Issue 10, June 2001
Table of Contents
From the President The highlight of the first half of the year was the Jornadas de Iniciación al Campo Laboral y Académico about which you can read more on this page. It is important to mention that the inspiration of Graciela Moyano conceived this idea and her hard-work and perseverance made it possible. Thank you, Graciela! We hope that this event will become a regular feature of APIBA’s activities as the advanced students and recent graduates present at the event showed a great interest in the information shared and the points clarified by the panelists. All our energies are now focused on the FAAPI 2001 Conference. As you will learn from this Newsletter, we have a host of activities prepared for all participants, including Pre-Conference events, renowned guest speakers, opportunities to see plays, an exclusive showing of the PBS series “The Human Language”, and many other surprises that are being prepared at present. As you can tell from the listing in this Newsletter, APIBA has acquired a considerable number of new members. These, together with those existing members who have once again become active by paying their dues, are a great incentive to us all. We hope that this is not a passing interest brought on by the forthcoming Conference and that these members will become actively involved in the Association. One opportunity for such involvement is the Annual General Meeting that will take place after the FAAPI Conference. At the AGM, all participating members will learn about the activities carried out within the Association in the past year, and will be able to voice their interests, suggestions and other comments. It will also be an opportunity for those interested in participating more actively to join the Executive Committee. This time seven positions within the Executive Committee will be up for grabs, so get involved and get elected!
Dr. Cristina Banfi
Jornadas de Iniciación This event was held on May 5, at the E.N.S en LV “J. F. Kennedy”. The discussion centred around matters concerning further training and working conditions of teachers, an area usually overlooked in training courses. The speakers included Dr. María Teresa Viñas Urquiza, Prof. Beatriz Seveso, Prof. María Rosa Mariani, Prof. Silvia Luppi, Ms. Lía Romero and Prof. Graciela C. Moyano.They touched on issues related to the legal rights and duties of language teachers, how to join the state education system in the city of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires, the public school sector and oppportunities for professional development. The audience participated very actively asking the most varied questions of all panel members. This showed not only the interest in the topics proposed, but also the responsible concern that students show for their future profession. A summary of the presentations has been included in APIBA’s website, in the events section. There you will also find pictures of the panellists and distinguished audience. This is a perfect excuse to visit other sections of our “events” section, including pictures of APIBA’s 2000 annual toast: a beer bash at the Three Lions pub. Efforts have been made to include pictures which do not embarrass our members, who on that night substituted pints of Guinness for green pens and uncorrected student writings. A most enlightening “state of the bar” exhibition!
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From the President APIBA new members Jornadas de Iniciación FAAPI 2001update FAAPI 2001 APIBA scholarships APIBA SIGs APIBA website updates Still Crystal clear Phonetics seminar in Chile
Thank you! APIBA would like to thank: • ENS en Lenguas Vivas "J. F. Kennedy", for offering their premises for APIBA events • Speakers at the Jornadas de Iniciación Laboral: Dr. María Teresa Viñas Urquiza, Beatriz Seveso, María Rosa Mariani, Silvia Luppi, Lía Romero, Viviana Mysliscki and Graciela C. Moyano • Librería Rodríguez and Librería KEL for offering their premises for APIBA’s work and FAAPI 2001 organization
Office Hours Please note APIBA’s office hours. APIBA Office: M.T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL Ediciones), Wed. 2pm to 6pm Conference Office: Sarmiento 835 - 1st floor (Librería Rodríguez), Tues. & Thurs. 10.30am to 4.30pm
Crystal for the masses Our first batch of casettes with the conferences David Crystal offered last September in BA sold out. Don’t despair! We have made more copies of these two fascinating tapes. The cost for the two tapes is 10$. For information, mail us at
FAAPI 2001 UPDATE By now, only people living on a cloud or deep underground have not heard about the FAAPI 2001 Annual Conference, which is being organized by APIBA and will take place at Universidad Católica Argentina (Alicia Moreau de Justo 1300, Buenos Aires) from September 20th to 22nd. You’ve got to be there! Here is a preview of what will be seen at the conference, just to whet your appetite.
Confirmed plenarists An intellectual feast! Ron White will be delivering a plenary session on Globalisation in ELT. Dr Robert Phillipson will deliver a video conference, in which Ana María Armendáriz will act as respondent. Dr. Cristina Elgue de Martini, Dr. Brian Tomlinson, Dr. Pascual Masullo and Dr. Peter Hargreaves will also present plenary sessions. The icing on the cake will be a panel in which Claudia Moi, Silvia Stagnaro, Daniel Reznik and Dr. E. de Martini will debate on the past, present and future of ELT in their areas of expertise. Stay tuned for updates on panellists and confirmed speakers. Be there or be square!
Preconference events Nothing to do on Wednesday 19th? How about attending one of our pre-conference events and warming up your engines for the congress ahead of you? There will be parallel events focused on specific areas of interest. Here is a list of topics and confirmed speakers: • Management: Inés Cambiasso, Ofelia Veltri and Ron White. • Literature (in honour of Prof. Anita Monner Sans): Susana Groisman, Delia Malamud, Susana Mayorga and Claudia Moi. • Phonology (in honour of Prof. George Lewis): Roxana Basso , Zulima Molina, Lidia Soler and Nilda Zenobi • Materials Design (in honour of Prof. Susana García Posadas): Dave Allan, Brian Tomlinson, Hitomi Masuhara and, plus a panel of Argentine materials designers Registration fee for APIBA MEMBERS: $50 (if registered for FAAPI 2001 Conference before 15 August, $25). NON-MEMBERS: $60 (if registered for FAAPI 2001 Conference before 15 August, $30)
Presentations and workshops The deadline for presentations has already passed and confirmations of acceptance have not been sent yet, but the proposals received guarantee a cornucopia of stimuli, whatever your pleasure. There will be presenters from every corner of our country, as well as Brazil and the UK. Have we convinced you already?
Commercial exhibition Don’t ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for your wallet! The commercial exhibition will feature offers from publishers, educational agencies, theatre groups, publications, universities and examination boards. Whatever you need, it will certainly be presented here. Confirmed commercial exhibitors are 37 Warren Road- Pitman Qualifications, AACI, ACME, Advice, Australia & New Zealand Travel, CUP, EF, Estari Libros, Eurocentres, IACA, Interlink Language Centre, KEL, LCCIEB, Learning Centre Institute, Lenguas Educational Counseling, Macmillan, Netizen, Nile, OUP, Pearson, Rodriguez, Santillana, SBS, Scholastic, The Buenos Aires Players, The Queensland University, Thomson Learning, UCA, UCLES, VIC, Yenny... and more names are being added to the list every day!
Things to see, places to do… Boring evenings? Not during the congress! Watch out for the Congress dinner (strictly evening dresses and tailcoats, no children or pets allowed), the cocktail, our program of theatre plays and entertainment… book your babysitter ahead, as there is bound to be a shortage! Lunch breaks too long? Do not miss exhibitions of the film series “The Human Language”. Homesick? Surf the Internet and check your email at the computers provided by Netizen. Craving for a read? Participants will get free access to AACI libraries during the congress.
But I do not live in BA! APIBA offers 3 scholarships for members living more than 200 km away from BA, which will cover a return bus fare to their hometowns and 150 pesos towards accommodation. More about it on this same page!
But I do not even live in the province! Do not panic! LAPA has offered a 15% discount on air fares between September 17th and 24th. APIBA has also offered all FAAPI member associations two scholarships covering conference enrolment, so ask at your local teacher association about how to get one of them!
Say no more! Sign me up! To enrol, come to our offices in office hours (check page 1), or get an enrollment form from our website ( and fill it in (you can deposit the money at any branch of Banco Francés). Remember that until June 30 enrolment is only 90$ (students/ members of FAAPI associations) and 120$ (non-members). Why wait? Pay now and save!
Di$count$ for APIBA Member$!!! •
The British Arts Centre (BAC) offers a 50% discount on their play tickets for all APIBA members, and a 25% global discount for groups of students accompanied by an APIBA member. • The National Resources Centre and AACI’s General English Library offer 25% discounts on memberships for all APIBA members To claim these benefits all you need to do is bring along your APIBA membership card and your receipt for the current year.
APIBA SIGs: still cruisin’ All our SIGs are continuing to provide a space for professional growth and reflection. Why not join them? Attendance is free for APIBA members, and 10$ for non members. To get a timetable, please send an email to or visit the SIGs section on APIBA’s website.
AGM APIBA’s Annual General Meeting will take place during FAAPI’s congress, at the UCA premises. It will be on September 22 at 17 hs. With our next newsletter you will receive the “Convocatoria de Asamblea”. Seven committee positions will be renewed: a perfect opportunity for those who want to get involved more closely with the association (and give us at the committee a well-deserved holiday!).
FAAPI 2001 scholarships APIBA represents graduate teachers of English from the city of Buenos Aires and the province, with the exception of places which have their own teacher associations (namely, Bahía Blanca and San Nicolás). In an effort to reach out towards members who live far away from the city of Buenos Aires, and in the tradition of our FAAPI 2001 Conference scholarship (awarded to APIBA member Mónica Cuello), we are offering 3 of our members a return bus fare to the city of Buenos Aires and 150$ towards accommodation, plus free registration to the FAAPI 2001Conference. To apply for these scholarships, you need to be a paid-up member of APIBA (have your dues up to date) and live more than 200 kms away from the city of Buenos Aires. Send a CV and letter of application to our offices, or to our email address (
APIBA new members: it keeps growing, and growing, and… Our goal is (language teaching) world domination! The following teachers have joined the proud hosts of APIBA. We are very happy to receive them, and hope to see you at all our activities: Mariana Speziali, Margarita Broqua, Paula Altavilla, Verónica Dall'Ospedale, Estela Zatuszek, Silvia Gagliardi, Lorena Muzzicato, Analía Verónica Sallakian, Daniela Forquera, Liliana Arana, Anne Jordan de Samman, Silvia José Gagliardi, Patricia Gómez, Claudia Naom de Berdi, Blanca Esmerita Melgarejo, Sofía Teresa Costa, Liliana Martínez, Luciana Hernández de Castricini, Mariana Dayan, Flavia Zoratti, Margot Squarzon, Silvia Cañete, Marcela Malpiedi, María del Rosario Alonso, Adriana Mabel Orozco, Carolina Fraga
Will Chechu Bolocco be there?
Coordinators and members of the Phonetics SIG inform us that there are still vacancies for the 10th Seminar on English Phonetics organized by the Phonetics Group of Chile (coordinated by Prof. Ortiz Lira). Dr. John Wells (as in “John Wells, the guy who wrote the phonetics dictionary everybody who is anybody needs to have”) will be the guest speaker. If you feel like crossing the Andes to Santiago de Chile between July 18 and 20, visit for information (deadline for presentation of papers: June 30) Comisión Directiva de APIBA - 2000-2001 Presidente
Dra. Cristina S. Banfi
Vice-Presidente & Secretaria de Actas
Prof. Stella Ugarte
Prof. Silvia Iummato
Prof. Silvia Rettaroli
Prof. Sandra Revale
Vocal Titular 1ra & Coordinadora de SIGs
Prof. Analía Kandel
Vocal Titular 2do & Editor de la Newsletter
Prof. Pablo Toledo
Vocal Suplente 1ra
Prof. Valeria Artigue
Vocal Suplente 2da
Prof. Laura Renart
MEMBERSHIP FORM 2001 (Please feel free to make copies) From APIBA Statutes: Artículo 5º.- De los Asociados.- Se establece una sola categoría de socios. Estos deberán poseer título docente en la especialidad, expedido por: a) las Universidades nacionales, provinciales o privadas; b) los Institutos Superiores del Profesorado nacionales, provinciales o privados.- En todos los casos los títulos deberán ser los reconocidos por el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación para la impartición de la asignatura en las escuelas nacionales.- Son requisitos para ser socio de esta Asociación: 1º.- Que la solicitud haya sido aceptada por la Comisión Directiva de la Asociación. 2º.- Que el socio abone regularmente la cuota mensual1 que determina la asamblea. 1 La cuota de APIBA se abona anualmente. Ver monto al pie.
I would like to (re-)apply for membership of the Association of Teachers of English of Buenos Aires Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ I.D. Number (DNI/LE/LC): ____________________________________________________________________ Address: Street / No: _______________________________________________________________________ Town: _________________________________________________ Post Code: _________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________ Fax Number: _________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Degree: _______________________ Awarded by: __________________________________ Year: ___________ Work at: ______________________________________________ Position: ______________________________ Please tick [ ] and complete as appropriate: 1) I am already a Member of APIBA
Members need only pay outstanding dues from to the present as APIBA declared a Moratorium on dues not paid before 1999.
2) I am applying for Membership of APIBA for the first time
New members have to pay dues for the current year, submit a photocopy of their degree and two passport-sized photographs. These can be submitted by hand to any Executive Committee member or posted to the APIBA office. Remember that this is an initial step and that the application procedure is concluded when all the material is submitted and once the APIBA Committee have accepted the application.
1999 Dues ($50) 2000 Dues ($50) 2001 Dues After April 30th Voluntary Contribution TOTAL AMOUNT
$______ $______ $______ $______ _________________ $______
Send/Bring cash or a cheque to the APIBA Office: M.T. de Alvear 1369 (Kel Ediciones), (1058) Capital Federal. Or deposit total amount at any branch of Banco Francés, account numbers: Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318/2 or Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2 By signing below you affirm that you have read APIBA Statutes and agree to be bound by them. Date: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ IMPORTANT: Please write your full name on your deposit slip and fax it to (011) 4326-3927 (Librería Rodríguez) together with this membership form.