APIBA Annual Seminar 2012 in Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz

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APIBA Annual Seminar 2012 In Memoriam of Prof. Ana MarĂ­a ArmendĂĄriz Saturday, October 27 Universidad de Belgrano Zabala 1837, C.A.B.A.

Executive Committee Analía Kandel President Claudia Naom Vice President Belén Tur Secretary Laura Renart Treasurer Laura K. López Deputy Treasurer Members Gabriela Madera María Luisa Ghisalberti Valeria Kharsansky Paula Miniño Academic Committee Cristina Banfi Silvia Luppi Patricia Simeone Silvia Rettaroli Sandra Revale María Teresa Viñas Urquiza Scholarships Committee Jorge Ghenadenik Virginia López Grisolía Sandra Revale Cristian Colucci Laura Aza

2 | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz













Poster Presentations




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In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 3

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS APIBA would like to thank: FAAPI, Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés Instituto Superior de Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González” Universidad de Belgrano Academic Committee APIBA Scholarships Committee SBS Bookstore Cambridge ESOL ESSARP Pearson Macmillan Fase Dos Cecilia Cicolini Mauro Giordano Martina Griffi Ángel Kandel Virginia López Grisolía Patricia Simeone Cristina Mayol Viviana Myslicki María Cecilia Zabaleta Speakers Participants Sponsors and Exhibitors Volunteers

Reaching out to ELT professionals to share our mission and vision since 1971.

8 | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz




Dear Participant, APIBA is pleased to welcome you to our 2012 Annual Seminar, whose primary aim is to honour the memory of Ana María Armendáriz, an educator who left an indelible mark in many of us. We will be forever indebted to her for the invaluable contributions she made to our academic life. It is our intention to perpetuate the spirit that drove her forward and to celebrate her passionate approach to education. A significant number of prestigious speakers have enthusiastically responded to our call for papers and will be presenting their work on the areas of expertise Ana María explored tirelessly: Grammar, Linguistics, Methodology and Curriculum Design. Rooted in Ana’s legacy, this Seminar will offer us all a unique opportunity not only to get acquainted with the latest findings and innovations on the four above-mentioned areas but also to consolidate our vocation and renew our professional commitment. It is the most sincere hope of APIBA’s Executive Committee that you find this event of relevance to your daily practice and enjoy our tribute to our dearest Ana. Best wishes, Gabriela Madera Analía Kandel APIBA Executive Committee Member APIBA President

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Session 08.15 - 08.45


08.45 - 09.00


09.00 - 09.45

Plenary Session. Men, Women and Language: Equal but Different or Plain Inequality?

09.45 - 10.15

Coffee Break / Poster Presentations

10.15 - 10.55



Pte. J. A. Roca Auditorium

Jorge Ghenadenik APIBA Member

Pte. J. A. Roca Auditorium

Mariel Amez

Aula 7 5th floor

Paper 02. La Historia de Abraham - Relato y reflexión sobre un proyecto de aula en inglés basado en valores

Matías Ansaldo

Aula 3 4th floor

Paper 03. Pop Songs as Genre: Recurrent Organizational Patterns in Pop Lyrics

Enrique Basabe

Paper 01. Teachers as Designers

Paper 04. ¿La patria es la lengua?: lengua, lengua extranjera e identidad Paper 05. Lectocomprensión en inglés: dificultades al interpretar verbos que requieren, en español, una construcción equivalente con “se”

APrIR Member (Rosario) APIBA Member APPI Member (La Pampa)

Aula 8 5th floor

Pablo Toledo

Aula 4 5th floor

Marcela Engemann

Aula 2 5th floor

Jennifer Verschoor

Aula 4 4th floor

Mady Casco

Aula 6 4th floor

Paper 08. Expressing Result

Silvia Iummato

Aula 8 4th floor

Paper 09. The Process of Acquisition of the Uses of the Genitive Case in Pre-Teens Foreign Language Learners

Silvana Lopardo Natalia Zeoli Cristina Mayol

Aula 2 4th floor

APIBA Member

APIBA Member

Paper 06. Using M-Learning to Teach English

APIBA Member

Paper 07. Topic-based Projects, Multimedia and Motivation in EFL Classes

APIBA Member APIBA Member

Paper 10. Content Based Learning: An EOP Radiocommunications Course for Pilots

APIM Member (Misiones)

Alfredo D. Núñez Rosana Luvera

Paper 11. Jornada de Intercambio de Experiencias Pedagógicas Paper 12. Communicative Approach into Practice: “The Great Animals Experience” Paper 13. Análisis de Maus de Art Spiegelman, historieta de guerra de final abierto

APIBA Members

Mariángeles Portilla APIBA Member

& Claudia Andreotti Carolina Ravelo

12 | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz

APIBA Member

Aula 3 5th floor Aula 5 5th floor Aula 5 4th floor Aula 7 4th floor



Session 10.55 - 11.20

Coffee Break / Poster Presentations

11.20 – 12.00

Paper 14. The English Tendency to Early Stress in Borrowings Paper 15. Pragmatism in Methodology: Accounting for ICT Integration Paper 16. A Binary-Branching Analysis of Four-Argument Verbs: Case Study of TO BET

11.20 - 12.40

Cinthia Smith APIBA Member

& Lucía Fraiese


Aula 2 4th floor

APIBA Member

Gladys Baya

Aula 7 4th floor

Ana Verdelli

Aula 3 4th floor

Workshop 01. Developing a Team of Teacher Educators at ENSLV ‘Sofía E. B. de Spangenberg’ Following in Ana Armendáriz’s Footsteps

Myriam Abalos & Mónica Gandolfo Mady Casco

Aula 2 5th floor

Workshop 02. PLNs (Personal Learning Networks) for Teacher Development Workshop 03. Knowledge Management and Wikis for Learner Autonomy

Cecilia Cicolini

Aula 3 5th floor

Carlos Galizzi

Aula 5 4th floor

Workshop 04. Third Generation Tests Workshop 05. Storytelling in the EFL Classroom Workshop 06. “What Method? No Method” Revisited 12.10 – 12.50


Paper 17. Teacher Development: The Socialization of Teaching Practices As a Self-Improvement Tool – Our Personal Experience Paper 18. Las representaciones Socio-Lingüísticas en la escuela primaria. Un estudio de caso. Paper 19. Enseñar Inglés en la Escuela Secundaria Hoy

APIBA Members APIBA Member APIBA Member

Ma. Isabel Hoffmann & Cristina Magno Fabiana Parano APIBA Member

Gustavo Paz

APIBA Member

Graciela Yugdar Tófalo & María A. Menis Silvana Garófalo & Ingrid Sühring APIBA Members

Efrain Davis

APIBA Member

Aula 7 5th floor Aula 5 5th floor Aula 4 4th floor Aula 3 4th floor Aula 2 4th floor Aula 7 4th floor

12.55 - 13.15

Tribute to Prof. Ana María Armendáriz

Pte. J. A. Roca Auditorium

13.15 - 13.30

Raffles + Farewell

Pte. J. A. Roca Auditorium

In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 13

Also visit: www.storiesinabag.com.ar/activities.english.html

ABSTRACTS & BIODATAS Paper 01. Teachers as Designers What are the assumptions about education in the 21st century? What is digital literacy? What is the role of teachers in a studentcentred, technology-enabled context? This paper discusses these issues and illustrates opportunities offered by digital media for teachers to become designers, both through the selection of materials available online free of charge and through the design of tasks that encourage active learning and the development of digital literacy.

Paper 02. La Historia de Abraham - Relato y reflexión sobre un proyecto de aula en inglés basado en valores ¿Cuanto tiempo de nuestra clase de inglés dedicamos al año al trabajo en valores? La presente experiencia describe cómo planificar un año lectivo centrando el trabajo en valores en la clase de inglés. Aprender gramática y vocabulario no impide una profunda reflexión y acción por parte de los alumnos de valores positivos que enriquezcan su desarrollo personal y el de todo su entorno. Los invito a que reflexionemos juntos acerca de la importancia de fomentar valores positivos en el aula.

Paper 03. Pop Songs as Genre: Recurrent Organizational Patterns in Pop Lyrics Pop songs are loaded with textual traits that may invite us to read them as components of colonies. It is their clustering into colonies what may partly explain their recurrent matching organisational patterns, mostly signalled by parallelism and repetition. Yet, recurrent sequence relations can also be traced among different text segments in the lyrics of a small sample of songs under analysis, which is signalled either overtly or by projection into dialogue.

contents schedule

Mariel Amez (APrIR Member) is a Teacher of English (INSP Rosario and UNR). She is currently a lecturer in English Literature at IES “O. Cossettini” and ISPI “San Bartolomé” (Rosario), a Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner and Secretary of APrIR’s Executive Committee. Her research interests include literature, online learning and teacher education.

Matías Ansaldo (APIBA Member) es profesor

de Inglés (I.N.S.P.T. - U.T.N) y profesor en Psicología (U.B.A). Se desempeña como docente en el nivel inicial, primario y en centros de idiomas de la U.B.A. y la U.T.N. Ha participado como expositor en congresos organizados por importantes instituciones en la Argentina (I.S.P. “J.V. Gonzalez”, F.A.A.P.I., Ministerio de Educación, etc.) y en Uruguay (A.N.E.P.). Sus áreas de mayor interés son la alfabetización en lengua extranjera en niños, el uso de juegos con adultos y la enseñanza de contenidos de diferentes áreas en inglés.

Enrique Basabe (APPI Member) is a professor of English Literature, Cultural Studies and Text Grammar at the National University of La Pampa. He holds an MA in English and American Literature and an MA in ELT and BCS and he has recently completed his PhD in Education -Curriculum and Instruction.

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schedule contents


Paper 04. ¿La patria es la lengua?: lengua, lengua extranjera e identidad La frase “la patria es la lengua” presenta aristas ricas para la reflexión sobre el vínculo entre lengua e identidad, que se multiplican al pensar en la dimensión identitaria del aprendizaje/enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, tanto a nivel personal como cultural. ¿En qué medida es cierta la afirmación? ¿Y qué registro tienen la metodología y la formación docente en lenguas extranjeras de esta dimensión?

Paper 05. Lectocomprensión en inglés: dificultades al interpretar verbos que requieren, en español, una construcción equivalente con “se” Este trabajo detallará las principales dificultades experimentadas por un grupo de alumnos de Inglés Lectocomprensión de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento al trasladar sintagmas verbales del inglés al español cuando estos requieren una construcción equivalente con “se”. Luego de una síntesis del marco teórico relacionado con el fenómeno y del análisis de su incidencia en los textos analizados por los alumnos, se presentará una propuesta de intervención didáctica tendiente a la superación del problema. Paper 06. Using M-Learning to Teach English Have you ever thought about using mobile devices in your classroom, but didn’t know how or where to get started? Join this presentation and be ready to explore a variety of free educational apps, learn how to use QR codes and create digital stories with handheld devices. You will discover how easy it is to integrate m-learning in your daily teaching scenario. Paper 07. Topic-based Projects, Multimedia and Motivation in EFL classes In this session, the presenter will analyse what is understood by the term multimedia and how it can be applied in topic-based projects to engage learners; develop their sense of self-efficacy; raise their selfesteem; and foster learner autonomy. She will then share an excerpt from a real topic-based project designed for upper-elementary learners in which multimedia resources were used by the teacher and the learners to communicate ideas meaningfully and purposefully.

Pablo Toledo (APIBA Member) es graduado

del ISP “Joaquín V. González”, donde dicta la materia Literatura Británica II y cursa la Diplomatura en Ciencias del Lenguaje. Escritor. Editor de cultura y espectáculos del diario “Buenos Aires Herald”, donde coordinó el departamento de educación entre 2002 y 2008.

Marcela Engemann (APIBA Member) es investigadora docente de la UNGS y profesora de inglés en la UNLaM. Es Licenciada en la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés (Universidad CAECE). Obtuvo el título de Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Universidad de Jaén, España). Sus intereses académicos se orientan a la Lingüística Aplicada.

Jennifer Verschoor (APIBA Member) She holds degrees as English University Professor, Bachelor in Educational Management, Public Translator and MA in Virtual Environments. She is a teacher trainer, President of ARCALL and course facilitator at ESSARP, specialized in technology. She obtained scholarships to attend WorldCall in 2008 and IATEFL in 2012. Mady Casco (APIBA Member) graduated from INSP Joaquín V. González where she specialised in Methodology II under Ana María Armendáriz. She received her BA in Education from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. She teaches at ENS en Lenguas Vivas S.B de Spangenberg and Universidad de Ezeiza. She taught at her alma mater and Universidad de Belgrano.

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ABSTRACTS & BIODATAS Paper 08. Expressing Result Resultativity has not always been thoroughly explored from the syntactic and morphological point of view. However, this notion may present many difficulties to our Spanish-speaking students. This is not surprising if we take into account that in Spanish we may use verbs which are devoid of meaning and most often than not they have no one-to-one correspondence with English verbs: quedarse (tranquilo), ponerse (nervioso), resultar (electo), salir (fotografiado), acabar (preso), etc. In this communication we are going to use some tools of Comparative Syntax to unravel the differences between English and Spanish with respect to the expression of Resultativity. Paper 09. The Process of Acquisition of the Uses of the Genitive Case in Pre-Teens Foreign Language Learners As teachers of English we can observe how complicated the acquisition of some English grammar rules may be for our students. This exposition focuses on the process of acquisition of the uses of the genitive case in pre-teen foreign language learners. In other words, it focuses on the different stages learners go through when acquiring the different uses of the genitive Case (‘s, and of-insertion). Analyzing our students‘ common mistakes will let us know how to help them.

Paper 10. Content Based Learning: An EOP Radiocommunications Course for Pilots This presentation is an account of an EOP Radiocommunications course designed and delivered for civil and commercial pilots as preparation for the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Exam. They contributed materials from USA (CDs, DVDs, flight simulators) which together with online video reproduction and mp3 recordings constituted invaluable “authentic material” for this 40-hour course. This way TAVI (Text as Vehicle for Information) was transformed into TALO (Text as Linguistic Object).

contents schedule

Silvia Iummato (APIBA Member) is a Grammar and Linguistics lecturer at several tertiary and university institutions in Buenos Aires and

Silvana Lopardo is a Spanish Primary

Teacher graduated at ISFD Nº 1, Avellaneda. Teacher of English and Technical, Scientific and Literary Translator graduated at Instituto Ser, Villa Crespo. Currently about to be called for her tesina dissertation at “Ciclo de Licenciatura en Inglés” from Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe. She has been teaching English at Plurilingual Schools since 2004 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Natalia Zeoli graduated as a teacher of English

at ISFD Nº 21 “Ricardo Rojas”, Moreno. Currently about to be called for the tesina dissertation at “Ciclo de Licenciatura en Inglés” from Universidad del Litoral. She teaches at “San Martín and EET 1schools. She works for Holy Mary Institute in the province of Buenos Aires.

Cristina Mayol (APIM Member) is a retired tenured full-time professor at School of Sciences – UNaM. Research Fellow Category II (National Programme of Incentives), now conducts research and extension at her School. Former Academic Secretary at UNaM, she holds an M.A. in Education and Professional Development (University of East Anglia, UK).

Authors: Cristina Mayol and Alfredo Villalba 20 | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz

schedule contents


Paper 11. Jornada de Intercambio de Experiencias Pedagógicas El proyecto está basado en la socialización de experiencias áulicas desde el área de idioma extranjero involucrando la interdisciplinariedad. Durante la jornada los docentes exponen los proyectos valiéndose de un soporte que permite mostrar el registro de los procesos llevados adelante, donde se pueden apreciar el trabajo de los alumnos y los logros lingüísticos alcanzados. A partir de este encuentro surgen experiencias interdistritales donde el trabajo colaborativo se hace presente. Se da una instancia de valiosa retroalimentación que enriquece la tarea cotidiana. Authors: Gisela Bó, Rosana Luvera, Alfredo Daniel Núñez and Gabriela Pattacini

Paper 12. Communicative Approach into Practice: “The Great Animals Experience” This presentation will report a direct experience that took place in a state school of Villa Soldati during the first semester of 2011 in which two schools met to play games, listen to a story and produce collaborative work based on storybooks for native-speaking children. We will discuss the implications of the direct experience in the curricular design as a way to enhance and foster students’ communication skills. Paper 13. Análisis de Maus de Art Spiegelman, historieta de guerra de final abierto Esta tesis se propone analizar desde una perspectiva semiótica la historieta Maus de Art Spiegelman, que es la historia de Vadlek Spiegelman (padre de Art Spiegelman, sobreviviente del Holocausto judío) antes, durante y después de la Alemania nazi. Los personajes son seres antropomórficos, con cabeza de animal y cuerpo humano: los judíos son ratones, los alemanes son gatos, los estadounidenses están representados como perros y los polacos, como cerdos. La elección de animales híbridos puede tener múltiples significados, por ejemplo, la ausencia o negación de todo tipo de sentimentalismo y de la clásica confrontación víctima-victimario. El producto terminado debe ser leído como una posible interpretación de “Maus” que hará reflexionar al lector sobre cómo un tema tan complejo como el del Holocausto judío puede ser representado en viñetas de una manera seria y original, muy a pesar de que el cómic presupone la existencia de un relato ficticio.

Alfredo Daniel Nuñez (APIBA Member) es Profesor de Química (INSPT) y Profesor de Inglés (ISP San Agustín) con especialización en Adolescentes y Adultos, y un Posgrado en Investigación Educativa (Univ. del Comahue). Se ha desempeñado como docente en colegios bilingües enseñando Science y como docente de Idioma Extranjero en escuelas primarias y secundarias del GCBA. Es Supervisor de Idioma Extranjero en los DDEE 19 y 21 y está finalizando la Diplomatura en Gestión de las Instituciones Educativas (UNSAM). Promueve la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras desde un enfoque interdisciplinario. Rosana Luvera es Profesora de Inglés (INS J.V. González) y Maestra para la enseñanza primaria y de inglés en nivel primario (INNSLV J.F. Kennedy). Es Supervisora de Idiomas extranjeros en los DDEE 12 y 18 del GCBA. Mariángeles Portilla (APIBA Member) is an English teacher. She works at a state primary school in CABA. She is currently attending postgraduate studies at FLACSO. Claudia Andreotti is an English teacher. She works at state primary schools in CABA.

Carolina Ravelo (APIBA Member) es Pro-

fesora de Inglés e Inglés Técnico de la UTN (1999), Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa de la Universidad de Belgrano (2002), Magíster de la UBA en Análisis del Discurso (2012), y Magíster en la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (2011) y en la enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera (2012) de la Universidad de Jaén, España. Actualmente se desempeña como docente en el Instituto Superior del Profesorado Joaquín V. González en los profesorados de informática y de inglés.

In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 21


contents schedule

Paper 14. The English Tendency to Early Stress in Borrowings

Cinthia Patricia Smith (APIBA Member)

This paper deals with English stress patterns in French and Spanish root noun and adjective borrowings. In the introduction, the terms stress and borrowing are defined, followed by a comparative description of stress in different languages. Subsequently, there is an account of English stress and its origins and the consistent early stress tendency in the history of the English Language. Two types of data are presented, which succeed in proving the hypothesis of this paper.

Lucía Fraiese is a third-year student from ISP

Paper 15. Pragmatism in Methodology: accounting for ICT integration “Whatever we do in the classroom,” Ana once told my class during a lesson on Methodology, “must be planned for a good reason”. Recently, much has been said and done to promote ICT integration into our lessons. Before we jump on the bandwagon, it is our professional responsibility, as reflective practitioners, to ponder how these tools can actually contribute to fostering the acquisition of EFL for communication. Join me to share experiences and tips!

Paper 16. A Binary-Branching Analysis of Four-Argument Verbs: Case Study of TO BET Four-place predicates represent a challenge for students of Linguistics at teacher education programmes, who lack an appropriate model for their analysis. The present study deals with the verb “to bet”, adopting for its syntactic analysis the framework provided by Radford (2004, 2009). To integrate the four arguments into a single binary derivation, it is postulated that there is an additional light verb below vP (shell), which is responsible for licensing Dative Case to the Goal.

Phonetics and Lab teacher at ISP “Dr. Joaquín V. González”, and ENSLV “Sofía Broquen de Spangenberg”. Licenciada en Inglés (Universidad Nacional del Litoral), Phonetics I and II teacher (ISP “Dr. Joaquín V. González”) English teacher (ISP “Dr. Joaquín V. González”). “Dr. Joaquín V. González.” and a student-assistant in Laboratory Practice I and Phonetics and Phonological Theories I.

Gladys Baya (APIBA Member) graduated

from ISP “J. V. González”, where Ana María Armendáriz introduced her to Methodology. Gladys currently teaches at high schools and a Teacher Training College, specialized in methodology. Besides, she e-moderates courses for teachers. She holds a diploma in educational technologies (FLACSO), and is working on a research paper on the topic (UTN).

Ana Verdelli is a graduate Teacher of English

from ISP J. V. González, currently working on her Licenciatura thesis (UNL) and attending the postgraduate course Especialización en Gestión de Lenguas (UNTREF). She teaches primary, secondary and tertiary levels. She has been assistant teacher in Introduction to Linguistics at J. V. González since 2009.

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Paper 17. Teacher Development: The Socialization of Teaching Practices As a Self-Improvement Tool – Our Personal Experience Drawing on our experience in relation to the challenges connected with the production of academic pieces and the presentation of such work at teacher conferences, this paper aims at describing the process we went through to evolve from a form of teacher development deeply rooted in the development of knowledge base connected with the subject taught into a form that emphasizes an all-embracing approach to professional practices that transcend the classroom walls.

Paper 18. Las representaciones Socio-Lingüísticas en la escuela primaria. Un estudio de caso. El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de las percepciones lingüísticas de alumnos de 4to y 5to grado de la Escuela Primaria. Estas percepciones son enriquecidas por el encuentro con una lengua extranjera a partir de 4to grado. A su vez, se indaga sobre la relación que puede existir entre estas percepciones con el desarrollo de la sensibilidad intercultural.

Paper 19. Enseñar Inglés en la Escuela Secundaria Hoy Esta presentación describe y analiza el proceso de construcción e implementación de una Unidad Didáctica por parte de un grupo de practicantes de 4to año del ISFD Nº 88, P. Freire, La Matanza. Para el proyecto, se utilizaron temas de la realidad escolar juvenil actual con un doble objetivo: desarrollar la competencia comunicativa de los alumnos y despertar la conciencia sobre ciertos valores esenciales que hacen al ser humano.

Graciela Yugdar Tófalo holds a Master of Arts in Education from East Carolina University. She is a former VIF teacher, now working at Autonomous University of Entre Ríos, where she lectures on English Language IV. She is also the head of English I & II at Universitad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Paraná. She has been working on the development of academic writing skills since 2004, tutoring the production of students’ research papers and academic pieces. Ma. Alejandra Menis holds a Master of Arts in Foreign Language Acquisition from León University, Spain. She is now working as an adjunct professor at Autonomous University of Entre Ríos (UADER) where she lectures on English Language I & IV. She has been tutoring students in academic writing, supervising their production of research papers and academic compositions. She is also working at National University of Entre Ríos (UNER) where she is in charge of courses aimed at developing students’ reading comprehension skills. Silvana Garófalo (APIBA Member) es Profesora de inglés (ISP J.V. Gónzalez). Especialista en Didáctica Específica (ISP J.V. González). Licencianda en Inglés con Orientación en Lingüística (UNL). Docente de los profesorados: ISP JVG, ISFD Nº100 Avellaneda, ISFD Nº18 Banfield. Profesora de cursos de ESP-EAP en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Miembro de equipos de investigación DES e INFD. Ingrid Sühring (APIBA Member) es profesora de inglés, Inst. Pbro. Antonio Sáenz. Licencianda en Inglés (UNL) y en Gestión (UNLa), Profesora ISFD y T N° 35 Monte Grande y ISFD N°41 Alte. Brown. Directora de Bridge School of English. Miembro de equipo de investigación DES e INFOD. Efrain Davis (APIBA Member) es Profesor Supe-

rior de Inglés. MA en Inglés como Segunda Lengua/Lengua Extranjera. Investigador Categoría 1 (CONEAU). Profesor Titular UTN, UN de La Matanza. Formador de Formadores ISFD Pablo Freire, Matanza. Evaluador de Carrera Docente; artículos; trabajos de investigación, etc.Conferencista nacional e internacional. Autor de libros y trabajos de investigación.

In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 23

Adhesión Asociación Santafesina de Profesores de Inglés San Martín 1540 – 3000 – Santa Fe Tel. (0342)459-9031 E-mail: info@aspisantafe.org.ar www.aspisantafe.org.ar

ABSTRACTS & BIODATAS Workshop 01. Developing a Team of Teacher Educators at ENSLV ‘Sofía E. B. de Spangenberg’ Following in Ana Armendáriz’s Footsteps This workshop will lead attendees through the practice component of the EFL teacher education programme at ENSLV Spangenberg. The structure of the programme will be described and examples from practice will be provided. We will attempt to show how team work is developed by the group of teachers so as to scaffold the transformation of future teachers into owners of their professional growth who are open to change and willing to view obstacles as challenges. Authors: Myriam Abalos, Nora Alvarez, Mady Casco, Rita Faré, Mónica Gandolfo and Perla Reidel

contents schedule

Myriam Ábalos is a Teacher Educator and

TCPD Coordinator (Trayecto de Construcción de la Práctica Docente) at ENSLV “Sofía E. B. de Spangenberg”. She graduated at INSP ‘Joaquín V. González’ and specialized in Methodology II with Ana María Armendáriz. She got a BA in Education from UVQ and followed a postgraduate course in “Especialización en Nuevas Infancias Juventudes” at UNSAM.

Mónica Gandolfo (APIBA Member) has been

a lecturer in the area of teaching practice for over 25 years. She has also lectured extensively on methodological issues and has co-authored several course-books. Her main interests are the teaching of English in disadvantaged contexts and the study of lexis-related issues in comprehension and production.

Mady Casco Workshop 02. PLNs (Personal Learning Networks) for Teacher Development In this session, participants will be invited to consider ways in which they can take control and manage their own learning of ICT Skills by working cooperatively with colleagues, either in their school contexts or through online communities of educators. They will learn about a wealth of free internet resources which can be used for building up a model of continuous professional self-development through teacher collaboration.

Cecilia Cicolini (APIBA Member) graduated

from INSP “Joaquin V. González”. Holds an MA in Education, University of East Anglia, UK. Director at NETWORK English Language Teaching. Lecturer in Language and Culture 1 at ISFD 11, Lanús. Teacher trainer. APIBA e-TL SIG Co-coordinator.

Author: Cecilia Cicolini and Paula Lombardo Workshop 03. Knowledge Management and Wikis for Learner Autonomy Knowledge Management is a relatively new discipline for different types of organization. In the seminar, the concept of Knowledge Management will be explained. Participants will work together in activities to understand and put into practice Knowledge Management plans for different types of classes to foster learner autonomy. Several examples of Wikis for different types of classes will be shown. Teachers will work together to think about different alternatives to use Wikis as knowledge-sharing devices in ELT.

Carlos Galizzi (APIBA Member) is a graduate teacher from INSP “Dr. J. V. González”. He has been a teacher trainer at the “Program for teacher development”, Universidad de Belgrano. He has obtained a Diploma in “Management and Leadership of the Education System and its Institutions” at FLACSO Argentina. He has taught, coordinated courses and done research in ELT for 20 years. He has specialised in Methodology at Joaquín V. González.

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schedule contents

Workshop 04. Third Generation Tests

Cristina Magno es Profesora de inglés (INSP

Even if testing of EFL has been subject to change according to different teaching approaches, teachers constantly face the difficult task of checking their learners’ progress. At present, more integrative tests such as Third Generation Tests focus on contextualized communicative abilities whereby learners do not produce readymade expected answers. Testing is no longer a way to confirm linguistic knowledge but a way to confirm learners’ ability to create and understand meaning in context.

María Isabel Hoffmann es Profesora de in-

Workshop 05. Storytelling in the EFL Classroom In this workshop, we will experience the art of Storytelling in an EFL situation and its impact on language learning. We will explore Jerome Bruner’s Narrative Thinking Mode and its connection to the techniques applied when telling a story in an EFL classroom. We will work with concrete tools such as the use of body posture, facial expression, voice, rhythm and pace, use of silence, spatial orientation and choice of words as a means to transfer imagery.

Workshop 06. “What Method? No Method” Revisited Elements of learning, teaching, and teacher education in the field of teaching foreign languages are indeed interconnected in ways that may not be readily apparent. Traditional language teaching methods may be classified into three broad categories: Languagecentered, learner-centered, and learning-centered but the purpose of this workshop is to deconstruct the concept of method, analyse the current antimethod sentiments and describe the emerging postmethod era. As Ana used to say in the 90s “What method? No method”.

J. V. González), licenciada en inglés (UNL) y Magíster en Ligüística Aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés como LE (Univ. de Jaén). Es investigadora docente de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento donde coordina los cursos curriculares de lectocomprensión en inglés. glés graduada del INSP JV González, licenciada en inglés en la UNL y Magister en LAEILE en la Universidad de Jaén, España. Desarrolla actividades áulicas en colegios secundarios, en terciario en ENS en Lenguas Vivas S. B. de Spangenberg e universitarios de lectocomprensión en la UNGS.

Fabiana Parano (APIBA Member) is an English Teacher and a Storyteller.She teaches Storytelling in the Classroom at IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” and at CePA (Escuela de Capacitación Docente, Gob. de la Ciudad). She is also a teacher of Pensamiento Narrador 1 at Escuela de Narración Oral Ana Bovo.

Gustavo Paz (APIBA Member) holds a Post-

graduate Diploma (University of Reading, UK) and a university degree in Education (UNQ). He is an English Translator (“Universidad de Buenos Aires”) and a Teacher of English (“Dr. Joaquín V. González”). He is a tenured lecturer in “Didáctica Específica” at ISP “Joaquín V. González” and ISP “Sagrado Corazón”. He has co-authored the curriculum for secondary education (Buenos Aires Province) and the book Construyendo puentes hacia otras lenguas (La Crujía).

In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 27

Esmeralda 672 7º (C1007ABF) Buenos Aires Tel: (5411) 4322-2480 Fax: (5411) 4322-9203 centre@essarp.org.ar • exams@essarp.org.ar • www.essarp.org.ar

Desde 1992, enseñando inglés con calidad, vocación y profesionalismo. www.networkinstitute.com.ar Sede Avellaneda: Entre Ríos 265 T.E. 4228-4900 Sede Lanús: Avda Máximo Paz 783 T.E. 3221-3505 info@networkinstitute.com.ar

Próximos encuentros Sáb 10 Nov: - Juanita Pochet Cala, Poeta cubana - Presentación libro “Poeta” Sáb 24 Nov: - Osvaldo Bayer, Escritor, periodista e historiador sobre “¿Qué nos pasa a los argentinos?, héroes y antihéroes” - Prof. Graciela Susana Puente, presentación de su 52° libro “Salir volviendo” - Prof. Liliana Mora: Reconocimento 25° Aniversario Instituto Superior Villasoles (LSA) 17,30 horas Restó “La Aurora del Tango”, Av.Corrientes 3600, C.A.B.A. Entrada gratuita Será un gusto recibirlos. Angel Kandel cafeconletras2002@gmail.com


contents schedule

PP01. APIBA Young Learners SIG Poster We would like to share with the audience the different ways in which we have empowered and enriched our daily practice by taking an active part and getting involved in the APIBA Young Learners SIG: the different topics we have dealt with during the year, the tools and materials we have used to foster reflection, the special guests we have had and our plans for next meetings. We believe it would be a great opportunity to share everything we have learnt from each other and invite teachers and students to join us! PP02. APIBA Literature SIG Poster This poster shows what we have done so far. As you can see we started discussing Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children (our summer reading) to close the work we did last year. Then we chose to delve into detective fiction and for that purpose we started reading Edgar Allan Poe’s stories. PP03. APIBA e-TL (e-Teaching and Learning) SIG Poster APIBA e-TL SIG (the Special Interest Group on Learning Technologies) is a forum where members share their ICT Skills and their experience using learning technologies in the class in order to enhance our teaching practice and professional development. In this presentation, SIG members will share information on the goals of our SIG, the topics we have been discussing and how our virtual meetings are held. Join us in this space of collaborative learning! PP04. APIBA Professional Issues SIG Poster SIG Professional Issues is a space for research and reflection. We tackle matters that are not often discussed in professional contexts: teachers’ rights, sick-leaves, voice problems, formal and informal employment, access to tenures, etc. As we welcome the participation of experts in areas beyond the pedagogical ones, our SIG is carried out in Spanish. PP05. APIBA Methodology SIG Poster Exploring methods and approaches in language teaching. We will be sharing our findings, views and reflections on CLIL. Can content and language be included in different local teaching contexts in various degrees? PP06. APIBA Language and Phonology SIG Poster This poster shows three of our most relevant segments: the How-Do-You-Say? Spot, where we focus on curiosities of the language and on the English equivalents for Spanish words and expressions not usually found in dictionaries; the Phonology Segment, where we discuss different aspects of phonology and how to help students improve pronunciation; and the Cultural Awareness Segment, in which we compare and contrast the English and the Argentinian cultures. 30 | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz

schedule contents


PP07. ART in ESL How I implemented a project of art in my classroom to enhance motivation and to introduce different ways of using the language in creative activities. I will talk about the different steps I followed in the project with my students and how I will continue. PP08. Re-thinking Modeling, Repetition, Imitation . . . : Insights from Theory and Practice The aim of this poster is to promote reflection on the understanding of some terms typically used in our ELT practice so as to discover important distinctions in terms of their theoretical assumptions and practical implications. We will concentrate on different forms of teacher intervention that support the language development of our students. Specifically, we will deal with different conceptualizations of modelling that can have profoundly different outcomes.

In Memoriam of Prof. Ana MarĂ­a ArmendĂĄriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 31


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Graciela C. Moyano Ma. Cristina Thomson Storytelling Children’s Literature Reading Groups Workshops in Alto Palermo Contact:wordwrights@yahoo.com

ADHESIÓN SUSANA GULLCO GROISMAN reading group facilitator sugroisman@fibertel.com.ar

Ester Kandel

Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación Especialidad en Psicopedagogía Psicóloga Social Magíster en Ciencias Sociales del Trabajo (UBA)

4584-3021 kandelester@gmail.com



Main Sponsors

The following organisations have provided special support to the APIBA Annual Seminar:

The following organisations are supporting the APIBA Annual Seminar:

Special thanks to:

In Memoriam of Prof. Ana María Armendáriz | APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2012 | 39

APIBA Annual Seminar 2012 In Memoriam of Prof. Ana MarĂ­a ArmendĂĄriz Saturday, October 27 Universidad de Belgrano Zabala 1837, C.A.B.A.

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