Newsletter No. 51 - December 2014 From the President Dear APIBA Members and e-group subscribers, Now that the holidays are just around the corner, I would like to look back on all the activities we shared in 2014. A very eventful year indeed and lots of unforgettable moments to cherish. Many things lie ahead for us to learn and improve on and lots of projects to carry out. We would like to express our gratitude to the outgoing Committee members: Cecilia Cicolini, Mariángeles Portilla and Laureana Moreno, and a warm welcome to the new ones: Silvia Tubio, Griselda Beacon and Anabella Herfert. I wish you all the best for this NEW YEAR about to start. Let’s take a well-deserved rest and meet again in February, with recharged batteries and lots of ideas to put into practice. Your feedback and suggestions are most welcome. See you all around soon. Best regards, Virginia López Grisolía APIBA President /apiba
APIBA Annual Seminar
A recap of the approaches to the teaching of Grammar, Language, Literature and FLT Methods at Teacher Training Colleges. So much has changed in the teaching approaches over the past decade! Get updated on the recent goings-on.
More on APIBA Annual Seminar (APIBA's website) – Info on the event, presenters’ slideshows and handouts More pictures (APIBA’s Facebook page)
Celebrating Shakespeare
More on Celebrating Shakespeare (APIBA's website) – Info on the event and more pictures More pictures (APIBA’s Facebook page)
APIBA Awards to the Best Graduating Averages at Teacher Training College
On November 8th, in the graduation ceremony at ISP “J. V. González”, Prof. Virginia López Grisolía and Prof. Jorge Ghenadenik were proud to hand out APIBA’s Best Graduating Average Prize to the newly-graduated teachers Prof. Ana Papa (secondary school teaching degree) and Prof. Pamela Niego Appeceix (primary school teaching degree). On November 13th Prof. Romina Nulhem, APIBA’s Committee Secretary handed out the prize to Prof. Luciana Palladino at UTN-INSPT. On November 28th, at the graduation ceremony in the IES Lenguas Vivas “J.R. Fernández”, Prof. Virginia López Grisolía was glad to give out APIBA’s prize to Prof. Daiana G. Field. Lots of good luck to you all. We sincerely wish you a successful teaching career. All the winners got a one-year membership prize.
Welcome to all the NEW MEMBERS 2014
NEW MEMBERS: Marcela Perez (UTN, 2011), Carlos Reynoso (IES LV JRF, 2002), Patricia López (ISFD N° 24 Quilmes, 2005), Héctor Sebastián Álvarez (IES LV JRF), Graciela Amatto (I.S.F.D. N° 83, San Fco. Solano, Quilmes, Pcia. de Bs. As. 2002), Daniel Ferreyra Fernández (ISP Dr. JVG, 1998), Mirta Sarchione (I.S.F.D. Nro. 5 Pergamino, 1986), Analía Duarte (Universidad del Salvador, 1994), Iberia Denegri (UTN, 2014), Vanesa Tazaki (ISP Dr JVG, 2009), María Inés Quiroga Valladares (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 1983) ; Ana Verdelli (ISP Dr JVG, 2008), Eva Poggi (UTN, 2003), Fabiana Casella (Instituto Santa Brígida, 1989), Luisa Isabel Dobrocsi (Consudec, 1995), Sandra Loiacono (ISFD y T N°42, 2007). NEW HONORARY MEMBER: Analía Kandel MEMBERS WHO HAVE UPDATED THEIR YEARLY DUES: Sergio Rodriguez Ramos, Gustavo Costella, Griselda Beacon.
Annual General Meeting: 29 Nov 2014 On 29 November 2014, APIBA held its Annual General Meeting, where the Executive Committee presented an account of the year’s activities and finances. APIBA’s Annual Report and Financial Statements APIBA is pleased to announce its newly-elected committee members:
APIBA Executive Committee President: Virginia López Grisolía Vice-President: Jorge Ghenadenik Secretary: Romina Nulhem Treasurer: Silvia Tubio (NEW) Deputy Treasurer: Diana Schcolnicov Members: Cristian Colucci Griselda Beacon (NEW) María Luisa Ghisalberti Anabella Herfert (NEW) In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties pro bono (ad honorem).
Annual Dues Click here to see the new fees for 2015 and different payment methods.
SIGs Closing APIBA SIGs rounded off an eventful 2014. Apart from their usual monthly meetings, this year all six SIGS made poster presentations at APIBA’s Annual Seminar on October 4th at the ISP J.V. Gonzalez. Many thanks to SIGs Liaison Officer Prof. Diana Schcolnicov and Claudia Antinori, her assistant. Once again many thanks to Viviana Myslicki and Romina Arena for their invaluable help, and a big thank-you to the 2014 SIGs Coordinators: Language & Phonology SIG Coordinators: Adriana Mizrahi & Celia Nieto e-TL SIG Coordinators: Claudia Antinori, Marcia Balda, Iberia Denegri & Silvana Lopardo Literature SIG Coordinators: Cecilia Weber & Rocío Methodology SIG Coordinators: Nibia Yermos & Andrea Paradiuk /apiba
Professional Issues SIG Coordinators: María Gabriela Di Gesú & María Luisa Ghisalberti Young Learners SIG Coordinators: Belén Tur & Anabella Herfert
End-of-Year Toast
This year, our traditional end-of-the-year toast following APIBA’s AGM was enhanced by the presence of acclaimed performer Roy Dickinson. Thank you, Roy for giving us the pleasure of enjoying time-honoured Shakespearean sonnets to the sound of your beautiful music! Social news from APIBA Members Congratulations to APIBA Members: • Mary Godward, on her job promotion as Country Director of the British Council in Argentina • María Inés Cambiasso, on her award “Mi maestro inolvidable” • Laura Lopez, on obtaining the TEA scholarship • Belén Tur, on her wedding and on the publication of The Adventures of Huenu • Stella Schulte, on the wedding of her daughter Julieta
APIBA Members’ Contributions APIBA Members: Send your contributions to Letters to the Editor – Classroom Tips & Ideas – Articles – Anecdotes – Reflections
Thanks to Dra. Claudia Ferradás, one of our best-known members, for writing this report on the Celebrating Shakespeare programme, organised by the IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” to celebrate 450 years of William Shakespeare’s birth. Thanks to our Lit SIG Coordinator, Prof Cecilia Weber for this very interesting reflection on the work done at the Literature SIG this year: At this time of the year we’re usually getting ready to relax, to travel, to spend time with our loved ones… Well, during our 2014 meetings, our Paint your own village readings have taken us from the Caribbean to Canada and back… In this quest we’ve heard different voices describing lives, loves and deaths of significant others in villages, towns and cities that could very well be our own. So their voices helped us to discover many others and in the process sometimes echoed our own. The idea is to continue in a different direction. Which? Help us along! Why am I an APIBA Member?
Leave your testimonial HERE APIBA Members
Become an APIBA Local Delegate HERE News from FAAPI: A.J.A.L. AJAL released two new issues this year. We welcome contributions all the year round for potential publication in May and November of each ear. AJAL is indexed in Latindex. The current issue has been downloaded around 3,500 times. If you would like to become an author with AJAL please read our guidelines at /apiba
Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members 1. Discounts
See all discounts for APIBA Members
If you are an APIBA Member and would like to suggest a discount for your fellow Members, please write to 2. Your name and contact details on APIBA website Are you an APIBA Member? Would you like to add more information / contact details (e.g. website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc) to the APIBA Members’ names currently available on our website? If so, simply complete this e-form and also write to 3. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service through the online Calendar at as well as on APIBA’s social networks: Those who wish to publish, please complete this e-form.
FAAPI 2014 by APIC C贸rdoba
Many thanks to those who supported APIBA Annual Seminar 2014
Ana Giner, Claudia Ferradas, Fabiana Parano. /apiba
APIBA’s Thank-you’s APIBA wishes to thank SBS for being so generous to lend us office space in their Coronel Diaz branch. SIG monthly Meetings: to INSPT-UTN and Liceo Británico Flores for kindly letting us hold our monthly meetings there. SIGS Opening and Closing Events: to the INSPTUTN and its Academic Secretary Ing. Carlos Capella, its Deputy Academic Secretary Noemí Geromini and the institution´s Director Ing. René González, who have donated once again this year the coffee breaks and the traditional croissants on both occasions. We would also like to express our gratitude to Prof. Viviana Myslicki, Head of Department at ISP-UTN and Prof. Romina Arena for their invaluable support. Annual Seminar: to the ISP J.V. González authorities for letting us organize this important event on their premises. FAAPI AJAL Round Table: to the IES Lenguas Vivas J. R. Fernández for kindly letting us use their 4th floor auditorium. Donations: To Melina Porto and Cristina Banfi for participating pro-bono as panelists in the AJAL event last March, to the British Council Director, the APIBA member Mary Godward, for the donation of more than 100 books for the attendees of the Annual Seminar in October 2014, to Sergio Rodriguez and Mariano Quinterno, both speakers at the Annual Seminar, for donating their fees. Individuals: to the staff members of Librerías SBS Palermo, in particular Adriana Cataraín and Julio Sanchez Céspedes, to María Cecilia Zabaleta for the design of the programme for Celebrating Shakespeare at the Lenguas, to Paula De Gennaro for her constant and enthusiastic support and cooperation, to Sebastián Kladniew for his good humour and his unbeatable web solutions; to Estudio Feldman, Montenegro y Asoc for letting APIBA use their office as legal and fiscal address; to Carolina Lorenzo from Estudio Feldman for her professionalism and hard work in all the accounting-related issues; to the Dean of the IES J.R. Fernández, Prof. Paula Lopez Cano and to Dra. Claudia Ferradás, Director of Educational Extension Programmes (“regente”) for their cooperation to organize the AJAL event at the Lenguas last March, to the Dean of the ISP JVG, Prof. Patricia Simeone and the Head of the English Department, Prof. Mariano Quinterno, for their precious help in the organization of our annual seminar last October, to JVG teacher trainee Sofía Pacheco for her incredible work converting files into different formats to be uploaded to FB and for helping us design the electronic survey sent to the Annual Seminar attendees, as well as the processing of the results /apiba
and the feedback report that followed. To the volunteers who participated at the Annual Seminar: Héctor Cuccarese, in charge of the sound equipment, Ana Papa, Cecilia Capretti, Débora Renda y Cristian Ferrín, all of them students and newly-graduates from the JVG for their invaluable help during the Annual Seminar in the registration area and in the organization of the event as a whole. To the maintenance and security people and to Osvaldo and his family for their impeccable coffee breaks at the ISP J.V. González. APIBA wishes to say thank you to the following members for their hard work and great commitment: Viviana Myslicki and Romina Arena in their roles as SIGs LOs for 4 years up until July 2014, to María Inés Artigas-Cambiasso, Cristina Banfi, Susana GullcoGroisman, María Cristina Thomson and María Teresa Viñas Urquiza, all of them members of the Advisory Committee; to Graciela C. Moyano in charge of the Social News Sub-committee, to María Inés Artigas Cambiasso for coordinating the Mentorship Programme; to Claudia Naom for acting as liaison between APIBA and FAAPI, to Jorge Ghenadenik, Cecilia Cicolini and Virginia López Grisolía for kindly offering their homes to hold our monthly Committee meetings. To the former executive committee member and vicepresident, Graciela Moyano for her timely words whenever we needed her sound advice. And a very special thank-you should go to APIBA’s former president, Analía Kandel, for her constant help and support during the transition period form one executive committee to the other, answering all our doubts and concerns and advising us on all the issues we consulted her throughout the year. And to all of you out there, dear APIBA members, for your warm words of support at all times:
Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Happy New Year!
Hace a la profesión