APIBA Newsletter N°7 - June 2000

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Newsletter From the President This Newsletter, the second of the year 2000, finds us at what is probably the peak of our activities for the year or, more accurately, the first of many peaks! On May 13th, Laura Renart gave a presentation on “Dealing with Discourse” at T. S. Eliot in Banfield, with good attendance. On June 13th Daniela Delgado will be talking about “Neurolinguistic Programming in ELT” at AACI in Lomas. As you are probably all aware, we are organising the APIBA International Examinations Seminar for June 24th about which you can find more information in this Newsletter. Simultaneously with this preparation work, the APIBA SIGs (Special Interest Groups) are now in full swing and many of them are already holding their second meetings. Their success has been a decisive factor in boosting membership of APIBA through new members and existing members reactivating their membership. SIGs have also encouraged the participation of Teacher Trainees who are learning more about the work done by APIBA. As well as all these activities, we are conducting a campaign with the educational authorities for the recognition and increased status of teacher degrees. If this doesn’t sound like a lot, we are also preparing the Annual Seminar for 2000, helping FAAPI distribute Ingles@info, working to produce publications, compiling information for the announced scholarship and subsidies, building an APIBA Web site, starting to organise the FAAPI 2001 Congress, as well as replying to numerous queries and requests. From all of the above, you might think that the APIBA Committee is made up of around 50 people. This is not the case. The Committee is made up of 9 very hardworking people with very active professional lives quite independently of APIBA. If you’re wondering where all this is going, the point I’m trying to make is that we need YOUR HELP. As I emphasised in the last Newsletter, the Association is what its members make of it, and it is only the members who can help it grow. There are many members who are already helping us, far too many to name individually, they include: APIBA SIG Co-ordinators, APIBA Local Delegates, and individual members who help us with their expertise in legal, academic and administrative areas. We are very grateful to all these people. But we need MORE. So if you know any members, or potential members, willing to help us strengthen APIBA, even the smallest contribution in time or work helps, PLEASE put them in touch with us.

New APIBA Members

The following teachers have joined the proud hosts of APIBA recently. Congratulations, welcome on board, and we hope to see you at all our activities: Paula López Cano, María de los Angeles Rodrigues, Silvia L Acevedo, Elizabeth Díaz Rojo, Gloria C de Raffo, Andrea Rompatto, Mercedes Rossetti, Mónica C Pastorino, Gabriela Domínguez, Ana Kuckiewicz, Inés Correa Arce, Mónica G López, Gilda Pinciroli de Daroda, Daniel Carballedo, Beatriz Longobardi, Paola Danesi, Marta Irigoyen, Angela Cosentino, Miriam Hughes, Laura Judith Schenbarg Guarnera, Lucia Maria Ahcin, Mariana Vanesa Kroll, Maria Hebe Mariño, Marcela Russo, Marcela Vidal, Juana Marconi, Marisa Vilaseco, Mercedes Rego Perlas, Sergio Rodríguez, María Gabriela Pane, Águeda Imposti, María Angela Di Gaetano.

Certificates of attendance anyone? If you have attended previous APIBA seminars/workshops and have not collected your certificates of attendance yet, you can do so at APIBA’s office. They will also be available at the International Examinations seminar. Certificates which have not been collected by July will be disposed of, due to lack of storage space in our office.

Issue 7, June 2000

Table of Contents

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From the President APIBA’s new members Forthcoming seminars FAAPI 2000: information, call for papers and APIBA scholarships APIBA SIGs update AACI/BAC news Discounts for APIBA members FAAPI 2001 Certificates of attendance New FAAPI Committee New Office hours

APIBA Would Like to Thank: •

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INES en Lenguas Vivas, SBS Palermo, CIBA, L2 School of English and Interaction Language Studio for kindly lending their premises for the organisation of SIG events. Colegio Champagnat for lending their premises for the forthcoming International Examinations event AACI Lomas de Zamora for offering their premises for Daniela Delgado’s talk T S Eliot for offering their premises for Laura Renart’s talk on May 13th

A Reminder People who have applied for membership in the last few months are reminded that they will not become full members until two passport-sized photographs and a copy of their degree have been received by the APIBA committee.

New and Improved APIBA’s office days have been greatly extended!! Our office at KEL is now open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 15, and Fridays 11 to 13.




Di$count$ for APIBA Member$ •

An overview of international examinations offered by different Boards in Argentina The Seminar will be opened with an Academic Presentation by Maria Silvia Stagnaro, MA on testing and assessment. Afterwards, various Examination Boards will make presentations and distribute printed material about the International Exams they offer. A seminar pack with relevant material from all Examination boards will be distributed among all participants. th

DATE: Saturday, June 24

VENUE: Colegio Champagnat, Montevideo 1050, Capital Federal

The British Arts Centre (BAC) will be offering a 50% discount on their play tickets for all APIBA members, and a 25% global discount for groups of students accompanied by an APIBA member.For information on BAC activities, contact <bac@aacibsas.org.ar> The National Resources Centre and AACI’s General English Library will be offering 25% discounts on memberships for all APIBA members

TIME: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To claim these benefits all you need to do is bring along your APIBA credential and your receipt for the current year.

ENROLMENT: E-mail: apiba99@yahoo.com Fax: 4811-8743 or 4815-4976 In person: M. T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL), Tuesdays or Thursdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. or contact the APIBA Local Delegate at your Institution.

NLP in ELT in BA

FEES: APIBA Members / teacher trainees: free of charge (in both cases, proof of

FAAPI 2000

FAAPI’s annual conference 2000 will take place in Comodoro Rivadavia between the 21st and the 23rd of September. For further information, contact Adriana L. Marcos <almarcos@satlink.com.ar> or visit their site <www.welcome.to/faapi2000>

APIBA Supports FAAPI 2000 To encourage APIBA members to take part in FAAPI 2000, the Association is offering a scholarship and two subsidies. To apply for these, candidates should be members of APIBA (with dues up-to-date) and should submit a CV and a 500-word letter stating how they would benefit from them before June 30, 2000. FAAPI has agreed to waive the conference enrolment fee for the successful applicants First-time Presenter FAAPI FAAPI Participant Subsidies Scholarship First-time presenters at the 2000 FAAPI conference can apply for a scholarship to cover a substantial part of their expenses to go to Comodoro Rivadavia. APIBA will cover $300, payable in arrears, towards tickets & accommodation.

APIBA members wishing to attend the 2000 FAAPI conference in September, can apply for two travel subsidies of $100 each, payable in arrears, to cover part of the travel expenses to Comodoro.

Daniela Delgado, who was awarded a FAPI scholarship, is back in town, and she will be sharing her experiences on a workshop sponsored by APIBA and AACI Lomas de Zamora. The topic of the talk is “Neurolinguistic Programming in ELT” Date: June 13th, 18:30 to 20:00 Venue: AACI Lomas de Zamora (Av. Meeks 444) FEES: free for APIBA members

FAAPI 2001

As most of you may know, last March APIBA launched their Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in order to foster the professional development of its members, teacher trainees and anyone interested in joining this new project.

APIBA is in charge of organising FAAPI’s annual conference for the year 2001, which will take place in Buenos Aires. APIBA’s committee requests all members to “chip in” in the huge organisational effort. Offers of help and suggestions are welcomed, not to say desperately needed.

Eight SIGs (Language, Methodology, Business, Literature, Computers, Phonetics / Phonology, History / Civilisation, Grammar / Linguistics SIGs) have held, or shortly will hold, their initial meetings. So far, everything points towards them being a great success.

FAAPI 2002 will take place in Córdoba.

APIBA SIGs Alive & Kicking!

SIG events are free of charge for a) paid-up members of APIBA, b) members of paid-up FAAPI Associations, and c) teacher trainees (in all cases proof of status required). Non-APIBA members are also welcome, but a $10 contribution per session is charged. Pre-enrolment for SIG meetings is not essential, but it is desirable. If at all possible, those interested in participating in SIG meetings should e-mail apibasigs@hotmail.com to confirm their attendance. Those who can't confirm, should come anyway. Information about SIG activities, dates and venues is available through APIBA Newsletters, various ELT / Education publications and e-mail lists, and noticeboards at various institutions. In the near future this information will also be available from www.apiba.org.ar To find out more about APIBA SIGs, or to be e-mailed the latest SIGs Timetable, you can contact the APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer, Analía Kandel, at apibasigs@hotmail.com

FAAPI 2002

New FAAPI Committee President: Dr. Mario López Barrios Secretary: Prof. Cristina Senín Treasurer: Prof. Blanca Rípodas Member: Dr. Cristina Banfi Member: Prof. Irma Larrinaga Reserve Member: Prof. Nora Séculi Reserve Member: Prof. Marcela Alvarado Accounts Auditor: Prof. Cristina Grondona White Reserve Accounts Auditor: Prof. Analía Kandel

Marie Katramados, who was headmistress at the I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández", died last May 21. After graduating as a teacher of English, she devoted her life to her chosen profession and worked at secondary and tertiary level areas. She became deputy headmistress at I.E.S.L.V. in 1984, and headmistress in 1991; from that position she developed warm relationships with both students and teachers. She will be missed by the whole I.E.S.L.V. community who deeply mourns her loss.

Activities at the British Arts Centre Theatre: Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” will be staged through the months of June and July on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 9 PM Contemporary Music: Quinteto CEAMC (Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Música Contemporánea) will be playing on Saturday 8th July (pieces by Bruno Madrena, Henry Cowell, Maurice Ravel and Salvador Ranieri) and Saturday August 12th (Carter, Luis de Pablo, Luciono Berio, Pierre Boulez, Gianpaolo Coral, Alban Berg) Jazz Concerts: the last Wednesday of every month, at 19:30, free admittance British Cinema: movies based on Roddy Doyle’s Barrytown trilogy (the Committments, The Snappers, The Van), shown on Tuesdays at 17, 19 and 21 hs. Video BAC: episodes of the detective series “Prime Suspect”, Mondays to Saturdays.

APIBA delegates Our network of local delegates is growing quickly. Local delegates help APIBA by advertising activities, enroling new members and helping organize APIBA events in their area. If you are interested in becoming a delegate at the place where you work, send an email to apiba99@yahoo.com. Current delegates are Analía Kandel (I.S.P. J. V. González), Stella Maris Schulte de Ugarte (I.E.S. en L.V. J. R. Fernández), María Inés Artigas de Cambiasso (I.E.S. EN L. V. J. F. Kennedy), María Isabel Santa (I.N.S.P.T. UTN), María Teresa Stringa De Vido (William Blake), Silvia Ronchetti (Clover), Rita Faré de Garrido (Summerhill), María Albina García de García (I.F.D. “Bernardo Houssay), Laura Renart (I.S.P. “Presbítero Sáenz), Valeria Artigue (Interaction), Marcela Russo (Norland Lanús), Mónica Cuello (St. Michael’s Adrogué and schools in Alte Brown) and Nora Alvarez (AACI) Why not join them?

MEMBERSHIP FORM – 1999 / 2000 (Please feel free to make copies) I would like to (re-)apply for membership of the Association of Teachers of English of Buenos Aires. Name:____________________________________________________________________________ I.D. Number (DNI/LE/LC): ___________________________________________________________ Address: Street: _____________________________________________________________________ Town: ____________________________________________ Post Code: _______________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________ Fax Number: ___________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Degree: _______________________ Awarded by: _________________________ Year: __________ Work at: _______________________________________ Position: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Please tick [ ] and complete as appropriate: 1) Are you already a Member of APIBA? [ ] Members need only pay outstanding dues for 1999 and 2000 as APIBA has declared a Moratorium on dues not paid before 1999. If known, please complete: Member number: _______________ Date of 1st enrolment: ____________________ 2) Are you applying for Membership for the first time? [ ] New members have to pay dues for the year 2000, submit a photocopy of their degree and two passport-sized photographs. Remember that this is an initial step and that the application procedure is concluded when all the material is submitted and once the APIBA committee have accepted the membership. Statutes of APIBA are available and all members should be acquainted with their contents and abide by them. 1999 Dues ($50) $______ 2000 Dues $______ Before April 30th ($30) $______ After April 30th ($50) Voluntary Contribution: $______ _________________ Total Amount $______ Send/Bring cash or a cheque to M.T. de Alvear 1369, Capital Federal, (Kel S.A.). Office Hours: Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Or deposit total amount at any branch of Banco Francés, account numbers: Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318/2 or Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2. Please write your full name on your deposit slip and fax it to (011) 4856 3826 together with this membership form.

APIBA Commitee President: Cristina Banfi Secretary: Rita Faré de Garrido Deputy Treasurer: Analía Kandel Member: Pablo Toledo Reserve member: Silvia Rettaroli

Vice-president: Stella Schulte Treasurer: Susana Masoero Member: Silvia Iummato Reserve member: Ma. Valeria Artigue

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