APIBA Newsletter N°22 - March 2005

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Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires Asociación Civil sin Fines de Lucro Personería Jurídica c.7111 Res. 8524/79 CUIT 30-66211994-2

Newsletter 22 M a r c h

From the President

A new academic year is about to start and our executive committee is already energetically working on several projects for this busy year. Among other things, we have set ourselves the goal of organising events in different Teacher Training Colleges in the Province on Buenos Aires so as to make APIBA known outside our city and eventually attract new teachers to become members of the Association. Let’s go over some of the dates we have already set in our calendar so that you can start planning ahead. Our first activity this year, Words Alive: stories for Everyone in the Foreign Language Classroom, will be held on April 23. There will be a plenary and two workshops in the morning, followed by the opening of the SIGS in the afternoon. We are working towards providing a snack on the premises while we browse through new materials in the exhibition. We hope many of you can join us in these activities and, why not, become a member of one of the study groups. Next, we will be having the second APIBA SIGS’ Symposium on June 11. This will be an occasion for getting to know what our colleagues have been working on and to learn about the latest developments in various fields of study. Do start thinking of your abstract: the deadline for presenting proposals is May 6. APIBA’S traditional Annual Seminar will take place this year on October 15 and 16, together with the SIGS Closing Event and our Annual General Meeting. So this is a very important date to remember and mark in your diaries. Finally, our usual reminder: APIBA is a professional association of English teachers, a group of professionals working towards a shared goal. Thus, APIBA is what its members make of it. APIBA needs increased participation from its members in its different activities. If you want to make any suggestions or proposals on how we can improve our activities and services, please get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all at APIBA events.

Prof. Sandra Revale

Special thanks tto o Alejandr a JJor or ge Alejandra org Alejandra has been APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer for the 20032004 period. She has worked hard to help keep the spirit of APIBA SIGs alive, and has excelled at it. The work of a Liaison Officer is rarely acknowledged, as most coordination is - much timekeeping, reminding of deadlines and report writing is involved, but all that in the spirit of service to the APIBA community and with much sacrifice of much-needed personal time. Alejandra´s job was excellent, and this Committee thanks her warmly. Now, she continues helping the Association as an active member of our Communications committee.

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Table o off content contentss • • • •

From the President Thanks to Alejandra Jorge Code of Ethics Discounts for members

O f f i c e

H o u r s

Remember our office hours: √ MONDAYS 10.30-12.30 (Lib. Rodríguez; Sarmiento 835) √ WEDNESDAYS 10.30-12.30 (Lib. KEL; M.T. de Alvear 1369)

Di$count$ for Members • British Arts Centre (BAC) offers a 50% discount on their play tickets, and a 25% global discount for groups of students accompanied by an APIBA member. • The National Resources Centre and AACI’s General English Library offer 25% discounts on memberships • Julia Bowland's Escuela de Radio y Comunicación offers a 20% discount on all regular courses. Information available from www.bowland.com.ar To claim these benefits, bring along your membership card and your receipt for the current year.

Code o thics off E Ethics The Ethics sub-committee is currently working on the writing of the Code of Ethics. This much-needed document will regulate professional conduct for all members. APIBA asks all its members to send their opinion on the current draft, so that it will reflect the opinions and views of all our members. Please send your views to info@apiba.org.ar no later than April 30

Don´t miss the fir st seminar o ear! first off the yyear! A double bill:

Words alive: stories for everyone in the foreign language classroom &

2005 SIGs Opening Event Date: April 23 Time: 9 - 16:30 Venue: to be confirmed We´ll keep you posted!!

Coming up... SIGs Symposium 2005 Just as it did on 2003, the APIBA SIGs Symposium showcases the best of the work carried out by the members of our Special Interest Groups. All members should bookmark this event and make sure to attend. This is where you get to find out what they have been talking about in all those meetings you would like to attend but are too busy to! SIG members and coordinators are already working on projects that will, once again, surprise, intrigue and educate all of us. If you would like to join them and take part in the final steps of their projects, now´s the time! You needn´t be a SIG member to submit your proposals! If you would like to deliver a presentation or session at the Symposium, contact the organizing committee at info@apiba.org.ar. The Symposium will take place on June 11, from 9 to 13 (venue to be confirmed). More news on our next newsletter!

FAAPI Annual Conference 2005 Towards the Knowledge Society: making EFL education relevant This year will mark FAAPI's 30th Conference, to be held in Santa Fe on September 22 through 24. FAAPI´s Annual Conference is the keynote event in Argentine ELT. The Call for Papers is now open, so we strongly encourage our members to submit their proposals and join this national forum for the exchange of ideas, research and professional experiences. Also, those who like to plan ahead can enroll now and profit from the early bird discounts! Information on the event, the call for papers and enrolment forms are available at www.aspisantafe.org

MEMBERSHIP FORM 2005 (Please feel free to make copies) From APIBA Statutes: Artículo 5º.- De los Asociados.- Se establece una sola categoría de socios. Estos deberán poseer título docente en la especialidad, expedido por: a) las Universidades nacionales, provinciales o privadas; b) los Institutos Superiores del Profesorado nacionales, provinciales o privados.- En todos los casos los títulos deberán ser los reconocidos por el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación para la impartición de la asignatura en las escuelas nacionales.- Son requisitos para ser socio de esta Asociación: 1º.- Que la solicitud haya sido aceptada por la Comisión Directiva de la Asociación. 2º.- Que el socio abone regularmente la cuota mensual1 que determina la asamblea. 1

La cuota de APIBA se abona anualmente. Ver monto al pie.

I would like to (re-)apply for membership of the Association of Teachers of English of Buenos Aires Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.D. Number (DNI/LE/LC): _____________________________________________________________ Address: Street / No: _______________________________________________________________ Town: _________________________________________

Post Code: _________________

Telephone Number: ______________________ Fax Number: ______________________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Degree: _________________ Awarded by: ________________________________ Year: __________ Work at: ________________________________________ Position: __________________________ How did you learn about APIBA?: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tick [ v] and complete as appropriate: 1) I am already a Member of APIBA



Members need only pay outstanding dues from 2001 to the present as APIBA declared a Moratorium on unpaid dues up until and including 2000. 2) I am applying for Membership of APIBA for the first time



New members have to pay dues for the current year, submit a photocopy of their degree and two passport-sized photographs. These can be submitted by hand to any Executive Committee member or mailed to the APIBA office. Remember that this is an initial step and that the application procedure is concluded when all the material is submitted and once the APIBA Committee have accepted the application.

2001 Dues ($50) 2002 Dues ($50) 2003 Dues ($50) 2004 Dues ($50) 2005 Dues Before April 30th, 2005 ($30) After April 30th, 2005 ($50)! Voluntary Contribution TOTAL AMOUNT

$______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ _________________ $______

Send/Bring cash or a cheque to the APIBA Office: M.T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL S.A.), C1058AAU Ciudad de Buenos Aires (please enquire about office hours) or deposit total amount at any branch of Banco Francés, Cuenta Corriente Especial en pesos 017-041719/2. IMPORTANT: Please write your full name on your deposit slip in BLOCK CAPITALS and fax it to (011) 4326-3927 with this form. By signing below you affirm that you have read APIBA Statutes and agree to be bound by them. Date: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ For information about APIBA: E-mail: info@apiba.org.ar Web: www.apiba.org.ar Tel/fax (011) 4326-3927 (Librería Rodríguez) ! except new members who pay $30 all the year round.

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