In This Issue Unblurring the Lines Between Marketing and Advertising in Multifamily 16 What the Passing of the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Rental Housing Providers .. 20 Five Strategies to Help Scale Your Investment Portfolio 24 Where are the Opportunities for Buyers? ...................................................................... 26 Does Ad Positioning in a Magazine Really Matter? 28 Apartment News Proudly Serving the Rental-Housing Industry Since 1961 VOL. LXII • September 2022 A Fall Full Educationof (Pages 4, 30, 32, 34, 38)

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News is the official publication of the Apartment Association of Orange County. Apartment News

reserved. Postmaster: Send address change to: 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Second-class postage paid at Garden Grove, California. AAOC Education & Events 5 General Membership Meeting 30 Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series 32 Mold & Asbestos Webinar 34 Seismic Retrofit 101 36 Riverside MultiFamily Mingle 38 Fair Housing Certification Features 16 Unblurring the Lines Between Marketing and Advertising in Multifamily By Ashley Tyndall 20 What the Passing of the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Rental Housing Providers 24 Five Strategies to Help Scale Your Investment Portfolio By Marco Vartanian 26 Where are the Opportunities for Buyers? By Mercedes Shaffer 28 Does Ad Positioning in a Magazine Really Matter?
By Debbie DiBernardo
Departments 4 Executive Director’s Message — Coming this Fall 6 Sacramento Report — Convicted Criminals: FEHA’s New Protected Class? 10 Orange County Legislative Watch — “Protect Ya’ Neck” 12 Legal Corner 14 Dear Maintenance Men 40 The Benefits of AAOC Membership 41 Welcome New Members 42 PSC Corner — Brennan Law Firm / CAMP Construction Services 43 Product & Service Council’s Service Provider Directory 47 Product & Service Council’s Contact Index 60 Advertisers’ Index — Category 62 Advertisers’ Index — Alphabetical Contents Proudly Serving the Rental-Housing Industry Since 1961 VOL. LXII • September 2022ApartmentSeptemberNews2022www.aaoc.comApartment News 1
is published monthly for the apartment-house industry. It is published at 525
Subscription rate for nonmembers is $25 per year. Copyright
Drive, Suite 125,
Apartment (ISSN 0747-3435) Cabrillo Park Santa Ana, CA 92701; (714) 245-9500. 2020 by rights
Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation. All
Lic. #C36-1069122 714-715-3315949-744-7844 Residential or Commercial Bonded & Insured / Serving all of orange county CALL FOR PRICING CALL FOR PRICING CALL FOR $825.00$89.50$79.50PRICING Hydro JettingSeHabla Espanol (direct access copper plumbing) 2 Apartment News September 2022
The contents of the Orange County Apartment News may not be reproduced without written permission. The opinions expressed in any article in the Orange County Apartment News are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Apartment Association of Orange County or Apartment News
Published by the Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, a subsidiary of the Apartment Association of Orange County. 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 245-9500 • Fax (714) 245-9505 • n
Executive Director – David J. Cordero n Editor in Chief – David J. Cordero n Advertising & Media Sales Director – Debbie M. DiBernardo n Design & Production – Dave Moeller/Graphic Angles n Printing – Sundance Press
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers n President Frank Alvarez n First Vice President Rick Roshan n Second Vice President Randy Combs n Vice LegislativePresidentCouncil John Tomlinson n Treasurer Laurel Dial n Secretary Nathan Poth n Sergeant at Arms Craig Kirkpatrick n Immediate Past President John Tomlinson Directors n Julia Araiza n Alan Dauger n Denise Arredondo Directors Emeriti n Ronald Berg n William R. Gorman n Vicki Binford n Jerry L’Ecuyer n David A. Cossaboom n Nick Lieberman n Nicholas Dunlap n Ray Maggi n Stephen C. Duringer
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject manner covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal service or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. Publisher disclaims any liability for published articles, typographical errors, production errors or the accuracy of information provided herein. While Orange County Apartment News makes efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided herein, publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation, expressed or implied, of the advertiser or any products or services offered. We reserve the right to reject any advertising or editorial copy.
The Resources You Want — The Representation You Need — Since 1961 CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Apartment News 3
Apartment News
NOTE: Unless stated otherwise permission to reprint magazine articles is granted on the condition that full credits are given to the author or to other sources and to Apartment News MISSION STATEMENT To promote, protect and enhance the rental housing industry by providing programs and services that enable our members to operate successfully, and by supporting our members’ interests legislatively in order to preserve private property rights.
SEPTEMBER 5 Labor Day Monday, office closed 7 CRHP Fall #1 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 13 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, 6 pM, online 14 CRHP Fall #2 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 15 Riverside Multifamily Mingle Thursday, 5:30–7:00 pM, Taps fish house & BreWery, corona, see page 36 20 General Membership Meeting & PSC Round Up Tuesday, 7–9 pM, The Villa, orange, see page 5 21 CRHP Fall #3 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 27 Mold & Asbestos: Dealing with the Dangerous Duo Tuesday, 10 aM–12 pM, online, see page 32 28 CRHP Fall #4 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online OCTOBER 4 Fair Housing Certification Tuesday, 9 aM–12 pM, online, see page 38 5 CRHP Fall #5 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 6 Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Advanced) #1 Thursday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, see page 30 6 Reverse Trade Show Thursday, 12–5 pM, The pacific cluB 11 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, 6 pM, online 12 CRHP Fall #6 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 13 Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Advanced) #2 Thursday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, see page 30 18 General Membership Meeting Tuesday, 7–9 pM, The Villa, orange 19 CRHP Fall #7 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 20 Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Advanced) #3 Thursday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, see page 30 24 Welcome Home OC Monday, 10–11 aM, online 25 Forms 101 Tuesday, 10–11 aM, online 26 CRHP Fall #8 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 27 Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Advanced) #4 Thursday, 9 aM–1 pM, Buffalo MainTenance, see page 30 27 Lunchtime Learning Thursday, 12 – 1 pM, online NOVEMBER 2 CRHP Fall #9 Wednesday, 8:30–12:30 pM, online 8 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, 6 pM, online 9 CRHP Fall #10 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 10 Sexual Harassment Prevention Certification Thursday, 9–11 aM, online 14 Earthquake Vulnerability & Retrofitting 101 Monday, 1–2 pM, aaoc office, see page 34 16 CRHP Fall #11 Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online 24 Thanksgiving Day Thursday, office closed 25 Thanksgiving Holiday friday, office closed September 2022
Workplace & Sexual Harassment Prevention Certification Training— November 10 State law requires that all California employers with five or more employees provide sexual harassment prevention training to both supervisory and nonsupervisory employees. Training must take place within six months of hire or

The presence of mold and asbestos remain two of the most significant environmental health and safety hazards in rental housing today. This webinar will provide valuable information and expert guidance for dealing with the “Dangerous Duo.” Learn about health risks and dangers associated with asbestos and mold; building materials most likely to contain suspect asbestos; how to proceed safely and legally with mold cleanup and asbestos abatement; and more.
Mold & Asbestos: Dealing with the Dangerous Duo— September 27
General Membership Meeting— October 18 Join us for an important state legis lative session recap and discussion of the new laws that will affect the rentalhousing industry starting in January 2023. The meeting will be presented at The Villa in Orange, and will feature AAOC State Legislative Advocate Ron Kingston, and Stephen C. Duringer and Tyler Greer from The Duringer Law Group, PLC.
Fall has arrived, and AAOC once again has a full lineup of educa tional programs and special events planned to close out the year. While additional programs will be announced in the coming weeks, here’s a look at what we currently have on the calendar.
Apartment Maintenance & Repair Series (Advanced)— October 6, 13, 20, 27
If you’ve previously completed AAOC’s Apartment & Maintenance Repair Series for Beginners course, and you’re looking to continue your educa tion in the areas of General Maintenance, Decking, Plumbing, and Electrical, then this advanced course is for you. Instruction each week will be presented at Buffalo Maintenance, Inc., in Buena Park. Instructed and spon sored by Buffalo Maintenance, KD Electric, and California Rooter & Plumbing. Fair Housing Certification Webinar— October 4 AAOC and the Fair Housing Council of Orange County present this half-day certification webinar that will provide a comprehensive look at current state and federal Fair Housing laws, help you determine if your operational policies and practices are compliant, and allow you the opportunity to have your ques tions answered by the experts. Instructional topics include tenants with disabilities; families with children; sexual orientation and gender; service animals and emotional support animals; and more. Reverse Trade Show— October 6 AAOC’s Reverse Trade Show is considered one of the best business development opportunities for multi family industry suppliers that are look ing for one-on-one meetings to promote their services to some of lead ing property management companies and independent rental owners serving Orange and Riverside Counties. This exclusive opportunity for Product & Service Council members will be pre sented at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach, and participation is limited to two companies per industry. This year’s show is sponsored by Kay Properties & Investments, LLC; JWilliamsStaffing; Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.; and Rent.
Coming this
Fall B y D avi D J. C or D ero e xe C utive D ire C tor EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Director’s Message — continued on page 8 AIR Cell-909-228-9956CONDITIONING&HEATING Service • Repair • Installations Since 1988 Joe Mottes Licensed, Bonded, Insured C-20 # 538090 4 Apartment News September 2022
National Apartment Association
As an AAOC you also receive representation from our the and California Rental Housing

Likewise, once you have some promising applicants in the mix, you want to make sure you take the appropriate steps to ensure they are qualified and that their backgrounds check out before renting to them.
Apartment Marketing & Leasing 101
Jessie Childers RegionalSupervisorProperty Santa Fe Management Frank Alvarez AAOC President Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. Windell Mollenido Director of Marketing The REMM Group Please Note: This meeting will be presented in-person The Villa 510 E. Katella Ave. Orange, CA 92687 Register at Panelists: Sponsored by: Moderator: September 2022 Apartment News 5
affiliate associations,
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 • 7 p.m. General Membership Meeting
Strategies & tactics for rental properties of all sizes
Even though the rental housing market remains strong, apartment owners and operators should always be looking to the future and taking steps to ensure their communities remain in the consciousness of prospective tenants. Knowing how to effectively market your property and attract the right tenants is critically important.

Whether you own a couple of duplexes or hundreds of rental units, our panel will share key marketing strategies and tactics, and best leasing practices that can help you stay at the top of your game, protect yourself, and position your rental business for long-term success.

• Younger felons recidivate at the highest rate (71.9%).
The primary duty and desire of prop erty owners is to ensure their tenants’ safety and security. Based on recidi vism rates in California, the Bill would put the safety and security of all other residents at risk. The CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation reports that the three-year recidivism rate of those either arrested or con victed of crimes was 65% in 2011.
B y r on K ingston SACRAMENTO REPORT Convicted Criminals: FEHA’s New Protected Class? 6 Apartment News September 2022
The Bill treats all misdemeanors and felonies as if they have the same consequences. Criminals who have been convicted of sex offenses, drug sales, property crimes, burglary, arson, rob bery, assaults, and other violent crimes pose the greatest danger to other resi dents and the property. Yet, the Bill does not differentiate these crimes from other lesser offenses, thereby, leaving property owners in a precarious position when considering applicants with a criminal background. For exam ple, the Bill prohibits a property owner from using criminal information and Perry Isaacson gIbson Pagter, Jr. Perry Isaacson N. Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 104 Santa Ana, California 92701
• More felons (73.5%) who recidivate return to prison within a year of release.

•included:Inmates committed to prison for property crimes consistently recidivate at a higher rate than those committed for other crimes.
Phone: (714) 541-6072 Fax: (714) 541-6897
Other related and relevant findings
It’s what Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer believes; and our state lawmakers came very close to agreeing with him this year. If the Assemblymember’s bill had reached the governor for his signature, we believe the measure would have been signed into law. The immediate consequences would have been significant. Your rental agreement terminology and decision-making process would have become much longer, your attorney would have become involved in most applications, and your managers would have become untrained psychologists. Assembly Bill 2383 (“Bill”) proposed to continue permitting property own ers to solicit rental applications from prospective tenants but would have prohibited property owners of apart ment complexes (only) from initially screening those applications for crimi nal history. If an applicant met the property owner’s other criteria for acceptance, only then would the prop erty owner be allowed to perform a criminal background check on the applicant. The Bill also placed restric tions on what aspects of an applicant’s criminal history information the prop erty owner may consider. If a property owner decided to reject an applicant based on criminal history, the property owner would have five (5) days to inform the applicant as to what aspect of the criminal history gave rise to the rejection and the applicable business rationale for the rejection. The applicant would then have three (3) days to pres ent mitigating evidence to the property owner and an explanation as to why the applicant would make a good tenant regardless of the conviction. The prop erty owner have to review and consider the mitigating information before mak ing a final rejection; however, the Bill claims that property owners would have no legal obligation to change a rejection to an acceptance – it merely provides a fair chance at obtaining housing, not a guarantee of obtaining it. And if you are thinking that your decision would end up in court, you would have probably been right! Let’s take a step back. The safety and security of tenants is always of para mount importance to property owners.
The Bill further permits any person claiming to be aggrieved by an alleged violation, to file a verified complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”). All complaints would be handled in the same manner as those filed by persons in a protected class as defined by the Fair Employment and Housing Act.

September 2022 Apartment News 7
regarding a, “[m]atter considered in or processed through the juvenile justice system.” This language requires a prop erty owner to determine the meaning of the provision; and juveniles who commit sex crimes under the age of 14 can never be tried as an adult in California. This means a property owner would be prohibited from reject ing an applicant from a juvenile con victed of a serious violent offense. And consider this - many criminal charges are reduced though plea bargains. An applicant with a misdemeanor criminal conviction may have committed a more serious crime worthy of a felony con viction and thus, may still pose a risk to their community for crimes they may commit in the future. Not only is safety for paramount importance to a property owner, but it is also a legal duty owed to all residents of an apartment complex. There is well established law in California that if a property owner knows of an issue that could pose a threat to a resident’s safety and does nothing to rectify the threat, the property owner can be held civilly and, in some instances, criminally lia ble for foreseeable injuries sustained by a resident and caused by the threat. It can be argued that once a property owner receives information regarding a criminal background, the property owner is on “Notice,” which means the property owner knows that the appli cant, if accepted, could pose a threat to the safety of the other residents. As a result, if the applicant with a criminal background becomes a resident and causes injury to another resident or the property, the property could become exposed to Consequently, owners would be required to consult with an attorney to determine which crime conviction directly relates to a property owner’s applicable business interest and how it balances against the safety of the other residents. Additionally, property owners and attorney, alike, would be required to opine without proper train ing nor qualifications regarding a crim inal’s mental state regarding behaviors related to criminal intent, recidivism, and rehabilitation. All of which, by the way, would be extremely difficult to do.
The Senate Committee on Appropriations (“Report”) reports that it would cost the DFEH approximately a half-million dollars in additional resources each year to comply with the enforcement provisions of the Bill. The Report also suggests the increased workload pressures of the Bill to the judicial branch alone would create a substantial increase in funding from Sacramento — continued on 8
The Bill preempts all other local laws, rules, ordinances, that are more restrictive than the provisions provided within this Act, meaning not even local governments can protect their commu nities by requiring property owners provide safe housing accommodations to itsTheresidents.ever-present question the bill presented: should convicted felons have priority over renting a residential rental unit over households that are seeking to rent the same available unit that do not have any criminal conviction? This is not the first year a measure such as this has been considered by the legislature. It is certainly the first time the bill had almost been sent to the Governor for signature.
YOUto! 8 Apartment News
The Bill further burdens property owners by requiring it add yet another notice within the rental application, if a property owner uses an applicant’s criminal background to reject the application, and a second notice is required to be sent by the property owner if the application is rejected based on the criminal background.
Sacramento — continued from 7 promotion, and every two years there after. This certification training webi nar will cover Sexual Harassment, Sex Discrimination, Prevention of Claims, Title VII Civil Rights Act, Investigating Complaints, and more. A certificate will be provided to attendees who complete the training and pass the exam.
Director’s Message — continued from 4

BONA FIDE MORTGAGE Serving multi-family owners since 1983 Apar Financingtment • 2 4 units • 5+ units “ Depend on us” Nick Lieberman Owner / President AAOC Board Member Author, Pulse on the Marketplace (949) 651-0999 the State’s General Fund to perform existing court duties, and the 20222023 budget already includes an annual allocation of $151.5 million. The Report, however, blatantly ignores that additional financial burdens placed on property owners required to respond to DFEH complaints or litigation. According to, 45% of Californians rent their homes. The state Department of Finance estimates there are 39 million residents in California. Data indicates about eight million Californians have criminal records and rent homes. This group is “disproportionately low income and people of color.” “Twenty-four percent of people with a criminal history report difficulty finding housing.” The report claims that a lack of stable housing is one of the major causes of criminal recidivism… this “means that many Californians with criminal histories wind up stuck going back-and-forth between homelessness and incarcera tion, and they struggle to reintegrate intoAdditionally,society.”

the Bill discriminates against property owners of apartment complexes because single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, or accessory dwell ing units in which the owner occupies a unit or bedroom as a principal resi dence are exempt from the prohibition, which means that property owners of these types of residences are permitted to seek criminal background informa tion and use that information, without deference, to reject an applicant during the initial application phase.
Earthquake Vulnerability & Seismic Retrofitting 101— November 14 AAOC and Optimum Seismic invite you to attend a free informational sem inar on seismic retrofitting and the steps you can take to protect your residents, your employees, and your rental property investment. The seminar will be pre sented at the AAOC Office in Santa Ana. AAOC Multifamily Forecast— December 14 Hear what leading multifamily investors and operators are saying about the current events, trends, and market forces that could impact the multifamily industry in 2023. Join us from 7:30–9:30 a.m. at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach. Additional details to follow in the October issue of Apartment News. For more information on these and other upcoming events, or to register online, visit You can also contact Sandy Gimpelson at
AAOC is non-profit? That means YOUR dollars come back 2022
Ron Kingston is President of California Strategic Advisors and Legislative Advocate for the Apartment Association of Orange County. For questions regarding this article, please call AAOC at (714) 245-9500.
Do you know…

Working with our lobbyist in Sacramento, Ron Kingston, we are yet to appear before a legislator where we are not the best informed on housing policy as we present our positions.

“Thirty-Six Chambers. Thirty-Six obsta cles standing in your way. Thirty-Six tests to survive.” Our state legislature may have only two chambers, but Orange County has 34 cities. They’re our 36 chambers. And in each and every one of them we have obstacles.Representing the interests of multi family housing professionals, this is how we overcome those obstacles: “Bring ‘da Ruckus” (A.K.A. Direct Lobbying)
To the unfamiliar ear, this song sounds like a bunch of bravado coming from a bunch of voices trying to outshine one another. The real intricacy of what they’re saying reveals the brilliance of their lyrics — and by extension, their message. Being able to communicate an articulated explanation, in the language of the streets, established Wu Tang as an unstoppable force — even if people didn’t quite get what they were saying — they knew it had a greater meaning.
More than 250 candidates are run ning for city council seats throughout Orange County in the 2022 General Election. As of this writing (late August), we have reviewed more than 100 sub mitted candidate questionnaires and evaluated where each of them stands on the issues that matter to rental prop erty owners, managers, and other multi family housing professionals.
The candidates who completed our questionnaire each attempted to dem onstrate why they are worthy of sup
ORANGE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE WATCH 10 Apartment News September 2022
Each bill that we advocate on – and this year there were nearly 100 – The AAOC is well recognized and respected for its reasonable positioning and mindful messaging. So, when our members for ward those messages, we are positioned for success. Successful Example — This year, AAOC’s efforts helped ensure that two bills, AB 2383 and SB 1026, both of which were fast tracked to pass, failed to get called for a final vote.
“Can It All Be So Simple”
The first thing we do is size up the situation. Address the issues in front of us, identify the strengths and weak nesses in our arguments, and prepare. We know that when we walk into a city hall, a meeting with a legislator, or a meeting with political party officials, we are stepping into the arena of ideas where it’s our job to make sure our positions are logically constructed, irrefutably researched, and undeniably founded in good housing policy.
“Protect Ya’ Neck” B y C hip a hlswe D e , v i C e p resi D ent of e xternal a ffairs
When hip-hop group, Wu Tang Clan, first brought us to the thirty-six chambers of the Wu Tang style in “Enter the Wu Tang,” their haunting lyrics gave listen ers a glimpse into a world that didn’t seem real. They painted a picture of a gritty, hard life where a foreboding feel ing of inescapability gives the listener almost a sense of peace with how com placent the artists are describing the harsh realities around them. It was raw, street inspired, and against the norms of the time — which is what challenged the listener to hear the message and become a Shaolin monk to survive these challenges.

“Da Mystery of Chessboxin” (A.K.A. Evaluating Candidates for Office)

“Cash Rules Everything Around Me — C.R.E.A.M.” (A.K.A. The PAC) I’m not going to lie. Support for a candidate is one thing but getting the candidate over the finish line requires “Dolla Dolla Bills Y’all.”

To prevent rent control from com ing into cities like Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Corona, Riverside, and many other jurisdictions, we need to not only elect the right candidates, but we also need to engage in a strong education effort to make sure they fully understand the issue and the ramifications of those policies.Wealso need to coordinate region ally on issues such as water, utility bill ing, waste hauling, electric vehicle charging station mandates, and count less other proposals. We need to build relationships with like-minded candi dates and take steps to work together.
Yes, there is an analogy to the 36 chambers of death challenges of the Shaolin Monks, and yes, the squad con tinually references the eastern mysti cism and lore that surrounds it all. But the truth is that it all comes back to the nine members of the Wu Tang Clan, working together for a common pur pose — Change. 9 members of the Wu Tang Clan. 9 hearts, each with 4 chambers, working together. 36 chambers of unity.
If you listen to the interviewer’s comments, it’s a disjunctive confusion that almost seems to misunderstand what the record was all about. Similarly, most people misunderstand what the 36 chambers are to The Wu Tang clan.
“Enter the Wu-Tang” went platinum two years after its 1993 release. Imagine what AAOC can and will accomplish as its members work together for a common purpose. Are you looking for a particular product or service? We can help! Visit our Service Provider Directory beginning on page 43 for the resources you need!

AAOC members have generously supported the association’s Political Action Committees over the years through their voluntary contributions. The trust and confidence that has been placed in the PAC and its trustees to invest these contributions wisely is greatly appreciated and valued. With nearly 50 cities between the Orange and Riverside County jurisdic tions that AAOC represents, and 20 State Assembly and Senate seats that span these areas — there is a tremendous need by the PAC for maximum mem ber support. Not only are their direct candidate contributions to be made, but also Independent Expenditures that can help move the needle in the most critically important local and state legislative races.
Inside of this month’s magazine, there is an appeal for support of the AAOC PAC for this election cycle. To reform or overturn Santa Ana’s rent control and just cause eviction law, which was adopted last fall, we need a majority council to do that. The out come of the city council and mayoral election this fall is critical.
September 2022 Apartment News 11

“Conclusion” (A.K.A. The Conclusion) While there are several song titles not included in this article, for various reasons, the final song on Enter the Wu is “Conclusion.” It’s a series of final thoughts by the artists, an attempt by an interviewer to explain what they just witnessed, and it echoes the title of this article as an outro.
The PAC is what funds those efforts — and we are going to need about half a million dollars this election cycle to do so.Support the PAC — because it is what supports you.
port. And as you’d imagine, each wishes to stand out in a positive manner to earn AAOC’s support. But we come through like “The Wu,” and make sure they keep it true. Yes, I have been known to flow on the mic. The dedicated efforts of your Legislative Committee and PAC trustees ensure that the key issues that matter, and particularly those in the cities where the stakes are highest, get the most attention. Successful Example — AAOC is taking the time to educate candidates and have conversations with them about your priorities and the challenges you face as rental-housing providers.
B y C. t yler g reer , e sq t he D uringer l aw g roup , pl C LEGAL CORNER 12 Apartment News September 2022

Identity theft has been a growing prob lem for several years. Landlords have increasingly been victimized by pros pects posing as someone else, using false or fraudulent information. Often times these thieves take advantage of a desperate landlord, eager to fill a vacancy, or a newbie landlord, who hasn’t gone through the school of hard knocks yet. Completed and signed applications by all adults are a must.
Just opened up the mail, and what do you suppose was in it? A notice from my bank informing me that one of my tenant’s rent check was returned unpaid because he placed a stop payment on it. Imagine that; it is now mid-month, no warning, no phone call, the deadbeat did not even have the courtesy of letting me know he was going to stop payment on his check. It kind of makes sense though, he asked a couple of weeks ago if I would let him out of his lease early, guess his girlfriend has a nicer place and he wanted to move in with her. I called his phone number, got a recording saying that it had been disconnected. His cell phone works, got his voice mail, and left a message. I’m guessing that when I swing by later today, it will be empty. What do I do now? I don’t want to make any mistakes; can I just change the locks if he’s out? You have a couple of issues that you need to resolve. First, the issue of return of possession of the premises, and then, of course, getting you paid. If the tenant appears to have vacated when you visit the unit later today, then you must fol low certain procedural rules before you simply change the locks. Ideally, you will be able to contact the tenant on his cell or at work. If you make contact, ask that the tenant confirm that he is out by faxing or emailing you written confir mation. If you are able to confirm that he has moved out, you will not have to follow the abandoned real property notice requirements, and you will be able to retake possession immediately. If when you visit the unit and find that it is vacant, and if the rent is due and unpaid for 14 days, and the tenant has not voluntarily surrendered possession, then you must serve a written notice of Belief of Abandonment of Real Property. The notice can be posted on the prem ises and mailed by regular mail to the tenant’s last known address — your property. You must wait 18 days before you retake possession. If the tenant does not reply, in writing, by informing you of his address for service of an unlawful detainer within 18 days, then you may retake possession, and change the locks. Once you regain possession, prepare the security deposit disposition form. If he skipped mid lease, he would owe the balance of the term, or until you mitigate your damages by reletting the unit, whichever occurs first. Hang on to the tenant’s check that was returned by the bank. Stop payment orders are only effective for six months, unless renewed by the maker, which rarely happens. That means, in six months and a day, you can redeposit the check, and if there are sufficient funds, the check will clear.
I’ve been doing my own prospective resi dent screening for quite a while now. I think I’m pretty thorough, but I’m just not sure anymore. I’ve been noticing more and more inconsistencies in the applications I review, and I even came across one who out-and-out lied about who she was! I’m concerned about all the stories I’ve heard about identity theft. I just can’t afford to make a mistake. What can I do to weed out these undesirables and minimize my chances of being fooled?
Verify the information provided.
Personally inspect some form of U.S. government issued photo identifica tion. Make a photocopy of the ID and keep it secured with your file. Verify that the social security or the tax ID number provided by the prospect is actually his number, and that it is valid. Run and thoroughly review an eviction and credit check through your apart ment association. If practical, go out side to the prospect’s vehicle, and verify that the license number on the car he just drove, matches the license number he just wrote down on the rental appli cation. Many ‘hands on’ owners will actually visit the prospect’s current res idence unannounced, prior to approval, to ensure the prospect actually lives there, and doesn’t just sleep on the couch. You’d be amazed at what you will learn by a simple visit. Inform all prospective applicants that you have a policy of taking a picture of all residents
Questions & Answers
NATIONAL SERVICE 845 N. Commerce St. Orange, CA Coin-Operated WASHERS/DRYERS Serving California Since 1956We Offer to You: • Commission Plans • Lease Plans • Purchase Plans • Apartments • Condominiums • Any Type of Location 1- 80 0 - 473-8 812 • 714- 63 3 -1811 ww Generous Lease Commissions and Free Machines for Your Apartment Laundry Rooms September 2022 Apartment News 13

for the tenancy file. Follow through with this policy and actually take a picture of all proposed occupants and keep the picture in your tenancy records. When verifying employment and residency, ask for a description of the person, and compare the description with the per son who filled out the application. Ask for original utility bills, electric, tele phone, cell phone, cable, anything with his name on it. All of these are tools that may be used in proper screening to avoid renting to an identity thief. Use these tools consistently, and apply them equally to all applicants, and your risk will be dramatically reduced. My building has just enough parking spaces for my residents to each have one space. If a resident has more than one car, they must park it on the street. It has been working out fine for years but now I have this one tenant who refuses to follow the rules. He is constantly parking his second car in someone else’s assigned spot. I’ve told him several times, but he just ignores me. What do I do? Your written community rules and reg ulations should specify your parking rules, specifically stating that only one vehicle may be parked on the premises, and that all parking is assigned. Ensure that you have the proper signage at the entrances of the parking area. Most cit ies require the sign to contain certain restrictive parking language, plus the local police department telephone number, and the California Vehicle Code section that provides for towing of unauthorized vehicles. Contact your local police department for their specific requirements, as they vary from city to city. Next, if you know the offender, then provide a written warning of the violation. Attempt to serve it at his residence, post it on his door if he’s not in, and also put the warning on the windshield of his car. If practical, take and save a photograph of the warning on the vehicle windshield, because the offender will always claim that you did not give prior notice before towing. If he fails to remove the offending vehicle, the car may be towed, according to the terms of your parking rules. This article is presented in a general nature to address typical landlord tenant legal issues. Specific inquiries regarding a particular situation should be addressed to your attorney. C. Tyler Greer is an attorney and shareholder at The Duringer Law Group, PLC, one of the largest and most experienced landlord tenant law firms in the country. The firm has suc cessfully handled over 300,000 landlord tenant matters throughout California and has collected over $300,000,000 in debt since 1988. The firm may be reached at 714.279.1100 or 800.829.6994. Please visit for more information.

The first thing we would recommend is having your HVAC system inspected. Have the technician check for proper operation of the cooling system and proper balance of the system in relation to the upper and lower floors. If the system is operating properly, the next step is to investigate the attic and deter mine the amount of insulation or lack thereof. The best and cheapest solution will be to have an insulation company blow new insulation material into the attic space. This will dramatically lower the temperature differences between floors. If you are unable to properly insulate the attic because of a flat roof, the last and most expensive alternative would be to install a second HVAC unit to supply the upstairs. The second HVAC unit will create a separate cooling and heating system for the upper floor.
Dear Maintenance Men: We have double-story townhouse type units with the bedrooms upstairs. The residents are complaining that the bedrooms always have a large temperature difference between the upper and lower floors. What do you suggest?
Maurine Dear Maurine: We have found that there are no two doors hung alike. They are all unique to their doorways. Let’s start with your husband’s plan. When you buy a slab door, it does not have a hole for the doorknob or latch; it also does not have the hinges attached. It might take a master carpenter to fit the door per fectly; the door frame might not be square, which means you would need to trim the door to fit the opening. You will find getting the hinges to line up with the existing hinges on the jamb is not an easy feat. You also need a special tool to drill the doorknob hole and latch. It might take you a few doors to get it right, which may negate the savings of buying a slab door. We highly recommend buying prehung doors. For those who don’t know what a pre-hung door is, let us explain. The pre-hung door comes as a complete door, including jambs, trim, hinges, doorknob, latch holes, etc. The prehung door comes as a package with the jambs already square to the door. A pre-hung door can be installed by a novice easily the first time and is much faster than trying to wrestle with a slab door. After removing the old door jamb and trim and exposing the rough open ing, insert the pre-hung door into the rough opening. Using a level, plumb and level the hinge side of the jamb using shims and gently nail the hinge side of the jamb in place. Level the top of the jamb using shims and nail into

Philo Dear Philo:
Dear Maintenance Men: I would like your advice. My husband and I are installing new interior doors in our vacant unit. My understanding is using pre-hung doors is better and easier; my husband insists that buying a door slab is cheaper and faster. We’ve never installed doors before and want to do it right the first time.

DEAR MAINTENANCE MEN B y J erry l’ e C uyer & f ran K a lvarez Do you know… AAOC offers ongoing Educational Opportunities? Visit or call 714-245-9500 for more details! 14 Apartment News September 2022

Gently run your finger along the caulk line, pressing it into place. Any excess caulk can be removed with a damp paper towel. Once done, your vents and plates will look like they are part of the wall and will look very professional.
Installation tip: Do not disassemble the pre-hung door package. Install it as it came from the hardware store. The ridged packaging will help in keeping every thing square while you install the door.
If you need maintenance work or a consultation for your building or project, please contact Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. to schedule an appointment. We are available throughout Southern California and can be reached at 714-956-8371. For more information, visit

Jerry L’Ecuyer is a real estate broker and a Director Emeritus of the Apartment Association of Orange County. He is a past president and longtime board member of the association, in addition to having served as chair of its Education Committee. Jerry has been involved with apartments as a professional since 1988. September 2022 Apartment News 15
Dear Maintenance Men: I have been replacing rusted and dented HVAC vents and electrical wall receptacles in a rental unit. However, they don’t look right. There are a lot of gaps between the vents and plates, and the wall. Some of the walls are not perfectly flat or the texture is bumpy. How do I make these installs more professional looking?
Julien Dear Julien: Caulk is your friend and caulk will hide a multitude of sins. On a job like this, we recommend getting a squeeze tube of painter’s caulk. Squeezable caulk tubes are readily available at any hard ware store or home center. Make a small, angled cut off the tip of the tube. Best to make the cut about 45 degrees. You want to open the tube just enough to get about an eighth-inch thick line of caulk out of the tube. Run this caulk line all around the vents and wall plate edges.
Frank Alvarez is a licensed contractor and the Operations Director and Co-Owner of Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. He has been involved with apartment maintenance and construction for more than 30 years and frequently serves as a guest lecturer and educational instructor. Frank also serves as president of the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) and chair of the AAOC Education Committee. Frank can be reached at (714) 956-8371 or
WE NEED Maintenance Questions!!! If you would like to see your maintenance question in the “Dear Maintenance Men” column, please email your questions to
place. Using shims on the doorknob side of the jamb, be sure the door opens freely and closes without binding and nail the jamb in place. Most pre-hung doors come with the trim in place. The trim can now be nailed and use caulk ing around the trim to hide any gaps that might be present. Paint, install the knob, and you are done.
There’s a thin line between mar keting and advertising, and these days, it keeps getting thinner. To gain a better understanding of what type of multifamily marketing strategy your business needs, you must first decipher the differences between advertising and marketing and assess how to use each to your benefit. Understanding the Definition of Advertising While marketing is taking your message and communicating it through proper channels for your audience, advertising is that message. Today, advertising involves using paid mediums such as television, radio, print ads, billboards, digital media and more to spread the word to the public about your business. Advertising is all about convincing your audience that they have a need for a specific product or service. In other words, advertising is a component of marketing.
The Difference with Marketing
• Resident
— continued on page 18 16 Apartment News September 2022
• Videos • Email campaigns Unblurring the Lines Between Marketing and Advertising in Multifamily

While advertising tends to be more about the actual message, marketing is about branding your product or busi ness, providing value and distributing that message in the right way, to the right audience and at the right time. Marketing is the way in which you convince prospective residents that you have the right apartment community for them; it is the systematic planning and implementation of a strategy using a mix of business tactics — one of these tactics being involves understanding who your target market is and creating buyer personas to estab lish what they want to get from your property or service. It’s essentially about engaging residents in a wide variety of ways so that they can make an educated decision. Once you identify your target mar ket’s values and needs, you can use that information to communicate your multi family brand message and personality through marketing materials. Take for example the apartment community LVL 29 in Plano, Texas. The tagline for this community is “Life Elevated.” This is the advertised mes sage. The marketing component of this, on the other hand, is all the channels that bring this message to the prospec tive residents, including: Social media events Website Blog BY ASHLEY TYNDALL, DIRECTOR OF CRITERION.BDEVELOPMENT,BUSINESS
Unblurring Lines
(714) 282-0174 Mon. – Fri. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Closed Saturday & Sunday LICENSE #1014622 731 W. Taft Avenue Orange, California 92865 Many Other Selections for Residential and Commercial Carpet at the Same Low Price • Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Laminate and Wood • Luxury Vinyl Planks and Tiles An Excellent Service Record with Many Satisfied Customers 40 Years in Orange County! NEW Stain Resistant Carpet Vinyl Planks from $160 Includes New Pad and Installation $2 00 (material only) Strong Durable Plush Carpet Laminate Flooring from $175 Includes New Pad and Installation $2 50 (material only) sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. September 2022 Apartment News 17

• Promotional items •
Literature Pairing Marketing and Advertising Grasping the attention of your cus tomers has become a tough business. The solution is to pair your marketing and advertising together into a cohe sive unit. This is where you will be able to earn the attention of prospective buyers by creating compelling content, nurture them through the buyer’s jour ney and delight them with superior customerToday’sservice.consumers are tech-savvy and more educated than ever about their purchasing decisions. Residents often flip back and forth on their leasing decision, entering or exiting different stages of the buyer’s journey as they check online reviews, do their own research and evaluate properties.
Finding a Balance Multifamily marketing relies on the perfect balance of digital strategies, working together to ensure consistent messaging and continued contact with an apartment lead. This means unique content — such as blogging, offers, social media content, email marketing, etc. — should all be tied around a central persona, strategy and buyer’s journey. Going an extra step, you can offer these apartment leads a way to get cus tomized information depending on their interests. This may take a lot of work on the back end through use of list segmentation and automation software, but if the framework is there, it’s work that pays off. Offer a weekly newsletter on local activities or maybe a monthly update on housing market trends.
About the Author: Ashley Tyndall is Director of Business Development for Criterion.B

Quality You Can Trust: From North America s Largest Roo ng Manufacturer!TM $100 WithRe-RoofComplete Must present card at time of estimate ALL ROOFING SYSTEMS • 4-Point Roof Inspection • Re-Roof • Repair Roofing • New Roof • Roof Certifications • Free Estimates • Roofing Specialist • All Phone Calls Returned the Same Day • Competitive Pricing • Quality Craftmanship • Neat, Clean, Professional Lic. No. 847279 B1 & C39 Call Today for a FREE Estimate! (714) 633-3619 Ask about our Senior & Millitary Discounts 18 Apartment News September 2022 Unblurring Lines — continued from 16

The Multifamily Marketing Value Ultimately, advertising is just a sub set of the multifamily marketing pro cess. Advertising is one piece of the pie in the marketing strategy. All of these elements must not only work indepen dently but they also must work together. And all of the elements working together is your multifamily marketing plan. It’s the comprehensive plan that you need to solidify and focus on first and foremost. Marketing is that allencompassing plan which makes it foundational.Sowhenconsidering whether to focus more of your efforts on advertising campaigns or marketing strategy, it is ultimately more beneficial to choose the marketing route. Focusing on your mar keting efforts first will allow you to adopt the right strategy so that an on-target advertising campaign can follow.

September 2022 Apartment News 19

Beginning for property placed in service in 2023, the base credit for build ings with four or more stories that exceed 25% of ASHRAE standards in effect three years before a building is placed into service would be $0.50 per square foot for energy savings. It would increase by $0.02 per square foot for every percent age point by which energy savings exceed the 25% baseline threshold, up to $1 per square foot. Bonus amounts, as described above, are available for taxpayers both prevailing wages and meeting apprenticeship requirements. Additionally, taxpayers would be able to take a deduction for energy efficient lighting, HVAC and building envelope costs placed in service as part of a ret rofit. The value of the deduction would be based on how much energy savings is achieved. A minimum 25% reduction would be required to realize a $0.50 per square foot gain in the base credit. The base credit would be increased by $0.02 per square foot for each addi tional percentage point in energy sav ings, up to $1 per square foot. Bonus amounts, as described above, are avail able for taxpayers meeting paying pre vailing wages and meeting applicable apprenticeship requirements. The National Apartment Association (NAA) and National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) have long called for retrofits with energy savings measured against an existing building’s baseline energy usage to be eligible for the Finally,credit. the provision includes a special rule to enable REITs to take advantage of the deduction. Regarding apprenticeship require ments for bonus amounts, projects would also have to be staffed by apprentices (10% of labor hours must be performed by apprentices for projects commencing Special from The National Apartment Association
Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction
Additionally, the IRA includes several climate change and energy provisions that affect housing providers. These include energy efficiency tax incentives, grants to hasten state adoption of stricter building codes, support for “transpor tation equity” investments and targeted sustainability incentives for affordable housing providers and rebates for certain energy efficiency retrofits.
20 Apartment News September 2022
What the Passing of the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Rental Housing Providers
Related, the IRA includes a 15% minimum tax on corporations and a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks, both of which will take effect beginning January 2023. The bill also, unfortu nately, extends current law limits on excess business losses by two years.
Inflation Reduction — continued on page 22
T he $740 billion Act includes provisions that may affect the rental housing industry. On Aug. 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, ending months of negotiations on a bill totaling over $700 billion. In a significant win for the rental housing industry, the final bill did not change the taxation of carried interest. The carried interest provision originally proposed within the bill would have negatively impacted the multifamily industry by requiring that an asset be held for 3 years before it could qualify for carried interest treatment.

September 2022 Apartment News 21

The proposal would extend the New Energy Efficient Home Credit through 2032 (which under current law applies to buildings of three or fewer stories but after 2022 would apply to all buildings meeting the requirements of the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program). For multifam ily units acquired after 2022, a base credit of $500 is provided for units that participate in the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program while meeting both national and regional program requirements. It is, however, unclear whether multifamily units will decide to participate in this program. A base credit of $1,000 is available to multifamily homes certi fied as zero energy ready under the Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home Program. Bonus amounts, as described above, are available for taxpayers meeting applicable prevailing wage requirements. Finally, a provision is included so that the credit may be better used in conjunction with the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.
The package includes $837.5 million for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide grants or loans to affordable housing owners that implement: • Energy or water efficiency; • Indoor air quality or sustainability; • Zero-emission electricity generation or low-emission building materials or processes; • Energy storage; • Building electrification; and • Climate resilience.
The Act would extend for two years, through 2028, a provision limiting excess business losses that was other wise set to expire at the end of 2026. Under current law, a non-corporate taxpayer is considered to have an excess business loss if their total business deductions exceed business income plus $270,000 for single filers and $540,000 for joint filers (adjusted annu ally for inflation). Excess business losses exceeding the limit and subject to disallowance in the current tax year are treated as a net operating loss car ryforward in the succeeding year.
construction in 2022, 12.5% in 2023 and 15% thereafter, with a minimum of one apprentice for each contractor or subcontractor employing at least four workers). Exemptions would be per mitted if apprentices are unavailable.
Building Codes
The IRA includes $4.3 billion for states to create programs to offer Home Owner Managing Energy Savings (HOMES) Rebates. A portion of these funds will be available for owners of multifamily properties to retrofit their units or buildings. A property may be eligible for $2,000 per unit if the project achieves at least 20% modeled energy savings up to $200,000 and $4,000 per unit if the project achieves at least 35% modeled energy savings up to $400,000. For low- and moderate-income build ings, these figures jump to $4,000 and $8,000 per unit, respectively. States may instead use measured energy savings and a payment rate per kilowatt hour saved or equivalent measurement to offer $2,000 per unit for a 20% reduc tion in energy use or 50% of the project costs. This payment standard increases for low- and moderate-income build ings to $4,000 per unit or 80% of the project cost and would apply to any multifamily property or portfolio of properties which achieve at least 15% in energy savings. The Act also includes $4.275 billion for states to implement a high-effi ciency electric home rebate program that can be used by single-family and multifamily property owners to upgrade inefficient and non-electric water heaters, HVAC systems, appli ances and clothes dryers, as well as for insulation, air sealing and installing electric load or service center panels. More guidance will be necessary from individual states and the Secretary of Energy on applicable uses for these funds and how to access them.
The package allocates $330 million in grants to help states adopt the most recent residential and commercial building energy codes International Energy Conservation Code ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2019 or codes achieving equal or greater energy savings. In addition, it provides state and local governments $670 million to adopt building codes that meet or exceed the zero-energy provisions in the 2021 IECC.While NAA and NMHC support cost-effective and technologically fea sible energy codes, we caution against one-size-fits-all federal policies that direct the use of specific code provi sions or editions. The codes and stan dards specified in this program are designed to be amended and adopted by state and local jurisdictions based on their individual needs and charac teristics. Federal incentives must be designed to improve code implementa tion and performance over a jurisdic tion’s existing baseline and acknowledge the diversity of conditions that impact state and local code adoption.
New Energy Efficiency Rebates
New Energy Efficient Home Credit
Affordable Housing
Extension of Excess Business Loss Limitation
22 Apartment News September 2022 Inflation Reduction — continued from 20
Infrastructure The package includes $1.89 billion for fiscal 2022 for states, local govern ments, territories or transportation authorities to increase neighborhood access and transportation equity. It also includes $1.26 billion for additional grants to communities that adopt antidisplacement policies or community land trusts.
September 2022 Apartment News 23

Private Lenders: While they typi cally charge higher rates and fees, private lenders are known to offer more flexible loan terms that are tailored to the borrower and the asset. Private lenders can also orig inate loans more quickly, with less administrative requirements than a traditional bank.
Scaling a real estate investment portfolio requires a mix of both skill and money. With each addi tional investment, the challenge of managing a growing real estate portfolio grows in parallel with increased capital commitments. A savvy property inves tor knows how to work through most limitations. In contrast, an unskilled owner risks squandering the significant economic benefit of a larger portfolio.
1. Develop a Network Networking is an area that real estate investors know they should focus on but rarely do enough of. By networking with owner peers and industry participants, an investor can grow their knowledge base and unlock invaluable access to market trends and preferred vendors. This networking effort will result in the opportunity to acquire additional properties.
A growth-minded investor is always working and learning from others. While joint ventures can be com plicated, if properly structured, a partnership allows investors to bring their own education, experience, and skills to an opportunity. By pooling time and financial resources, a partnership can significantly lessen the individual burdens associated with a sole venture.
Below are five strategies that will help an apartment investor grow their portfolio and maximize their invest ment opportunity.
4. Know Your Capital
While loans from family and friends can help an investor get started, to scale, investors will need to eventu ally identify and use other forms of financing. Below are a few ways investors fund their real estate investments: Conventional Loans: The most common solution for building a portfolio of income-producing rental properties. Conventional lenders look at debt-to-income ratio, underwrite terms of 1–30 years, and over time, their financing helps unlock additional equity to reinvest in other properties.
Refinancing: Post-stabilization of an investment, a mortgage refinanc ing can provide several benefits including equity cash-out and a reset of loan terms. Generally, a long-term “permanent” loan features the lowest available rates and loan proceeds which can free up investor equity for reinvestment.
Working with a professional prop erty manager frees up time for an investor to focus on portfolio growth and building long-term wealth. Done well, a property man ager acts as an outsourced operating partner who is closely aligned with an investor’s growth goals. Property managers also have access to service providers who can offer better terms, a higher degree of responsiveness and completion guarantees. Finally, a qualified manager can assist in property compliance, collections, unit turns, resident communication and accounting.

2. Identify Your Target Markets
Once a network is developed, an investor should identify 3–5 select areas for geographic focus. By becoming an expert of specific mar kets an investor can be armed with the knowledge and conviction to quickly proceed when an opportu nity presents itself. Employment, median income, and population size are valuable attributes in determin ing the strength of a market area.
3. Invest with Others
Five Strategies to Help Scale InvestmentYourPortfolio
5. Hire a Property Manager
Is your current Laundry Company Meeting Your Standards? Tired of Broken Down Equipment & Dealing with Upset Tenants? Our MobilecanMachinesacceptCoins&PayApp • ZERO Investment • Flexible Lease Terms • Quality Equipment • Prompt Response Time • LIVE Customer Service Multi-Housing Laundry Service Inc Family Owned & Operated | Serving Select SoCal Locations 1-877-630-7278 • 14404 Hoover Street, Westminster, CA 92683 Call us for Vended Laundry Solutions…Not Excuses! VENDED WASHERS & DRYERS FULL-SERVICE LAUNDRY ROOM REVENUE LEASING September 2022 Apartment News 25

Properties that are priced right and
26 Apartment News September 2022
Opportunities — continued on page 28
In June, when interest rates were at the highest level for this year, the buyer pool diminished and it was the proper ties that were priced correctly, in good condition, and in a desirable location that sold quickly. Buyers were more discerning, and properties that weren’t desirable and were over-priced didn’t sell. When the interest rates were low, buyers took whatever they could get and there was no room to negotiate. By July, buyer demand had dropped significantly. New escrows in Orange County at the end of July were at 1,690, compared to 2,760 pending sales at the same time last year. That’s 61% more than this year, and the 3-year average prior to COVID there were 2,582 new escrows, which is 51% higher than this year. This is the lowest level of buyer demand we’ve seen in Orange County since tracking began in 2004. It seems that mortgage rates overreacted to inflation, and towards the end of July rates started coming down. Buyers responded to the drop in interest rates and in August Orange County saw the largest rise in demand since March, which is very unusual because demand typically starts to go down in August and continues to taper during the fall and winter months.
At the end of March, right before the Fed increased interest rates, a duplex in Costa Mesa was on the market for only four days and sold for $240,000 over asking. It had deferred maintenance and low rents, but that didn’t stop buyers from wanting it. The auction-like atmosphere with bidding wars and buyers competing for limited inventory was driving up prices at recordThenspeed.the Fed stepped in and dra matically increased interest rates in an attempt to address inflation and the rising cost of housing. Once interest rates went up, we saw a decrease in demand which was also met by a decrease in the number of new properties coming on the Propertiesmarket. that were overpriced sat on the market and as a result inventory started to build. According to Altos Research, 39% of listings in Orange County had price reductions because sellers had not adjusted to the new market and overpriced their properties.
Where are Opportunitiesthe for Buyers?
While it is still a seller’s market, the market is moving at a slower pace, so buyers can take more time to find the right property, at the right price, and with good rental income. The other place where there is opportunity for buyers is with properties where a seller is in the middle of a 1031-exchange. They have identified their up-leg prop erty, they have overpriced their downleg property, so it is taking longer to sell than expected, and suddenly as they approach their deadlines, they are motivated and willing to accept a below-market price.
By the third week in August, there were 4,102 properties on the market in Orange County, which is the second lowest level for the month of August since tracking began in 2004. Last year, we saw the lowest level with only 2,520 properties for sale, and the three-year average prior to COVID there were 6,753 properties on the market — and it was still a slight seller’s market with prices going up on average 5% per year. According to a study by Consumer Affairs, 63% of those surveyed want a housing crash, and perhaps that’s because 75% of respondents said they plan to buy a home if the market crashes.

There are a lot of people wanting to buy, and they are waiting for interest rates and prices to drop. The problem is that as soon as interest rates go down even the slightest amount, demand increases, which drives prices up. As soon as interest rates go up, buying power decreases, demand slows, but inventory remains low which makes it still a seller’s market.
Generation Z and the Millennials are the most eager for a crash, with 84% hoping for one because that’s the only way that they will be able to afford to get into the Accordingmarket.toFreddie Mac, 91% of renters fear that increased mortgage rates will price them out of the home buying market which is creating increasing demand for rental housing.
The rise in rental prices is now outpac ing the rise in property appreciation, and the clients who I’m seeing buying real estate right now are the ones who already own several properties, they understand the market, they want to build their real estate portfolio, and they see it as a great long-term investment.
September 2022 Apartment News 27

The bottom line, though, is your ad, no matter where it is placed in the magazine, will jump out for consumers who are interested in or looking for your particular product or service at the time they are reading that issue of the Advertisingmagazine. in a magazine that is directed toward your demographic audience will yield a much higher Return on Investment (ROI) than advertising in a magazine with a large circulation that goes to any, and all people.
The greatest impact factor is “Contextual Relevancy.” Studies have shown that a 46% increase in total recall happens when an ad is positioned within the content directly relevant to the advertised product.
When you combine print with online advertising you have increased your chance of a greater return as well. In this day and age, you must have a pro fessional looking website, though, to gain your potential customer’s trust. If you’ve invested in a year’s worth of print advertising, and do not have a professional looking website for your customer to do more research on your company, the likelihood of a positive ROI is significantly reduced.
About the Author: Mercedes Shaffer is a real estate agent with Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty and specializes in helping clients buy and sell real estate and perform 1031 Exchanges. DRE 02114448.

The Apartment Association of Orange County would love to help any of its members and advertisers that are trying to expand their reach among multifamily housing professionals in the Orange and Riverside County areas.
The best time to buy real estate was yesterday, the second-best time is now!
*Data taken from the MLS and ROH. 28 Apartment News September 2022
An industry ad effectiveness study conducted by VISTA came to that con clusion, along with debunking the myth that ad clutter decreases recall.
And since you are reading this article in Apartment News, you already know that this is a great targeted avenue in which to invest your advertising dollars!
Opportunities — continued from 26
Ihave sold print advertising for over 30 years, and the most common direction that I receive from some advertisers is specific positioning of their ad in the magazine. Some even go as far as to write it into their advertising contract after it has been sent over for theirSomebody,approval. somewhere, sometime ago convinced them that placement on a right-hand page receives a better response.Iwould like to set this myth to rest.
Advertising is all about ROI, and print advertising can be one of the most lucrative returns based on the minimal investment a company makes, as opposed to radio, television, or other mediums.
Does Ad Positioning in a Magazine Really Matter?
“likes” are the ones that talk about an imminent housing crash. What’s really happening in the market doesn’t sell stories, and those who are choosing to believe the hype are going to be left behind and remain renters.
As an advertising consultant, I insist that new advertisers place their ad in the magazine a minimum of six months. Your potential customer may not need or be looking for your service, the first or second time they receive the maga zine. However, their interest may be piqued the third time, and they start doing research the fourth or fifth time. By the sixth time, they may be ready to make a call and find out more about what you can offer them. If your com petitor is in that sixth issue — and you’re not — guess who receives the call?
For more information about print and digital advertising with AAOC, contact Debbie DiBernardo at or 714.245.9500.
In terms of right-vs.-left page position ing, there is no difference in reader recall.
in good condition are still flying off the shelf with multiple offers and above asking. The data is showing that we are still in a strong Seller’s market, but oftentimes the younger generation gets their news from TikTok and celebrity YouTubers, where the stories that are the most popular and get the most
If you invested for only three months, chances are you likely will not have earned back your initial ROI.
If you have questions or comments I can be reached by phone or text at 714.330.9999, by email at InvestingInThe or visit my website at
Property Management Simplified.V ANGUARD COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ADVISORS 10TH FIRMMANAGEMENTLARGESTINAMERICA 200+ GLOBAL OFFICES 20,000+ MULTIFAMILY UNITS UNDER MANAGEMENT $20.4B TOTAL SALES & TRANSACATIONSLEASE SVN® 2021 • BY THE NUMBERS SVN Vanguard is proud to offer our own in-house Maintenance & Construction services: SERVICES • Increasing owner cashflow • Risk management • Operation cost analysis/reduction • Customizable reporting & service options • Streamlining maintenance & accounting • In-House maintenance available Contact us for a complimentary evaluation 714.446.0600 SVNVANGUARD.COM 24 hour response including fire & water damage • Multiple crews • Small & large jobs • Fully licensed, bonded & insured • Insurance company approved • All employees covered by worker compensation MAINTENANCE-PLUS.COM | 714.594.5646 September 2022 Apartment News 29

EVERY THURSDAY IN OCTOBER October 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2022 9 A.M. - 1 BUFFALOP.M.MAINTENANCE, INC. 6861 STANTON AVE BUENA PARK, CA 90621 MEMBER RATE: $250 NON-MEMBER RATE: $350 LUNCH INCLUDED REGISTER (714www.AAOC.comONLINE!)245-9500x1406 INSTRUCTED & SPONSORED BY: MAINTENANCEAPARTMENT & REPAIR [ADVANCEDSERIESCOURSE] PLUMBING - October 20 Proper use and techniques of drain cleaning equipment Assembly and installation of critical drain line systems How to install and connect copper and PEX Troubleshooting water heaters & issues The in's and out's of installing common plumbing fixtures ELECTRICAL - Oct 27 Troubleshooting tips for electrical circuits Guidelines for wiring common circuits/switches and Overviewoutlets of current code and industry requirements Identifying key signs of dangerous electrical situations. GENERAL MAINTENANCE - Oct 6 Essential tools and tips to complete the job properly Planning, scheduling and executing turn-overs Documenting and prioritizing workloads Steps in utilizing maintenance as a resident retention measure. DECKING - Oct 13 Framing tips for common decks Repairing structural components Understandning SB721 Preparation and installation advice for water proof deck systems Tips for deck drain installation 30 Apartment News September 2022

CLOSETDOORS: VINYL OR MIRRORED 24GA Steel, 1pc top channel & bottom track, 26GA frame molding, cameo white prefinished panel, steel braces are glued to each panel for added strength & rigidity & prevent warpage Nylon 17oz–30ozPolyesteror Thru-the-Wall A/C: 12k BTU (115V/220V) Frigidaire, Friedrich, Garrison Where else but at… Hill Bros & Life Paint Decks (Magnesite & Concrete) VERTICAL BLINDS (We customize to your opening onsite) MINIBLINDS (Aluminum or vinyl 1”, 1.5” or 2”) Faux wood miniblinds 2” (Call for pricing) We can fix your old rail and purchase vane per piece or set Dishwasher: 18” or 24” Hotpoint or Frigidaire General ReplacementWireCables: 3/8”; ½”, 25’, 50’, 75’ or 100’, Regular head, DH or DDH COOKTOPS: 24”; 30” & 36” FurnaceWall Walloven: Brown or GE VERTICAL MAILBOXES: 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 doors Gas or Electric: 20” 24” & 30” Brownstove, Hotpoint, Amana, GE & Whirlpool WE CARRY: 1) APPLIANCES: stoves, air conditioners, wall furnaces; dishwashers; OTR microwave; wall ovens, cooktops; water heaters, range hoods & appliance parts 2) FLOORING MATERIALS: carpet, vinyl sheet, vinyl planks, 6-12mil wear layer, 12x12 & 18x18 tile 3) PLUMBING: toilets; kitchen and bathroom faucets; shower valves, repair parts for Mixet, Pfister, MOEN & Delta 4) ELECTRICAL: ceiling fans, indoor & outdoor light fixtures, repair parts 5) LOCKSETS: entry, double or single cyl deadbolts, privacy and passage locks; dummy knobs 6) REPAIR PARTS: for windows, kitchen drawers & cabinets, shower doors, screening materials, exhaust fan motors 7) VARIOUS OTHER NEEDS: garbage disposers, exhaust fan motors, vertical mailboxes, closet doors, medicine cabinets, cutting boards, deck paints, maintenance coating paints, vertical blinds sets & parts; hose bibs and lock, cleaning chemicals Come On Down Check Us Out! Range Hoods: 24”, 30”, 36”, 42”; White, bisque, black, S/S Vented or non-vented For all of apartmentyourneeds American Standard, Bradford White, & Reliance Medicine Cabinet Window screen repair parts 7472 Orangewood Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92841 (888) 255-6726 • Fax (714) 379-0380 Vinyl Planks 6–12mil September 2022 Apartment News 31

Mold & Asbestos: Dealing with the Dangerous Duo Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Time: 10 a.m. Location: Zoom Webinar Cost: $20/members The presence of mold and asbestos remain two of the most significant environmental health and safety hazards in rental housing today. It is critically important that you, as a property owner or operator, stay informed, and proactively identify and address potential threats in your communities. Failure to do so can leave you vulnerable to costly lawsuits that can threaten your business operations and investment. This webinar will provide valuable information and expert guidance for dealing with the “Dangerous Duo” of Mold and Asbestos, including:•Health risks and dangers associated with asbestos and mold • Building materials most likely to contain suspect asbestos • Common causes of mold/mildew… and how to manage them • Determining the presence of asbestos or potentially dangerous mold • Mold cleanup: How much you can do yourself, and when to call in an expert • Asbestos abatement: Guidance and requirements for hiring an abatement contractor • Housing provider liability and responsibilities • Frequently Asked Questions Featuring: James McClung President American Environmental Specialists Register at Zoom Link to be Provided Upon Registration. 32 Apartment News September 2022

S E I S MIC E NG I N E E R IN G & C O N ST R U C T I O N E XP E R T S OPTIMUM | SEISMI C MA KI NG OU R C IT IES SA F E R ® our Soft-Story Apartment & Commercial Building Investments Now! , INC. Vernon, CA 9005832323-678 4686 OPTI MUM S E I S M 5508 S. Santa Fe Ave 323 3OPTIMUM6784686 I C , nue NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE COMPLETED SOFT STORY SEISMIC RETROFIT Soft story buildings and the importance of seismic retrofitting Are seismic retrofitting ordinances coming to Orange County? Identifying areas of structural vulnerability on your rental property The types of buildings that can be retrofitted and what is involved Reasons to Retrofit – Protect your tenants, income, investment and avoid earthquake liability The cost of a soft story retrofit and financing alternatives When: Monday, November 14 Time: 1 p.m. Location: AAOC Office 525 Cabrillo Park Dr. Ste 125 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Register: Seismic Retrofit 101

*Account Price Regular Price Drains: Kitchen, Lavy, Tub, Laundry, Toilet Auger $81.50 $119.50 BASIC SERVICE CALL .............................................................................................. $81.50 .......................... $119.50 MAIN LINE Ground Level Clear-Out, 3" or 4" up to 140'.................................................... $91.50 $129.50 SLAB LEAK** Locate, Excavate, Repair, Back Fill & Concrete Patch.......................... $850.00 $1250.00 Back ow Testing/Service ................................................................................................................ Call for pricing Hydrojetting Call for pricing • Licensed, bonded and insured • One year written guarantee, parts and labor • 30 days on most drain cleanings * M – F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm ** Direct access, copper plumbing. Call regarding Overtime & After hours rates See us on line at: 949 -222 -2202 • 714 -505 - 0577 Fax 949 -222-0214 And surrounding Areas SeEspaHablañol LICENSE #703820 Rooter & Plumbing CaliforniaInc. Servicing all of Orange County Prices subject to change without notice 3 Convenient ways to order service request: Call, Fax or email for same day service if order before 2 pm. Gas & Water Leak Detection — Water Heater Installation Video Sewer Inspection — Hydro-jetting Back ow Service & Testing WATER & GAS REPIPING September 2022 Apartment News 35

36 Apartment News September 2022 Riverside MultiFamily Mingle PRESENTED BY Thursday, September 15, 2022 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. All Multifamily Professionals Invited Complimentary Parking Registration Now www.AAOC.comOpen2745Lakeshore Dr Corona, CA 92883 Sponsored by

September 2022 Apartment News 37 P r o v i d e f u l l s e r v i c e e s c r o w m a n a g e m e n t s e r v i c e s K e e p a l l p a r t i e s i n f o r m e d o f e s c r o w p r o g r e s s M a i n t a i n a c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d s e c u r i t y o f f u n d s i n t r u s t T h e c o m m e r c i a l e s c r o w p r o c e s s d o e s n o t n e e d t o b e d i f f i c u l t G e n e s i s B a n k o f f e r s y o u d e c a d e s o f p r o f e s s i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e t o e n s u r e y o u h a v e a s w i f t a n d e f f i c i e n t s e t t l e m e n t Michelle Gregorian, VP, Commercial Escrow Manager | 949 273 1527 | mgregorian@mygenesisbank com Real Estate Loans BusinessBanking ManagementTreasury INCOME PROPERTY BANKING Copyright © 2022 Genesis Bank. The Genesis Tree Logo is a registered trademark of Genesis Bank. All rights reserved. Morgan Ferris, SVP, Head of Income Property Lending | 949.273.1511 | Genesis Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC. Copyright © 2022 Genesis Bank. The Genesis Tree Logo is a registered trademark of Genesis Bank. All rights reserved. Expertise and a sense of urgency get results Our team is ready to customize a loan to your objectives, then deliver top notch service to ensure a smooth process and a short timeline toWclose.emay be a new bank, but our lenders know a thing or two about multifamily and commercial real estate With 250 years of combined Industry experience, our locally based team is bringing a smarter approach to our clients’ financing needs.MyGenesisBank.comWhatareyourReal Estate Objectives? We are ready to help you achieve them. Contact us today. What are your Real Estate Objectives?Contac t u s t o d a y t o l e a r n m o r e .

Are you and your employees due for a refresher in local, state, and federal Fair Housing laws? Are you certain your operational policies and practices would stand up in court if challenged in a discrimination lawsuit? This comprehensive certification webinar will provide you with the information you need to stay up-to-date and in compliance with evolving fair housing laws, as well as the opportunity to have your Fair Housing questions answered by the experts. Training topics will include: n Tenant selection criteria n Protected classes n Reasonable accommodations & modifications n Occupancy limits n Children, pets, and service & support animals n Management policies & best practices to avoid discrimination n The Fair Housing Council as a resource for rental-housing providers Register Today — Instructor: Fair Housing Council of Orange County Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Location: Zoom Webinar Cost: $80 AAOC Members $100 Non-Members * Includes Fair Housing Certificate 3 CEC Points Fair StartsHousingwithYou! Certification Training for Rental-Housing Providers Fair Housing Council of Orange County 38 Apartment News September 2022

DRE01460075 We take care of your business, your residents & your peace of mind! • Every owner has di erent wants and needs • Monthly cash ow statements • Rent rolls & check registers • Bi-lingual sta • Fee management service • Temporary vacation management service • Rent up management service • Award winning seasoned professional team • Immediate availability for owners and tenant needs • Rapid response & 24 hour emergency availability • Expert monitoring of local rental trends and legal developments • Routine maintenance, exterior/interior inspections Email: • • 202 E. Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92805 For Information: 714.778.0480 Contact: Denise Arredondo September 2022 Apartment News 39

EZ Drain & Plumbing 24 Hour Service Full Service Plumbing Drain & Leak Specialist 2nd Opinions Always Free Proudly Serving the 605 Corridor and North Orange County *Half Off 2nd Drain 714-640-0699 | 562-656-6517 Concerned about your Property’s Health? Lead-basedAsbestosMoldCOVID-19 Paints Indoor Air Quality Call Today! (714) 379-3333 We’ve Got the Cure! P.O. Box 3744 Huntington Beach, CA 92605 PostAbatementAwarenessConsultationsTestingInspectionsTrainingMonitoringRemediation Founded in 1961 as a nonprofit trade organization, the Apartment Association of Orange County represents the interests of those involved in owning, managing and maintaining rental property. Membership is open to all owners of residential income-producing property. Whether you own one or one hundred units, the AAOC is here to serve your needs. As a one-stop resource for information and specialized rental property services, the AAOC offers a host of benefits, including:Freeconsultation from our trained membership Up-to-datecounselors rental and legal forms Thorough resident screening services Legislative representation aimed at protecting your investment and defending your property rights, both at the state and local levels Special seminars on topics such as taxes, property maintenance and management, fair housing and much Informativemore monthly membership meetings covering a variety of topics throughout the year The rental-housing industry’s premier trade show and conference held on an annual basis A free subscription to the very magazine you’re holding right now, Apartment News The Benefits of AAOC Membership 40 Apartment News September 2022

Property Management is 24/7 AND SO ARE WE • Online Landlord and Tenant Portals • Tenant Screening • Landlord/Tenant Interaction • Maintenance Supervision • Inspection as necessary or by request • Legal Updates — Local and State Laws • Bi-lingual staff • Evictions and Collections • Prepare and File Year End 1099s • 24/7 Emergency Response • Advertising — extensive local and web presence • Showings — 7 days a week by appointment • Rental Agreement Execution and Enforcement • Rent and Security Deposit Collection • Lease Renewal Negotiations • Maintenance and “Rent Ready” Repairs • Financial Record-Keeping and Bill Paying • Serving Legal Notices and Legal Proceedings • Move-In and Move-Out Reports • Monthly Financial Accounting Owner Statements Family-owned and operated with over 30 years of trusted services & experience (714) 840-1700 CA DRE Lic 01268680 Call Now to Take Advantage of Our Low Management Fee Our Services Include: JensenRaskStormsSherryDLRHOMESLaneApartmentsPropertiesPropertiesProperties Geyer RitzWinterswykDiengBalboaPropertiesRealtyPropertiesPropertiesVocational New PSC Members CAMP Construction Services 15139 South Post Oak Rd. Houston, TX Brennan Law Firm 67 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 105 Arcadia, CA A SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! For details about membership, please call Membership Services at (714) 245-9500, or visit us on the web: Do know…you AAOC monitors all 34 Orange County city council agendas, as well as the 3 largest Riverside County city council agendas, to protect your investment from negative policies? September 2022 Apartment News 41

Evicting tenants is never easy, but when it’s time to get serious, it’s important to have the right team on your side.
For more information about CAMP, visit www. or call 888-797-2267. September 2022

Take, for example, a recent case involving tenants who claimed they were “impacted by COVID.” During litigation, we determined that the tenants had received a significant amount of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds and were in escrow to purchase a house using money that should have gone to the landlord as rent. Ultimately, the tenants vacated and ended up settling for an amount that was more than they owed for unpaid rent.
Brennan Law Firm Bad Tenants Happen
Brennan Law Firm’s deep understanding of the California court system and the eviction process gives clients an edge. Our firm offers proactive strategies to protect your assets while effectively minimizing the loss of income. In addition, our comprehensive experience and knowledge of unlawful detainer actions allow us to anticipate the tenants’ next move in a manner that puts you back in control of your unit as fast as the courts allow.
CAMP Construction Services
If you are a landlord or property manager, you will at some point likely face the complex and potentially costly situation of an unwanted tenant who refuses to leave. Once your best efforts are exhausted after trying to negotiate a solution, and your tenant still won’t budge, the only remedy is eviction.Evicting unwanted tenants can be stressful, complex, and costly if not managed correctly. Moreover, California’s landlord/tenant laws and local “rent control” ordinances are continuously changing yet require strict adherence. Therefore, even a minor misstep can ruin your case and let your unwanted tenant linger rent-free for months.
For more than four decades, CAMP Construction Services has been meeting and exceeding our customers’ needs and expectations. Capable of fulfilling construction needs of any scope or scale, CAMP remains committed to providing the superior personal service for which we are known. CAMP is a nationwide company that proudly offers multi-family and commercial construction, fire, flood & disaster restoration, exterior & interior renovation, and complete roofing services. CAMP also has a Service Department, which provides fast, efficient, and quality work by focusing on projects that can be completed in 10 days or less.
At CAMP our attention to detail and our continual effort to ensure total customer satisfaction are the largest factors in gaining repeat business and acquiring future cus tomer referrals. Once a project begins, CAMP commits 100% to timely completion, while adhering to the budget and working within the highest safety standards. Quality work, easily accessible support, and holistic project manage ment is at the core of everything we do. As a full-service, family-owned construction company in the multi-family industry, family is important to us. We spend everyday building relationships with both clients and employees. When you work with CAMP Construction in any capacity, as an employee or client, you are a part of our family. We make it a priority to continually advance our knowl edge and stay connected with other industry experts. One of the ways we do this is through our membership in respected industry associations. We’re honored to be members of the Apartment Association of Orange County and several other associations that cater to the needs of multifamily proper ties and their providers.
When evicting tenants in California, no other firm is faster than Brennan Law Firm, period. Visit www.mbrennan for more information on how to open a case.

Featuring Product & ServiceMembersCouncil PSC CORNER
42 Apartment News
Asphalt Sales & Service Oliver Mahon Asphalt BrennanAttorneysLaw Firm Duringer Law Group, PLC Fisher & Phillips Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP Company Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP Schiff & WesierskiShelton&Zurek LLP, Lawyers Bath Restoration or Renovations
California Bath Restoration OC Professional Maintenance Team SERVPRO of Newport and Huntington Beach South Surface Experts of South Irvine TASORO RestorationProductsServices Company Boiler Systems DCM Services, Inc Ironwood Plumbing, Inc. Spicer Mechanical Water Heater Man, Inc. Building Products Schluter Systems Buying Group Optim Real Estate Services Company Partners, Multifamily Housing
CertaProBuffaloAMSCarpentryTheTASOROSurfaceSKJBuffaloCabinets/RefinishingMaintenance,Inc.CarpetWholesaleMPaintingCorp.ExpertsofSouthIrvineProductsDoor&WindowCompanyConstructionMaintenance,Inc.PaintersofYorbaLinda Sales Carpet Wholesale Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Service Crown Building Services Inc. Restoration Services Company
David S. Schonfeld, Attorney at Law Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP Company ConcreteTouchPointKnockCox3CSCommunicationsInfoSystemsCommunicationsCRMMaintenance & Repair AMS BuffaloConstructionMaintenance, Inc. Precision Concrete Cutting Oliver Mahon WilldanSectionOptimInvestmentColliers3CSConsultingZebraTrane/AmericanTASOROSchluterRedRockOptimumOCKDIngersollCAMPBuffaloBaldwinAngeloAMSConstructionAsphaltConstructionTermiteandConstructionConstructionMaintenance,Inc.ConstructionServicesRandElectricCompanyProfessionalMaintenanceTeamSeismic,Inc.TechnologiesSystemsProductsStandardConstructionInc.InfoSystemsInternationalCapitalRealEstateRealEstateServicesCompany8ManagementEnergySolutions
& Service KJ
Access Control Solutions A.S. Wise, ClarionAccountingInc.ServicesManagement, Inc. Accounting Software Yardi Systems Inc. Answering Service Anyone Home Rent ApartmentDynamicsBuilding Inspection Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro Trident Inspection Group Zebra Construction Inc. Apartment Market Research Data ALN ApartmentData SEO CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team Yardi Systems Inc. Apartment Rental Publications & Services Apartment/ Housing ColliersARIZE International Kairos Investment Management Company TitaniumRokitNowLaundryUpRestoration Services Company AppliancesVesyncVERO Sales, Service & Leasing ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc. Expressions Home Gallery L and D Appliance Corp. National Service Company R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. FIRSTAsbestosONSITE Restoration Restoration Management Company
Baldwin Construction Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Product & Service Council Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism. PRODUCT & SERVICE COUNCIL’S Service Provider Directory (Please see Product & Service Council Contact Index for contact information) September 2022 Apartment News 43 PSC Service Provider Directory — continued on page 44
DuringerCollectionsLaw Group, PLC
Content Restoration AMS GreenConstructionHomeSolutions
GenesisEscrow Bank Estate Kimball,PlanningTirey&St.
BluSky Restoration Contractors,
StrategicJanitorialSanitation Services Kitchen Renovations Baldwin Construction Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. California Bath Restoration Schluter SERVPROSystemsofNewport and Huntington Beach South
KJFlooringCarpet Wholesale Surface Experts
TASORO Products Urban Trane/AmericanFurnacesSurfaces
Apex Window Décor R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Drug & Alcohol Testing TAG / AMS, Inc.
Dryer Vent & Duct Cleaning Crown Building Services Inc. Electric Vehicle Products & Services A-EV Installs KD Electric Company ProPower Electric Co Inc. REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
BuffaloCountertopsMaintenance, Inc. California Bath Restoration KJ Carpet Wholesale Surface Experts of South Irvine TASORO Products Deck Coatings, Magnesite Repairs, Waterproofing AMS BuffaloConstructionMaintenance, Inc. McCarthy Roofing WICR Waterproofing & Decking Digital Management Services Rent CaliforniaDrainDynamicsCleaningRooter & Plumbing LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc. Plumb It Right! Total Rooter & Draperies/Blinds/WindowPlumbing Coverings
Opti-Fit Fitness
LordCap Green Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company
ProPowerKDA-EVElectricalInstallsElectricCompanyElectricCo Inc. R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Electronic Signature EnergyVERO Management Trane/AmericanPearlx Standard Yardi Systems Inc. Zen Ecosystems Environmental Consulting & Training American Environmental Specialists, Inc. American Environmental Specialists, Inc. Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro Restoration Management Company Strategic Sanitation Services
BuffaloHandymanMaintenance, Inc. OC Professional Maintenance Team S M Painting Corp. Heating & Air Conditioning Associated Heating & Air Expressions Home Gallery Ingersoll Rand L and D Appliance Corp. OC Professional Maintenance Team R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Spicer BrianAssuredPartnersInsuranceZenTrane/AmericanMechanicalStandardEcosystemsBergInsuranceServices, Inc.
BrightViewLandscapes/HardscapesLandscapeServices, Inc. Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.
TrueEnviro SERVPRO of Newport and Huntington Beach South Contract Services
SERVPROSPRCOCFIRSTEmpireWorksBuffaloBluSkyBaldwinAngeloGeneralMesaGarageAFRFurniture/FurnitureStandardRentalFurnitureDoorsArtificialTurf/GarageDoorsContractorTermiteandConstructionConstructionRestorationContractors,LLCMaintenance,Inc.ReconstructionandPaintingONSITERestorationProfessionalMaintenanceTeamRestorationMPaintingCorp.ofNewportandHuntingtonBeach South Zebra Construction Inc. and Designs
PRC RestorationPrecisionRestorationEnvironmentalManagement Company SERVPRO
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency Navion Insurance Associates, Inc NFP Property & Casualty Rey Insurance Services, Inc. Internet Services 3CS
John LLP Company Fencing & Gates Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. Fire BlackSafetyBirdFire Protection, Inc. & Restoration LLC Restoration Company Home Solutions TrueEnviro of Newport and Huntington Beach South Equipment Solutions of South Irvine
CAMP Construction Services
PSC Service Provider Directory continued from page 43 44 Apartment News September 2022
Laundry Equipment & Services ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc. All Valley Washer Service Inc. L and D Appliance Corp. Landcare Logic National Service Company PWS Laundry / Alliance R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems Lending Institutions Alfa Investments & Loans Alliance Portfolio CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team Chase Multifamily Lending Genesis ProPowerKDA-EVLightingTorreyRedwoodBankMortgagePinesBankInstallsElectricCompanyElectricCo Inc. Magnesite Repairs Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Distributors, Inc. Maintenance, Repairs, Products A-EV BuffaloInstallsMaintenance, Inc. Clarion Management, Inc. Evolution Building Efficiency Ingersoll Rand KD Electric Company Mariposa Landscapes, Inc. OC Professional Maintenance Team ProPower Electric Co Inc. Trane/American Standard WICR Waterproofing & Decking AArrowMarketingSign Spinners, LLC Clarion Management, Inc. Direct Signs and Designs AmericanMoldZumperVERORentIntellirentDynamicsRemediationEnvironmental Specialists, Inc.
ONSITE Restoration Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro Precision Environmental SERVPRO of Newport and Huntington Beach South Multi-Family Advisory Services OptimCheckpointIDRealEstate Services Company Odor Removal FIRST ONSITE Restoration Strategic Sanitation Services Outdoor Furniture & Refinishing Bassett Outdoor Contract Legacy Customs Patio PaintGuysSales & Service Behr CertaProPaintPainters of Yorba Linda EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting OC Professional Maintenance Team R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. S M Painting Corp. West Coast Drywall & Paint CommunityParking Boss Zebra Construction Inc. Pest AccessControlExterminator Service, Inc. Angelo Termite and Construction Lloyd Pest Control Precision Environmental Pipe Plumbing,PlumbRestorationItRight!Contractors & Supplies California Rooter & Plumbing EZ Drain & Plumbing Ironwood Plumbing, Inc. Plumb It Right! R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Schluter Systems Total Rooter & JLEDunlapDMConsensysClarionAPIAllenAIMPropertyFPKPrivateDefensePrivateCrownCertaProPower/PressurePlumbingWashingPaintersofYorbaLindaBuildingServicesInc.SecurityInternationalCorporationInvestigationsSecurity,Inc.ManagementPropertiesPropertiesPropertyManagementManagement,Inc.PropertyManagementCompanySmithcoPropertyGroupPropertyManagement L’Abri Management, Inc. LoCali Management Group The Management Works Optim Real Estate Services Company Orange County Property Management Prestige Property Management ProActive Realty Investments Reynolds Realty Advisors Property Management (Continued) Roberts Management & Investments Satellite Management Company South Coast Real Estate & Property Management Sullivan Property Management SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons Property Management Software AnyoneARIZE PropertyYardiVesyncVEROSnapptRokitNowRentlerRentLuminousCommunityAppfolio,HomeInc.BossDynamicsInc.SystemsInc.Management Staffing & Training Approved Real Estate Multi Team Services NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company Section 8 Management The Liberty Group Rain McCarthyArgosGuttersHomesSystemsRoofing PSC Service Provider Directory — continued on page 46 September 2022 Apartment News 45
AArrowSignageSign Spinners, LLC Direct Signs and Designs Security Services/Patrol Services
CommercialBaldwinAMSReconstructionConstructionConstructionRestoration Company EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting Precision Environmental WICR Waterproofing & Decking StrategicRecyclingSanitation Services Rent Payment System Section 8
Kairos Investment Management Company Kay Properties & Investments Company Marcus & Millichap Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company Prestige Property Management ProActive Realty Investments Realtors Commercial Alliance of Orange County (RCAOC)
ADT CaliforniaARIZEMultifamilySafety
Real Estate/Investments
Alfa Investments & Loans Alliance Portfolio
CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team KW MorganCommercialSkenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company Optim Real Estate Services Company
DedicatedTowingDishCoxTelecommunicationsZenPearlxEcosystemsCommunicationsFiberTransportation Services Professional Towing LLC TO’ and MO’ Towing
Construction Inc. McCarthy Roofing Royal (RWS&P, Inc.)
ClarionTrainingManagement, Inc. Section 8 Management Trash StrategicServicesSanitation Services Valet Living Tree MariposaServiceLandscapes, Inc. Utilities & Sub Metering
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team Colliers International DM InvestmentInvestingGormanSmithco&AssociatesinTheOCCapitalReal Estate
Edison-Multi Family Program Zen NPMVideoEcosystemsCommercialsStaffinganInterSolutions Company Video Surveillance Assure by Remote Ally Water CaliforniaHeatersRooter & Plumbing DCM Services, Inc R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Total Rooter & Plumbing Water Heater Man, Inc. Water Heaters Only Inc. WICRSchluterSAMSWaterproofingConstructionMPaintingCorp.SystemsWaterproofing & Decking Water Removal FIRSTATI ONSITE Restoration Precision RestorationEnvironmentalManagement Company Website Development/Online Advertising Apartment SEO Windows & Doors Bear Windows Inc. Crown Building Services Inc. Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors Moore Replacements The Door & Window Company PSC Service Provider Directory continued from page 45 UNBLOCKEDRAINSD ! Expert Plumbing Repairs RESULTS OR NO CHARGE FREE “IntroductoryESTIMATESOffer”$75.00IncludesServiceCall&LaborMainLinesfrom$95.00 AAROW DRAIN & PLUMBING 24 HR.EMERGENCY SERVICE (714) 836-4861 50 Years Experience Serving Orange County St. Cont. Lic. #730851 Residential n Commercial Kitchen Sinks n Bathroom Fixtures Complete Remodeling Utility Drains n Floor Drains Sewer Camera Inspections n Insured No Travel Charge n All Power Equipment Complete Maintenance n Hydrojetting 46 Apartment News September 2022
Agency Defense International Corporation FPK Security, Inc. Snappt Inc. USGI — Upland Group SeismicVesync Retrofitting & Engineering Optimum Seismic, Inc. Service and Leasing Snappt Inc. Solar InterLinkApprovedStaffingPearlxThermalServiceRealEstateMultifamily Staffing Surface Restoration AMS SurfaceConstructionExpertsof South Irvine Sustainability/Green Energy LordCap Green Optima
Section 8 Management SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons Real Estate Broker Alliance Portfolio
AArrow Sign Spinners, LLC
3CS InfoSystems Chris 23450CountsPiedras Road Perris, CA 92570 (951) chris@3cs.net990-9721 A.S. Wise, Inc. Jean 15150SabgaTransistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) jsabga@aswise.net891-1501 — A-EV Installs Liliana Phillips 8536 Hamilton Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (562) lily@ev-installs.com519-0252
Michael McCullough 4312 Valeta Street San Diego, CA 92107 (323) info@AArrowAds.com944-2002 Access Exterminator Service, Inc. Roger Sonnenfeld 2244 N. Pacific St. Orange, CA 92865 (714) roger@accessext.com630-6310 — ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc. Multi-Housing Division 14404 Hoover Street Westminster, CA 92683 (714) acelaundry@gmail.com897-4342 — Provide Sales, Service, Leasing & Parts for Coin-Op Laundry Equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.

AIM Properties Don St. John 531 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92866 (714) don@aimproperties.net633-2344 —
We provide home automation, security systems, keyless door locks & smart thermostats.
All Product & Service Council Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
PSC Contact Index — continued on page 48
PRODUCT & SERVICE COUNCIL’S Service Provider Directory Contact Index (Please see Product & Service Council Service Provider Directory for Listings of Services) September 2022 Apartment News 47
AFR Furniture John Spivey 3330 Garfield Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 (323) jspivey@rentfurniture.com400-7508 —
ADT Multifamily Christopher Martin 4161 E. La Palma Ave. Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 858-1344 cnma
All Valley Washer Service Inc. John 15008CottrellDelano St. Van Nuys, CA 91411 (800) john@allvalleywasher.com247-1100 — Allen Properties Frank Allen/Paul Allen/Jessica Siderius 1 Orchard Road, Suite #230 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) frank@allenproperties.net768-6850 — Property Management Services/Investments.
Call 714-966-3000 today! Smart choices last a Premierlifetime.IncomeProperty Insurance Serving all of California & Arizona CA License Terri Simes APARTMENT
ALN Data Samantha Wallace 2611 Westgrove Drive, Suite 104 Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 931-2553 x Samantha@alndata.com218 — Apartment data and market research.
API Property Management Margie Tabrizi 1400 Bristol St. N NewportSte-245-ABeach, CA 92660 (714) margie@apipropertymanagement.com505-5200 Apartment SEO Ronn Ruiz 100 W. Broadway Ave, Suite 425 Long Beach, CA 90802 (877) ronn@apartmentseo.com309-7363 —

Alliance Portfolio James Perry 120 Vantis Drive, Ste 515 Aliso Viejo, CA
Consultant: Mold Investigations/Recommendations, Asbestos/Lead Testing, Training. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. AMS Construction 1159 Iowa Ave., Ste. K Riverside, CA 92507 (833) info@amsroofingconstruction.com267-7663
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Angelo Termite and Construction Gregg 16161TraumScientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 (800) info@angelotermite.com589-8809
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Anyone Home Jaime Conde 25521 Commercentre Dr #100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) lightson@anyonehome.com916-3919 Engagement and automation tools through Contact Center and CRM software.
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Appfolio, Inc. 55 Castilian Dr Goleta, Ca 93117 (866) mindy.sorenson@appfolio.com648-1536

See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
DO YOU KNOW... AAOC provides legislative representation and advocates for its members in Sacramento, in all 34 Orange County cities, and in 14 Riverside County cities? If you are struggling with a local law or regulation that is affecting you and your rental property operations, contact Chip Ahlswede at (714) 245-9500 or 48 Apartment News September 2022

American 1031 Adam Bryan 10111 Petit Avenue North Hills, CA 91343 (310) adam@american1031.net903-6757
Advertising firm specializing in Websites, Search & Social Media Marketing. Renee England 18201 Von Karman Ave., Suite 550 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) rengland@apartments.com313-7621
#1 nationwide provider of information and advertising services. Apex Window Décor Deepa Gorajia 1132 E. Katella Ave, Suite A16 Orange, CA 92867 (714) deepag@apexwindowdecor.com532-2588
PSC Contact Index continued from page 47
American Environmental Specialists, Inc. Mr. James F. McClung, Jr. 15183 Springdale Street Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) admin@aeshb.com379-3333
Employment Practices Liability Business Income Coverage Cyber Liability & Data Breach Business Crimes Insurance Guaranteed Replacement Cost Worker’s Compensation Insurance
PSC Contact Index — continued on page 50
Alfa Investments & Loans Eddie Luna 19 W 3rd St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) info@alfalending.com981-7177
September 2022 Apartment News 49
These testimonials may not be representative of the experience of other clients. Past performance does not guarantee or indicate the likelihood of future results. These clients were not compensated for their testimonials. Please speak with your attorney and CPA before considering an investment. *The Debentures will bear non-compounded interest at the annual rate of 9.25% per annum (365-day year basis) on the outstanding principal, payable monthly on between the twentiethand twenty fifth day of the following month. An investment in the Debentures will begin accruing interest upon acceptance and closing of the Investor’s Subscription Agreement. There is a risk Investors may not receive distributions, along with a risk of loss of principal invested. This material does not constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. Such offers can be made only by the confidential Private Placement Memorandum (the “Memorandum”). Please readthe entire Memorandum paying special attention to the risk section prior investing. IRC Section 1031, IRC Section 1033 and IRC Section 721 are complex tax codes therefore you should consult your tax or legal professional for details regarding your situation. This material is not to be construed as tax or legal advice. There are material risks associated with investing in real estate securities including illiquidity, vacancies, general market conditions and competition, lack of operating history, interest rate risks, general risks of owning/operating commercial and multifamily properties, financing risks, potential adverse tax consequences, general economic risks, development risks and long hold periods. There is a risk of loss of the entire investment principal. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Potential flow, potential and potential appreciation are not guaranteed.

Securities offered through FNEX Capital. ✔ Monthly Income Potential ✔ Cash Out Refinance - Defer Your Taxes & Receive Liquidity Potential ✔ Management Free - No More Tenants, Toilets And Trash! ✔ All-Cash/Debt-Free Offerings ✔ Tenants include Amazon, FedEx, Dollar General, Walgreens, CVS, Fresenius & More ✔ Close Your 1031 Exchange In 2-3 Days • All-New 1031 DST Digest Magazine • 1031 Exchange Property Listings • Introductory DST Book for Investors 9.25% Annualized Distribution Potential* Find Out Why Investors Choose Find Out How You Can Avoid Capital Gains Taxes, and More! DST Properties For Their 1031 FREEExchangeDSTExchange1031ToolKit Get Your Call Today to Also Learn About a Real Estate Fund With: “We feel comfortable working with both of you and would not hesitate for a minute to invest again with Kay Properties and recommend you.” Maritza F. | Hialeah, FL “...We would invest again with Kay Properties” Wendy I. | Topanga, CA Register at or call 1.877.859.4568

Argos Homes Systems Mr. James Van Dyke 11542 Knott St., Suite B-5 Garden Grove, CA 92641 (714) argosjvandyke@hughes.net894-9534
AssuredPartners Kate 2913ShoemakerSPullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) kate.shoemaker@assuredpartners.com417-4047
Dedicated Transportation Services
Jonathan Bennett PO Box Haleyville,1280AL 35565 (205) jlbennett@bassettoutdoorcontract.com486-5102
Baldwin Construction Stephanie Harrison 464 Cataract Avenue, Suite A San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) sharrison@baldwincontrusction.net592-2292
— BrightView Landscape Services, Inc.
CheckpointID Gabe Jones 4100 Midway Road, Suite 1165 Carrolton, TX 75007 (757) emily@checkpointid.com618-3918
Behr Paint Lori 1601FloresE.Saint Andrew Pl. Santa Ana, CA 92705-5044 (909) lorflores@behrpaint.com248-5132
Colliers International Pat Swanson 3 Park Plaza, Ste 1200 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) pat.swanson@colliers.com724-5564
Commercial Restoration Company Jeff 9541MandellW.Ball Road Anaheim, CA 92804 (858) j.mandell@crcmail.com922-3219
Consensys Property Management Company
Assure by Remote Ally Eddie Conlon 4431 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 121 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (866) conlon@remoteally.com439-0318
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. California Bath Restoration Carly Camacho 1920 E. Warner Ave., Suite 3P Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) ccamacho@calbath.com263-0779
Crown Building Services Inc. Jason Maslach 548 Malloy Ct. Corona, CA 92878 (714) jason@crownservicesinc.com694-1007
ATI 3360 La,PalmaCA92806412-0828
BluSky Restoration Contract, LLC Jose 1183LinaresWarner Ave Tustin, CA 92780 (562) jose.linares@goblusky.com528-8000
Community Boss Leah Griffiths 2911 1/2 Hewitt Ave Suite 8 Everett, WA 98201 (866) help@communityboss.com387-7275 —
DCM Services, Inc
David Carlson PO Box 400 Pico Rivera, CA 92056 (800) dcmservices400@gmail.com504-7103
Brian Berg Insurance Services, Inc. Brian 23101BergLake Center Drive, Suite 335 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (888) dyana@bbisinc.com791-7069
ARIZE Chao Wang 1065 N. Pacificenter Dr, Suite 410 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) Chao.Wang@ArizeHub.com479-2050
Complete kitchen and bath restoration and refinishing company. California Rooter & Plumbing Mr. Mark Fowler 1905 E. Deere Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 222-2202 Plumbing and drain cleaning services. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. California Safety Agency Darrell Cowan 8932 Katella, Suite 108 Anaheim, CA 92804 (866) dcowan@csapatrol.com996-6990 — CAMP Construction Services Ronni 15139AnthonySouthPost Oak Rd. Houston, TX 77053 (713) ranthony@campconstruction.com413-2267 CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team Daniel Blackwell 3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) dan.blackwell@cbre.com307-8319 — Orange County multifamily investment property sales and 1031 exchanges. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Bear Windows Inc. George Torres 1400 S Goodrich Blvd Commerce, CA
Kristina Schafer 1960 S Yale St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 (949) Kristina.SChafer@brightview.com438-8528
Chase Multifamily Lending 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1000 Irvine, CA 92614 (866)
Black Bird Fire Protection, Inc. 10282 Trask Ave Ste D Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) info@blackbirdfire.com462-6095
Cox Communications Alicia 27121GrayTowne Centre Dr, Suite 125 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) alicia.gray@cox.com563-8163
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance Debbie Halverson 110 E. Wilson Ave., Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832 (800) debbieh@deanshomer.com345-2054
PSC Contact Index — continued from page 48 PSC Contact Index — continued on page 52 50 Apartment News September 2022
Richard Rodrigues 13700 Harbor Blvd., Suite B Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) www.dedicatedtransportationservices.comrichthetowguy@yahoo.com371-3034
Bassett Outdoor Contract
Approved Real Estate Jim 4010FordeBarranca Pkwy, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92604 (714) jim@approvedrealestateacademy.com875-0979
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Conservice Matt Gordon 750 S. Gateway Dr. River Heights, UT 84321 (866) communications@conservice.com947-7379
Clarion Management, Inc. Elsa Laufer 101 Pacifica, #260 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) Elaufer@clarionmgmt.com383-4762
Seamless aluminum rain gutters, fabric awnings, mirrored wardrobe closets. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Associated Heating & Air Cheryl Brennan 1320B N Hancock St Anaheim. CA 92807 (714) www.associatedheatingandair.comkthomas@associatedheatingandair.com777-8833
CertaPro Painters of Yorba Linda Jeff 2941CorneliusEMiraloma Avenue, Suite 7 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) jeffcornelius@certapro.com420-5769
Brennan Law Firm Michael Brennan 67 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 105 Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) mike@mbrennanlaw.com294-0500
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. Frank Alvarez 6861 Stanton Ave., Suite G Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) www.buffalomaintenance.com956-8371
Laurel Dial 1380 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) laureld@consensyspm.com772-4400 —

Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers Matt Wardlow 233 High,StreetCA93021553-0505x320
Insurance for apartments, business, auto, home, life, etc.
Genesis Bank Lauren DiBiase 4675 MacArthur Ct Suite 1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) ldibiase@mygenesisbank.com273-1226
Dunlap Property Group Paul Dunlap 801 E. Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 (714) pdunlap@dpgre.com879-0111 —
September 2022
Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency Terri 17155SimesNewhope Street #F Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) tsimes@farmersagent.com966-3000 —
Duringer Law Group, PLC Mr. Stephen C. Duringer, Esq. 181 S. Old Springs Road, 2nd Floor Anaheim Hills, CA 92809 (714) 279-1100, (800) 829-6994 toll free Specializes in landlord/tenant law, debt collection, eviction. EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting Chet 1682OshiroLangley Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 (888) coshiro@empireworks.com278-8200 — Expressions Home Gallery Sherri 17138GalushaVonKarman Ave Irvine, CA 92614 (949) srgalusha@morsco.com271-2085
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
International Corporation Chaz McKinney 130 South Prospect Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 (714) defenseintco@gmail.com646-1945
Gorman & Associates Sonya Loera PO Box 325 Brea, CA 92822 (714) info@wrgorman.com255-9998

DM Smithco Duane Van Handel 1940 W. Orangewood Ave., Suite 201 Orange, CA 92868 (714) dvh@dmsmithco.com456-9147v456-9983
PSC Contact Index — continued on page 54
52 Apartment News
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. PSC Contact Index — continued from page 50
Insurance brokers specializing in apartments and commercial property.
Direct Signs and Designs (NorCal Direct Marketing Inc. DBA) Angela Waugh 5151 Golden Foothill Pkwy, #110 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) angela@directsd.com941-8046 — Dish Fiber Eva 4223WaiFairgrounds Street Riverside, CA 92501 (951) eva.wai@dish.com201-3544
Fisher & Phillips 2050 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) cbaran@laborlawyers.com851-2424
FIRST ONSITE Restoration Lisa,1275McColloughN.GroveStCA92806537-9499
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Major appliances for apartments. EZ Drain & Plumbing Stacie Fluhrer 6709 Washington Ave, #944 Whittier, CA 90601 (714) ezdrainandplumbing@gmail.com640-0699
CALL ALLIANCETODAY!USPORTFOLIO • 120 Vantis Dr., Ste. 515 • Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 800.363.1456 • 949.349.1322 • FAX 949.349.1330 • Real Estate Broker • California Department of Real Estate • 02066955 Broker License ID DIRECT PRIVATE MONEY LENDER 949.349.1322 1st TRUST2ndDEEDS MINIMALDOCSEXCHANGE1031 CASH OUT UP TO IMPROVEMENTSPROPERTY$10M CKCIUQLOSE
Investment Capital Real Estate Ignacio Diaz, Jr. 1 Park Plaza, Suite 600 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) id@investmentcapitalre.com201-8817 —
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
PSC Contact Index — continued from page 52 1132 E. Katella Avenue, Suite A-16 Orange, CA 92867 Phone (714) 532-2588 Fax (714) 532-2466 Woman owned & managedProducts Available: • Vertical Blinds • Fauxwood Blinds • Woven Wood Shades • Roller Shades • Shutters • Mini Blinds ➢ Free Delivery & Estimates ➢ Custom Sizes Available S o nd a nce Pa i nt i n g APARTMENT– RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INTERIOR – EXTERIOR FULL JANITORIAL, MAINTENANCE & CLEAN UP SERVICES NEAT, FAST, HONEST LIC. #828563 949 - 472 -7516 NOCOSHIDDENTS 54 Apartment News September 2022

Investing in The OC Mercedes Shaffer 1200 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) InvestingInTheOC@gmail.com330-9999 —
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro James Armendariz 20984 Bake Pkwy, Ste 100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (909) socal@trueenviro.com238-4169
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
Jim 25550KinmartinHawthorne Blvd #203 Torrance, CA 90505 (310) jim@olsonduncan.com373-6441
Independent insurance brokerage representing commercial building owners and operators.
David 17501Eisenman17thSt., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) david@hmwccpa.com505-9000

Kairos Investment Management Company
Jon Rancho30242NeedellEsperanzaSantaMargarita, CA 92688 (949) jneedell@kimc.com709-8888 —
Kay Properties & Investments Company Patricia Aballe 21515 Hawthorne Blvd, 360 Torrance, CA 90503 (855) info@kpi1031.com899-4597
Ingersoll Rand Jesse 11927EstradaOttawa Pl. #90 Chino, CA 91710 (909) jesse.estrada@irco.com306-9390
ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency
Specializing in the purchase, sale and 1031 exchange of apartment buildings. Ironwood Plumbing, Inc. Carl Ludwig 101 S. Kraemer Blvd., Suite 100 Placentia, CA 92870 (877) carl@ironwoodplumbing.com484-7575 —
JLE Property Management Denise Arredondo 202 E,BroadwayCA92805778-0480—
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Electrical wiring & installation for remodels, tenant improvements, new constructions & additions.
Intellirent Cassandra Joachim 632 Commercial Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) info@myintellirent.com849-4400
InterLink Multifamily Staffing Lisa 17321WetzelIrvine Boulevard Tustin, CA
Roofing systems for residential and commercial property for over 30 years.
Helen Tredo 1010 N. Batavia St., Suite F Orange, CA 92867 (714) guardianroofsbookkeeping@gmail.com633-3619
Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc.
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David 17501Eisenman17thSt., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) david@hmwccpa.com505-9000
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. KD Electric Company Derrick Laughlin 17071 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite A6 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) derrick@kdelectric.com223-2700 —
PSC Contact Index — continued on page 56
Luminous Joel 2911Duchesne1/2Hewitt Ave., Suite 8 Everett, WA 98201 (866) help@luminousresidential.com387-7275
LoCali Management Group Nathan Poth 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Ste 625 Irvine, CA 92603 (714) Nathan@livinglocali.com747-9074
Lloyd Pest Control David Hinrichs 1331 Morena Blvd, #300 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) david.hinrichs@lloydpest.com843-6369
Livable Daniel Sharabi PO Box 475852 San Francisco, CA 94147 (877) comesave@livable.com789-6027
— Boutique style property management. LordCap Green Jessica Collins 14 Wall Street, Ste 1720 New York, NY
Marcus & Millichap Jon 19800GiannolaMacArthur Blvd Ste 150 Irvine, CA 92612 (949) jgiannola@marcusmillichap.com419-3200
L’Abri Management, Inc. 8141 E. Second Street, Suite 300 Downey, CA 90241 (714) www.labri-inc.com826-9972
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Mariposa Landscapes, Inc. Liz 1107JuarezEast Walnut Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 (626) liz.juarez@mariposa-ca.com526-0707
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
L and D Appliance Corp. Henry Hsu 11969 Telegraph Rd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (562) henryh@lndappl.com946-1105
September 2022 Apartment News 55
Landcare Logic Jalin,1448GerberN.GlassellCA92867316-8002
KW Commercial Randy Combs 4010 Barranca Parkway, Ste 100 Irvine, CA 92604 (714) randycombs@kw.com658-3263
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP Company Deborah Biggs 2040 Main St., Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 (800) deborah.biggs@kts-law.com564-6611
LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc. Dan 10639BaldwinWixom St Sun Valley, CA 91352 (800) dbaldwin@lahydrojet.com750-4426
KJ Carpet Wholesale Chris Yi PO Box Walnut,369CA 91788 (909) AR@kj-carpet.com455-0180
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Legacy Customs 1477 East Cedar Street Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 923-2558 lily@meadowdecor.comx120
LaundryUp Howard Lee 1070 N. State College Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) hmlee_vp@yahoo.com533-7835
Knock CRM Amy Marthaller 1455 Northwest Leary Way, 200 Seattle, WA
Full service property management provider for 16+ units.

See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Teresa Manzano Mendoza 17321 Irvine Blvd, #205 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) teresa@multiteam.net727-6348 —
McCarthy Roofing Aaron Martin 625 W. Katella Ave. #29 Orange, CA 92867 (714) customerservice@mccarthyroofing.com538-3330
Tom Gibbons 620 Newport Center Drive, 11th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) tom@optimres.com200-4610
Opti-Fit Fitness Solutions
PWS Laundry / Alliance John 12020EndahlGarfield Ave South Gate, CA 90280 (323) jendahl@pswlaundry.com721-8832
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc Shawntae Stewart 23001 La Palma Avenue, Ste 120 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 (714) sstewart@navionins.com202-4711 — Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP Rondi Walsh 895 Dove Street, 5th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) rondi.walsh@ndlf.com854-7000
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Pearlx Phillip Forrester 1612 Cambridge Circle Charlottesville, VA 22903 (323) pf@pearlxinfra.com863-8403
Ask 4662 Katella CA Fax (562)
Optimum Seismic, Inc. Ali 5508SahabiS.Santa Fe Ave. Vernon, CA 90058 (323) asahabi@optimumseismic.com605-0000
Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors
Precision Concrete Cutting Aaron Anderson 650 S Grand Ave #108 Santa Ana, CA
90720 (562) 430-3588
David Vento 4915 E Hunter Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 598-1996, Ext: dvento@mesagaragedoors.com2232
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing 840 Crescent Center Drive, Suite 600 Franklin, TN lindsey.scholl@omniapartners.com37067
Oliver Mahon Asphalt Michelle Hogge 182 Wells Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) admin@olivermahon.com548-6398
PRC Restoration Freddy Rodriguez 23839 Banning Blvd Carson, CA 90745 (562) info@prcrestoration.com490-6900
Mike Moore 1525 W MacArthur Blvd, Unit 16 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) mike@moorereplacements.com963-0505
Ms. Mary Ann Dillard 845 N Commerce St Orange, CA 92867 (714) mdnational@yahoo.com633-1811 — See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Prestige Property Management Brad Clark 1500 Adams Ave., Suite #201 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) brad@prestige-pm.com933-1518
Full Service Real Estate. ProActive Realty Investments Rita 1913AguilaE.17th Street, Suite 217 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) rita@proactiveri.com541-3138
Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company 4590 Mac Arthur Blvd., Suite 260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) md@morganskenderian.com251.8800
Property Management Multifamily & Single Homes, Real Estate Sales. Professional Towing LLC Alberto Castellanos 593 North Batavia Street Orange, CA 92868-1218 (714) dispatch@albertostowing.com616-0290
ProPower Electric Co Inc. Angel Rodriguez 11138 Del Amo Boulevard #382 Lakewood, CA 90715 (562) angel@propowerelectricco.com569-9864
PSC page 55
Contact Index — continued from
Plumb It Right! Terry Gepford 2135 North Orange Olive Road Orange, CA 92865 (949) terrylgepford@gmail.com275-2913
RAY ROBERTS REALTY 56 Apartment News September 2022
Orange County Property Management Eric 16742ReichertGothard Street, Suite 117 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) eric@ocmgmt.com840-1700
for: Mark Roberts
National Service Company
Optim Real Estate Services Company
PSC Contact Index
— continued on page 58 Roberts Management & Investments DRE #01141711 Se Habla Español Subsidiary of Ray Roberts Realty, Inc. Over 70+ Years of Trusted Service and Experience 24 Hour Emergency Service Line Full Service Management Company Management Plan Customized to Your Goals Detailed Computerized Monthly Financial Statements Resident Screening, Rent Collections and Resident Relations
Moore Replacements
Multi Team Services
Commercial, Personal & Health Insurance. NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company Laura Aliberti 2400 East Katella Ave., Suite 800 Anaheim, CA 92806 (949) laliberti@npmstaffing.com307-1595 —
Precision Environmental Mark Taylor 4350 Transport Street, Suite 109 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) mtaylor@precisionenv.com641-9333
Eric Konz PO Box,6716CA95763601-4350
Ave., Los Alamitos,
PK Security, Inc. Steve Flamm P.O. Box,55597CA91355459-4068
NFP Property & Casualty Eric R. Marrs, CIC, CRM, Vice President 1551 Tustin Avenue, Suite 500 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) eric.r.marrs@nfp.com617-2446 —
OC Professional Maintenance Team Jennifer Barragan 1180 W. Ball Rd. #9134 Anaheim, CA 92812 (714) info@ocproteam.com583-8633
Patio Guys Joanna Solis 2907 Oak St Santa Ana, CA 92707 (800) commercial@patioguys.com310-4897
the internet of tomorrow today. Get award-winning, revenue-generating Wi-Fi designed for your community. Our in-house engineers collaborate with each property to design a highly customized managed Wi-Fi solution with industry-leading technology that will meet the demands of tomorrow. Choose a trusted, future-focused provider today: DISH Fiber. Contact your local Orange County DISH Fiber expert for a free site survey today. Contact us for a free site survey today.
September 2022 Apartment News 57

“We worked with DISH Fiber to understand the entire flow and it had absolutely no pain points. We’re happy with how smoothly things are going and are already gathering quotes for our next 3 projects.” Kate— Partner,GoodSVP of Multifamily Development Houston, SeizeTX

The Door & Window Company Elsa 1529PizanaW.Alton Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) elsa@thedoorandwindow.com754-4085
The Liberty Group Carrie 11801FloydPierce Street, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92505 (951) carrief@thelibertygroup.com744-0057
David Rhodes 2350 S. Milliken Ontario, CA 91761 (909) drhodes@rbdist.com230-5400 — See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. RedRock Technologies
Section 8 Management Timothy McDaniel 2008 West Carson Street Torrance, CA 90501 (424) housing@section8management.com318-2096
Spicer Mechanical Chad Hegreberg 1210 N. Jefferson #K, Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) chadh@spicermechanical.com279-9100 —
TASORO Products Annie Bing 14107 Brighton Ave Gardena, CA
RentPath Laura Lemansky 950 East Paces Ferry Road NE, Suite 2600 Atlanta, GA 30326 (949) llemansky@rentpath.com943-5177 Restoration Management Company Michelle Lopez 25172 Arctic Ocean Dr., Suite 100 Lake Forest, CA— REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
Jake 15215TirabassiAltonParkway, #200 Irvine, CA
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Specializing in flat/low slope roofs, comp. & wood shingle and tile roofs. Solar panel installation. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. SafeRent Solutions Paula Durner 3001 Hackberry Rd, Irving, TX 75063 (419) paula.durner@parkhillholdings.com367-7615
— See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. TAG / AMS, Inc. Rick 10572DenverChestnut Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) rickdenver@tagams.com280-0177
40 Years of Property Management Experience in Orange County.
Roberts Management & Investments Ray 3532RobertsKatella Ave, Suite 111 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-3588
Eric 25801LenningObrero Drive #11 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (877) ericl@wasteoptimize.com271-7909
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Surface Experts of South Irvine Heath White 25 AlisoGrandbriarViejo,CA 92656 (949) hwhite@surfaceexperts.com471-0408
Rentler Barton Strawn 200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 150 Sandy, UT 84070 (888) —
The Bee Man SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons Cameron Irons 120 W. 5th Street #210 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) cirons@svn.com446-0600
continued from page 56 58 Apartment News September 2022
We are the leading screening and risk management provider for the multifamily industry. Management Company Paul 1010ConzelmanEChestnut Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 714) 558-2411 ext pconzelman@satellitemanagement.com124
The Management Works Chip 1303RobinsonAvocado Ave #260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-2063 Wewww.mgtworks.comprovideapartment property management in Southern California.
S M Painting Corp. Salvador Munguia 417 S. Associated Rd. #212 Brea, CA smpaintscheduling@gmail.com92821 Snappt Inc. Daniel Cooper 6100 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 (714) dcooper@snappt.com812-2340 — South Coast Real Estate & Property Management 1927 Harbor Blvd., #370 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (800) paul@southcoastrealestatebroker.com541-1962 See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Southern California Edison-Multi Family Program Mary Finn Parker 1515 Walnut Grove Ave Rosemead, CA—
Towing company with 4 locations in Orange County. Contact Index —
Rent Dynamics Bryson Jensen 91 East 700 South Logan, UT 84321 (866) marketing@RentDynamics.com513-7368 —
Schluter Systems Mary Yocum 15 Nantucket Lane Aliso Viejo, CA
SERVPRO of Newport and Huntington Beach South Jake 21531NessSurveyor Cir Huntington Beach, State 92646 (714) jness@servprohbs.com962-9222 —
Schiff & Shelton Laurie Schiff 3700 Campus Drive, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) laurie@schiff-shelton.com417-2211
Titanium Restoration Services Company Victor Martinez P.O. Box Anaheim,4584CA 92801 (714) titaniumrestoration@gmail.com290-5875 TO’ and MO’ Towing Robert Heer 518 N. Poinsettia Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) rchjr@pacbell.net543-0879
Mike Micci 177 Bovet Road, Suite 520 San Mateo CA 94402 (949) mike.micci@redwoodmortgage.com793-5130
RokitNow Bhavin Patel 26895 Aliso Creek Rd #B329 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (855) info@rokitnow.com765-4866 — Text messaging services to help communicate with your customers. Royal (RWS&P, Inc.)
Steve Pinkus 6831 Suva St. Los Angeles, CA 90201 (562) steve@royalroofing.com928-1200 —
David Aaronson 3753 Nottingham St Houston, TX 77005 (713) daaronson@refuelevs.com927-1693 — See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Rey Insurance Services, Inc. Mike 27130ReyPaseo Espada B523 San Juan Capistrano, CA (949) mike@reyinsuranceservices.com487-9661 —
Strategic Sanitation Services
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Redwood Mortgage
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Reynolds Realty Advisors Elizabeth Reynolds 3900 E Miraloma Ave, Suite H Anaheim CA, 92806 (866) www.ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.comElizabeth@ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com613-7772
Sullivan Property Management Marco Vartanian 2101 E Fourth St., Suite 200A Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 541-0288 Ext: info@sullivanpm.com217—
William Estela 2390 E. Orangewood Avenue #520 Anaheim, CA 92806 (855) westela@usg.org787-5263
Defense of Landlord/Tenant, Premises Liability and Employment Matters.
Willdan Energy Solutions Ross 2401EnglishEastKatella Avenue, Suite 300 Anaheim, CA 92806 (844) MFEEP@willdan.com387-5463
Yardi Systems Inc. 430 S. Fairview Avenue Goleta, CA 93117-3124 (805) kelly.krier@yardi.com699-2040
Total Rooter & Plumbing
West Coast Drywall & Paint Aaron Fernandez 1610 W. Linden Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 (951) aaron.fernandez@wcdp.com778-3592
USGI — Upland Group
WICR Waterproofing & Decking

Torrey Pines Bank Patrick Davern 600 Anton Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626
Vesync Chao Wang 1065 N. Pacificenter Dr, Suite 410 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) danica.chin@vesync.com479-2050
VERO Richard Philpot 335 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10017 (703) richard@sayvero.com850-8730
Valet Living Briana Sellers 100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 700 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) briana.sellers@valetliving.com248-1327
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers Thomas B Cummings Esq. 1 Corporate Park Dr, Fl 2 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) tcummings@wzllp.com975-1000 —
901 E. Taquitz Canyon Way, Suite A105 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (888) sean@wicr.net388-9427
Renovation & Roofing Expert Roofing: • Commercial Roofing • Residential Roofing • Structural Repairs • PVC • TPO • Tile • Shingle • Fluid Applied System AMS CONSTRUCTION “Your Trusted Partners” LIC# info@amsroofingconstruction.com992388 Call for a FREE Inspection! 833-267-7663 Rated #1 Construction Company in Southern California! Excellent Customer Service & Competitive Pricing! Interior & Exterior Renovation: • Dry Rot Repairs • Stucco & Paint • Structural Repairs • Drywall & Texture • Parking Lots • Concrete • Electrical & Plumbing • Window Replacement September 2022 Apartment News 59

Urban Surfaces Krysten Stiffler 1121 Olympic Drive Corona, CA 92881 (951) Krysten.S@UrbanSurfaces.com223-9845
TouchPoint Brian 13681MaguireNewport Ave, Suite 8118 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) brian@touchpoint365.com614-8221
Trane/American Standard Brett Massie 2315 185th Avenue East Lake Tapps, WA 98391 (206) Brett.Massie@TraneTechnologies.com406-3307
Trident Inspection Group Jeff 1572ClarkLanai Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) jeff@tridentinspectiongroup.com644-0122
Water Heater/boiler service and installation. Water Heaters Only Inc. Yana Carpenter 970 E. Main Street #200 Grass Valley, CA 95945 —

Tracy McMahon 100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 12th Floor El Segundo, CA 90245 (800) 421-6897 Ext: 1625 Coin-operated laundry equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad. Water Heater Man, Inc. Jim Green 570 W. Freedom Ave. Orange, CA 92865 (714) tommyg@waterheatermaninc.com282-7098
Zebra Construction Inc. Michelle Durey 145 S Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 (310) info@zebraconstruct.com890-3989

Zumper 49 Geary St. San Francisco, CA 94108 714) darcy@zumper.com262-4213
1920 W. Commonwealth #2304 Fullerton, CA 92837 (714) totalbfrp@gmail.com715-3315
Ygrene Energy Fund Emily Ramey 2100 South McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 (415) emily.ramey@ygrene.com261-7578
Zen Ecosystems Jack 2901McKeeWestCoast Highway Suite 353 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (310) jack.mckee@zenecosystems.com994-6949
ASPHALT SALES & SERVICE AMS Construction 59 C & C Paving Company, Inc. 62
American Environmental Specialists 40 EVICTIONS Block & Associates Inside Back Cover FENCING & GATES Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
California Rooter & Plumbing 35 ORCO Apartment Supply 51 WINDOWS AMS Construction 59 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
RAIN GUTTERS Argos Home Systems 6 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS CBRE Insert, Inside Front Cover Kay Properties and Investments LLC 49 Perch Wealth 33 South Coast Real Estate & Property Mgmt 11 SVN | Vanguard Commercial Real Estate Advisors — William Webster 29 W. R. Gorman 52 ROOFING AMS Construction 59 Guardian Roofs Insert, 18 McCarthy Roofing 7 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 Royal Roofing 23 UTILITY BILLING Livable 27 Southern California Regional Energy Network 39 WATER HEATERS
CONCRETE MAINTENANCE & REPAIR AMS Construction 59 Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 C & C Paving Company, Inc. 62
DRYWALL AMS Construction 59 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 Sondance Painting 54 EARTHQUAKE RETROFITTING Optimum Seismic 61 ELECTRICAL AMS Construction 59 Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES
JLE Property Management Inc. 39 Orange County Property Management 41 Roberts Management & Investments 56 South Coast Real Estate & Property Mgmt 11
California Rooter & Plumbing 35 EZ Drain & Plumbing 40 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 ORCO Apartment Supply 31 Total Rooter & Plumbing 2 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
FLOORING, REPAIRS, TILE Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 Carpet Crafts 17 Floor & Decor 57 HANDYMAN Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 South Coast Construction & Repair 47 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING JM Air Conditioning & Heating 4
INSURANCE Farmers Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency 48 INTERNET/WIFI SOLUTIONS Dish Fiber 57 KITCHEN RENOVATIONS MTD Kitchen 19 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 South Coast Construction & Repair 47 LEAK DETECTION California Rooter & Plumbing 35 LENDING Alliance Portfolio 53 Bona Fide Mortgage 8 Genesis Bank 37 MAIL BOXES ORCO Apartment Supply 31 R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, PRODUCTS Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover MOLD REMEDIATION
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 South Coast Construction & Repair 47 CARPENTRY Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 CARPETS Carpet Crafts 17 ORCO Apartment Supply 31 R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT ACE Commerical Laundry Equipment, Inc. 25 National Service 13 COLLECTIONS Block & Associates Inside Back Cover
Category See page 62 for alphabetical listings ADVERTISERS’ INDEX 60 Apartment News September 2022
APPLIANCES—REPAIRS, PARTS, RENTALS Lin-Ed’s Appliance Service & Repair 45 ORCO Apartment Supply 31 R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING JM Air Conditioning & Heating 4
ATTORNEYS Block & Associates Inside Back Cover Brennan Law Firm 9 Pagter and Perry Isaacson 6 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 South Coast Construction & Repair 47 BLINDS Apex Window Decor 68 BOILER SYSTEMS DCM Services 62
DRAPERIES/BLINDS/WINDOW COVERINGS Apex Window Decor 54 R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
American Environmental Specialists 40 PAINT SALES & SERVICE AMS Construction 59 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 Rash Yambo Decking & Stairs 11 Sondance Painting 54
CONSTRUCTION AMS Construction 59 Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 COUNTERTOPS Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 DECK COATINGS, MAGNESITE REPAIRS, WATERPROOFING Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 Rash Yambo Decking & Stairs 11 DOORS, WINDOWS OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 DRAINS Aarow Drain & Plumbing 46 California Rooter & Plumbing 35
Experts in All Building Types Soft-story Multifamily UnreinforcedTilt-up Masonry Non-ductile Concrete Steel Moment Frame Full-service Team In-house Licensed Engineering, Steel Fabrication & Construction Since 1984, our team has completed more than 3,000 projects ENGINEERINGSEISMIC EXPERTSCONSTRUCTION& S ince 1984, our team has been making California buildings safer, performing full-service seismic retrofit engineering, steel fabrication and construction on soft-story apartments, historical structures, non-ductile concrete buildings, steel frame and unreinforced masonry buildings throughout the state of model is built on value engineering: a systematic method of achieving the optimum ratio of functionality, safety and cost Weeffectiveness.believethat superior customer service is the foundation of any business, and we customize every project to suit the individual needs of our clients. Industry leader Proven Satisfiedexpertiseclients (833)9 Strong (833) 978-7664 September 2022 Apartment News 61

Aarow Drain & Plumbing 46 ACE Commerical Laundry Equipment, Inc. 25 Alliance Portfolio 53 American Environmental Specialists 40 AMS Construction 59 Apex Window Decor 54 Argos Home Systems 6 Block & Associates ........................ Inside Back Cover Bona Fide Mortgage 8 Brennan Law Firm........................................................... 9 Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51 C & C Paving Company, Inc. .....................................62 California Rooter & Plumbing 35 Carpet Crafts 17 CBRE Insert, Inside Front Cover DCM Services 62 Dish Fiber 57 EZ Drain & Plumbing 40 Farmers Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency 48 Genesis Bank 37 Guardian Roofs ................................................ Insert, 18 JLE Property Management Inc. 39 JM Air Conditioning & Heating ................................ 4 Kay Properties and Investments LLC 49 Lin-Ed’s Appliance Service & Repair .....................45 Livable 27 McCarthy Roofing 7 MTD Kitchen 19 National Service 13 OC Professional Maintenance Team 55 Optimum Seismic 61 Orange County Property Management 41 ORCO Apartment Supply 31 Pagter and Perry Isaacson ........................................... 6 Perch Wealth 33 Rash Yambo Decking & Stairs..................................11 R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover Roberts Management & Investments .................56 Royal Roofing 23 Sondance Painting 54 South Coast Construction & Repair 47 South Coast Real Estate & Property Mgmt 21 SVN | Vanguard Commercial Real Estate Advisors — William Webster 29 Total Rooter & Plumbing 2 W. R. Gorman 52 WelcomeHomeOC 63 Alphabetical See page 60 for category listings ADVERTISERS’ INDEX c&cpaving • Asphalt Overlays • Concrete • Paving Stones • New Installations • Petromat Overlays • Curb & Gutters • Seal Coating • Block Walls • Striping Fully Insured & Bonded ADA Experts, Ramps, Signage, Truncated Domes PAVING COMPANY, INC. 62 Apartment News September 2022

September 2022 Apartment News 63

Can AAOC count on you to make an additional, election year contribution today? We need to ensure the election of candidates who will stand strong against calls for rent control, just cause eviction, and other damaging policies. Your
Dear AAOC Members,
One of the ways the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) works to prevent the spread of anti property rights and anti business policies is through its engagement in the election process. The AAOC Political Action Committee (AAOC PAC) identifies, supports, and promotes elected officials and candidates who share the values of the rental housing industry, and who are committed to working collaboratively and respectfully with rental housing providers to address issues when they arise. AAOC members also have an important role to play in this process
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and generous support. Sincerely,
David J. Cordero Executive Director
64 Apartment News
September 2022
You can also contribute online at
as investors in AAOC’s efforts to elect pro property rights and pro business candidates to office. While many contribute to the PAC as part of their annual membership renewal, there are many who also make additional contributions during election season. These “above and beyond” contributions provide AAOC with the extra resources needed to impact critical local, county, and state legislative races.
AAOC PAC SPONSORED BY APARTMENT ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY ID# 980470 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125, Santa Ana, CA 92701 5076 Phone: 714 245 9500 ·
generous contribution of $250 or more can help make that possible Checks payable to AAOC PAC can be sent to 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125, Santa Ana, CA 92701
Elections have consequences. The ideological composition of a city council or board of supervisors can change entirely based upon the outcome in just one race. A narrow city council or board majority that supports property rights, small business, and the rental housing industry can very easily be flipped, and suddenly the new majority is ideologically supportive of rent control, just cause eviction, rent boards, or other forms of expanded regulation of our industry.

Orange (38428) (714) 634-8232 (800) 77-E VIC T (310)Inglewood673-2996 (626)Pasadena798-1014 FF(818)Encino986-3147ax(323)938-6069ax(714)634-3633(714)Orange634-8232(805)Ventura653-7264San (562)L(909)Bernardino877-6565ongBeach434-5000One Phone Call Star ts your Case! ww w.evic Open Monday through Saturday We provide written progress repor ts & you may track your case on-line Established in 1976, Dennis P. Block & Associates is State of California handling over 175,000 tenant evic tions. We are dedicated to ser ving the legal interests of landlords and income proper ty owners consists of 12 evic tion attorneys, all specializing in landlord/tenant law. We are also exper ts in Unlawful Detainer Jur y Trials, Commercial and Foreclosure Evic tions. Tenant Evic tion Unlawful Detainer ($20 OFF First Evic tion!) Uncontested plus costs, tandard Evic tion Dennis P. Block & Associates The number one Law Firm Specializing in Tenant Evic tions Full Collec tion Ser vices • Guara • Free telephone consultations • Lockout Management ser vice available Free Forms on our website: ww w.evic $250

 Attention All Property Management Companies, Builder & Developers & Housing Investors: From high end appliances to apartment grade appliances, R&B is your number one source. Contact R&B Wholesale Distributors for all your appliance needs!! 2350 S. Milliken Ave. • Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: (909) 230-5400 • Fax: (909) 230-5405 F YOUR NUMBER ONE SOURCE FOR APPLIANCES! • Next Day Delivery Available • Fleet of 25 Trucks • Experienced In-house Installers • Personally Assigned Sales Rep • Serving California, Arizona, and Nevada Since 1968 & CELEBRATING 50 YEARS DISTRIBUTORS, INC. WHOLESALE