APIBA Newsletter N° 53 - November 2015

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Newsletter No. 53–November 2015 From the President Dear APIBA Members, Another year is coming to an end and we hope it’s been a profitable and enriching teaching-learning experience for all of us. I’m very pleased to be in touch with you once again on behalf of APIBA’s Executive Committee to share news and announcements. Last September, APIBA participated in FAAPI’s Annual Congress, this time in Córdoba. Congrats to ACPI for a wonderful 3-day event! It’s always nice to share knowledge and best practices and to reconnect with old friends, to make new ones and to meet FB friends in person. A huge success and a big thank you, dear ACPI colleagues. On October 17th this year, we held APIBA Annual Seminar, at I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández.” It was a very successful all-day seminar titled “Teaching and Beyond: We teach, we train, we educate...” We would like to thank our speakers for their unforgettable sessions. We learned tons and got a big injection of energy. Last but not least, we are very glad to announce the SIG Closing Event to be held on November 28 at INSPT-UTN form 9.00 to 11.00. At 11.00 we will be celebrating the 15th Anniversary of our SIGs and then there will be a toast and a birthday cake for our dear Special Interest Groups. Once the fun is over, we will be holding our AGM from 13.00 to 14.30. All APIBA members are invited to participate actively in the Annual General Meeting where seven Executive Committee members will be elected. Read this newsletter and learn more about the activities carried out in the last few months. Best regards, Virginia López Grisolía APIBA President | presidente@apiba.org.ar _______________________________________________________________________________

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FAAPI 2015 by ACPI Córdoba

Read more about the ANNUAL FAAPI CONFERENCE. _______________________________________________________________________________

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APIBA Annual Seminar 2015 You can now find all the handouts and slideshows from our Annual Seminar on our website. Check them out!


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Have a look at some pictures!

You can see more pics here. You can access all the online material here.


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APIBA at Expo Idiomas 2015 APIBA was offered a stand to participate in EXPOIDIOMA, an annual fair organised by the Municipalidad de Vicente López. There were interesting workshops for teachers given by well-known speakers. APIBA’s president, Prof. Virginia López Grisolía delivered a talk “Professional Associations: why should you belong to a TA?”

FAAPI 2013 Conference: Online Material

FAAPI 2013 was held not only on-site but also online at http://apiba.org.ar/faapiapiba/faapi13. In addition, a selection of keynote presentations, academic conversations and thematic panels were recorded in high definition. We are glad to announce that all the recorded material is now available for free access on our website and our YouTube channel! _______________________________________________________________________________

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APIBA’s newly renovated Online Member Directory We are proud to finally and officially announce our newly renovated online member directory.

We carried out this tough job given that many colleagues, both APIBA members and non-members, often get in touch with APIBA in order to be considered in job hunts and also because at times, prospective students express an interest in contacting English teachers through our Association. The new roster is equipped with smart filters through which a member can be located by the initial of his last name, by his first or last name or by geographical location (area, neighbourhood, etc.). Likewise, members will have the opportunity – if they wish to do so – to include information about their academic and professional background as well as contact information, which will be shown in the search results. This will no doubt facilitate contact with colleagues – members or not – and institutions, either to benefit from employment opportunities or to encourage socialization among APIBA members. You are kindly invited to visit the new member roster and to update your information by filling out this form.


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PROFESSIONAL FEES: Grid revision and data collection survey The Executive Committee organized a Work Breakfast on April 18th to discuss APIBA’s Professional Fee Grid launched in 2010. We would like to take this opportunity to thank APIBA members Prof. Graciela Moyano, Prof. Adriana Mizrahi, Prof. Gabriela Di Gesú and Prof. Marilú Ghisalberti for their impeccable work on this issue. The following grid was agreed on during this fruitful meeting with the members who attended the meeting held at ISP “Joaquín V. González.” Have a look at the newly revised grid agreed upon last April: Profesores graduados directo a sus alumnos

Inglés General

Profesores graduados freelance a través de consultora o coordinación

Clase individual


Clase grupal


Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Clase individual Inglés General de Negocios

Clase grupal Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Clase individual

Inglés con Fines Específicos (ESP - English for Specific Purposes)

Clase grupal Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Inglés General (FCE, CEA, CPE)

Preparación de exámenes internacionales

Inglés de Negocios (BEC) Inglés con Fines Específicos (IGCSE, ICFE, ILEC) Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual Materias de Profesorado/Traductorado Charlas o talleres de capacitación docente

Academic/teacher training

Tutoría privada de tesis o tesina Conferencia de disertante especializado Tutoría para cursos online a través de una plataforma virtual

The survey carried out was sent to around 700 APIBA members, both present and past, but the response rate, we regret to say, was a disappointing 5% with only partial answers. Therefore, we were unable to publish APIBA’s suggested professional fees on the web. For this reason, we have decided to send it again now in November with a view to publishing the data collected this time on APIBA’s webpage in December. If you are an APIBA member, please fill out the survey sent out by email.


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APIBA’s End-of-the-year Events 2015 Enroll HERE


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Welcome to all NEW MEMBERS 2015

Andrea Raffo (Instituto San Agustín, 2010) Daiana Field (Best Graduating Average, I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, 2014) Ana Papa (Best Graduating Average, I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2014) Silvia Fernández (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 1997) Lina Jacovkis (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2010) Sofía Pacheco (APIBA Junior - I.S.P “Joaquín V. González” en curso) Nadia Sokolic (Colegio Ward, 2008) Cristian Chiolo (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2005) Yamila Julieta Loscar (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2013) María Eugenia Falabella (Instituto Superior Santa Cecilia, 2002) Vanesa Edith Cobello (I.N.S.P.T. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2014) María Eugenia Álvarez (Instituto Superior Cultural Británico, 2007) Adriana Vocaturo (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 1982) Romina Alonso (CONSUDEC, 2012) Ariel Mateos (I.E.S en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández”, 2004) Daniela Galindo (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2006) Lorena Cochón (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2014) Agostina Spinella Trapani (I.S.P “Joaquín V. González”, 2014)


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News from FAAPI: A.J.A.L. We would like to highlight two important initiatives regarding the Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL): Special edition Collaborative Writing in Teacher Education (August 2015- August 2016) This special issue is open to students in the last two years of Teacher Education, accompanied by their tutor (maximum 4 students and one tutor per submission). For this special call, the following types of manuscripts are welcome, to be published as from May 2016: reflective article, classroom activities, classroom account, materials review. Incentive to publish FAAPI is offering a 50% discount in the enrolment fee for the 2016 FAAPI Conference to be held in San Juan to the authors of the first five manuscripts by Association members accepted by AJAL between June 2015 and June 2016. Also, a 30% discount to non-members publishing jointly with members. Read about both initiatives at http://www.faapi.org.ar/ajal/faapinews.html APIBA Members’ Contributions APIBA Members: Send your contributions to info@apiba.org.ar Letters to the Editor – Classroom Tips & Ideas – Articles Anecdotes – Reflections Why am I an APIBA Member?

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Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members Discounts

See all discounts for APIBA Members

If you are an APIBA Member or a formal association or institution and would like to suggest a discount for your fellow Members, please fill in this form. Your name and contact details on APIBA’s website Are you an APIBA Member? Would you like to add more information / contact details (e.g. website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc) to the newly renovated APIBA Member List currently available on our website? If so, simply complete this e-form. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers We would like to remind you of this service APIBA has been offering to members who need to start a job search for teachers or who would like to announce seminars or workshops where they participate as speakers or organizers. APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service through the online Calendar at www.apiba.org.ar as well as on APIBA’s social networks:

Those who wish to publish, please complete this e-form. _______________________________________________________________________________

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"APIBA se limita a difundir noticias e información sobre cursos, talleres y búsquedas laborales enviadas por sus socios u organizadas por instituciones formales como organismos estatales, universidades, Institutos de Formación Docente y Asociaciones, lo cual no supone recomendación alguna. Si desea mayor información le solicitamos se dirija a los organizadores o empleadores." Annual Dues

Pay your annual dues NOW!


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APIBA Executive Committee President: Virginia López Grisolía Vice-President: Jorge Ghenadenik Secretary: Romina Nulhem Treasurer: Silvia Tubio Deputy Treasurer: Diana Schcolnicov Members: Cristian Colucci Griselda Beacon María Luisa Ghisalberti Anabella Herfert  In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties pro bono (ad honorem).

Hace a la profesión www.apiba.org.ar info@apiba.org.ar


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