Front page: “Laura”
The seven-pointed star –
In a letter, Peter Mærsk Møller
describes how this incident was
embodied the Maersk activities
the origin of the star:
since 1886. “The little star on the funnel Ane Møller occasionally accom-
is a reminder of the evening I
panied her husband, Captain
prayed for you so dejectedly and
Peter Mærsk Møller, on his ships
anxiously, asking for the sign
during the latter part of the 19th
that I might see a star in the grey,
century, and at one point fell
overcast sky, a reminder that the
seriously ill on a voyage with him.
Lord hears our prayers.”
Ane Møller soon recovered and
activities run or controlled by the
the star was chosen to guide the
family, such as Maersk Broker,
family’s shipping venture. When
Maersk Tankers, Maersk Line,
Peter Mærsk Møller acquired the
Maersk Refinery, Maersk Oil &
steamship ’Laura’ in 1886, he had
Gas, Maersk Supply Services,
its black funnel ringed with a blue
Maersk Medical, Maersk Air,
band with a white seven-pointed
Maersk Data, Maersk Drilling,
star on each side.
Maersk Logistics and Maersk Training.
The Maersk star was subsequently applied to new business
Today’s version of the Maersk
ble for several design icons of
logo was designed by the archi-
their time.
tect and industrial designer Acton Bjørn in 1972, as part of
In 2016, Robert Mærsk Uggla
a brand project initiated and
re-used the original Maersk
overseen by Mærsk Mc-Kinney
star pennant as logo for the
Møller. Acton Bjørn had earlier
Maersk activities’ newly estab-
established a leading industrial
lished parent company A.P.
design agency together with
Moller Holding, as a reference to
Sigvard Bernadotte, responsi-
its family heritage, values and entrepreneurial endeavours.
For 135 years, the Maersk star has been used on vessels, logos and office flags.
A.P. MOLLER HOLDING, the parent company of the A.P. Moller Group, invests in and builds businesses that have a positive impact on society – ‘nyttig virksomhed’. We aspire to drive long-term shareholder value of our businesses. Through engaged ownership, we leverage our founding family’s core values, company insights and global networks, to set our businesses up for success, while supporting local communities.