APIBA Newsletter N° 44 - July 2012

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Newsletter No. 44 - July 2012 From the President Dear APIBA Members and e-group subscribers, We hope you have all enjoyed the winter recess and that you have re-energized to make the most of the second semester. APIBA certainly has, as you will see in this Newsletter! We have three deadlines on our doorstep: 31 July to submit a proposal for a Paper, Workshop or Poster presentation for this year’s APIBA Annual Seminar, which will pay homage to Prof. Ana María Armendáriz; to apply for APIBA First-time Speaker Scholarship; to pay your APIBA dues. Below you will also find photos of our recent events and news about our Association and new benefits for our Members and Volunteers. Read on and enjoy! Warm regards, Analía Kandel presidente@apiba.org.ar

APIBA Annual Seminar 2012 In Memoriam Prof. Ana María Armendáriz Call for Papers: deadline 31 July The APIBA Annual Seminar will bring together ELT professionals to honour Prof. Ana María Armendáriz’s legacy. Our aim is to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals as well as to pay homage to one of the leading figures in our professional field. Date: Saturday, 27 October 2012 Venue: I.S.P. Joaquin V. González, Ayacucho 632, C.A.B.A. Are you ... ●

an APIBA Member?

a Member of another FAAPI TA?

a former student, trainee, colleague or friend of Prof. Ana Maria Armendariz's?

If so, DO participate by submitting a proposal for a Paper, Workshop or Poster presentation by Tuesday July 31, 2012 Call for Papers and more information here

APIBA Unconference & Fellowship Lunch As a result of the APIBA Knowledge Socialization Programme launched last March, on 9 June APIBA held its First Unconference, with great success. Many APIBA Members and friends shared newly-acquired skills and knowledge, the results of recent / ongoing research and positive experiences of teaching English with their colleagues. You can see the Unconference Programme here

After a historic reunion on 18 May, Nora Fazio, one of APIBA’s founding Members, made a speech and received well-deserved recognition at APIBA Fellowship Lunch.

Adriana Cataraín, SBS Bookshop General Manager, and retired APIBA Honorary Members Susana Groisman, Clem Durán and Inés Cambiasso also received a token of gratitude for their unwavering support to APIBA.

See more photos HERE

Save the date! Saturday, 1 December 2nd APIBA Unconference + SIGs Closing + End-of-Year Toast

“CLIL in Education” by Darío Banegas co-organized by APIBA and Ministry of Education PBA On 8 June Darío Banegas, M.A., APIZALS Member, gave a seminar on "CLIL in Education: integrating research and practice in our context" co-organized by APIBA and Programa de Educación Plurilingüe e Intercultural Ministerio de Educación, Provincia de Buenos Aires APIBA wishes to thank Programa de Educación Plurilingüe e Intercultural Ministerio de Educación, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 100 Unidad Académica E.N.S.P.A. de Avellaneda and Darío Banegas for making this enriching professional development session possible. Special thanks to Darío Banegas for waiving his fees to support APIBA in its mission to provide quality professional development for teachers of English.

See more photos HERE

Croc in your Purse? APIBA dues 2012

2012 dues deadline: Tuesday, 31 July NOTE: Please remember to send your transfer or deposit slip to info@apiba.org.ar Otherwise, your payment cannot be recorded. Enquiries: coordinacion@apiba.org.ar

APIBA Members with their dues up to date

Thank you, Alfredo Grondona White!

FAAPI Conference 2012 (APIZALS)

Have YOU enrolled for the 2012 FAAPI Conference yet? Online registration Main Speakers - Panels - Conference Programme More information:

www.faapi2012.com.ar APIBA First-time Speaker Scholarship: FAAPI 2012 Conference APIBA awards this scholarship to encourage teachers who are first-time Conference speakers to participate in a FAAPI Annual Conference. APIBA will grant one scholarship for the FAAPI 2012 Conference, which covers the registration fee and return bus ticket for a conference speaker. Application deadline:

July 31, 2012

More information here

APIBA SIGs News In June, APIBA SIGs were honoured to have special guests!

The Language and Phonology SIG held its meeting at the first APIBA Unconference, where APIBA Member Cinthia Smith shared some interesting linguistic and cultural findings during her recent trip to the UK.

Language and Phonology SIG at work The Methodology SIG was graced with the presence of Darío Banegas M.A., who joined the SIG in their discussion about CLIL, and shared his own research into the topic and classroom experiences. Gabriela Madera, Head of a Bilingual Primary School, was invited to participate in the discussion of “Team work: The importance of creating bonds with Spanish Teachers, Coordinators, Heads and Parents”, which was held at the Young Learners’ SIG meeting. Gabriela shared her experience with SIG members from an institutional point of view.

English for the Games: CD for APIBA Members The British Council Argentina kindly offers APIBA Members its English for the Games CD (free of charge), which contains worksheets themed on the Olympics sports to be used in the classroom. Each APIBA Member can get a maximum of 5 CDs for free at any SBS store

APIBA Members’ Contributions APIBA Members Alicia Artusi, Cecilia Cicolini and Paula Lombardo created the blog ICTs in the EFL Class as a platform to share at the 9 June APIBA Unconference what they learned in a British Council course on ICTs for teachers last February, and they keep updating it! This blog features useful tools for teachers, such as virtual learning environments, personal learning networks, podcasts, vodcasts and other webtools. Congratulations and thanks! APIBA Members are welcome to send their contributions to info@apiba.org.ar Letters to the Editor - Articles - Classroom Tips & Ideas - Anecdotes - Reflections

Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members and Volunteers 1. Discounts NEW DISCOUNT! 15% discount + glass of champagne or coffee, Mondays to Fridays

See MORE discounts for APIBA Members

If you are an APIBA Member and would like to suggest a discount, please write to info@apiba.org.ar (Subject: Discount for APIBA Members)

2. Your name and contact details on APIBA Blog

Are you an APIBA Member or an APIBA Volunteer? Would you like to add more information / contact details (e.g. web site, blog, twitter, etc) to the APIBA Members’ names currently available from the sidebar on APIBA Blog? If so, simply complete this e-form The APIBA Executive Committee wishes to thank APIBA Member Laureana Moreno for helping APIBA Secretary Belén Tur with various administrative and record-keeping tasks.

3. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service through APIBA monthly Calendar of Events. Those who wish to publish, please complete this e-form: http://tinyurl.com/APIBACalendarEvents Information that fits the criteria established by APIBA and has been completed in the eform by the 25 of each month will be published in the following Calendar of Events (at the beginning of each month). The APIBA Executive Committee wishes to thank APIBA Volunteer, teacher trainee Héctor Cuccarese, APIBA Calendar of Events Editor.

Personal Notices NEW FEATURE! Congratulations to APIBA Members: ○ Laura Aza on the birth of her son, Felipe ○ Claudia Naom on the birth of her fourth granddaughter, Iris ○ Paula Lopez Cano, who has been appointed “Regente” at IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan. R. Fernández”

To share your news through the APIBA quarterly Newsletter, please complete this e-form. The APIBA Executive Committee wishes to thank APIBA Member Graciela Moyano sociales@apiba.org.ar for contacting APIBA Members to offer condolences, thank-you’s and congratulations on behalf of APIBA.

APIBA on LinkedIn and YouTube APIBA LinkedIn Group has been very active lately, with their Members exchanging Q & A and useful professional advice and information. If you are a paid-up APIBA Member and wish to join APIBA in this professional network, as well as display the APIBA logo on your online Profile (CV), click here or look up "Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires " in the Groups directory. Also remember you can watch APIBA 40th Anniversary video, among others, on APIBA YouTube channel here as well as follow APIBA on other Web 2.0 platforms: APIBA Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, e-group "Difusión" , e-group “Socios”

Welcome New APIBA Members! Laura Tubio, Matias Ansaldo, Marcela Engemann, Cecilia Bonardi, María Laura García, Luciana de Bartolis, Liliana Simon, Nora Natalia Lerena, Mónica Rodriguez Salvo

More Information about APIBA ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

About APIBA APIBA SIGs Beneficio Jefes Dpto. Inglés Código de Ética Profesional Estatutos Executive Committees 1971 to date Knowledge-Socialization Programme Política para Apoyo de Eventos ¿Qué es una Comisión Directiva?

APIBA is always grateful to SBS bookshop for generously hosting our offices on their premises at Av Coronel Díaz 1747, City of BA. Please contact APIBA by email at info@apiba.org.ar

APIBA Executive Committee President:

Analía Kandel


Claudia Naom


Belén Tur


Laura Renart

Deputy Treasurer:

Laura Karina López


Gabriela Madera María Luisa Ghisalberti Valeria Kharsansky Paula Miñino

In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (see APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties pro bono. To subscribe to APIBA quarterly Newsletter join APIBA e-group

Hace a la profesión www.apiba.org.ar info@apiba.org.ar APIBA FAQs APIBA Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, e-group "Difusión" , e-group “Socios”

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