4 - Welcome Home OC
Monday, 10–11 aM, online
5 - Advanced Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Week 1)
Tuesday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, Buena park
6 - CRHP (Fall) #9
Wednesday, 8:30–11:30 aM, online
7 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #9
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online
12 - Advanced Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Week 2)
Tuesday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, Buena park
13 - CRHP (Fall) #10
Wednesday, 8:30–11:30 aM, online
13 - Working Through Work Orders
Wednesday, 12–5 pM, aaoc office
14 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #10
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online
14 - Riverside Multifamily Mingle
Thursday, 6–8 pM, ciTron apar TMenT hoMes, see page 21
19 - Advanced Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Week 3)
Tuesday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, Buena park
19 - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, 6 pM, online
20 - CRHP (Fall) #11
Wednesday, 8:30–11:30 aM, online
21 - Tax Deductibility Strategies for Smaller Rental Property Owners
Thursday, 10 aM, online, see page 13
Published by the Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, a subsidiary of the Apartment Association of Orange County.
1601 E. Orangewood Avenue, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 245-9500 • www.aaoc.com
n Executive Director – David J. Cordero
n Editor in Chief – David J. Cordero
n Advertising & Sales Director – Debbie M. DiBernardo
n Design & Production – Dave Moeller/Graphic Angles
n Printing – Sundance Press
The contents of the Orange County Apartment News may not be reproduced without written permission. The opinions expressed in any article in the Orange County Apartment News are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Apartment Association of Orange County or Apartment News
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject manner covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher
26 - Advanced Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Week 4)
Tuesday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, Buena park
28 - Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, office closed
29 - Thanksgiving Holiday friday, office closed
4 - Holiday Party
Wednesday, 5:30–10 pM, Marconi auTo MuseuM, TusTin
5 - 2025 AAOC Multifamily Forecast
Thursday, 7:30–10 aM, The pacific cluB, neWpor T Beach, see page 5
11 - Member Orientation & Benefits Briefing + Luncheon
Wednesday, 10 aM–3 pM, aaoc office
17 - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, 6 pM, online
24 - Christmas Eve
Tuesday, office closed
25 - Christmas Day
Wednesday, office closed
31 - New Year’s Eve
Tuesday, office closed
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal service or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. Publisher disclaims any liability for published articles, typographical errors, production errors or the accuracy of information provided herein. While Orange County Apartment News makes efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided herein, publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation, expressed or implied, of the advertiser or any products or services offered. We reserve the right to reject any advertising or editorial copy. NOTE: Unless stated otherwise permission to reprint magazine articles is granted on the condition that full credits are given to the author or to other sources and to Apartment News
To promote, protect and enhance the rental housing industry by providing programs and services that enable our members to operate successfully, and by supporting our members’ interests legislatively in order to preserve private property rights.
n President Denise Arredondo
n First Vice President John Tomlinson
n Second Vice President
n Vice President
Legislative Council Amy Fylling
n Treasurer Laurel Dial
n Secretary Julia Araiza
n Sergeant at Arms Stefanie Koslosky
n Immediate Past President Frank Alvarez
n Christine Baran n Rick Roshan
n Alan Dauger
n Craig Kirkpatrick
Directors Emeriti
n Ronald Berg n Stephen C. Duringer
n Vicki Binford n Jerry L’Ecuyer
n David A. Cossaboom n Nick Lieberman
n Nicholas Dunlap n Edward Masterson
We enter the fourth quarter of 2024 with the rental housing industry having survived another year of legislative threats at the state level while it continues to wait and see if calls for expanded renter protections at the federal level gain traction. The coming year will predictably see more of the same types of regulatory and legislative threats by way of the California Legislature, while the outcome of the Presidential Election
will likely determine whether federal threats will gain momentum under a Harris Administration or slow down under a second Trump Administration.
Looking ahead to the coming year, here’s a look at some of the continued and emerging threats to our industry which could reshape the economics of rental property ownership, posing significant concerns for housing providers locally, here in California, and across the country.
One of the most contentious issues for apartment owners and operators at the local level is the call by tenant activists (and their allies in elected office) for rent control as a “solution” to help tenants facing housing affordability challenges. A housing policy that was once limited to larger cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and enclaves like Santa Monica, West Hollywood, San Jose and Berkeley, has spread in recent years to mid-size cities like Pasadena and Santa Ana. And if you were to look nationwide, there are presently more than 200 cities that have some form of local rent control.
Proponents argue that rent control is necessary to ensure affordable housing and combat evictions to stop the rise of homeless. Their rhetoric is typically aimed at “greedy corporate landlords,” but their proposed “solutions” indiscriminately impact all rental housing providers. Small and medium-sized owners are particularly hard hit by rent control and struggle to survive financially despite often being the ones who provide the most affordable housing in their communities. As we know all too well, rent control reduces the ability for housing providers to maintain their properties, discourages multifamily property purchases and new development, pressures owners to seek maximum rent increases every year, and the list goes on and on.
• Election Recap: Winners & Losers, Proposition
• Multi-Family Market Year in Review: Investment activity, opportunities, and surprises
• Operational Threats & Trends for 2025: Insurance, Rental Fraud, Concessions, and A.I.
• The State of the Industry: Where things are headed for Orange County
Aproperty owner’s attempt to remedy an unlawful detainer is about to get muddy.
Assembly Bill 2347 (AB 2347) was authored by Assemblymember Ash Kalra, who represents the San Jose area, and extends a renter defendant’s time to respond to an unlawful detainer action by taking extraordinarily easy steps.
These steps were motivated by what the author called “sewer service” of unlawful detainer actions on renter defendants. So, instead of fixing the problem of sewer service, the next most reasonable response was to modify procedures in an unlawful detainer action.
Existing law gives a renter five (5) business days (Monday–Friday, excluding “court holidays”).
However, AB 2347 extends a renter defendant’s response time by five more business days. So, renters have been given “a gimme”; meaning, by merely being a renter of residential real property, the
new default is no requirement of a renter to respond before about two weeks.
In some instances, this extension could provide a renter with almost three (3) calendar weeks to respond to an unlawful detainer action.
By extending a defendant’s time to respond to ten (10) business days (Monday–Friday, excluding “court holidays”), property owners can expect to add approximately one more month to the already lengthy UD litigation process.
AB 2347 also permits a renter defendant to respond by “demurring” or “moving to strike” the filed unlawful detainer complaint, or portions of it.
This means that after a property owner has waited for approximately one month before seeing a judge for the first time, the case will likely be delayed for at least an additional week because the defendant is now permitted to file documents that challenge a property
owner’s unlawful detainer filing by either demurrer or motion to strike.
A demurrer is a defense used by renters—not to refute the allegations made in the complaint, but rather to challenge the legal sufficiency of the “face value” of what has been alleged in a cause of action. Basically, this means that even if the property owner alleges true facts in the unlawful detainer complaint, the renter essentially objects by claiming there is a legal defense to negate the property owner’s assertions. (For example, a defense to not paying rent is a renter’s claim of habitability issues.)
A motion to strike is also a defense used by renters to remove the unlawful detainer complaint in its entirety or remove portions of the complaint. Basically, this means that a defendant can claim that the complaint or portions of it are irrelevant, false, or improper.
Both a demurrer and a motion to strike are tools the law now gives renters to delay a case by essentially challenging the pleadings, themselves, to determine whether the case can be heard on the merits (what the case is about).
If a renter defendant files a demurrer or a motion to strike with the court, then the judge will continue the case for not less than five business days, but not more seven business days; however, it could be more if the court has good cause to continue the case for longer than seven business days. One example of what could be considered “good cause” is a full court calendar that does
• Bi-lingual staff
• Tenant screening
• Rent collection
• Maintenance
• Financial reporting
• Eviction protection
Property Management is 24/7 and so are we
Family owned and operated with over 30 years of trusted services & experience
• Online landlord and tenant portals
• Tenant screening
• Landlord/tenant interaction
• Maintenance supervision
• Inspections as necessary or by request
• Legal updates – local and state laws
• Bi-lingual staff
Our Services Include:
• Evictions and collections
• Prepare and file year end 1099’s
• 24/7 emergency response
• Advertising – extensive local and web presence
• Showings – 7 days a week by appointment
• Rental agreement execution and enforcement
• Rent and security deposit collection
• Lease renewal negotiations
• Maintenance and “rent ready” repairs
• Financial record-keeping and bill paying
• Serving legal notices and legal proceedings
• Move-in and move-out reports
• Monthly financial accounting owner statements
not have any openings for a hearing any sooner than seven business days from the original hearing.
Oppositions and replies can be made orally at the second hearing date, but if a property owner intends to file an Opposition to a renter defendant’s demurrer or motion to strike, then the written Opposition can be filed on the day of the first hearing (before the hearing) or it can be filed the day before the hearing. The property owner’s Opposition must be served in a manner, however, that ensures the renter defendant receives it no later than the close of business the day before the hearing.
An Opposition is a rebuttle to a renter defendant’s demurrer or motion to strike. A Reply is a renter defendant’s rebuttle to a property owner’s Opposition. So, in order of court filing, the list is as follows:
1. Property owner files unlawful detainer complaint
2. Defendant renter files demurrer or motion to strike
3. Property owner files an opposition
4. Renter files a reply (not mandatory)
AB 2347 permits renter defendant to also file an oral Reply to a property owner’s Opposition. There is no language that addresses whether a renter defendant is permitted to file a written reply, but it can be assumed that a renter defendant will likely advise the judge that he/she did not have ample time to review the opposition, thereby needing more time to file a reply either orally or written. Either way, there is a potential for another continuance given based on the renter defendant’s need for more time to review and provide a Reply.
Before you know it, once an unlawful detainer action is filed, the case could be continued two times just to
address a renter defendant’s ability to challenge a property owner’s unlawful detainer complaint, and that is even before the case is heard on the merits of the case (what the case is all about). And based on a renter defendant’s extended time to respond, not to mention the delays, that newly added process will have the potential to extend your unlawful detainer case by two months.
Ron Kingston is President of California Strategic Advisors and Legislative Advocate for the Apartment Association of Orange County. For questions regarding this article, please call AAOC at (714) 245-9500.
The truth is you never know what you are going to get when it comes to elections. Here is an overview of some of the trip-ups we have encountered with candidates that we have supported, opposed, and stayed neutral on during this election alone.
• One candidate went on vacation to Italy for two weeks a month before the election.
• Two candidates have had multiple DUIs dug up from their past.
• One candidate is alleged to have been abusive toward his now ex-girlfriend and sought to “evict” her for not meeting his intimacy expectations.
Of course it’s not all bad out there either. This election we have also found—
• Common ground with several candidates with diverse political perspectives.
• Candidates who have gone through multiple pairs of shoes from canvassing their community multiple times.
• Candidates who have far outperformed our expectations.
AAOC’s voter guide with candidate and ballot measure endorsements can be found at https://www.aaoc.com/ news/aaoc-election-recommendations.
You may know that some of them seem out of the ordinary for us. That is because we have been working hard at
pushing forward an understanding of our industry, our issues, and our members with a wide group of organizations.
Over the past few years, we have expanded our connections and coalitions to go far beyond the traditional housing communities. YIMBY activists, taxpayer advocates, business organizations have always been on the periphery of the organizations with whom we coordinated.
Now they are solidly in our coalition. Police and fire unions have become increasingly aligned with our organization on core issues and have provided mutual support to address our communities’ leadership.
We have also tried something new this year—comparing the answers provided to us by candidates on their candidate questionnaires with those provided to our coalition partners, to see if these candidates were consistent in what they said about their positions on key issues.
After a candidate in 2020 lied to the housing industry about their stance on rent control, we realized it was time to change.
Now, we test the same messages in a variety of ways across all the organizations with whom we coordinate—REALTORS®, Homebuilders, Chambers of Commerce, Firefighter and police associations, and others. You name it and these groups are asking many of the same questions. And we are checking with one another to make sure these candidates are not just giving us stock answers.
We have also been holding organizations to account.
A few weeks ago, we heard a prominent business organization’s PAC approved a campaign contribution to an anti-property rights candidate who was also demonstrably anti-business. The decision was made without the candidate having been fully vetted or all the campaign dynamics being fully discussed.
Within 24 hours of hearing of the contribution being approved, our coalition came together to communicate our deep concerns to the organization and its PAC. The following day, the PAC withdrew its support for the candidate. Our mission at AAOC is simple.
We are striving to become the most effective political shop in Orange County.
This year AAOC raised over $1 million to protect your interests in local and state elections. One million dollars. That is far and away the most money this organization has ever raised in one political cycle. And for good reason— we have major issues to overcome—
• Propositions 33 and 34 on the statewide level where AAOC has contributed over $850,000 in defense of the rental housing industry.
• Measure CC in Santa Ana where AAOC has helped bring together more than a million dollars to stop rent control and just cause eviction from being made part of the city charter.
Independent Expenditures on behalf of the industry’s preferred candidates.
• Leadership and majority control challenges in Anaheim, Santa Ana, Huntington Beach, Fullerton, and Garden Grove—where AAOC has put more than $200,000 into
The outcome of Proposition 33 will undoubtedly determine our industry’s future in California. If the measure is approved by voters, will we see a flood of cities move forward with adopting rent control or will most take a more measured approach? Only time will tell. And if voters reject the measure, what can—and should—our industry do differently to discourage additional cities from considering rent control (within the current legal parameters) as a solution? One thing is for certain, owners and operators must proactively engage with their local lawmakers and
We take this responsibility very seriously and we thank you for your support via your PAC contributions this year as we take meaningful steps toward achieving our political mission.
help them understand the “other side” of the “solution.”
Zoning policies present another significant challenge for the rental housing industry as we look ahead to 2025. Cities grappling with housing shortages and compliance with state-imposed housing mandates will inevitably look to their zoning laws to determine how to accommodate demand. Approving higher-density development (i.e. building multi-story residential communities) is usually the solution. While this could, in theory, provide opportunities for building more rental units, the reality is that new zoning laws often come with inclusionary housing mandates. These mandates require developers and apartment operators to set aside a percentage of units as affordable housing.
1. Publication Title: Orange County Multihousing Service Corporation/ Orange County/Apartment News
2. Publication No: 410000
3. Filing Date: 09/29/2024
4. Issue Frequency: Monthly
5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 12
6. Annual Subscription Price: $40.00
7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: 1601 E Orangewood Ave, Suite 125, Anaheim, Orange County, California 92805. Contact Person: David Cordero, Telephone: 714-245-9500
8. Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of General Business Offices of the Publisher: 1601 E Orangewood Ave, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805
9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher: Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, 1601 E Orangewood Ave, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805. Editor: David Cordero. Managing Editor: David Cordero, 1601 E Orangewood Ave, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805
10. Owner (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately there under the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address as well as that of each individual must be given. If the publication is published by a nonprofit organization, its name and address must be stated.) Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, 1601 E Orangewood Ave, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805.
11. Known Bondholders, Mortgages and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None.
13. Publication Title: Orange County Apartment News.
14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: 10/1/2024
15. Extent and Avg. No. Copies Single Issue Nature of Each Issue Nearest to Circulation Preceding 12 Mo. Filing Date
a. Total No. Copies (Net press run) 1961
While this may seem like a reasonable compromise to balance market-rate and affordable housing, developers and apartment operators argue that inclusionary zoning cuts into profits and creates long-term operational challenges. The gap between market rent and affordable units must be subsidized, either by the property owner or through limited government assistance. Furthermore, compliance with these laws often requires additional reporting that presents further administrative obligations for owners and operators who already deal with a myriad of regulations.
Most recently, the Anaheim City Council approved an inclusionary zoning mandate for multifamily properties with 35 units or more to have 10% of its
and Other
You’ve invested wisely and worked hard to ensure your rental property runs well and generates positive income, but are you utilizing all the available tax deductions and other financial strategies to keep more of that income in your pocket and out of the hands of Uncle Sam?
This webinar will offer practical tips for optimizing your rental property operations and reducing your tax liabilities, as well as options for diversifying your portfolio.
Presentation topics will include:
• Real Estate Professional Rules regarding passive and nonpassive activities
• Benefits of a Cost Segregation Study and Bonus Depreciation
• Benefits of holding real estate property in an LLC
• California PTET Election
• Expense vs capitalization requirements regarding repairs and maintenance
• 1031 Exchange
Gregory Starkey, CPA Senior Tax Manager Richardson Kontogouris Emerson LLP
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Zoom Webinar
Cost: $20/members
Several of our friends who own rental units have told me they received letters from a Fair Housing Rights Center claiming they discriminated during the application process. It seems like landlords are being targeted as “discriminatory” when, in fact, no one I know discriminates in their rental business. On top of that, the laws on this topic seem to get more and more convoluted every year, so no one really knows what might land them in hot water anymore. Can you give me an overview of what I can or can’t do these days?
Most landlord understand that there are quite a few anti-discrimination laws that can result in severe financial penalties for landlords who discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, and a number of other categories. However, there are far more categories than most people realize, and some of them are extremely broad, such as “personal characteristics” or “personal traits,” (e.g., a person’s geographical origin, personal beliefs, or physical attributes). To avoid costly complaints or lawsuits, it’s best to remember that discrimination of any kind, against any class or group, is illegal, including an applicant’s membership in any protected group, religion, race, sex, having kids, disability, their source of income, their national origin, and (believe it or not) even the existence of a criminal record—if you don’t approach that correctly.
In essence, your decision to rent to an applicant should always be based strictly on valid and objective business criteria,
such as an applicant’s ability to pay the rent and maintain the property. For example, it is still permissible to deny an applicant with a bad credit history, poor (or unverifiable) employment histories, poor (or unverifiable) tenant histories, and/or an income level that you reasonably deem insufficient to pay the rent, since all of those criteria are reasonably related to your right to promote your legitimate, valid business interests which include running your business in a profitable manner. Still, to stay out of hot water, you want to be consistent in your screening criteria and processes and treat all applicants equally. Avoid applying generalizations to groups of people and remember to document your reasons for denying any specific applicant.
The Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) collaborates with the Fair Housing Council of Orange County to present Fair Housing training seminars throughout the year. If you and any of your employees have never taken the class, or it’s been a few years, you should sign up for the next time it is offered. Check for upcoming training dates at www.aaoc.com.
A couple years ago I rented a single-family home to two co-workers who were engaged to each other. Since that time, one changed jobs and went to another company, but remained in the relationship and in the rental unit. Recently, they broke up and the other partner moved out without notifying
me. When the rent came in this month, it was only for half the amount due. I reached out to the other partner who told me about the situation and told me that because they had never married, they were merely roommates and that he was only responsible for his half of the rent. He also added that he had a friend who wanted to move in who would cover the other half of the rent. His position sounded strange to me, since they were both listed on the lease and it was my understanding that they were both responsible for the entire amount of rent each month. But he insisted I can’t serve him a 3-day pay or quit notice or evict him because he had paid his half for the month. What do I do?
While I suspect your male tenant already knows this and is simply trying to trick you into letting him stay while he looks for a roommate, the simple truth is that he is wrong. When two or more people rent property together, and each signs the rental agreement as a lessee, they are considered “co-tenants” and share “joint and several” liability. In other words, each co-tenant is independently obligated to perform all of the terms of the agreement, including paying 100% of the full monthly rent, even if the other tenant moves out. In this case, since she never notified you that she was moving, she technically has the right to move back in. So, when you serve the 3-day notice, be sure to name both of them and, in the event you do not receive the balance of the rent withing the three day period, be sure to list both of them
defendants in an eviction action.
One of my residents was recently in a car accident and now needs to use a wheelchair for an undetermined amount of time. He’s been a tenant for a long time, and we enjoy having him there, but his wife just informed us that he will need a ramp installed to allow him to roll into the unit. On top of that, she told me that I have to pay for it! Even if I had the money to do that—I don’t—I’m not sure that is true. I was always under the impression that a disabled tenant has to pay for any modifications to the building to suit their disability. So, which is it? Do I have to install the ramp on my dime?
The law states that landlords must allow disabled tenants to make reasonable modifications to their rental unit, but only to the extent necessary to allow the tenant full enjoyment of the premises. Contrary to the wife’s misguided belief, it is the tenant who must pay for
the modification rather than the landlord. Moreover, the landlord may require the tenant to enter into an agreement to restore the premises to their original condition upon termination of the tenancy as a condition of approving the modification. As part of the agreement, a landlord can also require the tenant to pay a reasonable estimate of the restoration cost into an escrow account to ensure that the premises will be returned to their original condition at the termination of the tenancy or the disability.
I am in escrow to purchase a small building in Huntington Beach. During our inspection, we noticed that every unit had a barbeque on their patio. Now, I like to barbeque as much as the next person, but I’ve seen my tenants do some really dumb things over the years and I’m not sure I want my tenants barbequing on their patios. Is there anything I can do to prevent this, or put some rules around it to avoid them burning
down the building?
Start by looking at the leases. Most landlords, through the lease, prohibit the use or storage of barbeques on patios or balconies due to the stringent California laws on the topic which strictly regulate this topic. For example, in buildings with three or more units, the barbeque must be no less than ten feet away from any flammable surface or structure unless the balcony or patio has a fire suppression system installed, (i.e., sprinklers). Additionally, the only type of fuel that can be used with the barbeque are the one-pound propane bottles.
Once you close escrow, you are required to send the tenants a letter about the change in ownership and management. Consider addressing the matter in the same letter in a friendly manner. Since you can expect some pushback on the issue, see if you can develop a proactive Legal Q & A — continued on page 18
Dear Maintenance Men:
I’m getting a lot of false positives when it comes to maintenance requests. For example, the resident calls in with a maintenance issue or emergency and management calls out the appropriate trade to deal with the issue. Oftentimes it is not 1) an emergency; or 2) it is not even in the same category (i.e.: the resident calls in for a plumbing issue but the problem is actually electrical). It does not happen often, but often enough to notice. Josh
Dear Josh:
Part of the problem is not asking enough questions or the right questions when a resident calls in a maintenance issue. We find residents might exaggerate an issue or substitute a bigger emergency with a lessor issue just to get management to send out a technician faster.
When on the phone with the resident, always try to pin down the details of the issue. If it is plumbing, ask what room
the plumbing issue is in, which fixture, whether the problem is a drain stoppage or a cold/hot water issue. If it is a drain issue, ask if it is in the kitchen, is it the garbage disposer side or clear drain, or both. If it is in the bathroom, determine which drain, bathtub/shower, sink or toilet. If it is a hot or cold water issue, again, ask which room has the issue, such as kitchen, bath, laundry, or water coming up through the slab. Is the water gushing or dripping? A similar set of questions can be asked if the issue is electrical, such as which room; and is the problem with the switch or the receptacle? Also ask if they have tried to reset the breaker. A breaker issue might be a bad breaker or too many appliances plugged into one outlet.
The more questions you ask, the more precise the information. This allows you to make better decisions as to who will be called to deal with the maintenance issue. Armed with this knowledge will help determine if you call the in-house
maintenance tech or a professional outside contractor.
Everything seemed to be going fine at my building. I had not gotten a maintenance call in months and months. By chance, I stopped by the building and was horrified to find several unreported leaks and other damage. It is going to cost me several times more to repair the damage than it would have to do the initial repairs in the first place. Do you have any advice on preventing this from happening in the future? Bill
Dear Bill:
Inspection, prevention and routine maintenance are the most economical maintenance procedures that can be applied at one’s property. Frequent inspections of the interior and exterior of the property are a must. To start, give your residents an easy way to report maintenance issues, and as you collect rent, talk to the residents and ask about maintenance problems.
Set up an inspection calendar. As an example:
1. Once a month, drive by the property; look for anything out of the ordinary. Check the roof for tree branches, the grounds for broken sprinklers etc. Talk to the residents. Compare house water and electric bills from the previous months. A big difference in a bill will warrant further investigation.
2. Once a quarter, walk the property, check the laundry room, and turn on the sprinklers. Check the garages and carport areas. Talk to the residents.
3. Every six months to a year, set up an internal walkthrough of each unit. Check all faucets, drains, heaters and air conditioners. Open and close drawers, closets and windows. Check the smoke alarm. Be sure to take notes on each inspection. Reviewing old notes will help you determine wear and tear from possible tenant abuse.
4. As a preventive maintenance procedure, once a year hydro jet or snake out your main drains.
During the different inspections, you may want to invite trade contractors such as a roofer to inspect the roof, or a HVAC company to inspect the heating & air conditioning. Many times, the trade contractors may offer the inspection as a free service. This will allow you to budget and prioritize your approach to the repairs. Using skilled trades’ people, you can cover more areas in less time and your chances of missing something will be reduced. By using a calendar and reviewing your notes before each inspection, you will develop a systematic approach to your building maintenance and avoid surprises. These simple measures will save you thousands of dollars in the long run, and remember, preventive maintenance will help reduce costly emergency repairs.
Dear Maintenance Men:
I am a new maintenance technician, and I have just been hired at a large apartment complex. I am not the only maintenance tech, so, I want to stand out to my supervisors. I don’t want to be low man on the totem pole for long. What do you suggest I do to be noticed as an outstanding maintenance technician? Tomas
Dear Tomas:
Ninety percent of a job is showing up!
Of course, that is not enough, so here are a few suggestions. After showing up on time every day, make sure you are presentable every day. Low man on the totem pole often gets the worse jobs; don’t complain, do them, do them fast and do them right, and let your supervisor know when you are done. The phrase, “It’s not my job” does not exist in your vocabulary! While walking around the property, when you see trash in the bushes, stop and pick it up—every time. If you have special skills, don’t
keep them a secret. Always be polite to the residents, even if they are not. Keep your jobsite clean. If you must leave a resident’s unit to get parts, clean up before you go. Never leave a unit with the resident wondering if you will ever come back to finish that job. Communicate with both the resident and your supervisor. This will cut down on complaints from both sides. Do not eat, drink, smoke or socialize with a
Maintenance Men — continued on page 18
resident, they are not your friends. Your job depends on it. Lastly, take your job seriously, put your heart and soul into the job—it will be noticed, and you won’t be low man on the totem pole for long.
We need Maintenance Questions!!! If you would like to see your maintenance question in the “Dear Maintenance Men” column, please email your questions to DearMaintenanceMen@gmail.com.
If you need maintenance work or a consultation for your building or project, please contact Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. to schedule an appointment. We are available throughout Southern California and can be reached at 714-956-8371. For more information, visit www.BuffaloMaintenance.com
Frank Alvarez is a licensed contractor and the Operations Director and Co-Owner of Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. He has been involved with apartment maintenance and construction for more than 30 years and frequently serves as a guest lecturer and educational instructor. Frank is the Immediate Past President of the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) and chairs AAOC’s Education Committee. Frank can be reached at (714) 956-8371 or Frankie@BuffaloMaintenance.com.
Jerry L’Ecuyer is a real estate broker and a Director Emeritus of the Apartment Association of Orange County. He is a past president and longtime board member of the association, in addition to having served as chair of its Education Committee. Jerry has been involved with apartments as a professional since 1988.
resolution to the problem that meets everyone’s needs. For example, if you have a common area and the space to do so, you might consider installing a “community barbeque” in the common area for use by all of the residents. That way, no one can claim you are diminishing any services, they still get to
barbeque, and you can sleep easier at night knowing you’ve minimized the risk of your building burning down.
The information is presented and intended to address the topic(s) covered above in a general nature. There may be significant differences between jurisdictions with “rent control” and/or “just cause” ordinances, and the facts surrounding your specific
A. Dunlap, CPM (657) 226-0560 ndunlap@spadra.co DRE #01481417
situation should be presented to your attorney for review. The Brennan Law Firm is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable Landlord/Tenant law firms in Southern California, representing landlords exclusively in evictions. The firm may be reached at (626)285-0500, or toll free at (855)285-2230. Visit our website at www.MBrennanLaw.com for more information.
dunlap & gorman
A second generation of Orange County Real Estate powerhouses has emerged.
Nicholas Dunlap and Tim Gorman have joined forces to offer Orange County multifamily property owners a unique combination of investment real estate services and generational wealth building consultancy.
■ INVESTMENT STRA TEGIES to meet your goals.
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This summer, Argentina made headlines when President Javier Milei repealed the country’s rent control restrictions. Not surprisingly, housing availability skyrocketed by some 200% and rents have already started to gently decline. None of this really comes as a surprise, as statisticians and economists across the globe have studied and written about it for decades, but it’s a validation for those of us on the frontlines of the battle of common sense versus extremism who have tried to educate policymakers on the perils of price controls. The ongoing feud between free market capitalism and the price controls of Marxist socialism, as well as that of fact versus feelings, is one that is long on hope and short on results—positive results, that is.
Facts be damned…It sounds good! say the activists. “I don’t believe that it won’t help!” Well, look at New York,
Oakland, San Francisco, Santa Ana and Santa Monica. Punitive to property owners? No doubt. Helpful from a housing affordability perspective? Hardly. And yet, for some reason, a political elitist out of Los Angeles thinks he knows better than everyone else. All that time and money that could’ve been better spent on building affordable housing (or, frankly, maintaining the housing that is owned by his own foundation).
We are on a slippery slope where a consistent erosion of property rights has continued to chip away at our abilities to run our businesses and our properties without government interference. One might think that the government, at various levels, endeavors to be our “partner” without actually investing any money or sharing/taking the risk that we take as owners. Certainly, the folks elected to serve and represent us feel this way. Across local, state and federal offices, our elected officials are failing us—vilifying business, industry and real estate—forgetting that we are the solution to the problem not the scapegoat, and in the process, failing to accept and acknowledge their role in the process.
Some people believe that private capital is the problem and that if investors were somehow restricted or prevented from acquiring multiple properties,
housing costs would be lower. That’s not a case for or against rent control, that’s a case against capitalism and against property rights. Investors using or pooling (risking) their own money to acquire, maintain and provide housing for a cost to renters are providing a much-needed resource to the community. These ignorant views fail to acknowledge the significant barriers to entry in the for-sale market and grossly overestimate the ownership of smaller rental properties by corporations. You take on disproportionate risk, unprecedented cost burdens and expense overruns related to owning and operating a business and that’s all before the tax consequences. Now, they want to tell you what you can charge, when you can or can’t raise your prices and somehow villainize you over your sacrifices, luck and successes made to own property? Thanks to Mr. Milei, Argentina got it right. Will California voters? Fight back on Election Day by voting NO on Prop 33, and YES on Prop 34.
Nicholas Dunlap is the founder and president of Spadra Property Company, Inc., He is also a second-generation rental-housing provider, and a member of the Apartment Association of Orange County where he served as a member of the board of directors, in addition to terms as AAOC president in 2015–2016 and 2018. For more information about Spadra Property Company, Inc. see their ad on page 19.
On October 8, 2024, the Biden Administration released an update on its Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan to replace every lead pipe in the U.S. within 10 years. A prominent feature of this announcement is the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) final rule issued the same day. While the rule focuses on public water systems, there may be downstream impacts on rental housing providers. This rule requires covered water systems and governmental entities to update their inventories of lead service lines, identify all unknown service lines, and replace lead service lines or certain galvanized service lines within 10 years. As part of the final LCRI service line replacement plan requirement, water systems must include a strategy to achieve full replacement of lead and galvanized service lines, including at rental properties and with limited exceptions.
The rule also strengthens drinking water sampling requirements and procedures, notably lowering the lead action threshold from 15 μg/L to 10 μg/L to require more water systems to take action sooner to control corrosion. In the rule, the EPA urges the importance of public education to keep both renters and housing providers informed of water systems’ plans and encourage granting access for replacements. While the federal government banned the installation of lead service lines in 1986, the EPA estimates that nine million homes are still connected to water mains through lead service lines.
As part of the October 8 White House announcement, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) also committed to invest over $420 million in new grants to remove lead hazards from homes and HUD-assisted properties which could help governmental entities
defray housing providers’ costs. Additional federal funding is available to support lead pipe replacement projects and EPA has developed a website identifying available funding sources.
The National Apartment Association (NAA) continues its advocacy to urge federal regulators to balance their housing priorities with the resulting financial and administrative costs of overregulation. 93 cents of every rent dollar covers necessary operational expenses— including maintenance, insurance and staffing—and goes back to local communities through property taxes. Even seemingly minor changes to housing providers’ federal compliance responsibilities could have major impacts on their ability to effectively operate their rental communities for their residents.
To learn more about NAA’s positions on federal environmental policy, contact NAA Manager of Public Policy Emma Craig at ecraig@naahq.org.
Welcome to the second part of my new series, where we dive into the ongoing learnings from our Estate & Legacy Planning workshops. This series aims to be interactive and practical, offering big-picture insights while ensuring participants leave with a solid framework for their estate plans and actionable steps for themselves and their advisors.
In this article, we’ll focus on “Getting Organized.” We’ll discuss effective methods for gathering and arranging your information, as well as traditional ways to securely store this information.
One of the key lessons I’ve learned so far is the difference between merely writing a plan and executing it. While we’ve developed many interactive tools that can be filled out manually or digitally using Excel or Word, we needed a way to bring it all together. Having the data is one thing, but being able to access it easily, store it securely, make changes, and share it with key members of your team is crucial. It’s all too easy
to get lost in different versions and storage devices.
The solution is our new online tool, the “Estate & Legacy Builder Tool.” This tool guides participants through important questions and concepts, allowing you to save changes easily and share your plan with your team—executors, attorneys, and family. This tool will save you time and ensure your wishes are clearly communicated. As the class progresses, we will continue to refine this tool to maximize its usefulness for everyone.
The tool operates in the cloud, utilizing Google Forms and Sheets technology. While many are cautious about storing sensitive information online, it’s important to adapt as technology evolves. Here are some pros and cons of online versus offline data storage and management:
Are Google Forms and Google Sheets Secure?
• Encryption: Google encrypts data both at rest and in transit, protecting it from unauthorized access.
• Access Control: You can control who accesses your forms or sheets by adjusting sharing permissions.
• Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adds an extra layer of security with email or text confirmation before login.
• Third-Party Access: While Google implements strong security measures, there’s always a risk when entrusting your data to a third party.
• Phishing Vulnerability: Your data can be compromised if you’re tricked into providing access through phishing emails or fake websites.
• Human Error: Mistakenly sharing documents with unauthorized users can lead to data breaches.
Recommendations for Securing Google Forms & Sheets:
• Avoid entering sensitive information such as passwords or Social Security numbers.
• Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.
• Only share access with trusted
Organized — continued on page 26
• Regularly review and revoke access as needed.
• Use strong passwords and rotate them frequently.
• Keep a backup on a personal storage system.
Password Manager Pros
• Encrypted Storage: Password managers like Bitwarden use endto-end encryption, ensuring only you can access your stored data.
• Auto-Fill: Reduces phishing risks by automatically filling in passwords for trusted sites (if used wisely).
• Convenience: Makes managing complex passwords easy.
• Stronger Passwords: Generates strong, unique passwords for better security.
• Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adds an additional layer of security.
• Online Risk: While data is encrypted, there’s a small risk if the password manager itself is hacked.
• Single Point of Failure: If your master password is compromised, all stored information could be at risk.
• Local Control: You control the data since it’s stored on your device, reducing the risk of online breaches.
• Encryption Available: Many software programs allow you to encrypt files for extra security.
• Physical Vulnerability: If your device is stolen or compromised by malware, your data could be accessed.
• Backups Needed: Without backups, you risk losing your data if your computer fails.
• Less Convenient: Requires access to the master file without auto-fill features.
• No Online Exposure: Physical copies can’t be hacked, making them immune to online threats.
• Durability: If stored properly, paper copies can last a long time without digital corruption.
• Physical Theft or Damage: Risks
Many older apartment buildings do not meet current earthquake safety standards and often lack the modern amenities tenants seek. If your building was constructed before the mid-1970s, upgrading both its structural safety and interior design is highly recommended.
Seismic retrofits provide a prime opportunity to modernize the building’s interior. By opening up spaces, maximizing natural light, and enlarging key areas like kitchens and bathrooms, we enhance both functionality and appeal. Incorporating sustainable materials and energy-efficient appliances caters to today’s eco-conscious tenants.
Do you know…
AAOC Membership Counselors are on hand to give members general guidance to help with day to day operations of your property?
Addressing structural flaws with a seismic retrofit is crucial for protecting your investment and mitigating liability. Such upgrades can be executed with minimal disruption to tenants. Coordinating retrofits with other renovations can reduce costs and streamline the construction process. Combining projects minimizes redundancy, shortens management time, and optimizes the use of equipment, staffing, and storage.
Buildings from the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s often feature compartmentalized layouts. Transforming these spaces involves removing unnecessary partitions and repurposing areas to enhance functionality. Open-plan designs, multipurpose rooms, and expanded private spaces can accommodate modern living needs and multi-generational households.
Consider how the building’s exterior can enhance the interior. Large windows, terraces, and balconies can bring natural light inside and extend living areas outdoors. Thoughtful integration of landscaping and outdoor spaces can significantly improve tenant satisfaction.
Adapting and retrofitting older buildings is a sustainable choice. It avoids the environmental impact of demolition and new construction while preserving
community character. Incorporating sustainable materials such as iron, wood, recycled aluminum, and plastic into your renovation can create distinctive and modern accents.
If electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems need upgrades, addressing these simultaneously with your retrofit is prudent. This approach prevents future disruptions and integrates the latest efficiency standards. Additionally, consider incorporating smart technology to enhance convenience and appeal. Features like remote control for lighting and climate control are highly attractive to today’s tenants.
By upgrading your apartment building’s earthquake safety and modernizing its design, you not only protect your investment but also increase its marketability.
The Optimum Seismic team has been making California cities safer since 1984 by providing fullservice earthquake engineering, steel fabrication and construction services for multifamily residential, commercial and industrial buildings. With more than 4,000 earthquake retrofit and renovation projects completed, Optimum Seismic’s work includes soft-story multifamily apartments, tilt-up, non-ductile concrete, steel moment frame and unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings. To arrange a complimentary assessment of your building’s earthquake resilience, contact Optimum Seismic at (833) 978-7664 or visit optimumseismic.com.
We are a development engineering firm specializing in designing ADU plans and getting permits approved, while managing construction if requested.
Our goal is to help homeowners enjoy the process of designing and building an ADU while creating generational wealth for their families.
Receive a free consultation or learn more about ADU opportunities. We are here to help!
Tenant unions, once a niche movement, are now a powerful force across California. Fueled by rising housing costs, a widening income gap, and social media-driven activism, these unions are rallying renters to push for tighter rent controls, stricter eviction protections, and more expansive tenant rights. As they gain momentum, tenant unions are also driving a narrative that portrays housing providers as greedy and exploitative, creating a divisive “us versus them” mentality that can have real financial consequences for property owners.
As tenant unions grow in power, the financial landscape for property owners is changing. Here’s how this shift is likely to affect the California rental market in cities where local rent controls continue to expand.
Tenant unions are aggressively lob-
bying for more restrictive rent control policies, limiting the ability of owners to raise rents in line with market rates. Housing providers are already feeling the financial strain, and over time, the gap between rental income and fair market value will only widen, making it harder for owners to keep up with inflation and maintenance costs.
In markets where rent control is prevalent, property values often stagnate or decline as they are determined by income and cash flow. Investor interest in these areas diminishes due to decreased profit potential and higher regulatory risks. If California continues down this path, property owners could see significant reductions in their asset values.
Strong tenant unions also push for regulations that impose additional costs on property owners, such as mandatory improvements, tenant concessions, and
lengthy legal battles. These added expenses can erode profitability and make it difficult for owners to maintain their properties.
New York City offers a stark warning for what could happen in California if tenant unions continue to grow unchecked. Over decades, tenant unions in New York successfully lobbied for some of the nation’s most restrictive rent control laws, leading to severe consequences.
New York’s rent stabilization laws cap rent increases well below market rates, resulting in stagnant rental income for property owners. In many cases, housing providers are forced to operate at a loss or neglect necessary property upgrades due to the lack of financial incentive.
In New York, the public narrative is heavily skewed against property owners, who are often portrayed as exploitative. This perception has made it increasingly difficult for housing providers to advocate for balanced policies, as public sentiment and political will overwhelmingly favor tenant protections.
As rent control policies have tightened, many investors have pulled out of New York, leading to depressed property values in rent-stabilized areas. This exodus has stifled innovation and investment in housing, leaving behind a less competitive market.
Getting Organized — continued from 26
include loss from fire, floods, or theft.
• Less Convenient: Requires access to the master file without the ease of digital tools.
On a personal note, I ultimately transitioned from using Excel sheets to an online password service. The benefits simply outweigh the risks, and I’m happy I made the change—I’ve never looked back. Is this right for you? That decision is entirely yours!
Conclusion If California follows New York’s lead, property owners could face a similar environment where tenant unions hold significant influence, and the economic realities of running a rental business are sidelined in favor of tenant-friendly policies. To navigate this evolving landscape, property owners must take proactive steps to protect their investments by engaging in advocacy and policy discussions with local government officials and city council members. The rise of tenant unions in California is a growing challenge that housing providers cannot afford to ignore. As these groups gain influence and public sentiment increasingly supports tenant-friendly policies, property owners must prepare
In the next article, we’ll cover “Getting Organized,” focusing on how to gather and arrange your information effectively. We’ll also have a guest from the cybersecurity industry to discuss data security options and explore traditional methods of securely storing information in a physical location.
About the Author:
Tim Gorman is a licensed Real Estate Broker, a former Certified Public Accountant (inactive), and an accomplished small business owner with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. In August 2024, Tim’s book
for a more regulated and contentious environment. By learning from cities like New York, where tenant activism has led to long-term market shifts, California owners must take proactive steps to protect their investments, adapt to changing conditions, and maintain profitability while navigating this complex landscape.
About the Author:
Mercedes Shaffer is a multifamily real estate agent with REAL Broker. If you have questions about buying, selling or doing a 1031 exchange, her team serves Los Angeles County and Orange County and can be reached at 714.330.9999, InvestingInTheOC@gmail. com, or you can visit their website at InvestingInTheOC. com DRE 02114448
Tangled Legacy launch on Amazon and quickly hit top #1 new release in multiple categories. In 2010, he joined his father at the Brea (CA)-based brokerage firm, WR Gorman & Associates.
In tribute to his father’s legacy of wealth-building through real estate, Tim launched DG Realty Group, Inc., with Nicholas Dunlap to provide full brokerage services with tailored solutions. As he continues to share the essential lessons of this article series, he welcomes reader questions and topic suggestions for future articles.
Source: Co-Star www.costar.com 5 unit + properties
Source: RealPage, Inc. www.realpage.com
Primarily 100 unit + properties; “concession percentage” is the percentage of units offering concessions.
Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics; uses private sector wages, last month of quarter; not seasonally adjusted
Building Permits Issued by total # of units (not buildings)**
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; % change using last month of quarter versus same month one year previous
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; reflects last month of quarter
Pulse on the Marketplace is produced and edited exclusively for Apartment News by Nick Lieberman, President, Bona Fide Mortgage and AAOC Director Emeritus. For questions or comments: (949) 933-3543, or nlieberman@cox.net
* For CPI, “Orange County” includes Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties.
** For Apartment Building Permits, Average Monthy Employee Wages and Unemployment Rate, “Orange County” includes the Los Angeles–Long Beach–Anaheim, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area.
It is widely expected that on September 18th the Fed will embark on a series of interest rate cuts.
Needless to say, Federal Reserve interest rate policy has massive impact on the prodigious U.S. economy, projected to finish 2024 with $25.7 trillion in GDP.
Aside from its role as manager over the U.S. banking system, the Fed also establishes the baseline interest rate for the nation—the Fed Funds rate. That’s the rate banks pay to borrow from the Fed, which ultimately trickles down into lending rates charged to consumers and businesses. These roles give the Fed tremendous influence over financial markets. It is sometimes said that the chairperson of the Federal Reserve is the second most powerful person in the world.
But recent history relating to inflation has prompted questions, particularly during this presidential election season, about whether there might be too much concentration of power in the Fed and if it might better serve the country to have the interest rate setting apparatus be partially shifted to the executive branch.
It was early 2021 when inflation signals began bubbling up as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose from a benign 1.7% annual rate in February to suddenly 5.4% in June, a 317 percent jump in four months. Some prominent market observers at the time began questioning the Fed for not taking immediate action to stem further inflationary growth.
Responding to the growing clamor for action, Fed chair Jerome Powell famously commented in June 2021 that upticks in inflation were thought to be “transitory” phenomena, likely reflecting temporary supply chain bottlenecks and that recent upward inflation metrics were likely to soon wane.
Thus, instead of raising rates to slow demand for goods and services, the traditional tool to choke off rising inflation, the Fed stood pat, leaving the Fed Funds interest rate anchored near 0%.
As we now know, inflation did not abate in 2021. On the contrary, CPI climbed to 7% by year end and then reached a forty-year high of 8.5% in March 2022, at which point chair Powell finally acknowledged that the Fed had underestimated the strength of inflationary forces. A dramatic change in Fed policy ensued, resulting in eleven consecutive interest rate hikes from March 2022 through July 2023, a 525 basis points (5.25%) rate spike in total, which left real estate markets dazed and disrupted and sales transactions at a relative trickle. It is this particular economic turbulence that is thought to be the primary impetus for voices challenging the wisdom of Fed independence to determine interest rate policy.
(It should be noted here that the Fed’s 2022 and 2023 rate hikes eventually had their desired effect, with August 2024 CPI down to a more palatable 2.5% annual rate; the Fed’s announced inflation target is 2%.)
Returning to the original question
and in light of our recent inflation experience, would a revised system giving the U.S. president a say in structuring interest rates, be better suited to manage the nation’s monetary policy?
My answer is a firm, “No”, due to conflict of interest issues that would invariably impact a president’s attitude about interest rates. Lower rate environments make for happier citizens, which in turn makes life easier, at least in the short term, for whoever occupies the Oval Office. Former President Trump is the most recent to lobby for the executive branch to have a formal hand in determining interest rates (but previous U.S. presidents have also done so). Especially when running for re-election, presidents would be tempted to take advantage of any leverage they held over interest rates.
Congress got it right when it created the Fed as an independent agency in 1913 to guide and protect the long-term economic welfare of the country in a non-partisan, impartial fashion. Yes, the Fed is subject to misreading market conditions from time to time (which institution isn’t?), but can anyone else realistically match the data, intellectual prowess, and financial experience of the Federal Reserve to manage the allimportant U.S. interest rate environment?
In the final analysis, a presidential power to participate in crafting interest rates would diminish the precious system of checks and balances that helps keep the U.S. at the head of the pack among nations.
Proposition 33 – Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. – VOTE NO
Proposition 34 – Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers. – VOTE YES
Huntington Beach
Measure U – Charter Amendment Measure – Environmental Protection – Would require voter approval of city general plan – VOTE NO
Santa Ana
Measure CC – Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance – VOTE NO
Yorba Linda
Measure JJ – Yorba Linda Local Control, Residential Neighborhood, Open Space Protection Measure – Housing Element Approval – VOTE YES
Rancho Santiago Community College District
Measure G – Affordable Education, Career, Repair, Safety Measure – School Bond –VOTE NO
*This would be the third school bond for RSCCD in Santa Ana. Increased cost cannot be recouped by multi-family property owners via rent increases.
Santa Ana Unified School District
Measure I – Classroom Improvement Measure – School Bond – VOTE NO
*This would be the second school bond for SAUSD. Increased cost cannot be recouped by multi-family property owners via rent increases.
Steve Garvey
Orange County
District 38 – Linda Sanchez
District 40 – Young Kim
District 45 – Michelle Steel
District 46 – Lou Correa
District 47 – Scott Baugh
District 49 – Mike Levin
Orange County SD 37 – Josh Newman
Riverside County
District 39 – Mark Takano
District 40 – Young Kim
District 41 – Ken Calvert
District 48 – Darrell Issa
Riverside County SD 23 – Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh
Orange County
District 59 – Phillip Chen
District 64 – Blanca Pacheco
District 67 – Sharon Quirk Silva
District 68 – Avelino Valencia
District 70 – Tri Ta
District 71 – Kate Sanchez
District 72 – Diane Dixon
District 73 – Cottie Petrie-Norris
District 74 – Laurie Davies
Riverside County
District 36 – No recommendation
District 47 – Greg Wallis
District 58 – No recommendation
District 60 – Corey Jackson
District 63 – Bill Essayli
District 71 – Kate Sanchez
Orange County Board of Supervisors
District 1 – Janet Nguyen
Riverside County Board of Supervisors
District 1 – Richard Roth
Aliso Viejo
District 1 – Tim Zandbergen
District 3 – Richard Hunt
District 5 – Mike Munzing
District 1 – Ryan Bailus
District 4 – Norma Kurtz
District 5 – No recommendation
Christine Marick, Marty Simonoff
Buena Park
District 2 – Carlos Franco
District 3 – Susan Sonne
District 4 – Lamiya Hoque
Costa Mesa
Mayor – John Stephens
District 1 – Mike Buley
District 2 – No recommendation
District 6 – Jeff Harlan
District 3 – Mark Plager
District 4 – Glenn Button
Dana Point No contested election
Fountain Valley
Ted Bui, Glenn Grandis
District 1 – Fred Jung
District 2 – Nick Dunlap
District 4 – Linda Whitaker
Garden Grove
Mayor – Stephanie Klopfenstein
District 2 – John Ramirez
District 5 – No recommendation
District 6 – Tri Lam
Huntington Beach
Dan Kalmick, Chad Williams
Mayor – No recommendation
District 1 – John Park
District 2 – No recommendation
District 3 – James Mai
District 4 – Mike Carroll
Laguna Beach
George Weiss, Bob Whalen
Laguna Hills
Don Caskey, Jared Mathis
Laguna Niguel
No contested election
Laguna Woods
Cynthia Conners, Shari Horne
La Habra
Dr. Susan Pritchard
La Palma
No recommendation
Lake Forest
No contested election
Los Alamitos
District 1 – No recommendation
District 2 – Trisha Murphy
District 3 – Jordan Nefulda
Mission Viejo
No contested election
Newport Beach
District 2 – Michelle Barto
District 5 – Noah Blom
District 7 – Sara Weber
Mayor – Dan Slater
District 2 – Jon Dumitru
District 3 – Kathy Tavoularis
District 5 – No recommendation
City Clerk – Pamela Coleman
City Treasurer – Eugene Fields
District 1 – No recommendation
District 3 – Jeremy Yamaguchi
District 5 – Ward Smith
Rancho Santa Margarita
Mayor – Tony Beall
District 3 – Carol Gamble
San Clemente
District 3 – Rick Loeffler
District 4 – Zhen Wu
San Juan Capistrano
District 1 – Sergio Farias
District 5 – Howard Hart
Santa Ana
Mayor – Valerie Amezcua
Ward 1 – Julie Tran
Ward 3 – Jeff Katz
Ward 5 – Mario Alvarado
Seal Beach
No contested election
District 2 – Victor Barrios
District 4 – John Douglas Warren
District 1 – Tanner Douthit
District 2 – John Nielsen
District 4 – Ryan Gallagher
Villa Park No recommendation
District 2 – Hauwie Tieu
District 3 – K.C. Wolbert
Yorba Linda
Tara Campbell, Peggy Huang
Rancho Santiago Community College District
District 3 – Andrew Linares
Newport Mesa Unified School District
Trustee Area 1 – Robin Mensinger
units be affordable—7% of which for low-income renters and 3% for very low-income renters. In Orange County, a family of four would be considered low-income making up to $126,250 per year, and very-low-income would be up to $78,900 per year. In lieu of dedicating units to affordable housing, developers could choose to pay a $10 per square foot fee to the city which would be used to finance affordable housing development in the future.
Sustainability in multi-family communities has become another focus of lawmakers and regulators in recent years. Many states and cities have enacted or are considering stricter energy efficiency standards, many of which could require retrofits or structural reconfigurations to accommodate compliance. Mandates for electrical
panels, air conditioning, electric ranges, and boilers are just some of the items facing expanded regional and statewide oversight in the coming year.
The costs of complying with these environmental mandates can be overwhelming for property owners, particularly those with older buildings that require significant upgrades. Although some local, regional and state regulatory bodies offer subsidies or incentives to ease the financial burden, the scope and scale of the required changes are often beyond the reach of smaller landlords.
Rental housing providers find themselves at a critical crossroads. Will they seek to maintain the status quo in their operations, or adapt by diversifying their portfolios, seeking alternative markets, or consolidating their assets to manage the increased costs and compliance burdens? Will they get out of the business altogether, and if they do, will that housing be acquired by larger
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corporations and investment firms?
Navigating California’s legal and regulatory landscape requires landlords to stay informed, engaged and vigilant. Joining an industry association that advocates for balanced regulations that consider both resident needs and property owners’ rights is essential. As a member of AAOC, you are already in a better position than many other rental housing providers. The association will continue to serve as your voice and advocate, but you also play a critically important role in helping policy makers and regulators fully understand the realities you face as housing providers and business owners. In the coming year, AAOC will be asking you to help better equip it with information, stories, and evidence that will allow it to continue effectively representing you and your interests in this increasingly treacherous landscape. Stay tuned for more information on this in the coming months.
(We customize to your opening onsite)
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Faux wood miniblinds 2” (Call for pricing)
We can fix your old rail and purchase vane per piece or set
24GA Steel, 1pc top channel & bottom track, 26GA frame molding, cameo white prefinished panel, steel braces are glued to each panel for added strength & rigidity & prevent warpage
Thru-the-Wall A/C: 12k BTU (115V/220V) Frigidaire, Friedrich, Garrison
VERTICAL MAILBOXES: 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 doors
1) APPLIANCES: stoves, air conditioners, wall furnaces; dishwashers; OTR microwave; wall ovens, cooktops; water heaters, range hoods & appliance parts
2) FLOORING MATERIALS: carpet, vinyl sheet, vinyl planks, 6-12mil wear layer, 12x12 & 18x18 tile
3) PLUMBING: toilets; kitchen and bathroom faucets; shower valves, repair parts for Mixet, Pfister, MOEN & Delta
4) ELECTRICAL: ceiling fans, indoor & outdoor light fixtures, repair parts
5) LOCKSETS: entry, double or single cyl deadbolts, privacy and passage locks; dummy knobs
6) REPAIR PARTS: for windows, kitchen drawers & cabinets, shower doors, screening materials, exhaust fan motors
7) VARIOUS OTHER NEEDS: garbage disposers, exhaust fan motors, vertical mailboxes, closet doors, medicine cabinets, cutting boards, deck paints, maintenance coating paints, vertical blinds sets & parts; hose bibs and lock, cleaning chemicals
Dishwasher: 18” or 24” Hotpoint or Frigidaire
General Wire
Replacement Cables: 3/8”; ½”, 25’, 50’, 75’ or 100’, Regular head, DH or DDH
Founded in 1961 as a nonprofit trade organization, the Apartment Association of Orange County represents the interests of those involved in owning, managing and maintaining rental property.
Membership is open to all owners of residential income-producing property. Whether you own one or one hundred units, the AAOC is here to serve your needs.
As a one-stop resource for information and specialized rental property services, the AAOC offers a host of benefits, including:
– Free consultation from our trained membership – Special seminars on topics such as taxes, property
Lipski Properties
A York Properties
Glencoe Management LLC
Rivera Properties
Laguna Lighting
Sibyl Margaretis 22732 Granite Way, Suite A Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 804-8973 lls@lagunalighting.org
MirrorMate Frames
Dustin Murphy 9317 Monroe Road, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28270 (704) 390-7374 dustin@mirrormate.com
Mc Wee Properties
Fantastic Five LLC
Gacek Properties
Dau Properties
One Structural—
Balcony1 • Retrofit1 • ADU1
Helen Fower 19326 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 91356 (818) 996-6245 helen@retrofit1.com
Prose Rancho Belago—Greystar The Charlie Perris—Greystar
Villa Property Inspections LLC
Tony Escamilla 1012 West Duarte Road, 14 Arcadia, CA 91007 (800) 465-0153 tony@inspectaproperty.com https://inspectaproperty.com/
For details about membership, please call Membership Services at (714)
or visit us on the web: www.aaoc.com
Villa Property Inspections: Trusted Partners in Property Care Since 1998
Founded in 1998 by Tony Escamilla, Villa Property Inspections has become a leader in providing comprehensive property inspection services across Southern California. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, Tony Escamilla, a licensed general contractor since 2000, built the company with a commitment to quality, integrity, and professionalism.
Villa Property Inspections offers a wide range of services specifically tailored to meet the needs of landlords and property managers. As a full-service inspection company, their expertise covers crucial aspects of property maintenance and management. Among the services offered are:
SB-721 Balcony Inspections: As a specialized inspection-only company, Villa Property Inspections provides unbiased evaluations for balcony safety without any pressure to purchase additional construction services. This approach ensures that property owners receive transparent and honest assessments.
Annual Property Maintenance Inspections: Regular inspections help prop -
erty managers stay ahead of potential issues and ensure the ongoing safety and functionality of their properties.
Roof Inspections: The company conducts thorough evaluations of roofing systems to identify any signs of damage, leaks, or wear.
Sewer Line Inspections: Using advanced technology, Villa Property Inspections offers sewer camera inspections to detect blockages, damage, or other problems that could lead to costly repairs.
Mold Inspections: Their mold inspection service helps identify moisture-related issues that could cause structural damage or pose health risks to tenants.
Tenant Dispute Inspections: Villa Property Inspections assists landlords in
resolving tenant disputes by offering detailed and objective inspection reports to address concerns fairly.
Move In and Out Inspections: These inspections help property managers document the condition of units before and after tenants occupy them, ensuring that both parties are protected.
Due Diligence Purchase Inspections: For buyers, Villa Property Inspections conducts in-depth inspections of properties before purchase, helping to avoid costly surprises after closing.
Villa Property Inspections takes pride in offering no-nonsense, transparent services that property managers and landlords can trust. By being a dedicated inspection-only company, they avoid high-pressure sales tactics for unnecessary repairs, instead focusing on delivering reliable information.
If you’re looking for a trustworthy partner in maintaining your properties, Villa Property Inspections would love to be part of your management team. Reach them at (800) 465-0153 or visit their website at www.inspectaproperty. com to learn more about their services.
(Please see Supplier Contact Index for contact information)
Supplier Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
Acoustic Ceiling Removal
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
S-Team Turn Overs
Access Control Solutions
A.S. Wise, Inc.
ADT Multifamily
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
Accounting Services
AllView Real Estate
Clarion Management, Inc.
Accounting Software
MRI Software
Yardi Systems Inc.
Answering Service
Anyone Home
Apartment Building Inspection
Automatic Fire Sprinklers
Deck Inspectors Inc.
DTS Pacific LLC
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Villa Property Inspections LLC
Zebra Construction Inc.
Apartment Market Research Data
ALN Data
Apartment SEO
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Effortless Ads
The Mogharebi Group
Yardi Systems Inc.
Apartment Rental Publications & Services
The Mogharebi Group
Zillow Rentals
Apartment/Student Housing
Colliers International
Kairos Investment Management Company
The Mogharebi Group
Restoration Services Company
Voit Real Estate Services
Appliances Sales, Service & Leasing
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
Discount Appliance Guys
Expressions Home Gallery
National Service Company
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Alliance Environmental Group
Charles Taylor Enironmental
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Asphalt Sales & Service
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Albrecht & Barney Law Corporation
AWB Law, P.C.
Baker Law Group
Brennan Law Firm
Duringer Law Group, PLC
Fisher & Phillips
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers
Bath Restoration or Renovations
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
OC Professional Maintenance Team
S-Team Turn Overs
Restoration Services Company
Bio-One of Orange
Bio SoCal
Boiler Systems
H2O Heating Pros, Inc.
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Spicer Mechanical
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Buying Group
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Gogo Cabinets
KJ Carpet Wholesale
MirrorMate Frames
S M Painting Corp.
S-Team Turn Overs
The Door & Window Company
AMS Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Kustum Kunstrukshun
Carpet Sales & Service
KJ Carpet Wholesale
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Cleaning/Janitorial Services
Bio-One of Orange
Crown Building Services Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Molly Maid of Irvine, Saddleback and Temecula Valley
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
Strategic Sanitation Services
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Duringer Law Group, PLC
David S. Schonfeld, Attorney at Law
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
National Credit Systems
Cox Communications
MRI Software
Concrete Maintenance & Repair
AMS Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Precision Concrete Cutting
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Alpha Structural Inc.
AMS Construction
Angelo Termite and Construction
Aquinas HVAC
Supplier Directory
continued from page 45
Construction (Continued)
BELFOR Property Restoration
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
CAMP Construction Services
DTS Pacific LLC
Ingersoll Rand
KD Electric Company
Kustum Kunstrukshun
OC Professional Maintenance Team
One Call Restoration
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
Prestige Construction and Renovation Services, Inc
PyroComm Systems, Inc.
RCS Construction Management
Schluter Systems
Zebra Construction Inc.
Colliers International
RCS Construction Management
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
DTS Pacific LLC
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
Content Restoration
AMS Construction
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
KJ Carpet Wholesale
Deck Coatings, Magnesite Repairs, Waterproofing
AMS Construction
Crank Waterproofing
Monument Roofing
South Coast Deck Inspections
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Drain Cleaning
California Rooter & Plumbing
LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc.
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Draperies/Blinds/Window Coverings
Apex Window Décor
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Resident IQ
TAG / AMS, Inc.
Dryer Vent & Duct Cleaning
Alliance Environmental Group
Aquinas HVAC
Crown Building Services Inc.
Dryer Vent Wizard of Mission Viejo and Trabuco Canyon
Electric Vehicle Products & Services
Access Electrical & Lighting
Gerhard Electric
KD Electric Company
REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
S.E. Electrical Service Inc.
Access Electrical & Lighting
Electric Medics
Gerhard Electric
KD Electric Company
Laguna Lighting
S.E. Electrical Service Inc.
Service 1st
Energy Management
Armada Power
Synergy Companies
Yardi Systems Inc.
Environmental Consulting & Training
American Environmental Specialists, Inc.
Bio-One of Orange
Charles Taylor Enironmental
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Strategic Sanitation Services
Genesis Bank
Estate/Financial Planning
New York Life
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
Tax & Financial Group
Fencing & Gates
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
Fire Safety
Automatic Fire Sprinklers
Black Bird Fire Protection, Inc.
Bob Peters Fire Protection
Fire & Flood Restoration
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC
Bob Peters Fire Protection
Charles Taylor Enironmental
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
PRC Restoration
Fitness Equipment
Promaxima Strength & Conditioning
KJ Carpet Wholesale
Orion DCP Inc.
Real Floors
Urban Surfaces
Furniture/Furniture Rental
AFR Furniture Rental
Garage Doors
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
General Contractor
Alpha Structural Inc.
Angelo Termite and Construction
BELFOR Property Restoration
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Deck Diagnostics
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Kustum Kunstrukshun
OC Professional Maintenance Team
PRC Restoration
S M Painting Corp.
Zebra Construction Inc.
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
OC Professional Maintenance Team
S M Painting Corp.
Heating & Air Conditioning
Aquinas HVAC
Expressions Home Gallery
Ingersoll Rand
OC Professional Maintenance Team
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Specialty AC Heat
Spicer Mechanical
Arroyo Insurance Services, Inc
Crest Insurance
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance
Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers
Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency
ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency
Insurance Solutions of America
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc
New York Life
NFP Property & Casualty
Prendiville Insurance Agency
Tax & Financial Group
Internet Services
Apartment SEO
CitySide Networks, LLC
Cox Communications
Google Fiber
Bob Peters Fire Protection
Charles Taylor Enironmental
Deck Diagnostics
One Call Restoration
One Structural — Balcony1 • Retrofit1 • ADU1
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
South Coast Deck Inspections
Villa Property Inspections LLC
Zebra Construction Inc.
Interior Design
MirrorMate Frames
American 1031
CFG Investments, Inc.
Kay Properties & Investments Company
LordCap Green
Morgan Skendarian Investment Real Estate Group
New York Life
Tax & Financial Group
Junk Removal & Hauling
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
The Junkluggers of Orange County
Kitchen Renovations
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
Kustum Kunstrukshun
MirrorMate Frames
Schluter Systems
Laundry Equipment & Services
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
All Valley Washer Service Inc.
Landcare Logic
National Service Company
PWS Laundry / Alliance
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems
Lending Institutions
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Chase Multifamily Lending
Citizens Business Bank
Genesis Bank
Sunwest Bank
Torrey Pines Bank
Magnesite Repairs
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Mailboxes R Us
Maintenance, Repairs, Products
ADT Multifamily
Aquinas HVAC
BG Multifamily
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Clarion Management, Inc.
Evolution Building Efficiency
Ingersoll Rand
KD Electric Company
MirrorMate Frames
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Service 1st
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Clarion Management, Inc.
Effortless Ads
Mold Remediation
Alliance Environmental Group
American Environmental Specialists, Inc.
BELFOR Property Restoration
Bio-One of Orange
Charles Taylor Enironmental
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
One Call Restoration
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Roto Rooter Service Company
Multi-Family Advisory Services
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
DTS Pacific LLC
The Mogharebi Group
Voit Real Estate Services
Odor Removal
Alliance Environmental Group
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Strategic Sanitation Services
Outdoor Furniture & Refinishing
Bassett Outdoor Contract
Patio Guys
Paint Sales & Service
Behr Paint
Dunn-Edwards Corporation
Paint Sales & Service (Cont’d)
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
Kustum Kunstrukshun
OC Professional Maintenance Team
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
S M Painting Corp.
S-Team Turn Overs
West Coast Drywall & Paint
Reliant Parking Solutions, LLC
Zebra Construction Inc.
Pest Control
Alliance Environmental Group
Angelo Termite and Construction
Lloyd Pest Control
Western Exterminator Company
Supplier Directory — continued on page 48
Plumbing, Contractors & Supplies
California Rooter & Plumbing
EZ Drain & Plumbing
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Repipe Specialists, Inc
Roto Rooter Service Company
Schluter Systems
Service 1st
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Pool & Spa Service & Repair
Aquatic Facility Services Inc
Pacific Coast Commercial Pool Service
Service 1st
Power/Pressure Washing
Crown Building Services Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Private Security
Citiguard, Inc.
Defense International Corporation
FPK Security
Signal of OC/SD
Property Management
AIM Properties
Allen Properties
AllView Real Estate
API Property Management
Clarion Management, Inc.
Consensys Property Management Company
DM Smithco
Dunlap Property Group
Fairgrove Property Management
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
JLE Property Management
L’Abri Management, Inc.
LoCali Management Group
The Management Works
Optim Real Estate Services Company
Orange County Property Management
ProActive Realty Investments
Reynolds Realty Advisors
Roberts Management & Investments
Satellite Management Company
South Coast Real Estate & Property Management
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Property Management Software
Anyone Home
Appfolio, Inc.
MRI Software
Reliant Parking Solutions, LLC
Resident IQ
Snappt Inc.
Yardi Systems Inc.
Property Management Staffing & Training
Approved Real Estate
BG Multifamily
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
The Liberty Group
Rain Gutters
Argos Homes Systems
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Monument Roofing
Real Estate/Investments
AllView Real Estate
CFG Investments, Inc.
CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team
Colliers International
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
DM Smithco
Gorman & Associates
Investing in The OC
Kairos Investment Management Company
Kay Properties & Investments Company
MJC Realty
Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group
ProActive Realty Investments
Realtors Commercial Alliance of Orange County (RCAOC)
Shanon Ohmann Real Estate Group
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Voit Real Estate Services
Real Estate Broker
AllView Real Estate
CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
MJC Realty
Morgan Skenderian Investment
Real Estate Group Company
Optim Real Estate Services Company
The Mogharebi Group
Voit Real Estate Services
AMS Construction
BELFOR Property Restoration
DTS Pacific LLC
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
JKJ Plus One, Inc
One Call Restoration
Orion DCP Inc.
RCS Construction Management
S-Team Turn Overs
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Rent Payment System
MRI Software
Resident IQ
Section 8 Management
Resident Screening
AllView Real Estate
MRI Software
Resident IQ
Snappt Inc.
Yardi Systems Inc.
AMS Construction
CAMP Construction Services
Crank Waterproofing
Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc.
Monument Roofing
Security Services/Patrol Services
ADT Multifamily
Brixton Protective Services Inc
Citiguard, Inc.
Signal of OC/SD Supplier Directory continued from page 47
California Safety Agency
Defense International Corporation
FPK Security
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
Securitas Security Services USA
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
Service and Leasing
Snappt Inc.
Staffing Service
Approved Real Estate
BG Multifamily
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
Sustainability/Green Energy
California Energy-Smart Homes
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Optima Pearlx
CitySide Networks, LLC
Cox Communications
Dedicated Transportation
Professional Towing LLC
TO’ and MO’ Towing
Clarion Management, Inc.
Trash Service/Recycling
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
Strategic Sanitation Services
Valet Living
Utilities & Sub Metering
Google Fiber
Multifamily Utility Company
Resident IQ
Southern California Edison-Multi Family Program
Video Commercials
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Video Surveillance
Assure by Remote Ally
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
Water Heaters
California Rooter & Plumbing
H2O Heating Pros, Inc.
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Roto Rooter Service Company
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Water Heaters Only Inc.
AMS Construction
Crank Waterproofing
S M Painting Corp.
Schluter Systems
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Water Removal
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
One Call Restoration
Website Development/Online Advertising
Apartment SEO
Windows & Doors
Crown Building Services Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors
Milgard Windows & Doors
Moore Replacements
The Door & Window Company
(Please see AAOC’s Supplier Directory for Listings of Services)
All Supplier Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
A.S. Wise, Inc.
Jean Sabga 15150 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 891-1501
jsabga@aswise.net — www.aswise.net
Access Electrical & Lighting 25108 Marguerite Pkwy Suite A Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 364-6063 accesselectricallighting@gmail.com
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
Multi-Housing Division 14404 Hoover Street Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 897-4342 acelaundry@gmail.com — www.acelaundry.com
Provide Sales, Service, Leasing & Parts for Coin-Op Laundry Equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
ADT Multifamily
Joseph Knaack
100 West Indian School Road, Apt. 1012 Phoenix, AZ 85013 (714) 277-2586 josephknaack@adt.com
AFR Furniture Rental
John Spivey 3330 Garfield Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 (323) 400-7508 jspivey@rentfurniture.com — http://www.rentfurniture.com
AIM Properties
Don St. John 531 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92866 (714) 633-2344 don@aimproperties.net — www.aimproperties.net
Albrecht & Barney Law Corporation
Anson Cain–atc@albrechtbarney.com 1 Park Plaza, Suite 900 Irvine, CA 92614-5910 (949) 263-1040 mar@albrechtbarney.com
All Valley Washer Service Inc.
John Cottrell 15008 Delano St. Van Nuys, CA 91411 (800) 247-1100
john@allvalleywasher.com — www.allvalleywasher.com
Allen Properties
Frank Allen/Paul Allen/Jessica Siderius 1 Orchard Road, Suite #230 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 768-6850
frank@allenproperties.net — www.allenproperties.net
Property Management Services/Investments.
Alliance Environmental Group Krystyn Roman—krystynroman@alliance-enviro.com 777 N Georgia Ave Azusa, CA 91702 (877) 858-6220 marketingteam@alliance-enviro.com
AllView Real Estate
Daniel Gutierrez 1501 Westcliff Drive, Suite 270 Newport Beach, California 92660 (949) 400-4275
ALN Data
Samantha Wallace 2611 Westgrove Drive, Suite 104 Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 931-2553 x 218
Samantha@alndata.com — www.alndata.com
Apartment data and market research.
Alpha Structural Inc.
Franchesca Hernandez 8334 Foothill Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 91040 (323) 943-5675 franchesca@alphastructural.com
American 1031
Adam Bryan 10111 Petit Avenue North Hills, CA 91343 (310) 903-6757 adam@american1031.net
American Environmental Specialists, Inc. Mr. James F. McClung, Jr. 15183 Springdale Street Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 379-3333 admin@aeshb.com
Consultant: Mold Investigations/Recommendations, Asbestos/Lead Testing, Training. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
AMS Construction 1159 Iowa Ave., Ste. K Riverside, CA 92507 (833) 267-7663 info@amsroofingconstruction.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad. Angelo Termite and Construction
Gregg Traum 16161 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 589-8809 info@angelotermite.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Anyone Home
Jaime Conde 25521 Commercentre Dr #100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 916-3919 lightson@anyonehome.com
Engagement and automation tools through Contact Center and CRM software.
API Property Management
Margie Tabrizi
1400 Bristol St. N, Ste. 245-A Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 505-5200
Apartment SEO
Ronn Ruiz
100 W. Broadway Ave, Suite 425 Long Beach, CA 90802 (877) 309-7363
ronn@apartmentseo.com — apartmentseo.com
Advertising firm specializing in Websites, Search & Social Media Marketing. apartments.com
Adriana Mamola 3161 Michelson Dr, #1675 Irvine, CA 92612 (951) 522-3001 amamola@costar.com
#1 nationwide provider of information and advertising services.
Apex Window Décor
Deepa Gorajia 1132 E. Katella Ave, Suite A16 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 532-2588
deepag@apexwindowdecor.com — www.apexwindowdecor.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad. Appfolio, Inc.
55 Castilian Dr Goleta, Ca 93117 (866) 648-1536 mindy.sorenson@appfolio.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Approved Real Estate
Jim Forde 4010 Barranca Pkwy, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92604 (714) 875-0979 jim@approvedrealestateacademy.com
Aquatic Facility Services Inc
Ramiro Uribe 1290 North Red Gum Street Anaheim, CA 92806 (949)478-9931 ruribe@afsinconline.com
Aquinas HVAC
Eric Barnett 7438 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 (610) 410-3154 eric.barnett@aquinashvac.com
Nia Williams
1250 North Lakeview Avenue, Suite T Anaheim, CA 92807 (833) 383-7962 sales@arizehub.com — http://www.arizehub.com
Argos Homes Systems
Mr. James Van Dyke 11542 Knott St., Suite B-5 Garden Grove, CA 92641 (714) 894-9534 argosjvandyke@hughes.net
Seamless aluminum rain gutters, fabric awnings, mirrored wardrobe closets. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Supplier Contact Index — continued on page 52
Supplier Contact Index —
continued from page 50
Armada Power
Robert Cooke
230 West Street Columbus, OH 43215-2655 (909) 730-6509
Arroyo Insurance Services, Inc
Seamus McDonald
3480 Torrance Blvd., #301 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 245-1925
Assure by Remote Ally
Eddie Conlon
4431 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 121 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (866) 439-0318
Kate Shoemaker 2913 S Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 417-4047
ATI 3360 La Palma Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 412-0828
Automatic Fire Sprinklers
Chris Delany 7272 Mars Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714)841-2066
AWB Law, P.C.
Anthony Burton — anthony@awblawpc.com 2040 Main Street, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 244-4207 admin@awblawpc.com
Baker Law Group
John Baker 7700 Irvine Center Dr., Suite 800 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 450-0444
Bassett Outdoor Contract
Jonathan Bennett PO Box 1280 Haleyville, AL 35565 (205) 486-5102
Behr Paint
Lori Flores 1601 E. Saint Andrew Pl. Santa Ana, CA 92705-5044 (909) 248-5132
lorflores@behrpaint.com — www.behr.com
BELFOR Property Restoration
Susan Nellor 2920 East White Star Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 514-7158
BG Multifamily
Shannon Valentino 5850 Granite Parkway Plano, TX 75024 (714) 654-9498
Bio-One of Orange
Cory Flores 1439 West Chapman Avenue #159 Orange, CA 92868 (949) 306-1733
Cory@Biooneorange.com — www.biooneorange.com
Bio SoCal
Alan Cohen — Alan@BioSoCal.com
4607 Lakeview Canyon Road, Ste 498 Westlake Village, CA 91361 (818) 839-9000 Info@BioSoCal.com — https://biosocal.com/
Black Bird Fire Protection, Inc. 10282 Trask Ave Ste D Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 462-6095 info@blackbirdfire.com
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC
Stefanie Koslosky 1183 Warner Ave Tustin, CA 92780 (657) 575-0933
Bob Peters Fire Protection
Laurie Vandebrake 3397 East 19th Street Signal Hill, CA 90755 (562) 424-8486
Brennan Law Firm
Michael Brennan
67 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 105 Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 294-0500
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Brixton Protective Services Inc
Raymond Garcia 2323 West Lincoln Avenue, 137 Anaheim, CA 92801 (949) 619-6044 ray@brixtonprotective.com
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Frank Alvarez
6861 Stanton Ave., Suite G Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 956-8371 www.buffalomaintenance.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
California Bath Restoration
Carly Camacho 1920 E. Warner Ave., Suite 3P Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 263-0779 ccamacho@calbath.com
Complete kitchen and bath restoration and refinishing company.
California Rooter & Plumbing
Mr. Mark Fowler 1905 E. Deere Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 222-2202
Plumbing and drain cleaning services. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
California Safety Agency
Darrell Cowan 8932 Katella, Suite 108 Anaheim, CA 92804 (866) 996-6990 dcowan@csapatrol.com — www.csapatrol.com
CAMP Construction Services
Ronni Anthony 15139 South Post Oak Rd. Houston, TX 77053 (713) 413-2267 ranthony@campconstruction.com
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Daniel Blackwell 3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 307-8319
dan.blackwell@cbre.com — www.cbre.com/invocmultifamily Orange County multifamily investment property sales and 1031 exchanges. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
CFG Investments, Inc.
Stephen Meyer 17220 Newhope Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 557-1430 steve@cfginvestments.com — www.cfginvestments.com
Charles Taylor Enironmental
Kellie Vazquez 1011 Birchcrest Ave Brea, CA 92821 (657)286-9575 kellie.vazquez@charlestaylor.com
Chase Multifamily Lending 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1000 Irvine, CA 92614 (866) 937-7199 www.chase.com/mfl
Citiguard, Inc.
Michael Steel 22736 Vanowen Street, #300 West Hills, CA 91307 (747) 251-1182 Michael@Citiguardinc.com
Citizens Business Bank
Michael Duran 2650 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821 (714) 996-8150 mduran@cbbank.com — http://www.cbbank.com
CitySide Networks, LLC
Mike Gourzis
100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92618 (833) 318-4646 mike.gourzis@citysidefiber.com
Clarion Management, Inc. 101 Pacifica, #260 Irvine, CA 92618 (949)383-4762 bmoody@clarionmgmt.com
Jessica Tabor
150 Southeast 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33131 (619) 357-1362
jess@cloudastructure.com — https://www.cloudastructure.com/ Colliers International
Pat Swanson
3 Park Plaza, Ste 1200 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 724-5564 pat.swanson@colliers.com
Consensys Property Management Company
Laurel Dial
1380 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 772-4400 laureld@consensyspm.com — www.consensyspm.com
Cox Communications
Alicia Gray
27121 Towne Centre Dr, Suite 125 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 563-8163 alicia.gray@cox.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued on page 54
Crank Waterproofing
Rocky Glover
134 Commercial Way
Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 374-2628
Crest Insurance
Cameron Stewart
3636 Nobel Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92120 (858) 547-1128
Crown Building Services Inc.
Jason Maslach
548 Malloy Ct. Corona, CA 92878 (714) 694-1007
jason@crownservicesinc.com – www.crownservicesinc.com
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance
Debbie Halverson
110 E. Wilson Ave., Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832 (800) 345-2054
debbieh@deanshomer.com — www.InsureYourStuff.com
Deck Diagnostics
Ronald White 17341 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 200 Tustin, CA 92780 (714)502-9029
Deck Inspectors Inc.
David Mazor
2029 Verdugo Rd. #156 Montrose, CA 91020-1626 (888) 224-0489
Dedicated Transportation Services
Richard Rodrigues
13700 Harbor Blvd., Suite B Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 371-3034 richthetowguy@yahoo.com www.dedicatedtransportationservices.com
Defense International Corporation
Chaz McKinney
130 South Prospect Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 646-1945 defenseintco@gmail.com
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
Tim Gorman — tim@dgrealtyadvisors.com 272 South Poplar Avenue, Unit 101 Brea, CA 92821-5587 (714) 932-9673 info@dgrealtyadvisors.com
Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers
Matt Wardlow
233 High Street Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 553-0505 x 320 mattw@wardlowinsurance.com — www.wardlowinsurance.com
Insurance brokers specializing in apartments and commercial property.
Discount Appliance Guys
Frank Morales
2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 363
El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 955-7408
DM Smithco
Duane Van Handel
Dryer Vent Wizard of Mission Viejo and Trabuco Canyon
Ronald West 29005 Consuelo Pl Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 966-0303
DTS Pacific LLC
Jim Diaz
539 South Indiana Street Anaheim, CA 92805 (877) 387-7229 jimdiaz@dtspacific.com
Dunlap Property Group
Paul Dunlap
801 E. Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 (714) 879-0111
pdunlap@dpgre.com — www.dpgre.com
Dunn-Edwards Corporation
Jessica Seitz 1575 North Placentia Avenue Placentia, CA 92870-2333 (562) 760-9969
Duringer Law Group, PLC
Mr. Stephen C. Duringer, Esq.
181 S. Old Springs Road, 2nd Floor Anaheim Hills, CA 92809 (714) 279-1100, (800) 829-6994 toll free
Specializes in landlord/tenant law, debt collection, eviction.
Effortless Ads
Madeline Nash
209 Cornwall Street Northwest Leesburg, VA 20176 (214) 952-9862 madeline@effortlessads.com
Electric Medics
Mike Parks
28052 Camino Capistrano, 105 Mission Viejo, CA 92677 (949) 462-9200 electricmedics@gmail.com
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
Chet Oshiro
1682 Langley Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 (888) 278-8200
coshiro@empireworks.com — www.empireworks.com
Kristin Teale
4205 Chapel Ridge Road Lehi, UT 84043 (801) 735-6988
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Srinivas Hanumansetty
23111 Antonio Parkway Suite 200 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 216-8368
srinivas@everlinecoatings.com https://everlinecoatings.com/us/southern-orange-county/ Expressions Home Gallery
Sherri Galusha
17138 Von Karman Ave Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 271-2085
Major appliances for apartments. EZ Drain & Plumbing
Stacie Fluhrer
6709 Washington Ave, #944 Whittier, CA 90601 (714) 640-0699
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Fairgrove Property Management
Marco Vartanian — mvartanian@fairgrovepm.com
2355 Main Street, Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92614 (714) 541-0288
info@fairgrovepm.com — https://fairgrovepm.com/ Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency
Terri Simes
17155 Newhope Street #F Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 966-3000 tsimes@farmersagent.com — www.farmersagent.com/tsimes Insurance for apartments, business, auto, home, life, etc. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Amit Gandhi 1275 North Grove Street Anaheim, CA 92806 (619) 537-9499 amit.gandhi@firstonsite.com — https://firstonsite.com/
Fisher & Phillips
2050 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 851-2424 cbaran@laborlawyers.com
FPK Security
Steve Flamm P.O. Box 55597 Valencia, CA 91355 (800) 459-4068 stevef@fpksecurity.com — www.fpksecurity.com
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Marisa Thompson 31915 Rancho California Rd, Ste. 200-401 Temecula, CA 92596 (951) 225-5019 marisa@galeforcepm.com
Joseph Knaack 2900 Weslayan Street Houston, AZ 85013 (714) 277-2586 joseph@gatewise.com
Genesis Bank
Lauren DiBiase 4675 MacArthur Ct Suite 1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 273-1226 ldibiase@mygenesisbank.com
Gerhard Electric
Mark Gerhard—mark@gerhardelectric.com 22961 La Cadena Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 951-0490 service@gerhardelectric.com
Gogo Cabinets
Warren Chong 1726 Tyler Avenue South El Monte, CA 91733-3430 (626)328-6071 w.chong@gogocabinet.com
Google Fiber
Carol Luong
19510 Jamboree Road Google Building FAIR Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 800-1346 luongcarol@google.com
Rachel Corn 9211 Harlow Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034 (781) 264-3696 rachel.corn@gmail.com
1940 W. Orangewood Ave., Suite 201 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-9147 v456-9983 dvh@dmsmithco.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued from page 52 Supplier
With the new Livable Pro, Housing Providers of any size can bill back Residents for master-billed utilities and amenities.
The FIRST DIY solution to recover masterbilled utilities, Livable’s new Pro platform lets Housing Providers and Property Managers divide utility bills using occupancy, square footage or by unit. Don’t worry - we still offer Billing Automation for larger management companies!
Billing transparency
Manager & Resident portals
Free setup
No unit minimums HIGHLIGHTS:
— continued from page 54
Gorman & Associates
Sonya Loera PO Box 325 Brea, CA 92822 (714) 255-9998
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
James Armendariz
20984 Bake Pkwy, Ste 100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (909) 238-4169
Andrew Gulick
3419 Via Lido, Suite 388 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3908 (866) 442-7012
andrew.gulick@greenmarbles.com https://greenmarbles.com
Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc.
Helen Tredo
1010 N. Batavia St., Suite F Orange, CA 92867 (714) 633-3619
guardianroofsbookkeeping@gmail.com — www.guardianroofs.com
Roofing systems for residential and commercial property for over 30 years.
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
H2O Heating Pros, Inc.
Tim Caufield — timcaufield@h2oheatingpros.com P.O. Box 91 Menifee, CA 92586 (951) 405-0015 email@h2oheatingpros.com — www.h2oheatingpros.com
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David Eisenman 17501 17th St., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-9000 david@hmwccpa.com
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David Eisenman
17501 17th St., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-9000 david@hmwccpa.com
Ingersoll Rand
Jesse Estrada 11927 Ottawa Pl. #90 Chino, CA 91710 (909) 306-9390 jesse.estrada@irco.com
Insurance Solutions of America
Coleen Badawi 7365 Carnelian Street STE 201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 942-9946 coleen@isaagent.us
Cassandra Joachim
632 Commercial Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 849-4400 info@myintellirent.com
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
Laura Aliberti 17762 Manchester Avenue Irvine, CA 92614-6649 (858) 367-5998 laliberti@intersolutions.com - www.intersolutions.com
Investing in The OC
Mercedes Shaffer
1200 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 330-9999
InvestingInTheOC@gmail.com — http://investingintheoc.com
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Carl Ludwig
101 S. Kraemer Blvd., Suite 100 Placentia, CA 92870 (877) 484-7575
carl@ironwoodplumbing.com — www.ironwoodplumbing.com
ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency
Jim Kinmartin
25550 Hawthorne Blvd #203 Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 373-6441 jim@olsonduncan.com — www.olsonduncan.com
Independent insurance brokerage representing commercial building owners and operators.
JKJ Plus One, Inc
Cassandra Torres 444 Old Newport Boulevard, Ste C Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949)259-3092 cassandra@casstorres.com
JLE Property Management
Denise Arredondo
700 West 1st Street, Suite 12 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 778-0480 www.jle1.com — denise@jle1.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad. Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
Lee Turrini 9272 Jeronimo Rd, Suite 108 Irvine, CA 92618 (949)677-1132 Leeturrini@junk-king.com
Kairos Investment Management Company
Jon Needell
30242 Esperanza
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 709-8888
jneedell@kimc.com — www.kimc.com
Kay Properties & Investments Company
Patricia Aballe
21515 Hawthorne Blvd, 360 Torrance, CA 90503 (855) 899-4597
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
KD Electric Company
Derrick Laughlin 17071 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite A6 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 223-2700
derrick@kdelectric.com — www.kdelectric.com
Electrical wiring & installation for remodels, tenant improvements, new constructions & additions.
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
Michael Chen 2040 Main St., Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 476-5585
KJ Carpet Wholesale
Chris Yi PO Box 369 Walnut, CA 91788 (909) 455-0180
Kustum Kunstrukshun
Jonathan Muller 7611 Volga Drive, 1 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (562)370-6080
L’Abri Management, Inc.
8141 E. Second Street, Suite 300 Downey, CA 90241 (714) 826-9972
Full service property management provider for 16+ units.
LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc.
Dan Baldwin 10639 Wixom St Sun Valley, CA 91352 (800) 750-4426
Laguna Lighting
Sibyl Margaretis 22732 Granite Way, Suite A Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 804-8973
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Landcare Logic
Jalin Gerber 1448 N. Glassell Orange, CA 92867 (951) 316-8002
jalin@landcarelogic.com — www.landcarelogic.com
Howard Lee
1070 N. State College Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 533-7835
hmlee_vp@yahoo.com — www.laundryup.com
Daniel Sharabi PO Box 475852
San Francisco, CA 94147 (877) 789-6027
comesave@livable.com — www.livable.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Lloyd Pest Control
David Hinrichs 1331 Morena Blvd, #300 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 843-6369
LoCali Management Group
Nathan Poth 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Ste 625 Irvine, CA 92603 (714) 747-9074
Nathan@livinglocali.com — www.livinglocali.com
Boutique style property management.
LordCap Green
Jessica Collins 14 Wall Street, Ste 1720 New York, NY 10005 (212) 400-7142 team@lordcapgreen.com — https://www.lordcapgreen.com
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
Eric Straub 43234 Business Park Dr., #101 Temecula, CA 92590 (888) 266-5677 eric_straub@2noloss.com
Joel Duchesne 2911 1/2 Hewitt Ave., Suite 8 Everett, WA 98201 (866) 387-7275 help@luminousresidential.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued on page 58
Mailboxes R Us
Tony McDaniel
1980 N Glassell Street Orange, CA 92865 (714) 779-7779
Milgard Windows & Doors
Mike Mills
26879 Diaz Road Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 536-0275
mikemills@milgard.com — http://milgard.com MirrorMate Frames
Dustin Murphy
9317 Monroe Road, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28270 (704) 390-7374
MJC Realty
Joel Carlson 3 Upper Newport Plaza Drive, First Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658 (714) 271-7322
Molly Maid of Irvine, Saddleback and Temecula Valley
Scott Sims 20984 Bake Parkway #102 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 367-8000 x 2
scott.sims@mollymaid.com www.mollymaid.com/irvine-saddleback-valley/
Moore Replacements
Mike Moore
1525 W MacArthur Blvd, Unit 16 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 963-0505
Monument Roofing
Aaron Martin
625 W. Katella Ave. #29 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 538-3330
See the Advertisers Index on Page 76 for the location of our ad.
Morgan Skendarian Investment Real Estate Group 4590 Mac Arthur Blvd., Suite 260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 251.8800 md@morganskenderian.com
MRI Software
Mary Greene
28925 Fountain Parkway Solon, OH 44139-4356 (714) 403-3622
mary.greene@mrisoftware.com — http://www.checkpointid.com
Multifamily Utility Company
Denise Deverelle—ddeverelle@multifamilyutility.com
PO Box 86531
San Diego, CA 92138 (800) 266-0968 sales@multifamilyutility.com
Team Services
Teresa Manzano Mendoza 17321 Irvine Blvd, #205 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 213-8841 teresa@multiteam.net — www.multiteamservices.com
National Credit Systems
Gordon Marshall 1775 The Exchange SE Suite 300 Marietta, GA 30339 (800) 515-6858 gmarshall@nationalcreditsystems.com
National Service Company
Anel Burgin 845 N Commerce St Orange, CA 92867 (714) 633-1811 ab_national@yahoo.com — www.apartmentlaundry.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc
Shawntae Stewart 23001 La Palma Avenue, Ste 120 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 (714) 202-4711
sstewart@navionins.com — www.navionins.com
Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP
Rondi Walsh
895 Dove Street, 5th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 854-7000 rondi.walsh@ndlf.com
New York Life
Kimberly Lucas 3711 Calle Casino San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 244-5459 kalucas@ft.newyorklife.com
NFP Property & Casualty
Eric R. Marrs, CIC, CRM, Vice President 1551 Tustin Avenue, Suite 500 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 617-2446
eric.r.marrs@nfp.com — www.nfp.com Commercial, Personal & Health Insurance.
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Laura Aliberti 2400 East Katella Ave., Suite 800 Anaheim, CA 92806 (949) 307-1595 laliberti@npmstaffing.com — www.npmstaffing.com
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Jennifer Barragan 1180 W. Ball Rd. #9134 Anaheim, CA 92812 (714) 583-8633 info@ocproteam.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Michelle Hogge 182 Wells Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 548-6398 admin@olivermahon.com
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing
Peter Braun 1941 South Grant Street Denver, Colorado 80210 (303)910-7636 peter.braun@omniapartners.com omniapartners.com/multifamilyhousing
One Call Restoration
Anthony Nocera 1240 S Wright Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (562) 824-1234 tony@onecallsm.com
One Structural — Balcony1 • Retrofit1 • ADU1
Helen Fower 19326 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 91356 (818) 996-6245 helen@retrofit1.com
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
Ali Sahabi 5508 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vernon, CA 90058 (323) 605-0000 asahabi@optimumseismic.com — www.optimumseismic.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Orange County Property Management
Eric Reichert 16742 Gothard Street, Suite 117 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 840-1700 eric@ocmgmt.com — orangecountypropertymanagement.com
Orion DCP Inc.
Yathrib Heredia 117 North Bewley Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 (949) 306-3995 Yheredia@Oriondcp.com
Pacific Coast Commercial Pool Service
Roger Klump 5282 Acacia Ave Garden Grove, CA 92845 (714) 351-1881 rdklump@gmail.com
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Kristine Ramos kristine@peasolutions.com P.O. Box 459 Surfside, CA 90743 (714)379-5029 info@peasolutions.com
Patio Guys
Joanna Solis 2907 Oak St Santa Ana, CA 92707 (800) 310-4897 commercial@patioguys.com
Phillip Forrester 1612 Cambridge Circle Charlottesville, VA 22903 (323) 863-8403 pf@pearlxinfra.com
Steve Flamm P.O. Box 55597 Valencia, CA 91355 (800) 459-4068 stevef@fpksecurity.com Supplier Contact Index — continued from page 57
Jonna Slaybaugh 1935 Poncha Court Larkspur, CO 80118 (720)381-9307 Jonna.slaybaugh@spectrumbrands.com
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
Chris Diaz chris@prspipe.com 15510 Rockfield Blvd, Suite C100 Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 652-7604 info@prspipe.com https://www.piperestorationsolutions.com/
PK Security, Inc.
Supplier Contact Index —
continued from page 58
PRC Restoration
Freddy Rodriguez
23839 Banning Blvd Carson, CA 90745 (562) 490-6900
info@prcrestoration.com — www.prcrestoration.com
Precision Concrete Cutting
Aaron Anderson
650 S Grand Ave #108
Santa Ana, CA 92705 (760) 448-0979
aaron@pcctriphazardremoval.com — www.safesidewalks.com
Prendiville Insurance Agency
Angela Weiss
24661 Del Prado, Suite 3 Dana Point, CA 92629-2805 (949) 487-9696
Prestige Construction and Renovation Services, Inc
Sam Elzein — selzein@prestigecrs.com 2600 Newport Boulevard, Suite 114 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (951) 314-5457
ProActive Realty Investments
Rita Aguila
1913 E. 17th Street, Suite 217 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 541-3138
rita@proactiveri.com — www.proactiveri.com
Property Management Multifamily & Single Homes, Real Estate Sales.
Professional Towing LLC
Alberto Castellanos 593 North Batavia Street Orange, CA 92868-1218 (714) 616-0290
Promaxima Strength & Conditioning
Lesley Ward 5310 Ashbrook Drive Houston, TX 77081 (979) 946-6889
lward@promaxima.com — www.promaxima.com
PWS Laundry / Alliance
John Endahl
12020 Garfield Ave South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 721-8832 jendahl@pswlaundry.com — www.pwslaundrywest.com
PyroComm Systems, Inc.
Jake Tirabassi 15215 Alton Parkway, #200 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 386-0798 jaket@itredrock.com
Jennifer Mau
tradeshows@Qwikkit.com 7350 Langfield Road Houston, TX 77092 (713) 540-3205 j.mau@qwikkit.com
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
David Rhodes 2350 S. Milliken Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 230-5400 drhodes@rbdist.com — www.rbdist.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
RCS Construction Management
Bill Rupert 9114 Adams Ave 340 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (310) 667-2829 info@rcs-cm.com
Real Floors
Delia Chamberlain—delia.chamberlain@realfloors.com
560 Webb Industrial Dr Marietta, GA 30062 (810)444-1550 jessica.mcconnell@realfloors.com
Reliant Parking Solutions, LLC
Kevin Wexler PO Box 13004 Carlsbad, CA 92013 (760) 494-0938 info@reliantparking.com
Barton Strawn
200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 150 Sandy, UT 84070 (888) 222-1009 www.rentler.com/partner/aaoc — membership@rentler.com
Zach Goulhiane 6300 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 620 Los Angeles, CA 90048 (323) 375-5778 zach@rently.com
Laura Lemansky
950 East Paces Ferry Road NE, Suite 2600 Atlanta, GA 30326 (949) 943-5177
llemansky@rent.com - www.rent.com
Repipe Specialists, Inc
Daniel Johnston
245 East Olive Ave, 5th Floor Burbank, CA 91502 (703) 801-8269 daniel.johnston@repipespecialists.com
Resident IQ
Angela Mackey — angela.mackey@residentiq.com
2035 Lakeside Centre Way Suite 250 Knoxville, TN 379220 (949) 698-3662 sales@residentiq.com
REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
David Aaronson
3753 Nottingham St Houston, TX 77005 (713) 927-1693
daaronson@refuelevs.com — www.refuelevs.com
Reynolds Realty Advisors
Elizabeth Reynolds
3900 E Miraloma Ave, Suite H Anaheim CA, 92806 (866) 613-7772
Elizabeth@ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com www.ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com
Roberts Management & Investments
Ray Roberts
3532 Katella Ave, Suite 111 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-3588
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Roto Rooter Service Company
Jacob Coe 1501 Railroad Street Corona, CA 92878 (714) 666-1665 jacob.coe@rrsc.com
S-Team Turn Overs
Carlos Mercado
2030 East 4th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705 (310) 986-1522 cmercado@steamoc.com
S.E. Electrical Service Inc.
Sam Edalati 6282 Abraham Avenue Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 448-6252 seelectricoc@verizon.net
Satellite Management Company
Paul Conzelman 1010 E Chestnut Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 714) 558-2411 ext 124 pconzelman@satellitemanagement.com
Schluter Systems
Mary Yocum 15 Nantucket Lane Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (714) 329-0355 myocum@schluter.com
Securitas Security Services USA
Jacob King 27275 Miraflores Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (619) 559-3020 jacob.king@securitasinc.com
Service 1st
Sergio Sanchos 2510 N. Grand Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714)573-2251 ssancho@service-1st.com — http://www.service-1st.com
Shanon Ohmann Real Estate Group
Shanon Ohmann 28361 Lakewood Drive
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 309-1244 Shanonohmann@gmail.com
Signal of OC/SD
Gilbert Holguin 2140 West Chapman Avenue Suite #250 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 715-2157 gholguin@teamsignal.com — https://www.teamsignal.com/
S M Painting Corp.
Salvador Munguia 417 S. Associated Rd. #212 Brea, CA 92821 smpaintscheduling@gmail.com
Snappt Inc.
Daniel Cooper 6100 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 (714) 812-2340 dcooper@snappt.com — www.snappt.com
South Coast Deck Inspections
Michael Malki 1095 N. Main St. Suite Q Orange, CA 92867 (657) 707-9127 admin@southcoastdeck.com — southcoastdeckinspections.com
South Coast Real Estate & Property Management 1927 Harbor Blvd., #370 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (800) 541-1962 paul@southcoastrealestatebroker.com
Southern California Edison-Multi Family Program
Mary Finn Parker 1515 Walnut Grove Ave Rosemead, CA 91770 (714) 307-5274 mary.finn@sce.com — www.sce.com
Spicer Mechanical
Chad Hegreberg
1210 N. Jefferson #K, Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 279-9100
chadh@spicermechanical.com — www.spicermechanical.com
Strategic Sanitation Services
Eric Lenning
25801 Obrero Drive #11
Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (877) 271-7909 ericl@wasteoptimize.com
Sunwest Bank
Lesley Wright 2050 Main Street Irvine, CA 92614 (714)730-4437 lwright@sunwestbank.com
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Cameron Irons 120 W. 5th Street #210 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 446-0600 cirons@svn.com — www.svnvanguard.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Synergy Companies
Douglas Price 90 Business Park Drive Perris, CA 92571 (951)443-6151
TAG / AMS, Inc.
Rick Denver 10572 Chestnut Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 280-0177 rickdenver@tagams.com
Annie Bing 14107 Brighton Ave Gardena, CA 90249 (714) 925-0598
ab@tasoroproducts.com — https://tasoroproducts.com/ Tax & Financial Group
Justin Hess 4001 MacArthur Blvd. 3rd Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 223-8434 justin.hess@tfgroup.com
The Door & Window Company
Elsa Pizana 1529 W. Alton Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 754-4085 elsa@thedoorandwindow.com
Alexandra Nazaire 1 World Trade Center New York, NY 10007 (212) 266-0020 associations@theguarantors.com — success@theguarantors.com
The Junkluggers of Orange County
Kyle Mussche 1135 West Katella Avenue Orange, CA 92867 (714) 493-7625
The Liberty Group
Carrie Floyd 11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92505 (951) 744-0057 carrief@thelibertygroup.com — www.thelibertygroup.com
The Management Works
Chip Robinson 1303 Avocado Ave #260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-2063
We provide apartment property management in Southern California.
The Mogharebi Group
Brett Bayless 28 Crestview Drive
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 887-2465
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Victor Martinez
P.O. Box 4584 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 290-5875
TO’ and MO’ Towing
Robert Heer
518 N. Poinsettia Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 543-0879 rchjr@pacbell.net
Towing company with 4 locations in Orange County.
Torrey Pines Bank
Patrick Davern
600 Anton Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626 (213) 362-5288
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Steve Whittiker 2408 West Avenue Fullerton, CA 92833-3138 (714) 715-3315
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Urban Surfaces
Brandon Cutler
2380 Railroad Street, Building 101 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 223-4645
brandon.c@urbansurfaces.com — www.urbansurfaces.com
USGI — Upland Group
William Estela
2390 E. Orangewood Avenue #520 Anaheim, CA 92806 (855) 787-5263
westela@usg.org — www.usg.org
Valet Living
Briana Sellers
100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 700 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 248-1327
briana.sellers@valetliving.com — www.valetliving.com
Chao Wang
1065 N. Pacificenter Dr, Suite 410 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 479-2050
Villa Property Inspections LLC
Tony Escamilla 1012 West Duarte Road, 14 Arcadia, CA 91007 (800) 465-0153
tony@inspectaproperty.com — https://inspectaproperty.com/
Voit Real Estate Services
Joe Leon
2020 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 939-9898 jleon@voitco.com
WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems
Tracy McMahon
100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 12th Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245 (800) 421-6897 Ext: 1625
Coin-operated laundry equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Jim Green 570 W. Freedom Ave. Orange, CA 92865 (714) 282-7098 tommyg@waterheatermaninc.com
Water Heater/boiler service and installation.
Water Heaters Only Inc.
Yana Carpenter 970 E. Main Street #200 Grass Valley, CA 95945 (800)833-4570 laoffice@waterheatersonly.com — www.waterheatersonly.com
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers
Thomas B Cummings Esq. 1 Corporate Park Dr, Fl 2 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 975-1000 tcummings@wzllp.com — www.wzllp.com
Defense of Landlord/Tenant, Premises Liability and Employment Matters.
West Coast Drywall & Paint
Aaron Fernandez 1610 W. Linden Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 778-3592 aaron.fernandez@wcdp.com
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
901 E. Taquitz Canyon Way, Suite A105 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (888) 388-9427 sean@wicr.net
Yardi Systems Inc.
Brigitta Eggelston 430 S Fairview Ave Santa Barbara, CA 93117 (805) 699-2040 x1424 brigitta.eggleston@yardi.com
Ygrene Energy Fund
Emily Ramey 2100 South McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 (415) 261-7578 emily.ramey@ygrene.com
Zebra Construction Inc.
Michelle Durey - michelle@zebraconstruct.com 2523 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 890-3989 info@zebraconstruct.com
Zillow Rentals
Paige Gamboa 1301 2nd Ave, Floor 31 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 757-4830 rentalsevents@zillowgroup.com — http://www.zillow.com
49 Geary St. San Francisco, CA 94108 714) 262-4213 darcy@zumper.com