10 minute read

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 2 - Their world of Specializations and Education

Specialization Part 2: Secret Society:


Soon enough these powerful leaders would come to realize that their only competition of wealth and power would be from other powerful leaders and eventually this would lead to conflict. In order to win the battles, the powerful leaders had to be the best antithesis of specialization. They had to be allknowing in science and mathematics, history and geography, biology and water patterns, weather conditions and the best celestial navigators.

Never had man been so wrong to hide the wealth of knowledge. Never had they ever been so greedy and gluttonous, in hiding knowledge. Never had mankind been able to survive alone against the new specializations coming, that would surpass the human’s purpose, their reason for being, their need to be alive on Terra. Specialization was their extinction.

The specialists couldn’t see or comprehend the entirety of all the cunning strategies the powerful masters would unfold, which maintained immense control over them. If no one knew what you were up to or knew your plans, then no one could steal off with your goods, your wealth. The Great Masters were all-knowing and highly secretive.

Bucky stated, “The Great Pirates realized that the only people who could possibly contrive to displace them were the truly bright people. For this reason their number one strategy was secrecy.”

These trends of secrecy continued to expand, between the great politicians, governments, and corporations. As the new specializations from the digital era broke against the slave’s ideological beliefs, they all took advantage of the digital machines to expel much false and misleading information to maintain confusion, divisiveness and control, through chaos and layering it over a glossy false transparency effect. This caused more chaos, more riots, more conflicts and more wars and death, all to help reduce population, to put pause momentarily for their great escape.

Under Education: Leonardo’s:

The human beings of Terra had once thought their world to be flat and expanding to infinity, as such they constantly mislead each other on these kinds of unintellectual or oversimplified data. Even when incredibly bright minded individuals found reason that their world was spherical, it led the masses into disbelief and criticizing these intelligent beings as undesirables. It took many generations for reason to eventually persevere on many problems and discoveries, but only to some extent, as there was always unintellectual or oversimplified data being spread throughout history, leading masses to being controlled via illiteracy.

Many people followed Fullerism, long after, but the masses of people, who aimlessly wandered around without education and know-how, and many without any specialization or literacy, still felt threatened to make any changes toward progress. Fullerists were the largest minority across the globe, in respect to the billions of dull headed twits raging around over the technologically spread false narratives. Nothing changed, except that the illiterate population was so massive, it acted more like an uncontrollable virus, the system was diseased.

As time goes on, the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters needed to advance their powers to win the battles and conquer the world with wealth. But to do this, they came to realize they can’t possibly do it alone, so they would have to find a very loyal subject that would assist them in winning these wars and devising new strategies and weaponry. They would become “comprehensive anticipatory design scientists”, Bucky also referred to them as “Leonardo’s”, in reference to one of the most famous geniuses of all time on Terra, the polymath Leonardo da Vinci, and how he actually was under the power of appointment by a great and powerful leader, the Duke of Milan, where da Vinci designed all kinds of civil and military fortification defenses and weaponry and tools for the specialists, all in favor for his master.

These “Leonardo’s”, inventing powerful new tools and highly calculated winnable strategies, were like magicians to the common people and even their great Masters, which could be dangerous for the “Leonardo”.

Eventually the Leonardo’s began to disappear, becoming more scarce and secured in hiding behind the Great Masters walls, invisible to the world. Then the great masters started to claim their Leonardo’s genius as their own, so to prevent their own extinction, for not having any specializations and only piles of gold. The few remaining polymath’s we’re such an oddity that some were discarded because they solved the real problems. But those solutions would have depleted the great masters gold.

King me:

As more and more time went on, the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters were trying to build empires from one region of land to another across great seas. In order to do this, and maintain control in their lands, while they left their shores, they realize that they would need to appoint a local stooge as King, but of course they had to do this in secrecy. This led to many people’s misconception as to who actually ran the sovereign land under the King. The all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters were at the helm from afar controlling the world’s resources.

As far as I know, all we ever have had were Sovereigns.

Education Toward Specialization:

Now that the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters had their loyal Leonardo’s and appointed Puppet Kings, they still had reason to be concerned with other competition from equally intelligent and strong individuals. Bucky explained that they would ask their Puppet’s and Leonardo’s, “Anytime bright young people show up, I’d like to know, because we need Bright men.” This was obviously a control tactic that appeared to be great need for the people.

Each Bright individual would have their knowledge be segregated toward a specific field of study for later practice, unlike the Polymath; they would be forced into a specialization of education. The Great Masters would then declare that these select young intelligent and strong individuals will have to pass all of their examinations. Bucky suggested this is how schools were born. Furthermore, the Great Masters would then instruct the Kings to tell the students that they are to mind their own business or off with their heads, a fear tactic of oppression, as the Great Master was the only one could know about everyone’s business. This was the “beginning of intellectual specialization”.

Bucky believed, “Specialization is in fact only a fancy form of slavery wherein the “expert” is fooled into accepting his slavery by making him feel that in return he is in a socially and culturally preferred, ergo, highly secure, lifelong position. But only the king’s son received the kingdom-wide scope of training.”

Mass intellect seemed highly exclusive to the great masters, and after them, the great sovereigns, and then there were always debates on what one could learn and not learn, who could go to school and who couldn’t, and who could or couldn’t afford it or be accepted in one place or another. It was all geared up per familiar status.

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 3 - The Vanishing & Technology

History continued to unfold this way on Terra for generations, as Bucky proposed, until eventually the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters of the world started to become obsolete, unintelligible with new innovative science and technology that would inevitably surpass their comprehension abilities. They no longer held control over these great intellectual discoveries, their Leonardo’s and Specialists contrived, because they could not keep up with them mentally.

In Bucky’s time, the First Great Earthian War gives example to these transparent electronic technologies and chemical weapons, the Masters couldn’t understand. These keen powerful masters, who were so secretive due to the lack of trust in others, could only trust in their observations through their own senses; site, sound, touch, smell and taste. Anything else that was essentially invisible to them was incomprehensible. This left the master highly open to the susceptibility of weakness, requiring their expert specialists to advise them on such technology, yet could not draw their own opinion or judgment of such advanced matters. This became their extinction.

WWI: I’m King:

Bucky concludes with the theory of his Great Masters rule; since they were so secretive and had appointed puppet kings and put Leonardo’s and expert specialists in the lime light; no one in fact knew of the Great Masters existence let alone that they were in charge! But, the people knew they had a King.

Again, not much longer after Bucky, did technology seem to move toward a light speed of development, that hardly only the generational of the time, in its phase of development, could understand, and it took great lengths for one to manage to add the new technology to their repertoire. Great corporations were filled with top heavy CEO’s, VP’s, CFO’s Senior Associates, Senior Managers, Senior PM’s, Associates, Managers, and more, all of whom couldn’t do anything but delegate down the line until it actually hit a specialist, who understood all the technology, who understood all the know-how, and was hidden in some deep dark hole of the earth, never to be seen or to be acknowledged in the public eye, for the great master was taking their credit, and everyone else was riding on his coattails, each more smug then the next. And then eventually, only in the free society would the specialist run away and try to build their own empire, but without any capital and their former masters ruining their reputation secretly, they withered and died.

Ironically all the rules established by the Great Masters never dissipated and only passed on to the Sovereign, and then the Diplomatic Politicians and then the Great Corporations and then the monopolized Individuals that acted as King, doing whatever they pleased and making the rules behind closed doors with the politicians.

Thermodynamics: Extinction by Over-Specialization:

According to Bucky, it was the expert scientific specialists who came up with thermodynamics. While it had two “Great” laws, at the time, the second law of thermodynamics, “Entropy”, expressed that all energy transferred would lose energy. This concern was applied toward; If the universe was energy and thought to be depleting of energy, then the “energy wealth and life support” were also depleting, which led to the misunderstanding of “spending”.

To support this reasoning and belief, then the “Great” expert political economists pointed out, that human beings were multiplying at a greater rate than Energy Food Resources and as such the “Great” supreme naturalist of evolution expert, (Darwin) explains that survival shall only be for the fittest. It was clear the great masters knew there was not enough to go around, based on what their educated slaves preached.

And then we get another “Great” specialist in philosophy and critic of political economy, a “Great” pragmatic ideologist, (Marx) who says, “Well, the workers to produce things are the famous because they are the only ones who know how to physically produce and therefore they ought to be the ones to survive.”

To Bucky, this is what releases “class warfare” and divisiveness in ideology and brings upon the extinction of things as science was then just discovering that there could be enough for everyone, but only if we eliminated our sovereign borders.

It began to be common knowledge within the biology and anthropology world that extension is caused by over specialization. If we are to breed to specific specializations then we sacrifice our general adaptabilities to survive. Bucky explains this in a story about a bird that lived in the marshlands and continually fed offer the grubs below, without much need to ever leave the area, as they had everything available to them there. Eventually over time the beaks grew longer and longer, heavier and heavier, giving them specialization in the efficiency for getting at those grubs. Until one day the bird doesn’t recognize they can no longer fly away from the marshland, especially on the day of a “Great” brushfire, and so they all die via over-specialization.

As explained earlier, the same phenomenon happened to the “Great Leaders”, their over-specialization focused toward their gluttonous production of money gave to their extension. Bucky references similarities in the “world-paralyzing economic crash of 1929”.

Later the highly advanced specialization of computers and software would lead to the extinction of many careers and jobs, as the work required fewer workers, due to machine takeover, and mass technological illiteracy, which was a backwards momentum for the educational system.

WWII: The Computer:

Bucky believed that their Great Second Earthian War was brought about by the economic disaster of the twenties and thirties; and when the people demanded the Puppets, the heads of state, to get things back in order and acquire food and resources, there seemed to be ideological differences in how to go about that, between opposing political leaders, regardless if it was under the control of communism, capitalism or fascism. Ultimately this ignorance leads toward this world’s most horrific scenes of brutality and extermination.

Now with even more over specialized specialists in warfare, physics, science and technology, Bucky’s own Leaders move toward an Armageddon device like no other. In the year of their great gods, great powers, great specialists and civilization of 1945 on the 6th and 9th days of Sextilis. (Aug), they dropped two Atomic bombs on an opposing sovereign state. While this immediately ended the war, it was not without horrific scenes of brutality and extermination. It was to be our extinction, if we continue.

WWIII = The End.

-Buckminster Fuller at MIT - Spaceship Earth - 1979

With all the tensions of their continued growth toward a more realized and feared extinction, via a nuclear holocaust, a strange new technological specialization, that would make humans somewhat obsolete, came in the shape of a computer. According to Bucky, the computer came just in time to deprive man of control and mitigate their annihilation.

Unfortunately it would deprive many from gaining employment, due to what I had already mentioned, technological illiteracy. Additionally the few remaining specialists were hidden so far down the top heavy upside down pyramid that they could not earn a decent living to provide for their families or even just themselves, and as such these oddities were alone. Eventually suicide rates climbed, and then the mass theft of goods occurred, and no one knew how to hunt or gather, nor was there a place to hunt, as all other living things were being packaged and under strict control for the masters who could afford it. Eventually the masters gathered up all the few remaining specialists, to collect their minds digitally, to be taken and stored for the Great Escape.

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