Antiques & Auction News - October 15, 2021

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Antiques & Auction News — October 15, 2021 - - 9

CALENDARS 10/19-23/21, SHIPSHEWANA, TUES.-SAT., Tues. 4pm: Farm Toys; Wed. 4pm: Toys; Thurs. 4pm: Tools; Fri. 9am: Salesman samples incl. horse-drawn, box wagons, early buggies, 50+ waffle irons, DeLaval cream separator collec., 100 seed corn signs, very early R. Yeo Draper street peddler cart, & more; Sat. 8:30am: Animal mounts, gas pumps, '74 Suzuki TC100 motorcycle, & more!, Live & Online: 890 S. VanBuren St.; auctionzip &, Chupp Auctions MARYLAND 10/23/21, FREDERICK, SAT. AT 9AM, Antq. & clean hh furniture, lamps, mirrors, fine prints, framed airplane art, auto collec. books, china/glassware, collec., Amish Htg. figurines, keepsake Christmas ornaments / plates, Alison Shriver Designs framed prints, metal table lamps w/glass shades, Strangl pottery, sm. crocks, Time tapestry, 1,500+ lots, & much more - 3 auc. at once., Frederick Fairgrounds, 797 E. Patrick St., Bldg. 12, Howard B. Parzow Auctioneer 10/29/21, TANEYTOWN, FRI. AT 4PM, Outstanding Gettysburg Civil War Dug & Relic Collec.: 500+ catalog. lots, site-ID'ed Union / Confed. relics/artifacts, wooden ammo. box, approx. 50 projectiles, 1000's of bullets, breast plates, belt buckles, buttons, The 'Kearny Cross' medal, canteens, musket partsswords/bayonets, Eisenhower items/pers. saddle, ref. books, etc., Harney Volunteer Fire Co. Cmty. Bldg., 5130 Harney Rd., Yingling Auctioneering 11/06/21, FREDERICK, SAT. AT 9AM, Advertising, Country Store, Ephemera, Drugstore Related Items, Adv. Tins / Boxes, Cigar Boxes, Black Memorabilia, Cast Iron Single /Doub. Wh. Coffee Grinders, Vast Collect. Coffee Tins, Dental Cabinets, & Much More!, Frederick Fairgrounds, 797 E. Patrick St., Bldg. 12, Howard B. Parzow Auctioneer OHIO 10/15-16/21, DUNDEE, FRI. AT 5PM & SAT. AT 9:30AM, Day 1: 600+ oil cans incl. hard-to-find; Day 2: 400+ lots signs, gas pumps, cigarette machines, gas globes, traffic lights, air meters, tire displays, & much more!, Live & Online: 17020 Dover Rd.; /, Atlee Raber Auctioneer

10/16/21, BIRD-IN-HAND, SAT. AT 9AM, Pers. Prop. incl. antq., primitives, collectibles, furniture, glassware, tools, num. showcases, 20+ 4'x8' tables of smalls w/tray lots. Real Est.: 2 1/2 st. old Colonial home at noon., 2637 Old Philadelphia Pike, Reist Auctioneers

10/23/21, ANNVILLE, SAT., Online Qty. Firearm Auction. Now accepting consignments., Online O n l y :, Roy D. Shirk Auctioneer

10/16/21, KINZERS, SAT. AT 10AM, Box Lot Bonanza, Farm Primitives, Signs, Books, & Much More!, 5336 Mine Rd., Embassy Auctions International 10/16/21, MIFFLIN, SAT. AT 9AM, Antiques, collectibles, & antq. furniture, incl. marble base oil lamps, milk glass lamps, gypsy pots, cast iron skillets, cheese boxes, Brownie camera in orig. box, many figurines, Leonard Refrigerator Co. oak ice box, oak pedestal ext. table, early high chest w/candle boxes, early dec. dresser & matching bed, & much more!, 40 Aughey St., Bryan D. Imes & Sons, Auctioneers 10/16/21, MOUNT WOLF, SAT. AT 9AM, Antiques, Primitives, Furniture, Adv., Toys, 450+ Cataloged Lots. Oak Hoosier cabinet, dec. blanket chest, corner cabinet / other antq. furn., dec. stoneware, early china, quilts, signs / adv. items, Masonic items & pins, pennants, butter churns, & more., Live & Online: 4522 N. Sherman St. Ext. /, Rentzels Auction Service 10/16/21, WILLIAMSPORT, SAT. FROM 9AM-5PM, Fall Charity Auction - proceeds support American Rescue Workers' mission to fight/prevent hunger & homelessness in Cent.PA, incl. antq. furniture, pottery, glassware, china, vtg. tools, trains, books, dolls, clothing, Christmas items, jewelry & more!, 643 Elmira St., Sam Aslin Auctioneer 10/18/21, BERNVILLE, MON. AT 7PM, Boy Scout items, sports cards, furniture, lamps, Roseville & Carnival glass, hh / collectibles, jewelry, Breininger pottery, etc., Online Only:, Les Longenecker Auctioneer & Joel Heisey Auctioneer 10/18/21, DILLSBURG, MON. AT 6PM, 3 Auctioneers: Tools / Smalls & Collec. / Furniture. Consign. of local estates, nice furniture, primitives, antiques, dishes, decor, '83 Cadillac Seville for parts, box lots, & much more., 185 Logan Rd., Rte. 15, Hardy's Auction Service

PENNSYLVANIA 10/15/21, BOYERTOWN, FRI. AT 11AM, Civil War era field guns, antiques, collectibles, etc., blacksmith & shop tools, lg. collec. books, silver coins & bars, & more. Online bidding avail. for some items., 1646 W. Philadelphia Ave., Joel Heisey Auctioneer 10/15/21, NEW HOLLAND, FRI. AT 9AM, 100+ Horse Drawn Coaches, Carriages & Sleighs, Vintage Trucks, Appointments & Collections., Live & Online: 12 N. Railroad Ave.;, Martin Auctioneers

10/19-21/21, BANGOR, TUES.THURS. AT 10AM, 3 Day Auc. Qty. Antq. Day 1- Cast Iron, Stoneware, Primitives, Americana, Pottery, Adv., Toys, Postcards, Woodenware, Quilts+. Day 2Country/Prim., Americana, Folk Art, Outsider Art, Dec. Stoneware, Coverlets, Quilts, Cast Iron, Native Amer., Painted Furn., Fraktur, Tramp Art+. Day 3- Fine Art, Art Glass, Early Amer. Furn., Rugs, Pottery, Porcelain, Arts & Crafts, Orientalia, Lighting, Carved Canes, Clocks+., Hartzell's Auction Gallery, 521 Richmond Rd., Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.

10/23/21, COOPERSBURG, SAT. AT 1PM, Early American, English & European Auction, incl. paint dec. items- 3' wooden carved man figure, Euro. carved sleigh, blanket chests, cupboards, Windsor chairs, early African figures, Dutch cupboard, barley twist pub table, early ironware, blue dec. stoneware, early 19th cen. artwork, leaded glass windows, & much more!, 1601 Limeport Pike, Somers Auctioneering 10/23/21, EPHRATA, SAT. AT 9AM, Antq. & vtg. furniture, walnut punched tin pie safe, dropleaf table, red painted blanket chest, repro./modern furn., clocks, lamps, metalware, woodenware, china / glassware, pottery, dec. stonewr. jars/crocks, linens & textiles, antq. & contemp. quilts, artwork, lg. oil ptg. of hunting dogs, toys, hh, & much more!, Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., HOR 10/23/21, MOUNT WOLF, SAT. AT 9AM, 12K Hot Wheels toy carsnew in box, 700+ cataloged lots, 100+ oil, gas, auto signs, gas pump, 3 oil station displays, 500+ oil cans w/names, die cast model cars, auto displays, soap box derby cars & hats, Coke signs / soda pop adv., sm. adv. clocks, collec., & more., Live & online: 4522 N. Sherman St. Ext. /, Rentzels Auction Service 10/23/21, RICHLAND, SAT. AT 8:30AM, Personal Prop. at 8:30, Real Est. at 2:00. Antiques, various types/sz. 19th cen. solid door cupboards, furn., ladder-back rocker, cane seat chairs, slant-top flour chest, folk art items, stoneware/ redware crocks & jugs, old banjos, ukulele, meas. scales, lawn/gdn. equip., & much more., 208 Walnut St., Joel Heisey Auctioneer 10/23/21, SHERMANS DALE, SAT. AT 11AM, Octoberfest Early American Decorated Stoneware Auction. Approx. 125 lots, nice selec. crocks, jugs & pitchers., 5532 Spring Rd., Elmer Murry Auctions, Inc. 10/25-26/21, EAST GREENVILLE, MON. & TUES. AT 10:00, Premiere Catalog Auction #153, incl. 200+ antq. bottles & flasks, many from private collections!, Online Only:, Glass Works Auctions 10/30/21, BIRD-IN-HAND, SAT. AT 9AM, Liquid. of Betty's Antiques Shop & Home Furnishings, & more!, 2637 Old Philadelphia Pike, Reist Auctioneers 10/30/21, STRAUSSTOWN, SAT. AT 8:30AM, Lg. amt. Antiques, Early Tools, Iron. Primitives, Crocks/Jugs, Dietz & Reading R.R. Oil Cans, PA Goosewing Axes, Rare Brass-Handle Disston Ice Saw, Wood Planes, Advertising, 15 Guns, Prim. Furniture, Early Dovetailed Box Sleigh w/Seat-orig., 2 Forklifts, Vehicles, Propane Generator & Much More!, Club Rd., just past Strausstown Gun Club, Kenneth Leiby Auctioneer


11/07/21, ELKTON, SUN. FROM 9AM-2PM, 48th Annual Antique Bottle Collectibles Show & Sale, Routes 279 & 213 (I-95, exit 109A), Singerly Firehall NEW JERSEY 10/16/21, MULLICA HILL, SAT. 9AM-3PM, Fall Festival of Antiques, 275 Bridgetown Pike, Gloucester Co. 4-H Fairgrounds/Pavillions 10/24/21, BURLINGTON, SUN. 11AM-5PM, Celebrate 20 Years Antiques Show, 424 High St., Burlington City NEW YORK 11/06/21, STORMVILLE, SAT. FROM 8AM - 4PM, Antique Show & Flea Market, 427 Rte. 216, Stormville Airport, NY

No Elverson Show For 2021

The popular semiannual Elverson Antiques Show will OHIO not take place this fall. The 11/06/21, BERLIN, SAT. FROM Twin Valley High School is not 9AM-3PM, Early Country renting its gym to non-school Antiques & Primitive Goods Show, events. The show has been 3558 US Route 62, Heritage held at the school for many Community Center years and supports various PENNSYLVANIA athletic booster clubs. Show 04/03/21 TO 10/16/21, promotors are hopeful the SHIPPENSBURG, SATURDAYS 9-4, Outdoor Saturday Flea Market, 15 Hershey Rd., Interstate 81 Antiques 04/25/20 TO 12/19/21, BERWYN, SAT & SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Indoor/Outdoor Vintage Flea Market, 260 W. Swedesford Rd. (Rt 252), Berwyn Vintage Flea Market (Adjacent to McDonald's) 10/16/21, KEMPTON, SAT. 9AM-4PM, 7th Annual Kempton Antique Show & Sale, 83 Community Center Dr., Kempton Community Rec. Center 10/23/21, GETTYSBURG, SATURDAY: OUTDOOR MKT. 8-2; STORE/WHSE. SALE 9-5, Saturday Outdoor Market / Store & Warehouse Sale, 2885 York Rd., The Outlet Shoppes at Gettysburg

show will be held in March. The long-running Elverson Show is typically held in March and November and is known for quality material. The show has a devout regional following and has been an important small country show in southeastern Pennsylvania for many years.

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10/20/21, RICHLANDTOWN, WED. AT 1PM, Tools, Firearms, Knives / Swords, Sporting Items. Compound /recurve bows by Bear, Cobra, Indian, Pearson, etc. BB guns, ammo., hunting acces. & ephemera incl. adv., licenses, magazines, catalogs. Power tools, Generac generator, box lots, & much more!, Brenner Hall, 1260 E. Cherry St., J. Pandur Auction Services, LLC

Exit 109 - Garden State Parkway


10/23/21, KUTZTOWN, SAT. 11AM-3PM, Kutztown Farmhouse Antique Show, 740 Noble St., Kutztown, PA

Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES

11/07/21, LANCASTER, SUN. FROM 9AM-2PM, Lancaster Doll, Toy & Teddy Bear Show, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster Farm & Home Center

Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3

Over 1,500 Vendors


Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ 11/13-14/21, BLOOMSBURG, SAT. 10AM-5PM & SUN. 11AM4PM, Bloomsburg 39th Annual Antiques Show, Route 11 West Main St., Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, Gate 2, Indus. Arts Bldg. 11/13-14/21, NEW HOPE, SAT. 10AM-5PM & SUN. 11AM-4PM, The 2021 Annual Antiques Show, 46 Sugan Rd., Eagle Fire Hall


10/16/21, WILMINGTON, SAT. AT 9AM, Estate Auction feat. Furniture, Antiques, Collection of Clocks, Beatles Nodders & Collectibles. Hanging shelves, wooden crates, wooden workbench, trunks, children's needlepoint chair, F&W child's sewing machine, iron umbrella stand, cameras, rugs, mus. instru., decoys, iron scales, brassware, & much more., 1323 Newport Gap Pike, Delaware Estate Sales

10/16-17/21, HARRISBURG, SAT. & SUN. AT 10AM, Library incl. 150+ lots; Furniture incl. primitive-20th cen., tall case clock, qty. modern, Victorian, garden, & more; Collectibles incl. dec. stoneware, toys, cast iron, vtg. clothes, porcelain & glass, art pottery, clocks, artwork & more; hh items, etc., Online:, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals


ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Visit our NEW 21,000 Sq. Ft. Facility




10/23-24/21, HAMPTON, SAT. 9AM-5PM & SUN. 11AM-5PM, Hampton The BIG FLEA Antiques Market, 1610 Coliseum Dr., Hampton Roads Convention Center 11/06-07/21, CHANTILLY, SAT. 9-6 & SUN. 11-5, The DC BIG FLEA Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center




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Antique Trains Music Victrolas 18 Central Avenue, Hammonton, NJ 08037 Roseville Lenox 609-561-1110 Tues.-Sat. 11-6 • Sun. 11-5 Furniture Van Briggle Framed Art Breweriana Toys Petroliana Chandeliers Neon Signs Vintage Jewelry Tools Quality Dealers Invited Estate Liquidations Small or Large Showcases Available Jeff Rue 215-801-6779

Limited Space Available


Flea Market at Grist Mill Antiques Center Sun., Oct. 17 • 8am-5pm R076118

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