Antiques & Auction News - October 7, 2022

Page 9

The fall edition of the popular Elverson Antiques Show will take place on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 29 and 30, at the Twin Valley High School, located in Elverson, Chester County, Pa. The show is held twice a year, in the spring and fall. Customers can once again enjoy shopping at one of the longest-running antique shows in Chester County.

Initially a fundraiser for the Elverson Fire Company, the show has undergone a few changes since beginning in 1969. When the fire company moved to a new location, so did the show. It is now held in the Twin Valley High School, which is only two miles

from the old location and a short drive from the Morgantown exit off the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Route 76). The show benefits the school’s girls and boys lacrosse teams, whose members and parents work with the show committee to provide porters and food during the show.

Primarily a country show, 41 dealers come from eight states to display their wares. Most of the dealers are from Pennsylvania, with items that are fresh to the market, found at local country auctions or from longtime collections. Bluedecorated stoneware, redware, folk art, butter prints, wooden ware, early iron, lighting, quilts, samplers,

holiday decorations, furniture and china are available in a range of prices for beginning or advanced collectors. Quality items are always available at this dealer-friendly show.

The show hours will be from 10

a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. The school is located at 4897 North Twin Valley Road, Elverson, Pa.

For further information, call Gene Bertolet at 707-310-4488 or visit

Antiques And Bottle Show Set For Oct. 22

The Forks of The Delaware Bottle Collectors Association will hold its 48th annual Bottle and Antiques Show and Sale on Saturday, Oct, 22, at the Macungie Memorial Park Hall. The park is located at 50 N. Poplar St., Macungie, Pa. The indoor show will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is $3.

This is one of the largest shows of its type on the East Coast. There will be 75 dealer tables across two

Each year, Americans spend an average of 8 billion dollars on candy and Halloween decorations combined. Halloween is only surpassed by Christmas in the amount of money spent for a holiday. Antique and vintage Halloween decorations remain a strong market today. Most collectors will say it is harder and harder to find old papier-mâché pumpkins and other items dating from the 1920s to ’30s.

For the month of October, the Historic Burlington Antiques and

FRIDAY OCTOBER 7,2022 • VOL.52,NO.40 FEATURE AUCTION: Conestoga Auction Company October 15 Sale - Page 7 In This Issue SHOPS,SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 8 AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 9 AUCTION SALE BILLS . starting on page 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . .on page 11 COMPLIMENTARY COPY Antique Show, Halloween, And Mums At The Emporium Show Is Scheduled For Oct. 30 Elverson Show Scheduled For Oct. 29 And 30 Twin Valley High School Hosts Quality Show Continued on page 11 Continued on page 10

The Bregant House: Good Things Come In Small Packages Smack Dab In The Middle: Design Trends Of The Mid-20th Century

“Tiny houses.” You’ve heard of them, haven’t you?

At just 400 square feet (or less), tiny houses are the standard-bearers for those who advocate living simply. But if you’re looking for the original tiny house, you’d have to travel back over 100 years, to Council Bluffs, Iowa. That’s where perhaps the very first tiny house was built, to meet the specific needs of Jean and Inez Bregant.

The Bregants were little people. Born into families of average height, Jean Bregant

and Inez Lewis embarked on one of the only paths open to those of that era who were just a bit out of the ordinary: a career in vaudeville.

An early reviewer praised Inez as “a little queen, bright, intelligent, vivacious and witty.” Meanwhile, Austrianborn Jean had been making a name for himself in Europe as a singing comedian, before coming to the United States in 1904.

One of the biggest entertainment “draws” of the 1900s was “Midget City” at New York’s Coney Island. Here, vaudevillian little people

posed as typical residents, going about their daily doings in scaled-down surroundings.

And “Midget City” is where Jean and Inez met.

Following their 1905 wedding, the newlyweds

a specially constructed buffet/hutch boasts an interior mirror perfectly heightsituated for Inez to adjust her hat.

Not every item in the home was Bregant-oriented.

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continued as performers, eventually moving to Inez’s home town of Council Bluffs, Iowa. There, the Bregants gave up show business (for a time, anyway) and settled into their made-to-order “tiny house.”

Flanked by its towering neighbors, the Bregant house, miniature in size, yet perfectly proportioned, could easily be mistaken for a child’s playhouse. Once inside, it’s quickly evident the residence was designed for the comfort of its original owners. Reach for a light switch or a door knob, and you’ll find it much lower than expected. (The Bregants were both under 4 feet tall.)

The fireplace mantel, shoulder-height in most homes, reaches the waist at the Bregants’. In the dining room,

While some of the furnishings were built to scale, others were of ordinary size. As Inez noted in a 1959 interview, “Some people think I furnish my house entirely with small furniture. I don’t. It would be foolish. I do quite a bit of entertaining, and all my friends are of ‘normal’ size.”

The ex-vaudevillians lived contentedly in their custommade home, running their grocery store, and “keeping their hand in” with occasional performances at local events. Then came re-discovery.

Council Bluffs candymaker John G. Woodward & Co. was known far and wide for its “pure sugar stick candy and real butterscotch.” One fateful day, the Bregants stopped by the Woodward factory to replenish their store’s candy supplies and encountered Mr. Woodward himself. Impressed by their charming personalities (as well as their show business background), Woodward offered the Bregants yet another new career, as promoters for Woodward Candy.

selling plenty of candy. The advance ads proclaimed, “With each package, they present their souvenir picture.”

The varied card selection featured visuals of the twosome in various poses and settings, including scenes of them in their just-right-for-us home.

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Billed as “the smallest salespeople in the world,” the Bregants traveled a 20-state region, captivating crowds with excerpts from their vaudeville act and, of course,

Following Jean’s death in 1944, Inez continued to live in the “tiny house,” sometimes

renting it out during her winter sojourns in Florida. In 1950, one renter learned that living in a tiny house can have unexpected consequences: soaking in the Bregant-sized tub (36” long by 19” wide by 19” deep), she got stuck, and wasn’t rescued until 60 hours later.

In their heyday, the

This is the Bregant house today. This is Jean and Inez Bregant in their vaudeville days. A promo photo of Inez (Lewis) Bregant in military regalia. Jean Bregant is outfitted in military gear for a stage appearance. Where the crowds came to while away the day: Dreamland, Coney Island, New York. Patrons gather to visit Dreamland’s “Midget City.” The Bregants met while performing at the attraction. Jean and Inez Bregant, shortly after their marriage. A Woodward Candy postcard depicting the Bregants by their scaled-down fireplace, the header: “A Quiet Evening at Home.”
antiquesandauctionnews.net2- - Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022
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Continued on page 6

Collector Anecdotes

A Record-Breaking Analysis: Vintage Advertising Vs. Pop Culture Collectibles?

than a few would have doubted that possibility. Well, here we are today, and the year 2022 welcomes you, where record-breaking sales are the norm, from sports cards to comic books, from coins to, now, vintage advertising signs.

Another day, another dollar, and another recordbreaking sale in the antiques and collectibles trade! This is nothing new, as most collecting markets are on fire at present time. That said, the market in which this sale occurred may surprise some of you, as this isn’t another pop culture collectible that soared to new heights.

It is no secret that vintage advertising has been a popular collecting market for quite some time. The shows “American Pickers” and “Antiques Roadshow” have definitely contributed to this trend, and when “American Pickers” premiered back in 2010, if you would have told most collectors that within a decade or so they would be witnessing a vintage advertising sign sell for well over a million dollars or more, more

I have often said that over the long term, history will always outperform nostalgia. Coins and currency are two collectible markets that may have ebbs and flows, but both are still going strong and serve as a valid bellwether for how the antiques and collectibles trade is performing as a whole. Therefore, before we get to talking about this record-breaking sale, we need to talk about the market for vintage and antique advertising. I tend to consider the market for vintage and antique advertising as sitting somewhere right between nostalgia and history.

Obviously, if you were to begin to collect vintage advertising signs and wanted to go after something iconic, you may start with collecting authentic vintage Coca-Cola signs. After all, everyone knows the Coca-Cola brand.

And if soda pop isn’t your thing, perhaps a vintage John Deere or Mobil Gas sign is more your style? These are all iconic brands with a deep history that almost defines Americana.

We can even compare

this to nostalgic pop culture collectibles like toys and comic books. If you want to collect vintage toys and choose to begin with vintage “Star Wars” toys from the original coveted Kenner Toys line, you made a wise decision because a lot of vintage toy collectors also love “Star Wars.” Maybe you like comic books better? How about starting with some key vintage “Spider-Man” or “Batman” comic books? You cannot go wrong with either, and a lot of collectors go after those books, especially from the 1960s and 1970s. Make no mistake, I am not saying that Marvel Comics and Kenner Toys are historic. It is no secret that I really despise when that term is used to discuss pop culture collectibles simply because they are popular at present time. This always begs the question as to where do we draw the line? Can companies like Marx Toys, Mego Toys, Lionel Trains, and Atari Games be considered iconic, let alone historic, in the year 2022? My apologies, but the answer is a hard no. These companies (with the exception of maybe Lionel Trains)

are no longer relevant, and the products they produced, while in some cases collectible and extremely valuable, are in a state of decline, with very few exceptions. This is why if you choose to attempt to invest in pop culture collectibles over the long term, you would be wise to choose an iconic brand or character with an established history (think “Star Wars” or “Spider-Man”). With truly historic antiques and collectibles, however, rarity and scarcity matter more, and the rarer and sometimes lesser known the item is, the better. This brings us to this record-breaking sale and why it is so different.

Musgo Gasoline is not an iconic brand as far as oil companies go. I would venture to say that if you ask almost anyone alive today to give you the history of this obscure company, few could do it. For those uninitiated, Musgo was the gasoline brand of the Muskegon Oil Company, which, unfortunately for the company’s shareholders and employees, was only in business for a few months in the 1920s. Therefore, most advertising

signs that were made by the Muskegon Oil Company are extremely scarce today, especially in unused and near-mint condition. As a result, lightning just recently struck, making a new/old stock Musgo Gasoline advertising sign sell for $1.5 million (which includes the buyer’s premium) through Richmond Auctions. It is the highest priced piece of vintage advertising that has ever sold at public auction.

The sign is 48 inches in diameter and double sided and made out of porcelain. The full-color Native American that graces the sign is absolutely breathtaking. This is one of the most sought-after vintage advertising signs in existence, and even pieces in poor to fair condition can fetch five to six figures or more at auction on a good day. Still, this sale was somewhat unexpected. I knew several highprofile collectors and dealers who thought that maybe it would get close to $1 million, but not over. Few expected it to get to $1.5 million, but it did, and now another collecting category has left its mark in the

annals of record-breaking sales. Make no mistake, this will attract more collectors to the market for authentic and vintage advertising pieces.

In comparison to pop culture collectibles like comic books, this would be akin to someone paying a higher price for an obscure book that features the first appearance of an unknown comic character than that of an “Action Comics #1” (which features the first appearance of “Superman”) simply because it is rare. And if you are left wondering why this is important, it is just to show that different markets in antiques and collectibles work differently. History will always beat out nostalgia over the long term. As for the buyer of this Musko Gasoline sign? You have made an excellent purchase. Until next time.

Shawn Surmick has been an avid collector since the age of 12. He currently resides in his hometown of Boyertown, Pa., and is a passionate collector of antiques and collectibles. His articles focus on various topics affecting the marketplace. Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 - - 3 R059267 NorthGate Antique Mall (717) 243-5802 OPEN 7 DAYS 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Dealer Space Available 726 North Hanover Street, CARLISLE, PA 17013 Easy access from Route 81, Exit 52 - Go south 3½ miles on Route 11 or take the PA Turnpike to mile marker 226 - Go south 2½ miles on the right. Over 80 Quality Dealers • Two Floors • Air-Conditioned Building Closed New Year’s Day • Easter • July 4 • Thanksgiving • Christmas NOWOPEN! R088743 15% OFF Storewide For Month of October DUNNGEON ANTIQUES 132 East Broad St., Quakertown, PA 18951 267-490-9507 Open Daily 11am-5pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH CELEBRATE AUTUMN ALIVE A Fun, Old-Fashioned Street Fest Jewelry,VintageClothing,Furniture,Toys,Signs, Pictures, Military Clothing, Primitives, Trains 1 SA A Je P UPHOLSTERER ON PREMISES ON 2ND & 3RD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH R088873 50% OFF We will have a Tent filled with Great Antiques & Collectibles including: PRIMITIVES, TOYS, DOLLS, CHRISTMAS ITEMS, FURNITURE, GLASS, CHINA AND MUCH, MUCH MORE. SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY OCTOBER 8TH, 9TH & 10TH Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. & Mon. 10am-5pm 227 Hartman Bridge Road, (Rt. 896), RONKS, PA 17572 717-687-9813 Celebrating 22 Years! The Antique Village Of Strasburg HUGE TENT SALE Check our FB page for more, too! Not Just An Antique Mall It’s Your Destination One of the Largest & Finest Antique Malls in PA Dutch Country! 3371 Lincoln Highway East, (Rt 30), 717 442.8805 All Under One Roof—On One Floor closed Tuesday R088862 26th Annual Columbus Day Weekend Sale Saturday, October 8 8th through Monday, October 10 10th! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS INCREDIBLE EVENT!! Huge Savings throughout the Store! Gift Certificates & Layaway Available Free Chance to Win One of Many Cackleberry Cash Certificates!
And Antics

Marvel At The Records Set By Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hulk And Luke Cage In Heritage’s $18.16 Million Comics And Comic Art Auction

A $216,000 Bill Watterson Strip Also Became The World’s Most Valuable Original “Calvin And Hobbes”

Four auction records were set in just the first 90 minutes of Heritage Auctions’ completely sold-out, $18,163,271 million Sept. 8 to 11 Comics and Comic Art Signature Auction, further proof that these pop-culture

classics are as coveted and collectible as ever.

The first new record high set during the four-day event went to none other than the legendary Steve Ditko’s original splash page opening for 1964’s “Amazing Spider-Man

No. 18,” which marked only the third appearance of Green Goblin. It was also the villain’s earliest appearance at auction, which explains why this is now the most valuable Ditko page ever sold at auction at $432,000.

Next came one heck of an auction record, Iron Man’s first appearance in “Tales of

Suspense No. 39,” which was just a 13-page story, and only eight pages featured Tony Stark wearing the armor. One of the truly iconic Don Heck pages from that historic book realized $228,000.

The only thing more special than an original Bill Watterson “Calvin and Hobbes” strip is one with a

Steve Ditko’s original splash page opening 1964’s “Amazing Spider-Man No. 18” marked only the third appearance of Green Goblin and is now the most valuable Ditko page ever sold at auction, bringing $432,000.

note to Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau. A February 1992 daily strip sold for $216,000 to become the most expensive “Calvin and Hobbes” sold at auction.

Also, the Hulk smashed a record. “The Incredible Hulk No. 181” has always been a fan favorite as it contains the first full appearance of Wolverine. The CGC 9.8 copy sold during session one became the most valuable in the world when it sold for $138,000.

And, finally, it costs a lot more to hire a hero today

antiquesandauctionnews.net4- - Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 UNIQUE SHOPPING & GREAT VALUES! We are worth the drive from any location. Open 7 Days a Week R088879CHAMBERSBURG, PA 717.263.7007 CHAMBERSBURG MALL I-81 EXIT 20 Scotland or Rt. 30 take 997 N. HANOVER, PA 717.632.0589 NORTH HANOVER CENTER 1100 Eichelberger Street Visit Our NEW HANOVER Location in the NORTH HANOVER MALL 717.400.8300 NOW HIRING! follow us: Facebook, Instagram October 8-10, 10 AM - 5 PM (610)913-1953 Fall Sale Weekend Murder of Crows 2940 W Main St, Morgantown, PA 19543 R088665 • Furniture & Decorative Arts • Primitives • Mid-Century Modern • Advertising • Jewelry • Vintage Vinyl • Comics • Toys and so much more! 1320 N. West End Blvd., Quakertown, PA 18951 Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. 12-5pm, Tues. Closed • 267-373-9451 R086058 RICHLAND Featuring over 50 Quality Antique Dealers Toyoys Offering a vast variety of items Featuring Quality Antiques & Collectibles, COINS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, FURNITURE, CHINA, LINENS, MEMORABILIA, VINTAGE CLOTHING, TOYS, DOLLS, POSTCARDS & RETRO. 610-791-7910 2200 31st St. SW, ALLENTOWN, PA Monday Thru Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5 WEIL R088858 Over 150 Dealers ngQualityAntiquues &Collectiblesng Anti & Collectiblese &Collectible s ANTIQUE CENTER Antiques & Collectibles Antique MARKETPLACE In Frederick, Md. 110 Dealers 5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD Open Daily 10-6 “Late” Thursdays ‘til 8 pm Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items 301-662-9173 R082502 A Fun Place To Shop! Open Daily 10-6 Antique Mall Exit 64 off I-86 607-223-4723 • Owego, NY Open Daily 10-5 • Closed Tuesdays 90+ Vendors • 21,000 Sq. Ft. R079110 BEAVER CREEKANTIQUES MARKET 20202 National Pike Hagerstown, MD 301-739-8075 “BIG CITY Antiques at Country Prices” (Buying & Selling) OVER 150 DEALERS WITH QUALITY ANTIQUES R086582 R046817 R054156 2 ND LIFE ANTIQUES Previously Known As Antiques at 200 East on Broad Street 200 East on Broad Street, Quakertown, PA ANTIQUE FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES AND MORE STOREWIDE BARGAINS DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE Please Call 267.885.4523
Continued on page 5

19711 Newark 302-454-8007

AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL, 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 floors. Antiques, collectibles, vintage, primitives, much more!

19711 Newark 302-733-7677

MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Possum Park Mall. Hrs.: Mon.-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:30-5:30. Over 45 Showcase/Room Dealers selling quality antiques & collectibles.

21901 North East410-287-8318

5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Approx. 65 dealers, variety & nostalgia. Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Local honey available.

07052 West Orange973-323-1711

VALLEY VINTAGE, 168 South Valley Rd. Open Mon-Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 2100 sq.ft., 25+ dealers. Antiques, vintage, collectibles, furniture, decor, kitchenware, jewelry, books, LPs, ephemera.

07901 Summit 908-273-9373

SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 50+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free Parking.

08005 Barnegat609-698-3020

BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES, 349 S. Main. Open Wed.- Sun., Noon - 6 PM. Book Seller, Pottery, Glass, Furniture, Holiday, Decoys, Antiques & UniquesPLUS Chalkpaint & Iron Orchid Design.

08016 Burlington609-747-8333

HISTORIC BURLINGTON ANTIQUES & ART EMPORIUM, 424 High Street. Open 6 Days Tues.- Sun. 11A - 5P & Fri. Open until 7P.

08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-9810

OLD MILL ANTIQUE MALL, 1 S. Main Street. Open Daily, 11-5; Sat. 10-5. Antiques, glassware, records, coins, stamps, military items, collectible toys, trains, linens, books & ephemera.

08081 Sicklerville856-545-3187

CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES, 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Wed.- Sat. 10am6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. 12,000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs.

08525 Hopewell609-466-9833

TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.

08753 Toms River732-349-5764

MAIN STREET ANTIQUE CENTER 251 Main St. Open Mon.-Fri. 10am-3:30pm, Sat. 10am-4:30pm, Sun. 12-4:30pm.

16801 State College814-238-2980

APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety.

17062 Millerstown717-589-7810

STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL, 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.

17331 Hanover717-637-1612

YESTERYEAR ANTIQUE CENTER, 441 PineSt Open Daily 10-5. 26,000 sq.ft., 130+ Dealers. Antiques, collectibles, vintage, etc.! Something for Everyone!

17350 NewOxford717-624-3800

ZELMA’S EMPORIUM (Formerly Golden Lane) 11 N. Water Street. Antiques, Americana, Art, Asian, Primitives, etc. Closed Mon., Tues.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 or by appt.

17361 Shrewsbury717-235-6637

SHREWSBURY ANTIQUE CENTER 65 N. Highland Dr. “A True Antique Mall” over 10,000 sq.ft. with over 55 dealers. Open 7 days, 10-5. Ample parking. Close to other shops in historic village.

17844 Mifflinburg540-331-1743

ALL ERAS ANTIQUES, 8335 SR 304. Where deals are made. Priced to sell. Antiques & Collectibles from all eras, furniture - smalls. Easy to reach in central PA.

18229 Jim Thorpe610-850-5660

ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY, 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, glass, autographs, pottery, guns, artifacts, coins and vintage collectibles. Open Wednesday through Sunday 10-5.

18944 Perkasie215-257-3564

TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. In business 42 years.


West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County.



10 -5, Sundays 11-4

19464 PottstownInfo: 610-326-1911

MEMORIES N’ MORE, 204 High St. Old paper, ephemera, magazines, books, records, postcards + sundry other goods. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm.

19543 Morgantown610-913-1953

MORGANTOWN MARKET, 2940 Main St.. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques,Collectibles, Vintage Home & Garden Decor.


Continued from page 4

than it did only a couple of years ago. Marvel’s “Hero for Hire No. 1,” featuring the origin and first appearance of Luke Cage, is among the most beloved Bronze Age titles. A CGC NM/MT 9.8 example of the 1972 title shattered records when it sold for $108,000, the first time it has crossed the six-figure barrier.

“All five of these pieces exceeded our expectations, and our expectations were high,” says Heritage Auctions Vice President Barry Sandoval. “Each of them is a memorable pop-culture trophy in its own right.”

More than 5,200 bidders worldwide participated in this auction, and right out of the gate a bidding war opened as Jim Aparo and Mike DeCarlo’s complete 22page story, “A Death in the Family: Chapter 6,” which ran in “Batman No. 429,” opened live bidding at $23,000 and sold for $156,000. Shortly after, collectors also fought over Mike Mignola’s cover for “Batman No. 429,” which features one of the greatest images of The Joker ever rendered. This original work sold for $180,000.

The Caped Crusader not surprisingly proved a smash hit in the auction. Frank Miller told us earlier this year he loved drawing silhouettes, as it’s “the most important language you have.” Collectors clearly agreed, as Page 11 from Book 4 of “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns,” featuring the Batman in silhouette astride a horse as he leads “The Sons of Batman” into battle, galloped to a new owner for $228,000. And no matter the grade, “Batman No. 1” proved that it remains among the most valuable and

coveted issues in comic-book history. The landmark book featuring the first appearances of The Joker and Catwoman, graded CGC VG3.5, sold for $264,000, a record high for that grade.

And speaking of Miller, his historic run on “Wolverine” with writer Chris

Claremont turns 40 this month. To celebrate, an extraordinary page from issue No. 4 sold for $102,000, making it one of the most valuable Miller originals outside of his work on “Dark Knight Returns” (or “Star Wars”).

For the modern collectors,

Brian Bolland’s cover for 1992’s “Wonder Woman No. 63” is among the most iconic and coveted images of the Princess of Themyscira. Little wonder, then, that collectors fought over this original work, which realized $99,000.

To learn more, visit

This original Bill Watterson (February 1992) daily strip sold for $216,000 to become the most expensive “Calvin and Hobbes” sold at auction. “Batman No. 1” is popular in any grade and proved it when this copy, graded CGC VG-3.5, realized $264,000. The landmark book features the first appearances of The Joker and Catwoman. Marvel’s “Hero for Hire No. 1” features the origin and first appearance of Luke Cage; a CGC NM/MT 9.8 example of the 1972 title sold for $108,000, the first time it has crossed the six-figure barrier. Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 - - 5
5230 Silo Hill Rd., Doylestown, PA 18902 / (215) 348.2500 / Wed. through Sat. 10 - 6, Sun. 12 - 6, and by appointment Available Now: Joseph Amarotico, Architectural Abstract, 69 x 84 inches PAINTINGS WANTED ESTATES & COLLECTIONS Gratz Gallery is expanding ~ Highest Prices Paid ~ Due to high demand, the gallery is buying new inventory: American paintings, Old Masters, European Paintings, Abstract and Modern Art, Contemporary and Surrealist Art, American and European Impressionists R088615 R079225 Frazer Antiques The Best Kept Secret On The Main Line Affordable Prices • 24 Dealers • Great Selection Furniture, China, Glass, Majolica, Silver, Shabby Chic, Primitives, Decorative Items, Clocks, Artwork, Linens, Collectibles & Jewelry 351 Lancaster Ave., Frazer, PA 19355 From Frazer Exit On Rt. 202 Go 2 Miles East On Rt. 30 Open 7 Days 10-5 610-651-8299 R081708 ANTIQUES LLC. 44 North Bedford Street CARLISLE, PA 17013 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-7 And Sunday 10-5 Two Floors With Over 100 Quality Antiques & Collectibles Dealers 717-241-5309 BEDFORD STREET 135 Bridge Street, Columbia, PA 17512 717-684-0009 Open Wed.-Thurs. 10-5, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 1-5, Closed Mon. & Tues. R071730 ANTIQUES & ODDITIES F063434 ATTENTION Shouldn’t Your SHOP Be Listed In This Directory? CALL 1-800-800-1833, ext. 6022 or 717-892-6022 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Thursday at Noon for Friday’s edition ALL ADS IN GUIDE ARE LISTED IN ZIP CODE SEQUENCE WITHIN EACH STATE. SHOP DIRECTORY
Featuring 45
thru Saturday

The Bregant House

page 2

Bregants were described as “cheerful and full of life.” Jean Bregant agreed: “It’s to your advantage to be friendly and wear a smile. A person can find a happier road if he’s willing to adapt.” For the Bregants, their road proved a happy and fulfilling one.

Photo Restoration by Hank Kuhlmann. Original archival photos courtesy of Preserve Council Bluffs (, which continues work on restoration of the Bregant home.

Donald-Brian Johnson is the co-author of numerous Schiffer books on design and collectibles, including “Postwar Pop,”acollectionofhiscolumns. Please address inquiries to:

The poster is promoting an in-store appearance by Jean and Inez Bregant. Souvenir picture cards were given with each 10-cent candy purchase.

This is Inez, hard at work in what the promo card describes as her “model kitchen.”

Woodward sold “over 3,257 miles of stick candy per year,” and “The Candy Kids” did their part to help satisfy America’s sweet tooth.

Musgo Gasoline Sign Shatters Record

On Aug. 27, Richmond Auctions in Greenville, S.C., set a new world auction record for the most expensive antique advertising sign when it sold a 48-inch double-sided

porcelain Musgo Gasoline sign for $1.5 million against an estimate of $100,000$750,000, shattering the previous record of $400,000.

Considered the Holy Grail

of antique advertising signs by most collectors, the Musgo Gasoline sign was discovered in an attic in Michigan. It had never been seen by the public and was a fresh-to-market

example. Musgo, originally located in Muskegon, Mich., was believed to have been active for less than six

Jean and Inez Bregant are enjoying a sunny afternoon at home On the road for Woodward: a Bregant souvenir card promoting Woodward’s “pure sugar stick candy and real butter scotch.” The Bregants posed outside their “tiny home,” ca. 1915. This is the reverse of the Woodward photo cards distributed to patrons by Jean and Inez Bregant. Noted Jean, “In the United States, it is possible for anyone to get the opportunity to succeed. It is this fact that makes me think so well of this country.”
antiquesandauctionnews.net6- - Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 Antique, Modern, Collectible 2022 Show & Sales Show Times 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. Lancaster Farm & Home Center 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022 LANCASTER DOLL, TOY, TEDDY BEAR Admission $6.00 With Ad $5.00 At 10:00 A.M. Early Bird Admission 9:00 A.M. $10.00 R088963 Show Times 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. SHOW LOCATION: Take Service Rd. off Rt. 72 South (Manheim Pike) Off Rt. 30 & Rt. 283. Early Bird 9:00 A.M. $10.00 - Children Free Info: Ron Funk, 3045 W. Meadowview Drive, Gordonville, PA 17529 (717) 371-0395 R088734 Antique Dealers Association of Berks County presents 8th Annual Kempton Antique Show & Sale Admission: $7 $6 with ad or card Saturday October 15th 9am - 4pm Kempton Community Recreation Center 83 Community Center Dr. Kempton, PA 19529 Show Information: 610-678-7669 or 610-944-3203 Email: R088032
Continued from
Continued on page 11

Conestoga Auction Co., A Division Of The Hess Auction Group To Hold Single-Owner Sale

Quality Grouping Of Antiques From The Collection

Guy R. and Jane Peifer Eshelman were both born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1933 and married in 1956.

Their love for collecting antiques was born out of their deep respect and love for their Lancaster County heritage. Guy was an avid genealogist, tracing his and Jane’s family histories to Hans Herr’s settlement through various lines.

They preserved possessions handed down from three or more generations before them. If they had a plate owned by an ancestor, they delighted in building on and getting others to complete an entire serving set of the same pattern. Guy meticulously labeled the family provenance on a host of items, lovingly leaving tangible reminders of family heritage to his children and grandchildren.

As a lifelong potato farmer, Guy expanded the Eshelmans’ antique collection to primitive farm equipment and implements. Jane was the first female Pontiac dealer, and the couple’s collection includes the LaSalle that Jane’s father purchased when he was an early Cadillac dealer. Guy loved to teach history through antiques he and Jane collected. He would frequently pick up an item and ask a grandchild to “guess what this was used for.” If it was a toaster, a fire would be built and there would be an object lesson on toasting bread in an open-hearth fireplace. Guy and Jane also volunteered for Ag in the Classroom throughout Lancaster County and used items from their collection in their educational presentations. Guy hosted an elementary school “Farmer Boy” day, which used antiques to teach local history and give demonstrations of early farm life.

Antique collecting was a hobby that Guy and Jane enjoyed together for decades. Their collection is varied and includes china, woodenwares, metalwares, Lancaster County furniture, stoneware and more. They were studious of what made an object unique and desirable and were known for collecting items in pristine condition. Guy and Jane frequented Conestoga Auction Co. in Manheim, Pa., but also

attended antique shows.

Jane had an affinity for decorating in authentic Colonial Williamsburg style and colors. She was a purist in this regard. Much of the auction is comprised of items intended to furnish and decorate the home that the couple was remodeling when Jane passed away

Guy Eshelman To Be Sold Oct. 15

suddenly in 1996. At that time, Guy switched from collecting to preserving the collection.

In one way or another, the items being auctioned are precious vignettes of family heritage. It is hoped that buyers will treasure the objects they acquire as well as the history


Ron Stayer Lowman, NY

Tom Keady, Blairstown, NJ

Larry Strickler, York, PA


surrounding those objects. More importantly, Guy and Jane would want it to be known that as special as their collection was to them, their greatest joy was not in storing “up for themselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy …” (Mathew 6:19).

Their greatest joys stemmed from their faith in Jesus Christ, the assurance of being together with God in heaven for eternity, family, friends and serving

others. Until we shall meet again, Guy and Jane are greatly missed, and this sale is a tribute to them and their values.

The single-owner auction will be offered live on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 9 a.m., at 289 Donerville Road, Lancaster, Pa. Cataloged items will begin at 10 a.m. and will be offered on LiveAuctioneers for live bidding.

For further information, visit www.hessauction

Wilhide’s Antiques, Shippensburg, PA

Karl H. Pass, Mechanicsburg, PA

Ray Roberts, New Cumberland, PA

David Little, Hanover, PA

Mark Teller, Wallingford, PA

Bob Lewis, Frederick, MD

Chris Evans, Waynesboro, VA

Wayne Fisher, Brandywine, MD


Newson/Berdan, Thomasville, PA

Jeannie Kauffman, Flint Hill, VA

Brian Hart, Fleetwood, PA

Kevin Kruger, Grantville, PA

Barry Shenk, Marietta, PA

William Thomas, Abingdon, MD

Lisa Breish, Fort Washington, PA

Don & Pat Clegg, E. Berlin, PA

Jim & Diane Farr, Boalsburg, PA

Dan Freeburg, Wilcox, PA

Jean Herlihy, Frederick, MD

Kris Johnson, Adamstown, PA

Gene Bertolet, Oley, PA

Charlie Kirchner, Selinsgrove, PA

Keith Fryling, Green Lane, PA

Ron & Mary Minges, Mifflin, PA

Roselawn Antiques, Bel Air, MD

Greg Kramer, Robesonia, PA

John Kohler, Lancaster, PA

John Stroup, Belleville, PA Johnston Hammer, New Oxford, PA Scott Buchanan, Pottstown, PA Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 - - 7 35 DEALERS SELLING QUALITY ANTIQUES SUNDAY, OCT. 16TH, 2022 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Lane, NEW OXFORD, PA (One block off Rt. 30 West in Social Club Pavilion) (Heated Building) R088961 NEW OXFORD, PA ONE DAY ANTIQUE SHOW
$5.00 Each ($1 Discount w/This Ad) Pre Show 8-10 A.M., Early Buyers $12 Each During Setup Food Service Restrooms • Parking Bob Conrad, Manager Cell 717-250-6899

10/19-22/22, SHIPSHEWANA, WED.-SAT., Toys incl. 30+ pedal tractors, Vindex Case combine, 2 Caterpillar pedal dozers, pedal cars, steel trucks, many RARE Marx/ other wind-ups, cast-iron & Corgi toys, tool collection, salesman samples, rare Zippo lighters & display cases, 3 box wagons, horse-drawn antqs., lightning rods, weathervanes, country store cab., & much more!, Live & Online: 890 S. Van Buren St.; liveauctioneers &, Chupp Auction & Real Estate

10/08/22, FREDERICK, SATURDAYAT9 AM, Annual Kick off to Fall Auction featuring items from several estates in over 2,000 lots. 1953 MG TD and trailer, Fenton Glass, Japanese items, Waterford crystal, movie cameras, sports related items and much more., Frederick Fairgrounds, 797 East Patrick St, Howard Parzow

10/07-10/22, ROME, FRIDAYMONDAYAT10 AM, Multi-day online & live auction from the estate of Donald A. Weisenburger. Oct 7 through 10 auctioning second floor contents including bedroom furniture, collectibles, jewelry, musical instruments and more., 907 N. George St., Brzostek's Auction Service Inc.

10/13-16/22, ROME, THURSDAY - SUNDAYAT10 AM, Multi-day Live & Online Auction from the estate of Donald A. Weisenburger. Oct 13-16 auctions the 3rd floor & basements contents including furniture: chests, Mission Oak items, Collectibles: lamps, toys, enamel & cast iron, beer signs and more. , 907 N. George St., Brzostek's Auction Service Inc

10/15/22, DUNDEE, SAT. AT 9:30AM, 700+ lots, oil can collec. incl. Freedom oil, Texaco, Archer, Gulf, Pennzoil, SOHIO, Sterling, Falcon-Fleetwing, etc., gas globes/ pumps, Harley Davidson items/ adv., model motorcycles, tobacco & cigar collec., Live & Online: 17020 Dover Rd.; #13128;, Atlee Raber Auctions, LLC.

10/05/22, KUTZTOWN, FRI. 9/23 - WED. 10/5, 3PM START, Estate Coins: half cents, bust, seated, trade & CC dollars, graded standing Liberty qtrs., bullion, silver eagles, gold, Peace & Morgan dollars, 1803 & 15 other highgrade halves, paper money incl. 1896 edu. note, 1899 Black Eagle, many key dates, 300+ lots!, Live & Online: 301 W. Main St.;, Muller Auction Co.

10/07-08/22, MEADVILLE, FRI. NOON-4PM & SAT. 9AM / REALEST. 11AM, 1000's qty. antiques, contents of antq. store, coins, wood shop equip., furniture, and real est.: 8/9 rm. country home, approx. 1 acre, lg. patio deck, 3 out bldgs, attach. garage. 1000's silver dollars, foreign currency, Buffalo nickels, more. Glassware, figurines, lamps, ornate hall mirrors/ pics, many nice chests/ dressers, etc., 11415 Airport Rd., Triple States Family Auction Svc.

10/08/22, MCCONNELLSBURG, SAT. AT8AM, Antiques, 10 pedal tractors, vtg. toys: John Deere, Farmall, Nylint fire truck, Winross, 100+ Tootsietoys, Hubley brass collec. tractors, milk signs, milk/ cream cans, Culler adv. items, horse plows, crocks, brass scales, wood wash machine, Star wdn. butter churn on stand, & more!, 371 S. 2nd St., Ronnie R. Zimmerman Auctioneering

10/08/22, MIFFLINTOWN, SATURDAY, 9:00 AM, Auction featuring the estate of Charlene S. Alexander including furniture and collectibles, cookstove, cast iron, enamelware, dairy items, crocks, toys, prints, Cub Cadet mower, shop tools and related items and much more., 429 Cuba Mills Rd, Bryan Imes, Auctioneer

10/09/22, GILBERTSVILLE, CLOSES SUN. AT6PM, Cataloged estate auction incl. outdoor bronze sculptures, collector cars, UTV's, farm & primitive items, collectibles, clean hh items & more. 1977 VWBeetle convert., Millville wood wagon, 1950 MG TD Roadster, concrete lions pair, 6' cast iron porch bench, bronze soldier on horse statue, etc., Online Only:, Geyer Auction Companies

10/10/22, DILLSBURG, MON. APPROX. 6PM, Incl. 2 Auctioneers: 1 Tools/Box Lots; 1 Furniture. Smalls/ collec., gold coin, sterling, Lenox, Noritake, crocks, jugs, antiques, dishes, collec., primitives, cost. jewelry, Farmall Atractor, DR chipper/ shreader 18 HP, Kubota RTV900 4x4 diesel w/dump bed/ 2859 hrs., box lots., Haar's Auction, 185 Logan (Rt 15), Hardy's Auction Service

10/13/22, LEBANON, THURS. AT3PM, Antiques, collec., glassware, china, furniture, hh, chicken collec. Side curio cabinets, oak kitchen cabinet w/sifter, marble top tables, oak bow side china closet, Seth Thomas wall clock, antq./war books, Austria chocolate pot set, bridal baskets, reverse painted lamp, 5 pc.bowl/ pitcher set, china sets, Prestige flatware, Royal sewing mach. & more!, Lebanon Area Fairgrounds - West Hall, 80 Rocherty Rd., Harry Bachman Auctioneer

10/14/22, NEWMANSTOWN, FRI. 4PM, Pedal tractor collection, antqs./collec., cast Aunt Jemima, oil cans, Texaco thermometer, Dell comic books, farm & Texaco toys, antq. & mod. furn., Hoosier cabinet, washstand, blanket chests, boat, golf cart, tractor- Oliver 60 row crop completely restored., 208 Mountain Trail Rd., Heisey Auctions

10/14/22, PHOENIXVILLE, FRIDAYAT9 AM, Live & Online Fall Auction featuring a large equine collection, furniture, pistol collection, dolls, paintings, clocks and much more., 1041 W. Bridge St., #20, Wiederseim Auction

10/15/22, COATESVILLE, SAT. 9AM; REALEST. ATNOON, Antqs./collec., furniture, tools, horse-drawn sleigh, 2 butcher benches w/mortise legs, Agway riding mower, 2003 Buick Park Ave. vehicle. Brick & siding 1,064 sq.ft. ranch home w/shingle roof, vinyl replac. windows, on .34 +/- acre lot. 1 car Cent. A/C, oil fired hot water heat. Attached 1 car garage & detached lg. 2 car garage w/elec., 100 Highland Dr., Griest's Auction Service

10/15/22, LANCASTER, SAT. AT 9AM, Guy Eshelman Estate & Pers. Prop.- PA19th cen. glazed redware, antq. wdn. & metalwares, 18th cen. stove plates, punched tin candle lantern & cheese molds, 19th cen. wr-iron hearth toaster, graniteware, spatter & stoneware, antq. furniture, oriental rug, guns, Mason & Hamlin mahog. baby grand piano, needlework samp., quilt, etc., Live & Online: 289 Donerville Rd.;, Hess Auction Group

10/15/22, LEBANON, SAT. AT 9AM, Approx.100 pc. cast iron (repo), kitchen tools, beer & farm related items, Mountville hay cutter, dairy related incl. glass butter churn, crates, adv. calendars, milk stool, Christmas items, lg. amt. china/ glassware, figurines, valentines, adv. cards, yardsticks, jewelry, antqs. & collectibles!, Lebanon Area Fairgrounds-West Hall, 80 Rocherty Rd., Harry Bachman Auctioneer

10/15/22, MT. WOLF, SAT. AT 9AM, 750+ Cataloged Lots incl. 100's of toys, 10K+ postcards, 20+ pcs. Griswold, advertising, antq. furniture. Splitdorff spark plug cabinet, auto. collec., 2 oak spinning bookcases, sm. wdn. workbench, pedal cars/ tractors, ephemera, beer adv., much more!, Live & Online: 4522 N. Sherman St.;, Rentzels Auction Service

10/22/22, TYRONE, SATURDAY AT10 AM, On-site estate collection of the late Chester & Jessica Geist including 15+ vehicles, gas pumps, auto & garage signs, antique tractors, sleighs, coach, wagons and more. Second session in November with furnishings and real estate., Live Onsite & Online, Roan Inc. Auctioneers

10/23/22, COGAN STATION, ENDING SUN., 239 Catalogued Lots from Hesser Ruhl Estate. Antq./ vtg. radios, lg. qty. tubes, phonographs, related books/ catalogs, components & more!, Online Only: &, Roan Inc. Auctioneers


10/06-09/22, ATLANTA, THURS.-SUN., Antique Market, 3650 Jonesboro Rd. SE, Atlanta Expo Center, North Bldg.

11/10-13/22, ATLANTA, THURS.-SUN., Antique Market, 3650 Jonesboro Rd. SE, Atlanta Expo Center, North Bldg.


11/06/22, ELKTON, SUN. 9AM2PM, 49th Annual Antique Bottle & Collectibles Show & Sale, Routes 279 & 213 (I-95, exit 109A), Singerly Firehall


01/06/22 TO 12/18/22, COLUMBUS, THURS.-SUN., Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market, Rt. 206 South, Delaware Valley, Columbus, NJ

10/08-10/22, RONKS, SAT. 9-5; SUN. & MON. 10-5, Antiques & Collectibles Tent Sale, 227 Hartman Bridge Rd./ Rte.896, Strasburg, PA

10/08/22, PENNS LANDING, PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 8 AM - 5 PM, RAIN DATE 10/9 FOR OUTDOOR, Flea Market, Indoor & Outdoor, 121 N. Columbus Blvd, Penns Landing, Cherry St. Pier & Race St. Pier

10/15/22, FISHTOWN, PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 8 AM - 5 PM, Flea Market, 2161 E. York St, Fishtown, Hackett Elementary School

10/22/22, GETTYSBURG, SAT. 9AM-5PM; OUTDOOR MKT.: 8AM-2PM, 2022 Antq. & Vtg. Outdoor Mkt. Store & Warehse. Sale, 2885 York Rd., Gettysburg Outlet Shoppes

10/22/22, KUTZTOWN, SAT. 10AM-3PM, Kutztown Farmhouse Antique Show, 740 Noble St., Kutztown, PA

10/22/22, MACUNGIE, SAT. 9AM-2PM, 48th Annual Antique Bottle Show & Sale, 50 Poplar St., Macungie Park Hall

10/29-30/22, ELVERSON, SAT. 10-4 & SUN. 10-3, Elverson Antique Show & Sale, 4897 North Twin Valley Rd., Twin Valley High School

10/08-09/22, STORMVILLE, SAT. & SUN., 8AM-4PM, Antiques Show & Flea Market, 427 Rte. 216, Stormville Airport, NY

11/05/22, STORMVILLE, SAT. 8AM-4PM, Antique Show & Flea Market, 428 Rte. 216, Stormville Airport, NY


11/05/22, BERLIN, SATURDAY, 9-3, Simple Goods Antiques & Primitive Goods Show, 3558 US Route 62, Heritage Community Center

11/26-27/22, COLUMBUS, SAT.SUN., Antiques & Designer Items Market, 717 E. 17th Ave., Ohio Expo Center


10/15/22, QUAKERTOWN, SAT. 11AM-5PM, Celebrate Autumn Alive Old-Fashioned Street Fest, 132 E. Broad St., Quakertown, PA

10/16/22, LEESPORT, SUNDAY 9-3, 7th Annual Berks County IACANE Indian Relic Show, 312 Gernants Church Rd, Leesport Farmers Market

10/19/22, PALMYRA, WED. 10AM-3PM, Maker & Vintage Market, 1976 Laudermilch Rd./ Rte.743, The Nest

11/06/22, LANCASTER, SUN., 9AM - 2PM, Lancaster Doll, Toy & Teddy Bear Show & Sale, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster Farm & Home Center

11/12-13/22, JAMISON, SATURDAY10-5 AND SUNDAY 11-4, The 2022 Annual Antiques Show, 1410 Almshouse Rd, St. Cyril of Jersualem Church

11/25-26/22, LANCASTER, FRI. 10-5, SAT. 10-3, Lancaster Fall Postcard Show, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster Farm & Home Center


10/14-15/22, FISHERSVILLE, FRI. & SAT., 9AM-5PM, 69th Antiques Expo, 277 Expo Rd., Expoland

Gehman Auctions Adds Two New Team Members

and antiques from a very young age. In 2002, after completing an education in graphics and fine art, Meeks began selling antiques, focusing on internet sales and both co-ops and outdoor markets in Adamstown. He is excited about his new job with Gehman Auctions. In his spare time, he enjoys oil painting and relaxing with friends.

Nate Watts is another recent hire. He will be the head of the shipping department and comes to the auction house with many years of shipping experience.

To contact Shane Gehman, call 717-669-9668.

antiquesandauctionnews.net8- - Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 R061243 In The Historic “White Barn” BRANDYWINE RIVER ANTIQUES MARKET Limited Space Available for Quality Dealers Only Bank Barn offering 15,000 Sq. Ft. of Quality Antiques, Primitives, Estate Furniture, with Appropriate Accessories & Smalls. 878 Baltimore Pike (Rt. 1) CHADDS FORD, PA 19317 Open 10-5 Wednesday Thru Sunday Phone 610-388-2000 Fax 610-388-2720 E-Mail Located Directly On Rt. 1 “At The White Barn” 3292 Durham Road (Rt. 413), Doylestown, PA 18902 The Finest Antiques Center in Bucks County, PA (267) 544-0574 R066713 F059658 THE SLATINGTON MARKETPLACE Antiques & Collectibles 8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 Wed. & Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 135+ DEALERS • 200+ SPACES 610-766-7495 (Follow Us On Facebook) ANTIQUE CENTER 517 St. Mary’s Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837 OPEN 7 DAYS 10-5 570-524-5733 R079635 400 ANTIQUE DEALERS BIG VALLEY ANTIQUES MILROY EXIT U RT.322 U MILROY,PA U LEFT AT LIGHT 22 miles E of State College - 65 miles W of Harrisburg Open 7 Days 10 am to 5 pm 47 Auction Circle, Milroy, PA 17063 Ph: (717) 667-2400 R087703 Over 125 Active Antique Dealers Co-Op 2 Floors Full of Antiques & Collectibles Outdoor Flea Market - Wednesdays, April - Oct. CALENDARS AUCTIONS SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR INDIANA MARYLAND NEW YORK OHIO PENNSYLVANIA Gehman Auctions is located at 564 N. Reading Road in Ephrata, Pa.

Gehman Auctions of Ephrata, Pa., has added two new members to its growing team. Jeremy Meeks, an antiques dealer, has had a love of art Jeremy Meeks Nate Watts

The Barnes Foundation Presents “Modigliani Up Close”

First Exhibition To Spotlight Conservation Research Exploring Modigliani’s Working Methods And Materials

This fall, in celebration of its centennial, the Barnes Foundation will present “Modigliani Up Close,” a major loan exhibition that shares new insights into Amedeo Modigliani’s working methods and materials. On view in the Roberts Gallery from Sunday, Oct. 16, through Jan. 29, 2023, “Modigliani Up Close” is curated by an international team of art historians and conservators: Barbara Buckley, senior director of conservation and chief conservator of paintings at the Barnes; Simonetta Fraquelli, independent curator and consulting curator for the Barnes; Nancy Ireson, deputy director for collections and exhibitions and Gund family chief curator at the Barnes; and Annette King, paintings conservator at Tate, London.

“Modigliani Up Close” is sponsored by Morgan Stanley and Comcast NBCUniversal. Additional support is provided by the David Berg Foundation, Sue Perel Rosefsky, Alter Family Foundation, Pamela and David Berkman, Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan, Laura and Bill Buck, Marianne Dean, Dietz & Watson, Roberta and Carl Dranoff, Deborah Glass, Anne and Matt Hamilton, Pamela and James Hill, Amy DonohueKorman and John Korman, Sueyun and Gene Locks, the Samuel P. Mandell Foundation, Yasmina M. Moukarzel, Nicole and James Schaeffer, Joan Thalheimer, Harriet and Larry Weiss, Margaret and Tom Whitford, Randi Zemsky and Bob Lane, and other generous individuals.

Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920) is among the most celebrated artists of the 20th century. While many exhibitions have endeavored to reunite his paintings, sculptures, and drawings, “Modigliani Up Close” offers a unique opportunity to examine their production and explore how Modigliani constructed and composed his signature works. Featuring new scholarship that builds on research that began in 2017 with the major Modigliani retrospective at Tate Modern, this single-venue exhibition and its accompanying catalogue are the culmination of years of research by conservators and curators across Europe and the Americas. Modigliani Up Close furthers understanding of Modigliani’s

approach to his art, refines a chronology of his paintings and sculptures, and helps to establish the locations and circumstances of where he worked.

“We are pleased to present this major exhibition that offers a detailed investigation of Modigliani’s unique style,” says Thom Collins, Neubauer family executive director and president. “Stemming from a multiyear, global research effort, the show has brought

spectroscopy (XRF), conservators and conservation scientists reveal previously unknown aspects of Modigliani’s work. Visitors will feel closer to Modigliani as an artist, seeing his work through the eyes of the experts, catching glimpses of the artist’s hand hidden beneath the surfaces of his work.

“Thanks to the work of conservators and curators from museums around the globe, ‘Modigliani Up Close’ offers an unrivaled opportunity to understand how the artist made his iconic paintings and sculptures,” says Nancy Ireson. “The exhibition is a perfect demonstration of how, in addition to producing innovative research, the Barnes Foundation brings together colleagues in the field to share their findings and thoughts.”

This exhibition holds a special significance at the Barnes, as Dr. Albert C. Barnes was one of Modigliani’s earliest collectors in the United States and helped shape the artist’s critical reception in this country. In addition to

To learn more about works in “Modigliani Up Close,” visitors can use Barnes Focus, a mobile guide that works on any smartphone with a web browser. Previously only accessible for works in the Barnes collection, “Modigliani Up Close” marks the first occasion Barnes Focus can be used to explore loaned works in an exhibition. To use it, visitors simply open the guide by navigating to on a mobile browser and focus on a work of art; the guide will recognize the work and deliver information about it. Barnes Focus also leverages the Google Translate API, so you can automatically translate the guide into a variety of languages.


the international art community together to create a collaborative vision of the artist’s practice, leaving a last ing legacy for future Modigliani scholarship. The Barnes collection is home to 16 works by the artist, one of the largest and most important groups of the artist’s works in the world, and the project provided a unique opportunity to fully explore their significance. We see once more how Dr. Barnes broke new ground in the history of collecting modern art.”

Featuring nearly 50 works from major collections and organized into thematic sections, the exhibition presents paintings and sculptures alongside new findings that have resulted from the technical research of collaborating conservators, conservation scientists, and curators. Using analytical techniques, including Xradiography, infrared reflectography, and X-ray fluorescence

works on paper, there are 12 significant paintings and one carved stone sculpture by Modigliani in the Barnes collection. With 12 paintings each, the Barnes and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., have the largest collections of Modigliani paintings in the world.

The Barnes Foundation is located at 2025 Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia.

To learn more, visit


DELAWARE Edited by Barbara Buckley, Simonetta Fraquelli, Nancy Ireson, and Annette King, the fully illustrated exhibition catalogue, including 360 images, offers a focused exploration of how Modigliani constructed and composed his signature works and sheds light on Dr. Barnes’s role in the trajectory of Modigliani’s career. The Barnes collection is home to one of the most important groups of Modigliani works in the world, and the catalogue brings these works together with some 50 other important examples from public and private collections around the world. Amedeo Modigliani’s “Jeanne Hébuterne with Yellow Sweater,” 1918–19, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Founding Collection, by gift, 37.533, Image is courtesy of The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation / Art Resource, N.Y. Amedeo Modigliani’s “La Chevelure noire, dit aussi Jeune fille brune assise,” 1918, Musée Picasso, Paris MP201730, is courtesy RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, N.Y., photo Adrien Didierjean, image credit courtesy of RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, N.Y. Amedeo Modigliani’s “Head,” ca. 1911, Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Mass., is a gift of Lois Orswell, 1992.254, and image courtesy of President and Fellows of Harvard College. Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 - - 9 Antique and art dealers of fine European and American furniture, art, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, glass, china, silver, primitives, jewelry, clocks, decorative items, linens, collectibles, and much more! 46 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey Just minutes from Exit 102, Garden State Parkway 732.774.8230 MON - SAT. 11 TO 5, SUN 12-5 R033457 R059727 DAYS of OLDE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 609-652-7011 | The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op • Open 7 Days a Week • 10am-6pm Visit our NEW 21,000 Sq. Ft. Facility BIGGER & BETTER! New Dealers Welcome! Check it Out! 150 S. New York Rd. (Rte. 9), Galloway, NJ Less than a 1/2 mile south of our old location NOW OPEN! R088881 Antiques and Collectibles at MARKET STREET TREASURES 36 Market Street In Historic Salem, New Jersey Hours: Wednesday Thru Saturday 10 A.M. To 5 P.M. And Sunday 11 A.M. To 4 P.M. “Where Dealers Love to Shop” For Info. Call: (856) 935-6699 Visit Us On Facebook VOTED MULTIPLE TIMES AS #1 ANTIQUE SHOP IN SALEM CO. CAWMAN'S MALL Antiques & Things on Consignment Year-Round Hrs: Wed-Sun 10-5 VISA • MASTERCARD ACCEPTED q g g 529 Rt. 49 • Salem, NJ 08079 Ye Y ar R -Rou d nd Hrs W 10 5 -5 Rt New Vendors - New Merchandise! 12,000 Sq. Ft. Shopping Space 856-935-0423 R088868 Haddon Heights Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave. Haddon Heights, New Jersey (856) 546-0555 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM Grist Mill Antiques Center PEMBERTON, NJ 08068 Limited Space Available Route 616, 127 Hanover Street Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection (609) 726-1588 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM R088857 Grist Mill Flea Market Sunday, Oct. 23 • 8am-5pm R033462 COLUMBUS FARMERS’ MARKET Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3 Over 1,500 Vendors Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ 609-267-0400 R059308 SHORE ANTIQUE CENTER “Where the Dealers Shop” still on the "SHORE" 413 Allen Avenue, Allenhurst, NJ 732-531-4466 732-814-1450 11-5 Daily • Call for directions Spence’s Auction & Flea Market Auction Every Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M. 550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 734-3441 Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors R030369 R030375 Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22) NAZARETH, PA 18064 610-759-7389 KLEINFELTER’S AUCTION 492 E. Lincoln Ave. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 Online Only Auctions Every Thursday 1PM For Information Phone (717) 272-7078 R075957


6:00 p.m. with 2 auctioneers on porches if weather permits (1 tools/box lots, 1 furniture); Stage auction begins @ 6:30 p.m. (smalls/collectibles). Consignment sale of local estates to include furniture; bedroom suites; bookcases; sofas; table w/chairs; TV’s; old toys; hats/hat boxes; very clean household items; dishes; collectibles; tools; primitives; antiques; box lots; Terms: Cash or good PA Check. Office number 717-432-8246 leave a message. Check for updates.





Art Emporium will fill the front Emporium display sale case with items relating to Halloween. The items will be available until the middle of November. One of the active Emporium dealers has an extensive collection of Halloween items and is ready to pass on some of the collection to a new home. Many of the pieces will be from this collection.

Mark calendars for Sunday, Oct. 30, for the Emporium’s 14th annual Antique Show and Garden Market. Hours will be 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., with antique evaluations by 21st Century Antiques taking place from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The

parking lot and the front of the Emporium will be filled with dealers. A music concert by Raising River Band will take place in the back of the parking lot from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., while complimentary snacks will be available inside the Emporium.

In the courtyard, the mums have returned in full bloom. The courtyard is decorated for Halloween with lights, ghouls, pumpkins and spiders.

The Emporium is open six days a week (closed Mondays), from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located in Burlington City, N.J., the Emporium is a half-hour drive from Philadelphia by Interstate 95. For directions, call 609747-8333. For GPS, use 424 High St. Burlington City, N.J. Happy antiquing!




Restaurant & AUCTION DOORS open @ 5:00 p.m.

Sale starts at approximately 6:00 p.m. with 2 auctioneers on porches if weather permits (1 tools/box lots, 1 furniture); Stage auction begins @ 6:30 p.m. (smalls/collectibles). Consignment sale of local estates to include furniture; GOLD COIN; Sterling; Costume

Check. Office

Purple Transfer Ironstone

China, Stone-


Handcra ed

J.R. Houser, Lanc. Co.,


Cent. Stove Plates, Punched Tin Candle Lantern &

Molds, 19th Cent. Wrought Iron Hearth Toaster, Graniteware,

Slant Lid Desk, James Smithgall Windsor Style Comb Back Armchair & Se ee, Mason & Hamlin Mahogany Baby Grand Piano, Herman Miller (George Nelson Design) Mid Cent. Modern Rosewood 7 Pc BRM Suite, ’37 Buick Lasalle Touring Sedan, & Much More!


antiquesandauctionnews.net10- - Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 ANTIQUES – COLLECTIBLES – HOUSEHOLD GOODS BASEBALL CARDS – REPO CAST IRON – PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATION: Lebanon Area Fairgrounds (West Hall), 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon Co. PA. From Rt. 72 south of Lebanon at Sheetz Station – east on Rocherty Rd. to fairgrounds. Appx. 100 pcs. cast iron (repo); kitchen tools; beer related items; farm related inc. Mountville hay cutter; dairy related inc. glass butter churn, crates, adv. calendars, milk stool, etc.; Christmas items; lots of china and glassware; figurines; valentines; advertisement cards; yardsticks; asst. jewelry and lots of great antiques and collectibles. Pictures and large listing at PREVIEW: 7:00 auction morning. PAYMENT: cash/check/credit card with 3% service fee. AUCTION ORDER: mixture of items throughout auction. Food and toilet facilities. Chairs provided or bring your own. Bring boxes and packing supplies. Announcements auction day take precedence over any previous printed or oral information. Public Auction SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 2022 9:00 A.M. R088843 Auction for Janet Deitz Estate E-mail: 2051 HORSESHOE PIKE ANNVILLE, PA 17003-8850 (717) 867-1809 AU-000033-L AUCTIONEER ANTIQUE & VINTAGE RADIO AUCTION REGISTER AND BID @ WWW.INVALUABLE.COM OR WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM ROAN INC. AUCTIONEERS 3530 LYCOMING CREEK RD COGAN STATION, PA 570-494-0170 NOT TO BE CONFUSED OR AFFILIATED WITH MICHAEL T. ROAN AKA ROAN REAL ESTATE ONLINE ONLY BIDDING VARIOUS ANTIQUE & VINTAGE RADIOS LARGE QUANTITY OF TUBES PHONOGRAPHS RELATED BOOKS & CATALOGS VARIOUS COMPONENTS AND MORE! SEE CATALOG DESCRIPTIONS AND PHOTOS ONLINE @ 239 CATALOGUED LOTS FROM THE HESSER RUHL ESTATE INCL: AUCTION ENDS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8TH 12PM TO 4PM PURCHASE PICK-UP: OS S GS NS m INC ONLINE A R088878 Featuring the McFeely collection with over 700 lots Oil Can collection: Freedom oil, Texaco, Archer, Gulf, Pennzoil, SOHIO, Sterling, FalconFleetwing and many more not listed Harley Davidson: Neon spinner clock, globes, cans, watches, lighters, advertising tins, model motorcycles, signs, and much more.. Wooden phone booth, lots of advertising signs, thermometers. This is just a partial list. For more photos go to ID# 13128 McFeely Auction October 15 - 9:30 AM 17020 Dover Rd, Dundee, Ohio 44624 Gas pumps, gas globes, cigar & tobacco collection, Large wooden country store cigar Indian, Harley Davidson collection, signs 10% BP on all sales cash/ check/ CC with 4% fee. Online terms vary After many years of collecting Bob has decided to sell his collection. This one of a kind collection features a variety of items that you won't want to miss! Online bidding available on AuctionZip & Liveauctioneers. Live crowd as well as absentee & phone bids welcomed. R088659 HARDY’S AUCTION SERVICE AH000010L 717-432-8246 or 717-432-3779 HAAR’S AUCTION Located @ 185 Logan Rd. (Rt. 15), DILLSBURG, PA 17019 ANTIQUES – FURNITURE – COLLECTIBLE – TOOLS – ETC.
Restaurant & AUCTION DOORS open @ 5:00 p.m. Sale starts at approximately
Jewelry; Lenox; Noritake; Crocks; Jugs; Antiques; dishes; collectibles; tools; primitives; Farmall A tractor; DR Chipper/Shreader 18 HP; Kubota RTV900 4x4 diesel w/ dump bed w/2859 hrs; box lots; Terms: Cash or good PA
number 717-432-8246 leave a message. Check
for updates. R088902 P A S , O 15 ~ 9AM L O 289 Donerville Rd. Lancaster, PA 17603 717 664 5238877 599 8894
China, Spa erware & Leeds So Paste
ware, Red Wing Union Stoneware Co. Crocks, PA 19th Cent. Glazed
Victorian Art Glass, An que Woodenwares incl. Wood Models
PA, An que
incl. 18th
An que Belgian Model 1857 Breech Loading Zulu Shotgun, Swiss H. Rychner Model 1869/71 An que Rifle, Needlework Samplers, Lanc. Co., PA Lone Star Patchwork Quilt, Oriental Rugs, An que Furniture Incl. M&P Shreiner, Lanc., No. 39 Hepplewhite Tall Case Clock, Southeastern PA Federal Walnut 2 Part Corner Cupboard, Lanc. Co., PA Sheraton So wood Splay Leg Stand, Lanc. Co., PA Painted Blanket Chests, PA Chippendale Walnut
See hessauc for more details. Preview: Friday, Oct. 14th from 12:pm 4:pm 10% BP for Onsite Bidders 15% BP for Online Bidders P w V J P T g L M F S S M D S
Continued from page 1



LOCATION: Lebanon Area Fairgrounds (West Hall), 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon Co. PA. From Rt. 72 south of Lebanon at Sheetz Station – east on Rocherty Rd. to fairgrounds.

Lighted large double & single door bowed side curio cabinets (both like new); oak kitchen cabinet w/sifter; (2) marble top tables; oak bow side china closet; 6 shelf wooden cabinet; painted chest of drawers; office chairs; desk chair; double book shelf; glass door hutch; Windsor style chair; brass bed w/bedding; storage cabinets; small tables, etc.

Large jug w/blue bird (cracked); Seth Thomas

The ca. 1920s double-sided porcelain Musgo Gasoline sign realized $1.5 million. Image courtesy of Richmond Auctions and LiveAuctioneers.

months during the mid1920s. Following its closure, most of its signs were used as septic tank lids, which caused one side of the sign to decay from exposure to septic fumes. This recordbreaking sign was new/old stock, never used as a septic tank lid, and is considered the best-known example of this legendary sign.

“Richmond Auctions was thrilled to have the opportunity to sell this one-of-akind collectible,” said Jordan Richmond, founder and CEO of Richmond Auctions. “This unique Musgo Gasoline sign was discovered without touchups, restoration or enhancements, something

Bottle Show

Continued from page 1

floors of local and national bottles and table-top antique items from breweriana, soda water, dairy, art deco soda, stoneware, inks, poisons, and more. Refreshments will be available on site. Both floors are handicapped-accessible. An early shopper admission at 7:30 a.m. will be $20.

For additional information, contact Bill Hegedus at 610-264-3130 or email forks ofthedelawarebottles

The Forks of The Delaware Bottle Collectors Association is a nonprofit organization.

unheard of for a collectible of this nature. The $1.5 million dollar price tag speaks to the great condition and uniqueness of this item.”

Courtesy Live Auctioneers.

For more information and a video of the sign selling, visit www.richmond

Public Auction

Personal Property 9 A.M. Real Estate 12 P.M.

Location: 100 Highland Dr. Coatesville, PA 19320

Directions: Take Rt. 340 east of Rt. 10 or West of Rt. 82 and follow to sale. Sale is east of Wagontown.

Real Estate: Well-kept approx. 1,064 sq. ft. Ranch home on .344 +/acre corner lot; Brick and siding exterior w/alum soffit, fascia & gutters; shingled roof; vinyl replacement windows; attached one car garage w/ overhead door; central A/C; oil fired hot water heat w/domestic hot water; fuse electric service; on site well & sewer; also, an oversized 2 car detached garage w/electric, overhead doors & entrance door on side by house.

Living Area: Eat in kitchen w/wooden cabinets & carpet floor; Living room w/fireplace & front door entrance w/coat closet & large bow picture window; Full bath; Master bedroom w/half bath, closet & large front window; Sm. bedroom or office w/ closet & cedar closet; rear sitting room w/access to single car garage or outside; Attic storage; Full basement w/concrete floor, inside/outside access & woodstove.

-10% down day of sale w/45-day settlement cash or approved check-Inspection by appointment only (610) 857-3187Vehicle: 2003 Buick Park Avenue w/114,019 miles 3.L V6 Inspected until July 2023. New tires and brakes.

Personal Property: 2 butcher benches w/mortise legs; Horse drawn sleigh (needs work); Agway 38” cut 11 horse Briggs var. speed riding mower; Other antiques, collectables, furniture, and tools.

-Announcement day of sale take precedence over previous advertisement-

-Not Responsible for accident-Food AvailableCheck #1320 for pictures

Atty; Keen, Keen & Good Terms: Cash or Approved Check No Out-of-State Checks



SMALL COLLECTOR PAYS FOR COINS & COLLECTIONS: ALLTYPES. Will travel to you. Call Gary: 301-809-0291


WANTED: WEEKLY MAGAZINES from 1900-1999, Life, Time, SEP, Liberty, Colliers, Newsweek, Literary Digest, Look, Leslies. Fran DiBacco, Vintage Magazine Nostalgia Center, 1460 Grandview Ave., Ste. 3-A, Paulsboro, NJ 08066. #856-848-8040


Highest Prices Paid. Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Glass Slides Displays Dwight Cleveland, ph. 773-525-9152 POB 10922, Chicago, IL 60610 Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 - - 11 F063435 ATTENTION! Get the Word Out! Advertise Your SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-800-1833, x6022 or R068587 call 1-800-800-1833, Ext. 6022 or place your ad online R088863Griest Auction Service (610) 857-3187 Kenneth W. Griest Auctioneer Lic. AU-003929-L - CLIP AND SAVE- CLIP AND SAVE -
SATURDAY, OCT. 15TH ROAN Inc. *THE ORIGINAL ROAN AUCTIONEERS OF REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS* NOT AFFILIATED OR TO BE CONFUSED WITH: MICHAEL ROAN AKA ROAN REAL ESTATE WEB: PHONE: 570-494-0170 / 570-220-0062 Call or Email to be placed on mailing list ~ NO EARLY PREVIEWS! THE LATE CHESTER & JESSICA GEIST ESTATE COLLECTION TYRONE, PA ~ OFFERED LIVE ON-SITE & ONLINE WATCH OUR WEBSITE FOR PREVIEW DATES, CATALOG, PHOTOS, ONLINE & GENERAL BIDDING DETAILS TWO SESSION AUCTION INCLUDING: SESSION ONE: 10/22/2022 * 10AM 15+ VEHICLES OF VARIOUS CONDITION / NUMEROUS PROJECT CARS 1942 FORD MILITARY JEEP FORD RETRACTABLE / (3) MOD T TRUCKS MOD A PARTS & ENGINES / SEV 30’S CHEVY CARS / MANY PARTS AUTO & GARAGE SIGNS / (2) GAS PUMPS /LIC.& DASH PLATES VINT. TOOLS / ANTIQUE TRACTORS / HIT & MISS ENGINES HORSEDRAWN HEARSE/SLEIGHS/COACH/WAGONS SESSION TWO: 11/12/2022 * 10AM ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & FURNISHINGS / 13 JUKE BOXES W/ REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT 12 NOON ORIGINAL 1937 CORD BEVERLY 812 IDDD AUCTION! OCT. 22, 2022OCT SATURDAY, R088397 SEE MORE INFO & PHOTOS PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTOR - PEDAL TRACTORS - ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES - 0 TURN - GOLF CART – BOAT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2022 AT 4:00 PM 208 Mountain Trail Rd., NEWMANSTOWN, PA 17073 Location: Along PA-501, 2.5 mi. S. of Schaefferstown & 3.5 mi N. of Brickerville. AUCTION FOR: ADAM G. BURKHOLDER ESTATE ERNEST MARTIN (717) 471-4683 JOEL HEISEY, AUCTIONEER TRACTOR: Oliver 60 Row Crop Completely Restored; PEDAL TRACTOR COLLECTION; ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Packard Keystone Dump Truck; Structo Dump Truck; Structo Tractor Keystone Crane; Farm Toys; Texaco Toys; Case Steam Engine, Grader, Roller, Burkholder Meats Lard Tin; Cast Scottie Dog; Cast Aunt Jemima; Oil Cans; Texaco Thermometer; Dell Comic Books; Lancaster Co. Signed Broad Ax& Much More! ANTIQUE & MODERN FURNITURE: Outstanding Hoosier Cabinet; Washstand; Blanket Chests; BOAT; GOLF CART - LAWN & GARDEN-TOOLS & Much More!! NOTE: Partial list! Don’t miss this outstanding collection. Everything is neat and clean. Many items are in like new condition! Plenty of convenient parking, Great food, Tent if needed. TERMS: Cash, Good PA Check or Credit Card (w/3% fee). No Out-of-State Checks. No Buyer’s Premium. R088836
wall clock; antique & war books; Austria chocolate pot set; (2) bridal baskets; reverse painted lamp; 5 pc. bowl/ pitcher set; Vaseline; opalescent; hob nail; Gone w/the Wind lamp; carnival; colored glass; chicken collection; Longaberger® pottery & baskets; Royal Warchester & Bavaria china sets w/extra pcs.; Prestige flatware; Royal sewing machine and many other unlisted items. This is a beautiful, clean lifetime collection. Owner needs to down size. Pictures and large listing at PREVIEW: 1:00 auction day. PAYMENT: cash/check/credit card with 3% service fee. AUCTION ORDER: mixture of small items throughout auction. Furniture 6:00. Food and toilet facilities. Chairs provided or bring your own. Bring boxes and packing supplies. Announcements auction day take precedence over any previous printed or oral information. Public Auction THURSDAY OCTOBER 13, 2022 3:00 P.M. Auction for Linda Conway E-mail: 2051 HORSESHOE PIKE ANNVILLE, PA 17003-8850 (717) 867-1809 AU-000033-L AUCTIONEER SPORTS MEMORABILIA 100 yr old collection & sports cards, mostly baseball. Call Bill 215-808-0291 lv. msg. ANTIQUE LAMP& METALS RESTORATION Antique Oxidized Patina Finishes, Polishing & more in Abbottstown, PA. Ask for John: 717-797-9194 To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211 SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail 53 OLD CARS AND PARTS, $1,000-$5,000 or less, too sick for hobby, Central PA. Call 570-538-3464 LEAVING TOWN, HELLO FLORIDA. SELLING BARN FULL OF ANTIQUES. Located in Gladstone, NJ. Call 908-234-0367 or 908-715-9659. $ $POSTCARDS W W ORLD’S LARORLD’S LAR GEST GEST on-line store! 4 Stores, One Shopping Cart: * Topical * 50 States * World Countries * Victorian Trade Cards 2 Million Postcards! Email: Call Alan: 1-888-828-7811 OLD PAINTINGSWANTED American Impressionists, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, European paintings. 40 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.
Continued from page 6


Approx. 30 minutes of uncataloged TOYS selling before 3:30 PM

3:30 PM - toY auction

Online bidding available!



Country store, signs, petroleum, farm primitives, 100+ seed corn signs & seed bags, much more! Many surprises!

NO online bidding available!

Approx. 30 minutes of uncataloged TOOLS selling before 4:00 PM

4:00 PM - tool auction


Online bidding available!


Online bidding available all day!

AM - antiques

PM - antiques


Online bidding available!

AM - antiques

TOYS including (30+) pedal tractors, Vindex Case combine, (2) Caterpillar pedal dozers, pedal cars, pressed steel trucks, many RARE Marx & other brand wind-ups, cast iron toys, Corgi toys and much more!

DAN & MYRNA COLEMAN TOOL COLLECTION with all kinds of planes, levels and other tools!

SALESMAN SAMPLES including horse-drawn, (2) silos, hay carrier and more!

Many ADVERTISING SIGNS including farm, country store, petroleum, soda pop and more!

RARE ZIPPO lighter display cases and RARE lighters!

(3) Box wagons, horse-drawn antiques, anvils, seed corn signs, (50+) seed corn bags, hog oilers, approx.. ¼ scale working steam engine, hit & miss engines, lightning rods, balls & weathervanes, all kinds of country store cabinets, counters, spool cabinets and more!

NOTICE: This is a VERY abbreviated ad! To see the full listing with lots of pictures, go to or

antiquesandauctionnews.net12- - Antiques & Auction News — October 7, 2022 CHUPP AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE LLC We Specialize In YOUR Auction! LYLE CHUPP • IN #AU08800826 • (260) 499-0216 DALE CHUPP • IN #AU19800030 • (260) 499-0093 •
19 •
20 •
21 •
22 •
ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE AT: CHUPP AUCTIONS PRESENTS... To be held 1 mile north of US 20 on SR 5 to the CHUPP AUCTION CENTER in Shipshewana, IN ADDRESS: 890 S. Van Buren St. Shipshewana, IN 46565 • • , 2022 BID ONLINE OR ON SITE! 3000+ LOTS!4 DAYS!
Salesman sample Salesman sample R088966

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