No. 13
Apollonia Foundation
Apollonia Foundation nominated for prize for philanthropy 2009 organized by CIRA
Inside this issue: Gold medal for Apollonia staff
Donation to Gorgi Kalinski
In the memory of Igor Goreski
Following the success 2 of KUD Negorci Me and the police project
Poetry musical night
Concert and exhibition 3 on the occasion of “St. Kiril and Metodij” day About us
On the 18th of May in the Skopje City Museum, for the second time on a gala event, the Center for Institutional Development - CIRA has conferred the Philanthropy Awards for the year 2008. “In the time of the growing crisis the community support is more than needed... We in CIRA are not talking about simple giving but investment in the community where we all live.” says the organizer. With this annual ceremony of the Philanthropy Awards, CIRA wants to express public recognition to citizens, enterprises, civil organizations, media and institutions that have promoted positive donor practices for community support and have stimulated further development of philanthropy in Republic of Macedonia in the past year. Apollonia Foundation was one of the nominated in the category for association of citizens, institution or media that made special contribution towards creation of positive environment for philanthropy development and furthering donor practices in Republic of Macedonia, together with Daily show PORTIK, Alfa TV, MRTV, Media Print Macedonia and Foundation “Toshe Proeski”. The award went to the national television MRTV The fact that someone remembered to nominate us for this award is an honor and more than a recognition for the work that we as foundation are doing, as well as inspiration to continue forward. For more information on the other wi n n e r s and n o m i n ee s visit: .
Nature Day activities OUR FRIENDS:
Nature Day - the environmental project for children continues with its activities every Saturday and Sunday with increased number of children. 50-60 children on age 6-12 years weekly participate in our educational picnics .
So far 170 different children have been part of the Nature Day. This month besides visiting all these nice places from the pictures we also had 4 cleaning actions: 2 on the river near Kovanec and 2 on the Paljurci damn.
Apollonia Foundation INFO
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Gold medal for Apollonia staff
Donation to Gorgi Kalinski
After the successful presentation of Apollonia Hotel in the 2nd International Tourism Fairs in Ohrid, and the wining of 6 golden, 5 silver and 1 bronze medals in the past 2 years, Apollonia staff continues with new conquests (triumphs). From 22-23 May in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held International Tourism Fair called “BiHoreca fest” in organization of BAHA and IHRA. As part of the Fair were also organized international gastro contests in which Serbia, BiH, Montenegro and Macedonia participated. In the Macedonian team the Hotel Apollonia had it’s representative who competed in the individual barmen competition and in this discipline won the first place - golden medal. Aleksandar Vasilev (28) works for 4 years in Apollonia and has experience of 12 years as bartender, and now he is a beverage supervisor. We are very proud with his success which is also success for Apollonia.
In April 24-25, 2009 on the State University of New York hosted by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice was held the 63rd Annual Conference - NYSPSA the New York State Political Science Association Conference. On this conference Gorgi Kalinski from Macedonia presented his paper called Macedon: The Dispute of Political, Historical, Cultural, and Ethnic Divergence to the students fro this University. It is our pleasure to say that Apollonia Foundation gave donation to this young and successful journalist who actually is working in the field for protection of the cultural and historical legacy of Macedonia as part of the State Institution for protection of the cultural monuments. For more information of this event visit the following web site
In the memory of Igor Goreski I g o r Goreski, was flight sergeant from Gevgelija , who died tragically in a helicopter accident together with 10 other soldiers, on their way back from the peaceful mission in BiH, on only 5 minutes from landing. His closest friends and family, together with the Ensemble “Bojmija”, the group “Panta rei” and other Gevgelian musicians organized a concert in his memory. On the 6th May, on the date of his birthday was also honorary opened the memorial of this hero who gave his life during peaceful times. With placing this monument in the center of our town his friends, and the community wanted to repay him for everything he did and gave to this country. The foundation will take care of the park where his bronze character will always remind the generations that come, to stand for a moment and bow down to his achievement.
Following the success of KUD Negorci
In April 15-19, 2009 the folklore group “KUD Negorci” took part in the International Folk Dancing Festival in Turkey, organized by Tarsus American College . More than 30 children from Gevgelija, on age from 12 to14 years had the opportunity to represent our culture and the Macedonian national traditions which are so impressively expressed in the traditional folk songs and dance. We want to thank this group and the other folklore groups in Gevgelija, for being part of our community, and for building culture values among the children who are their members, and for being ambassadors in culture abroad.
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Apollonia Foundation INFO
Me and the police - project The prevention department in the Sector for Internal Affairs, together with the inspector for prevention in the Police station Gevgelija during April, in 7 primary schools in Gevgelija, Bogdanci and Star Dojran, realized project named “Me and the police”. In this project the children had a task to make drawings about the police, and in the end the best 7 drawings which were chosen were given as a donation to the children's clinics in the hospitals in our community. The children who won in this drawing contest were invited on the 7th of May in the police station for the celebration that was organized for them and because of the Police Day, and there they received their awards. The sponsor of this project was Apollonia Foundation which provided the awards for the children. When it comes to children and prevention we have also plans for cooperation with this department in future, on the problems that are most often and typical for our community.
Poetry musical night in Apollonia “Love is our guide” this is the theme that in May inspired the children from the primary and high schools in Gevgelija to be creative and write their verses of poetry. The culture h o u s e “Makedonija” from Gevgelija few months ago officially and publicly invited the students on age 13-18 y. on an open competition for love poetry. At the end the organizer received around 100 compositions, and the best 40 of them were published in the book “Love– our guide”. The presentation of this book was held on the poetry musical night which took place in Hotel Apollonia on the 27th of May 2009. Ballet and mandolin performances, choreography play, shows of young pop artists from Gevgelija were also part of this event. On this night was also promoted the literature club “Mirror” and prices were given to the winners in the literature contest.
Concert and exhibition on the occasion of “St. Kiril and Metodij” day
On the occasion of St. Cyril and Methodius holiday, the municipality of Gevgelija organized concert and exhibition on the 21st of May 2009 in Hotel Apollonia. “The few years of the existence of the Association of the artists from Gevgelija (DLUG), and the big number of artists that we have in our town prescribes the organization of the art manifestations. One of these events is this years exhibition in the honoree of the education day” says Dragi Hadzi-Nikolov from the Association of Artists from Gevgelija. One hour after the opening of the exhibition the celebration of this day continued in the gala room of Apollonia Hotel, where was held concert with the performance of the choir Gotrinija from Gevgelija, and other classical music artists.
Apollonia Foundation
On the 15th of June, traditionally for the eight time will start the Apollonia Art Commune 2009 which will last for 10 days. The artists who will be part of this years’ art colony are:
05 June 2009 Exhibition of Hristina Zafirovska from Skopje
15-25 June 2009 Apollonia Art Commune In Motel Vardar June, Apollonia Hotel Exhibition of Mita Ristic from Serbia
Apollonia Art commune 2009
1. Vasko Tashkovski
Gevgeliski Partizanski Odred 1 1480 Gevgelija R. Macedonia
2. Niche Vasilev 3. Mile Petrov
Тelephone: 034/ 213-222 Fax: 034/213-223 E-mail:
4. Gordana Petrova 5. Bore Minov 6. Pande Petrovski 7. Simonida Filipova - Kitanovska 8. Marija Stojanoviќ from Serbia And we are still waiting for confirmative answer from one artist from Bulgaria.
My contribution to the world is my ability to draw. I will draw as much as I can for as many people as I can for as long as I can. Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic. Keith Haring
So this year art commune will be from international range. Read more about this in the next Newsletter.