HEALTH CARE Guide 2021 - 2022
Good circulation brings s Grreat health benefits
hai Body Massage/ Thai Foot Massage ‘Healthy Life Package’ from an expert massage therapist can benefit you in the following ways: 1. Improves the functioning of the blood and lymphatic circulatory systems. This helps get the blood to where it’s needed and removes toxins and other waste material from your bodies natural functions. This is why getting a massage at least twice a week is recommended. 2. Able to relieve muscle and joint pain by improving the correct functioning of soft tissue.
3. It relieved stress and creates a wholesome effect in the mind. Some of this may be attributed to the bodies release of endorphins during the massage. The Neck and Shoulders Massage is particularly effective at quickly providing relief from tension headaches and upper back pains. 4. Motivates better mobility. If you are not in pain you are more likely to want to get up and do more. 5. Improves health condition on partial paralysis with revival and pressure point massage. Soft tissue manipulation and joint exercise helps
maintain condition of the affected areas and reduces muscle wastage. 6. Massage is an effective alternative way to reduce
or avoid taking pain killers, some of which can cause unpleasant side effects, which in extreme cases may require the taking of other medications to counter.
Thai Traditional Massage $65/hour We provide free professional therapy to the survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault, and education and family support to their whanau/family. Whanganui Safe and Free: healing and preventing sexual abuse in our community Suite 4, 236 Victoria Ave, Whanganui
Phone 06 343 3416
Foot Massage $60/hour Oil Massage $75/hour Neck and Shoulder Stress Relief $20/15mins Vouchers Available Great Gift Idea
Great for Circulation 64 Guyton Street, Wanganui
Ph: 348 8466
Mon - Fri: 10.30am - 6.30pm Sat: 10.30am - 2pm p