Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires
Asociación Civil sin Fines de Lucro – Personería Jurídica c.7111 Res. 8524/79 – CUIT: 30-66211994-2
April 1999
Issue 4
In this issue APIBA Committee - FAAPI Committee – Welcome to New Members - FAAPI Scholarship Presentation (UBA) - New in Brief – APIBA Conference – How to pay your dues
APIBA Committee President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Ordinary Members
Contact Details Beatriz Tosso Mirta D’Alessio Rita Faré de Garrido Stella M. S. de Ugarte Susana Masoero Ma. Teresa Stringa Cristina Banfi
M.T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL S.A.) 1058 Capital Federal Tel: 813-6884 Office Hours: Tuesdays from 11 to 15
“The Future of Teacher Education” - APIBA Conference Date: May 7th & 8th Venue: Colegio Champagnat Montevideo 1050 Time: Friday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please confirm attendance at: 4-811-8743 (Rita Faré de Garrido) or E-mail: Presenter Armendariz, Ana Maria; Silvia Luppi & Silvia Rettarolli Artusi, Alicia Cambiasso, María Inés & María Silvia Stagnaro Day, Raymond
Title The paradigm shift in Foreign Language Teaching Description of a project Designed to implement the teaching of English in mixed level classes in basic education at a private school The Problem of Assessment at Teacher Training Entry Level
Kandel, Analía
Critically Thinking about Culture: The role of Cultural Studies in the teacher Training Curriculum English teachers online - evaluating email and internet resources for the English teacher in an increasingly technological world English for Intercultural Communication - a new and necessary dimension to EFL Implication for teacher education The Future of the Teaching of Writing in a Teacher Education Context
Lizemberg, Nora Fabiana Pron, Alejandra V. Riccio de Bottino, Silvana Ronchetti, Silvia E.
Training Teachers for Formation and Tutoring Distance Implementing task-based instructionin our EFL classroom Visions for the Next Century Classroom Management Skills: Discourse in the Classroom
Eayrs, Martin Hyde, Martin
Committee (FAAPI's
at President Ma. Cristina Thomson de Grondona White
Secretary Ana María Pettinari de Torres
Treasurer Liliana Forno de Molina
Vocal Titular Mario López Barrios
Vocal Titular Marta Benedetti Revisora de Cuentas Ma. Cristina Senín de García
Vocal Suplente Fanny Díaz Cancellieri
Vocal Suplente Nora Séculi
Revisora de Cuentas Roxana Embon
Welcome to New Members
Presentation (UBA)
We would like to give a warm welcome to our new members: Mariana Noemí Fucci, Patricia Schulte de Fleitas, Alejandra Virginia Pron, y Adriana Schianchia.
On the 24th February, 1999, the APIBA Committee presented a letter to the University of Buenos Aires requesting information about another letter presented in 1998 (Expediente número 8669/98) concerning the status of tertiary level degrees.
FAAPI Scholarship for APIBA At the FAAPI Annual General Meeting, APIBA was fortunate enough to win the FAAPI. This scholarship will cover a teacher’s flight, and expenses, plus one month tuition fees for a course in the UK. This scholarship will be raffled among APIBA members, so make sure your dues are up-to-date! More information will be available at the APIBA Conference in May.
Membership Cards Remember that you membership card may entitle you to discounts and other benefits. If you don’t already have yours, just bring two passport-sized photographs to the APIBA office during office hours. Feria del Libro 2do. Ciclo Intenacional de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras, 23, 24 and 25 April, 1999, Centro de Exposiciones de la Ciudad de Buenos aires, Figueroa Alcorta y Pueyrredón. Informaction: Fundación El Libro, Tel: 4374 3288, Telefax: 4375 0268, Hipólito Yrigoyen 1628 5piso, Capital Federal. Conference in Mar del Plata “Bridging the Gap”, 24, 25 and 26 June, 1999, Torre de Manantiales, Mar del Plata. Chair of the Organising Committee: Dr. Susana B. Tuero, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Dean Funes 3350, 7600 Mar del Plata. Phone: (0223) 4792531 (leave message), (0223) 4752277 (Tu and Th 7-9 p.m.), Fax: (0223) 4752277, E-mail: Shakespeare Conference The Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González” and its Department of English will hold the First International Conference on “William Shakespeare, His Work His Times and His Influence” at Auditorium of the Instituto Félix F. Bernasconi, Cátulo Castillo 2750, Buenos Aires, Argentina (15- 18 September, 1999). Sponsored by the Secretaría de Cultura y Educación del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Resolución N° 1516/98). For further information: Tel.: 4863 3916, Fax: 4863 3905/4863 3916,
Now paying your dues is much easier! All you need to do is go to any branch of Banco Francés (ex Banco de Crédito Argentino) and ask to pay your dues into either of the following accounts:
Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318/2 Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2 If you pay before 30th April, 1999, you only have to pay $30. After that date, you have to pay $50. The sooner you do it the more you’ll be saving!
A.P.I.B.A. (Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires) Membership Form – 1999 (Please feel free to make copies) Name:................................................................................................................................... I.D. Number (DNI/LE/LC):.................................................................................................. Address: Street:.................................................................................................................... Town: ..........................................................
Post Code: ........................................
Telephone Number: .....................................
Fax Number:.....................................
E-mail Address:.................................................................................................................... Degree: .................................................................. Awarded by: ...................................... Work at:................................................................
Date: .................................................... Signature: ..................................................... Before 30 April 1999 ($30)
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After 30 April 1999 ($50)
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Voluntary Contribution: $ ....... Send/Bring cash or a cheque to M.T. de Alvear 1369, Capital Federal (KEL S.A.), Office Hours: Tuesdays 11 to 15. Remeber to bring two passport-sized photographs for your membership card. Or take it to any branch of Banco Francés (ex Banco de Crédito Argentino) Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318/2 or Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2