The Week in Retail 58

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Healthier food-to-go: the easy way With food-to-go likely to be in growth over the coming months as Covid recedes, a new series

of handy practical guides offers retailers some quick, easy tips on improving the health credentials of the food and drink they serve to on-the-go customers.

he stellar growth of food-to-go in convenience size, and 95% thought that consumers should be was more or less stopped in its tracks by the able to access small or half portions. Covid-19 pandemic but with restrictions The current pandemic has made many think more about their health and wellbeing, and largely now lifted, it’s like that the market will pick #DoTheRightThing what steps they can take to improve it. These up where it left off in early 2020. As more customers turn to their local convenience guides help retailers nudge shoppers along in store for tasty, convenience on-the-go food, this reprethe right direction and can also help businesses sents a great opportunity for retailers to do themselves and save money too; for example, reducing portion sizes their customers a favour by making some quick, easy changes can cut down on waste as well as calories. to the food and drink they serve that will help improve the FSS Head of Nutrition Dr Gillian Purdon said: “These sechealth credentials of their food-to-go menu. tor-specific guides are a good foundation to support food and drink businesses to make small, simple changes to the food they Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has published a series of short new practical guides to support with sourcing, preparing, provide which will in turn help customers make healthier choices. promoting and serving healthier options for customers as part “We would urge businesses to adopt as many of these tips of the industry’s reopening and recovery from the pandemic. as possible, as when made on scale these can add up to make The guides provide advice on general healthier catera big difference. Eating too many calories can lead to weight ing and children’s menus, as well as sector-specific tips for gain, which in turn increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart everything from Indian takeaway food to stores selling pizza disease and some cancers. Even small reductions at each meal and sandwiches. can contribute towards a positive change.” The sandwich guide, for instance, includes useful tips on everything from portion sizes and choosing the right breads Quick links to advice on spreads and fillings as well as guidance on linked purchases such as soft drinks and cakes or confectionery. It also offers advice on managing promotions to encourage General healthier food-to-go advice shoppers to make healthier choices. Indian and South Asian food-to-go advice Many customers are looking for healthier choices, as a Italian food-to-go advice recent FSS consultation on improvements to food eaten out Pizza-to-go advice of home found. The vast majority of respondents (79%) were Sandwiches-to-go advice supportive of reducing excessive calorie contents by changing recipes. A further 73% were in favour of reducing portion


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