APIBA Newsletter N° 9 - March 2001

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Issue 9, March 2001

Table of Contents

From the President With the momentum we gained from the invigorating debates of last year’s Annual Seminar, we are now ready to take on board a host of new activities for this year. We are starting out with the first sessions of the APIBA SIGs. We hope many of you can join us in these activities. There will be a meeting in May on how to start out in the profession. This meeting is intended to provide useful information and helpful tips to new or recent graduates who are trying to find their bearings in our profession. It should also be of interest to more experienced teachers who want to learn about the most recent developments in each sector. The event that we are all focussed on is, of course, the FAAPI 2001 Conference. Preparations are underway to make this a most memorable event for all involved. We will have a number of national and international speakers for plenary sessions and are awaiting your proposals for concurrent sessions. An important development as far as the legislation that regulates our profession took place at the end of last year: the House of Representatives of the National Congress passed a modification to Art. 39 of the Law of Higher Education that will make it possible, once the modification is passed by the Senate, for teachers from Teacher Training Colleges to have access to postgraduate education without a previous conversion course. As you may recall, APIBA Committee members held a number of meetings last year with Representatives of different parties to inform them of the facts that made this modification an important improvement to the existing Law. Finally, we are proud to announce our very own Web site where you will find information about all our activities.

Dr Cristina Banfi

APIBA site up and running!! After much delay, testing, key-bashing and mouse-clicking, APIBA’s website is online. There you will find some information on the association (including a membership form and statutes), details of our activities and updates on FAAPI 2001, including enrolment forms, call for papers and everything you need to know about us. You can also see the committee and their email addresses (strictly for fan mail). See you online at:

www.apiba.org.ar New APIBA Committee At the annual general meeting, new members for the committee were voted. Laura Renart and Sandra Revale were chosen to replace Susana Masoero and Rita Faré de Garrido, who take a well-deserved break from their duties as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. The APIBA Committee would like, once again, to thank Susana and Rita for their unflinching support and tireless efforts for the Association, and warmly welcomes Sandra and Laura. The new committee is formed by: President: Dr. Cristina Banfi Member: Prof. Analía Kandel Vice- President: Prof. Stella Schulte Member: Prof. Pablo Toledo de Ugarte Reserve member: Prof. Ma. Valeria Secretary: Prof. Silvia Iummato Artigue Treasurer: Prof. Silvia Rettaroli Reserve member: Prof. Laura Renart Deputy Treasurer: Prof. Sandra Revale

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From the President APIBA new members El campo académico y laboral del profesor de ingles FAAPI 2001: information, call for papers, George Lewis seminar APIBA SIGs strike back! AACI/BAC news Events in Latin America APIBA website Report on APIBA Annual Seminar Still Crystal clear

Thank you! APIBA would like to thank: • IES en Lenguas Vivas "J.R. Fernández", for offering their premises for APIBA events • The debators at the APIBA Annual Seminar: Ma. Silvia Stagnaro, Daniel Reznik, Claudia Ferradas Moi, Susana Groisman, Ma. Inés Cambiasso y Graciela Moyano • Librería Rodríguez and Librería KEL for offering their premises for APIBA’s work and FAAPI 2001 organization

A Reminder People who have applied for membership in the last few months are reminded that they will not become full members until two passport-sized photographs and a copy of their degree have been received by the APIBA Committee.

New Members APIBA would like to welcome its newest members, Ramiro Cortiñas and María Luisa Ghisalberti. We expect to see you at all our events!!

El campo académico y laboral del profesor de inglés Date: Saturday 5th May 2001, 9:00 to 13:00 Venue: Escuela Normal en Lenguas Vivas "J.F.Kennedy" - Juncal 3251 Target audience: future teachers of English and recent graduates Language: Spanish Moderadora: Prof. Viviana Myslicki 9:00 – 9:30 Acreditación 9:30 – 9:50 Dra. María Teresa Viñas Urquiza Campo laboral - Formas de contratación - Remuneración - Opciones en el campo laboral - Asociaciones Profesionales: APIBA 9:50 – 10:10 Prof. Beatriz Seveso Educación Formal Estatal: Ingreso a la docencia en el GCBA Concursos - Obligaciones – Beneficios 10:10 – 10:30 Prof. María Rosa Mariani Educación Formal Estatal: Ingreso a la docencia en la Prov. de BA - Concursos - Obligaciones – Beneficios 10:30 – 11:00 Espacio para preguntas 11:00 – 11:30 Recreo 11:30 – 11:50 Prof. Silvia Luppi Educación Formal Privada: Ingreso a la docencia - Concursos Obligaciones – Beneficios 11:50 – 12:10 Sra. Lía Romero Educación No Formal: Tipos de instituciones - Proyección docente - Obligaciones - Beneficios 12:10 – 12:30 Prof. Graciela C. Moyano Perfeccionamiento docente - Ley de Educ. Superior - Carreras de terciarias, de grado y de posgrado - Carreras fines - Educación a distancia. 12:30 – 13:00 Espacio para preguntas

FAAPI 2001 update APIBA is organising FAAPI’s annual conference, which will take place at the Universidad Católica Argentina (Alicia Moreau de Justo 1300, Buenos Aires) from September 20th to 22nd. The conference programme offers multiple opportunities for professional contact and development. Presenters will deliver workshops, talks, panel discussions and poster sessions for over 1000 participants. FAAPI aims to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals in Argentina and the annual conference is its key event. The conference provides a unique opportunity for English language professionals to present their work. It enables both new and established members to contribute to a programme that reflects the diversity and variety of the profession. Presentation deadline is May 1, 2001. Further information and the enrolment form can be found at www.apiba.org.ar or by sending an e-mail to faapi2001@apiba.org.ar. If you want to submit a paper, you can also obtain all the necessary information from the Web site. Remember that the Deadline for Submissions is May 1st, 2001. Submissions should be sent to Conference Office (Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10.30 am to 4.30 pm), located at Sarmiento 835 1st floor (1041) Buenos Aires. For further information please contact María Elena Iturbe and Silvia Zárate. Tel./Fax: +54-11-4326-3927, e-mail: faapi2001@hotmail.com During our annual seminar last year, we announced a George Lewis Seminar. This event will be a part of FAAPI 2001, and we invite specialists in the areas of Phonetics and Language to contribute presentations and workshops to this event in memory of the late APIBA and FAAPI president.

Di$count$ for APIBA Member$!!! •

Idiomanía offers a 12% discount on single issues and annual subscriptions. For further information contact Ana María Bergel at <amrbergel@sinectis.com.ar> • The British Arts Centre (BAC) will be offering a 50% discount on their play tickets for all APIBA members, and a 25% global discount for groups of students accompanied by an APIBA member. • The National Resources Centre and AACI’s General English Library offer 25% discounts on memberships for all APIBA members To claim these benefits all you need to do is bring along your APIBA membership card and your receipt for the current year.

APIBA SIGs strike back! Our successful and popular SIGs are ready for action again! All the SIGs will hold their first meetings in March/April, where coordinators will be chosen and the agenda for this year will be set. To get a timetable, please send an email to apibasigs@hotmail.com or visit the SIGs website at www.geocities.com/apibasigs

***News and events*** APIRS (Associação dos Professores de Inglês do Rio Grande do Sul) - APLIEPAR (Assciocação dos Professores de Língua Inglesa do Parana) - APLISC (Associação dos Professores de Língua Inglesa de Santa Catarina) announce 2001 A Teaching Odyssey Conference that will be held at PUCRS (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul) from May 31 to June 02, 2001. For more information, e-mail president@apirs.com.br

BAC is back! On the Virtues of Debating The Annual Seminar was the crowning event for the activities of 2000, and its main feature, as many people have pointed out since, was the high academic level of the debate and the friendly atmosphere that was pervasive throughout the event. Now, with the relief of the event having been a success, we can hope that it will encourage the healthy, civilised, lively and informed discussions that professional life is all about. We believe APIBA is the best forum for them, and are proud to see this interactive mode of professional development begin to bloom. Debates will not replace other formats (conferences, workshops, etc), but they certainly complement them. So, fellow APIBA members, put on your gloves and have a clean fight… I mean, debate!!

The British Arts Centre (Suipacha 1333) has planned a full year of cultural events that will include plays, painting exhibitions, TV series and the traditional Tuesday cinema evenings. Cinema will start on March 20th, with the cycle James Ivory: a moviemaker between two worlds (17, 19 and 21 hs). There is currently an exhibition by painter Daniel Gluzmann. These activities are free of charge.

Prof. Silvia Miserendino will be giving a presentation for APIBA on Friday 27th April at 6 p.m. For further information, please chek our Web site. The course will take place at Summerhill House of English, Arenales 1735, Tel: 4811-8743.

Don’t say you weren’t warned!!!

If you have not paid your 2001 dues yet, remember that they will be $30 until April 30th. After that, a grand $50 thank you very much and no exceptions to that. So, pay up before it’s too late!!

MEMBERSHIP FORM 2001 (Please feel free to make copies) From APIBA Statutes: Artículo 5º.- De los Asociados.- Se establece una sola categoría de socios. Estos deberán poseer título docente en la especialidad, expedido por: a) las Universidades nacionales, provinciales o privadas; b) los Institutos Superiores del Profesorado nacionales, provinciales o privados.- En todos los casos los títulos deberán ser los reconocidos por el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación para la impartición de la asignatura en las escuelas nacionales.- Son requisitos para ser socio de esta Asociación: 1º.- Que la solicitud haya sido aceptada por la Comisión Directiva de la Asociación. 2º.- Que el socio abone regularmente la cuota mensual1 que determina la asamblea. 1 La cuota de APIBA se abona anualmente. Ver monto al pie.

I would like to (re-)apply for membership of the Association of Teachers of English of Buenos Aires Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ I.D. Number (DNI/LE/LC): ____________________________________________________________________ Address:

Street / No: _______________________________________________________________________ Town: _________________________________________________ Post Code: _________________

Telephone Number: ______________________________ Fax Number: _________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Degree: _______________________ Awarded by: __________________________________ Year: ___________ Work at: ______________________________________________ Position: ______________________________ Please tick [ ] and complete as appropriate: 1) I am already a Member of APIBA



Members need only pay outstanding dues from 1999 to the present as APIBA declared a Moratorium on dues not paid before 1999.

2) I am applying for Membership of APIBA for the first time



New members have to pay dues for the current year, submit a photocopy of their degree and two passport-sized photographs. These can be submitted by hand to any Executive Committee member or posted to the APIBA office. Remember that this is an initial step and that the application procedure is concluded when all the material is submitted and once the APIBA Committee have accepted the application.

1999 Dues ($50) 2000 Dues ($50) 2001 Dues Before April 30th After April 30th Voluntary Contribution TOTAL AMOUNT

($30) ($50)

$______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ _________________ $______

Send/Bring cash or a cheque to the APIBA Office: M.T. de Alvear 1369 (Kel Ediciones), (1058) Capital Federal. Or deposit total amount at any branch of Banco Francés, account numbers: Caja de Ahorro en dólares: N° 017-501318/2 or Caja de Ahorro en pesos: N° 017-008530/2 By signing below you affirm that you have read APIBA Statutes and agree to be bound by them. Date: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ IMPORTANT: Please write your full name on your deposit slip and fax it to (011) 4326-3927 (Librería Rodríguez) together with this membership form. For information about APIBA: Web: www.apiba.org.ar E-mail: info@apiba.org.ar Tel/fax (011) 4326-3927 (Lib. Rodríguez) APIBA Office: M.T. de Alvear 1369 (KEL Ediciones), C1058AAU, Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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