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With the support of


Date Friday, October 14th & Saturday, October15th, 2005 Venue UMSA, Av. Corrientes 1723. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

October 14th New Writing in the UK: reading group facilitated by Blake Morrison This workshop is not for not more than 50 people. Make sure you book in advance.

Biodata: Blake Morrison was born in Skipton, Yorkshire, in 1950. He was educated at the University of Nottingham and University College, London. He worked for the Times Literary Supplement between 1978 and 1981 and was then literary editor for both The Observer and the Independent on Sunday. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a former Chairman of the Poetry Book Society and council member of the Poetry Society, a member of the Literature Panel of the Arts Council of England and Vice-Chairman of English PEN. His non-fiction books include And When Did You Last See Your Father? (1993), an honest and moving account of his father's life and death that won the J. R. Ackerley Prize and the Esquire/Volvo/Waterstone's Non-Fiction Book Award; As If (1997), about the trial of the two young boys convicted of killing the toddler James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993; and Too True (1998), a collection of essays (and stories). His poetry includes the collections Dark Glasses (1984), winner of a Somerset Maugham Award, and The Ballad of the Yorkshire Ripper (and Other Poems) (1987). A selection of his poems, Pendle Witches, was published in a special edition in 1996, illustrated by the artist Paula Rego.Blake Morrison's first novel, The Justification of Johann Gutenberg, a fictional portrait of the 15th-century printer and the inventor of movable type, was published in 2000. His new book, Things My Mother Never Told Me, a memoir of his mother, was published in 2002. Blake Morrison lives in London.

October 15th Critical Discourse Analysis: A Wholesome Reading of Reality by Juan Ferretti Abstract: Within the domain of humanistic approaches to education, this workshop is aimed to explore Critical Discourse Analysis. A context-sensitive textual examination, CDA presents an integrated analytic method, as it interrelates three different levels of analysis: the text, the discursive practices that create and interpret that text, and its larger social context. The model presented in this session is aimed to unveil and analyse the ways in which dominant forces in a society construct textual versions of reality that favour their own interests. After a brief exploration of the basic postulations, the workshop participants will be encouraged to conduct a critical discourse survey of news articles and ELT materials. Conclusions will finally be drawn concerning the importance of CDA in ELT practice. Biodata: Juan A. Ferretti holds an M.K in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (University of Leicester, UK). He teaches English Language / Academic Writing at UTN (Licenciatura), 2O Century Culture at UTN (Teacher College), Language I and Language IV at CONSUDEC Training College (Buenos Aires), Language III and Language IV at 25 de Mayo College (San Isidro, Buenos Aires). His main interests are Academic Writing, the Language-Culture Interface and Critical Discourse Analysis.

Exploring Recent Fiction in English by Susana Groisman

Abstract: This exploration attempts to place some fiction published in English in the last five years in its social and historical context with a focus on the structure of narrative. Special reference will be made to fiction by J.Barnes, J.M.Coetzee, H. Dunmore, K.Ishiguro, I.McEwan, S.Monk Kidd, C.Shields, A.Tan and R.B.Wright. The criteria of choice will be discussed and extracts from some of the works will be provided as illustration. Biodata: Susana Gullco Groisman, Profesora Nacional en Inglés. Distinction in British History and Literature. Instituto Superior Del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V.González”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gold Medal. British Council Prize. Training Course in the Dynamics of Groups of Learners. Argentine Association of Psychology and Group Therapy. University of Cambridge, England. Summer School in English Literature. Director of Studies: Jem Poster MA PhD. University of Cambridge, England. Participant in the Seminar on Contemporary British Writing . British Council Scholar.

Lecturer in British Contemporary Literature (until July 2005) I.S.P.”Dr.Joaquín V.González” and in the Seminar on Literature(s) in English. Maestría en Ciencias del Lenguaje (until July 2005). I.S.P.”Dr.J.V.González”. Sometime Lecturer in American Literature and Methodology. I.S.P. “Dr.Joaquín V.González” Sometime Oral Examiner for the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. At present, member of the team of Literature lecturers at the ESSARP Centre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Former Chairwoman of the English Department at the I.S.P.”Dr.J.V.González”, Former President. APIBA and Former Joint Coordinator of the APIBA Lit SIG

Concurrent Workshops Teachers as Business Readers by Virgina Lopez Grisolía

Abstract: A Functional and Cognitive Perspective to describe discourse types in financial English. We will be comparing texts in order to find similarities and differences, ultimately trying to account for the difficulties encountered by English language professionals in their comprehension of research papers and journalistic texts on finance used in their professional practices. Biodata: Virginia López Grisolía Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado J.V.Gonzalez. (1981) Graduate Work in English Grammar Instituto Superior del Profesorado J.V.Gonzalez. 1983-1986 BA in English Language University of Belgrano. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000-2002. Interpretation . C.C.I.T – Centro de Capacitación de Intérpretes y Traductores Training under Diane Merchant. 1999-2001.1986-present. Instituto Nacional del Profesorado J.V.González Tenured Lecturer in English Grammar II 2000-present. Universidad del Salvador, School of Law, B.A in Capital Markets, Lecturer in Technical English. 1983-1990. University of Buenos Aires, School of Law, Public Translation, Former Lecturer in English Language.1995-present Interaction Language Studio. Director of Studies (in-company training programmes in Business English and Teacher/Translator Development programmes in Language and Methodology)

Tips to help our L2 pupils become independent readers. Silvia Luppi & Silvia Rettaroli Abstract: The purpose of teaching children to read is to enable them to turn to books for information and enjoyment throughout their lives. This assumption holds true for reading in their mother tongue and in another language as well. Besides, written input in the form of rhymes, poems, legends, fables and fairy tales, among others, will be a good provision of exposure to the L2 which, as a consequence, will enhance the acquisition of the second language. This presentation will provide a variety of activities aimed at developing emergent reading skills in the L2 and establishing a love of literature. Biodata: Silvia Rettaroli is a Teacher of English - I.S.P. "J.V. González", Argentina and Licenciada en Inglés - UNL. She has been working as teacher educator since 1982. She has worked as a School Manager at bilingual schools in the Buenos Aires Province since 1986, where she developed a number of projects for the develpment of reading and literacy skills. In 1998 and 1999, she worked as Foreign Languages Co-coordinator in the Research and Educational Development Unit of the Ministry of Culture and Education. At present she is Assistant Academic Coordinator at ESSARP. Silvia Luppi is a teacher (ISP “Joaquín V. González”) and Licenciada en Inglés (Universidad Nacional del Litoral). She has taught in state and private schools for over 20 years. Former Methodology teacher at ISP J. V. González, she has conducted many workshops, seminars and lectures, and addressed plenary sessions in national events organised by professional associations, state and private institutions and publishing houses. At present she is pedagogic supervisor of the English Department at Marianista School, Buenos Aires and a teacher of English as Language B, International Baccalaureate, St Brigid’s School, Buenos Aires. She is also an Oral Examiner and presenter for the ESOL Cambridge Exams.

Pressing the press: newspapers as a classroom resource PabloToledo Abstract: In this hands-on workshop, we will look at the essentials of the theory and practice of bringing the newspaper into your classroom, no matter what level or age groups you are teaching. Biodata:

APIBA Annual General Meeting SIGs Closing Event by Valeria Artigue & Sergio Mobilia Enrollment can be made:  in person at M.T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL S.A.) Ciudad de Buenos Aires on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 12:30.  or at Sarmiento 835, Ciudad de Buenos Aires (RODRIGUEZ) on Mondays 10.30 to 12.30 pm  at info@apiba.org.ar before October 12th

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