4 minute read
Chapter 2: The Manual
from Understanding the Mind of R. Buckminster Fuller - The necessity of why we need to pay attention.
Part 1 - Complete Inclination of Natural Behaviors
Stupidity: Poverty:
Bucky believed that humankinds natural behavior was to not purposely live to its fullest potential and that it found itself more comfortable and easier to get along in society if we maintained our stupidity and ignorance and simply stayed within our slim path and perspectives of limited specializations, hoping all our common problems will be resolved by the great powers. Nonetheless, he was very enthusiastic about man’s ability to immediately solve a problem under dire straits; however they weren’t always ideal solutions and they kept using the same old model without ever mastering the problem.
Not long after R. Buckminster Fuller dies, would his world seem to almost forget his life’s teachings around the world. Specializations were more highly defined. Great powers continued to rule over the weak while people would stay in their lane and conform with the ever powerful ignorance that was force-fed to them. It began to be clearer and clearer that Sovereigns would only resolve problems in direct cause and effect, reactionary, and they would continue in ever more deliberate warfaring, without even calling them a war, but instead a conflict, or a storm. New models were being proposed by those who knew they were at a desperation point of no return, but no one was listening, at least in the masses to make a real difference. This all lead to their extinction.
Bucky’s life experiences provided him sympathy and understanding toward issues of poverty. Throughout the years he would see how society or rather the great powers would displace the poverty stricken built communities with greater structures that they could no longer afford. You could always sense his discontent and anger in his writing about such selfishness and corrupt methods; that if they were to simply eliminate the problem by its displacement, to make out of sight from the wealthy; they could pretend under a great falsehood that poverty had been resolved.
In fact poverty was never eliminated it only relocated, and when much of this class is constantly disbursed it eventually goes somewhere collectively. And then when it is seen in a mass greater than ever before people seem to be perplexed as to “how did this happen”. But he understood that these costs and many like them are a direct result of our shortsightedness and selfishness.
The circumstances of economic equity had never been resolved on Terra. The solutions were there, the science was given, the models were proposed, but it never gained momentum. They never really understood the meaning of try wealth. Upon the Great Galactic Migration of 2095, there were only a few who left Terra. Not all could afford to go and we left billions behind.
Bucky blamed much of mankind’s failures on several elements; but his most popular theory was that society believed it would be successful if every person had a specialization versus having a vastly comprehensive and integrable knowledge toward many subjects. His proof was always with children who could always express in simplest terms there ever constant enthusiasm, curiosity and spontaneity in the desire to know everything. Somehow this innocence and truth becomes corrupt with an adult society. He suggests that if humankind were intended to be specialists then we would have “been born with one eye and a microscope attached to it.”
Bucky points to “the great powers” who have, throughout time, always and purposely exploited the ignorance of an illiterate and highly instinctual reproductive society, all for their own benefit.
Development of Intellectual Specialization & Strength:
To comprehend the development of specialization, Bucky examined the history of the human’s on Terra as far back as he can imagine; when exploits began. Terra’s craft was composed of ¾ of its surface as water and only ¼ of it as dry earth. It makes us wonder why they never called it Oceanus. But the reality was, prior to exploration across the waters, humanity was trapped within its own local confines of habitable land, which was less than half of the dry earth. It wasn’t until the ambition of a select few powerful and shrewd leaders, who would embark on crossing these vast waters, if perhaps only at first for adventure or curiosity like a child, but would later evolve into a way to become even more rich and powerful by means of a great enterprise, trade. They realized that the lands resources were unevenly distributed and so the value of goods that one had would be valuable to another across a sea that doesn’t have that good and vice versa.
But in order to cross these great waters, the great leaders required many specializations to succeed in such a venture and they had to be able to command their floating crafts. To do this, they would have to maintain the knowledge of “all” and only delegate specific tasks or duties to their subordinates, which would lead to the assigning of specializations, as such, only the great leader could maintain great power and enormous wealth over the ignorant majority, by this very method.
Specialization became even more advanced as the computer entered its era on Terra. Eventually the computer and robotic machines began to displace the massive volumes of people. Those that had work were now slave to their master computer, simply entering data, to give to their masters impersonally across an invisible binary codded network. Geniuses were in very short supply as if all the Leonardo’s were locked up in Sovereigns dungeons and the computer was now doing the thinking to the point, people could no longer spell for themselves or find their way on a map or recall ones contact information. No longer were people working physically and mentally. It had moved all so poorly into the wrong direction, making the computer the Great Master Specialist.
Bucky understood the great savvy sea leaders knew they could increase their wealth more substantially by using ships for cargo, the larger the better, and delivering goods faster by going around their homeland shores by water, than traveling across the land. He also knew the great savvy sea leaders couldn’t just maintain control by specialization and withholding literacy but also would need to maintain control by ultimate strength, so never to be over turned, and so the leaders would have to master the sword. (A deadly edged bladed weapon) To maintain this legendary power, it was central to form the next great singular savvy sea leader into a great and unbeatable swordsman and an all-knowing cunning mind at an early age, to pass along their “rights”, heir to the throne, over the ignorant specialized slaves.
As time passed, these powerful leaders would then become to have machines, operated by the slaves, to act on their behalf as their mighty swords. This ignorance never deceased and lasted up until their end, ultimately with their radioactive swords in full display all across the globe from every direction, all energy was spent, and then all had vanished, but a few ticket holders.