3 minute read
Chapter 2: The Manual
from Understanding the Mind of R. Buckminster Fuller - The necessity of why we need to pay attention.
Part 4 – Spaceship Terra
60k mph: Photosynthesis:
Over the years Bucky would perform many lectures across the globe, ironically as an expert specialist of some kind, and he always heard from others, “I wonder what it would be like to be on board a spaceship,” Bucky’s response to questions like these was typically given with some satirical humor. He would reply in question, “What does it feel like?”
His basic point was that we are all currently living on a spaceship, without knowing it. So he would clarify, our world spaceship happens to be spherical and 8000 miles in diameter and travels at 60,000 miles per hour around our closest star, the Sun, (92,000,000 miles away) all while spinning on an axis. We are basically astronauts because our spaceship is zooming through space, has a limited amount of supplies to sustain us indefinitely, and like astronauts, we must be prudent in how we gobble up our finite resources and resolve how we can maintain our survival infinitely.
Human beings have been on board this spaceship for two million years without even knowing what it was. It was so well designed, camouflaged from its reality, it continued to maintain and regenerate life despite that all physical Energy Systems lose energy upon conversion. But we had our Sun to thank for its regenerative properties to sustain life’s biological needs to thrive and regrow to continue its sustainability, plus the misconception of all its abundance seemed highly unlikely that the supply chain would ever diminish, even to the slightest of levels.
Bucky would further explain their preciousness in respect to their Powerful Star and Spacecraft’s inherent abilities. Long before his lifetime (c.1600) humankind discovered their spaceship had some type of force field, a protective shield around its Craft, and they called this a magnetosphere. It wasn’t until the 1940’s for Dynamo Theory to take hold, which suggested that all celestial bodies create a magnetic field by spinning against their inner and outer iron cores, which acts like a dynamo conducting an invisible fluid energy that results in a torus shaped magnetic field. Not long after this theory, in 1958, the Van Allen Radiation Belts are discovered, which was the very thing in understanding the entirety of how the magnetic fields worked, they were protecting life on Terra from their Powerful Star’s intense radioactive solar winds and the rest of the universes radioactive cosmic rays from completely annihilating their atmosphere before life could even begin. It had acted as a force field on their Spaceship, until they began to destroy it. Nonetheless, their field would also capture this radiation in the magnetic belts, which posed a whole new complexity of how they would travel, and later escape, outside of their atmosphere into outer space in search for a new regenerative planet.
It is important to note that Bucky was also expressing its spaceship’s preciousness in relation to how their magnetosphere not only protects them but also allows radiation to enter the atmosphere to give life to nature and cause the process of photosynthesis which would consume water and carbon dioxide which would result in the regeneration of oxygen. This was just one of many ways Bucky understood how delicate of a balance it was to maintain their spaceship.
Spaceship Corruption: Manual:
Bucky explained, “…up to now we have been misusing, abusing, and polluting this extraordinary chemical energyinterchanging system for successfully regenerating all life aboard our planetary spaceship.”
He provides a simple generalization toward any owned mechanical product, that if you want it to last long, you needed to keep it in good condition and working order. Failure to do so would result in the machine breaking down. He explained this would be the same for our spaceship if we didn’t respect it.
Bucky surmised, that there must be a reason human beings were not given a manual for their spaceship, so that we would be forced to do experimental procedures and gain intellect so they can foretell any kind or quantity of problems that would prohibit life to continue. This would offer them advancements into scientific and technological abilities to hopefully course correct their Spaceship Corruption, prior to it getting out of control.
He says, “Human beings are to discover some of the physical leverage-multiplying principles inherent in universe as well as the many none obvious resources around them which will further compoundingly multiply their knowledge-regenerating and life-fostering advantages.” “Objective employment of those generalized principles in rearranging the physical resources of environment seems to be leading to humanity’s eventually total success and readiness to cope with far vaster problems of universe.”
More with Less:
Bucky explained that with all the experiences (experiments) humankind had gone through, they would eventually come to some fundamental principles in physics, like the general principle understanding of leverage, that would give human beings ability to use their high reasoning successfully. This supreme faculty of intelligence provided them, especially Bucky, in understanding that it is “literally possible to do more with less”.
There were a lot of people on Terra that really tried, but the exponential growth of human population became out of control. As further explained, this population growth, in combination with technological illiteracy, as well as global mass poverty; led to the downfall of their civilization. If it weren’t for the politicians, corporations and the massive wealthy individuals controlling the world and their hold of gold greed, then perhaps maybe the Terrathian’s could have survived.