What did you expect? We may have seen it done on numerous occasions before, but it never gets old. When you offer a range of personalised products with individual letters on each, then as sure as the sun will rise in the east, so will customers re-arrange your nice alphabetically merchandised products into a rude word. As for Homebase choosing to stick up a polite request rather than just de-listing the offending items? That’s just making it worse. Who among us can resist a challenge like that?
Breakfast in a glass, anyone? Literally. Covid has driven entrepreneurs to extremes in some instances, as we have no doubt all witnessed. No idea is too barmy, not concept is too WTF. And here’s a fine example: event creators Boozy Events has launched... wait for it... breakfast in a glass. But it’s probably not what you’re thinking. It is quite literally traditional breakfast ingredients turned into a cocktail – including alcohol, should you do desire. Take their ‘Mary Jane’ breakfast drink thing. It includes
marmalade, orange juice and egg (whites). And you can stiffen it up a bit with vodka, if you had a particularly hard backshift the night before. And while you’re eating/drinking it, you can enjoy a live interactive virtual cocktail making class. Best of all, the Business Breakfast is a snip with prices starting at £50 a head, including delivery to your store/ premises/bedroom. If that sounds like your ideal start to another hard day on the shop floor, then find out more here.