Apollonia Foundation Newsletter No 27

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No. 27


Apollonia Foundation

Exhibition of Majkl Close from Canada

Inside this issue: Warm culture wave


Concert piano and bas- 3 soon Donation in sport


Gorjan Gjorgjiev - life and work


About us


Eco calendar






“Art on the road of humanity“ is the name of the exhibition of arts from Majkl Close which was opened on the 5th of August in the beautiful setting of Apollonia Green Garden. Close is Macedonian artist born in Canada. Twenty pieces made in the technique oil on canvas, in which dominates the decent figuration of women, are the newest creative work of Close, which was dedicated to the 100 years anniversary from the birth of the greatest humanist and winner of Nobel praice - Mother Teresa. This exhibition was set in Paris, Venice, Bitola, Ohrid and by the end of August will be shown to the public of Kriva Palanka and Skopje in the memorial house of Mother Teresa. The exhibition had also beneficent character by the giving of 100 miniature arts to 100 ordinary women, mothers which on their own way has contributed somehow for the good of their family, community, and with that made a difference in the world. With this altruistic move, the family Close wants to thank women who nearly stay unnoticed and never get recognition for their efforts and in the same time, thought art, they want to continue the work of Mother Teresa which is bringing together people from all over the world.

Majkl Close graduated on the College for art in Onatario, which is one of the oldest and most famous school for art in Canada, and he continued his studies on the University Guelh i Ryerson politehnikal Institute - group for design. Art is his mayor pursuit, but also for many years he is working as film and television scenic designer. By now he has realized near 100 solo exhibitions in many countries all over the world , like Macedonia, USA, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Solomon islands, Australia, Sweden, Slovenia, Turkey, Egypt and others. For more info go on the following link: http:// gevgelijanet.com/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=714:2010-08-06-23-50-12&catid=53:art--

Apollonia Foundation INFO

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Warm culture wave 2010 Eleven culture events for forty days, is the warn culture wave that is hitting Gevgelija since July. The manifestation “Gevgelija culture summer 2010”, which is organized by the municipality of Gevgelija and the Ministry for culture, started on 23rd July on the city square with Folk Meridians - join concert of the folk groups “Nikola Subik Zrinski” from Pertijevci, Croatia, Ensemble “Akrites” from Polikastro, Greece and Ensemble “Bojmija” from Gevgelija as host. Hundreds participants presented the culture traditions of their states, building bridges of friendship and good mutual relations, and with their performance evoked admiration among the numerous public.

The culture events continued on the 27th July with the exhibition of photography “Look upon Gevgelija” from the young Petar Ardzanliev from Gevgelija. Petar is doing photography unprofessional since 2005. On the terrace of Apollonia he exhibited 13 photos including panorama photos, old buildings and objects, details from facades, which give clear picture to the people for the beauty of Gevgelija in the past and today.

On the 28th again in the terrace of Apollonia Hotel was held poetry night named “The pearls of the worlds peotry” which was in fact presentation of the Israel poetry.

In the July program of culture events also participated the young generation of artists from Gevgelija, from the association “Multimedia” with exhibition of paintings, sculptures and video art presentation in the beautiful surrounding of Apollonia Green Garden. This multimedia exhibition was opened by the president of both “Miltimedia” and the association of artists from Gevgelia - Mirjana Krsteva Massetti. All these events were supported by Apollonia Foundation.

The culture summer continues in August with the following program: Theater show “Mushicka” in performance of the theater J.H.K - Dzinot from Veles, in the areas of the cinema Culture, Concert of spiritual music with the choir “Gortinija” and the church choir “Holy Mary”, promotion of the book “Echo from waves” from the author Vladimir Martinovski, Napolitan songs with the opera singer Mustafa Imeri and Zana Imeri on piano and Jazz Night — musical art performance. All these events will be held in Apollonia Hotel. We are expecting your presence!

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Apollonia Foundation INFO

Concert piano and bassoon

Donation in sport

The last concert from the first part of the manifestation Gevgelija musical moments 2010 Gevgelija spring, was held on the 1st of July. The concert was performed by K a t e r i n a Gelebesheva Kostadinovska - piano and Daniel Apostolov - bassoon. For the first time in Gevgelija the public had the opportunity to hear pieces from Devienne, Rene, Mignon and Kreutzer with the colorant sound of the bassoon and piano backup.

In the last month, besides in organizing culture events, Apollonia Foundation was also active in the area of sports. From the fond for education and sport we gave donation to a young and talented football player from Gevgelija, whose been training football in the clubs in Gevgelija for 8 years. From 2nd until 14th of July the fourteen years old Aleksandar Shopov was part of the International youth football school of the Football club Partizan. This school is ranked to be one of the best football schools for youth in Europe and The musical duo Apostolov and Gelebesheva for 15 years are where the training and the games are held under the performing on the Macedonian and European music scenes . For monitoring of famous coaches. the anniversary from their join cooperation this year they prepare music CD with selection of their musical performances. Katerina Gelebesheva Kostadinova is the winner of the International award for performance of music from composer B. Papandopulo, had many concert events among European scenes, and recently she finished the European tour in Italy, Nederlands and Serbia where together with her husband Gligor Gelebeshev performed program for piano duet. Today she is piano associate professor in the Faculty for music in Skopje. Danie Apostol had many solo concerts in Macedonia, but also had performed in Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany. He has won the first price of the state bassoon competition in 1995, and the first price in the anniversary bassoon competition in Herzegovina in 1991. Today he is docent on the chair of this instrument in the Faculty for music in Skopje. For more information for this event visit: http://gevgelijanet.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=626:2010-07-03-00-51-

Gorjan Gjorgjiev - life and work One of the participants in the Apollonia art commune 2010 was Gorjan Gjorgjiev from Skopje. He is a member of the mid generation of Macedonian painters who graduated at the Faculty of fine art in Skopje. He studied at the department of paiting, sub-department graphic design in the class of prof. Rodojub Anastasov. He is member of DLUM has (Association of Macedonian Painters) since 1988. So far he has realized ten solo exhibitions in Skopje, Bitola, Strumica and Belgrade and he has also had numerous group exhibitions in: New York - USA, Frankfurt - Germany, Belgrade - Serbia and Melbourne Australia. “His work can be defined as so called spontaneous images, that on the first impression are created rapidly and without any preparation. The regular motives, the woman, the child, the man, the mythological bulls, the flowers etc. are refined with a color and shape, with a tendency towards creating cohesion of the painting. For him, the elements are alive, they breathe and speak, they reproduce in order to confirm their meaning.� - says the critic writer Tatjana Bundalevska. These are the his newest arts, made for the Apollonia art commune 2010.

Gevgelija culture summer 2010 events—Аugust 22.08.2010 Аdress:

Upcoming Events:

16-20 August Open Fun Football Schools in Gevgelija and Valandovo

19-29 August Basketball tournament GEVDION Stadium Gevgelijа 21-22 August Nature day goes to the traditional march to the top of Kozuf

Gevgeliski Partizanski Odred 1 1480 Gevgelija R. Macedonia Тelephone: 034/ 213-222 Fax: 034/213-223 E-mail: snezana.dimitrova@apollonia.com.mk fondacija@apollonia.com.mk

CONCERT OF SPIRITUAL MUSIC Performance of the choir “Holy Mary“ and city choir “Gortinija“ Apollonia Terrace 9 pm 24.08.2010 THEATER SHOW “MUSHICKA“ Theater Ј.Х.К - Dzinot, Veles Cinema “Culture“ 9 pm 25.08.2010 BOOK PROMOTION “Еho from waves“ of Vladimir Маrtinovski Apollonia Terrace 9 pm 28.08.2010 JAZZ NIGHT Music and Art Performance Class of the students Goce Micanov Exhibition of DLUG Apollonia Terrace 9 pm 30.08.2010 NAPOLITANSKI SONG Performance of Mustafa Imeri, opera singer Zana Imeri piano Apollonia Terrace 9 pm


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