2 minute read
Chapter 2: The Manual
from Understanding the Mind of R. Buckminster Fuller - The necessity of why we need to pay attention.
Part 5 – Do or Die
General Systems Theory: Meta-Physical Universe:
Bucky pointed out how humans have failed, toward extinction, with a mindset of Specializations, which is a microcosmic limitation. He understood that if you don’t understand how the macro system works, you can’t understand how the microsystem works. This would lead to his idea that we needed to organize Universe. However, the first step was that we needed to acknowledge that all our spaceships resources are finite and if we do not implement a proactive approach, our nutrients will all be exhausted.
To organize Universe, they must learn the generalized principles that govern Universe and not use the reactive reflexes from past misleading ways. Secondly, He believed that we should be like planners, and look toward the largest way to think, but even greater, and that of the Universe and its problems and work our way in. He says, “How do we think in terms of wholes? “How BIG can we think?”
This is how Bucky saw General Systems Theory, to examine the largest systems scientifically by cataloging all imperative variables within a problem. Therefore, they were going to have to think as large as their advanced sciences and technologies experiences had given them in order to succeed.
Do we think in terms of the largest scale, universe, and work our way down to our spaceship? What does our computer tell us?
Keep in mind, as mentioned before, the second law of thermodynamics states, “Energy can neither be created nor lost and, therefore, that energy is conserved and is therefore finite.”
E = mc² is the equation Albert Einstein, a “Super Genius Leonardo” came up with to define the physical universe in his theory of special relativity, which defined mass and energy are equal to the physical object and can interchange into each other.
It stipulates, “The increased relativistic mass (m) of a body times the speed of light squared (c2) is equal to the kinetic energy (E) of that body.”
Now at the time, none of these “Great Leonardo’s” could describe the universe any other way but physical. Bucky however concludes that Universe is both physical and metaphysical and he defines it as:
“The universe is the aggregate of all of humanity’s consciouslyapprehended and communicated experience with the nonsimultaneous, nonidentical, and only partially overlapping, always complimentary, weighable and unweighable, ever omni-transforming, event sequences.”
Essentially he claims that every experience is finite, thus they have a beginning and they have an ending.
Geodesic Lines: Synergy:
Bucky expressed that in order to organize Universe; it must be done in the most economical means. To achieve this, he had to understand that all systems relationships are recurring to themselves and from a variety of different directions. (I might go as far as to say, a Sustainable System.) All systems must then only be efficient with recurring data, if they were circular. Bucky believed this to be true, similar in relation to a corkscrew trajectory; he understood that geodesic lines were by far the most economical, from one point to another. This would be the same manner as to how he would approach his general systems theory as “geodesicly structured thoughts” for the metaphysical and would also be his approach toward physical structures when he reinvented and popularized the geodesic dome. A fine example of:
“It’s literally possible to do more with less”.
Bucky had built over 300,000 geodesic domes in his life time, but the continuation of the process pretty much ended and only a few domes remained until the end. While it became popularized, they were such an oddity to the whole system of people who couldn’t adapt to change and so it never took hold.
“Behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the separately observed behaviors of any of the system’s separate parts or any subassembly of the system’s parts.”
“Life is Synergetic.”
“Universe is Synergetic.”