Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires
Asociación Civil sin Fines de Lucro – Personería Jurídica c.7111 Res. 8524/79 – CUIT: 30-66211994-2
November 1998
Issue 3 In this issue FAAPI Bahía Blanca – APIBA Seminar – Shakespeare Conference Call for Papers for 1999 – Postgraduate Courses – A Winning CV End-of-Year Toast – How can I pay my dues? – Membership Form
FAAPI Bahía Blanca The Second FAAPI Congress organised by the Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Bahía Blanca was held September 24-26 last. The academic event, which opened under the motto “The Challenges of Globalization for TEFL,” proved highly successful thanks to the dedication of its organisers who went out of their way to make everybody feel at home. 700 EFL teachers had the opportunity to listen to guest speakers such as Jane Revell, Alan Pulverness, Oriel Villagarcía, Philip Prowse, Richard Rossner, Mike Potter, Rosalyn Hurst, Ana Ma. Armendáriz, Silvia Luppi, Silvia Rettaroli, Marty Eayrs, Bill Bowler, Nick Saville, Amanda Cant, Efrain Davies, María Rosa Mariani and Diana Hicks, who addressed the three main topic areas, NLP, ESP and Applied Linguistics in plenary and semi-plenary sessions.
FAAPI Web Site
Colleagues also had the opportunity of choosing from among 50 smaller discussion groups offered in the form of workshops/presentations and coordinated by both Argentine and foreign experts in ELT. An intensive and fruitful experience, the conference allowed participants from all over the country a much needed time to reflect, exchange points of view and renew professional acquaintances. Two unavoidable circumstances slightly marred the FAAPI event this year. Firstly, the need to restrict the number of attendees due to the scarcity of accommodation in the city of Bahía Blanca and environs. Secondly, the fierce storm which broke out Friday and Saturday and which proved a disaster for people who had to arrive in or leave Bahía Blanca on those days. Yet, in spite of these inconveniences, it can still be claimed that “FAAPI 98 fue una fiesta.”
APIBA Seminar On October 3rd the APIBA Annual Seminar was held at IES en Lenguas Vivas ‘J.R. Fernandez’. As had been announced in Newsletter 2, the subject was Language: different perspectives. The lecturers in the morning were Alfredo Jaeger, who talked about The Language of Newspapers and Fernando Lasala who discussed issues concerning Testing.
APIBA Office
Both lectures were very enriching as well as enlightening. In the afternoon Miriam Hughes gave an interesting talk about Working with the Video in the Language Class. It was a very profitable seminar and we thank the lecturers and participants for this. It was also very well attended which contributed to the rather depleted APIBA funds.
M.T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL S.A.) 1058 Capital Federal Tel: 813-6884
Office hours Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9.30 to 12.30
New APIBA Committe Following the elections that took place at the AGM after the Annual Seminar on October 3, 1998, the new APIBA Committee is now consists of the following members:
President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Ordinary Members
Beatriz Tosso Mirta D’Alessio Rita Faré de Garrido Stella M. S. de Ugarte Susana Masoero Ma. Teresa Stringa Cristina Banfi
Shakespeare Conference An important event for next year’s calendar is in the process of being organised. Venue: Joaquín V. González Rivadavia 3577 1st floor Fax: 863-3905 Tel.: 863-3916/863-1299/ 863-5933
Organisers: Susana Marchetti & Susana Groisman Date:
September 1999
Call for Papers - “The Future of Teacher Education” A Call for Papers is open for a special APIBA event to be held in April 1999 The meeting will host round-tables and presentations on the subject “The Future of Teacher Education”. In the light of the reform that the education system as a whole is undergoing, and in particular with reference to the education of teachers of English, it is of crucial importance that all issues connected with this matter be discussed and analysed in depth.
What is it about? APIBA will provide this forum to all those interested in presenting their research and ideas in this area. Papers in the areas of curricular design, specific content areas, alternative approaches, specific methodologies, for example, will be most welcome (this is not an exhaustive list of areas).
How can I participate? Two copies of an anonymous abstract (200-300 words) should be sent together with a card with the presenter’s name, contact details and brief biographical information (50100 words). Joint presentations are also welcome. The envelope should be labelled “The Future of Teacher Education” and sent to APIBA office.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 5 March, 1999. Conference date: 23 – 24 April, 1999
Accreditation of Postgraduate Courses Decree N° 1746 of 16 September 1998 of the Government if the city of Buenos Aires has made it possible for credits to be awarded to people undertaking postgraduate courses organised by universities and colleges in Buenos Aires. The Comisión Permanente de Anexo de Títulos y Cursos de Capacitación y Perfeccionamiento Docente will award up to six credits for postgraduate courses. This decree follows a presentation concerning this matter on behalf of Instituto Superior del Profesorado ‘J.V.González’; Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Instituto del Profesorado del Consejo Superior de Educación Católica. This includes the courses towards the Maestría en Ciencias del Lenguaje taught at ISP ‘J.V. González’.
How to Write A Winning CV Have you ever sat in front of a blank computer screen wondering how to write your CV? Have you ever asked yourself how you can make your CV stand out from a pile of others? Do you want to learn how to organise the information in your CV more effectively?
If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions, this is the workshop for you! Through concrete examples you will learn what to do (and not to do) when embarking on CV design. Bring all your questions and ideas!
Event Details
Sponsors: APIBA and INSPT/UTN Fee: $15 (APIBA Members/INSPT Students), $30 (Non-Members) Presenter: Cristina Banfi Date: April 17, 1999 Time: 9 to 12 Venue: INSPT/UTN Triunvirato 3174, Capital Federal Enrolment: Bedelía
End-of-Year Toast All Members are invited to the traditional End-of-Year Toast. Venue: I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas ‘J.R. Fernández’, Carlos Pellegrini 1455, Capital. Date: 17 December, 1998 Time: 7 p.m. 4th year students who want to learn more about APIBA are particularly welcome RSVP: KEL (813-6884), Rita Faré de Garrido (811-8743), or
Now paying your dues is much easier! All you need to do is go to any branch of Banco Francés (ex Banco de Crédito Argentino) and ask to pay your dues into either of the following accounts:
Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318 Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2
If you pay before 30 April, 1999, you only have to pay $30. After that date, you have to pay $50. The sooner you do it the more you’ll be saving!
A.P.I.B.A. (Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires) Membership Form – 1999 (Please feel free to make copies) Name:................................................................................................................................... I.D. Number (DNI/LE/LC):.................................................................................................. Address: Street:.................................................................................................................... Town: ..........................................................
Post Code: ........................................
Telephone Number: .....................................
Fax Number:.....................................
E-mail Address:.................................................................................................................... Degree: .................................................................. Awarded by: ...................................... Work at:................................................................
Date: ....................................................
Signature: .....................................................
Before 30 April 1999 ($30) [ ]
After 30 April 1999 ($50)
[ ]
Voluntary Contribution: $ .......
Send/Bring cash or a cheque to M.T. de Alvear 1369, Capital Federal (KEL S.A.), Office Hours: Mon. Wed. & Fri. 10-12 Or take it to any branch of Banco Francés (ex Banco de Crédito Argentino) Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318 or Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2