Understanding the Mind of R. Buckminster Fuller - The necessity of why we need to pay attention.

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Understanding the Mind of R. Buckminster Fuller

The necessity of why we need to pay attention.

Episode 1

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: R. Buckminster Fuller - To Epiphany

a. In the Beginning:

b. Disease & Monetary Equity:

c. Education:

d. War & Love:

e. Universe:

f. Side Story: Will life imitate art?

g. Pivotal Epiphany:

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 1 - Complete Inclination of Natural Behaviors.

a. Stupidity:

b. Poverty:

c. Specialization:

d. Development of Intellectual Specialization & Strength:

Part 2 - Their world of Specializations and Education

a. Specialization Part 2:

b. Secret Society:

c. Under Education:

d. Leonardo’s:

e. Education toward Specialization:

Part 3 - The Vanishing & Technology

a. WWI:

b. I’m King:

c. Thermodynamics:

d. Extinction by Over-Specialization:

e. WWII:

f. The Computer:

Part 4 - Spaceship Terra

a. 60k mph:

b. Photosynthesis:

c. Spaceship Corruption:

d. Manual:

e. More with Less:

Part 5 - Do or die

a. General Systems Theory:

b. Meta-Physical Universe:

c. Geodesic Lines:

d. Synergy:

Part 6 - Synergetics

a. Why Humans:

b. Pollution:

c. Mo Money, Mo Money:

d. Why Wealth:

e. Energy:



My child, I will never tell you what to think, I will never tell you to be quiet, and I will never tell you to be insensitive. I only ask for you to pay attention to some stories I have to share and pass along to you, so that you may acquire these historical knowledge of truths so that you may go off and learn to think for yourself. As such, I have a story for you.

Chapter 1:

R. Buckminster Fuller - To Epiphany

In the Beginning: Disease & Monetary Equity:

In a distant solar system, 38 Parsec’s away, within our galaxy a long, long time ago, in the year of their great gods, great powers and civilizations of 1885 on the 12th day of Junius, Richard Buckminster Fuller (Jr) took his first breath of oxygen in a Spacecraft, much like our KayduateinBee world spacecraft. He was born in a place called Milton, Massachusetts, a granular speck in comparison to their whole world craft, they called Terra, but a wholesome domestic community just 0.11 degrees south of one of their great and powerful cities, Boston, “The Cradle of Liberty”, and its vast aqua harbors filled with floating inner ship transport vessels. This infant came into their world craft naked, helpless and ignorant, as all of humanity still does today, until you receive your specialization mind implants and disease immunizations, during your pod growth. His biological parents, meaning they made them naturally then and without any alloy or automated or controlled generation process, were Richard Buckminster Fuller, Sr. (1861-1910), who was an inner ship merchant importer in the Boston territory, and Caroline Wolcott Andrews (1867-1934).

Like many children there at the time, they would succumbed to illnesses or disabilities of all kinds, some which were unknown to man and had no cure, that could lead to death, while others known to man were not remedied because the people were destitute, thus they may have needlessly died. Fortunately nothing so terminal struck Buckminster (Jr), but unlike the corrective advancements in science and economics we have today on KayduateinBee, Buckminster (Jr) was born with inherently inadequate eye sight. He wasn’t completely sightless, but this impressionistic perspective caused a great struggle for him during his early schooling, which only could be later corrected with false lenses to gain clarity. Thankfully, this didn’t discourage him, as he had a different knack, a gift of creating, playing with mechanics and building new models constantly. He was a real tinker.

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and engineering, which was closer to his joy of tinkering and past skills. (Cotton is like the synthetic cellulose filaments we use, but it came from a regenerative plant, similar to our blue NotToc plants.) This experience led him back to The Yard for a second go, but unfortunately he was kicked out again in 1915, for “lack of ambition”. Bucky confirmed that he didn’t have any interest in his studies, and wanted to do more. After his trials in Higher Education, Bucky went off to work at a meat packing company, in New York State, which could not have been very fulfilling , laboring 6 intense days a week, or it actually might have been quite enjoyable to be around machines again, which were sparse at the time on their craft.

Education: War & Love:

Buckminster came to be known formally as R. Buckminster Fuller, a decided pen name after much self-deliberation, but always desired people to call him Bucky.

Unlike the education here on KayduateinBee, Terrathian’s went through several stages of predefined, prescriptive, restrictive and controlled education from Pre, Primary, Secondary, Higher and even Doctorate schoolings. Geometria was especially a difficult concept for Bucky to grasp due to the abstract manner in which it was taught. Entrenched into their illogical methods, he struggled deep within. Education varied from region to region and country to country, especially in restrictions and control. He even lived through a time where another country was burning all the literature of the time and history, during their Great Second Earthian Wars. But for the most part he was living in the “Free Nation”, so he thought.

Bucky came from five generations of excellently learned specialists from one of the most prestigious and honored academies, the Harvard Yard, including his Great Aunt, Margaret Fuller, who had a revolutionary female lifestyle for the time as a journalist, female rights supporter and member of American Transcendentalism. In 1913, Bucky gave it a short lived go at the Yard, as he was expelled in just in his first year, in 1914, for not attending his midterm examinations and chose to spend his funds in a greater place called NYC with a bunch of stage performers. In 1914 he tried to join the NAVY, a military branch that fleets the crafts seas, but he wasn’t admitted due to his awful eyesight. As punishment from getting expelled, Bucky ended up going north to work in a cotton-mill in Quebec, Canada. Hard work as an apprentice machine fitter gained him much experience with machinery

In their Year of 1917, and at 22 years of age, his country entered into their crafts First Great Earthian War, thus Bucky decided to try to join the NAVY again. Due to the demand now, he was able to serve as a radio operator and a commander of a coastal rescue boat until the end of the war in 1919. It was nostalgically customary there, back then, to get unified prior to going off to war. I suppose Bucky fell into that style of Romanticism as he united with Anne Hewlett in 1917. She happened to be the daughter of a Beaux Arts Architect, (an ancient systems form of art and design) by the name of James Monroe Hewlett, who he would later partner in a business venture.

During his time in the NAVY, Bucky was able to develop a few designs that could help rescue their planetary sea aviators and assist vertical lift off ships. His applications led him to the Naval Academy in Annapolis for three months in 1918. (Annapolis is a quaint and early colonial city, since 1649, named after a Princess, Anne of Denmark & Norway, two countries on the other side of the craft.) The Academies logical and regimented studies in efficiency, complex systems, global communications, and technology became the foundation for much of his later works.

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Universe: Side Story - Will Life Imitate Art?

As I had mentioned before, many people succumbed to illnesses or disabilities due to economic means. Bucky and Anne gave birth to their first child Alexandra in the year of their great gods, great powers and civilizations of 1918 on the 12th day of Decembris. A short year after her birth, Alexandra contracted several very severe diseases, for the time, and Bucky resigns from the Navy to be with her. Sadly, by 1922, barely four years old, she had left their Terra Craft to join the Universe. This horrible tragedy lead Bucky into a very deep and dark corner, making blame on himself for not being able to give her a more habitable space, one that wasn’t affected with moisture, in spite of his level of poverty.

Around the same time in 1922, in collaboration with his Fatherin-law, Bucky is motivated, designs and patents a light weight compressed wood wool block module that would be moisture resistant, very affordable, healthy and structurally viable for any poverty stricken family. This was his first great leap towards his purpose to Universe, which he didn’t know about yet. The two formed the Stockade Corporation around these patented Stockade Building System blocks but unfortunately by 1926 the company fails to profit and then is sold off to Celotex, making Bucky once again destitute.

Interestingly Celotex would later go bankrupt by 1990 due to their use of a highly harmful building product called Asbestos, in the 1980’s, which led to many lawsuits, because of disease they brought upon humankind. Eventually the great power of Celotex emerges a few years later and is sold off into various other companies, like the Great DOW Chemical Company of 1897 and the Greater Saint-Gobain Corporation of 1665 and other, all of whom remained operational until the Great Galactic Migration of 2095. Presumptively they continued utilizing different materials and chemicals that were harmful to the environment, people and animals, without any care or remorse, as long as they profited, but ultimately caused the Great Inhabitability Epidemic of Terra by 2047.

Luckily our Spacecraft prohibits any such activity, “so they say”. Personally, I speculate as to who the GSWOD (the Galactic Specialization, Wellness Opathy Delegation) actually is, you know, the company that makes those model HH1866 transplant and birthing pods and specialization mind implants, that always seems to go off-line.

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Pivotal Epiphany:

Destitute & unemployed again and stranded in Chicago, another great city, Bucky continued to fall into this deep and dark place of depression, anxiety and heavy drinking, meandering the streets in contemplation, while deep in debt. Despite these conditions, they give birth to another daughter, Allegra, in the year of their great gods, great powers and civilizations of 1927 on the 28th day of Sextilis. (Aug). Shortly after, that autumn during one of his lonely walks, on a very cold night, knowing he has failed and felt responsible for his daughter’s death and not knowing how to provide for his family any longer, especially with a new infant and winter at his doorstep, he had suddenly found himself on the edge of a Great Lake of Michigan and thought. Highly considering swimming out until he tires and drowns, figuring the Great Life Insurance Company will take care of his family afterwards. Thankfully the story doesn’t end here for Bucky, as if it did, we wouldn’t be here to tell it.

Bucky then instantly found himself in a surrealistic state of mind, inside some spherical illuminating aura floating above ground and then a voice spoke to him.

“From now on you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth. You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to the Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.”

This transformative experience ushered an epiphany, one that causes himself to pledge his life entirely and tirelessly toward experimenting and advancing any idea that can and will contribute to bettering all of humanity and their craft, Terra.

This period of isolation and deep introspection, for two years, where he spent time thinking, meditating and studying, was to focus on finding a design or pattern that would maximize the efficiency of social, economic and industrial constructs and use of their Spacecraft’s resources. This epiphany and selfanalysis in conjunction with an analysis of universe ultimately lead to insightful, logical and practical strategies, inventions and discoveries.

...to be continued…

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“I made a bargain with myself that I’d discover the principles operative in the universe and turn them over to my fellow men.”
The Graduate Review (1976), “Interview with R. Buckminster Fuller.”

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 1 - Complete Inclination of Natural Behaviors

Stupidity: Poverty:

Bucky believed that humankinds natural behavior was to not purposely live to its fullest potential and that it found itself more comfortable and easier to get along in society if we maintained our stupidity and ignorance and simply stayed within our slim path and perspectives of limited specializations, hoping all our common problems will be resolved by the great powers. Nonetheless, he was very enthusiastic about man’s ability to immediately solve a problem under dire straits; however they weren’t always ideal solutions and they kept using the same old model without ever mastering the problem.

Not long after R. Buckminster Fuller dies, would his world seem to almost forget his life’s teachings around the world. Specializations were more highly defined. Great powers continued to rule over the weak while people would stay in their lane and conform with the ever powerful ignorance that was force-fed to them. It began to be clearer and clearer that Sovereigns would only resolve problems in direct cause and effect, reactionary, and they would continue in ever more deliberate warfaring, without even calling them a war, but instead a conflict, or a storm. New models were being proposed by those who knew they were at a desperation point of no return, but no one was listening, at least in the masses to make a real difference. This all lead to their extinction.

Bucky’s life experiences provided him sympathy and understanding toward issues of poverty. Throughout the years he would see how society or rather the great powers would displace the poverty stricken built communities with greater structures that they could no longer afford. You could always sense his discontent and anger in his writing about such selfishness and corrupt methods; that if they were to simply eliminate the problem by its displacement, to make out of sight from the wealthy; they could pretend under a great falsehood that poverty had been resolved.

In fact poverty was never eliminated it only relocated, and when much of this class is constantly disbursed it eventually goes somewhere collectively. And then when it is seen in a mass greater than ever before people seem to be perplexed as to “how did this happen”. But he understood that these costs and many like them are a direct result of our shortsightedness and selfishness.

The circumstances of economic equity had never been resolved on Terra. The solutions were there, the science was given, the models were proposed, but it never gained momentum. They never really understood the meaning of try wealth. Upon the Great Galactic Migration of 2095, there were only a few who left Terra. Not all could afford to go and we left billions behind.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller-
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Bucky blamed much of mankind’s failures on several elements; but his most popular theory was that society believed it would be successful if every person had a specialization versus having a vastly comprehensive and integrable knowledge toward many subjects. His proof was always with children who could always express in simplest terms there ever constant enthusiasm, curiosity and spontaneity in the desire to know everything. Somehow this innocence and truth becomes corrupt with an adult society. He suggests that if humankind were intended to be specialists then we would have “been born with one eye and a microscope attached to it.”

Bucky points to “the great powers” who have, throughout time, always and purposely exploited the ignorance of an illiterate and highly instinctual reproductive society, all for their own benefit.

Development of Intellectual Specialization & Strength:

To comprehend the development of specialization, Bucky examined the history of the human’s on Terra as far back as he can imagine; when exploits began. Terra’s craft was composed of ¾ of its surface as water and only ¼ of it as dry earth. It makes us wonder why they never called it Oceanus. But the reality was, prior to exploration across the waters, humanity was trapped within its own local confines of habitable land, which was less than half of the dry earth. It wasn’t until the ambition of a select few powerful and shrewd leaders, who would embark on crossing these vast waters, if perhaps only at first for adventure or curiosity like a child, but would later evolve into a way to become even more rich and powerful by means of a great enterprise, trade. They realized that the lands resources were unevenly distributed and so the value of goods that one had would be valuable to another across a sea that doesn’t have that good and vice versa.

But in order to cross these great waters, the great leaders required many specializations to succeed in such a venture and they had to be able to command their floating crafts. To do this, they would have to maintain the knowledge of “all” and only delegate specific tasks or duties to their subordinates, which would lead to the assigning of specializations, as such, only the great leader could maintain great power and enormous wealth over the ignorant majority, by this very method.

Specialization became even more advanced as the computer entered its era on Terra. Eventually the computer and robotic machines began to displace the massive volumes of people. Those that had work were now slave to their master computer, simply entering data, to give to their masters impersonally across an invisible binary codded network. Geniuses were in very short supply as if all the Leonardo’s were locked up in Sovereigns dungeons and the computer was now doing the thinking to the point, people could no longer spell for themselves or find their way on a map or recall ones contact information. No longer were people working physically and mentally. It had moved all so poorly into the wrong direction, making the computer the Great Master Specialist.

Bucky understood the great savvy sea leaders knew they could increase their wealth more substantially by using ships for cargo, the larger the better, and delivering goods faster by going around their homeland shores by water, than traveling across the land. He also knew the great savvy sea leaders couldn’t just maintain control by specialization and withholding literacy but also would need to maintain control by ultimate strength, so never to be over turned, and so the leaders would have to master the sword. (A deadly edged bladed weapon) To maintain this legendary power, it was central to form the next great singular savvy sea leader into a great and unbeatable swordsman and an all-knowing cunning mind at an early age, to pass along their “rights”, heir to the throne, over the ignorant specialized slaves.

As time passed, these powerful leaders would then become to have machines, operated by the slaves, to act on their behalf as their mighty swords. This ignorance never deceased and lasted up until their end, ultimately with their radioactive swords in full display all across the globe from every direction, all energy was spent, and then all had vanished, but a few ticket holders.

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“To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.”
-Buckminster Fuller at MIT - Spaceship Earth - 1979

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 2 - Their world of Specializations and Education

Specialization Part 2: Secret Society:

Soon enough these powerful leaders would come to realize that their only competition of wealth and power would be from other powerful leaders and eventually this would lead to conflict. In order to win the battles, the powerful leaders had to be the best antithesis of specialization. They had to be allknowing in science and mathematics, history and geography, biology and water patterns, weather conditions and the best celestial navigators.

Never had man been so wrong to hide the wealth of knowledge. Never had they ever been so greedy and gluttonous, in hiding knowledge. Never had mankind been able to survive alone against the new specializations coming, that would surpass the human’s purpose, their reason for being, their need to be alive on Terra. Specialization was their extinction.

The specialists couldn’t see or comprehend the entirety of all the cunning strategies the powerful masters would unfold, which maintained immense control over them. If no one knew what you were up to or knew your plans, then no one could steal off with your goods, your wealth. The Great Masters were all-knowing and highly secretive.

Bucky stated, “The Great Pirates realized that the only people who could possibly contrive to displace them were the truly bright people. For this reason their number one strategy was secrecy.”

These trends of secrecy continued to expand, between the great politicians, governments, and corporations. As the new specializations from the digital era broke against the slave’s ideological beliefs, they all took advantage of the digital machines to expel much false and misleading information to maintain confusion, divisiveness and control, through chaos and layering it over a glossy false transparency effect. This caused more chaos, more riots, more conflicts and more wars and death, all to help reduce population, to put pause momentarily for their great escape.

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Under Education: Leonardo’s:

The human beings of Terra had once thought their world to be flat and expanding to infinity, as such they constantly mislead each other on these kinds of unintellectual or oversimplified data. Even when incredibly bright minded individuals found reason that their world was spherical, it led the masses into disbelief and criticizing these intelligent beings as undesirables. It took many generations for reason to eventually persevere on many problems and discoveries, but only to some extent, as there was always unintellectual or oversimplified data being spread throughout history, leading masses to being controlled via illiteracy.

Many people followed Fullerism, long after, but the masses of people, who aimlessly wandered around without education and know-how, and many without any specialization or literacy, still felt threatened to make any changes toward progress. Fullerists were the largest minority across the globe, in respect to the billions of dull headed twits raging around over the technologically spread false narratives. Nothing changed, except that the illiterate population was so massive, it acted more like an uncontrollable virus, the system was diseased.

As time goes on, the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters needed to advance their powers to win the battles and conquer the world with wealth. But to do this, they came to realize they can’t possibly do it alone, so they would have to find a very loyal subject that would assist them in winning these wars and devising new strategies and weaponry. They would become “comprehensive anticipatory design scientists”, Bucky also referred to them as “Leonardo’s”, in reference to one of the most famous geniuses of all time on Terra, the polymath Leonardo da Vinci, and how he actually was under the power of appointment by a great and powerful leader, the Duke of Milan, where da Vinci designed all kinds of civil and military fortification defenses and weaponry and tools for the specialists, all in favor for his master.

These “Leonardo’s”, inventing powerful new tools and highly calculated winnable strategies, were like magicians to the common people and even their great Masters, which could be dangerous for the “Leonardo”.

Eventually the Leonardo’s began to disappear, becoming more scarce and secured in hiding behind the Great Masters walls, invisible to the world. Then the great masters started to claim their Leonardo’s genius as their own, so to prevent their own extinction, for not having any specializations and only piles of gold. The few remaining polymath’s we’re such an oddity that some were discarded because they solved the real problems. But those solutions would have depleted the great masters gold.

“We operate on the idea that specialization is the key to success.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller-
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King me:

As more and more time went on, the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters were trying to build empires from one region of land to another across great seas. In order to do this, and maintain control in their lands, while they left their shores, they realize that they would need to appoint a local stooge as King, but of course they had to do this in secrecy. This led to many people’s misconception as to who actually ran the sovereign land under the King. The all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters were at the helm from afar controlling the world’s resources.

As far as I know, all we ever have had were Sovereigns.

Education Toward Specialization:

Now that the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters had their loyal Leonardo’s and appointed Puppet Kings, they still had reason to be concerned with other competition from equally intelligent and strong individuals. Bucky explained that they would ask their Puppet’s and Leonardo’s, “Anytime bright young people show up, I’d like to know, because we need Bright men.” This was obviously a control tactic that appeared to be great need for the people.

Each Bright individual would have their knowledge be segregated toward a specific field of study for later practice, unlike the Polymath; they would be forced into a specialization of education. The Great Masters would then declare that these select young intelligent and strong individuals will have to pass all of their examinations. Bucky suggested this is how schools were born. Furthermore, the Great Masters would then instruct the Kings to tell the students that they are to mind their own business or off with their heads, a fear tactic of oppression, as the Great Master was the only one could know about everyone’s business. This was the “beginning of intellectual specialization”.

Bucky believed, “Specialization is in fact only a fancy form of slavery wherein the “expert” is fooled into accepting his slavery by making him feel that in return he is in a socially and culturally preferred, ergo, highly secure, lifelong position. But only the king’s son received the kingdom-wide scope of training.”

Mass intellect seemed highly exclusive to the great masters, and after them, the great sovereigns, and then there were always debates on what one could learn and not learn, who could go to school and who couldn’t, and who could or couldn’t afford it or be accepted in one place or another. It was all geared up per familiar status.

“Our world society now has none of the comprehensive and realistic world knowledge that the Great Pirates had.”
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-R. Buckminster Fuller-

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 3 - The Vanishing & Technology

History continued to unfold this way on Terra for generations, as Bucky proposed, until eventually the all-knowing and highly secretive Great Masters of the world started to become obsolete, unintelligible with new innovative science and technology that would inevitably surpass their comprehension abilities. They no longer held control over these great intellectual discoveries, their Leonardo’s and Specialists contrived, because they could not keep up with them mentally.

In Bucky’s time, the First Great Earthian War gives example to these transparent electronic technologies and chemical weapons, the Masters couldn’t understand. These keen powerful masters, who were so secretive due to the lack of trust in others, could only trust in their observations through their own senses; site, sound, touch, smell and taste. Anything else that was essentially invisible to them was incomprehensible. This left the master highly open to the susceptibility of weakness, requiring their expert specialists to advise them on such technology, yet could not draw their own opinion or judgment of such advanced matters. This became their extinction.

WWI: I’m King:

Bucky concludes with the theory of his Great Masters rule; since they were so secretive and had appointed puppet kings and put Leonardo’s and expert specialists in the lime light; no one in fact knew of the Great Masters existence let alone that they were in charge! But, the people knew they had a King.

Again, not much longer after Bucky, did technology seem to move toward a light speed of development, that hardly only the generational of the time, in its phase of development, could understand, and it took great lengths for one to manage to add the new technology to their repertoire. Great corporations were filled with top heavy CEO’s, VP’s, CFO’s Senior Associates, Senior Managers, Senior PM’s, Associates, Managers, and more, all of whom couldn’t do anything but delegate down the line until it actually hit a specialist, who understood all the technology, who understood all the know-how, and was hidden in some deep dark hole of the earth, never to be seen or to be acknowledged in the public eye, for the great master was taking their credit, and everyone else was riding on his coattails, each more smug then the next. And then eventually, only in the free society would the specialist run away and try to build their own empire, but without any capital and their former masters ruining their reputation secretly, they withered and died.

Ironically all the rules established by the Great Masters never dissipated and only passed on to the Sovereign, and then the Diplomatic Politicians and then the Great Corporations and then the monopolized Individuals that acted as King, doing whatever they pleased and making the rules behind closed doors with the politicians.

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Thermodynamics: Extinction by Over-Specialization:

According to Bucky, it was the expert scientific specialists who came up with thermodynamics. While it had two “Great” laws, at the time, the second law of thermodynamics, “Entropy”, expressed that all energy transferred would lose energy. This concern was applied toward; If the universe was energy and thought to be depleting of energy, then the “energy wealth and life support” were also depleting, which led to the misunderstanding of “spending”.

To support this reasoning and belief, then the “Great” expert political economists pointed out, that human beings were multiplying at a greater rate than Energy Food Resources and as such the “Great” supreme naturalist of evolution expert, (Darwin) explains that survival shall only be for the fittest. It was clear the great masters knew there was not enough to go around, based on what their educated slaves preached.

And then we get another “Great” specialist in philosophy and critic of political economy, a “Great” pragmatic ideologist, (Marx) who says, “Well, the workers to produce things are the famous because they are the only ones who know how to physically produce and therefore they ought to be the ones to survive.”

To Bucky, this is what releases “class warfare” and divisiveness in ideology and brings upon the extinction of things as science was then just discovering that there could be enough for everyone, but only if we eliminated our sovereign borders.

It began to be common knowledge within the biology and anthropology world that extension is caused by over specialization. If we are to breed to specific specializations then we sacrifice our general adaptabilities to survive. Bucky explains this in a story about a bird that lived in the marshlands and continually fed offer the grubs below, without much need to ever leave the area, as they had everything available to them there. Eventually over time the beaks grew longer and longer, heavier and heavier, giving them specialization in the efficiency for getting at those grubs. Until one day the bird doesn’t recognize they can no longer fly away from the marshland, especially on the day of a “Great” brushfire, and so they all die via over-specialization.

As explained earlier, the same phenomenon happened to the “Great Leaders”, their over-specialization focused toward their gluttonous production of money gave to their extension. Bucky references similarities in the “world-paralyzing economic crash of 1929”.

Later the highly advanced specialization of computers and software would lead to the extinction of many careers and jobs, as the work required fewer workers, due to machine takeover, and mass technological illiteracy, which was a backwards momentum for the educational system.

“All big politics, all big religion, all big business found it absolutely devastating an activity to have humanity a success. They’re all predicated on humanity being in trouble.”
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-Buckminster Fuller at MIT - Spaceship Earth - 1979

WWII: The Computer:

Bucky believed that their Great Second Earthian War was brought about by the economic disaster of the twenties and thirties; and when the people demanded the Puppets, the heads of state, to get things back in order and acquire food and resources, there seemed to be ideological differences in how to go about that, between opposing political leaders, regardless if it was under the control of communism, capitalism or fascism. Ultimately this ignorance leads toward this world’s most horrific scenes of brutality and extermination.

Now with even more over specialized specialists in warfare, physics, science and technology, Bucky’s own Leaders move toward an Armageddon device like no other. In the year of their great gods, great powers, great specialists and civilization of 1945 on the 6th and 9th days of Sextilis. (Aug), they dropped two Atomic bombs on an opposing sovereign state. While this immediately ended the war, it was not without horrific scenes of brutality and extermination. It was to be our extinction, if we continue.

WWIII = The End.

-Buckminster Fuller at MIT - Spaceship Earth - 1979

With all the tensions of their continued growth toward a more realized and feared extinction, via a nuclear holocaust, a strange new technological specialization, that would make humans somewhat obsolete, came in the shape of a computer. According to Bucky, the computer came just in time to deprive man of control and mitigate their annihilation.

Unfortunately it would deprive many from gaining employment, due to what I had already mentioned, technological illiteracy. Additionally the few remaining specialists were hidden so far down the top heavy upside down pyramid that they could not earn a decent living to provide for their families or even just themselves, and as such these oddities were alone. Eventually suicide rates climbed, and then the mass theft of goods occurred, and no one knew how to hunt or gather, nor was there a place to hunt, as all other living things were being packaged and under strict control for the masters who could afford it. Eventually the masters gathered up all the few remaining specialists, to collect their minds digitally, to be taken and stored for the Great Escape.

“40% engineers and scientists = 1% humanity.” “99% don’t understand science because they don’t understand the language of science.” “Think the word technology as something new.” “They don’t know that all the science we’ve ever found is the universe’s most incredible technology.”
-Buckminster Fuller at MIT - Spaceship Earth - 1979
“Think the word technology as something new as weaponry and machinery to compete for their jobs. And they think they are against it. So here we have humanity as only out to really make it, is by a design revolution using technology to really make humanity a success, to be proud of the great success of the universe itself.”
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Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 4 – Spaceship Terra

60k mph: Photosynthesis:

Over the years Bucky would perform many lectures across the globe, ironically as an expert specialist of some kind, and he always heard from others, “I wonder what it would be like to be on board a spaceship,” Bucky’s response to questions like these was typically given with some satirical humor. He would reply in question, “What does it feel like?”

His basic point was that we are all currently living on a spaceship, without knowing it. So he would clarify, our world spaceship happens to be spherical and 8000 miles in diameter and travels at 60,000 miles per hour around our closest star, the Sun, (92,000,000 miles away) all while spinning on an axis. We are basically astronauts because our spaceship is zooming through space, has a limited amount of supplies to sustain us indefinitely, and like astronauts, we must be prudent in how we gobble up our finite resources and resolve how we can maintain our survival infinitely.

Human beings have been on board this spaceship for two million years without even knowing what it was. It was so well designed, camouflaged from its reality, it continued to maintain and regenerate life despite that all physical Energy Systems lose energy upon conversion. But we had our Sun to thank for its regenerative properties to sustain life’s biological needs to thrive and regrow to continue its sustainability, plus the misconception of all its abundance seemed highly unlikely that the supply chain would ever diminish, even to the slightest of levels.

Bucky would further explain their preciousness in respect to their Powerful Star and Spacecraft’s inherent abilities. Long before his lifetime (c.1600) humankind discovered their spaceship had some type of force field, a protective shield around its Craft, and they called this a magnetosphere. It wasn’t until the 1940’s for Dynamo Theory to take hold, which suggested that all celestial bodies create a magnetic field by spinning against their inner and outer iron cores, which acts like a dynamo conducting an invisible fluid energy that results in a torus shaped magnetic field. Not long after this theory, in 1958, the Van Allen Radiation Belts are discovered, which was the very thing in understanding the entirety of how the magnetic fields worked, they were protecting life on Terra from their Powerful Star’s intense radioactive solar winds and the rest of the universes radioactive cosmic rays from completely annihilating their atmosphere before life could even begin. It had acted as a force field on their Spaceship, until they began to destroy it. Nonetheless, their field would also capture this radiation in the magnetic belts, which posed a whole new complexity of how they would travel, and later escape, outside of their atmosphere into outer space in search for a new regenerative planet.

It is important to note that Bucky was also expressing its spaceship’s preciousness in relation to how their magnetosphere not only protects them but also allows radiation to enter the atmosphere to give life to nature and cause the process of photosynthesis which would consume water and carbon dioxide which would result in the regeneration of oxygen. This was just one of many ways Bucky understood how delicate of a balance it was to maintain their spaceship.

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Spaceship Corruption: Manual:

Bucky explained, “…up to now we have been misusing, abusing, and polluting this extraordinary chemical energyinterchanging system for successfully regenerating all life aboard our planetary spaceship.”

He provides a simple generalization toward any owned mechanical product, that if you want it to last long, you needed to keep it in good condition and working order. Failure to do so would result in the machine breaking down. He explained this would be the same for our spaceship if we didn’t respect it.

Bucky surmised, that there must be a reason human beings were not given a manual for their spaceship, so that we would be forced to do experimental procedures and gain intellect so they can foretell any kind or quantity of problems that would prohibit life to continue. This would offer them advancements into scientific and technological abilities to hopefully course correct their Spaceship Corruption, prior to it getting out of control.

He says, “Human beings are to discover some of the physical leverage-multiplying principles inherent in universe as well as the many none obvious resources around them which will further compoundingly multiply their knowledge-regenerating and life-fostering advantages.” “Objective employment of those generalized principles in rearranging the physical resources of environment seems to be leading to humanity’s eventually total success and readiness to cope with far vaster problems of universe.”

“We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.”
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-R. Buckminster Fuller-

More with Less:

Bucky explained that with all the experiences (experiments) humankind had gone through, they would eventually come to some fundamental principles in physics, like the general principle understanding of leverage, that would give human beings ability to use their high reasoning successfully. This supreme faculty of intelligence provided them, especially Bucky, in understanding that it is “literally possible to do more with less”.

There were a lot of people on Terra that really tried, but the exponential growth of human population became out of control. As further explained, this population growth, in combination with technological illiteracy, as well as global mass poverty; led to the downfall of their civilization. If it weren’t for the politicians, corporations and the massive wealthy individuals controlling the world and their hold of gold greed, then perhaps maybe the Terrathian’s could have survived.

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Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 5 – Do or Die

General Systems Theory: Meta-Physical Universe:

Bucky pointed out how humans have failed, toward extinction, with a mindset of Specializations, which is a microcosmic limitation. He understood that if you don’t understand how the macro system works, you can’t understand how the microsystem works. This would lead to his idea that we needed to organize Universe. However, the first step was that we needed to acknowledge that all our spaceships resources are finite and if we do not implement a proactive approach, our nutrients will all be exhausted.

To organize Universe, they must learn the generalized principles that govern Universe and not use the reactive reflexes from past misleading ways. Secondly, He believed that we should be like planners, and look toward the largest way to think, but even greater, and that of the Universe and its problems and work our way in. He says, “How do we think in terms of wholes? “How BIG can we think?”

This is how Bucky saw General Systems Theory, to examine the largest systems scientifically by cataloging all imperative variables within a problem. Therefore, they were going to have to think as large as their advanced sciences and technologies experiences had given them in order to succeed.

Do we think in terms of the largest scale, universe, and work our way down to our spaceship? What does our computer tell us?

Keep in mind, as mentioned before, the second law of thermodynamics states, “Energy can neither be created nor lost and, therefore, that energy is conserved and is therefore finite.”

E = mc² is the equation Albert Einstein, a “Super Genius Leonardo” came up with to define the physical universe in his theory of special relativity, which defined mass and energy are equal to the physical object and can interchange into each other.

It stipulates, “The increased relativistic mass (m) of a body times the speed of light squared (c2) is equal to the kinetic energy (E) of that body.”

Now at the time, none of these “Great Leonardo’s” could describe the universe any other way but physical. Bucky however concludes that Universe is both physical and metaphysical and he defines it as:

“The universe is the aggregate of all of humanity’s consciouslyapprehended and communicated experience with the nonsimultaneous, nonidentical, and only partially overlapping, always complimentary, weighable and unweighable, ever omni-transforming, event sequences.”

Essentially he claims that every experience is finite, thus they have a beginning and they have an ending.

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Geodesic Lines: Synergy:

Bucky expressed that in order to organize Universe; it must be done in the most economical means. To achieve this, he had to understand that all systems relationships are recurring to themselves and from a variety of different directions. (I might go as far as to say, a Sustainable System.) All systems must then only be efficient with recurring data, if they were circular. Bucky believed this to be true, similar in relation to a corkscrew trajectory; he understood that geodesic lines were by far the most economical, from one point to another. This would be the same manner as to how he would approach his general systems theory as “geodesicly structured thoughts” for the metaphysical and would also be his approach toward physical structures when he reinvented and popularized the geodesic dome. A fine example of:

“It’s literally possible to do more with less”.

Bucky had built over 300,000 geodesic domes in his life time, but the continuation of the process pretty much ended and only a few domes remained until the end. While it became popularized, they were such an oddity to the whole system of people who couldn’t adapt to change and so it never took hold.

“Behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the separately observed behaviors of any of the system’s separate parts or any subassembly of the system’s parts.”

“Life is Synergetic.”

“Universe is Synergetic.”

“Call me Trimtab”
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-R. Buckminster Fuller-

Chapter 2: The Manual

Part 6 – Synergetics

Why Humans: Pollution:

Bucky was questioning if human beings had any necessary function in universe, like gravity does. If they had a function what would be and could they live up to it to prevent extension.

This thought is as provocative as the age old question, “What is the meaning of life?” Are we to break this down and ask ourselves, “What is the meaning of my life, your life, what is our primary function to the universe, to this planet? If we have “mind” then maybe we are here to not serve ourselves but to serve over the other animals that cohabitate on this planet that do have functions. It seems to me we were there to create a circular chain of life, ever sustaining each other.

Mo Money:

Interestingly, Bucky pointed out when these “Great Sovereigns” miraculously, all of a sudden, were able to spend lots of money applied to warfaring, which was many times greater than their previous idea of what they could afford. It was completely illogical to him, that we would have vast magnitudes of wealth for WAR and nothing for peace.

I spoke earlier about the sensitivities Bucky had and experienced with economic inequalities, but it was also very apparent how passionate he was in concerning our cells with another “Great” problem, pollution; pollution to the air, pollution to the water, and even pollution to knowledge, which seems to persist to this very day from a far. I wonder if we have learned anything at all.

In a kind of twisted and sick joke, Bucky would present the problems, explained that there was a solution, and then provides you with the response of others. Back then they knew they could control or at least mitigate the pollution that was going into the atmosphere from factories, plants and vehicles; and he would ask, “Well, why not get on with it?” and their reply was, “But it costs too much.” That had learned how to desalinize salty sea water to drinkable water by the 1930’s and he’d ask, “Well, why not get on with it?” and their reply was, “But it costs too much.”

He thought, “Well what WILL it cost when we don’t have air or water?” You could sense his frustration and anger right from the start with the “Great Sovereigns” common response of stupidity. And so it seemed to Bucky, that in the end, nothing would be solved by the “Great Sovereigns”, not because they didn’t know how, but because “it cost too much” or even if they knew of the problems, by fact, and created a law to correct it they would then state, “there are no funds presently known to be available with which to implement the law.”

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Why Wealth: Energy:

Bucky has an idealistic and dark viewpoint on wealth; he basically believes wealth is worthless. He tells a good story of a rich man on a ship, takes all of his gold far out to sea, but then the ship catches fire, sinks and there are no lifeboats. If the man holds onto any of his gold, he will sink pretty fast, thus he dies and the gold was worthless. Even if he can convince to trade that gold with another passenger that had a life raft for one, he would become penniless, struggle to stay alive in an ocean of sharks, or die because he gave the life preserver to his partner to hopefully live longer. And then the other guy dies immediately for the glory of less than a second to be all rich and powerful. Wealth makes no cents.

Bucky defines “wealth as the number of forward days for a specific number of people we are physically prepared to sustain at a physically stated time and space liberating level of metabolic and metaphysical regeneration.”

Bucky understood that real wealth was not in gold, but rather in our natural regenerative systems, the Sun and the Moon; radiation energy from the sun and gravitational forces from the Moon.

It was imperative that we harness these sustainable resources to rid ourselves from the corrupting fossil fuels. We needed to integrate mass photovoltaic arrays, wind farms and we needed to capture energy from the tides as the moon pulls them in and out. If we use our fossil fuels up they won’t have the materials necessary to create the products to harness the sun and moon.

Toward the end, the fossil fuels were gone, the reserves were spent and there was nothing left to create machines to capture energy. They tried to recycle every drop of used oil to build one photovoltaic cell at a time, and supply synthetic oils for the wind and hydroelectric turbines, but they simply just spent it all, and then all of humanity became dark.

In response to everyone saying, “You need to earn a living.” “I think this is an absolute blinding thing, I’m either going to say you go out to make money or you’re going to make sense (cents)”
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Like I said, I will never tell you what to think, I will never tell you to be quiet, and I will never tell you to be insensitive. I only ask for you to pay attention to these stories, very closely, so that you may go off and think for yourself and understand what the consequences will be if your nature results in selfishness. There is no money that can give you the wealth you’ll need to design a synergistic and sustainable life in collaboration with nature and our new Spaceship.

Your ancestors traveled across time, to find this new home, and yet the cycle has broken. I leave you with his words and his partially recovered burnt manual. So, it is up to you now to figure out how to resolve the rest.

We know there cannot be any poverty or the inability to have proper food, clothing and shelter. We know there cannot be any classes of wealth that are so vast, which would segregate the haves and the haves not; there shall be a resemblance of equality in our standards of living for health, safety and welfare. We know that we cannot prohibit education or withhold it or only offer it to the few; but must release it, in all its abundance and full transparency so that your new civilization can thrive indefinitely through cohabitation with your new Spaceship.

We know you cannot have or create any boundaries, we know you cannot have enemies; as we know this only leads to war and annihilation. Do not be secretive with your knowledge or

skills, for everyone needs to be a Leonardo. Have your new civilization be determined to learn all things and not just focus on one for each person now needs to understand the entirety of things, as specializations are a thing of the past. Help each other learn, build and sustain yourselves amongst these new animals and natural habitat.

When the time comes to supply yourselves with energy for illumination, neglect ideas of burning resources and focus strictly on capturing sustainable and regenerative energy from our star, our wins and our seas in conjunction with the moon’s, for we cannot use finite resources for such things, as they are intended to be used for something far more efficiently than wasteful burning.

As you reinvent digital technology, do not allow it to take over your minds. Let it do the work you already know how to accomplish with your hands, so that you may expedite your know-how tasks so that you may have time to prepare to learn something new. Do not let the technology become the specialist in all things. Let it be nothing more than a tool.

It is imperative that you must constantly search for the most efficient method in resolving problems and to always do as much as you can with the least amount of matter or energy. Learn from his geometric ideology and applied to all things synergisticly.

This is your function, we can’t fail again.


R. Buckminster Fuller (Author), Jaime Snyder (Editor) Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth Zurich, Switzerland: Lars Müller Publishers, 2008. Print

Fuller, R B. Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969. Print.

ANKER, PEDER. “BUCKMINSTER FULLER AS CAPTAIN OF SPACESHIP EARTH.” Minerva, vol. 45, no. 4, 2007, pp. 417–34, http://www.jstor. org/stable/41821426. Accessed 07 Apr. 2022.

Fuller, R. Buckminster, and E. Buckminster Fuller. “Energy Economics.” Ekistics, vol. 45, no. 269, 1978, pp. 164–71, http://www.jstor.org/ stable/43619013. Accessed 07 Apr. 2022.

FULLER, R. BUCKMINSTER. “PART TWO: Planetary Planning: The Historical Philosophic Background.” The American Scholar, vol. 40, no. 2, 1971, pp. 285–304, http://www.jstor.org/stable/41209848. Accessed 07 Apr. 2022.

Snyder, Allegra Fuller, and Victoria Vesna. “Education Automation on Spaceship Earth: Buckminster Fuller’s Vision. More Relevant than Ever.” Leonardo, vol. 31, no. 4, 1998, pp. 289–92, https://doi. org/10.2307/1576664. Accessed 09 Apr. 2022.

Joseph, Branden. “Hitchhiker in an Omni-Directional Transport: The Spatial Politics of John Cage and Buckminster Fuller.” ANY: Architecture New York, no. 17, 1997, pp. 40–44, http://www.jstor.org/ stable/41852228. Accessed 09 Apr. 2022.

Tara Seaver “The Making of the Man- R. Buckminster Fuller” Buckminster Fuller and The Dymaxion House. The University of Oregon. <https://blogs.uoregon.edu/dymaxionhouse/about/>

Stanford University “R. Buckminster Fuller timeline” <https://exhibits. stanford.edu/bucky/feature/r-buckminster-fuller-timeline>

R.B. Fuller Estate “THE ESTATE OF R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER” <https://buckminsterfuller.net/images/images-of-fuller.html>

Military.com “Famous Veterans: R. Buckminster Fuller” <https://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/career-advice/militarytransition/famous-veteran-r-buckminster-fuller.html>

Encyclopedia Britannica “R. Buckminster Fuller” https://www.britannica.com/biography/R-Buckminster-Fuller

Encyclopedia Britannica “E = mc²” <https://www.britannica.com/science/E-mc2-equation>

MIT Video Productions

Buckminster Fuller at MIT - Spaceship Earth - 1979 < https://youtu.be/3ZB2La-oCVI>

Wikipedia “Buckminster Fuller” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckminster_Fuller

Image References

Page 72: Back Cover (Left)

R. Buckminster Fuller, 90-Strut Tensegrity Geodesic Dome. USA c. 1980.

Photographer: Unknown - Provided by: Wright Auction House <https://www.wright20.com/auctions/2009/12/important-design/208>

Page 73: Cover: (Right)

Buckminster Fuller, architect - New York, October 28, 1969

Photographer: Richard Avedon - The Richard Avedon Foundation <https://www.pinterest.com/pin/richard-avedon-buckminster-fuller-architectnew-york-october-28-1969--394557617346396272/>

Page 77:

Cropped photo of young Buckminster Fuller

Photographer: Unknown Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16411257>

Page 81

Buckminster Fuller at Black Mountain College, ca. 1948-1949.

Photographer: Hazel Larsen Archer - Estate of Hazel Larsen Archer. < https://www.blackmountaincollege.org/buckminster-fuller/>

Page 84

Richard Buckminster Fuller.

Photographer: Unknown - Image courtesy of Buckminster Fuller Institute <https://medium.com/the-reflectionist/buckminster-fullers-self-disciplinesefb3d9ed4092>

Page 86:

Dynamixion car by Buckminster Fuller 1933

Photographer: Unknown Provided by Starysatyr <https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32840885>

Page 92:

The Dymaxion Airocean World Map, by R. Buckminster Fuller <https://bostonraremaps.com/inventory/buckminster-fuller-dymaxion-airoceanworld-1954/>

Page 96:

Richard Buckminster Fuller, B. Fuller’s Cuboctahedron ‘Jitterbug’. <https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Richard-Buckminster-Fuller-B-FullersCuboctahedron-Jitterbug_fig4_339948319>

Page 98:

Buckminster Fuller 1972-3 tour at UC Santa Barbara

Photographer: Unknown - Contributed by: Dan Lindsay <https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21923730>

Page 101

The U.S. exhibition dome at Expo 67 in Montreal

Photographer: Unknown - © buzbuzzer—iStock/Getty Images < https://www.britannica.com/biography/R-Buckminster-Fuller>

Page 102

Montreal Biosphere Interior

Photographer: Yanis Ourabah - Getty Images < https://www.tripsavvy.com/montreal-biosphere-2391694>

Page 104

Buckminster Fuller in the 1970s.

Photographer: Unknown - From the Everett Collection, Inc. < https://www.remembermyjourney.com/Memorial/14587502>

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