitute, thus they may have needlessly died. Fortunately nothing so terminal struck Buckminster (Jr), but unlike the corrective advancements in science and economics we have today on KayduateinBee, Buckminster (Jr) was born with inherently inadequate eye sight. He wasn’t completely sightless, but this impressionistic perspective caused a great struggle for him during his early schooling, which only could be later corrected with false lenses to gain clarity. Thankfully, this didn’t discourage him, as he had a different knack, a gift of creating, playing with mechanics and building new models constantly. He was a real tinker.

Education: War & Love:

Buckminster came to be known formally as R. Buckminster Fuller, a decided pen name after much self-deliberation, but always desired people to call him Bucky.

Unlike the education here on KayduateinBee, Terrathian’s went through several stages of predefined, prescriptive, restrictive and controlled education from Pre, Primary, Secondary, Higher and even Doctorate schoolings. Geometria was especially a difficult concept for Bucky to grasp due to the abstract manner in which it was taught. Entrenched into their illogical methods, he struggled deep within. Education varied from region to region and country to country, especially in restrictions and control. He even lived through a time where another country was burning all the literature of the time and history, during their Great Second Earthian Wars. But for the most part he was living in the “Free Nation”, so he thought.

Bucky came from five generations of excellently learned specialists from one of the most prestigious and honored academies, the Harvard Yard, including his Great Aunt, Margaret Fuller, who had a revolutionary female lifestyle for the time as a journalist, female rights supporter and member of American Transcendentalism. In 1913, Bucky gave it a short lived go at the Yard, as he was expelled in just in his first year, in 1914, for not attending his midterm examinations and chose to spend his funds in a greater place called NYC with a bunch of stage performers. In 1914 he tried to join the NAVY, a military branch that fleets the crafts seas, but he wasn’t admitted due to his awful eyesight. As punishment from getting expelled, Bucky ended up going north to work in a cotton-mill in Quebec, Canada. Hard work as an apprentice machine fitter gained him much experience with machinery

In their Year of 1917, and at 22 years of age, his country entered into their crafts First Great Earthian War, thus Bucky decided to try to join the NAVY again. Due to the demand now, he was able to serve as a radio operator and a commander of a coastal rescue boat until the end of the war in 1919. It was nostalgically customary there, back then, to get unified prior to going off to war. I suppose Bucky fell into that style of Romanticism as he united with Anne Hewlett in 1917. She happened to be the daughter of a Beaux Arts Architect, (an ancient systems form of art and design) by the name of James Monroe Hewlett, who he would later partner in a business venture.

During his time in the NAVY, Bucky was able to develop a few designs that could help rescue their planetary sea aviators and assist vertical lift off ships. His applications led him to the Naval Academy in Annapolis for three months in 1918. (Annapolis is a quaint and early colonial city, since 1649, named after a Princess, Anne of Denmark & Norway, two countries on the other side of the craft.) The Academies logical and regimented studies in efficiency, complex systems, global communications, and technology became the foundation for much of his later works.

Universe: Side Story - Will Life Imitate Art?

As I had mentioned before, many people succumbed to illnesses or disabilities due to economic means. Bucky and Anne gave birth to their first child Alexandra in the year of their great gods, great powers and civilizations of 1918 on the 12th day of Decembris. A short year after her birth, Alexandra contracted several very severe diseases, for the time, and Bucky resigns from the Navy to be with her. Sadly, by 1922, barely four years old, she had left their Terra Craft to join the Universe. This horrible tragedy lead Bucky into a very deep and dark corner, making blame on himself for not being able to give her a more habitable space, one that wasn’t affected with moisture, in spite of his level of poverty.

Around the same time in 1922, in collaboration with his Fatherin-law, Bucky is motivated, designs and patents a light weight compressed wood wool block module that would be moisture resistant, very affordable, healthy and structurally viable for any poverty stricken family. This was his first great leap towards his purpose to Universe, which he didn’t know about yet. The two formed the Stockade Corporation around these patented Stockade Building System blocks but unfortunately by 1926 the company fails to profit and then is sold off to Celotex, making Bucky once again destitute.

Interestingly Celotex would later go bankrupt by 1990 due to their use of a highly harmful building product called Asbestos, in the 1980’s, which led to many lawsuits, because of disease they brought upon humankind. Eventually the great power of Celotex emerges a few years later and is sold off into various other companies, like the Great DOW Chemical Company of 1897 and the Greater Saint-Gobain Corporation of 1665 and other, all of whom remained operational until the Great Galactic Migration of 2095. Presumptively they continued utilizing different materials and chemicals that were harmful to the environment, people and animals, without any care or remorse, as long as they profited, but ultimately caused the Great Inhabitability Epidemic of Terra by 2047.

Luckily our Spacecraft prohibits any such activity, “so they say”. Personally, I speculate as to who the GSWOD (the Galactic Specialization, Wellness Opathy Delegation) actually is, you know, the company that makes those model HH1866 transplant and birthing pods and specialization mind implants, that always seems to go off-line.

Pivotal Epiphany:

Destitute & unemployed again and stranded in Chicago, another great city, Bucky continued to fall into this deep and dark place of depression, anxiety and heavy drinking, meandering the streets in contemplation, while deep in debt. Despite these conditions, they give birth to another daughter, Allegra, in the year of their great gods, great powers and civilizations of 1927 on the 28th day of Sextilis. (Aug). Shortly after, that autumn during one of his lonely walks, on a very cold night, knowing he has failed and felt responsible for his daughter’s death and not knowing how to provide for his family any longer, especially with a new infant and winter at his doorstep, he had suddenly found himself on the edge of a Great Lake of Michigan and thought. Highly considering swimming out until he tires and drowns, figuring the Great Life Insurance Company will take care of his family afterwards. Thankfully the story doesn’t end here for Bucky, as if it did, we wouldn’t be here to tell it.

Bucky then instantly found himself in a surrealistic state of mind, inside some spherical illuminating aura floating above ground and then a voice spoke to him.

“From now on you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth. You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to the Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.”

This transformative experience ushered an epiphany, one that causes himself to pledge his life entirely and tirelessly toward experimenting and advancing any idea that can and will contribute to bettering all of humanity and their craft, Terra.

This period of isolation and deep introspection, for two years, where he spent time thinking, meditating and studying, was to focus on finding a design or pattern that would maximize the efficiency of social, economic and industrial constructs and use of their Spacecraft’s resources. This epiphany and selfanalysis in conjunction with an analysis of universe ultimately lead to insightful, logical and practical strategies, inventions and discoveries.

...to be continued…

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