Newsletter No. 45 - December 2012 From the President Dear APIBA Members and e-group subscribers, As you will see in this Newsletter, APIBA had an eventful second semester. Below you will read all about the SEEDS Project, APIBA at FAAPI 2012 Conference, APIBA Annual Seminar in memory of Prof. Ana María Armendariz, the Call for Applications to the APIBA “Prof. Ana María Armendariz” Scholarship, the launch of “APIBA Junior”, “APIBA Senior” and “APIBA Mentorship” programmes, the Second APIBA Unconference by APIBA SIGs and our End-of-Year Toast. More is in store for next year with the FAAPI 2013 Conference in Buenos Aires. Now, time to wind down and recharge batteries. Do enjoy the festive season and your well-deserved holidays!
Warm regards, Analía Kandel APIBA President Thanks to Volunteer Martina Griffi for designing APIBA’s New Year e-card
FAAPI 2013 Conference
38th FAAPI Conference Buenos Aires 26-27-28 September 2013 UCA – Universidad Católica Argentina, Puerto Madero
Roots & Routes in Language Education How do languages, cultures and identities interact in 21st-century classrooms?
Bi/Multi/Plurilingualism, interculturality and identity in the areas of: Language Education - Language Teacher Education - Language Policy Assessment and Evaluation - Literature - New Technologies - Research
More information to be announced soon
APIBA Annual Seminar 2012 In Memoriam Prof. Ana María Armendáriz
The APIBA Annual Seminar brought together ELT professionals to honour Prof. Ana María Armendáriz’s legacy. Our aim was to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals as well as to pay homage to one of the leading figures in our professional field. Programme, Tribute Video & Photos here
Funds raised through this Seminar will be used to launch the
“APIBA Prof. Ana María Armendáriz Scholarship” which offers professional development on the above-mentioned academic fields.
Call for Applications HERE Deadline 28 February 2013
APIBA AGM, SIGs Unconference & End-of-Year Toast
Saturday, December 1, 2012 - INSPT-UTN APIBA AGM At APIBA’s 2012 Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee informed Members of the Association’s accounts and of 2011-2012 and future activities. See the 2012 Annual Report. A special thanks to Paula Miniño, María Luisa Ghisalberti, Claudia Naom & Gabriela Madera, outgoing APIBA Executive Committee Members, for their work and commitment towards the Association. Here is part of Gabriela Madera’s farewell letter: “Me voy, pero no demasiado lejos. No las abandono, sólo me aparto para que otras colegas puedan experimentar lo que significa brindarse a la profesión y dejar una huella que marque el camino que espero muchos otros puedan transitar con el mismo amor que APIBA instauró definitivamente en mi corazón.” Read more A warm welcome to Corine Arguimbau, Cecilia Cicolini, Mariángeles Portilla and Laureana Moreno. Here’s the 2012-2013 Executive Committee:
President: Analía Kandel Vice-President: Corine Arguimbau Secretary: Belén Tur Treasurer: Cecilia Cicolini Deputy Treasurer: Laura Karina López Members: Laura Renart Mariángeles Portilla Valeria Kharsansky Laureana Moreno In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (see APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties pro bono.
APIBA SIGs Unconference & APIBA End-of-Year Toast On Saturday, December 1st APIBA SIGs held an Unconference to close this year’s meetings. It was the first time a Closing Event had had this format, and it was welcomed by all the participants. All the SIGs (Language & Phonology, e-Teaching and Learning, Literature, Methodology, Young Learners, Professional Issues) had the chance to share this year’s work through posters and presentations in charge of SIG members. Some SIGs also invited special guest speakers, who highly contributed to making this event memorable. See APIBA SIGs Unconference Programme HERE Our special thanks to all SIG members and Coordinators for their invaluable help throughout the year, to all the special guest speakers for their generosity in sharing their knowledge with us, to APIBA Executive Committee for their unfailing support and, last but not least, to the authorities of INSPT-UTN for their hospitality and for sharing our End-of-Year Toast. APIBA SIGs provide their members with a great forum for professional development in a genuine atmosphere of comradeship, mutual respect and a shared passion for our profession. We do hope you can join us next year! Very best wishes, Viviana Myslicki and Romina Arena APIBA SIGs Liaison Officers
AGM, SIGs Unconference & End-of-Year Toast Photos HERE
FAAPI Conference 2012 (APIZALS)
APIBA would like to congratulate APIZALS and FAAPI for an outstanding FAAPI 2012 Conference. The beauty of the scenery that surrounded the venue in San Martin de los Andes added to the success of the event. Congrats! There were 25 Members representing APIBA! See their names and APIBA's FAAPI 2012 Photo Album here
New APIBA Programmes APIBA Junior Programme is aimed at teacher trainees who are at the last stage of their course of studies and would like to network with graduate teachers to start off their career. Read more APIBA Senior Programme aims is to give senior APIBA Members support when needed, opportunities to socialise with other Members by having tea once a month or by organising interesting outings; to make use of their expertise by participating in the Mentorship programme; to carry out or support research; to give talks for APIBA or to engage in any other project. Read more. Senior APIBA Members who wish to attend a meeting in March 2013 can contact APIBA Member Claudia Naom at APIBA Mentorship Programme aims to provide guidance in matters concerning our profession and is coordinated by APIBA Member MarĂa InĂŠs Cambiasso. Read more For further information or to request an interview, please write to
SEEDS: Sowing Experience from Evoking Diversity in Schools
SEEDS of intercultural and plurilingual education In the schools of the City of Buenos Aires there is a growing awareness of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the student population. Teachers are not always equipped to deal with this diversity or exploit its potential from an intercultural and plurilingual perspective. English language teachers are ideally placed to foster intercultural and plurilingual reflection. This project, aimed at novice and prospective teachers (both foreign language and mother tongue), hopes to encourage reflection and contribute to the work that can be done in this area. It focuses on fostering community service to promote crosscultural understanding across communities. The course consisted of four face-to-face sessions, complemented with autonomous online work, on intercultural bilingual education (26 Sept, Dora Bordegaray), the linguistic characterization of the context and languages involved (17 Oct, Silvia Iummato), the nature of community and volunteer work (26 Sept, Laura Copteleza), and the principles of materials design for the classroom (14 Nov, Silvia Prati). This course was run by APIBA thanks to a subsidy from the US Embassy, with the support of the Dirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras, Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires. APIBA wishes to thank the D.O.L.E., Ministry of Education, CABA; US Embassy; Cristina Banfi, APIBA former President; Alfredo Daniel Nuñez, Districts 19 - 21 Supervisor and APIBA Member; Laureana Moreno and Mariángeles Portilla, APIBA Members; Rodrigo Chavero, CECIE 19 D.E. 19 Director, for making this enriching professional development experience possible.
See the SEEDS Progress Report; a Buenos Aires Herald interview with Cristina Banfi on the SEEDS Project; M. Portilla & L. Moreno’s SEEDS presentation at “Jornada Buenos Aires y sus Idiomas 2012” and the SEEDS photo album here
To APIBA Members: Academic Writing & A.J.A.L. FAAPI will implement a course on Academic Writing and would like to find out about the interests and preferences of the Members of its Teacher Associations. APIBA Members are kindly requested to fill in this questionnaire FAAPI has launched A.J.A.L., Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics. APIBA Members are encouraged to visit to register for more information and to see the instructions for authors.
Mother Goose says‌ Pay your 2013 dues
2013 dues
Thank you, Alfredo Grondona White!
APIBA Best Graduating Average Award ENS S.E.B. Spangenberg APIBA former President Stella Schulte was proud to hand out APIBA Best Graduating Average Award at ENS LV Sofía B de Spangenberg on 4 September 2012. The winner of the one-year membership was Cecilia Docón, who has already become a Member. Congratulations and welcome! Thanks to SBS for donating a book to this year's winner.
APIBA Members’ Help & Contributions Thanks to APIBA Members Graciela C. Moyano and Cinthia P. Smith for sharing with us their article LAS TAREAS PASIVAS DOCENTES. Cómo transformarlas en una acción saludable. Read their article HERE You can send comments or queries to Graciela Moyano or Cinthia Smith Thanks to APIBA Member María Gabriela Di Gesú for sharing a letter about her enriching experience at the University of Clark, Worcester, USA, where she is working on her PhD thesis. Read her letter HERE Thanks to Mariela Enrici for sharing with us a chapter about bullying from the book La comunicación con los padres (Troquel, 2007), by Rolando Martiñá, who kindly authorized sharing it through APIBA. Read the chapter HERE APIBA Members are welcome to send their contributions to Letters to the Editor - Articles - Classroom Tips & Ideas Anecdotes - Reflections
Why Am I an APIBA Member? Leave your testimonial HERE APIBA Members
Become an APIBA Local Delegate HERE
Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members and Volunteers 1. Discounts NEW! - 15% Maestría en Lengua Inglesa Licenciatura en lengua Inglesa Cursos de Educación Continua (Área Lenguas) NEW! - 20% Coprint Centro Gráfico
NEW! -10% Bozz personal cards
See MORE discounts for APIBA Members
If you are an APIBA Member and would like to suggest a discount for your fellow Members, please write to (Subject: Discount for APIBA Members)
2. Your name and contact details on APIBA web site Are you an APIBA Member or an APIBA Volunteer? Would you like to add more information / contact details (e.g. web site, blog, twitter, etc) to the APIBA Members’ names currently available from the sidebar on APIBA Blog, soon at If so, simply complete this e-form
3. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service through APIBA monthly Calendar of Events. Those who wish to publish, please complete this eform: Information that fits the criteria established by APIBA and has been completed in the e-form by the 25 of each month will be published in the following Calendar of Events at the beginning of each month. The APIBA Executive Committee wishes to thank APIBA Volunteer, teacher trainee Héctor Cuccarese, APIBA Calendar of Events Editor.
Social News from APIBA Members Congratulations to APIBA Members: María Cristina Thomson, on the publication of her book Relatos (In)Mortales. Stella Schulte, on the wedding of her daughter, Paula. María Laura García, whose project was chosen among the top ten entries in the ICT in Action competition organized by the British Council and Macmillan Florencia Perduca, on the birth of her son, Manuel. Patricia Simeone, who has been appointed Rectora at ISP "Joaquín V González"
APIBA Members, Share your news through the APIBA quarterly Newsletter HERE
Institutions APIBA wishes to congratulate APIBB on their 35th Anniversary APrIR on their 36th Anniversary AATI on their 30th Anniversary APIBA supported ASPI Santa Fe Tribute to their Members María Isabel Recamán & Daniel Fernández. APIBA wishes to thank APIBA Member Graciela Moyano for contacting APIBA Members and Institutions to offer condolences, thank-you’s and congratulations.
Welcome all 2012 New APIBA Members!
(in chronological order, date of membership)
Silvina Oldach, Alejandro De Angelis, Debora Baguez, Valeria Campione, Rosario Arando, Nora Insirillo, Marcelo Videtta, Alejandra de Picciotto, Mariángeles Portilla, Eleonora Peimer, Gisela Zóccola, Camila Abad, Luciana Cantando, Claudia Pennacchini, Valeria Martinez, Miriam Cuff, Laureana Moreno, María Laura García, Luciana de Bartolis, Liliana Simón, Laura Tubio, Matias Ansaldo, Marcela Engemann, Cecilia Bonardi, Nora Natalia Lerena, Mónica Rodriguez Salvo, Mercedes Foligna, Carolina Ravelo, Cecilia Docón, Fabiana Parano, Sarah Hillyard, Rosana Luverá, Luciana Ianisevich, Ailén Morginstern, Soledad Colombo, Cristina Magno
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Many thanks to those who supported APIBA Annual Seminar 2012