APIBA Newsletter N° 52 - August 2015

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Newsletter No. 52 - July 2015 From the President Dear APIBA Members, I hope you have enjoyed a well-deserved rest! I’m pleased to be in touch with you once again on behalf of APIBA’s Executive Committee to share news and announcements. As is customary now, we held our Annual Fellowship Lunch on July 4th. The new edition of this event, which was first held in 2011 to celebrate APIBA’s 40th Anniversary, gave us all, APIBA Members and friends of our Association, a great opportunity to get together to strengthen bonds, have some fun and toast to many more years of commitment to the English teaching profession. There’s a lot on our plate for this second part of the year, and it’s with great pleasure that we are announcing APIBA Annual Seminar to be held on October 17th at I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández.” It will be an all-day seminar titled “Teaching and Beyond: We teach, we train, we educate...” Read this newsletter and learn more about the activities carried out in the first term and our plans for the second half of the year. Stay tuned and read on! Best regards, Virginia López Grisolía APIBA President presidente@apiba.org.ar


SIG Opening Event 2015 The SIGs held their Opening Event on April 11 and this is a very special year indeed in the life of our dear SIGS: they’re celebrating their 15th Anniversary! And there will be more celebrations all along the year with presentations and workshops that will be duly published. The SIGS that met last April and drew up their agendas for the year are: • • • • •

Language and Phonology SIG E-TL SIG Literature SIG Methodology SIG Young Learners SIG

There was a proposal to reopen the Business English SIG, and guess what? Our desire to restore it has come true and this SIG is alive again and working very enthusiastically since last May. As many of you probably remember, this SIG was set up in the year 2000 when the SIGs started and worked very successfully for more than 4 years, but then it was unfortunately discontinued. Those interested in participating may contact the Liaison Officer, Diana Schcolnicov. The friendly and warm atmosphere of the morning came to a close by blowing out the candles and sharing a piece of cake baked by our dear CD colleague and SIG member Marilú Ghisalberti. Prof. Diana Schcolnicov continues working as LO and last May Prof. Adriana Mizrahi got appointed by the Executive Committee as Co-LO. We would like to take this chance to express our deepest gratitude to them both for their impeccable work in the coordination of APIBA Sigs. For further information about their monthly work and calendar write to sigs@apiba.org.ar Read about APIBA’s SIGS Some pics taken on April 11!


PROFESSIONAL FEES: Grid revision and data collection survey The Executive Committee organized a Work Breakfast on April 18th to discuss APIBA’s Professional Fee Grid launched in 2010. We would like to take this opportunity to thank APIBA members Prof. Graciela Moyano, Prof. Adriana Mizrahi, Prof. Gabriela Di Gesú and Prof. Marilú Ghisalberti for their impeccable work on this issue. The following grid was agreed on during this fruitful meeting with only a few members who attended the meeting held at ISP “Joaquín V. González.” The survey carried out was sent to around 700 APIBA members, both present and past, but the response rate, we regret to say, has been a disappointing 5% with only partial answers. Therefore, so far we have been unable to publish APIBA’s suggested professional fees on the web. Have a look at the newly revised grid agreed upon last April: Profesores graduados directo a sus alumnos

Inglés General

Clase individual


Clase grupal


Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Clase individual Inglés General de Negocios

Clase grupal

Inglés con Fines Específicos (ESP - English for Specific Purposes)

Clase individual

Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual

Clase grupal Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Inglés General (FCE, CEA, CPE)

Preparación de exámenes internacionales

Inglés de Negocios (BEC) Inglés con Fines Específicos (IGCSE, ICFE, ILEC) Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Materias de Profesorado/Traductorado Charlas o talleres de capacitación docente

Academic/teacher training

Profesores graduados freelance a través de consultora o coordinación

Tutoría privada de tesis o tesina Conferencia de disertante especializado Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual


APIBA Annual Fellowship Lunch

An occasion to get together with friends and colleagues and celebrate our passion in common: our teaching profession. APIBA is the place to meet and share.

Take a look at some more pics. We had so much fun! /apiba

“Mind full or mindful? What’s your choice?” by Prof. Ricardo Cavallini Ricardo’s pre-lunch workshop was a real success with more than 70 attendees enjoying his charismatic session on this very interesting topic he has been studying for many years now. Why is there such interest, such a buzz around Mindfulness? After his wonderful introduction to the topic, he made a promise to go deeper into it in an upcoming seminar to be held in the next few months.

Have a look at some pictures: /apiba

FAAPI 2015 by ACPI Córdoba Don’t miss this out! Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Read more about ANNUAL FAAPI CONFERENCE registration process. /apiba

APIBA Annual Seminar 2015


Welcome to all the NEW MEMBERS 2015

Ana Papa (Best Graduating Average, I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2014) Daiana Field (Best Graduating Average, I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, 2014) Silvia Fernández (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 1997) Lina Jacovkis (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2010) Nadia Sokolic (Colegio Ward, 2008) Cristian Chiolo (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2005) Yamila Julieta Loscar (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2013) María Eugenia Falabella (Instituto Superior Santa Cecilia, 2002) Vanesa Edith Cobello (I.N.S.P.T. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2014) María Eugenia Álvarez (Instituto Superior Cultural Británico, 2007) Obituaries We deeply regret to inform that our dear friend Alfredo Grondona White passed away on April 23rd. He was APIBA’s former President Prof. Cristina Thomson’s dear husband and a world famous cartoonist committed to defending democracy and freedom all his life. Always close to APIBA, he contributed with lots of lovely drawings to illustrate different moments of APIBA’s history. He will be deeply missed by all of us. /apiba

APIBA Members’ Contributions APIBA Members: Send your contributions to info@apiba.org.ar Letters to the Editor – Classroom Tips & Ideas – Articles Anecdotes – Reflections Why am I an APIBA Member?

Leave your testimonial HERE APIBA Members

Become an APIBA Local Delegate HERE News from FAAPI: A.J.A.L. Read AJAL Vol. 03, No. 01 (May 2015) More information for those interested in publishing HERE.

Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members Discounts

See all discounts for APIBA Members

If you are an APIBA Member or a formal association or institution and would like to suggest a discount for your fellow Members, please fill in this form. /apiba

Your name and contact details on APIBA’s website Are you an APIBA Member? Would you like to add more information / contact details (e.g. website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc) to the newly renovated APIBA Member List currently available on our website? If so, simply complete this e-form. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers We would like to remind you of this service APIBA has been offering to members who need to start a job search for teachers or who would like to announce seminars or workshops where they participate as speakers or organizers. APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service through the online Calendar at www.apiba.org.ar as well as on APIBA’s social networks:

Those who wish to publish, please complete this e-form. "APIBA se limita a difundir noticias e información sobre cursos, talleres y búsquedas laborales enviadas por sus socios u organizadas por instituciones formales como organismos estatales, universidades, Institutos de Formación Docente y Asociaciones, lo cual no supone recomendación alguna. Si desea mayor información le solicitamos se dirija a los organizadores o empleadores."


Annual Dues

Pay your annual dues NOW!


APIBA Executive Committee President: Virginia López Grisolía Vice-President: Jorge Ghenadenik Secretary: Romina Nulhem Treasurer: Silvia Tubio Deputy Treasurer: Diana Schcolnicov Members: Cristian Colucci Griselda Beacon María Luisa Ghisalberti Anabella Herfert  In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties pro bono (ad honorem).

Hace a la profesión www.apiba.org.ar info@apiba.org.ar


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